WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS _? Entered as second-^Jass matter I .August ?, 1^65, at the poBtofflee at Wtahlattoa. N. G- under Lhtt act u Marclr-SrTST*. ? Published every afteknqon RXCKPt STniuy. No. 114 East3 Main stifcoL . J. L. MAYO, Kditor and I'miiriHor. Trlrphuiif No. UiM>. SI HSCRllTIOX KATKS: One Month $ ,25 Tour Months 1.00 9tac Montha. T .. 150 One Y?*r. 3s00 SuBicrTDerH JesIrlnK 'h?? paper dis continued will please notify .this offict on date of expiration, otherwise, it will be continu?>il?nt regular 8ubserl|? ?lon rate* until notice ?n stou'W^re. Ceived. If you do not got The Dally News promptly tt'lrnhttiie or wrltf the man ager. and til#* complaint will receive immediate attention. It Is our desire to please you. WASHINGTON. N. C*. SKPT. 27 LET THE NEWS FOLLOW. Parties 'le.-ivlne Tnwn "?TionW m*l~ fall to let The News follow them ilikllr with the news of Washington fresh and crii*p. HT1U prove u valuable companion, reading to you like a let ter from home. Tho*e Jit the aea ?hr.ro nr mountain* will And The News a mo.*t wHoome atuT InlOIvsMnjr visitor. Ml'ST HE SIGNED. XII articles sent to~The Newa for publication must be signed by the WttWi -ili. rwUw tliM.v ? U-U ? am 1MB yulilished. 1 THE NKWSlWI'KIt VS. \l?\ KUTIS I N'ti. When the plant Of the defunct ~ -? WaVTiliikiton A Wronger wtxir-puMiftS *k! by the present management and The Daily N''W? was? the outcome, in deed. weeks before the purchase was consummated many expressions were beard lu Washington in advocacy of a paper in keeping. wJth the city's onward march and progress, in these expressions It was not uncommon to h*n.r licit Washington oeedod a pa per and that if one were started It would receive the undivided support* of the city. Loth in a good subscrip tion list and in advertising. v During the period between the suspension, of 'the Washington Mes senger and the issuing of The Daily News, the importance arrd value of a daily paper to Washington was clear ly shown, in so much that several _ contemplated the beginning of a dai ly paper before The News. Men in all walks of life, merchant.! l.awyer, doctor, meihante. "prolusion- ' al and non-professional. said, give us a daily paper ? we need it; you wilt receive. our support. Have all the merchants and busi nmn mm. .if their faith? Have some not been weighed In tliu h.i In dip a nil fmirwl waniiniT and. right~??*rly done what has been their course in the past ? give en couragement to an enterprise by] word or nwmUt and totally ignore thej Into play? The manage several of the business men have not only been true and loyal, but have ~glven in~~a material way tn The Efcttty News' success. It Is not necessary to call names, search the advertising columns of your dally paper. While The Dally News has been warmly received by the community ~ni*tf ;?ri!i'-y ?? onimenrlrrl. innn agement fails to see why nnme gf the merchants and -business men don"t advertise, ]f they desire to see the paper succeed, and they say they do, he]p make it a srwce3s than by spend ? i?>? a few dollars in . No* ore-fourth of Washington's business intTeKts appear in the ad Why? Yes, why? Merchants in\?ther towrfs advwtise in the loeal papers. For example, this city fy^s_^Kree hanks; not one cent do they spend in eept to publish their statements There is not a dally exchange thai com"fi to this office which does not , contain the advertisement of every hank in th? town where Che paper 1? published. The bank? are the first to reap profits from the progress of nny city, and should be first In the support of the dally paper. Haife We a Building and -Loin As sociation? Actually some folk don't I know tliere in such an organization ' here, and never .would If they scanned tHe columns of thlB papery Large wholesale houses, manufactur ing industries, retail stores ? render* lntC nothing toward the support of an uodfcrtaWng they so much desire. J The Dally News is not grumbling at this condition of thlngn, but rails attention to them simply to show what la ntfant by some^-^ihen they nay wo will support the papef. The prevailing policy In Washing ton at this' tlmC^leems to be "You tickle me and I'll tickle you."' , An other^ thing. some folk seem to think a paper can be run on air. arid h>ve an ldeb everything should be lAsepted. mission. If they are' told It will coat them something, up go Lhelr_ hands In horror, and they proceed to' 'pour | Out their wrath and indignation-? upon the editor. If tbe paper doesn't come up to their standard, then tbe for flies ? they don't stop to consider the fact that in order fp? tbe paper to eue c~4.it must have advertising, back ing. and unless It torn it conaol bope -j?-'"* **J? thmif standard, ?e+-ttac News or?fe, but they keep the dollars iu their pockets and say by this act_ If you succeed you- will have lo.-do_ eo '(mnigh the efforts of the othei fellflfi. not mo. -* think (hat the newspaper. is the me dium through which every enterprise Tor the city'# Improvement comes, and when it advocates such enter tins sanse business man reapn the benefit, >?.*t he is* so selfish, so stingy, so narrow, that ho totally ig nores the foiindu^km of his success. Mr. Merchant, cries -Rood paper, but does'uothlng whatever to make it so: |_Lie waiLtisozui; .on vise to do it. jiot he. Not only djes Mr. Merchant deny the paper his support financially, but [he goes a st'.'p~furnurr, to advocate policies he advocates and supports, without remuneration, re ward, or the "hope of reward. He does nor care about the* success of his neighbor so hjsf pockets groan "with yellow gold. Why don't all classes) of business men give their support %to The Daily News ? it Is your paper ? published- for your In terest and welfare, as well as for the marrngMitu'tiU^lt stands ever in the forefront for every kind of lm^>rove m..nf ;? 1 wayK on t hp pit fcfT line, for -tlvir nrogrexs. Whfi) th??so tilings are advocated the-iner?-hant's SnTiyrrM goes hand In hand. Let all it*. Wash ington get together, be of om* mind, sustain your newspaper; your news u auhMa and wuard* { ha Inter--, est of your city, and what a glorious j aftermath. We hope the da>* is not far off when represented In the columns of The Xh'v*. ami uli.'ii it does n new <>rn l? otirs. Your daily paper and your city will rlasp hands and together march toward greater achievement. ' "Arter the first ot next January it will h? 'lint.. ^.rr ijn imm iu' draw a check for'iess than on<* dollar. That doesn't worry us. . Most- of th* time It would be a violation of the law for us to give a check for any amount ?under or over a dollar ? Vlr/Th).m pilot. Same ITifiig down this way. broth er, Drawing chocks for less than a dollar or over is entirely out of our line ? so iU? Jaw will not hit lis. FIRE THREATENS THE WHITE HOUSE Didn't Do Much Damage. But for -a Time Things Looked Serious. ^Washington. Sept. 27.- ? Fire broke 'outsat the White House late Sunday afternoon anil for a short time was threatening. It was not in the White 1 1 o n .* *-? but in r Bride* S ?. m: ?r. 1" ? ??*% W..HI? ??'SS3aa.*3;:| rtr? t?c. round trip, tm. mmwtT I VauAM BOTD, ? Hir or stock, the stiffness relieved with bewitching fluffy bows and frills - and the -French embroidery collar thuo flnlohcd Is q| wa^u in t asto. The handy t> -man by picking up a number of remnants or embroidered pieces can always with a fewest Itches have a supply of changes -on hand. TnsnFffd^xT the heavier collar of the old type of turned downs there are some dafnty designs shown' fastened In the back under a big buckle of broach with a stiff strlhg o t lace and a la^e bow or jabot in- front, which, are somewhat cooler for summer than the older style. The most popular turnover la, the_ Dutch collar, low and broad, yet ex tremely trying to an old. thin, or a -poorly--1 haped neck? bnt-tf^ becoming it is one of the most comfortable of the summer styles and does not carry 1 t hut undress effect of - many of the low ' neck modes. It may be said to be t.h?*-l one low-neck dressing permissible to business hours, and even here care jnust be taken that It be worn with the right type of blouse or It loses all its smartness. To l hose women who camtot wear the stiff turnover*? there are- the "slock" collars, which should be m;ulc ur-liought according to Individ ual need*? height, plumpness and -?'nm?il??xinri- a high collar on a short neck gives n rhtrtl nnrmnfflrtahle ap pearance, while a dead white stock against a sallow complexion is net a good-^hoktH and A too tlghfc^-eolarr j too plain or too elaborate are^all the points, small, perhaps, but neverthe less decidedly necessary to nice^lrees Ing. One likable thing about the stock foliar Ik the ease with which it may : be made at home of fine lawn with a , .flat embroidered scallop edge band or oup of velrjt tucked. Inset with lace and finished with tl dainty little cra | vat. These cravats are the real fin jghlHg el 9neh eallara and may be provided by watering the lace and I embroidery sales mentioned before Those stocks and tics and bows made at home are more easily laundered ttun those bought through the ma kers. For afternoon 'wear a more elab orate neck dressing may be worn and there are stocks? -rf "he :nest lace., l rish ffcxlici. tiui-iierfsi*. ?.-hibroldered Swisses, etc., all worn with tin? dain tiest of jabots made entirely of lace, chiffon or lace trimmed lawn. These are particularly adapted to the .three piece suit fini*hed with a guimpe of while or cream, though the liking for a guimpe of the same tcolor as th?" jfuic still prevails; 'ho wever, one do<^ not see it so frequently as in the win ter. ' There is also a new embroidered linen collar mounted on a banc], of al mogt Eton depth, which flings a very dressy effect to an otnerwise IH&W blouse of the tailored mode. Anoth er little tuThover Is also mounted on a band, but is quite narrow and goes not high. They look a little like the Harrow tuckers. Again little tuck- , ers with their tiny frills are worn by " women with full, fleshy necks. A colar that is quite, effective for a rolored afternoon frock is of tucked W;ie nin e] -ftnUil Ui w!f?y W fill HT1 PHI- " broidereir^rnnvfn-r- it eonses with ??iiff a to match and U finisher! w'.lh a . mrefisyTJCV b'r Jabot whlcTTalso" 1s~a nice match. For the. dress originally- cut low for the hot days of summer, the ad dition of a little gultupe or yoke will make It suitable far Into the early autumn days. Many of . the summer gowns made very low are filled in r. Irw,* p.iffflnp Hiat cr.riii aT the ne<-k JlsolfT whTTeT the short sleeves of the gown are*jadded to by long lace sleeves. F35r^"?he autumn days or copl evenings there Is the tucked lawn grrtmt>e with Us high collar ind. steeves to match that come to- the very knuckles. Gulmpes are made of nil corts of mat^rfalu outside of the ?i- nn In htffivv lltiPni nnri gilUg All r'Mt'r nf ??? broideries, chiffons and nets are used for this purpose and two or Jhree va rieties are used In the same place. For the silk dress there-is the fine ly tUt;kcd Frtiuch of UruraiU neL ultli Ua a< nann.imylng Jabot of net finished with fine Valenciennes lare. A fine chiffon collar edgpd with fine Val idee above Is finished with a black velvet knot, the velvet starting from under two blapk jet buttons on each side of the center front and knotted an Inch or two below, falling In two long ends tipped with tassels. Three tier of lane finished at the top with a little lace bow makes a pretty neck Jabot. Altogether the dressmakers give jmicb t(m and a_tteiHteazfcfiJuaL-ili?Be finishing touches for It la to them that the gowns depend upon for Its cachet. ' 1 If possible It la a good plan to launder these frail belongings af home, for the majority of lanudreaaes make sad havw among them. The little alcohol and el$?txlo-^ironB ?re so cheap and so easily handled that If one has many dainty belongings It really pays to own them. It la then possible to do up the 4alnll?flU2lfiUse, collar and cuff sets '^nd neckweai*; also one's prettiest belts and saahes. During the fall a number of Shan tung coats and wraps In. red And cerise will be seen in the motor cars and several have been- made for the fall races. -- The^Jbllllners are using large Wings tor the mall hats and winter mil linery. ? * ' ? . ,-S. Veils of grey or elephant color! are aaid to be fashionable, but veils Ibai match tbv b*t m bwt llk.d by i lt*r Of (nr. . tW whit. ?d Mack ?k?nt1llr r.it. tot ?>> L ?Md dnrlag lit* toll u? protablr I HlwImUr. . ik WASHINGTON PARK YOU NEED A WHARF WAREHOUSE You can today boy as cheap as you can rent. ( - ~7 . Later rent wllfbe raised; then the rcaiter will find out his folly.- ^ > Better see us sjnt^-buy a piece if not all of.thls wharf property. A. C. HATHAWAY^ Leon Wood MEMBERS N. Y. COTTON EXCH ~trEEON-WOOD & 77~ -BANKERS and BROKERS STOCKS. BONDS. COTTON, GRAIN and PROVISIONS. 73 PLl'ME STREET. CARPENTER BUILDING. NORFOLK, VA. h-Private Wires to N. Y. S+ock Exchange. N. Y. Cotton Exchange. Chicago I' Board of Trade and other FjDancjaHJentcfa. ^Correspondence respectfully solicited, Investment and Marginal accounts given careful attention. To Out-of-Town Sub^aibers^ 4Z THE DAILY NEWS *^if ers one SEVENPIECE DINNER OR BERRY SET to all who pay 1 Year's Subscription Before November 1st SEE^GURr WINDOW FOR| SAMPLET)ESIGNS -THAXwi.' Our hat off tr? tft Kft shown. Remember th^dates~ 'for SALE: BEST WEEKLY NEWS paper proposition in N. C. Thosp moaning business. ? address Look Out Realty Co.. Beaufort FOR RENT ? 200 ACRE FARM, lOO acres cultivated. Dwelling "house and out-houses; one mile from Leechville. Address Norwood L Slmmons. BULBS in great VARIETY AT I ? ?^r ? Hardy's Drug Siors. STENOGRAPHKR a x d typu writer. Iwi imi wilie jour tetters. I Mlsa Beulah Thomaaon. lis Mar ket street. H. B. Mayo & Co. THE LATEST -FADS IN PARISIAN Cgius UI well as duimgili, will U. on exhibition at Ayers* Millinery Opening. ? ? j-j .flWiJIADmV St 11 ItKPAttTMBWT at' Clark's (second floor) shows the season's most' wanted styles. ? The tailoring is exceptionally good, BEAT FORT RESIDENCE FOR SALE | Large, roomy, airy, conveniently 1 located, near wgter. Look Out I Realty Co., Tlfiaufort, N. C. I A V kl??i' MILLINERY OPENING IS f Tuesday and Wednesday. An elab orate display the latest crea-| ttbna wiitue i ectfr -*? f n . mi mi Q BUS f. OPPORTUNITIES, i RATE, 1 cent per word. Estimate tlx word# to line, and"! inclose wmcnt >Vith copy. Answers to ads. may be received at this office. To insure prompt attention all adver- , tiaementa should be in business office ! by 12.45 m. Ads. by mi U-gi??n-car FOR SALE. FORSALK OR RE XT? OX E FARM, Wa4?? ? Point, ? *"C"TnTng ? Beach Hotel. Apply to B. L. 8us MILLIXERY OPENING OF THE J as. E.-Qarlc Co. will be held lat ter part of this week. They are maklgg ample preparatlop, and the public will profit by waiting. A FINE ADDRESS AT M. E. CIIURCIl Mr. Small Charms His Audience ? iii'AUili uss un "The Lift- uf Serw:e." r ? A large congregation greeted Hon. John H. Small atL.the Methodist Church 8unday evening, eager to hear Jjla address on "The Life of 8ervice." Mr. Small spoke under the auspices of the Laymen's Movement, a lay organization of the church, which Is ttoing such a fine work among the' young men of the city. The address was in keeping with Mr. reputation aea- speaker, and for nearly an hout he. held his audience closely. Space forbids a full reproduction of his excellent speech, suffice It to say. It contained words of wisdom an JtKeurf&l ana ir practiced by our people" will do much .toward making them better citizens. Mr. Small referred to Washington's (excellent public school *7fUaB." but emphasized the Idea that while the schools here are good and doing a that marked Improvements could be Inaugurated. The speaker also dl ltjtllnn. etreets. 7 T^en BfT ?bole, Uie address burned with good wholesome a 4Wce. and If frd|nwa