_ Oct. 4th, ; *?????; '? f- z- x * ? . j 'f.'1 ? r* ' \ he cifizens of Belhaven, PantegQ, Yeatesville^Bath, Hunters Bridge, and all points between Belifiyven 3nd \^8shington should attend. Citizens from all parts of the county are invited. ~ WHY SOME TOWIIS FLOURISH : ~ ~ Iff!:... UNO OTHERS GO BACKWARD To Progress Railroads Must Be Constructed; Th^y Are Esseutial-^hey Meairthe Up building of the Community, and No Section ? - ? Can Thrive Without Them, NOW ISTHE TIME TO WORK This article Is of vital Importance * to the people of Hyde comity, Bel haven and Long Acre townships and Washington. It tells you why Bath lay dormant whQe other towns flourished. It tells you how Hyde county may be made a great shipping point to all parts of the world, largely depend ing upon the Mattamuskeet Railroad. ? -Listen. Bath, once a wealthy flourishing town, the capital of the 8tatc. now a - small village, and two hundred years old. Listen ? Bath was founded before the wafon'rotds were~bunrfrom Nor*i folk to Wilmington through this sec tloo, later when these roads were built It was found that' neither by ferry nor bridge could a safe crossing ' be made at Bath. The nearest safe crossing that 1 could be made wag where Washington was afterward built, and here by a direct route from_! irnt nff ?'r"* 't+t m<|a^J This left Bath far away from the; thoroughfare, and the only people; who went there had business there. No, town w?ll prospec under " such | conditions. Tb go ahead Bath town ship must get a railroad. * From the start Washington flour- I she -quickly ^ overtook and! atantfol town. ? ^Thcn something happened that held Washington back. A quicker method of transportation ? rairoads ? were built further up the "co'hntry, and wtth.' Wkiflinfton, as with Bath, out of sight, out of mind. Then the war which broke the "SmUhT Jnfi all tha linmoy North and bitter feelings between the two sec tions. r * As* this fedftng wore off, we -ftnd the towns along the railroads to bo the rapid builders, they? were along -the-thoroughfares, the world could -eee their advantages. People stopped to develop these advantages. Thus 1T1 m RgfifcT MQHlt. Hllh PglBV Winston-Salem, Wilson, Ooldsboro, and other places rapidly gaining in wealth and population, while Wash ington and Bath sleep. Then a line to Washington was tallrad, ?nH p^pia h?g?n to move tO Washington. Washington started to bnlld, to expand; her values doubled and thrlbbled. It was Just the news getting- out that Washington was to be on a thor oughfare. From now on yeu win &ee Wash ington not only keep pace with up-Sltete towns, but go ahead of many of them, for she hae both rail and water transportation. Assistant United States Secretary of Agriculture (a maif familiar with nearly every foot of land In the United atates). In speaking of the produetlveneea of Hyde -county aald: ^Why, 1t?' wonderful; you people don't know what jou have got!" W* do know, but few. era tilde of our territory know, and being way oat on tfea edge with no railroads, few strangers see us; few prospectors come around. Then, the first ques tion aaked by a man experienced in frqm ra foiiMat railrold?" That question is the tlon upon which he bases land J with nf> rsilrom^ they won't. BUI ilium ? ' RIYW, Willi about $ve ? Missouri RiVef, hivlni ?u.?d .t ? ' thinking tholr water traffic would carry them along as before; they rest ed content, letting the railroad go where It would. For many years those brick houses have been homes for birds and wild anjmals. The town Is desolate. Its people built another town on the rail road. ? ? __w Throughout the West there are many suc? occurrences, which jhould give knowledge to Bath and Long Acre townships, whose people should allow nothing to prevent them from getting this railroad through their section. Washington stands ready to help; but Bath township must take "the lead, for Bhe Is more vitally Inter ested. * ' ^ v "" The great reason the folk of Hyde county should leave nothing undone to get this railroad direct to . Wash ington. la, the day Is not far distant -when the Free Inland Water Route nectlng with some upper State road at Washington may want a deep water terminal somewhere in Eastern North Carolina- Few better locations could be . secured than some point a)ong this great Free Inland Water Route in Hyde county. If some uolnt In Hyde rmmt-r snouia ne mlflq (rad~1t coutd b?) ? deep water terminal for some road from the-West, it would put thia an_-^ tire section on the thoroughfare, and there Is ho doubt.about it ? prosperi 1 y follows thoroughfares; also rail roads bring prosperity. The value of your property Is gov erned by its prominence; prominence is controlled "by the number of people DftUUng it; tnerefore, a farm fronting an Important county road is worth double the price of one of the same quality one mile 'Sack from this county road; Just because more folk pass, and as this Is so with county roads. It is also true with railroads. The good derived from railroads does not assume the Importance here .. ll ? .T, ^ money-making sections of the West. In the West when a railroad Is pro jected, land owners use every effort to get it' their way. They work schemes to Hod out its route, then linri In Itii p^tfr Those- who are fortunate in secur ing such lands, consider they have made fortunes. A railroad means as much to the land owners in your section as to any other, and you shodTff leave nothing undone which would ~bring It your way. Work for It, and work hard. The Washington Chamber of Com merce worked hard, and at last made It posalhle' to have this railroad come your way. . The- Chamber of Commerce wlH stlok by you, and do all in their power to get this railroad that you may have advantage of it, but'yarf' mustr do you* part f * Now let'a all toother pull, shots and hoiQe. . ; ? ~r ~ Let's make this eastern section prominent. Let's put her in the front rank, where there ia life, where yon see the dost, the Bmoke of the swift funning trains, where you hear the nolso of ths wheels of prngnaB jmi it prosperity rolling, over your land's, and now is* the time for you to gras* rr,?r ftf the unbuilding of the Trcntfr : : ? ? . Onr time to grasp this opportunity Ti nbw!" HOWTT" novrTt? Not - Best year, nor thirty days from now, but 12 PERISHED WHEN VESSEL _ JEIT DOWN Survivors on Lightship Norwegian Fruiter Foundered in Gale and Only Six of the Crew Were Saved? Revenue Cutter Goes for Men. j Baltimore. Md., Sept. 2!>. ? Six sur [ vlvdrs of a crew of eighteen are now ? aboard Winter Quarter lightship, the I remaining tweleve men having per j ished, according to a report made by t Captain Delano of the steamer Porto Rico, which arrived in this harbor on yesterday. * . The name or the kind o i Tessel which was wrecked could not be as certained., *" . v ' Captain Delano stated that as the Porto Rico was passing Winter Quar ter lightship yesterday morning a sig nal was seen flying from the light ship. A heavy northeast gale pre vailed. He ordered htr-BhtT^ -run up close to the light station, and when, as near as consistent with safety be cause of the nature oX the weather, an attempt to communicate was made with megaphones. ..It was difficult the superstructure of thfl_shlp. but' enough was made out by those on the Porto Rico for them to realize that a "ship had foundered. The captain of the lightship said there wiy* sue 'survivors from the 111 fated ship on his vessel, and asked that they be lairefi off. Captain De lano coiretrtered the matter carefully and decided it would be tempting death to try to maVo rha transfer .under the . weather condi tionR prft. vailing, ? ThoM on the lighlafilp wcrd apparently satisfied to wait. ? While the information was given that twelve person*?fcad been frown ed. no attempt was ruadf to sWhre names. Thoseonthe Porto Rico said they saw .a small boat hanging to me rear of the lightship. The little craft was badly battered and it is believed BB BIB airea nude their way in it to the lightship. It Is not con sidered probable that the small boat which brought {he survivors ^ould have come any great distance. Supposed to Be the George. New York, Sept. 29. ? The succor ed crA'w now aboard the Winter Quar ter lightship Is that of a Norwegian ste^jp^r w^fn^ fouBdortd <nlBA mltpg east northeast of thtTTlghtsHlp 'at noon '^qn the 26th, according to the officers of the steamer Chesapeake, which arrived today from Baltimore. 81gnals from the lightship told the atory of the disaster as the Chesa peake was passing.' but the name of the steamer could not be leafned. ( The captain of thd Chesapeake q?l<* he understood the foundered vessel was a fruit steamer and her name as megaphoned to him sounded WLfclin like Meyer. It 'Is believed at this place that ths lost vessel was the Norwegian steamer- George. < Ths steamer ol? r<d-irom Phila* delphta September 23 for Sagua La Grande, Cab*. Send Revenue Catter for <Jrew. * /.Washington, Sept 29. ? Tiie U. S. oeven ue cutter Yamacraw will be sent to the Winter Quarter lightship to take off the six members of the crew who were rescued from the sinking vessel, kndtake them to port. Marts are being made by the revenue cutter service officials U* raach the Yama craw by wireless telegraph or land wire. 8he was laat heard from on her way back trom assisting .^the dls i/mmi Biwauigi t?CM- I Lieutenant Fisher,, commaftder of the Yamacraw, will be-direoied to SELF, DAU6HTER; ' SHBM WIFE She Attempts Rescue Fearful TrajreHy NMf Rirhmnnri Yesterday? W. B. Grover At tempts to Wipe Out the Whole I Family. Richmond. Va..~*8ept. 27. ? Over burdened -with a sense of financial loss, upon which he bad brooded through many sleepless nights, W. B. G rover, a well-known farmer of Chesterfield county, living about 3 miles from Centralla, and within 3 minutes' walk of Stop No. 26. on the Richmond-Petersburg electric car line, arose from his bed between 1 I and 2 o'clock yesterday morning, and. after an attempt to murder his entire household, succeeded la shooting his 20-year-old daughter, _ Louise, to death, and then committing suicide, leaving his crippled wife alone In a house of horror?, three auarters of a mile from the nearest ajpghbor. Kills Daughter, lint. He kllleiThla daughter first at the threshold of hla bedroom door, and . then made a vain attempt to shoot [?htB wtfg^z2tftei a sharp struggle, tre" . fired, point bl*nk at her head, yhllo she was begging for her life. and". back Into his bedroom and fired a bullet Into hla brain. He fell at right angles wlth'tbe body of his daughter, their feet al most touching, and their weltering blood slowly mingled together, form ing a lnna dsrlr n?i ya> over the floor; Outside, with no one -within sound rtf vnl^. ^frs. Orov- 1 er streamed and-sbcieked in iier ter- ; ror and agony until an answering cry ' came from a 'possum Hunting negro. Lewis Preston, who was the first to alarm the distant neighbors. The double- tragedy cam? without other warning than thaLOrover had Bhown signs of despondency, and had several times said to his wife that he wished he could get ?ome drug to make him sleep. He became worn ind haggaM, for the strain of con stant brooding to'd on bis nervous system. He complained that jfoe had lost heavily, and was la debt, but he had nefer spoken of suicide. It was between l and I o'clock In the morning that tb#> rumbling of a ?***"*'" M'i ? i ^ fmM hU drowsing, and be got out of bed and procured his revolver, a 38-callbre Iver Johnson. "I'm going out Into the yard," he aaitf to h?a,w4fe. ? Crippled Wife Attempt* Reacae. "If wnn IN* answered, and crawled^palatolly from the bed. He began arguing with her, telling her that he didn't want her to go with him ? that he wanted to go alone. He didn't state hla purpose, but she read, it In his eyes, aad the desire to aave him from suicide over came her fear of personal barm. He became rough and talked loudly, though he was usually a tfuiet man. "I'm going to end It all," tie shouted, and tried to pass his wife. Miss Orover, hearing the commo tion, came down from her bedro<^| above, and opened the door to her parents' room. She stood in the door way and called to her father, reach ing ont to grasp the pistol from his lirar There was a short struggle, and then he fired. The bullet struck her in the back of the bead. Just as she turned from, the muxsle of tip re volver, and without a sound she fell *t-bls feet. Her body Vas stretched fi TiViiil nfiiW^iiii'Mi^i .irw iaii that separated bis bettoom from a spare room beyond, and her feet were ?i4? St on kl? -W.lt. we'll ail go together." fraeped her and placed the i MR. JOYNER ? ^ AT AUROkA Delights His Audience ? Compli | - ' ments Their School System. A good crowd of enthusiastic citi zens greeted Hoh. J. Y. Joyner at the towh of Aurora last night to hear this dlstlrnrnUhnri urti?tlnr rtlnnn.in education and its future in ^ftaufort county. The speaker was .presented to the audience in words appropriate and ornate by Dr. Montague Bonner. The speaker wan most happy lit-his remarks and congratulated vthe. peo= pie of Aurora, oq their line school building. He said he found condi tiotfe-there In much better shape than at other places. Mr. Joyner urged all the parents to see to it that their chlldKfi^, attend. jfiiiQol and to^k ad vantage of the improved methods now in vogue. He stated there were 700,000 children In North Carolina, of school age. -XJ t this number there I were 4 50,0<r0'whlte- and 250,000 col ored. AhSout ,70' per cent of this num ber ate enrolled and only 4 3 per- cent are now in attendance. Taken as a whole, the speech of Mr. Joyner was a masterpiece, and the citizens of Aurora are indebted to him for such timely advice and encouragement. He will be welcome to that good town at alt times. * Messrs. W. L. Vaughan and Joseph F. Tayl<? also made short talks, both of which were enjoyed. good. CELEBRATES HER 7TH BIRTHDAY Miss Inda Paul at Home Yester day Afternoon to Her Hay ? mates and Friends. Another pleasant gonial function among vhe young set' was yesterday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock, when sweet ttttle Miss inda Paul, daughter of Postmaster and Mrs. Hugh Paul, entertained in honor of her seventh natal day. a large number of her playmates and friends were present and all speak in theJiighelSt terms of th? winsome little hostess. Games and other pastime**- were? indulged in and the aftarnoon was hlghl^sen joy ed. Refreshments were served. The following were preSent: Eleanor Ber ry. Elsie Foredian, Grace Woolard, Annie B. Woolard, Julia Bright. JThelpia^Leggett, Mary Hardy, Mar^ tha Hardy, Harriott ' Harding. Essie Phillips. Mary Bell. Jack Oden, Seth Cordon, Reginald Paul. John Keats Hoyt, John Tayloe, Joshua Tayloe. Edward Long Mayo. Frank Miles, Edward Miles. Dan Left 81mmona, ABhley Leggett, Earl Paul. Henry" Handy, Ethel Mtzon, Elizabeth Mix on. Lenbra Blount, Clara Paul, Lola Paul. Alice "W. Paul, Ethel Lee Camp-' bfell, Ruth 8atterthwalte. Mary Rob bins, Marjorie Hoyt, Alease Ballard, Ida Jones, Thelma Buck. Minnie \\Joolard, Phrocelpe Latham. 'A thai la ?ftyloi, ^IIIlHl' WiYWn -and Ward! Paul./ PRESENT PRIZES. The Attention of Beaufort and Hyde county farmers are called to the ad. of Mr. B- L. Busman, In this Issue, offering three cash prizes for the three best exhibits- of corn. Each farmer is" requested* to send five ears of corn with name a ad postoW^e ad dress The samples will be exhibited from now to Novemher 25th. On De cember let three disinterested per sons will decide the contest. L' WTlifi OPgAit BITE. ^ ^ Hon. J, Y. Joyner speak it Bath tomorrow at 1 2 o'clock. A pic nic will alse be given. A pleasant waifitial f.MT Washington will attend. , ACX'EPTH FOWTION. Mf- JP, I? D*wmat ?f thto dir. bu > portion wfth the OkarlM In. scixr Mm Ooatwr, o? NorMk. V*. This ?IU b* nlM?, to Ul. UtJTMH.it-. _ ?" iDONS' STRATEGY MADE CAPTURE Of NJDOR EASY Moorish Towns Taken The TiilMiuiHi May Sy limit, and Madrid Thinks They Are Ready to Surrender- Without Condi j tion? Troops Congratulated. Madrid, Sept. 29. ? The War Office announced today the complete suc cCS^jot^the maneuvers Jn Morocco against the Moors. Both Nador and Zeluan have bftfin .occupied!-- ~2tT ? Zeluan there was bloody fighting with. large bodies ul Moors. The ring around Mount Gu ruga idT'ow considered almost closed, and the position of the Moors Is de?- j .perate. Kaid Amas appeared before Genera^-Mftrina, the commander of | the Spanish forces, yesterday and j asked terms of surrender for the^ tribes intrenched on Mount Guruga. It la helieved the Moors are ready to | submit without condition. "" The immediate successful termina tion of Spain's war against the Moors which lias been going on since July, will be of inestimable advantage to ihig feu i urn merit of 1'reniier Maura, against which .the campaign In Spain is dally becoming more intense among the lower cratmea. A large action QUUiem>i>pr r1asaa?7 however, is giving warm support The-Minls ters begging him to continue the work or maintaining pu3t?c order: , Following the news of Spanish sue ceases in Morocco, the cabinet haa de iflrtfld rn Tevnrsuht coimtuionai guar. anteea. except * lirrtre- pfovtnc.ea or Baroaion* ?n<| Gorona. and io imm ?oa the Coeuia_qii October 15 Strategy Made Victory Kiisy. Melilla. Morocco. Sept. 29. ? The capture of Nador by the Spanish forces "yesterday waa comparatively easy, owing to the strategy employed by General Orozco, who feinted in 4lM ? dtomlOa ? uL ? 2>UUUU ? Lil wMnh point the Moors rushed. The Span ish commander then turned his men and marched into Nador. The de fenses of Nador were razed and the town was burped by the Spaniards. The Moors had constructed deep ditches around Nftflor, evidently with the jjitention of putting up a stub' bora ^gfaaas. Cram M?dnr. Soanjsh artillery shelled Zeluan. The poaiCTofffc BUr= rounding Nador are now occupied by 20,000?8pftnlsh soldiers. The actual storming of Zeluan was accomplished by _ General Tovar's hrigRrtR fianer*! Ozocos effecting tbe enveloping movement. Only a few of thfe 8paniardn were wounded, but the casualties among the Moors were great. Religious services were held yes terday to celebrate the victory, after which General Marina, the Spanish commander-in-chief, warmly congrat ulated the troops. MIIm of Darning Villages. Alhucemas, Morocco. Sept. 27. ? I The entire coast line h?re Is illuml-| nated with the flres of burning Moor ish villages. After the Spanish batteries. In the fighting of yesterday, had silenced the native artillery, the infantry ad vanced and drove the Moors from their positions. s. ? A Scarcity of Fish Duetto Storm! .On acgount^r^Ee^rSSBrTflffil MNwtthifrJgUHe ?luiuPuttj freah flah have been received In thie ket for the past eerverfcl days. The report la that much damage haa been to 1 vtitl ii tkto weuoa. ~ , J.-; GOOD CROWD AT OLD FORD Mr. Joyner and Local Speakers Ehtertain Citizens ? Dinner Served. What a pity every citizen In Wash ington township could not have be*n present at OW Ford yesterday to hear li in uddiiju uf Ilun J. V .luyngr, Slate Superintendent of Public In struction. They would have been profited, edified and enlightened on the great Importance of education in this day and timel Mr. Joyuer ad dressed bet wee n 15 (Laud 2 tw>- p*opl# and after he had finished there was a resolve written on ajl the fates to begin renewed effort J toward secur ing better Bchoolhouses, more com petent teachers, and to provide better meaii8 for the coming generation to receive that training so eseetKial. j The speaker called ihe attention of | his audience lo tbe poor, dilapidated ? condition of some of the school build ings lti this township; he intimated they were, a disgrace to t\e county. In words burning with advice he told the people they should all, without a dissenting voice, advocate and se cure a special tax for the betterment ?* of their schools. This was the only proper and right way to secure good 1 schools- and- this township should be added to tbe list of already other pro gressive communities^ The condi tions of some of the school buildings stated Mr, Jovner, ttere not fit to teach school- in ? they were too small, too poorly constructed and totally in adequate in every, way. __The_addresH of Mr J '>>nerarouaed n\j Jittie enthusiasm among the peo ple. and no doubt will be the means or accomplIsEIng ouch good. ? T5e ? address was delivered in the building of the Carllna' Institute, bounty Sup erintendent, Mr. W. L. yaughan. made a short, addrees and offered hla J&ULlLSS lo the neopl^ at any a nri >11 times. He stood ready to render whatever aidhe- could toward thelr sr raring a special .irhool tax, fte; ? Congressman John H. Small and Mr. Joseph F. Tayloe also made speeches that were highly enjoyed. After the speechmaking all were cordially Invited to tne church grounds where a sumptuous respaat was served, by the ladles. It Is need less to Bay there were plenty of good things for the Inner man and all en joyed this part of the day Immensely. Taken as a whole* the day was a -grfcat- sueeess, and all left for thetr respective homes carrying with them pleasanfrecbUectlonB of Old Pord and Its people. It was a great day for education In' that community, and la no doubt the foundation for greater tKfl- n-Q-g nf pri lira fin n Ir that section. SHIRT AND BLOCSK SALE. The ladles of the Methodi-*- Churoh will have a shirt and blouse sale In the storeroom next to the 8Inger Sewing Machine Company. Main *" ? street, beginning tomorrow after noon: The proceeds of this sale go toward the liquidation of the .debt on the church carpet and it ahould be generously patronised. Some attract tlve garments will be on aale. TO CONDUCT PRAYER MEETING. Mr. Ralph Phillips will conduct tha prayer meeting services at the *Fir#t Methodist Church this evening. New Advertisements in Today's News. I Waahlagtnn Park. A. C. Hathaway ? Water Front Property. J. K. Hoyt- ? Itorothr IXxIrt Hhoeal KnlUht Shoe Co. ? Ilorach Hhoea.

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