WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS Entered as eerond-claaa matter Xilfcfllt 64 <1909, at the postpfflce at ~W ashing t on . NT C.~ tinder the act of Map* 187*. ; ^ _ ~~| PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT .SUNDAY. No. 114 East Main Street. * J. L. MAYO, Editor, and Proprietor. Telephone No. 200. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: One Month 9 .2 !"> Four Months 1.00> Six Months. 1.50 One Year 3.00 Subscribers desiring the paper continued will please notify this office on date of oxpiratlon. otherwise, it will be continued at regular sub?crlp-_ ? ion rates until notice to stop Ib re-~ eeived. _ _ If you do not get The Daliy News promptly telephone or w^lto the- man ager. and the complaint will receive immediate attention. It is our desire to please you. WASHINGTON, N. C.. Sept- 29. LET THE NEWS FOLLOW^ Parties leaving town should not fall to let The News follow them dally ' with the news of Washington fresh and crisp. It will prove a valuable companion, reading to you like a let ter from home. Those at the nea ihore or mountains will find The News a most welcome and interesting ^lsltor. "S>"*"~^Ml*ST BE SIGNED. All articles sent to The News for publication must be signed by the writer, otherwise, they will uot be published. ? . f ' or It AIM'KKriATlOX. The editor desires\ to express his sincere thanks to the Rood people of Old Ford for the many rourtcsles ex tended to him yesterday, occasioned I by his visit to that section to hear the fttldress of Mr. Joyner. _ j . The ilay? wns highly enjoyed and t-he many expressions of good will for himself and best wishes for the success of the Dally News, made him feel that he wag indeed anions friends. Every hour among these good peo ple was well sp**:it. so much so his departure carried with It nothing but genuine regret. A groat fnrtire is ;n I Jjloro for Old Ford and Its people, I and the Daily N?.'w$ stands ready a' all times to aid them In carrying fori ward thfir educational system, al most nov.' in its it.faw.'V. * We hope] the day .jg not far distant when the! opportunity w;ll bp afforded to min gle among -he people of Old Ford ag.iln. ? Tin: MASS MKKTlNt.. M ? Uj.i. O ? rrtnr ?. mtt !?" nue of ? the most important ?lacei? " in the. bin- j lory nf Ut'aufori county, for sn thf>! time the Vuizeus of Washington, j Bath. Rath township. Hunter* Bridge. I . kavlor-r. ?\ 1 1: - Ih..,] v!!T-T"F?-TTia vf-n rm.J ' other places m the county. *ill s<y?d! ttTth .* i t y *o con^i/Ier ami] ,di>cu*a the proposition -presented to I our people in order for them to sc- 1 cure t;.? extension of the- Mattainus- i keet UailroaJ from Belhaven to Washington. via Bath township. * i III in tit'm MhiMlii.ll t i.ni . -no rtrm?nrtnr anv^.Taasou. k!ku;:u. j _fl?ALLil LuL- La ?1kiuUI be *"??> -hand \ discuss .this important matter from j every standpoint ? learn what is to U*1 ; expected of him and then got out ami 1 work night ;;^1 flay for the extension j of thii/rallroad through ki this city. | Tf there was ever a tlmewhen thej citUftaaiiUi ahmUi mils aa one amni 'for a mea.-uri*. that Is now. The com- i pie t ion of this road to Washington ; means a great day for the people re-j siding along the" proposed route; It e*e*Hr*-?n outlet to the outside world they have never had. and It means. j too. the development of a country I long dormant. This mass meeting! should ho the largest, the most en- \ thusiaetic, ever hold In Beaufort! ' county. ' TnffUllu iiwim- ^nni.- xm-iIIIUS" I ton. the necessity of the hourdc- 1 mauds its etxension here, and to ac complish 'his end the people, the sov- 1 creigns, must 'work together. L_1 The rtJTng to do is to get together-} in 'mass meeting, leant what the Council of State demands, and then stiirt out with the determination to leave no stone unturned to meet the conditions. The courthouse should be packed October 4th With .enthusi astic citizens frotn every section of the county. There is no time for er cuEes to Ire rendered why you oon't come. I -ay aside everything and give 'one day to a project that means so much for your welfare and the wel fare of your county. If this Toarl is not extended to Washington. th"n the people's chance Of ever securing a railroad Is far in the future. If they ever do4 Make Monday, Octolw^r 4th, a gala day In the history of this good coun ty. Let's Bay to the outside world, we want, this road *f?d are going to secure it If hard wdrlfwtll bring I*. On to Washington, next Monday wUh one incenlivfc burning j? yo?r breast' ? the- Mattam^skeet Railroad Is to bo constructed from Belhaven to Washington through Bath townshin, it yo<7 do thla, If you |Wt your ahool _dei^to"the wheel for t'hl4 accompljftlu. ment, 4t wIU be one of the bright est page? In tiro hlfffory of your Itfo. Let's make this d a y_a~ memorable ono. . county are either directly or Indirect ly Interested In t|?? completion oftbls' project,, and ahould attend th$ mait <;<>Ot) WORK FERKOKMKI> SV _ MIB SBWSPAPER8. ?If the people of any iioijrmunlty | ucery nfi loyal -to the interests of their"' town or cKy as the newspapers, says tiie Spring tield ; 1 O. ) News, what ji ip lend Id competition this country would see. But they are not. Nor Is any con siderable part of the people. Nor are ill the business men or the manu facturers. That town succeeds just In proportion to the zeal with which Its leading citizens bai-k up the pa triotism of Its newspaper?. The trua newspaper devotes col umns and pages of space to boosting the city in wi*lc~h it Is published. The most Ipyal and devoted boosters of any city are found In Its newspaper offices. Th*re is a sneering class of people In overy city who, finding no good in anything, decry the newspu per? an mongers of sensailons and as destroyers of character. They demand the news, aud the newspaper that is a faithful mirror hold^up to its readers the reflection of their own doings. If the commu nity kle bad Its newspaper pages will show it. If It Is good its news ar-, tides wi|l show it. But the paper Itself ? It Is far In advance of the procession. With liere and there a yellow exception it stands for the better things, stands unceasingly for the bettermept of business conditions, constantly seeks to bring more business to the town. Better than that.. It stands for the ^horal upbuilding of its citizenship. "stan'diTTo'r belter civic" conditions.' ? In many cities the editors have an uphill task, and a lonesome one. There are times when -the most de vil I I'll r.pwsp.-uirr m ?n will loan faith In the value of publicity. But hon est publicity never fails, and in the end~honest and enthusiastic devotion to a city's Interests will awaken suf ficient spirit among the people ac tually to accomplish things. THK KVKMXU N KWSI'AI'KH. Printer'# Ink. which hag cohie to be accepted as an authority by the newppapA- <^aft. in the bourse pf article on the relative values, of the morning and afternoon newspapers. | 4ay?: . r - - I "The day iH ended. Fortune* have, been \V4>n ptid lost. S'atcstner. ami I r-oWlflr*. writers. fftlventur*?* havel done the deeds of the day: and night j kia - fallen. T!i?? new* lias been gath-f .?red by a marvelmi* xy?toip Trom all I rontlnenis. It has been sifted, ar ranged. Illustrated, commented upon printed and 'published, and Is served hot from the press, still palpitating as it were, with the action of the ?.?vents recorded, interesting and :~:artiir.g with the freshness and ex cit?nnMi at . the ? mamiL Readeae J over their soup learn- what had hap pened in the wide world while they have been ?busy, each in his lit,tle round of duties toiling in his shop. ?11 f. li I im I ! I S <?!!?<? in irVMi-t. ?'fl l'!l 111 U! HfrH' daily liread. They sit at ease and read at leisure. The evening iai. ahead of them, and a nehd?^xesi after the fatigues erf the daylight I hours vrlll cap it all. "Fourteen hours later, while he! bolts his breakfast with one eye on | I'm- K iimt :t I'rftiM already bun-y ? with ? h^-.-Hres of the .day. -ih* wowST^ ' p yy jc [laflilnit tO ? H l? l ' i t i /gn I t I he has time to read the "headlines lie is gplng well. In the night he has leisure to think of the affairs of the j human race; in the morning he must think only of his private affairs." MKWMMt 1110 BTHEBS HMD f' (Continued from First Page. >' j days we will ever -have to gmsu a | spoke from this wheel of progress and stick it in our section. ? TOT r : r i ? t li" prqgpci it y thr ; railroads carried to the midfUe sec -li/xc ..cruiiij L&& ? You can't deny the prosperity t~he railroads have carried to their deep water terminals. * You won't deny that there would have been toU'iiK in M>d?. luuntj of several "ttlbuaand Inhabitants Ifad she had a railroad twenty years ago. You wont deny that there would have been two thousand people in Rath had she hud a railroad twenty years ago. You won't deny that Beaufort and Hyde count!*** would today have double their wealth had this railroad been built, even ten years ago. %Ve assert if the people of Hyde and Bath get together and as one man work together. w&- will get this railroad. You won't get this railroad by leav ing it to the other fellow; we must do It ourselves, and If there happens to be a few who you know will be ben efitted. yet. won't work, "don't cut off your nose to spite your face." and stand back, thereby losing the benefii sure to be yours. Do your utmost in an earnest, careful way, and keep continually at It until you get.lhi? j-oad. Mattamnakeet R. R. Publicity Com mittee of Washington Chamber of ^j>i li. Billing iiiaii man: (Seo. J. J. I. MJiyr W. *K. Jar obawii. ? ? 'Hlrkn' < 'fipii'llne l urw Sick Htad.dii Alio Nerrons Headlehe. Trmirelerti* Hep.a?cHe and ? tlflSiKfrom "drip, -iilomm' fi TrntblM. or F&?al* troo Mm. Try 0?piidtn?? ?'? IKioWi--' lmni.<U,teir. Mia Wdftl . ~ -- - Bumtrnts sEt(? ?n ? - (Continued from Flret Page.) screamed and fought with him. She broke away, but he caught her again, yelling out that they should all go out together. But she was handi capped witfi a dislocated hip and was unable (o make headway against hU great strength. They fought around the room until he managed again to get the revolver against her head. She knocked it up with her free arm. and, luckily, Jhe revolver was brokeu. { He had to release her to put it to gether again, and she rushed from the room. But he*eaught her again In the hallway, with his pistol aga'.n ready for action. * The woman dropped (o her knees, and groveling on the floor, begged fw- her-Hfe. 'Tor "^'ebster'a sake, spare me. spare me:" she shrieked. "For God's sake, don't kill mf!'. Please dou't kill me!" But the ma nia had gotten possession of his senses, and . standing over her he flourished his pistol. ^ "We must go together." he* repeat ed, and pulled th?7\rigger. The ball went over her head, but she fell back wards, and he thought he had killed her. The wife heard hlqy. go back into his room, and the report that fol lowed." Standing by his -girl's dead body, he had shot himself tn the brain, and the two lay close together. Wife'* Terrible Journey. With only a thin skirt-over her nightclothoB. without shoes and with out cover lor her shoulders, ' Mrs. G rover, top.frightened to fetay longer; started obt alone (or help. She had not even her crutch. The path lay across lonely fields, and it was nearly 3 o'clock hi tbe morning, but the fear, of night was as nothing to the dread of what she had lefr behind her. Though she had barely left her house since the accident which dislocated her hip about eight months ago, she managed To crawl somehow across the fields for three-quarters of a mile and -rollojiFcd !n the ?Ioorway of Mr. Shorn way's home. Between her cries and hysterical "?o" ; . si managed to tell what had J. :~'d, ::nd asked them to go back, with "her.- Mr. Willis and others of the I wo house holds were sumntonhtl, and all went back to the Grover home, ?lrs. Grov b?*h.9 driver. In a cirri-ge. The bodies were Mil! warm, but both' father and daughter had evi dently. died instantly. G rover '8 re volver w-s lying under bfs body. A large pool of blood had spread -over the floor, and In the light of the oil la mn :? .-as a gr;:c-orae sight. j The .'.nio;;ched and Mr. Uowan, who "boards with Mr. \Y went to Cvntralia to summon Dr. J. r\ Raglapd, Jr.. and *to tele 111 Ifrr r^w. \Vi)||..y VV. ft rover, a Privljyterlaa minister, who graduated I set April from :he Union Theological ?.em!nar>\ zr.'l who has a church in Parron?, W. Va. ? 1 liv *2:i -iniitf-r. a ; !VUy nl twenty year?, wan :o bccr.c a train ?rd ? MUi'ge. s ? ? Ih :?'t foi'uct to meet n:e a: IJfmly's ! l>rtxc Store. . \ Corn Test. ?? HKAlHUtV (W^HVIkK-rolX-! - TV FAIlMiiH^ ? 1 Threo. tirizcs of So , $3 and $2 will be g.ven i;i .'ash as prizes to the three best exhibits of Corn. Each farmer Is requested to send five cars of corn with his name and pOstofflce address u+-&. L. Suiman, president aiid gen eral manager of the Washington 1,-v. I ?1 .. r.> 'A-n^inemn, V C. The corn will, be received and ex- 1 hihited at the Washington Horse Ex v hfcnge Cn.rfroifi mrw until !v,ov. 25. Dec. 1st three disinterested judges will deride the contest and award thai prizes. Send In your exihlbt as early as possible, uhfch will be placed on exhibit at once. Respectfully. n. fat nwMAX. ? n President and General Manager. !; Wushlngtqn Horse Exchange Co. J Sloan's Liniment is a quick and safe remedy for croup, cough or cold, pain in the chest, sore throat, enlarged tonsils, asthma and bronchitis. No matter where the pain is MjjffGO TO ^WASHINGTON PARK. - JW. I ..iii-m, ? ? ? i. - J If You Are a Business Main With Foresight You will buy a piece of thl* valuable water Ironf property now. Then you'll own it when the free inland water route is( a reality. See me at once. 1 j A. C. HATHAWAY. ^ "j i ^ , i Leon Wood MEMBERS N. V. COTTON EXCHANGE Junes W. Cole J. LEON WOOD 6 CO., BANKERS and BROKERS STOCKS. BONDS, COTTON. GRAIN ?nd PROVISIONS. Xi PLUME STREB-TTeiiRCjiNTER' BUILDING. .NORFOLK, VA. -Private Wires to N. Y. S'ock Exchange. N. Y. Cotton Exchange. Chicago ... Boards^ Trade and other Financial Centers.'. 'Correspondence respectfully solicited. Investment and Marginal accounts given \careful attention. To Out-of-T own Subscribers THE DAILY NEWS offers one SEVENPIECE DINNER OR BERRY SET * to all who pay 1-4 ? Year's Subscription \r _L- ~ _ t. * r* - "/? Before November 1st. SEE OUR WINDOW FOR ? S \MPI F DFSICNS i ?Hyacinths and all kinds of Full qnd Winter - BULBS Wc have a fine assortment. Plant early for best results. Send for new price lint. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS . Wedding Boouets. Floral Designs, alliryi'OWeTrf'HH HI telegraph and telephone orders wyj^_ be promptly filled by J. L. O'QUINN&CO., ? Florists, Raleigh. N. C. ? 'Phones 149. Corn Contest CAPIIHNK for "Tlw?t Heartache." Out last night? Headache and nervous this morning? Hicks' Capu dlne Just tho thing to fit you --for business. Clears the head ? braces the nerves. Try It. At drug stores. A Liberal Offer Th,e Daily N*.wb presents another opportunity to the citizens of the county. A forty-two piece dinner get will be given to the person secur Ing Ave vearlv -aubsertbera wjio t?v In advance, or the set will be present xd to the ona securing tan subscribers for six months, who bave paid In ad vance._Perjons Interested can see the .Window. The News also makes another llbr. eral offer. K seven-piece dinner or bii'iy a\.'t mil be piesentoil t? the sub scribe!4 i tlon before November^ This Bet Is also seen in our window. Now Is your chance to secure an elegant set of china for ? little work* at odd times. Suppose you try for the din ner set. or . at least the berry set. Engage an "Argus-eyed*^ wont ad. ). to "look" for It for jrou. % ? ? CI OfPORTOlffriES RATS, 1 cent per word. Estimate six wocdt to the Une, and inclose payment with copy. Amwwi to ads. may be received this office. To -insure pronjpt attention ail adver tisements should be in business office ?by 12.45 m. Ads. by messenger, tele phone or mail given careful attention. FOR SALE OR. JUS XT ? UNE FARM. Wades . Point, .adjoining Pamlico Beach Hotel. Apply to B. H Sua man. THE LEADING STORE OP KA8T ern Carolina will have Its Big Mil - linery Opening on Friday and Sat urday ? lBt and 2d. Don't forget the days. James E. Clark Co. 2s Canary surds for sale ? i have on hand 25 fine canary birds, good songsters, beautiful plumage, guaranteed to sing. Price per pair, 95; single birds, $2.50. Guaran teed ft*1'6 delivery anywhere In the State. Address W. H. Qaskins, | Aurora, N. C. ' ALL OLD SUBSCRIBER^ TO THE | Viigiulau-Pllot please notify Frank I J. Mizon, he will dellverjthe paper to you,- aa_ FOIl HALE OH RENT? ONE FARM, North Creek and Pamlico Tliver. ?Apply to B. L?. Susman. FALL M1LLIN&RY OPKXlftfr^ON Friday and Saturday, at the James E. Clark Co.'s store. FOR SALE: BEST WEEKLY NRWH paper* proportion In N. C. Those meaning business, address ' Look Out Realty Co.. Beaufort. OPERA CAPES,' HOME HMART NEW -Hoy t's. ? I FOR RENT ? -200 ACRE FARM, lOO acres cultivated. Dwelling house and out-houses; one mile from LeccUviJle. Address Norwood L< Simmons. -4. g A (MWALMX GASOLINE -METAL tank for sale cheap. J. C. Rod man. t THOSE WHO HAVE WAITED FOR the James E. Clark Co.'s "big mil linery opening will more than .con gratulate themselves when they see the large and complete stock. stenographer a n i> t Y P E xrriter. Let mo write your letters. Miss fieillah T'^nmac^n Chamber of Commerce 111 "?T 1'IX.S <J!VKX A WAV \x7l engraved free. See our show win aow. AY G. Smlther & Co. FOR SALE ? NEW PEANUT HACKS. Hi P. Maju til Cj. ; HE.il FORT RESIDENCE H)R WALK roomy, airy, '? conveniently located, near, water. Look Out ? Itcaky CQ.. Bftanfnrt, X, c. AGENTS IVAXTR1) T(5 TAKE OR. ders Cor "Cook-Peary .North pole sensation. Whirlwind success. Profits $10 dally. Be flrst. Send 25c for Sample Cook. Write to day. National publishers (Estab lished 1857), Lakeside Building, Chicago. 4 WANTED ? A MAN QUICK IN AC tlon and accurate with figures. Ad dress, sating wages wanted. UU11&) . Jones, Washington. XT~CT THOSE JET HAt PINH ARE ALL thturage. those are beauties Smlth er & Co. have. You get one en graved free? they are given away, too. Ask' about -t&etbv ~ STIHVFII I It-li- Mnvluv V'KrHT one brown 'Slo^lty^ulirmire mule, medium size, has white sOolq/on and collar fastens; in good order; has nlctr-head, whltelsh nose; about 12 years old. Any Information of or return sf weld mulo will be inflated and . ^ Whitley, East Main street, Wash ' ingtofc/N. C. N IKJROTHY DODD SHOt,S FOR style, fit and comfort; the new fall line just In".' J_.K. Hoyt's. SEE THE NEW LINE DOROTHY Dodd Shoes, button and lace. J. K. Hoyt's. ContaftoBs MEDICAL ' CASES ?ATIT 8r Warddarge and airy) JMjjer w..1l .Ad. MISS) JULIA FOR GENERAL , . SURGICAL ?AfiD Non ? VIVMOUU ? . ? SPECIALISTS ' . Tt W.CARTER, M. D. ^Practice Limited to DImmm of the ' '^~*jre. Ear, Nose and Throat. Hours: Ml A. M. Cor, Main and . ? " " 2-5 P. M. Gladden Sua ?PHONE U. Washington. N. C. Dr. L M. Harcly : * ? PRACTICING "ZTT PHYSICIAN SURGEON Washington, N. C. ' ' ? ? drTh. snell ? ' Dehtist. Office corner of Main and Respass Streets. Phone #00 4| Washington, N. C. ATI OKX i:vs H. S. WARD JUNIUS D. GRIMES WARD & GRIMES , ATTQRNEYS-AT-UAW Wut^loo, N. C. We practice in the Courts 61 the Flrat Judicial District, and the .* Federal Courts. ? ? ?? ; ???? John 4f. Small, A. D. Mac Lean. ^ Haitjr McMuilan. SMALL, MAC LEAN & MlcMULLAN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. W. n GRIMES ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. Practice* in all the Courts. W. M. BOinu, fed^nton, N. C. NORWOOD.L SIMMONS BOND & SIMMONS AT*martB3rS-AT-LAW Washf^tOn, North Carolina. "Practice in all Couita. W. L. Vaughan W* A. Thompson VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORNEY5-AT-LAW Washington and Aurora, N. G. Practice in all the courta. H. C. CARTER, JR., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Washington, N. C. Office Market Street. ' iv m. ii. Rodman. Wiley C. Kodman." RODMAN & RODMAN Attorneys-at-Liw Wasfaingcon, N. C. Business fords R. L. STEWART PRACTICAL MATCHMAKER and ? JEWELER. Just received a large assortment of th? latest designs in Jewelry. Ri Pairing a specialty. H. B. Goldstein, . We are stll! doing business at our oldst^nd. In this period between the seasons \re are still satisfying cua--^ tomers. Our fall samples are already in and we can take your order now lor immediate 6# ftiliiti delivery! ? L~ vours I or business, H. B. Goldstein. For FIRE INSURANCE J^and P. B. MYERS ? rr The Jl. H. Simmons Marble ancrvjtaiutexib. - MONUMENTS Prices and Work Rigrht. Washington; n. c. 1 WHITE - BARBER - SHOP The wily Hret-ctaa.whlte.hop in d?y. .WF coov'nc? M?ooe of reu on.ble iudxment. We hare 3 ehatri, J first -cUm white birbera. Satlfectlon ?Mured. OnpoeHe Postal office. , , A. 8. DRAUCHON, Prop. _ _ C. MORGAN WILLIAMS INSURANCE of all kinds. ^loan's It penetrates and acts like

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