LEGAL NOTICES .L7*4*TT^r - - NOTICE. '? i ^orib Carolina; Beaufort county r In the 8uperlor court J. B, AJlen v?. Ch*llleJ. Allen. The defendant b^ovo named will take ""notice that an action entitled as above, tuia beftn ? commenced in the Superior court of Beaufort ^apnty T for the purpose of obtaining a di vorce ^absolute; and the said defend ant will further take notice that Bhe 1b required to appear at the term of thfl_Superlor court of said county, to be held on tk% third Monday In Oc-_ tober, 1909, at the courthouse in said county, in Washington N. C.? and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, -or *he plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the reltet de 1 manded In said complaint. ThU 7th day of Bepl, l90t. \ ? OfeV' a. Paul, Clerk of 'the Superior Court COMMISSIONER'S SALE. "North Carolina, Beaufort county. In -the Superior Court J. W. Stewart vs. C. C. Sparrow. Pursuant to a Judgment rendered at the May term, 1909, of the Su perior court of Beaufott county In the above entitled action, the under signed commissioner, duly appointed therein. wiH offer for sale and will Mil, at the courthouse door Hi Beau fort coanty, Washington, N. C., on MONDAY, OCTOBER -4TH, at 12 O'clock m., to the highest bidder for ?ash, the following described prop erty, towlt: All that tract of land "lying and being In the State of North Carolina, county of Beaufort, bound ed and described as follows: Begin ning At a stake in Blount's ditch, at R. O. Prescott's corner and running ? >outh 199 nolea to H. R- Carton's line, thence east 40 poles and 4 1-2 links to 8. M. Sparrow's corner', thence north 199 poles to Blount's dltc^-then^e 40 poles and 4 1-2 links to the beginning, containing 60 acres more or let?y Termer-Cash, deed to be tnade when sale .is approved by 7~ZBd??rot 3up?tR>r court. =? This the 3d day of September, 1909. _ v. WILLIAM DUNN. Jr.. _ ? ? Commissioner. _ . NOTICE OF. ADMINISTRATION. Having this diy duly qualified be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort county as administrator of the estate of Olivia R. Fleming, deceased, all persons indebted to aaid estate are requested to make settlement with me; and all^persons j holding claims against the said es tate are notified to file the same, duly i Itemized and verified, as prescribed by law, within one year from tjiis data, else this fiotlcn will be pleaded In b*r of their recovery. This Angust 2G, 1909. S. FLEMING. Admr. of Olivia R. Fleming, dee'd. CITY 'TAXES. - for ? the ? elty- of Washington hftVd been turned over to the undersigned, "and this Js to no fry nil nwnnit nf nrmifirlT mihini to tax that I am ready -to receive *axes for the ensuing year. 'They- must be collected at owRF. WINDLEY, CityClork. October 7, 1909. " XOTH'K. r>-' North Carolina. Beaufort county. Iu ~T the Superior Court. James D. ?The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled -R9 above has beeft commenced in the Stfpertor court of Beaufort county, to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant; and the said defendofat will further take notice that she' is required to appear at the^erm of the Superior court of eald county to be held on the 7th Monday after the first Monday in ^optemoer, ii be'.rnr October 25, 1909^t the courthouse of eaM-county in Washington ,-_N. C., and answer or^ demur to the com plaint In -said' action' of the plain- 1 ? tiff will apply te-the ooert for the-i lief demanded in said complaint. . 1909^ 0 EX). A. PAUL, - I Clerk Superior Court. | NOTICE ?OP- EXECUTION SALE. North Carolina, Beaufort County. In the Superior Court. The J. E. Tjr ? - ? Pi imrnir vb 'H?r H Tllnun* ? Hywirtw of directed to th-ounderslgned, from-the Superior court of Beaufort county, ' In the abov^-entltled action, I will, on Mon day, the twenty-fifth' (26th) day of October, 1909 (It being the first day of the October term, 1909, of the' Su perior coait_ot Beanlort county), at (11) o'clock, noon". at the courthouse door in Bald county, sell . f to the highest bidder, for cash, 'to satisfy said execution, all the right, title an<J interest which the said Thos. H. Blount, the defendant^ Jfes In the following described real es tate, to- wit: A certain tract or parcel ' of land known as "Sans Soucl," lying Just ? northeast of the city of Washington, in Beaufort; couhty, In tho _Btate of North Carolina; beginning at a cedar post on the Plymouth road, running thence south 69 1^2 west 2148 fept; thapoe north 45'l-2 west 1442 feet; thence north 3 8jflnt 617 'feet ; thence" north I) 1-1 ~WMt ??1 fMl; thence ' north 38 denrecB Mat Ull t*?tl thence north '69 1-2 east 510 teet; th>nc? tonth fl ?t|l HUD llio begtnnlng; containing one hundred -andlaeatXrlliflL liflj Mr**- ^ore or^ ; the purpose and intent of | Won to Include the farm COTTON SEED WANTED ..Ynii wlHi mfa )gui ^jwrartlfBMWjTjhMig piVoot _ "" COTTON SfcE"j> or 4 part of them? to jnalotain needed competition Call ^18 uy before sell ing. v N WM. BKAGAW A CO? ' First Insurance Agents In Washinxt0n. N. C. - "HU&=NO=MORE" : ' SAVES LABOR. ... Use By Directions and Noteilesults. Q^WHO HAS YOUK ? Fire Insurance : r; ' T ? ' ' * ?* CARL D. PARKER, Gen'l Insurance. ~ ? ? : Foot Year* Experience. "* Havens-Sma I Bld'g ? ? ? ^ TtlOWW Now Your Summer Suit Feels Like You're Sitting on a Block of Ice fncomforta blc, Isn't it? Come in and view our new style Itinltg In hii We're ?evec_j? minute behind "the _ newest metropolitan fashions. -Our _ ? ' fabrics luuk well and wear well. Our price* arc easy of reach. ^ j Wright's Tailoring-Parlors, ''"Who Tailor Best m Washington." ANNOUNCEMENT M/E arc headquarters for floor Coverings. We are oho wing an ex " tensive line 1-4, 1-2. and all wool Ingrain. A!so Brussels in Stair Carpet and Stair Pattern*. Art Squares 6x9, 8x10, 9x12 feet, in Crex, Gran ite. Ingrain, Brussels, Arminister* We have a large and varied line of RUGS: InaUaizes and paturns In Moquettc, Velvet, Brussels, etc. Sec our I special Vi lvrl Hug 77Til, ill 8 I iniltt TT ? lligy arc equal to ordi nary Moquette at a much higher price. J. F. BUGKMAN & SON WE SELL FURNITURE. ' WHISHT PBtSStS RIGHT Your Opportunity is NOWI While we are placing ourline ot Heat ing Stoves on Show, to select from -the iarge variety of Wood and Coal Heaters ? It -will J take your order and place one in your house, store or office before the cold" weather begifis. You are invited to T! call and see our Btock. .. McKeel-Ricbardson Wuwar? CO. . ~ t: r" IDE The homestead of defendant, here tofore allotted to him, in the above described land, and subject to which this sale will be made. Is that portion whichJ* described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a h4e*bry at tl^ t6p of a hlU in the cow lot south or southoast of the residence, running norta-imrat urtr fafrfUfca dtwtnrefr -or gbgqr ?uu iwt in m om pump. point in the line ditch on Lover's. Lane; thence with and along the line ditch and Lover's Lane, north about J -37 west to a 3-4 inch pipe sunk in "said ditch; thence south about 50 west, a distance of about 744 feet, to a plum- tree; thence south about 5 west, a distance of about 168 feet, to KaJrlnge tree at . the corner of H. N*1 Blount's porch; thonce squth -about [tft wist about *r>8 'ffet, to a-flMSfcle' tree?.lri front of the rosldence. used for years as a hitching post; thenco south about 30 degrees east, a dis "tmee- of ?W*t m feer. to tbe. be glantog; containing about nine \nd one-half (9 1-2) agree, nn aeeuwts description of which may W f burnt In tf>a rfitnras of fha ? tuu ium ill) uf atpwmuai. l??>. Sheriff a*, a ricks, ot B?Wort County, Hgm i| 4jpi' i&w L ^ i Wharwi. It appears to- mt satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary i dissolution tfcflr??L- Jt>y the unani mous .consent of all the stockholders, deposited In my office, that t?e New ftra' Construction Company, a_ cor-j iiui .jjtaigv' tf liwwT pi'lULl Washington, county of fieaufort. State of North Carolina (Geo. T. 1 Leaeh being the agent therein and In s charge thereof, upon, whom process mayj*? served), has complied with [the requirements, of chapter 21, Re jvlsal of 1905, entitled "Corporn tlona," p'relimlnary to the' Issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution,; NoV, Therefore. I. J. .Bryan Grimes, Secretary of BCate of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the s&ld corporation did, on the - 7th day of May. 1909. file In my_ office a duly -executed_awL attested consent in wilting to the of sald-^orporfttto*.- -e* je^Bl by all the stockholders there-. appaSft Mia eonsent and the record fbt the proceedings atot'esald **re now flSL-IUft.iu luy ?ain.-QfTiiP nrmltl?ul tor. lav, t ' > ? : ** In . Testimony Whereof, i have hereunto Ml mjr hand >?4 aBaed pur* jo Acta! seal at Raleigh. tlHs 7th dmr Mr. Harry McMullen went Co Hert ford on the morning Norfolk and ?Southern train. Miss McCIees has gone to New Bern, where she will teach domestic science In the New Bern Public Schools for the next two weeks. - e ? v Mr. Jarvls Sugg returned to Mack Qy's Ferry yesterday. ? t t ? Mr. J. W. Durban, of Bath, was a | Washintgon risltor yesterday. ? ?, Mr. 8. T. Brooks was In the city I Mr. W. A. Thompson, of Aurora, passed through tie city this morning on his way* to Hertford, on profes sional business. , ? --T-; **?? ? Mr. James Ellison is in Vanceboro today, on business. 0 9' R?T .1 A Wt'lllvn l?f? t?-9rrtfn. Tille this morning. He will return this evening. ? ? ,i . i Mrs.- Suffolk Miles returned home this morning from New Bern where she has been the guest of relatives. , ?^5?, C., arfived in Ittie city last evening ? ? Mr. I. ft. Morris has returned from business trip to New York* a/id other northern ettles. ? - ? ? Mr. H. Susnaan is home from Nor folk, Baltimore, *nd other places. , '7* ? Mlsa Mary B. Hoyt went to Aurora yesterday ?W?wiann Mrs. Harry Kldd. of Wilmington, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Khlil Inst nlsht. She left this morn Ing for Edenton where she will vlait. ? ? Mr. M. John went to New Bern to day on business. ? - ? Mr. Stephen C, P.ragaw left for Hertford this morning on a profes sional-visit. . Rev. J. H. Brown, rector of Christ Church, New Bern, who has been to Elizabeth City and Edenton, return ed to hit home today. Mr. S. P. Willis went to Bunyan today. ^ ? " ? iff. O. R. Fuller ^returned to his1 home in New Bern~tjlls morning. ? Ml. n. w. A;m a leiunit'd iuda> un the- 1:45 Atlantic Coa?t bine? train from a business trip to Baltimore. A ?- ? 4 M4*a Marlon Tulhill, of - South Creek; is visit fan Mrs. J. L Mayo* on East Second street* Capt. N. W. Jouea, Mrs. Jones and LdouchtOCS lUn^u.- T.tlllw. H..I i ta, of New Born, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bland, East Main street. ? ? ? Don't fall to witness1 Chrismas Eve at Sunset, a true story of 17S4, at the Gem theater toiiight. ThisJs a drama eVery patron of this ^popular play house should see. Did you ever see me curtain pojt well, if you have a comedy full of wit and laughter, one In which you will readily join. The Rector's Sacrifice is a picture never surpassed fh Washington. It lo ono of tho vory 'j?est plcttrrcg-yct produced at the Gem. Now The Way They Fooled Dad, a farce comedy, Is the ending of a program, for ?variety and interest, will be well worth your jr\a t rptifl irn t nnlght. 1-A?W ? * ? fine and attractive pictures the or chestra will piajrr The music la:st night was continually applauded. b# remomberd bjr *r?t?I?ted at peojilo to mi J??t* ?> -KEKi-AM) MRS.' L w. Jll f.lllvH Mnrh IUffrtt Felt at Ttir>^ rvrpjirt 11 r* Froift FwyettevflTe^ ^ Fayettevllle, Sept 27. ? There was jl largely attended reception given by the fiOPgregat^on of St. John's was attended bythwlr frlSiKts" an churched to Lid tham farewell. Mr. Sind Mm. Hughea left on Thursday, for their new home In Henderson, and' much grief la feTt here at their departure, aa the numerous gifts that they received bore, testimony. Recently the Fayettevllle Indepen:_ dent -fcrlght Infahtryr of which Mr. Hughes is chaplain, presented him with a handsome silver gift, andjils friends oulafde 6t <&i2i own chtfTcli ifhl llkewIae.^St. John's congregation al so gave him a handsome romem; ht^nee. FayetteyMff has sustained a great loss in tfee departure of l^r. and Mrs. Ilughes, and their ftypco.wtD ?ha ... - ?J?. Mrs. HugW la an^ accomplished lamented Rev. N. Collin Hughes, of Chnrnwlnlty. He La quo of the pile's bHtHyt yoiim meu mil mu irmai and neighbors at his old home rejoice ?t_Ws rapid climb as a minister of tho gospel. He has accepted the rec torship o^ the Episcopal church In ; Hendorsota. .-The best wishes of all our people .go with him to his new home. ANNUAL MKKTIXU OF HALCVON CLVB. ?^There will bu an annual meeting of "he Halcyon club Thursday evening, September Ut), at 8:30 p. m. The meeting will be held in Dr. Blount's officer and each member Is earnestly requested to be present. ? J!_ ? F. S. WORTHY, Sec'y. By order of thd President, Dr. J no. j- Blount. : Jas. E. Clark Co's. MillineFy Opening The ladles of the city will reud with gusto the announcement of the fall millinery opening at the James E. Clark .Company. Friday and Sat- . urday, for they will be afforded the': opportunity of viewing the very lat est creatlonal both pattern ayd do- . mestie. This .well-known irm pay special attention to this department and this season they congratulate themselves on giving the ladies of the . city ailTftmumerable collection of hats from which to make their selection. See the. mammoth ad. of M*eir open ing Intoday's News, fourth page. . Remember the opening is Friday and Saturday, and during -both of tiium? uuyn mi m*? niuim \\\ mmmng- ' ton and surrounding country will ro celve a warm welcome. It will be well worth their while to 'visit this popular emporium before purchasing their millinery, for Clark & Company have selected thelr_ hats with care end -they ore -bomxt-fb please nil. They must be seen to be properly appreciated. , I yg "y'00'" TTV TIP* *xnt IMt{_ pu? i?t>j>ta^ ironn pa? ???r.i oj njaviot pa* (Br*d 'aldy! tqlsoj ipjo3 -dooja Tifnanxjd . jo? pur dud ?q pff? auoq *q? m N0U.vav.13ad SA"V ?mod io ?m?q * <a?*x c??,-o ?| aoiooa Asna v Madame Littler's Millinery Opening NEXT SATURDAY Begins stt-4.!) a. Hfc Hnw about an Electric Table "" Lamp? ^They-are "convenient, and for a few days we will sell them at cost.5 WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT DON'T Walk or Ride. Talk Over -Th^ Telephone. You can have a Telephone put In your house in the city or at your farm at a very sur passingly low cost, and save many a long drive and per haps a life by being- in direct -and Instantaneous touch with your Doctor, Grocer. Mer chant and Brok<r? Weather reports and mar ket quotations can -be secured dally. inte.-csted parties are re quested to communicate With MnD.W.Bell.MTci CAROLINA TBL. ANf> | fyi. Oft , Washington, N. C. This pratKMitlon will Intel eat you. mod It would be well to Investigate before the ap proech of the cold Winter mBmST . "TV ! 22 NEW ARRIVALS or DRESS GOODS v \ \ In all shades and at all prices. Your inspection'will give us pleasure. SPENCER BROS. V V HUYLER'S CANDY Fresh Supply Just Received "The Prescription Store. " ^WASHINGTO^ DRUG COMPANY ONLY THE BBS! ? HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES | Carried. We please our J customers or no pay. Tfy . us. UNION GROCERY CO. rE 347. Delivered to any part of city 35 cento quart. Served in any style, sttameda specialty at 113 Market Street. Ocracoke Fresh Dressed Mullets. HIGHEST CASH PRICKS . paid for CHICKENS, EGGS and all COUNTRY PRODUCE We carry Hay, Grain and nil ' kinds feedstuff ? We handle the very beat Flour at wlxiie aale? ... r PAUL & CUTLER EAST W ATER STKKKT. JUST ARRIVED Graham Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, and - _ * New Buckwheat. call up J. T. WYATT. Walter -Qfedle & ?0. JUST ARRIVED Pettijohns, Graham Flour, Shredded Wheat Bis cuit Oat Meal, Cracked Wheat, Corn Flakes,, Post Toasties, Cream of Wheat. Grape Nuts, -Puffed Rice, Puffed \Vheat and many others. Price always right, quality the best. 1 wo delivery wagons and wheel, which in sures prompt service. Phone 123.J J. F. TAYLOE, The Grocery Man. r BE DBE EJE BUY YOUR HORSES and MULES GEO. H. HILL ,1 Your horse will be well cared for at n ?Hill's Stables. I li li ir=nr^M 1 1 -IICLP IS OITERED WORTHV VOi;XCMF,N AND WOMEN.' No how limited rmn mean t of education, the GREAT AMERICAN SHORTHAND AND BUSI NESS COLLEGE, Durham, N. C., Is ready and willing to help Y ou vcare a high-grade Business Education. The ONLY Business College >n the Caro Unas preside over by an Incorporated Accountant and Auditor. A suffi jfusrantee of its superiority. Enter now on easy payment^plan. _ DEPARTMENTS; Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Typewriting. -Teleoranhv -Peiyiansny. Xmi Service, English Brawls. Etc'. LKJteH Eil( ufl road Fare Paid ? Positions Guaranteed. THE I. H..C. TOGGLE-JOINT HAY PRESS V * Is the highest draft, and makes the "most \j* ? compact-bale-of any-press soM. ? * ? BAILEY SUPPLY CO., SALES AGENTS. Kollars and Kuffs THK SPELLING IS BAD. HIT THK WORK WE PUT ON COI.UAR8 AND CUFFS IS PERFECT. rxF. axing axd I'BKSftrvc. -? ? , ' % ?* ? V | ? Alderman-Cap'ehart Laundry, Inc. 132-4 WATER STREET I I ' ? ? b ? ? Hmssi lul liter ?1. Extrft bottles 60c. BruggiaS. iwm>^s3 - -.y-'.-u XiiZ. ? ? -^2* THENORTH CAROLINA Xcuiu atrial College > Slate f&r the

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