WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS "??I I M. I im i . ? ii m i ? i ? ? i ? Entered as tecond-clase matter Augukt &. 1309. at the pofttufllce at Washington,^. under the act of March 3. 1879. PUBLISHED EVKR.Y AFTERNOON -?A1- KXCEPT"St?NPAY. No. ir* East Main Street. <1. I* MAYO, Editor and Proprietor. Telephone No. ?QO. Sl'BSCHIITION It AT US: One Month .... 7 . 77. .7. | 77F Tour Months 1.00 81* Months 1.50 One Year. . . ... 8.00 Subscribers dealrlng the paper din Continued win piease~tfotify this office on date of expiration, otherwise. It will be continued at regular subscrip tion rates until notice to stop is re ceived. ? ^.. 1 If you do not get The Daily Newt promptly telephone or write the man ager, and the complaint will receive Immediate attention. It is our desire to pleas* you. ,14*?. WASHINGTON. N. C.. OCT. l. LET THE NEWS FOLLOW. i?m _ Parties leaving town should not fail to let The News follow them daily *ith the news of Washington fresh | and crisp. It will ?rove a valuable companion, reading to you like a let ter from home. Those at the Mea shoro or mountains will find .The News a ujost welcome and interesting visitor. MI ST 11C SIGNED. , All articles sent to The News for publication must b<- signed by the writer, otherwise they will uot be published. U K AUK (JKATKI TI.. The editor desires to. express his gratitude 10 the pVoplo of Bath. Au rora. Small. Edward, for the many .'dditions to the Daily News-' subscrip tion list during till*. week. 'We take 'this occasion to thank them publicly, and hope to fully measure up to their ? expectation?:. Kor :iic*"~pood .tirtupH s?\id of The News wc are more than grateful. and for the mnsfy courtesies shown our representatives in the flold we are appreciative. They were received ajt every &p PQir.tnieijt with open arms. No more hospitable [reo^Jo live anywhere than in Beaufort county. Remember. The Daily Newn-aud its editor* n re at your | bat k for every good work and will i aid and- assist in fighting for your rights asid aiffbTtiftns. The paper is yours, for yfrtir progress and uplift. and ir we run in our feeble way do something toward building up your community and aiding the people to see the broader view of lite then; we shall feel our mission is bearing some fruit. Let's all worW" together : for beaufort county. Its furtherance .. ami henermeflf. Good Cotton Average but Picking Backward The following story on cotton crop conditions in North Carolina is taken from the .luurtiiil of Conj im-n-t* of New York: condition in quite up to the average I percentage for this time of year and prospects appear aboot'the same as a year ago. Picking Is. however, con-] elderably behind la*t year, when at this tinjp it was 23 per cent gathered. Weather Is favorable and bolls are opening fa*t. and where picked cotton is rushed to market Insert and rust daman-- li^ht )ir. ma,|V correspondents who look for a good yield. , Gaston. ? Top crop fairly good; openinK slowly, , n.onc marketed; weather favorable; no insects or rust; shedding slight. % Davidson. ? The crop. is spotted some farms were poorly worked; oth ers well wofked and average crop will be gathered; drouth In August injured some "late cotton. Fairmont. ? I think conditions are favorable to at t^a^i the basis of SO percent: picking and selllug rapidly. Rutherfordtor,. ? Crop deteriorated about 5 per cent since August 23; no top crop prospects; opening slow; continuous rains; none marketed; picking will ronuoence In about 10 days; crop late; weather still warm and- no frost yet; no insects, no rust nt>r shedding. Red Springs ? Some top crop; good bottom and middle; opening fjisu marketing fast; none held back; weather ?ery favorable; no insacts; rust and shedding light; prospects very good in this section: Carolina's prospects good: Benson. ? Cotton Is opening very fast and Is beln* marketed as fast as picked; no top crop and much shed ding; some deterioration since last report, caused by extreme heat and drouth. Mount Pleasant.? Opening about as usual; marketed slow; 10 days late; farmers lfqldlng; nti lA sects: "weather conditions fine; very" little rust; #Ith late frost many youtiJT i "BoTTs on top of cotton will mature and add to crop. . Y . ? ? - Kinstoa-. ? - Weather fa?orab1u; seed cotton yielding larger percen tage. -of lint JhM usual; thii. Male ia fetter condition than generally re-v . ported. . Tarboro. ? Weatbor Ideal tor ma tnrlgytrop; jield is better than ex pected; while ?on^t.crope are poor others are flfie; looks like 0?rtf 'a agton ? Wei growing crop. :3' ' s. Clayton.? Crop la spotted; sandy lands poor; dHJr Unas Miter " ^'Farmvllle. ? Cotton suffered from the bat, dry weather In August and first of September, causing the young built tu dry up and tail off- ?* Troy.? Top crop Is short as reaufl ~of all weefc?'~dry weather; opening faat; mnrkptlng faut as ginned; no rust nor shedding; weather dry. Knfield. ? Crop two weeks late. Dudley, ? The cotton crop Is ?ery short uhJMh about II open and no top -crop on account of rust. Klnstou. ? No top crop on account of dry August; in many places leaves are air gone; opening fast; marketed fast: crop early; nothing held back. SiantonVbutg ? Cotton being gin ned and sold as fust as picked. Old Hundred. ? The dry weather ruined crop in this section. Lumber ton ? Very little August crop made. Allenton. ? Cotton is nou opening as It should. Roslridaie.? Corn is shortest in 20 years; dry weather has cut it 2o per rent. Raeford? Not opening 4* . fast as desired. / Louisbufg. ? Some portions of the county, where the lands afe red. will gin two-thirds of a crop, but in the sandy portions not over one-half. Raleigh. ? ?rop damaged by dry weather from August 20 to Septem ber 10; farmers say 25 per cent; we are satisfied this is an exaggeration, Newell.-? Forty days ago we had the promise of NO per cent of a crop, but the dry, windy weather caused all of the August forms to- drop; no top crop. | i.i'AiiiuH'i: J -Vri j. m hp i-inum pii'k od and none marketed. j Brodle. ? N* toi* crop; commenc ing 'T?> open f bolls very small; weather very dry for past month; all shed off except grown boll* Pittsboro. ? Cotton Is 3 or 4 weeks late." . Hatiillion.? No Improvement; dry Bestou.'? Cotton -short ; all busy: Sold as fanf as pickoJT* Dunn. ? Weath'eY has been favor- 1 able pant ii) days and crop is being | gathered fast. *"t Kooky Mount. ? A little late 5n| opening: poor crop on light land; i miff and late ami will be affected by | early or late frost. Kenly. ? Th? hot. dry weather Is I forcing the cotton op?m before podsj njature. Meilora.-- r! am straining a -point to | -tt* ? tttJ ? I he drouth ? Hi ? bad rottoii and causing premature open ing- of early. Eaglctown. ? The prospects for a top. crop are poor: opening slowly; no cotton ginned or sold; most farm ers will still when baled: some rust, and shedding very much, owing to Mrv wither:' only ."4 points rain this month up to date. Whltakers ? The cotton- crop seems to fluctuate rapidly" each week. Laurinburg. ? Some think. It has deteriorated much since last report; opening very fast in the past week ; I early frost will cut off all top crop; inarkteed us Tast as gathered; weath er good and picking being rushed. - Derita^Crop slow ? opening; -top crop growing some. Anneta.? Very little picked -and very dry. / Hoseboro. ? Top crop no good; cut off by drouth; picking It becoming general now; farmers are selling through here about as fast as ginned; some few will ?old their cotton later; rust has. done some damage in some farms: cotton opeulivg very fast. Stony Point. ? Conditions very un fjuji.tbie. tm> ? mui-h rain. ? no top crop. Morrlsville. ? The crop has deter iorated considerably since July caused by excessive rain and follow ed by long drouth;' no picking done yet, unless possibly In the more southern part. New London. ? Crop has Improved, in last 20 days a good deal, and pres liml Ideal for cotton. Stubhs. ? No picking as yet amount to anything; the late rains have improved condition. Lilly. ? Very little cotton picked. but picking will soon be general; we are having It very dry and too cold for cotton; top rroTi will be no good. Kittrell.' ? Cotton crop very podr; will not be over two-thirds of a crop. W^ldon. ? We have hardly begu>n picking. Mac'on. ? Just commenced picking. Wei don. ? Picking just begun; crop spotted; some very good, others very poor: .selflnig as fast as ready for the market. Scotland Neck. ? No top crop; 12 to I f days late: drouth causing pre IH>n*t forget to meet me at Hnnly'* Drug Store. CITY MA11KKT. Eggs . . 21c Chickens, grown. * 28 to 30f Spring chickens 10 to 26ei Hides, green ' . . . . 6 to 7c Hides, O. 8 8c WS44 wool, t-t ? ..... l g to 20c Buiry wool, rrrr^ v ? u i?j < *>? to WW 3 1-23 -Wont ?m ttexm fcnni aoj Lambskin . 26 to 4 Ut?k hom and worth on -a slond?? structure 104 feet in height, and Huddtnlyrhoota ooarn ? down into the very Jaws of death, and like a devour ing beast they stand open to destroy*, but with that ifttrepld daring he lands "wifely into a 4x0 tank, containing but 3 1-i feet of water. The most soul-sttrrlng. norvo-racklng sight that has ever been witnessed- x See Young~4!rotliers in their sensational Aerial Act? the Sensation of all Sensations. As unlike (lie old worn-out Street Fair and Carnival as RADIUM la unlike BRAHH. Traveling by special train in their own magnificent palace cars. Opens at 1.30 p. m.; closes at llJWp. m. MEET ME AT TH^ CARNIVAL ^ Corn Test. TO BEAUFORT AM) HYI>K COUN TY FARMERS: Three prlsee of |5. $3 an* $2 will be given In cash an prizes ta the three best exhibit s. of Corn. Each farmer is requested to send five earg of cotn with bis nynnr-ntfd puutuglcg. address to B". K. -Snsraan. president ?nd gen eral manager of the Washington nujae EU'THBf Ca., WglBUlfUm, W. C. The corn wJH bo received and ex hibited st.tho .Washington Horse Eg ^tmnge Co:' from now until Not. 25. Dec. 1st three disinterested judges will decide the contest and award the* prizes. Send In your exlhlbt aa early as possible, which will be placed .'on 4XbJt>U at once, R? p?tfollyr A 6CMJALLON (]AM)l',|\K METAL tank for sale cheap. J. C. Rod man. ? * j 25 CANARY BIRDS FOR SALE ? I have on handv'25 fine canary birds, good songsters, beautiful plumage, guaranteed to sing. Price per pair, ^ 15; single birds, $2.60. Guaran 4 t*?d ?afe delivery anywhere in th*" State. Address W. H. Gasklns. Aurora, N. C. ? . FALL MILLINERY OPENING ON Friday and Saturday, at the James E. Clark Co.'s, store. 8R VE NT Y-FI V E NEW FALL TAIL ored Suits, at 117.75; extra special. See ad. on inside page. J. K. Hoyt. FOR KALE: BEST WEEKLY NF.WS ? popor propooition In N. O? Those meaning business, address Look Out Realty Co.. Beaufort. FOR RENT ? 3po AC RE FARM, lOO acres cultivated. Dwelling- house and out-houses;' one mile from Leechvllle. Address Norwood !,. -w-Slmmons. 8 urday ? 1st and the day's. Jamep Br-Clark h 111 1 r- T ? TT AT ONCE. REUABLE REPHESEN tatives la this vicinity to look after renewals and new subscriptions, part -or whole time, for the fastest growing magazine in America. Lib eral salary and commissions. Live men and women .make $?5 to 9160 a montb. Appointments qow being made. Write immediately to Di rector of Circulation, Hampton's Magarine, 66 West J5tb st, New York Cltj^, _ FOR C OMFORT TRY A DOROTHY" Dodd soft cap flexible shoe. At J. K. Hoyt's. PEACHEST PEARS. LETTI CE. CEIy ery. Basket 6rapea. Fancy Apples, at Rhodes. ? \ THOSE WHO HAVE WAITED FOR the James E. Cfark Co.'s big .mil linery opening will more than con gratulate themselves when they se* the large and complete stock. HTRKOGRAPHF.lt ^ I)i T Y P K wrHer. Lei m'u mltejuui lBLOT., Miss Beultfh TbomasQn ?. Chamber of Commerce. JET "MAT PISH GIVEN' AWAY AND engraved free. See our show wtn dow. AT G. Smlthw fc Co. SPECIAL SALE LADIES' SUITS AT ? 17.75: all colors; see window. J. K. Hoyt'B. ? " ? L. KEAUFORT RESIDENCE FOR HAIJS Larg6. roomy, airy,. conveniently located, near water. Look Out Realty Co>, Beaufort, N. C. AGE NTH WAXTKI) TO TAKE OR ders for "Cook-Peary North Pole Discoveries- Illustrated." Genuine sensation. Whirlwind success. Profits $ ja dally, first. Send ] ? 23c fur aim pit? BWB ? WVKS 16 dax, National Publishers (Estab-, liahed 1857). lakeside Building. , Chicago. ' ' A LADIKS SHOULD SEE THE NEW cloth top button patent 'leather ? ?tin* at J K Hayfa. * THOSE JKT HAT PINS ARK ALL the rage, those are beauties 8mlth g'/ it en, tiavg. ruu gm una an graved free ? tbey are given away, loo. Ask about them. CAFCDIHB for "That Headache.** nervous this morning? Hicks' Capu dlne just the thing to fit you for business. Clears the head ? braces th* nenrw*. Try it. At drug stores. Hicks' (a pad In* Cures Sick Headache There are enough "Idle dollars" in this city to capitaiixe-~-and vital Ur, and materialize ? a hundred plana j like that oiis nf4 yours, a bulncsa I opportunity ad. is the beat Idle dollar ban tar. ' Mfor general SURGICAL Non Contagious MEDICAL CASES H. W. CARTER, M. D. Practice Lia^ted to Diaeaaee of the tnriir, Nofe ahS Throat. ~ * kourai VI) A. M. Cor. Milt ud 2-5 P.M. Gladden Sta., > PHONE 14. -Waablagton. N. C. 4. Dr. I. M. Hardy PRACTICING PHYSICIAN ** ?<" SURGEON Waahlnctoo. N. C. DR. H. SMEI .L ~~~ Dentist. , Office corner of Main and' 1 Respass Streets. Phone 100 V Washington, N. C. - ' ATTORSKYS H. S. WARD ^VNIUS D. GRIMES - ? WARD & GRIMES ' ATTORNEYS- AT -LAW ? J_ Washington, N.JG. We practice in the Courts of the First Judicial District, and the Federal Courts. John H. Small, A. D. MacLean, Harry McMullan. SMALL, MAC LEAN & McMULLAN ATTORNEYS- ATtAV Washington, North Carolina. ? VV. D' GRIMES ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. Practices In all the Courts. \ ? ? ~ WTM. BOND, EdentonrSTc] NORWOOD L. SIMMONS BOND & SIMMONS - ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. -Practice in all Couits. W. L. Vaughan W- A. Thompson VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ^ . ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington and Aurora, N. C. Practice in all the courts. H. CHARTER, JR., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW," Washington, N. C. . Office Market Street. Win. B. Rodman. Wiley C. KodauuT RODMAN & RODMAN Attorneys-at-Law Washington, N. C. R, L STEWART - PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER and JEWEL&R. . Corner Main and Market Street*. Just received a large assortment of the latest designs In Jewelry. Re . pairing a specialty. B. B. Goldstein, We are stilt doing business at our old stand. In this period between the aaaaons are still satisfying nus tomers. Our fall samples are already in and we can take your order now for imnediate or futare delivery. Yours for business, H. B. Goldstein* '? For FIRE INSURANCE see J. and P. B. MYERS The J. H. Simmons Marble and Granite Co. Prices mad Work Rl?hl. WASHINGTON. N. C. WHITE -BARBER -SHOP The only flnt-claN white ihof la city. A trial will convince anyone o 4 im ooable Judcnaeot. . We have 1 chain. ] first-class white barber*. Sstlfsctlon aeeured. Opposite Postal office. A. B. DR AUGHON, Prop. I ? C. MORGAN WILLIAMS INSURANCE of all kinds. ?- < DEOPLE who ire troubled with ? 1 ttiffnefl and poor circulation should use It penetntet and act. like rnKssegn, bat doe* not require robbing.