i LEGAL NOTICES ~ ' CERTIFICATE OP DISSOLUTION. State of Nort^ Carolina, ? DepartMeot efc Kato.-^? all to whom these present* may \ Whereas, & appear* ta. $iy aaUe LJ fictfyn. brjyjxj authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof, bj^ the unani mous consent of *il the stockholders, deposited In my office, that the New . Era Construction Company, a cor poration of this state. whose prlnci -pal office Is situated Is ' the city of ~ Washington, county of Beaufortr Btate of North Carolina (Geo. T. Leach being the agent tfiereln and in charge thereof, upon whom process - hi WTTftf). hag^ compiled with the requirements of chapter 21, Re vlsal of 1905. entitled "Corpora ^Mffna," preliminary to the Issuing of . this Certificate of Dissolution. ?" ' ?" Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan. Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporatldfi/'did, on the 7th day of May, 1909, file In my office a duly executed and attested consent In writing to the dissolution of said corporation, ex ecuted by all the stockholders there of, which said consent and the record ?* of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office, as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set mjMmnd and affixed my official seat at Rale'gh, this 7th day oT May, A. D. 1909. \f J. BRYAN GRIMES, (Seal.) Secretary of State. NOTICE OF EXECUTION BALE. ? y.ortfl LtTBi.uu, Maufuii euuntj. iu the Superior Court The J. E. Ty gert Company vs. Thos. H. Blount. By virtue of an -execution directed to the undersigned, from the Superior court of Beaufort county, in the -Kboie-aiititled action. I wtll. on Mon day, the twenty-fifth (25th) day of October, 1909 (It_being_tbe first day of the October terpj, 1909,' of the Su perior court of Beaufort county), at twelve (12) o'clock, poon, at the courthousc door in said county, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right. - tittle and/interest* which the said Thos. H. Blount. the defendant, has In the following described real es tate, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land known as "Sans Soucl," lying _iuat northeast of the city of Washington, in Beaufort county, in the State of North Carolina; beginning at & cedar post on the Plymouth road, running thence south 59 1-2 weBt 2148 feet; thence north 45 1-2 west 1442 feet; thence north 38 east G17 feet; thence north 22 1-2 west C93 feet; thence ~~ north 33 degrees east 1222 feet; thence north 59 1-2 east 510 feet; thence south 37 east 2900 feet, to the ? WKinjiiui, conmning ana nunufta and twenty-five (125) acres, more or leBS. if being the purpbse and intent of this .description to include the farm on which the said Thos. IL Blount now Resides, and has resided for a numtoer'or years, Md which Iv bound- f ed approximately aa hereinbefore In- [ dlcated. . ' * ? / tofore allotted to him, In the above j described land, and subject to which this sale will be made, is that-portion which is described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a hickory at the top Of a hill in the cow lot south or southeast ot~ the residence, running north about fifty (50) ea'st a distance of about 900 feet to an old pump point in the line ditch on lever's fcPH thence with and along the line ditch and Lover's Lane, north about 37 west to 8,3-4 Inch pipe sunk in said dltoh ;* thencC south about 60 west, a distance of about 744 feet, to a plum tree; thence south about 5 west, a distance of about 168 feet, to a fringe tree at the comer of "ll. N. 3" Blount's porch; thence soutn aoout 60 west about 65 feet, to a maple tree, in front of the residence, used for years as a hitching post; thence south about 30 degrees east, a dis tance of about 255 feet, to the be r ilnalni;jMflBini about nine' amf . y . *ni ^ the returns of the appraisers in the proceedings for the allotment of homestead. * This 25th day of September, 19.0*. Geo. E RICKS, Sheriff of Beaufort County. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AKUuJS^R RiNT OP ATTACHMBNT. North Carolina, Beaufort County. Washington Township, - Justice's Court. Before A. Mayo, J. P. Geo. W. Owqn and Geo. M. Owen, trad ing as Geo. N. Owen and Boners. E. H. Hyman. The defendant above named will take notlcST* TEat a summons In'the above - entltled-action ? was issued against said defendant on the 97th ? day of September, (909.. by A. Mayo, Justice of . the Peace, of Beaufort county, North Carolina, for the sum of two hundred ($200.00) dollars, due the plaintiff by judgment ren : ? aaA mmt me defendant in the-Court of Uw and Chauncery.of the City of -Norfolk, ; " YllflnU, on Manh Itlh. T^Ol, whlrii summons ia returnable before said' ' justice, at hie ofllee in Washington, in wSd county and In Washington township on Tueeday the 16th day ot October. 1209, aft'# o'clock, a. m. | What Washington Wants is YOU? on Monday, October 4th. Don't lewVe ittowomebody et??? come yoOr ?clf. . "WM. BRAQAW * CO., Fir <t Inra^um A|Mta U Washington. N. C. WHO HAS YOUK] Fire Insurance ? V ? Havens-Small Bld'g [CARL D. PARKER, Gen'l Insurance. Four Years Experience. 'Phone 85# Now Your Summer Suit Feels Likej You're Sitting on a Block of Ice Uncomfortable, Isn't it? ' Come In and rfew our--nW-etyle kinks. In business suits. 4?^'re 'neYej a mlnufe behind the nowpst metropolitan fashions. Our fabrics look well and wear well. Our prict* are casjr of reach. Wright's Tailoring Parlors, "Who Tailor Best in Washin^toiv." ANNOUNCEMENT WE arc headquarters for floor Coverings. We ore showing an ex tensive- line 1-4, I-2t and all wool Ingrain.- Also Brussels in Stair Carpet and Stair Patterns. Art Squares 6x9, 8xlt, 9x12 feet, in Crex, Gran ite. Ingrain, Brussels, Arjninister. We have a large and varied line of RUGS: In all sizes and patterns in Moquette. Velvet, Brussels, etc. See our specisl Velvet Rug 27x54, at $1.5# and *2.25. They are equal to ordi nary Moquette at a much higher price. J. F. BUCK.MAN &gSON WK SELL FURNITURE. WfilEHT PBESStS D'Cill J I ? =" ? ? ""I Your Opportunity is NOW I (? ; .,Kki* WhileWeare placing ourline otHeat ing Stoves on show, to select from the large variety of Wood and Coal Heaters. It will be our pleasnre to take your order and place one in your house, store or office before the cold weather begins. You are invited to call and see oar stock. McKeel-Richardson HardwaieJlo^ -v-lr-: NOTICE r Now is the time to have your gas lamps1 put in orHjgv It will cost you nothing to have than inspected and adjusted^* Welsbach burner will give you 80 candle power and cost only 1-2 cert- per front. See the GAS MAN. ?bore named for the return of the summons, when and where the >fle fetndant is required to appear and answer or demur' to the complaint, or the relief demanded will be granted.- -.Ji'- [- v- -> Thll the 27th day ,of September. 1?0V. A- J**T0>,f Juitloe of the Peace. notici or KXEcrtrftb* waT North Carolina, Beaufort coiwUjr. In the Superior court. Washington Horse Bxchan KeflMMi v* HenJ to the undersign above entitled action; on Mon- 1 day, the let day of Kov?mber. H0?, at It o'clock, nottn, at the courthouse door In said>ouaty..^0ll. to the high est bfdder, tec eaahf;to, UUefy said execution, all the ^Ight, title and In adjoining the lands ? of Noah Little and otbera. and bounilM u follcrwg, vie: A cbrtaln lot of 4and lying and being. In the town of Washington, and In. that part thereof known aa Van Nordan Town. ?n41 jln* cp; tie w?St ?KMotPHmxmt. batn* forty t)ra 41B> (eat In width, and running taflfc ? dtata?*? ot two burtd rail uM tan (110J '**<-?' bounded on tli? ??Jt by fMrtt *tr?at. and on tie north. ?o?tb wear ur the hid of Koab" Utile, aftd won known rt 11)0 ml. d?M at P. a. Medlar, wbflreom k* resided for imray yeatSr-Awi Whiefr CQliraT.d to bin br Noah. MM*) -*"e. by dawl duly recorded -to f*he ? H eg later *b ? ogee1 of Pc*nfort | county: Tuy loth "Ur ol September. }?o? OEO. K. HICK8. Mariff ?|j'! Mrs. 8. J. ButbM. of RaTfitKrimii her -two sfcUdren, spoilt the night lq town, en route to her home after a visit at thp home pf Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Edj**f&r -?t Edward, M. C. -0 ? MIimi Marie and- Mary Hardy, who have been superintendents of nurses at the Washington Hospltat, tefrthls morning for Washington City and Roanoke, Va. ?- '? In Oh? city ywterdly" from1 Edward! Mr. E. L. Dawson spent today In Greenville on business. Mr. W. M. Cooper left this morn Ing for Greenville. .Sheriff Goo. 12. Ricks went io Greenville today on: business. . . ? . ? Mr. H.iS. \Vard returned yesterday afternoon fcom court at Hertford. ? ? , Mr. Will Wlndley returned yester day 'afternoon from a trip to Cleve land. Ohio. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sparrow return ed yesterday afternoon on the N. and S. train fi'om a trip to New York, Boston and Bershire Hills. ? ? ? Mr. M. F. Watson- left town yes tertiay on a business trip to,Vanco boro. ; ?#>; ? Miss Mary B. Hoy t returned yes terday from a trip through the coun ty on business tor The ,Newn. I Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Fowle returned yesterday afternoon after a northern trip of several weeks. New York city, Boston, and the Berkshlres were visited. of Chocowinlty. spent the day in town yesterday. * * Mr.-Lee 'Stewart left yesterday af ternoon for Greenville. ? -m ' ? ? Capt. Nx AV-..Joxics'and daughter. Miss Lillian, left jfesterdav for their home In New Berfl, after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bland. Mr. Nat Fulford went to Greenville yesterday on bulsne3s. Mr. /and Mrs. Tllman Paul and chil dren, of Aurora* spent the day in j town yesterday. t ? Mrs. H. M. Dixon, of Wharton. j spent the day in town yesterday. ? -> ^ Mr. G. ??. Edward went to Ayden | yesterday on business. Miss Laura L. Whitley, of Wll Uamston. left for ier home yester- 1 day. after a visit to Mrs. Chas. Hus- 1 sey, On East Main street. . Mrt H. McMullenV-ft yesterday, on the A. C. ~t?. trafl^Tor Norfolk, on business. '* ? ? ? Miss Marlon CUtl^^South Creek, returned home this' afternoon. . ' ? Jp - ? -? Mr. M. M. Jones went to Bath yes the speaking. ? ? Rev. D. W. Davlf wafc In the city to uneral yesterday. ? 4* Mr. 8. T. Nlcholion. of Bath,. left this morning for Baltimore, where he will resume hie ntudles of medicine at. the Johns Hopkins Medical Col lege. 'V. " ? ? Elder J. T. Butter went to Colum bia this morning to jUl.bls regular Mr. W. Cpxtou. Assistant General Passenger Agent- of the Norfolk and Southern, passed through the city to day. ? * Mrs. R. S. Goodaon and daughter, Miss Madge, who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. B. T. Jennett. left this morning for tlltlr home in Scot land. Va. Supply Co. ' Co ?UpU? rntnrnxil this morning from Greenville. ? ? -* ? ' Mlaa ? LI it la M ? flTfihs, nf ? HAlh. , paused through the city today, route to Norfolk, where she will en- [ Xm''>CrfWr ? ? ? Hr J T nnH MISS Mary Nicholson, of Bath, were In the city today, en route to Norfolk, where Miss Nicholson will resume her studies. Mr. John Fulford returned today I on the Norfolk and Southern from a | business trip to Farxnrille. ? Mrs. W. T. Ronner aad MIsa Mary Virginia- Bpnnsr left this mornkiK for Baltimore, where Hiss Bonner will reaume her studies. Mrs. Bonher will continue her home In Trenton. N. J. * * - Mr^ A- B. Sn)lth;;now of AsSertH*\ aryir?^ te u>r~ city morning for ? -* ?? The nloiur"* it the bem last night were much <*aJOyed by the audience. ?? magle picture and the merry widow wait*. The singing of Mr* Koft eljoltefl much aintfause, and .the playing of the orchestra was, as usual a pleasure to listen t* Tonight JUL I *PW. an .rrcrr. Wh.r. It raUl [tor frr??Ll? aulle a conr<.nl?nc? to tta farmar Quito a number of tbam ha?e already b??n pvrtbaaed In thla [A PLEASANT WAY TraitrCATARRHl Poor deluded victims! - ^ . Contlhually sprinkling and spray-] log aud stoipach do*lug. \VniUro ydtt doing' It for? Might Just as well try to kill a cat with fresh milk. v . ! 8tlc\ln|r a piece of chewing gum In j the Mppor lefL liinri rnrnpr of the right -ear would slaughter just as many germs. ? -y^M-ean't-lcmtlie gernia_llia? cause catarrh unless you get where they are. You can get where the germs are -by breathing Hyomel, the powerful yet soothlngr antiseptic, which Is pre pared especially ?<.to kill, oatrrrh germs. Just bre-vthe It In. that's all. -It I Kives Joyful reliof in five minutes. It ? Is guaranteed. by Brown'4 Drug Store | to cure catarrh, or money back. It sold by leading' druggists ev erywhere. A complete outfit. Includ ing Inhaler, costs fl.OO. Extra bot tles. 50c. Cures sore throat, '-coughs and colds. w - " - "I take especial pride In recom mending Hyomel to asthmatic suffer ers, as I know by experience that It is a remedy that cures. I have not since using Hyomel had any recurrence of asthma."? Mrs. Wm. Burton, Owos sfn. Micb.. June 22. X309 CROUP b Ihc Ihott that hunts mn hour of a ? child'/ lilt COWANS PREPARATION glm TnaUnt rdtrf tod comfort Ju?t nib ? Haw about an Electric Table Lamp? They are convenient, and for a fey days we will .sell;them at cost. WASHINGTON |?i Fr'Tmr pi i xtt |=iQU==lL=, 11 DON'T 11 lit Walk oiLiiide. Talk Over $The Telephone. You can have a Telephone pui in your house In the city or at your farm at a very anr paaslngly low coat, and save many a long drive and per hapa a life by being in direct and Instantaneous touch with your Doctor. Grocer, Mer chant and Jiroktr, ??Weather reporta and mar ket quotationa can be secured J2| Sally. Inte/csted parties are re Mr. D.W. Bell, M'g'i CAROLINA TEL. AND . -TBI, CO.. Washington, N. C. Thla proposition will inter eat you. and it would be well to Investigate before the ap proach of the cold Winter || months. || Lb ' =nnr==0 NEW ARRIVALS OF Z DRESS GOODS la alt shades ?> ?? prirer Your inspection will give us pleasure. SPEHCER BROS. HUYLER'S CANDY Fresh Supply Just Received "The Prescription Store." WASHINGTON BRUG COMPANY t | " ONLY THE BEST I HEAVY AND FANCY j GROCERIES ? ir i Carried. We please ouf | customers or no pay. Try | ht -I UNION GROCERY CO. Delivered to any part of city 25 cents quart. Served in any style, steamed a specialty at 113 Market Street. J. Ocracoke Fresh' Dressed Mullets. ? " J. T. WYATT HIGHEST CASH PRICES ? paid for .'CHICKENS, EGGS and all COUNTRY PRODUCE We carry Hay, Grain and all kinds Feedstuff - ? We handle the very best Flour whole sale. j ? PAUL & CUTLER EAST WATER STREET. JUST ARRIVED Graham Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, AtfD New Buckwheat. CALL lTP Walter Credle & CO. JUST ARRIVED iBS! Pettijohns, Graham Flour, Shredded Wheat Bis cuit, Oat Meal, Cracked Wheat, Corn Flakes, Post Toasties, Cream of Wheat. Crape Nuts, Puffed Rice, Puffed Wheat and many others. Price always right, quality the best. Two delivery wagons and wheel, which'in sures prompt service. 'Phone 123. ' J. F. TAYLOE, BUY YOUR FROM GEO. H. HILL Yoiit horse will be well cared for at Hill's Stables, r . ?HELP IS OFFERED? WORTHY YOUNG MEN ANt> WOMEN. No matter how limited your mean* of edjfitlon. the GREAT AMERICAN SHORTHAND AND BUSI NESS COLLEGE, Durham. N. C., Is ready and willing to help Yap secure a high-grade Business Education. TheONLY Business College in the C ar?? Unas presided over by an Incorporated Accountant and Auditor. A suffi cient guarantee of its superiority. Enter now on easy payment plan. DEPARTMENTS; Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting, Telegraphy, rn Ul" Ivn?lWh ilrafvohe*, ?tc.--?xpert Faculty ? Rail- . r^mVrTT .. ? ? ?/; r.t.'VfrM HAY PRESS Is the lighest draft, and makes the most compact bale of any press sold. BAILEY SUPPLY CO.. SALES AGENTS. THE I. H. C. TOT,ai .F-IOIMT

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