WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS Entered as vecond-cl&M maiter ? tiie poetofflce ml Washington. N. -C.. under the act of ? frrm. ? ?J PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. No. 114 Eaat Main Street. ? J. I? MAYO. Kditor And Proprietor, Telephone To; 200. One Mouth . . . Four Months. Six Mouths. . . One Year .... Subscribers desiring the paper tlls on dattj of expiration, otherwise. -It w tit be continued at regular subscrip tion rates until notice to stop Is re ?elred. ? '?'i* If you do not get The Dally News promptly telephone or write the man ager, and the complaint will receive Immediate attention. It is our desire to pleaso you. i i ? ? _____ WASHINGTON*. N. C.. OCT. LET THE YEWS KOI.I.OW. Parlies leaving town sliould not fail to 1?'C The News follow them dally *lth the news of Washington fresh and crisp. It will prove a valuable companion, reading- to you like a let-; ter from home. Those at the sea shore or mountains will Hud The News a rnoii welcome and Interesting visitor. _ f MI ST ItE SIGNED. All articles sent to The News for I publication must be s:gneu by the writer. rrtTerwJso' .tiinj- -wttt not be publlsl^. DAY OE .DECISION. ? ulzetis of Beaufort county cross the; Rubicon. They will say to the outside world whether or not the Mattamuskeet railroad comes to Washington from Belhaven. The ? outeoHjo of ? this mass meeting awaited with interest by every citizen' in this and Hyde county. The future of our people are at stake., the prog ress of our county lies +n the bal Monday we either grasp an other rung in the ladder of progress, or we fall utterly helpless to the bot tom h we afford asjoyal elUsens to adopt the taller frourse? Must we not take on, new life, new vigor, -and proceed U] m;nh nnwaed ? ttbreasr with our neighbors ? can we afford to say to tho Council of State we don't want your road ? your conditions are loo exacting? Never? .. _ The Dally N^wi has too much con fidence in the manhood, the Integrity, the loyalty of Beaufort county cltl-j xenship, to believe other than they will vote as a unit for the building of I Ihig road from hh h h won , ?? every citizen along the proposed route and all over the county, If need be, will not only use evert' available means for this consummation, but In addition give his dollars to further: the project. The construction of the Mattamus- : keet road to this city means too much feythg community to be aefeatea; u means totfmuclffttr the- people. The Council of State have said the road is yours, provided you meet the State half-way. Will we do it? -'1~.T*Z tVf^9-T)eiieVT?K o 1 jT^enp^^WW? They will accede to the wishes of the State Council willingly, gladly and without protest. Monday Is the day of 'decision. Our people expect to make history that day ? history they will never regret. ABOUT ADVERTISING. .Wiiat a narrow id* a ->nm? biiMiu-M ! men Ami wr]uir.?ii >: - J.ave about a<l-' vertirfhg. When th?*> *perhl a Utile i mon?v ami net thir.iH ?onjlr.g th?*ir way. (h'?v *hiii .off tli?> power a?Kl-?*?-| peer t!i* trrnttntR* b>.*roafter to ?io it*i own work. Th?-'i might a * vvolJ^.*x-| r..-rt f., } IV. ;-!l T^gat ttgmtmt llWI? 1 in Watihlngtcii with only the power [ ' t .1 ?"l ? ?n i ? [ ? I i M It t . morn It'* ?1 i*Sr. "t >'iy> lilai. ! and iik every ot'i^r per-d^to'ii and s?y.--temai i'- piJv: vc.MtfrJ l" be, >i;i year a:>r y?>ar'.' .Th' TJn!l- rr tTTIT-i aj1fhy""a firm lose* bufdiiep-t "by a?l v-r? iyiw?. Jr. fiof i.tgti^glljr k"<Si^ii!4 _ai it. That i.-i a :-'ir- rmrt to stirrer. IM?KI'KNr?V:M K KOl< Tin: Y UtMHIt. The Star notes In one of its Xorih Carolina exrhangfs that farmer* who haul their cotton to market and can'i get their price, Jn*t h?'?l It -bftck home. .This indleatos the independence o{ the -North Carolina farmer. Iiu_doe?-_ he thinks his. cotron Is worth, consid ering the conditions Involving a short rrop, lUl'HMM'd demand for pie. and other factors which mak? The. North Carolina farmer Is ou' of debt, he has plenty to eat at homo, and he cu afford- to hold his cotton till he geta good and ready. He may make a- mistake in doing it. but he, 1* . ? ?bl?. la bjf ?y. to <*k? M ro.nr cbwtoM ?? *07 bod} rnHrn. It all gom fc> ibo* thu th. terowr la Id "ko5T :: i ?*?' 7". . *?' s I .T 'rsrv fix." and we ftB'know that when the farmer U~ contented and "?happy and got thing*-- coming hit way. there^a prosperity ahead for everybody. _ ' Wb^lT wfe help to mane a~gn cttHwe nay la -v^rtfe Caroltufl. flr.ft. ftulld-_ t it K foundation tor prosperity. A dtsaBter to crops, op unprofitable Agricultural operations, meaos-rw prosperity for the farmer and It spells stagnation for commercial and man ^ofac luring interests -all ? ovw ? ill La country. We are for the farmer, because we j know "wh^t side our bread in but-! tered 011." We aye for the farmer i because we believe his toil should ">Oll?H for something. We nrc tur the farmer for the reason that when ilmea mv good fpt-hlm it is. good for. the merchants, the manufacturers ind the bankers. We havejheen In the came with the farmer for a, long time and he always gives us a square deal- ? and a square meal, if he is a North Carolina farm er who is carrying on his o|*erations in the finest country outside- af "Ar cady." ? Wilmington Star. I.i:>s:i\> <n JOHNSON'S H1SK. While tlie laminating hope of -AmTirrtn boyhood, that no "lad is loo lowly born fo rise to tlie '"White House lias been somewhat obscured by the J eminently respectable antecedents- ot recent Presidents. it receives new lus ter from the career of Gov. John A. Juhuson. of Minnesota, whose death last week cux short the expectations of his. friends that he .would receive ?the. Democratic - nomination? for -tire Presidency in 1912. His name, says the St. Haul, Dispatch. ."A'Ut always ?controvert the gloomy misconception that society does not now welcome ? i !iiii iii -i it un:i iisiiiuy irom wtiatever source they may come, or however humble the station from whlchthey spring." -And the Minneapolis Jour nal. another- Ke]>ubllcan paper, says of the. D^mtirrai who was tlmm times elected Governor of ? llepubllcan State: "His love of the common folk w'as sincere. He sympathized with their struggles. He aided thenbhy precept. But he did infinitely mere for them by his example. He proved by his life that the battle with obscurity and poverty, while always hard, is- never hopeless. He has left Minnesota in ?his life a lupmy which blie can never i lose, more valuable than her grain covered acres, more precious than the riches of her Iron hills." The ?.a:-eer thus referred to Is out lined as follows by the Philadelphia Record : "Persons who imagine thajt a su perior variety ? of human being can be produced by breeding from choice ?amir.* in ttWfcWWttl f of cattle, must find It rath.er difficult to account for a character like that of Gov, John A- Johnson, of Minnesota. His father was a Norwegian black smith. an immigrants who would probably have bgen sent back from Ellis Island now lecause he was in; temperate. He gave no evidence of Intollfotuul superiority over the class he belonged to. He married an immi grant girl of the same social and In tellectual level as himself. The hus band, after a brief effort at reform. authorities sent him to the almsUouse so that his Kile, who was supporting herself and her children by taking in washing. shpuliTiiot have him -also to support., ??Recently when some friend was i remarking on the career of the son. ?John A., he replied simply: -J just tried to make good.' His mother man- I aged to l;ee;? h'Lm in ^^poLi'll hi1 had 1 niil.Oinl i In luminal Mudes. nm\ ai | thirteen hc,^ot a ,J?>b in a general! and Thereafter bTs* motjjer nev- 1 ^r worked '.'or hire. There were oth-l -r children, Jjiit * hey were supported \ and ? a ted. John worker! in a drug I joorc. and hi u. p I'in lei-'d ? shoiL Hej worked at anything In1 rnuM rhi, h**! ? n? nt l -s ih-i:' ron-^ For Pain "Sloan's .Liniment is a Qiiiefe - and safe remedy for croup, cough or coljl, pftin in the chest, sore throat, enlarged tonsils, asthma and bronchitis. - -No matter where the pain is_ Sloan's Liniment gives instant relief. Yot? don't nave to rub ? it penetrates and ? acts like massage. ; TTfte tlila Liniment always in- _ stead sticky plasters, be cause it acts quicker and does not dor up the pores oi the akin. m At mil Om wMt Mr Jfc . SO*, m* $1.00. Dr. brtiu, tttN. education by reading. He ?ot an lo vttb Ui.^Uob.1 ftmrtjuul because be always tried to make good tinl made friends. he -was elected to the State Senate. Five years ago he was IW twin orfattr candlWHHTO^TK# governorship ' In a Republican 9u(?. I His opponents were imbecile enough I to attack him bn the ground that his father was a drunken loafer and his quffnce of "that he**!- a ^9 '2 , 0 0 0 "aheXl of his ticket and waB elected. . From That Time forth he became a political lifeure of national magnitude." The death of Governor Johnson leaves Mr. Bryan In undisputed con: trol of the Democratic party, thinks the New York Tribune (Rep.). To quote: 'rHfcs death leaves only two Demo cratic governors in Nt^thern Slates available for a presidential nomloa tiau. ? .ludsftn Harmon, of Ohio, and Thomas>lt. Marshall, of Indiana. But neither of rhem has impressed the country as Governor Jxihnsou suc ceeded in impresiilng It. Mr. Harmon waft In Mr. Cleveland's second cabi I net and, though lie has since support ed Mr. Bryan, is still more of a Cleve land conservative than u Bryan rad 4eak Ha hafc been- a receptlv^-?w?di daio for the presidency for the lust six years, but has failed to attract ! f support, ^hieliy because of the vague-' | ness with which he discussal public J questions. To become a *et'ious?Xa?-^ jrrtr^ih the next - Democratic n?K iona! . convention he will have to carry Ohio once more In 1910. and his reelection .' is. rai.Jier- iw{u'ubablu_ Governor Mar shall will remain In office until 1913. . yet so far he has shown little dlspo- j sitlon to make a contest for the con-' trol of the national organization. If h i nvM- vn? m Rnvrnwf ?<? bo I elected In New York in 1910 he ? would naturally become the candi date of- the antl-BryanUea. 'But at presentMhe Nebraska chieftain finds the Northern field swept practically clear of dangerous rivals." THKY STAYKD ATHDMK. "It'll- lodge meeting tonight." said Brother Brown. "But I don't believe that I'll go down. I'm tired, and It's pretty cold tonight. And everything will go alright If I'm not there." So he sat and read The paper awhile, then he went to bed, ? ? Having stayed at home from the meeting. "It's lbdge meeting tonight." said: See our line of chamois akin*, 5c to ? vent size. Hardy's I>ryg Store. If You Are a Business Man With Foresight You will buv a Piece of ffaU valuable water troni property now. I net* you II own it wImo lh? inland wat#r rou t a |( a reality. See m? at once. A. C. HATHAWAY. Leon Wood MEMBERS N. Y. COTTON EXCHANGE James W. CoU J. LEON WOOD & CO., BANKERS and BROKERS STOCKS. BONDS. COTTON. GrImN and PROVISIONS. 73 PLVMF STREET, ICARPXNTERBtlLDINC. NORFOLK, VA. Private Wire* to N- Y. S?ock Exchange. N. Y. Cqltan Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade and other FinancTalCenters. Correspondence respectfully solicited, Investment and Marginal accounts given careful attention. ? ?&!>>, g2>j ji. fit /S"i> &K. tftlf I>> EAST CAROLINA | 1 Teachers' Training School ?ci >->> ?(l ' Established and maintained by the State tor the young men andjvomen vv^o wish to ProfeS9'on g>, tation perfect7 %? SESSION OPENS OCTOBER 5TH, 1909. . For prospectus and information, address ROBT. H. WRIGHT, ?sl ^ President, Greenville, N. C. . ' - t fe Brother CreJ! "But 1 guess 1 had better stay awajr; I don't like the way the youug (oiks take ? Things into their hands, and try to make fun. "" 1 think something sensible ought to be done," So he stayed at home from teh meet ing. Thus one and another made excuse. And Baid as long as they paid their dues. * And assessments promptly. they could not see What the difference was If they should 1). Away from thy lodge room on meet ing night And argued to prove that they were right Tn staying at home from the meeting. And the earner officers of that lodge. And the faithful few who didn't dodge " Around their duties and try to shirk. But did their own and other's work. Grew discouraged at last, and in dis may The Grand ? Lodge ? U*ok ? Uw? charter Because all stayed at home from the meeting. J And it served them right. { ? Orphan's Friend? You can 1m* Mire that, when a store has a bargain to offer you. It will tell you so in its ads. -CAPL'DIXE fflr "Tliat Hpartfiw.'*1 | Out last njjght? Headache and | nervous this morning? Hicks' Capu dlne Just the thU>? to fit you for business. Clears the head ? braces 'be nerves. Try It. At drug stores. [ HJcEk' Capudine Cures 8lck Headache R\REYROr>V WTI J VTSIT THE FIREMEN'S GRAND " CARNIVAL and GALA WEEK THE FAMOUS WASHINGTON, N. C., WEEK OF OCT. 4TH TO OCT. 9TH, INCLUSIVE Six Jolly Days and Six Merry Nights of Solid Fun, Recreation and Amusement! ? o THK I.AIUiKST AMI (iRAM)KST KXHIJMTioN OF 1T8 KI.\I> IX THK WOKLI). A (JLinKRING, COR TiF.OI'S PAXOIMA' OF FIX AND FROLIC. - - :t<H) People, :i(Hi Performers', lo Bit; K('aiiirc Hliows. ;i Sensational and Thrilling Free Acts, '2 Magnif icent ItidinK Devices, 2 (.rami Concert and Military Band*. - The World's Famous I loyal Italian Hand will ~gT77Tr~ _"ir~VTirw7J ""d CVllMliL. Free Concerts and Free K>lilbltlotis every hour. Home thin# doinjs all the time. I ^ \/T A 'T'F \ V 1,50 ma!: U l!l nerves ?' stee' and skill which only ccines to the great and kJtC iVl/v A 1 Vjf l\. I strong. _See h in as he stands between heaven and oarth on a Ktp;idnr structure ji' i feet in height, and suIcJTnly shmits-TTmrft jflown into -the very jaws of death, and like c devour ing beast they stand open to destroy; but with iluu intrepid flaring he lands safely Into a -5x0. tank, containlsg but " 1-. fret" of waierT The niosi soul-stirring. nerve-racking sight that has ever been uitnessed. Sec Vomit; Hi-others in their ser rational Aerial Act ? the Sensation of 'all Sensations. - ? As unlike the old' "wofivotii Strret Fair and (arnica I as H,\T> 1 1 M in unTft.e i"raveU!Iff~TTy~gfiTOI:il iraiii in their own magnificent pala<e ears. at 1.30 p. m.; closes at 11.30 p. m. MEET ME AT THE CARNIVAL Corn Tj?st. TO KKAI'FOKT AM* HVI)K COI'X-j TV FAIIMKKS: I Three prizes of $5. $3 ami S2 will be Riven In rash a* prizes to tho three hem exhibitfl of Corn. Each farmer | a requested to wend five ears of corn with his name and postofllce address eral manager of the \Vashtngton Horse Exchange Co., Washington/ N. r. The ffirn^wll'l h? r wri ?? hlbfted at the Washington Horse Ex change Co.. from now until Nov. 2G. "Dec! lgt thfgr~dfitiUerCTt?d judgng will decide the contest and award the prices. Send In your exlhlbt as early *? possible, which will be placed on exhibit at once Reepectfull?, -BQR GENERAL SURGICAL Contagious MEDICAL OSES (MISS) JULIA ?'*. BKTH, _opp5tTu5fe Estimate six word* to the line, and inclose payrnentwlth copy. Answers to ads. mar be received at thU'oftJce. Tor lnaure promnt attention all adver tisements should be In business office j by 12.45 ra. Ada. by messenger, tele phone or mall given careful attention J WANTED^? TWO OR 8 AUK NTH TO hatidlo a money-making proposi tion; hustlers can" make lltLft day" easily; we Want people with ginger now. You. can write us. or call at The" office. W. E. Jones, Wafhlng AT ON^pJlKLIAIlLK REPRE8EN tatlves lnTbls vlclnttyto lopk after renewals and new subscriptions, 1 part or whole time, for the fastest j -growing fnxrgazine in America. I;tb , eral snlary and commissions. Live me* and women make $35 to $150 a month. Appointments now being made. Write immediately to Di rector of -Circulation. Hampton's Magazine, 66 West 35th at,, New York City. 25 CAN AH Y HIRU8 FOR SALE ? 1 have on hand 25 fine canary birds, good songsters, ijfiautlful plumAge, I guaranteed to sing. Price per pair, ?5; single birds. 12.50. Guaran teed safe delivery anywhere in the State.* Address W. H. Gaaklns, Aurora. N. C. WILL TrtE GENTLEMAN TO WHOM . i?anrtl ~r iiBilill" 1 *???**' please return them. II. C. Sra gaW; . . ?" POK RENT ? 200 ACRE KAKM. lOO acres cultivated. Dwelling house and out-houses; one mlle from |lPy/>hvm? TArtiiran -3>or?ood X Simmons. SCHOpL ? SHOES. RIGHTFULLY | priced, at J. K. Hoyt's. STKXOGRAl'HKK A XI) T V ?? B writer. Let mo write your letters. | Miss Beulah Thomason - Chamber of Commerce jBTHAT PINS Gil EN AU ay engraved free. See our show win- j dow. A. G. Smither & Co. ?17.7ft WILL BVV A SUIT | at J.. K- Hoyt's Monday. ACJKNTS WWTEH TO TAKK OR. ders for "Cook-Peary North Pole Discoveries Illustrated." Genuine sensation. Whirlwind success. Profits $10 daily. Ba first. S*ad 25c for Sample Book. Write to day. National publishers- ( Eatab ! Ilshed 1857). Lakeside Building, s Chicago. 4 CORRECT DRESS SHOES FOR LA dies and mlsses> at J. K. Hoyt't THOSE JET HAT PINS ARE ALL the rage, those are beautiea Smith er & Co. have. You get one en- 1 graved free ? they are given away.j too. Ask about them. SPECIAL Kl'IT HAl.K MOXl>AV.' AT 1 MCHEDL'LE GAS 1IOAT YICTOR. Tuesday, Thursday and' Saturday. Leave Hunter's Bridge 6 a. m: ar rive at Bath, 6.30. Washington. 9. Leave Washington 2 30 p. m.. arrive Bath'fi. p. m.. Hunter's Bridge 5.30. Fare*50c. round trip, 35c. one way. WILLIAM BOYD, Muster. ~i\TKltFsin>rr-BooKT,Ki' v rise The second edition of Booth's Fa mous People, a 32-page fttw*klet. has Just-been published, and^wlll be sept free to any reader ^ot this paper. A nostal card Will do. The book contains portraits and concise autobiographies of some fa uiiijii prnpli . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 il MW, ""VI** Maude Adams. Madam Currle. the liVfovcrer of Radium, and Sir Thos. Ljpton, the merchant prince of thej Ther? are four pages of valuable information, -such aa .'Help in -Case of Accidents." "Antidotes for. Poison. "Stamp Flirtation." "How to Tell a Person's Age," Bible facts and fig urea. and nfhpr Interesting feature. Mention thin paper when writing, and Address Booth s Hyomel Co.. Buffalo. New York. ThinKa are happening in the stores | See the ads. Tire things which you buy anil <*arn monov. in buying? ore the* ad vertised things. Professional Column SPECIALISTS ' ' . - ?" H. W. CARTER, M. D. W.CA ..JM tjsaasss of the *ai Hour*: VII A. M. 2r5P. M. Gladden Sta., ?PHONG B4>. Washington, N. C. n. ? .1 ' |p Dlaeasej at t tyi BgagjjnjWg' <H Dr. I. M. Hardy PRACTICING .PHYSICIAN -a SURGEON I Wiihlngtoo, N. G. . . ^ ' -Dentist Office corner of Main and Respass Streets. Phone 100 Washington, N. C. ATTORNEYS H. S. WARD JUNIUS D. CRIMES WARD & GRIMES > ATTQRNEYS-AT-LAW f?"- Washington, N. C. We practice In the Courts of the First judicial District, and the Federal Courts. John H. Small, A. D. MacLean, Harry McMullan. > SMALL, MAC LEAN & McMULLAN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. W. D. GRIMES ATIORNEY-AT-LA.W Washington, North Carolina. Practices in all the Courfs. W. M. BOND. Edenton. N. C. ? NORWOOD L SIMMONS - BOND & SIMMONS r r ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW - Washington, North Carolina Practice in all Coutta. W. L. Vaughan W- A. Thompson , VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ' Washington and Aurora, "N. C. Practice in all the court?. ** H. C.~CARTER, JR., A.TTORNEY-AT-LAW,' Washington, N. C. Office Market Street? Arm. B. Rodman. WHajr C. Kodmu. RODMAN & RODMAN Attorneys-at-Law Washington, N. C. Business Cards R. L. STEWART" Corner Main and Market Street*. Just received a large aaaortment of the la teat deal*, na In Jewelry. Re pairing a apec laity. " B. B. Goldstein, We are at II ! doing business at oar old stand. In this period between the seasons we are still satisfying cus. " tomers. Our fall aampies are already in and we cm tiK* yuiif uruer bo# ? >?C your oraer no for imnedtate or future delivery. Youra for buaineaa, H. B. Goldstein. For FIRE INSURANCE J. and P. B. MYERS 'Fire J. j and Granite Co. MONUMENTS Prices and Work Right. ?? WASHINGTON. N. C. WHITE -BARBER- SHOP -Xhe only tim-clara while shop in f if./ A trial will convince anyone of reasr onable Judgment. We have ] chain 3 first -class white barbers. Satlfactlon assured. " Opposite Epstal office. A. B.llRAUGHON, Prop. ?' C. MORGAN WILLIAMS * INSURANCE

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