NOTICE jOF HALB. B v Tirtne of the power oTSaTe con <**ned in^Xjaortgage deed executed . Baniual K llttdlaon and wife toi ?^1-. C' M. Brown, datad lit of Tnpr _T_ 4^,t duly recorded In book N<& ? IfufiW iin. luigmiM 'UBIgH 01 Beaufort rrtfinijr. which lafef erred to. I will offer for tale to the high eat bfdder at public auction, tor cash, Of Washington, K. C., on MGNDATr OCTOBEk 4, 1909, at 12 o'clock, the a follow infvdescrlbed nrnnartv tn-wlf A certain iot of lanfl lying and being In the cltjr of Washington, county of Baaurort/ suw ur-Nonh Carolina, \ and beidg-the eastern half of lot No. "MacNatr ? T?wn,"^ situated on. the north side Second street and hav - ? r- lng a frootago on Secondsirect of 50 feet, and running north 210 feet. ?Bounded on the north 1>y' the lot of Mary T. McDonald, on the east by the" lot of S. R. Fowle, On the west by the by Second street, and being tho came' lot of land conveyed by C. M. Brown and" wife to Samuel S. Hardlson by. 4 deed dated Juno 1, 1903, which is duly recorded In the Register's office of Beaufort county, and is herein re ferred to. ^ ~ Thia September 1, 1909. C. M. BROWN, Mortgagee. Clerk Superior Court of Beaufort Co. North Carolina, Beaufort county. Superior Court, October term, 1909. 13. J. Edwards vs. Ida M. Edwards. > The ^defendant, Ida M. Edwards, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been Instituted In the Superior court nf county by E. J. Edwards for the pur pose of obtaining an absolute divorce against the defendant, Ida M. Ed wards, which Is returnable before a judge. of the Superior court, October 25, 1909, at the October term, 1909, of the Bupdrlor court of Beaufort <%3&l?.at which time the defendant Is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint, or the relief demanded In the complaint will be allowed. This 1 nth day of September, 1909. OEO. A. PAUL, Clerk Superior Court, NOTICE. ? North Carolina, Beaufort Couiity. In yhe Superior Court, October term, 1909. Lizzie Abel vs. Henry Aoel. The defendant above named, will take notice:* That an action entitled as above, has been commenced by the plaintiff against the defendant in the Superior court of Beaufort county to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice, that he is nqoind to appear at tfie next term * ot the Superior court of _ Beau fort county to be held on the 7 th Monday t h?~?ftt> Monday in September, to-wit, the 25th day of October, 1909. at the courthouse in ^aid county ,(4n^ Washington, North Carolina, a*nd answer or demur to the complaint in V said action or the plaintiff will ap [>?; ply to the court for the relief de ,-r manded in her complaint. "This the 16tlr day^of September, r 1909. ; O BO. A- PAUL, NOTICE OP SALE. perior Court of Beaufort county, in ? a special 'proceeding there inpeiidlng entitled D. B. "Hooker and wife, . Mary, vs.- J am en L. Mayo and others, which is\ hereby referred to, and as . commissioner ' therein appointed, 1 ? will sell at the courthouse door in Beaufort county, on MONDAY, OC ? TOBKR 4? 1909. at noon._?Qf caslL to the highest bidder, that certain ? Ira^t pargt'i 1)1 Html sliuatad in Richland township, Beaufort county,' adjoining the lands of E. Tuttle, B. J. \V^t, Jas. Potter, J. W. Mayo and others, described as follows: Begin ning at jjn oak Btump in the Spring or Bond line at the pocosin above the north 5& weal 240 poles at tor near the Warren line; thence up Paup&u _ swamD south ? yfta,t. I'gQ poles;, r,00 poles" to or nSfr tne Mixon thence" north 32 east 370 poles to thence into the pocosin south 12 east Thos. Campen s line; thence north 20 west to the spring or Bond upper corner intfiepocoain, and wlTh thetr lino to the beginning. A. D. MACLEAN. Commissioner. This July 1, 1909. itotick of WAR RANT OP ATTACHMENT. . North Carolina. Beaufort County. Washington Township, Justice's Court'. Bofore A. Mayo, J. P. Geo. W. Owen and Geo. M. Owen, trad ing as Geo. N. Owen and "Son, vs. E. H. .Hyman. The defendant above named will take notice: That a summons in the above entltfed-action was issued agalnft saW defendant on 'the 97th day of September, 1909, by A. Mayo. Justice of the Peace of Beaufort county, North Carolina, for the sum of two hundred ($100.00) dollars, dered in their favor ami against the defendant In the Court of LaV- and Chauncery of the City cfNorfolfc, Virginia. onMarch ??U>. 1*0?. which RunmoDi la returnable before .aid office to Waablnjtton, ID said and Til WaalitngtorT iownahlp on Tueaday the.Mth day of October, 1?#?, at ? o'cllck, a. m. The defendant win alao take notice that a warrant of attachm.i# waa la aued by aald luetics on the tlth day of Betrtetaber. i*0*,.a?ataat tli? prop m - ? townT^t??ge1"he?yda"Co. R. R. fixed" for the best welfare of Hyde aad Beaufort5 I- ? ^^1 ? ? ? i? ^ ---. ? X4 ' - ?? (jQUQtlGS. ! P lea't Uava it to anmahnd y HaPwrtromfi YOUf- . M tell* ? ~~ t ? . 1 ? v? - WM. BKAGAW A CO., 1 ranee Agents In WMlilnK<on, N. C. USE RUB-NO MORE Washing Powders and Soap THE ONLY SOAP THAT CONTAINS DISIN FECTANT ON THE MARKET. WHO HAS YOUk| ? ? ? Fire Insurance |CARL D. PARKER, Gen'l Insurance! Four Years Experience. Havens-Small Bid's 'Phone 85. Now Your Summer Suit Feels Like You're Sitting on a Block of Ice Uncomfortable, isn't It? Come in and view our new style kink* In buirfnraa rails. 4 We're never b minute behind the newest metropolitan fashions. Our , . fabrics look well and wear well. Oifr-prtTCBTTO easy of reach. Wright's Tailoring Parlors, _-^_^^i\Wio^railor_BestH^ya8hingtonj-^_ ANNOUNCEMENT WE are headquarters for floor Coverings. We are showing an ex tensive line 1-4, 1-2, and all wool Ingrain. Also Brussels in Stair Carpet and Stair Patterns. Art Squares 6x9,8x10/4x12 feet. in Crex, Gran ite. Ingrain, Brusfela,~Ar minister. We have a large and varied line of =RUGS= In all sizes and patterns in Moquette, Velvet, Brussels, etc. See our 'special Velvet Rug 27x54, at $ 1.54 ami- $2. 25. -They are equal to ordi nary Moquette at a much higher price. a* 1 J. F. BUCKMAN & SON WE SELL FURNITURE. w RICH! PRESSES RIGHT: ? u . JLi i F% l: Your Opportunity is NOW! While weare placing ourline ofHeat inx Stoves on show,- to^select from the iarge variety of Wood and Coal Heaters. It will be our pleasure to' take your orderand place one in your house, store or office before the cold weather begins. You are invited to call and see our stock. NIcKeel'Rkhardson ft) NOTICE! Now is the time to have your gas lamps put in order. It will cost er will give you 80 candle power and cost only 1-2 cent ner hour. Seethe GAS MAN. & summons, when and whore the de 1 fetudant la required ? tb appear and answer pr demur to the complaint, .or the relief domandod will be granted. | This the 2.7 tb day" of Septetaber, 190V. "u , A. MAYO, ? Justice of the Peace. NOTICE. | Sailed bids for the erection of two bourns, one at? or near the foot of PungQ flraak Bridge? -and thft other [on piling near the flrtw of Pantego Creek Bridge, will be received by the Board Of County Commltslooers on the first Monday in Octojtfr, 1909, iu m mwma it n u'eiact m. Bids can be for either one or both hgusssi ? 1 Plana and specifications can be seen at the offloe of the undersigned, to Whom all bid^ must be directed. This 8eptembe^7, >90*! O. RUMLBY, CJ?rk to Board. Pursuant to a judgment renderetl ?t the May torfti, 1908, of the Su perior court of Beaufort county In the above entitled action, the under tigned commissioner, duly appointed therein, will fffer for sale ah (5 wilv Ibrt county, Washington, X. C-, on MONDAY, OQTOBER 4TH, at 18 o'clock m.. to the hlghist bidder for [auft, the following described prop erty, towlt: All that traet of land lying and twins tn the jut* of North Carolina, county o( Beaufort, bound ?C aqd described 4s fellows: Ban ning at a stake l? Blount's ditch, at Hi 0. Pmiulls ruuulug ! H. R. Caytonjp ?or aontli 1?? poles to M. -Sparrow's corner. i ^ioias to Blount's ;alteh, thence 40 poles and 4 1-i Unis to thl beginning, containing GO acres mere or lean. Terms:- Cash deed Is M ??* whan sale U approved I, uBMS 91 Superior colrt. ? /> , | I .. a Mln " Tixicy Galloway, of Grimesland, who have been visiting Mr?. O. B. Carmalt, re turned to their home yesterday after i^iou. /*? "**w; ' \ m ? Allss Nancy Coward and Miss LU lina Institute yeaterdav and loft for .Ireenvllle where thfy will spend Sua -day-. - J m ? 1 Hon. J. Y. JOTPer. State Superln-| tendent of PuhUC instruction, drove over from Hunter's Bridge yesterday | afternoon and left on the Norfolk and, Suutlieru for Raleigh ? ? Mr. Jim Cordon arrived last Even ing from New York, and la in the city on business. * ? Mr. Stephen Bragaw arrived last ening from Hertford and Edenton | after a professional trip. ? ? Mrs. F. Von Eberstein -and Miss Julia sptftat yesterday in the city, the guests of Mr. and "Mrs. Hftrvey Bright on East Main street. ? ? Mr?? Wj F. Lancaster arrived today from Vanceboro to vhsit relatives and friends In the city. ? - ? Mr. Sam jLaughinghouse returned this morning from a trip to WIIbou. ? * . ?. Mr. J. G. Bragaw. Sr., left this morning for Mackey's Ferry where he -will meet his .daughter, Mrs. Cam Melllck, and her children, who are coming to attend the Hargrove-Bra paw waddlag oa Wortnaifin). ? ? Mr. Jt. A. Q. Barnes arrived today from New Berq. and will spend Sun day li^the city. ^ Mr. Frank Congleton, of Beaufort, arrived in the city this morning to visit relatives and friends for a few ? ? Mr. John Simpson, of Hatteras, who had one of his limbs amputated I here this summer, has returned fori treatment. Mr. and Mr*. Baxter Garrison, of| Roanoke iBland/are In the olty. Mr. Joe Womble has returned from a four weeka' .trip to South Carolina. Mrs. W. C. Rowe-and children, of Small, were in town yesterday for the day. . ^ . ? ? Mrs. M. Rogers, of Old Fordr passed through the city yesterday, en iuute' to Aururfc where ahe will visit relatives and fftukdn. Miss Esther Tripp, who has been visiting in Edward and Wintervllle, spent- the dap ? -beru y eater day, en route to her honfe 1 h Aurora. 2* Mr. and Mrs. T. Boyd and chil dren, of Aurora, were visitors in the city yesterday. -J* v " } Mr. Stiller, of Aurora, spent the day In the city yesterday. ? ? v Mr. P. S. Cuthrell. of Aurora, was in town yesterday on business. ? Jf Mrs. W. T. Hlnea, of Kinston, who has been visiting Dr. Ira Hardy, left for 'her home yesterday, via the At lantic Coast Line. Mr. and Mrs. C. XT' Uannbn and . child, "of Morehead City, spent the day I in town yesterday, as the guests of I Mrs. Frank Star.cll, en route to Ay I den. ? Miss Lizzie Hlnes, of Avdeji. who haa been visiting Mrs. J. T. Harris. left yesterday for Wharton. ? ? MlBS Fred Tucker, of i.rifion, wno has been visiting Mrs. Ed. Maillson. r'-'iunimi ytwiorouy iq nor. nomo, I ?- ? " ?Mr. Thos. Prltchard arrived in town this morning to spend Sunday.) Miss Mattie Wis wall arrived this morning from Greensboro and other points in the western part of the rsrrnr F" Mr. F. E. W'nolard, of Route No. i. [wag a Washington visitor today. ; 'yiaf ~~~ r i , Mr. W. R. T-tterton. of Bath, was here today. " ' ?_ ?* Did you over see such a c rowt] a? there fn? at. the Gem Inst night" Excitement was supremo as the draw ing took TSIaee and it was only by parsing the numbers , called* down through the audience that they: were known. '"Home people will never stop talhirtg. ? Mnr J. W. Tiwtlui wan tue 1 lucky holder, and the' expressions of admiration for the beautiful cirt glass bowl were* many. The pictures were very good, and the ijuubIc elicited ap plause. There will be "some good ones shown tonight ami you will be sure to enjoy them. Escaped Serious Injury at Factory Mr. John MoKeel* came near meet ing with a serious accident at the Washington Buggy Company plant Odi morning. He was engaged In phnrpen ng knives'on ay emery wheel when It bursted. Spme of the pieces CHARLESTON 1 Jakefieid Cabbage Seel "tor s?le by the pound at Wholesale prices. bAileY Supply co. Merchants throughout this entire =-octlon are showing special Interest !? th? great removal sale now being conducted 4*y -fcHustein Bros., of Klntr ihtflr .?entire stock of dry goods. no 'Inns. hnBlprv. nndftrwpnr <>tr ? at SJW -iflre, rather than move-same. ind our merchants are taking advau 'a^C of same. This sale will continue Einstein Bros, will open fn their ? 'jeautlful new "quart?v?ff-tTr? Wilmlngv ?on, X. C , November 1. This wile, of course, Is for mer chants only. HOWK'S (iitKAT l/OMK>\ SHOWS. I Xcf Adjectives N'ppilml to lipocrlbe ? This Ma'rvclcus Production. . The capacity of the big tent* iPiil |i ways tested during Howe's Great i l.ondon Shows' engagement. and It Is I best to allow the children to come to j the afternoon exhibitions, where the | new; menagerie seen to much biter advantage mul more time given to absorb the descriptive knowledge so pleasantly unfolded by the gentle manly lecturers. The white cyjy is a beautiful pic ture on the green, and thousands of sightseers will take advantage to in spect, this monster, moving curpvan. The horse stables alone, are wot-th visiting to all lovers of the gentle equ'ne, for Howe's London "horse show" is unequaled; then the ponies .should be seen; also the culinary de partment, a marvel Jn itself. The blacksmith shops, the electric light plant and a hundred places wui ue found of interest. Only work of an absolutely neces sary character is done-on Sundays. If the weather is fine and the water is pot too cold, the elephants will be given a bath. Every one will see the vast Im provement and enlargment of this, the hest ?f-all the largo tented aggre gatlons. ? Each department Is so completely ! flHed jrtth foreign and American fea tures as are' capable of being trans-, ported and handled in a satisfactory manner. This show will be here on Tues day, October 12.' 1 WORK COMMRNTRl), The laying of brick commenced* this morning on- -the annex to the Methodist -Church. It is hoped to have the addition completed before Ibe first of November. This room is being erected prepar atory to the installation of a plpej T>rgau cnur early day. : Hardy's !)riia Store for drug* and seeds. T CITY MARKET. . rrr. r. v. ....... . rr: 21c Chickens, grown 25 to 30< Spring chickens 10 to 25c Hides, green 6 to 7c Hides, 0. S. 8c Mixed wool 18 to 20c Burry wool 10 to l8o COTTON. Seed cotton $4.95 [Lint cotton. . . JL2_2?Ac DANGEROUS DANDRUFF Xrttlon IS Not fherfced. M. Pasteur, the great French Phy- ( slclan t)f Paris, once said: "1 believe we shall one day rid the world of all J diseases caused by gorms." ?* Dandruff Is caused by germs, a fact | accepted by all physicians. Dandruff? in -th?-jgot of All hair . evils. If it were not for the little <||'|UHH'I1VC ? tiufmii wupWiim with ft' persistency worthy of a better cause, there would be no baldness. Parisian Sage will kill tlm dandruff | germs and remove dandruff In two | weeks or money back. Brown's Drug Store guarantees it. It will stop itching scalp, falling hair) and mak* the hair grow thick and' abundant. - ? . ? It ]?i;< s lit''11 ,!i ul li:^i" lin-i :hc hair.; ami-prevents it from turning "gray.- | It is the hair dressing par excel ir"-~ "'"'I jLiuj ? from crease sfloklitessC It fs the^favT" orhe with u;omen of taste r.nd culture ! who know the?Bocial valine of fasci nating hair. A large bottle costs only SO cents at leading 'druggists "every where, and in Washington by Brown's Drug! Store. The girl with the Auburn hair ' fs on every package. 4N-THE HOME GOWA.V5 PREPARATION ii abwlatc pro tection tfaicsl rc?ua>or.u. coldt. croup. ioulia. ^i .i j and sircneu 1j )ud(s jivJ InrMl. Rtiieves aloncr by Jnlroylni the '.nfl?n.citlloM R3i ronirtlKin. F.iUnu.' ? *nd ptncU?i<a/ S!.W 50c 2v- All How about an Electric Table .They are, convenient, . ?nd for a |*w days we ~ will ?ell them at cost. WASHINGTON ELECTRIC ft ANT ?Jruck Mr. ire K?! JdM abo^lli t,., flMttftij it deep gash His fl>im were broken, but they no doubt saved bis ?f? faat belli pwaiMly Infuwl. H\? hand also was badly cut. Dr. J. M. Gallagher dressed the wounds. Einstein Bros, to tfalVe KiriStflrt! < _ ? - nik AaumrAikor DRESS GOODS "> - . v ? -7$ Iir^ll^bades antl-at-alHmces. 1 "* -Yuur liispeul rm W?1 yl SPENCER BROS. JTUYLER'S CANDY Fresh Supply Just Received "The Preset iptioi- Store, r WASHINGTON DRUG COMPANY ONLY THE. BEST - HEAVY AND FANCY -J ? GROCERIES J Carried. Wo please our customers or no pay. Try ] us. | UNION GROCERYCO. J LIST ARRIVED j Graham Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, AND" New Buckwheat. CALL UP Young O. C. White, a eon of Mr. W. A. White, Farmvllle township, brought the Reflector two sample ears of coip ot his raising. The ears', are very large and well filled. ""One of them Is 11 Inches long and ihe other 9 inches. The shorter ear con tains the most grains, having 1026, while the long one ha$ 994. The shorter ear got the advantage by be ing almost the same eize from end to end, the long ear being tapering. ? Greenville Reflector. OYSTLKS! phone 3*7. Pellvftrrrt to 11 nv nifi -n ??t, quart. Served in any style. steamed a specialty at 113 Market Street. , Ocracoke Frefh Drtsoed Mullefa.' J. T. "WYATT. HIGHEST CASH I 'KICKS pain for CHICKENS, EGGS ? and nil COUNTRY produce^*' We carry 11 ay, (iialn and all kindtt Feed stuff ? We handle the very best Flour at whole sale. ? PAUL & CUTLER EAST WATER STREET. ir?r ? it 11 DON'T 11 Walk or Ride. Talk Over The Telephone. You can have a Telephone |J| put In your house in the city ? or at your farm at a very suf^ passingly low coat, and save many a long drive and per haps a life by "being in direct and Instantaneous touch with your Doctor. Grocer, Mer chant and Broktr, " Weather reports and mar ket quotations can be secured daily. , Interested parties are re quested to communicate with Mr. P. W.Bell, TVl'g't CAROLINA TEL. AND TEL. CO., Washington, N. C. This proposition will inter est you. and it would be well to investigate before the ap proach of the cold Winter months. 11 IDG ?HELP IS OFFERED? WORTHY YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. No matter how limited your NESS COLLEGE.. Durham, N. C., i-i r.ejjy and willing to help You secure a high-grade Business Education. The ONLY Business College in the Caro llnas presided over by an Incorporated Accountant and Auditor. A suffi cient guarantee of its superiority. Fn??*r rio?w orv easy payment .plan. DEPARTMENTS; Bookkeeping. Sjjaorfhatid,' "Pype ATiyn^. Telegraphy, Penmanship. Civil Scrvicc. i\n?:lish BrAQChcs. e'.c, Ex perl I'jc-ulty? Rail road Fare Paid ? Positions Ciuarante?;d. The Grocery Man. JUST ARRIVED A|Fresh Supply ef Breakfast Cereals, I ? _ ? Grits, Buckwheat, |, ' - ^*Hinhnc _ G5?h(LnjJilA kVt^4KroiW o A -W b t fji ?! I cuit. Oat Meal, Cracke As Wheat, Corn Flakes, Post Toasties, Cream of Wheat. Grape Nuts, Puffed Rice, Puffed vVheat and many others. Price always right, quality the best. Two delivery wagons and wheel, which in sures prompt service. 'Phone 125. THE 1. K. CI TOGGLE-JOINf HAY PRESS Is the lighest draft, and makes the most compact bale of any press sold. BAILEY SUPPLY CO., SALES AGENTS.

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