I , Fair tonight and Tuesday. pradi ebaage fii ItfBfiXTin lilifTi L last Edition Washington^ yoRTH Carolina, monday afternoon, october>4, 1909. NO. 54 Future Kaiser Pleased All [Others for High Flying ? Goes.Up 1,600 Feet ? He Re ceives a Diamond Pin. ~ Fotadam. Oct. 2. ? Orvllte Wright, the American aviator, broke his own I '..f and all other recorfis for high flying ?' _ioday- ? .. . ? , He reached the unprecedented ' height of more than 1,000 feet, al though an * official" measurement was n&t taken. He had a red-letter day in a double sense as an arlator, taking up Crown Prince Frederick William aa a pas senger naU ibopo Uiai> duuhlins the altitude Record whjch ho made re cently over the same flcld. . The Crown Prince had been con stantly urging Wright, since he first saw the American fly, to take him up as a passenger.' Wright evaded this k ~ responsibility while making flights at , ... ?tbe ^Tempelhof field, owing to unfaV L .. orable rrhids.^but slr.re the t>egin nlng of the flights at Bornste^t^field, near Pptsdam,the.Prlnc&-..haing steadily for 15 min utes, until -the field and adjacent fnim trr .rnmlnrfml nuy *? " ? "y* "had from Zeppelin's airship, ? oijty things Bcoiued smaller % "The descent I made in fl,ve min utes. I came down at a simply ter rifying speed. .The whole machine shook ss It rushed through the air, but my sensations were lust the same as In lower altitudes. The ^r was no colder, and the wind resistance M greater." With regard to his passenger, the Crown Prince, Mr. Wright said: "The Prince did not say much more than 'fine* during the flight,, but I ? lable to read his Impressions from T * *- -- - JOHN KING, THE lifilSft RECEIVES MEDAL FTeroisnfls Rewarded The -Second Act ot Heroism Saved Lives and" Prevented Se rions Accident on the Scout Cruiser Salem. Washington. Oct. 4. ? For the sec ond time In his life, John King, a water tender on the U. S. S. Salem, was today awarded a medal of honor for extraordinary heroism by the Navy Department. ' King was in charge of the feed water Oa the Salem at Hampton Roads on the afternoon -of September 13. when an accident occurred to one of the boilers. His action in the emergency hea been. found by the- do partment saved the ship from a more serious accident. He not only mani pulated the machinery eo as to pre vent a more serious aecftient, but ren dered aid to others In peril at the risk of his own life. In addition to the, medal King- has been grained ~g gra tulty of 9100. King's first medal was granted for a similar act of heroism on board the Vicksburg In 1901. "x-' In connection with the accident on the Salem. W. T. Bancroft will re ceive a letter of commendation from the Secretary pf the Navy, and George Damer, Thomas Davis, Chaa. , E. Brings, Michael M. O'Connell. Wil liam J. Ouinee and James A. -Ryan, all enlisted men. will be credited with meritorious conduct. TI?: GINNKRS REPORT. The cnttoa -glnners report up to September 25, gives 2,562,000 bales. TW?-?.port will compare with 2,582, 000 bales ginned up to September 25, last year, when the crop was 13,800. 000 baler, and 2,355,000 In 1S05-6, yhfifl thfi frftft,wu jn.r; his Is the high er function of' testing the degree ot yduth which you retain. ? Howe's Great London Shows are coming for -t,wo exhibitions on Tues day, October II. *?fce~?a?Mne was ?UghUy-damag?4 and the propeller arm vu smashed, but Farman expects to m&ke repairs In time to tako part In the closing contests tomorrow. Rougleri affbr doing a trial round -at-*-high level, aa preparation for^ the wwtght contend went ny again with his mechanic and covered four clr m'lti 'tli> mwiiiliMlaft J?f .?htcK steered the aeroplane to the center of the field and encircled ? the judges' stand, h? front 6f which he landed mM veclferettS" applause. : , r His passenger stepped on the nsal m. wniafi rtpiirftfi bin in* 174 1 They made, the four mm news ? - L.JHIUWt f KIGKERS COLUMN Is to Start Saturday^ One Column Will be Devoted to Mr. Kicker to Kick at Things Generally? All Latitude Will be Extended. . The Dally News realizing the im portance of the ''kicker" to every community, has resolved to give them opportunity to express themselves by the use of printer's ink. Beginning next Saturday and each Saturday following, a column in the | Daily News will be devoted exclusive ly to* those desiring to kick about | things generally, and will be headed "The Kicker's Column." ' The "Kicker" will ho given I.. I tude desired, so he does" not "use more than the column. He can kick about how the city is run, about social af fairs, streets, electrjc lights, fire alarmB, civic improvements- ? he will be confined to no ope particular sub let ? heeanjwrt-kJekaflho wants to. j There is hardly a day that passes someone does not call at the office} with some grievance ? what they j would say or do if they Were running ' a newspaper. In ordeY to give allj these full sway and wishing to relieve their battles. The News has decided to give all such frte space. ? The man agement thinks this the best way to solve the problem, so all wishing to publish their wants ?nd dont's, now's tho opportunity. Copy should be in the office Friday afternoon before, to avoid the rush. , ? All articles must be signed, but the name will not be published unless so desired. " . . Preaches to the Red Men Tau'Tribe, No. 18, Improved Order] of Red Men. at*>nded the First Prea- I byterian Church Sunday evening In aj body, Rer. H. B. Searight. the pas- j tor, delivered lo Lhe order a scnaon. The -discourse was instroe-: tlve and thoughtful, and. all present! greatly enjoyed tke services. The! music was one of the features. About I 65 ^members of thl ggg jjjgtotol ?? j with our citizens aud is doing a groat work in Washington. NOVEL FIEND MAKES GOOD A Guldsboro Voutl Wanted (o be a Desperado ? Now in-. Jail. ? finlrinlmrn. firr ?? ? After reading ttva ftjivftntnrp-. ni Nick Carter and how Be SnaVlT Bucceeded In landing "Bloody Pete' in Jail, after a long chase around the world. "Cat" TWrpcW". it'yomn oi tfiTs "city 7 "was ar rested and lodged" In jail on the L'lmrgu or Bteaimg ptitnis from aei eral parties lir the city. The youthful criminal Informed the authorities day tnat ne stole the pistgls for the purpose of holding up some one and relieving them of their valuables and then .see If h? tould have better suc cess than "Bloody Pete." When ar rested he had four pistols on his per pon, all loaded, arid seemed to t&ink that he was a hero, bufwheh he heard the heavy IKoH door of his cell close and realized that he was in Jail, between bqHs he. itated' that be wna satisfied that pete's profession was not the line he was looking for. r.'uyt":;' j?? '? r ?'?' COMING MABUr.Vr.K. The Dlllr'row* kifllttOwledgM ,tfce rocotpt Of the ?l|avld Itobert Cufler Wednesday October- girth. an. hundred and nilie" hSw -t-*;.1''1,- - s -TnTi Halrds Croek, N. C. The groom-elscrii engaged In the bfcyrle business In thls Mty:^ COURT DECREES _ PUM ^rii Tur Ufttl UttL t tit f IUUR. . . | . ReithPetitioiris Filph Judge Waddell Enters His De cree in the Famous Case aficT | Will Name Special C6unsel to | Represent Receivers, . - ^ i . I Judge Edmund Waddlll, Jr.. of the j Federal court, Saturday ifiornlng ren j d?red a decision in the Xorfolk and J Southern Railway receivership mat ter, allowing the filing of the- petition of Fergus Reld, of NeW York, a min ority stockholder, who sought to stay p. sale of tho properties pending iae investigation of the financial affairs of the corporation by a special mas tor to be named by the. court, but the , onrt hnwprrr thnr ? of sale should be entered forthwith as desired by the owners and set next Saturday, In Richmond, as the time for hearing arguments upon the pro posed decree of sale as already pre sented by counsel. _ In this-comrecllbh Judge Waddlll said that In directing the sale of the railroad property lt--im?tlJbe done with all of the rights of petitioner Reld reserved and further^ihat such a saie will be subject togny rights and Interests that may appeal to the -eourt after the investigation snail have been made. Judge Waddill further announced that the receivers of the iSorfolk and Southern would be continued In office pending the coming Investigation and that special counsel will be named to appear and represent the receivers during the financial Investigation. At torney Robert B. Tunstall, represent ing. Petitioner Reld, urged that such special counsel for the receivers be named without delay. ? Yesterday morning Attygney Tun stall argued for a continua?#B for 30 days _of the entering of llii.i'fciireeot sate, or,- until ' suefftlme as the de fendants shall have answered the pe tition of fils client fully. TJxe court was adverse to a long delay. Coun sel for Petitioner Reld then gave no tice to the court that he. would appear In Richmond Saturday October 9 . and [ urge the? immediate "appointment of j special eotiRsel-for~tlre receivers. I All questions pertaining to a post I ponement of a decree of sale by the ' j court were strongly objected to by j | Attorney fig warrl R [He said that tho proposed decree of \ ( sale had already "been prepared and] I was ready for the court. In an-! nounclng-his decision tho Judge said j he felt as if he was acting for the 56SE] \ interests of the owners of the prop j crty and the great majority con 1 rerned ? J Special Music at Christian Church Tfro music at thft ffjHHTh.l Sunday morning and ? evening ? I been highly complimented., "in addir j tfciij' to the regular , music rendered by the chplr, Miss Mabel Jone>, of B?rk- 1 ^v-y.-'VTt. r unmiitw oT"TO:.;-t?gorge~liT Jones, formerly of this city, gang solos at bpth 'services. Her rich full soprano received many enconiums. :LarKe congregations attended both I Can't Make Report Tonight | The lolloping- letter been re-| ceived by.JJayor C. H. Sterling frojnJ Mr. Wy P- Hiltoffl^jrbicii explains jt-] ' self. k - Norfolk, V? . Sept. 30. 1?0?. Hon^C. H. Sterling, Mpyor. Washington. N. tJ. r-' > B 1 -Dear 'Sir: ' . , / tain verification with pureTrt|wi^ ot bonds issued - by ycTur pi# regar<^n? Important matters concerning I them, and. Vill also( have (o wait for some Information along ttyla tj*me; [line fr Ofta nf thA Vflw~ iMrk I had expected to be w$t*;you M(jn nik iiign i, out tne atAtemmt "eahnot go closed until the abtm} setters. aro heard- from and. as I see Utiow, I ?).. it *111 Kr Joaw^^tor me MUSS MEETING - WELL ATTENBEfl Enthusiastic for Road Citizens from All Along the Pro posed Mattamuskeet Route Are in City to Discuss Ways and Means to Secure Rttad. The citizens of Washington. Bath, Bath toWfTshlp. Hunjers Bridge, and other points on this side of the river, met at the courthouse today at noon to consider the proposition of the Governd^ and Council of State, rela tive to the construction of the Mat tamuskeet HaiTroad from Belhaven to this city. . The meeting was first called for 10 o'clock, but owing to some delay in boats reaching here by that hum' llm HHitii.f, it pustiJuui'd until 12 o'clock* ?Quite a large delegation from all parts of the country between Wash ington and Belhaven were present and took an active part in- the delib HtlOM.^- * : Mr. W. D.- Grimes was called to the chair and Messrs. W. K. Jaeobson and James L. Mayo, made secretaries. The chair requested that Captain George J. Studdfert state the object of the meeting. He responded with * speech full of enthusiasm and Infor mation for these present. He told of what the State required of our people if they wished to secure the road, that while the burden was heavy we could win If we would. He said that if every man in Washington and Bath township did their full duty in this railroad matter, the task would not be light, -f?t. If all did a part, he thought, the coming of the^read from Belhaven to Washington via Bath was assured. Captain Studdert sug-1 gested that Washington secure the rights of way from Bath to Washing ton and Bath secure the rights of from that town to BSlhayen. Two maps were exhibited to the. citizens and explained by the speaker. These maps showed the route of the proposed road. Thfe Speaker empha sized the fact that the people must go to work, said the meeting wasL not | called for the purpose of securing i inoTreyTfut sFmply to devise ways and means looking toward the building of the road and doing what we could to meet the requirements of the1 Cjouncil of State. V- ' W-5U. rights of way would be given or stock . would be accepted In payment, and that some cash subscriptions could be' had 1n his section. Mr. T. A. Brooks, of Rath, thought "tlire would be no trouble in securtng the rights of way. and as for himself, he expected to do all within "His power to acewre the I'O&fl. 1 * " M**. J ? D. ih )ii in Ravi- it -as Uij ujilil-' ion that all the rights of way could be had free of cost. At this Juncture the chairman -re quested Mr. Stephen C. Bragaw to read the resolution passed by the Council of State and to give It an ex planation: ? Thin .MP. UragSw" did.'-Sx plaluliig ffic resolution and what would be required of the citizens re siding along the route. Cul, 11^ r* Chamber of Commerce, announced] U?e oommittee appointed by the Chamber to cooperate with the people of Bath township. It was moved- that the re quest Mr. T. A. Brooks, J. D. Eborn, W. F. Wlnstead and.W. C. Kinlon to set as a committee to confer with the Right, of Way Committee of the Chamber 4t Commerce. t ? V Mr. J. F. Tayloe made a short talk. Mr. W. F. Winstead also addressed the meeting. Mr. E. A. Daniel ad dressed those present upon the neces sity of -building the road. He' was followed by W. K. Jaeobson, E. W "Myers SncI'TJorWooif L. 81mmonS. A meeting of ^he committee qythe part of the Chamber of ?ofl?merce and Bfcth was held and they passed the following resolution: ? llMt B. fibora. "Mt: W. F Winstead, Mr. C, J. Kinlon. -Dr. J. T. Klcholson and Mr. T. A. Brooks are requested to $all a-meetlng at or near Bath township and to appoint, if nec essary, another. cbmmittee to secure the frights of way from'* Belhaven to Jhth. H. C. . ? fc1ff.Tr. DISTRICT MKKTINO. The dlafHct meeting of the Char itable brotherhood ipeets at Pantego tomorrow In regular annuel deealon. The dlatrlc* Include* all of Baa u fort gtohtfi | }?., - THE GEM Cl6sKI>. ' . <*?? Theater will ?* cloned ***** Saturday fttgfct on ?O0tnm t of the cmlTal being here thla WMk. Meiers. L._ IK. O'Connor and Jack Mulford. proprietor* of the Qem, left to COTTON MILLS May CLfMr ? THE REPORT Said to Be Most Critical Situation and One of Rare Occurrence ? Confronts Southern Mills Be cause of the High Price. !? Charlotte. N. C . Oct (.?A f curtailment of production In order to m^ke the present stocks of the mills go as far as possible and to operate ^on high priced cotton at as little loss as possible. The governors will also select the place for tfie next meeting of the association. Supreme Court Has Convened Washington, D. C-, Oct. 4. ? After a -toar -months'* THcatfon the supreme" Court of the United States convened today for the term of 1909-1910. No official business was transacted be yond CEe admission of attorneys to the bar. Tomorrow the call of the docket will be begun and the presen tation of arguments in contested cases will be in order. Associate Jus tice Moody is not expected to be able I ! to resume his work on the bench this I ! fall, being confined ?to his home by' I illness, and it-Js likely that Justice'; ^jia mto - ' on_ the bench the greater part of the ; term, as he also is in ill health. % A number of interesting cases are Jon the docket for the present term. Foremost in public interest are the railroad nate cases. Another case of Interest is that of former Sheriff J. F. Shipp, of Chattanooga. Tenn., and his five co-dp fPTwirtri??. \vfio have thfst r ultaU r.> it, ? hsftw i Mi|i.t'!iHr tribunal to reve^ve_senience for con tempi of court'in connection with the lynching of the r.egro Jo&nson. 3A(;(,.\GEM.VSTKlt HCllT. ?nr. Kay n?n*r FuHk and Sustain Valnful Injuries. . On Saturday morning as the Ral Mr. Ray Bailey. baggagemasterrin' Jumping off. fell, bruising his knees' bo badly that medical assistance was necessary. He was sent to the Wash ington Hospital. VETERAN RKTVRNS HOME. Mr. Selby Recover* Use of I/eft Eye ( For Which He "Was Treated. ? I Mr. J. W. Selby returned to hlBi home in Aurora Saturday afternoon j after several months In the city. Mr. Selby has recovered the use of his left eye for which he has been under ' going- treatment, and will return to the cltyln a few weeks to have the right eye treated. It Is -thought the sight of this eye can also btj fully re stored. 3TT. Ufelbf Wisher fo express to the Daughters of the Confederacy his thanks for the assistance rendered by them to him. ?1FTS TO THE MlXM-.SOTA> i^?w Yorli, Oct. 4- ? -A fcfindsnmB silver wrlce^aga^a itandjrf min^a, wero preson'ted to the battleship Hln ?Ho?t, M anchor In' the JfoMh-Wrar. ?today bjr a committee of prominent cttUehs ot Minneapolis and St. Pyill Tbe silver service JU one of the Uu-g* est and moet elaborate even present ed to any >hlt> of the revy. The cea tral feature of the aet is a punch ^bowl aad plateau weighing more than cmr AuAouam. I of Uul THE BIG SHOW r- E* TB Tfr mmu ; Opens This Evening The Barkoot Amusement Com ; pany is Now Busy Erecting Its' Tents ? For Benefit of Ocean I Fire Company. ' Ti.*. Borkoot Amusement Carnivaf i C ompany arrived here yest^day , raora!:^ via the Atlantic Toast Line from'Greenville. and will exhibit here rstt-rhfs week. The different attrac tions are now being erected on Mar ket street from- Slain street out as far as they go. Mr. K. G. Darkoot Is the proprietor of the show, and he has brought together Auite 'an aggre gation of attractions. T'w m-nivnt Is -highly endorsed and no doubt will be llberalty patronized this week by the citizens here and from afar. Among the attractions are tjhe Fer ris Wheel, the Merry-Go-Roun?b\DoI letta. the Crazy House, Salome D^nce, Old Plant at Ion _jiwse Jatnes, LlfeNof Christ, -and the penny Arcade. Tne^ Four-in-Ou? Museum Is one of the v features At tue big show. Twice a day-^tfiVGay at 4:30 and 10:30 will dire from a*tower?^02 feet high Into a tank containing T\ feet of water. turning a HHCkWard Bomersauit in hla descent. Phoenix Bros, will give aerial acts twice a day. , A band of 12 pieces with Angelo Mummolo. director, wilt give open air concerts about the grounds dally. The carnival comes to Washington under the auspices of tho Ocean Fire Company. The firemen are making an effort to purchase a new hose wagon and they. hope to do so from the proceeds of the carnival. The shows will be In readiness for tonight, and big crowds are expected to attend the opening. CANDIDATES FOR SHRINERS DEGREE Local Candidates Expect fo At tend to Receive Their Degrees. C. Kugler, Fred W. Ay- - bardson an'd A. T. West ie Institution of Khedive Temple A. A- O. N. M. S\ in the city of Norfolk, iomorrow evening, when C. H. Itirhardeon, A. T. West, G. T. Leach, F. C. Kugler. will be candi dates for the degree. A special tar from Xcw Bern to Nimuik i,u.- ^ Norfolk and South-1 ern has ?een provided for the Shrln ers. They expected to"* return Wednesday. . White ia Norfolk the S^riners will have headquarters at the Montlcello Hotel. Two Logical ? T alks YesterHay F. Finney, Southern Secre Brotherhood of St. An drew. spoTce-at St. Peter's Episcopal Church yesterday morning to a large and appreclati^ audience. His ad dress was very Interesting from start to finish. He in? pressed all with his earnestness. His taik showed his en thusiasm for the work In which he la engaged. ? It was highly enjoyed. Sondar afternoon at 3 o'clock, Mr. ? Finney addressed 'the Young Men's Christian League. Those present were highly elated with the address. It was thoughtful and logical. " The speaker made a 1 astro IT impression upon his hearers. The music was a feature Mr. Finney's coming to Washing ton was anticipated with pleasure by_ all OU'r people, ""and he measured up fully to their expectations. Ho will be welcomed at all times. ?r New' Advertisements ~~ "InToday's News.