I.EGAL-NOTJCFS? _ Clerk Superior Court of Beaufort Co. 5 fleauforT county . ? flilpywy , ,, OoiuC Ociowt term* 1909. TCdjK>f(U TV. Idft Mr _ Ed ward 8r ? The defendant, Ida M;. Edwards/ will take notice that an 'action en titled an above baa been instituted la :tfrg- 8uperl<>'r court qfr Bea^forT county by E, J, Edwa/ds for the pur pose of obtalnjijg an absolute divorce the defendant,' Ida M. Ed-' wards, whlq^x is returnable before a judge of the Superior court, October 25, 1909, October term. 1909. otthe Oflfrerior court of Deaufort county,' at which time the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint, or the relief p AJimpHiln* fill allowed. This 15th day of September, 1909. GEO. A. PAUL, __ Clerk 8vpertor Court ~~ NOTIOK OF 8X1?: - By virtue of the pdwer of siale' con tained in a certain mortgage * from Felton Smith and Nicey Smith his wife, of the county of Beaufort and State of North Carolina, v to R. Y. fcredle.'of the same county and Statd,] dated, the 5th day of May, 1907, a&ft ? recorded In the offloe of the Register * of Deeds of Beaufort county, in book 143 at page 306, the undersigned will on ^ffesday the 9th- day of November, 1909; offer for sale at public auction for cash at the courthouse door of Beaufort county, at 12 o'clock' noon, the following described property in - Belhaven. Pantego township, Beau fort county,- N. C., It being about 1 1-2 miles west of Leechville, 7*. C., and^ounded as .follows: On the on the east by the land of Amos Har dy, on the south by the land of James -SKfoart aj>d on the west by a lane leading Afr'om the Leechville public ?road to fche Fungo River road. It be-, lag the sam4 land 'that the safd Nlcey Smith purchased ofcjfetrry- White, and beintfThe same land also in the afore said mortgage. ? V I'h^the 4th day of October, t909. Y. CREDLE, Mortgagee. Bowen, Owner of the Debt. ? ? W. C. Rodman, Attorney. . . CITY T1XBB. ' The tax books tot the" city or Washington have keen' turned-orefc. . to th? underaignedj 'and 'this la to n<? . tify all owners of fcnroperty subject to. tax that I am ready toTecelve *ax?k] tor the ensuingjrear. 'Th^y must be ee^ected at ?nc4. W. B. WlNfjLEY, City Clerk "* October 7, 1809. ... v% t~> HOTICK. North Carollfta, 'Beaufort -Cotoaty. In, the Superior Court; October term., 1909. Lftkie :Ab#l Vs. He*XX-A o?I. The defendant above named, will take notice: That an action entitled as above, has been leOmtfenced by the plaintiff, against the defendant in the Superior court'ot Beaufort coufity ft) secure an abeolute. divorce from the ? ? ?ad the mid defendant -I'l unit H |g required to appear at the next Ml of the Superior court .pf Beaufort connty to be held Oathe ?th" Monday after the 1st Monday lm-'Beptemb^V, at the courthouse in tofd ^ounty/in Waahinrton. North"- Carolina, and \b*wer or demur, to the coAjWlint fa aaid action or the plaintiff will ap ply to the coprt for the relief de manded in her complaint. ~*Thia the l?tk ?ay ef Ee|iUiib>r. 1909. OBO. A. PAUL. NOTICE' or ?t-MMO*fc VAB* > I MWlflji ?IWW njrgfe" Nortl?* Carolina. Beaufort County. Washington Township, Justice's Court. Before A. Mayo. J. P. Oeo. W. Owen and Geo. M. Owen, trad ins Geo. N. Owen and Bon, re. The defendant above named will ??*?. wnll.?- Thnf ft BUMMM the above entltled-action was Issued -Attend StlL. Pn the 27th day of September, 190 fl, Justice or thb PWei bf Beaufort county, N6rth Carol iia, 'for the of two hundred, (.$200.00) dollars, ?hi nl*fli^fr h? Judgment ren dered In thelf 'favor and Yralnat the1 defendant In the Court of Law and Chauncery of the City of;^>rft>lfc,i Virginia, on March 20th, l?t>8, which wAaons is returnable before said justice, at "his offlce III Wmrtrtntftotnj in said cotnty* and In Washington' __ township Jbj Tuesday the 24th day of October. l?0f, at * CTcTdcTr^r mr Th* defendant will al?o take dot Ice that a warrant- tof attach meit Vfcf it sued' by said justice on the 27th day ert* of skM defendant whldi F?T?ht of attachment Is returnable before ?aid justice at the time and place a bore named tor' the Teturn' of the summons, when an& where' the de fetndant Is required to appear aftd answer or demur to the cbmplaint. or the relief demanded will be granted. . This the 27th day of September, _ 190%. A. MAYO, -I ? Justice of the Peaoe. NOTKJB OK BXK^UTION HAUt. North GrrMTft* , iwauforVCoun tj.- in the Superior Court "the J. E. T|^, .V Thoa. H. Blount. to the^nder^sned, from the Superior poort of Beau ^ it in the P?" ? Jbst . OOroiXE for "That ri?idvi)e." Out laat -night T Headache and nwnnn tfata momlni t Blcka' Ciim dlne Iu?t the thing to -lit you tor builncie. Clears the head ? braces the nervea. Try 1l At 4ruk narmrr Wcha' Capudlne Cure. Olch Headache ... ' . ? Remember This: ' ? . ? < ?*~ ^ ~ A FIRETSCOMING! ~ _ Make yourself safe with JBrngaw's Insurance. Do it WM. BRAGAW & CO., First Insurance Agents lo Wivhing ? ' * i ? *v: iusE Washing, Powders and Soap THE MARKET rANT. THE ONLY SOAP ON THE MARKET ^TH AT [CONTAINS DISINFECTS ANNOUN CEMENT UlE t? ht^rttpiTtrra for ll ? : '?"**? "? >-?. l-J. and ail wpol Jwnb. Alaa Urua?.U in Stair fCarpct and St.tr Patterns. Art Squrn. ?x 12 leel.lft Crti, Crin ll?. Inuraln, Brtmrh. A??liiUm. W?km lllm.ulnrlal line ol ? RUGS= / :>* "? . . - T* f7*f * ' * ' < *r. ?It aim and patunu In Moqaate, Velvet. BroateU. elc. See Ourl _ (dal Velvet Ru(77xM, at fl. S?and $1. IS. They are equal to ordl- I I nary Moquette at aj^uch hlgherTp^a, . ? ./> , ,v,. &s4otf tKmob *?4l "j*y *mr- kt? ? r-' > r" II. You often see where houses are burned while ownefs are away attending the [show. Come in and let me insure your hovpe b?fqre ypu go to the carnival. |CARL D. PARKER, Gen'F Insurance. ,'v " Foyr Yeir# Experience. JJaven?-Sm?Ll Bld'u 'Phonfe J?5 to the highest bidder, for cash! to aatlify said execution^ all the rigii t Iftte and Interest which the sild| inoe. H. BlOTlDt, the defendant, h In the following, described reel < tate, tcrtivlt: ?' " ' ?>! I '"Jk N^irtHwot -ft pirtl f laiT | kOOwti^is "Setts &ucl.t* I?in?~ jdsr northeast of the city of Washington, in Beaufort county, 4a the State df North Carolina; beginning at a cedar poet oo the Plymouth road, running thence south 59 1-2 w?Rt 214 8 feat; |thence north 38 east 617 fset; thence north S3 degrees east 1222 feet;* M>enpe north 59 fcs east 510 feet; thence south ST" essx aVuy beginning;* containing one hundred and twenty-five (125) acres, more or L. It being the purpose add intent df [this descrlplUHl tU 'fuilude the fsrta on'wfcleh the siid Thos. H Blount uotr resides, and has resided foi- a number of yetys. and which is bound ed approximately as hereinbefore In PSbSbotofrstead of defendant, h<&^ Hafore allotted to him. in) the Abfcye ndWTtrtd-lafcd. subject to w&gfe this sale will be madeT-la that portion whlcS'^ iescrfifed'as fol^sfi, to-Ht^ pfBeflylng at ahTckory at the td> Uat-A.-hUtia.thft oqw Jot soath of | southeast of the residence; rtmnh*? I north about fifty (50) east a distance of about #00 feet to ftn Old pump: point In the line ditch on LhvefT Lane; thence with and along the line" ditch and Lover's Lane, north about' 17 west to a 2-4 Inch pipe sunk In said ditch; thence south about 50 west, a distance of about TiOtet, to a plum tree; thence -south dbofit 3 west, a distance df about 168 foet, to ] a Cringe tree JU the corner of H. N. -BT^tnrrs ymth, thencnBath 4fcggftt H'tiiiiii.. - trn, In fnmt ef ~tlie- mlli>ier ueed tfor years as a hitching post; thence south about 33, degrees east, a dis * i1' (tlnntnjt; M>ht?fnln* -mm ono-hair (? l-i) acre?. ?n aceur?lr | NOTICE. - 411 ,? , ? *.(j. ? Havlrtg Qualified as administrator of Mtot* Jiu&te Q. Deal, do-. cMied, Tate of Bea\ifort V&Unty, Xortt Cardllna. thfs la to notify all paraoia biatmi aptlm the Es tate of iartd deceased to exhibit them duly Terifled to the underiri*ned Aurora, N. C., on or before the 2 2d <Uy jol September, 1910, or tbla do tleo^ will be pleaded In bar- of tbelr recovery. All peraopB Indebted tb the aaid es tate will pleasemade Immediate pay Thla aiit day of September, 1909. j. irvin deaL. Vaif^han 4 Thompson. Attorneys. HirVr^.igfrk^Av m - TALK! w afternoon for Aurora, on % business trip, .* ? ' ? ? Mr .1 W. M?vn, jjf Aurora, spent yeeterdey-in town, en rouIe~ho?n? af waa here yesterday on business. e ? Dr. Jack Nicholson made a profes sional visit to Stokes yesterday after no'on.- -7~' " ~r~B^ -m ? ? " Messrs. Angus MacLean and Geo. . A. Freeman went to Vandemere yes- | terday afternoon to bear hunt. ? ? - Mlnjgn Martl? anil ktthlm jltllh. kin returned to Beaufort yesterday after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Smith P?uV, ... Mr r W B.rtn- reliirmJ to hlB | Ixome in New Bern yesterday after a I Tew days in the city with friends. ? ? I #Mr. Howard. Hairlspn. went to.NewJ Bern ,last night to be best man^at the | Sutler-Pippin wedding which occurs | :oday. Mlaa Laura Cutler, accompanied j ler brother to New "Bern last night to | ittend the CuUer-Plpkln wedding. ?? ?. ?? ,j-. . # J. A. Pllley went to New Bern | resterday afternoou. *"??? ^ m Rev. P. H. flardlng arrived yester lya from Charleston. S. C.y* to help ifflcjate atrthe Bragaw-HargroTe nup tiala. _ ~ ?? _ Miss Julia Haughton arrived last light from a long trip to Charlotte and Blowing Rock, and other points !n western North Carolina. ? * Hemm T. P. Howard and W. P. | Baogham left yesterday Tor- Rtch Boond, Va. " ? i-i * ? ? Mr. C. C. Mayo, of. South Creek, Is | In the city today. '?'XL i Doctor, Mik Wnd Miss Muse Blount zrjMkA yesterday to attend the Bra- 1 B^wyjlargrove wedding. - Miss Nora ; Angel returned last I alght from Wilmington. ? ^ Miv\ Cam L Mellck returned thl? | mornitfg to Elisabeth City. < . \ ?.* CjjT- > Ned Myers left this morning I f orchis home Izi Charlotte after a bus- 1 loess trip in thefeity. e Capt. John ^C. rtoyt arrived this morning from Beaufort to spend the | day in town. ? i-. . ? ?. -Stef left this morning for Plymduth on"j bhalness. is in the city todfcy. Mr. Alston Orifcies, of Grltnealand. la. a visitor In the ctty today. a ooNw iKmnors proIih-kk. -rftom^hlnr nf of -the] forthcoming production of "Ths Mer chant of Venice" may be Imagined wtfen n la known that Mr. Guy F. Gregg, manager for Mr. Edouard O'Olxe carries two complete seta of scener/. each Identical with the oth er. One Is for .the largest stages and I the other for the stages of moderate) site. Mr. D'QIae's production demanded by clubs and associations of many cities where the theater^ MtAMA Ir small. To. meet this de- J mand the two seta were secured. B> the possession of the two equipments, the citizens orihe smaller towns will ' witness the same production as those of dt^ possessing more liberal stage i room. Incidentally Mr, Gregg is the | only manager of Shakespearean plays who has been so conscientious in his provision; all; this despite the~;Cost | for double transportation-, "which is no small item. "The part ef fiylock was beautiful llr tatariraM *T (W??rU H'Olti, a very talented young actor. Mr. D'Olze I h*ld hii audlAttctt. e*ery Dvmtnt Hul he was on the stage, whether speak ing or silent- ..do praise i^ too high for his conscientious and artistic wprk. He UTU* without clap-trap; but in maintaining the dignity of the pmrt he nerer loses his perfect ease and. natufa^nesa that makes his Shy 16ck a living. Suffering man, the vtc ttm of a successful majority who feel that ali_iha,t is due him is the con | tempt that th*y would be loth to he I stow upon a dog, And* whcf are the ft atnabod^j^.d^WJir lis suffVT sco - CRaSlLMTON ablia^c Seed Ftt.mfe by tbe ?o?nd at J?Ctoonnll? (Fit.) Metropo Hi".?? NEW T0S.N40K_T^X fX EI FMT .Washington, D. C.. Oct. 5. ? Colloc I Uon_ot the new tonnage tax of twt cents prescribed for tu t hw passed Payne-Aldrlch tariff act begim today; -The new law provide* that th? tonnage duty of two centa per ton not -to exeeed in the aggregate 10 cents per ton In flfl y - ay *> yunr. be lm , loosed at every entry on all vessels Ltroin any foreign fort or place In -North America, contra! America, the West India Islands, the Bahama lands or the coast of South America. New fou nd^aud, and a duty of six cents per ton, not to. exceed 30 cents per ton per annum, be Imposed at ev ?ry entry on all vessels from any oth ?jar... foreign port, not, howeveis to In clude vessels In diatreuTor notwgag^ ed in trade. The new two-cent rate virtually amounts to a decrease of one cent per ton from the rates heretofore In effect. Naturally the decreased rate will have a tendency to lower tffe re ceipts from the tonnage taxes, and It la estimated by the department of commerce and labor that, the annual Income will amount tO'$l,050,000 per year, or more than $500,000 less than was collected annually under the old law. CARI> OF THANKS. In the name of the Moore Lumber Company J wish to publicly express our thanl&laiid sincere appreciation to the flre_departroent~of this city, for their most excellent work last night !ln subduing the flames at our mill plant They did all within their power to stop the flre. Their work is certainly appreciated and I take this method of expressing to *SAm our thanks. They will ever be remem bered. ? v , W. P. HARRELL, Secretary and Manager Moore Lum ber Co. Spitting Nuisance Hawking and Spitting Is Censed by C'ataiili Germs. M the* local 'anthorlties want to stop the disgntaing habit of spitting mucous on tha. sidewalks, they had better instruct the people as to the beat method of killing th catarrh germs and curing catarrh You can easily. tell by reading the symptoms below whether you have catarrh or m)Jt: Offensive breath, frequent sneez ing. dlsoharge from npse, stoppage of the nose, huekinesa in the voice, tick ling In. the throat; droppings In the^ throat, a cough, pain in chest, loss of strength, variable appetite, spasms of coughing, lqw spirited at times, rais ing of mucouB, difficulty In breath-, ingit loss of vital force. Brown's Drug Store has a esnsiblel remedy (money back if it falls) 'for) qatarrb, called Hyumel, 7*lilch4s a i _ porlied air feo antiseptic that when It IS breathed over the inflamed and genn-lqtested membraue, It kills. all germ life and ouros catarrh. back if It doesn't cure. Extra bottles, H)WU. ' ? ? . ? L **I have tried almost every, catarrh cur^ on the market without benefit. Have been using Hyomel for one week and feel like a .new &l wi/ l'-Wm. y. Qoode. Newark, Ohio, jyjjqi % i r iftoj,', * *" and seed. Hardy *a Drug] Store, , ? < ? ? ? MAIL DISCONTINUED. ?For some cause, yet to be explain ed, the Postofflce Department has dis continued the" evening mail on the through freight from this city to points rtlnng the Norfolk and South ern road. By this rule going into ef fect 'Ofctob er 1, the mall received at. Hyde county, are delayed a whole] * The citizens affected by this change I shoufd demand an explanation. Its | ^continuance anrk^f. Uttll ship. * CROUP T?2pa^atio3 jBm MM ud comfort. Jul rift * u<* h VHfc ? li ? ?, -The Light of quality A Let us "show you" if 1 ' . - ? JWrtUWMiW,, . i " * i ^-3 k J WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT "v NEW ARRIVALS OF DRESS-GOODS In all shades and at all prices. Your in*pe?Mon will give as pleasure. SPENCER BROS. WHY ? -J WORRY .. ???? ? " ' ' 1 with headaches, constipa tion and indigestion? Ask about : ARH.RNA WATER. J the oleasart and efficient Aperient Saline Water. - WASHINGTON I DRUG COMPANY ONLY THE BEST heavy and fancy GR0GER1ES Carried. We please our customers or no pay. Try UNION GROCERY CO. JUST ARBJVED Another largje shipment of j Town Talk Flour j" ? and Old-Fashion Buckwheat\ Walter Credle & CO .? ? ? - - v #? Somebody Hill secure the one best j bai'fctln to life found In today's ads. ' Haven1! you aome ambition to be that pTrtOfrr Tbe amalleat atore In town could be made the biggest one. within a reasonable time? through a wisely plnnne^adreritaing campaign. * OYSTERS! quart. Served in any style, ileia specialty at 113 Market Street. . Ocr'acoke Fre?h Droscd Mullets. ? l.-T. WTATT. - HIGHEST CASH KK1CK8 r,M CHICKENS, EGGS and all !~rGOUNTRY PRODUC&i | ; We carry Hay, Grain and all kinds ^ed?tuff ? We handle the *ery t>e?t .Flour at whole fV~'~ PAUL & CUTLER EAajP-W^TElt STRKKT. r?D0;N T ~1 Walk or Ride. Talk Over The Telephone. ' You csfn have a Telephone put In your house in the city for at~your farm at a very sur passingly low cost, and save mafly a long drfve and per haps a life by b^inf in direct frntf Inrtintintfoii f micb your Doctor. Grocer, . Mer chant and Rroksir, . 1 ' u W'Mther r?porti ah<f ket quotations can be secured dally. ' i ? in tttc.Mtfd p?Mw tUi'it quMlod to t;<?ny)<?k)yyyW> Mi. D. W. Bell, M'fif-'i CAROLINA TfcL. AND . ,TpL.pp., Washington, N. C. This proposition will inter est yod. artd it would 6^ well to investigate before the ap proach of the coM Winter months. A WeW? Supply eT Breakfast * 'Cerealsi Puffed Rice, Puffed Wheat and many others. Price always right, quality the best. Two delivery wagons and wheel, which io f sures prompt Service. 'Phone 123. The Grocery Man. <? ?HELP IS OFFERED? ? [THE I. H. ?. TOGGLfctlOINT HAY PRESS Is the lighest draft, and makes the' most compact bale of any press sold. BAILEY SUPPLY GO., . SALES AGENTS. | HORSES and MULES ? . ? :v^ Gf a H. HILL Your horse Will' be well cared for ? Hill's Stables. * at

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