? Partly cloudy, with j showers tonight op Friday. VOLUME I. WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLRgA, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 7, 1909 Last Edition COUNTY CLERK ASKS PEOPLE S!9I!SU" i ' i If 'II iiBiiiniirjiijiikii Mr. Jordan's Successor The County Chairman Calls Joint Meeting of the Various Precinct Committees of Long Acre for Saturday, October 16. The following communication from Mr. W. G. Rodman, chairman of the D-jmocratto Courty Executive Com mittee to this paper with enclosures, | will explain Itself: ' r October s, T909. Editor Dally News, Washington, N.. C Dear Sir: Enclosed I hand you letter .which I have Just recelvod from I the Honorable Geo. A. Paul, Clerk of | the Superior court of Beaufort coun ty and a copy of my roply thereto, also a. notice .of a meeting, of the Executive Committees of Long Acre " township in . joint session, hi the city of Washington On Saturday the 16th ? da^of Qetober,-*909. at 11 a. m.. ?t the courthouse in Washington. N. C. 1 frust you will give this correspon dence publicity, In order that- the | people rtay have a chance to act. Very respectfully. Chairman Democratic Ex. Com. October ?,'1909. Mai. W. C. Hodman. Chairman Demo- 1 cratlc Executive Committee of] Beaufort County. Sir: Under section 1314, chapter I v23. Vol. I, Pell's Revlsal of% xNorth Carolina, It becomes my duty as clerk of the Superior court ,-4$$ Beaufort county to make the appoint ment of a County Commissioner to All the unexpired term of the late lamented H. G.' J Of dan, of Ix>ng Acre towashlp; and, desiring to be gov erned In the matter by the expressed -%Jshes of the. pedple, as nearly as be obtained, I would be pleased if, at your earliest conven ience, fou would call a meeting of the several precinct executive com mittees of the Democratic party of Long Acre township, requesting them to recommend eome one suitable to fill the vacancy. Very respectfully, <jEO. A. PAUL, Clerk Superior Court. | , . October 6. 1909. Honorable Geo. A. Paul, Clerk Superior Court. Washington, *N. c. sir: *~7 oeg 10 of your letter by this evening's mall. Pursuant (p ymi'f req?ont I ? havo once called a meeting of the Demo cratic Executive Committee of iiong Acre township, to pass upon the ques tion Involved in yojjr letter, namely the selection. of a successor to fill the unexpired term of Commissioner Jor-| dattr ? All ofr-us ?IPtt the BsaeasUr of making this appointment, but I trust I may be permitted to say to you that personally 1 congratulate you upon the wisdom of -your course , in obtaining, as nearly as-may be pos sible, the wishes of the people of his township, upon whieh to base your appointment. Very respectfully, Chalrfl}) 'an Democratic Ex. Com. ' NOTICE. At the request of Honorable Geo. A. Paul, Clerk of the Superior court of ..BeaftfyCSflmUy. there will be a Joint meeting of the various precinct executive committees 'of Long Acre __J&Wni]lki_at ll o'cl6ck a. tS., piv Sat urday, October at the- court house In Washington, N. C. 1 The purpose of th< meeting Is*. to . recommend a successor ta fill the un? ? ' expired term of the late H. Q. Jor dan, as County Commissioner, nnftf#| vscant by hla death. . ? This 6th day of October, 1909. WTTVBY C. RODMAN ? I Chairman Dem. Executive Com: | 'j. " - " v WTOLY RBOOVBlHfie. Mri. H. Ckcrry, of Ant roqris street, who haa been confined to her home for the papt Week suffering with an extremely had attack of ner vousness, we are glad to state is rap Idly recovering. The many friends of Mrr. Cherry vfiT befitted to learn of her recovery *? ?he Is quite an ac tive factor Tn church work and her presence front Ihe Methodist- Church choir has b4en badly mlseed. NBW8 tfOUCITOR. JNO. H. SMALL AMONGSPEAKERS He Addressed (he Good Roads ^^aagre&mtAsheviUe Yes- I ? terdsy. Congressman John H. Small was one of the principal speakers at tl^e Southern Appalachian Good Roads Congress, at ABbevllle.* " yesterday. Th? Mawh MinhMrv^MVfchin ad dress was one of the features. The ~Kews gives ~belpw thr extract: "Congressman Small addressed the congress at the afternoon session on 'The Mountains afid Seashore, Con nected by Good Roads.' Mr. Small made a splendid which, he intelligently discussed the problems, of securing construction of roads.' He declared thst~he was in favor of a general Appropriation by Congtess for road Construction r and- wottld-ve*? for such; but advised the people not to depend upon such appropriations,' re citing the difficulty to, establish an Appalachian forest. He was hopeful that within a few years Congress would decide to mal:e appropriations for the National forest, as well as for road construction. The only ^ray that State aid could be utilised, he said was by having a fund from whl(& a certain amount of aid could be exT tended those counties which voted bonds for roads; only .the deserving one, those which, showed a desire, sharing in the fund.w He firmly de clared his position that taxation for road "bullying was necossary and rights thai where large HIBV of mon ey was demanded at once, bonds should be Issued. This matter should be laid before the people. 'I believe that high taxes for schools and roads ls~VheThighe8t condition of any pontl^ cat party,' he declared. After statng that much better connection betweea ;the East and West Is not only de sirable; but it would mean much for the social and commercial develop ment of the State, Mfr. Small declared, 'If we are to bring this great move mcntto a fruition, then pypmtioi. . |egate must go forth as a miss^jfca^ and preach the doctrine of good roads and taxation." ALL THE SEATS ALREADY SOLD For the Opening Game in the Baseball World-Series to Be Played at Pittsburg. Pittsburg. Oct. 7.? The National Baseball Commission having charge of tho aate of f^eats for the- world's aeries games hercbetween PtTCHburg "ana ueiroit tfnhounc?^io<ffy that^E1? public sale of- "reserved se&ts adver tised fm wcttBittj ma twn ww celed, owing to the facjLthat'no tick' eta were left for either of the games of Friday or Saturday^ The mail"drde'r Bale of reserved 1&.514 tickets for each game' at puiIjih talri Having ha sn ?5H <8 hours after orders were re ceived, the announcement being made by an 9fficial of the Pittsburg base ball club that 1100,000* worth of or ders for seats for the first two games here have beei^ returned ~ with a no tice that no reserved seats were left. The local club refused to accept their mail at the postofflce after Saturday ?mprnijig, ana. an letters arriving ar t#>r that* time were returned to" th? s?hders. f There still remain 12,000 bleacher IabjS standing room tickets that will 1 be put on sale each day of the games here, and. ^ from present indications, police reserves will be necessary to control the crowtf'.of people who were I dlBappolnted tt BgCfyttlng reserved seats. The officials* of the Pittsburg: base -ball^club are not taking any chances on all not being accommodated with the present seating capacity of Forbes field, the large* t^baseball park in the world, and extra seats' are belhg built around Ahe grounds, thus preventing Kluuud iuUti. Bight thousand aeat? thus giving the parr a seating capac ity of 4 3.000.Wlth thete^ landing, [all baseball records are expected frp "bfe broken during the gaihes here. CRKD1T A IIIjE SHOWING. In th? show- window her of Commerce rooms can be seed samples of corn, cotton and Japan peas raise* l>y the flftnf of TJIxon ? Bonner, of Aurora. N. C. The News mprni . anywfcere. Tbey%ho*r mm t Beaulort county can do In th* way of ENTOMBED, *8 Bodies Recovered rhe Accident Occurred in Mine | British Columbia ? Rescuers at | Work. Nanalmo, B. C. , Oct. 7. ? Thi^y lives are known to have be?n -lost tn an exposion that entombed more than 50 men in the extension mine of the Wellington-Oolllery Company here y Saturday.- ^ ? ? | Twenty of the imprisoned men were rescued, but the rapidly spread ing Are , prevented the rescuera-from completing their work. Eight bodies were recovered and two workers late tonight were majj(/QK ?very effort to force further entrance into the two levels affected by the explosion in an effort to save any who may beJiying and to recover the bodies of the dead before tliey are consumed. The fire was gaining constantly, tonight, and while it continues there is little hope of the rescuers being able to reach the imprisoned men. All the men rescued were badly in jured. The men employed In the collierres on Vancouver Island are of the bet ter class of British miners, are well paid and have comfortable homes. The- Wellington Colliery Company, which owns the Extension KlTTfe, is controlled by British Columbia cap ital. Lieut. -Governor ?Jas. Dunsmulr being the head of the corporation. The shocks were terrific but the ety feet was confined to the slopes where in it occurred. AH of the men In the other slopes and levels escaped. , ? Pifty men are engaged in reaeue work. Hundreds of Inhabitants and visitors volunteered aid, but the na ture of the rescue work precluded more than 50 being. engaged. I ?The rescuer^ hoped the flamea would die^down so as to permit the rescue of {the entombed, but their chances seemed hopeless. The explosion was due to fire damp, the timbers in the two levels at once igniting and the fire, spreading with great rapidity. Residents Of NintlUO have prevented from going to the exten sion, -where the disaster occurred, and only re^c^ers, miners and' offic ials are on the scene. The mine is situated 60 miles to the north of Victoria, near the sea "? "Some^BT' TrtB"5?. nam oern rrnfthmeF the sea. ? More than il.0(n> m^n nre employ ed In these collieries, which are the second largest in Canada. They have been operated for 40 years. They have been th^ scene of several dis NO HOPE PGR ? " ;? MAN. IN WELL Father Gives Up the Faith That He Can Be Found ? : - ? r * Alhrt. : ? New York, Oct. 7* ? All hope of rescuing Jtrtm-eoffen, the young far mer of Central iallp, who was burled alive yesterday 60 feet below the sur a well in which he was working, had been abandoned late last night by his | rafh.T r % The progress of sinking a second shaft to the level at which the cave In occurred has boon ao alow that 4t Is now believed the prisoner must surely hau? been smothered by the sand or drowned by. the mounting water in the well. ^ _ L A11 last night long relay 8 of men worked a? Itha - new shaft. There Is a possibility thatMhe crossbeams at thre bottom ot the well may have formed an air chamber. In which Cof ten might lire for a short time. Tliw chances are said' to be not more than one In a thousand that he could keep alive until the men can reach him. He is more t^an 60 feet from the sur face, and there is 30 feet of sand and clay on top of him. . _ Schwa rt*. who has charge of the men at work, said that jvalgfti be thrg*. or four days before HHBHflHfi reached. The plan la tosink a shaft down to Where Coffen lies and then dig a passage acrosf* tg old MP The' lumber needed to ?late last night ? ? - I THE ECONOMY FARM CENSUS Director Uurtod^kopes to Save Several Hundred Thousand 7 ? Dotes. ? 1 JV I Washington, D- C.'. Oct- s Census Director ' E _ Dana Durand, hopes to save jeevefai hundred thou ! sand dollars in taking the census ot agriculture. an<Htl?fr to Increase the The director stated today that at the census' of 1BOO the agricultural data were handled* by means ot punched cards, for each farm a large number of cards had to be punched, as the number of facts re corded regarding -a farm was far greater than the ntttjiber of fttcts re quired regarding au lndivtduftl in the population censttBvi Director DnrSSfWitd the statistics of population and ot agriculture are collected by a different force from that employed In gathering the sta tistics ot manufactures. The popula tion and agricultural data are se cured by enumerate* of whom there will be about J66.00tj at the present census, they in tut* being appointed by the supervisory* of whom there are about 330. The difficulty ot se curing competent and faithful enum erators 1s very great. The length of service: Is very Short 13 days in the cities and 30 days il< the' country dis tricts. The period is too short to justify a man who. tyas a good Job In quitting it. while o* the other band It Is too long In modi cases to enable such mon to get. Jea*? trom their reg ular work to taie the census. More over the pay Is snail, averaging per haps throe dollar^ per day In the country districts aSB ? trine more in the cities, practlcalfc' the .pay of or dinary mechanlca. |Nm only, there fore, are roost ot t?ose who seek to be enumerators me? who are able to command only moderate pay In their occupations, but many of them are men who can not"<iommand regular rt11p|nvm..r,l nnfl TV' innkinr far odd Jobs. *' tb . Consideration ha? been given by the census authorises from time to time to- the plan pufaued la Germany and'iome other *?opean countries, Oy "which the cenSitts chiefly 'or wholly by men eerving without pay. who either volunteer their serv ice from patriotic motives or who are required to act. He doubts whether conditlons^in this country are ripe for such a scheme. At any ratQ, nothing of-thia soil can be done at the present censda. It may, how ever, be hoped that t^Bome^light cr* tent; and possibly to a considerable extent, men can be Induced to ac-^ cept"thc~po8ition nf enwmer^tor_fronr interest in the work rather than for the compensation-involved. H* hop^s colleges and universities ol the coua fpv mqy ?"?<? ^ ' ' rlvn Iwavo Qt sencecto their student* for the short time required to do this ^ork of enumeration. The college student is| a very useful enumerator in some| cases, but it is exceedingly desirable j that enumerators should actually live j there are multitude? of district* where no college students reside or where such student* are In Institu tions hundreds or thousands of miles from their homes. Another class, who can render good serrtce as enumera tors -are school to&hers. but.? *4thJ and May Instead of June as formerly!] few school ? fpnrhpra /.fln ??pnr?d from their duties to take the census! | LOCATKI) at ORIENTAL. Mr. A. -F. AsfibiiTji, formerly a hutcher af" the market house, has | gone to Oriental. N. C., where he ex and oyster business. ACCEPTS POMTlON . Mr- Llndsey barren has accepted a position as assistant bookkeeper at the First National Bank In the city, and began his duties today. TO MAKE SURVEY OF TAR RIYER The U. S. Gas Boat Frances in Port on Way to Green ville. The gas tint, t Franeaa, Capt. K. A. Bell. In command, property of the United stuteerl^Ternmpnt. ar nm In port thlr rarqnrtn; frBm New Berrf. aha la here for the pufpote'of of Tar Hirer from Jarbproto Waah 'in?ton. The boat laft for GreViiviiic t?U ?IWHIUIIII fll wuihT Ml. charga arrive of the lurTar, fi expected to] hafe thin evening The pur of _thl? aurvar la to daapan the ? lr'.? .1 BALLOON RACE WON fir MIX, _ t M AMERICAN i-J He Lands in Russia The Only Contestant From the i United States in the Internation al Balloon Race Captures, Gor- 1 don Bennett Cup. Zurich. Oct. 7. ? Edgar W. Mix, the only American contestant In* the In ternational balloon race for the Gor don Bennett cup. In which 17 bal loons started from here October 3, has won and will take the cup bark to the United States. He Is from^Co lunjbi'3, Ohio. _ . . '.Mr. Mix. landed north of Warsaw, In- Russian Poland, at 3 o'clock Tues day morning- He won with plenty of time to spare from Alfred Leblanc, the French pilot, his companion in 4ho Str l^ouis Face of 1907, -who came down at Kubln', irungkry, Monday af ternoon. The first news of Mt. Mix's landing was conveyed in a personal despatch to- the Associated Press dated Ostro lenka. The aeronaut said: , . "I landed In the midst of a large pine tree iirtfce forest of Gutova, west of Ostrolenka<- ami" worth of Warsaw at 3 o'clock Tuesday morning. I en countered a heavy rain. My ballast was exhausted when I came down. At present I am in the hands, of the police, .but All la going well; "I had bad weather Sunday, night. It was cloudy and rain fell and 1 used half of my ballast before morning It is evident that ineplte of the discouragement of drifting onward without knowing his location, the American aeronaut husbanded his ballast and kept his balloon afloat, un 111 the last ounce of sand was genu. He made his journey through fog and blinding rainstorms which compelled all the other pilots to descend. After crossing the Swiss and the Austrian Ainu. Qaataln Messner, one of the Swiss pilots, reported that his clothes ' were covered with ice to a thickness of half an inch. Meesner reached an altitude of IS, 000 feet. Of the division of balloons which were carried more to the southward. LeBlanc, ope of the French pilots, reached the farthermost point. He covered a distance estimated at 1,015 kilometres ? 630.31 miles). ~MessnerT distance was about the same as Le JJalnc's and Col. Schaeck, a Swiss en trant, covered 493.69 miles. The others covered lesser durance.^ Erbsloh ^covered kilometres] '<S?1.26 "miles) from. "5tT Louis fn l9i)7. wulch Is the longest flight made in an international race, although be hind Count De La Vaulx's record trip to Southern Russia. Ittjs Impossible to explain why Mr. Mix should have been molested by the- Russian |K>li<e, as In anticipation j of a landing in Russia, each of the | pilots was proVTd'^a_at Zurich. before , starting, with A special Russian pass port guaranteed by the Russian mln - ' lster to Switzerland to protect them | against annoyance. The American embassy at St. Pet WlbBTg 1ms been ad vised of Mr. Milt's predicament and asked to take tha matter up at once with the Russian authorities. The committee sitting at Zurich has Issued an unofficial gstjmfltp _ oL the distance covered by Mlx? which it states to be 1.120 kilometres ( about 69 n miles) or 3290 kilometres (198 miles) more than LeDlanr. the IBBIB'ifiUBr. An exact classification of the per formances of the, contestant* will be Impossible, until their log books ar rive, but Mf. Mix Is an easy winner. Alfred LeBlanc. representing France, and Captain Messner, representing Switzerland. each of whom made slightly over 80Q Kilometres (apou t 496 miles) are both naftied for sec ond placc, but this probably will not be determined until the official an nouncement is made. . " CAT AS AN INCENDIARY. J^remart able discovery was mad e b>" ?\ pBr'y Tfflvflge flTfririoy engaged- 1 in a cotton warehouse wbTch-was the scene of a slight outbreak of fire, says the London Standard. While, si search was being made among the debris it' was noticed* that several bricks had been removed from tha .wall, and a further exami nation revealed "a; live cat 'with a long' string attached to Its tail, upon which WW?~~lfi6 remain* or iame roarrwT material 'it at hart riYiriftDtlr Iwin .sat urated with Ihflatnmabls liquid. TH5~theory of the police is lhat the wareh&use, where the cotton was stored, the artificial tail having Man lighted beforehand. The discovery confirms tha police tn tha belief that tfca numerous cottoa flrse of ths past fsw months have been ths work of toosadtarfo* CONVENTION AT ASHEVILLE, N. C. The Appalachian Good Roads As socwtiuii Welcomed by ?ov. ? Kitchln. ? ;? Ashe.ville, C*. Oct. 7.-* Wltfr iZt j to 175 delegates present from Norft. Caroline. South Carolina, G^ori^la. I Tennessee and Virginia, the Southern I was ushered in this morning ai the city auditorium for a three days' ses sion, In which ways iynd means for the construction of more than GOO miles of improved roads in the South ern Appalachian Mountains will be cleared. ? * , . i When the congress assembled there were" a number of prominent men of the several States <Sn the platform. Includlyg Governor Kitchln of North Carolina^ Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt of Chapel Hill, F. H. Hyatt of South Carolina. Dr.' PraU Stated the pur poses of the congress, to provide ways and means for building 500 miles of good roads In the Appalachian Moun tains, with connecting links leading to South Carolina. Georgia, Tennes see and Virginia. _ , * Governor K Itch in , of North Caro lina. welcomed the delegates on be half of North Carolina. He said that the question of good roads was npt new; that the Romans had built good roads, roads *hat have lasted for more than one thousand "years; That they knew the value of good roads, not only for purposes of war, but for commerce. Governor Kitchln said that the only way r6rget-#ond roads was by hard earnest, horfbst work and that thefff was no magical way of get Hog good-roads; that tbo people. muM. go down In their pockets and bear the expenses. W. J. Cocke welcomed the dele gates on behalf of the city. Dr. Jos eph Hyde Pratt was elected perma nent chairman of the congress, and E. J. Watson, of South Carolina, sec retary. Col. Benehan Cameron was oftllod and ppoke on "Federal Aid to Post Roads." > SHAFT ERECTED IS UNVEILED Erected in New Bern to Feder al Soldiers Who Were Killed in CivH War Mew Bern, n: c.. Ocl. 7.? After a welcome at the courthouse last night on behalf at the city by Mayor M-c CArty, on behalf of the State by Hon. alg Bryan-Crimes. Secretary oi_.?>tafe, and .J. .QJfe-lwhnit^f qua, loc al organization of Confederate vet prnns rhP RhnJn Iglnr.fl Vr.i, .. nrnn f t*orn mission, which arrived last even ing for the-purpose of dedicating the monument to Rhode Island soldiers buried here, were. about bright and early today, some meeting old friends and making new &<-<tu#4ritanrpB, ? The first feature of today's pro gram, arranged by the local cammit tee on arrangements, was a sail on the Neuse and Trent. The training ship ?lfrlda was secured and amply afrommodated. Historic points along both rivers were poTiUed out. About tho.mnnt im?r?ming guest is Col. Henry T. Slsaon. of the Fifth Rhode Island Hjary Artillery. Col. Sisson has many recollections of Now Bern/having" been stationed here dur JOSL-thO. Biy-gin?a Jhnn r> inin? ? f>thn?i distinguished guests are his excel lency, Aaron J. Pothier, governor of Rhode Island, and Capt. William M. Douglass." Fifth R. I. Infantry, chalr ma.ll ntJha i nmmlaalftn . - . At 1:30 the party and citizens boarded Norfotlr and southern care and reached the_cemetery in time to begin the ceremonies at 2:30. when the program, open+rrg wfth-pntycr arrd the singing of "America" by school childTeirof New Bern, after which the monument Jttt unj.?Ued.-hy ilc_U? a. N'unn and Mrs. E. K. Bishop, 'of thl? city. The monument Was then- deliv ered to the commission by Sculptor \V m . W. Manatt. or Providence. R. 1. " Hon. Wm. W 7 ~Dou glass made tVe'ad- ' dress of acceptance in' behalf, of the_ , commission and presented the shaft Xa his oxcalloncy, Governor Poither. 1 who officially delivered it to the Unit ed States, it being accepted by the ' superintendent.^^ he cemetery. After the singing of the "Stat Spangled Banner" Lieutenant Com mander C. J. McSorley. fired a saluu of eleven guns, which ?*defl the cere monies dedicating the monument by the State of Rhode "fsland to her he iw uc?u m' New nerrr.-'^ ? J IS APPRECIATED. ? 'W pnym ui??uu? ?< t>? wmj largely iltcn^ml than u?u<l TlK carnival num?T vin^.mT Mil. not aljown* m at ft. attrac tlona to b?jin operation until tb< nerrlc* hM dosed . Th* church-cola^ PM?1? appreciate very mack thu (u> ?roui attitude, la tact, the entire oltj. ? _ J L I F. COLLEGE fiJlSES AMOUNT bflFENflflimr Carnegie Sends Check ~~ This Noted insUfnFinp of Learn ing Raises a Fund of $100,000 ?Carnegie Gives 525,000 and B. N. DukeS 10,000. People all over the State will be glad to read the following announce ment that the $1 00,000 endowment fuud for Greensboro Female College. -ma-do bJ'rMr- Charles H Ireland, sec retary of The board ~oT trusters, who says: 4-I have Just received from Mr. Andrew Carnegie. his check /of |25, 000, his gift to the endowment fund of "Green sboro Female College. A few c^ys ago l received from Mr. B. X. Duke his check for $10,000. These two contributions brought our fund up to $100,000. the goal for which we hare- been Btrlving for the past ? three years. About one thousand persons from all parts of the State have contributed to this fund, and we are deeply grateful for every gift. Greensboro Female College is n owA with one exception, the only woman's college in the M. E. Church. South, that has an endowment or 1100,000. Shonld the. time ever cqjdc when the question of raising a big fund with which to erect a monument to the nobility and ability of woman in the sphere of general, civic, religious and educational usefulness, the true story of the resuscitating of Greens boro Female Collefce. first from flnan- , clal, second from actual Are ami ashes, and third the accomplishment of this last undertaking of endowing the institution with a fund for all time, which insures its everlasting ustMUinesH. WfiEh ^ fetrMfthlJy "told. would focus all thought upon this in stltution^knd it might well be select ed as of uself an appropriate form of ^ monument to woman's worth. True, In the rehabilitation of" the Institution, several yearsTgoIspTentiM men rallied to the rescue, and when fire destroyed the first fniits of effort, their aid was only redoubled, and when the goal of an endowment fund was planned they -generously gave of their little or abundance of means; yet from the first it was small, no fate band of womrrrrho ronrrlred and ? ? dared the resolve or rescue, until, ac cumulating numberless forces of sis ter courage, work and sacrifice, the whole membership of a great church TO* Inspired" to action, resulting in t p. princely contributions from outside tsnnrrifK While whole State will rejoice at the completion of>this last great work for Christian education, and the excellent members of the board of trustees of the college should be hon ored and frtamked ton therr serviro^ thore ar* four P^oplf who snouid have espedal cause for prldl and thankfulness toda<- at the result: Miss Nannie Lee Smith, of Greens boro. the Joan of Arc of the perilous first movement of rescue; Charles H. Ireland, secretary of the board of secretary, and above all, Mrs. Lucy M... Robinson, president of the noble Institution. # "" <9" ^ klAlilr tiuk Beginning next Sundaj.- October 10*h. the Norfolk ?n<TSbutbern road will operate' trains Noa. 14 and 15 be .WMLJhla clu-.and Jlaleleh- Thla u the Hame schedule ^pow In vogue be tween here and Raleigh week days, and In the future will include Sun day. This Sunday schedule will pfove Q"lta a com^uleiice-to th? trailing public. PHAWXX I/ODGE. There will be a meeting of Pha lanx Lodge No. H>t> I.-?. O. -P., *t~ thelr hall thla evening at TJl 0 d'cloek. 9 It*f? prudent to read them before flecftflng that you haven't timn to an* 'wi-r any ada. today. New Advertisements in Today's News: t" Wm. Hragaw ? to. ? Fire Ianm- | mee. . _ Knight shoe Ooi? Ladles' Keen. | lng Slipper*. * ?

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