VOLUME r. WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLUjjfcjgATURDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 9, 1909. NOW THOUGHT ~W.l HEARST WILL ACCEPT! g on Gaynor He Hoped the Judge Would At tack-Tammany in His Speech. v" The Leaguers Expect Him to ~ Accept. . . ,? New York. Oct. ?. ? William R. Hearst, It la confidently believed by those who aro closely- associated with him In hia political work, will conaent to run for- mayor on an independent ticket. The committee appointed by the meeting In Cooper Union on Wed nesday night to ask Mr. Hearst to be come % candidate for the mayorality, waited on him today and appealed to ? hha to get Into tho fight. Mr. Hearst refused 10 commit him- 1 self until he had time to qQnslder| the mallei fuilhei, aud said he wot reply definitely within 24 houra. It waa explained by some of Mr. Hear8t's friends tha^Jhe was waiting to see what Judge Oaynor said In hla speech of acceptance of the Tammaqy nomination. It waa the understand^ lng of ' these spokesmen for Mr. Hearst that ft Judge Qayno? would announce that he would not be a cat'a paw for Tammany, even though he accepted the nomination of that body. Mr. Hearat would decline to head a ticket, 'and would support the candl daey Of Judge Qaynor. Gaynor Let Tammany Alone. ? Judge Oaynor said- never a word I that would be taken amiss by Tam ~~niany, and in consequence the belief | was that Mr. Hearst will make anoth er fight thla year for the mayorality.' Judge Qaynor' a brief apeech In re ply to tfa notification committee served also as an acceptance of the in dorsements of several Independent and semi-Independent organisations, whoee representatives were present. -There was no denunciation of any: body in Mr. Osynor's speech, eaeept a mild one^o f Mr. Bansrd, the Repub lican candidate for mayor, as a col lector of campaign contributions. MI resign my present office," said Mr. Ohynor, "only to dedicate and de vote the nisxt fobr years cjf my. life to the service of the people of New York. This great city Is made up of people of every race, belief, and way of thinking. Let us live and act to gether without hostility, prejudice, or uncharitableness." Tammany Leaders Absent. -~.l- .^1.., he mentioned were the two who re ceived their notifications at his home with - him ? Robert R. Moore, the nominees for comptroller, and John "F. Gavin, for preaident of the board of aldermen. With two exceptions^ Tammany | Hall waa wet sepresaa^ad. in the ei did* tee fiw. Seemingly, the, strong tip* that Qaynor Intended to 1 TtOT foifflighod over the dignity of Sir. Murphy's organization In his speech of acceptance had acted as a deterrent upon the attendance from ~ the headquarters on Fourteenth street Thomas J. Smith, the secre ? tary of Tammany Hail, was present, as was also E. J. Scully, who ahares . the leadershlp-tn the fourth accembly Ahearn. T?n your reference to determining to devote the nextToar year* of your life to the people of New York be tak eu 1 1 Uiwgw mil 0B| . newapaper men began to ask. "Thla Is entirely unseemly," Jos-I tie* Oaynor broke tin "Tjwre done] Ml T can ror TOU this afternoon/* What the newapaper man did not| have a chance to find out waa wheth er or not the candidate had deter uffiied upon any pledge, that he would not run for gpveroor of the -fitata In case of hls_ election J**** THE PRINTER'S MISTAKE. Typographic orrora are one of the ? chief banes of a newspaper man's ex istence. In the rush of dally news paper maklng ^proofs" are read hur riedly, or sometimes not at all, and occasionally the result in the prlikted Drodnet ls ^ ?For instance, the' story la told, of an " editor who recently wrote a "puff" for the belle of the ball, saying; "Her -dainty feet were Incased in shoes. thaL boots," but the blundering operated n*de It read: "HttJIrty feel ~ were ' ? .fc incased in ?hoes that might hare been taken tdt ferrr-boat* " AN OFFENSE NOW VIOLATED $5.00 Fine for Anyone to Mo ^lest or Interfete With Pas sengers at Depots. Everyone who goes to the Norfolk 1 and Southern depot his to thread their Way through a mtnn of negro men and boys to get to the trains. During bad weatfcer the knot of col ored loafers and hackmen la so thick at the corner^ oi the passenger ahed that one Is obliged to gQ out in the tain fco pass. Ladies going to and from the trains $re buffeted and an noyed by the constant dodging and scuffling going on in this congrega tion of id|ers. , The -Newlb has looked the matter j up, and fl n<yf that this la a punishable ' ofTense, wlBi a fli 11* of five dollars, as will "be seen by reading the follow ing published copy from the -city or dinance. The News suggests a way to mitigate thia lamentable state of affairs: At the cost of lesa than ten dollars the Norfolk and Southern could drive posts about three feet high along the line of the walk run U1BK mm IH6 cornoc or me white waiting room to the telephone pole at the end of same. HeaVy chains to be hung between, leaving the angle of| the walk open for trucks and passen gers to paas and again an opening in front of white waiting room and one half way between angle of walk and pole. All idlers, Packmen, etc;, are to remain on the outside of this fence, and the way would be left open for paaaeng$rs and trucks. It reflacta discredit on a town_of this sise and pretentions to be so lax In enforcing an ordinance after pass ing it. and the Norfolk and Soothcrn owe It to their patron3 to protect them from ah annoyance which has [grown Intolerable to the traveling pttblit. ? Chapter XIV., Section 2. It shall be^ unlawful for any persona to con 8 regale around the depot of the rail road and steamboat lines doing bu^ ness In the town. In such a manner as to obstruct the free ingress and egress of persons having business with the said corporations or their passengers. v It shall be unlftwftff for'any person to solicit the carriage of any passen ger or his baggage from any of the depots or wharves - of the town in -a voice louder than that of an ordinary conversation, or for any person to touch the person or baggage of a pas senger entering or leaving the depots or wharves for the purpoaeyf aollclt lng the employment of satd person except at the request of the passenger himself, or some _ona_f or . h??n Vr?? shall any person enter the depota.or steamboats - arriving in JLhgl 10 wn for. lytaFflSiiTof soliciting the carriage of. any Wl U.ggags Up hire, except by expreEs_permlsslon of the agent of said company then and there gkren. Any person violating this ordinance shall be fined $5.00. NECK BROKEN BY THE FALL \ J, i AshevilJe Man Falls From Tele " phone Fall at Green ?fllef' Greenville. 5. C., 6ct? 9. ? L. R. Livingstone,. while an employ^ of. jthA dbji T6Iephone'::Cb mpany. was killed here this moAing about 11 o'clock, by falling from the ?op of a telephone pole where he was ~ipl icing, a tele-| DhOD? C?Me. It I. ii|T?~..r.l II... I.. waa knocked from his position by contact with- one of the power wires) of the Greenville Traction Company. Livingstone is from Aaheville, N. C; Th* man ned been working with | the telephone company at this place for' about.a month and yesterday had escended . a . pole on the corner of | Main and North streets for the pur pose of splicing or repairing a tele phone cablo.^ H[e had been working! J$r soiflfitfrnn, haring .^onatrnrted a platform, as in usual in cases of this ?nature. It Is supposed that he* lost his balance and white abou^/ to fall caught hold of a live wire carrying ?ll,rfHM volts, used as motive power Tor the* trolley cars. Immediately thereafter he fep-to the ground, a dis tance of- about forty feetr- breaking his neck ajuL. perhaps fracturing the skull. When picked up he was life leas. Whether the shock he received would have caused his death alone is not certain. His ha?4 w*; badly bumgd wfiure 11 Bttf been in contact The coroner'ji lury came to the de-' clslon that Livingstone came to his ?tlStaM of his having come in contact with a Hve wire. ?-?? ? ? ? ?? BETVRN9 HOMK. Mr. r. W. Bo.t GOOD FOREST WORK ON ESTATE The Variety Grown on Vander bilt's Place is QtfTile Remarkable. in point of variety and soope^ the forest work done on the Blltpiors es tate, in North Carolina, is remark able. The forests, which cover 130, OOQJicres, are made profitable by the production of various forms of ma terial. j Four million feel of lumber, 5,000 cords of tannlc-acid wood and fuel,! a -thousand cords of tan bark, and| several hundred cords of pulp wood are cut every year. At the same tlm*. the forest through wise management is bettered and is steadily increasing In value. Workmen employed along the boundaries of the forest do duty as fire guards. Thus fire protection is secured at least throughout all the I accessible parts of the tract. In connection .with alt lumbering i operations permanent logging roads are built. These minimize the pres ent cost of transportation, and will greatly reduce the cost of marketing future crona! th?? the roads is steadily adding to the in vestment value of the forest. More over, they~serve also as a network of flro lines. Forest planting is prac ticed where fire will not threaten its success. - A-* ; ? The experimental work' in silvicul ture which is done at Biltmore Is cer tain to makfr Important additions to the science and practice of forestry. Church Directory For Tomorrow. First Baptist Church, Market street. Rev. J. A. Sullivan , pastor. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m., J3. P. Willis, superintendent; lesson sub ject, "Paul, Arrested; the Plot." 11 a. rp.t morning worship. Sermon -sub ject,. "Lights and Shadows." 7:30 p. m., evening worship. "Sermon subject, "C. Q. D." 8:15 p.-m., mas3 meeting. Motfday, October 11, 4 p. m.. Sun beam meeting. Tuesday, October 12, 4 p, m.. lAOles' Missionary Society. Wednesday, October 13, 7:30 tpr m., Prayer moeting. led by Mrs. Dawson's Infant class. 8:15 p. m., choir prac tice. All strangers are cordially in vited to attend.' Polite and attentive ushers. Good music. ? ? St. Fetor's Episcopal Church, Con ner- atreel,- Rev. Nathaniel Harding, re^ipr. - -8tI!l(lBy HBOOl, 9^30 ft.' D.J C. H. Hardflng,. superintendent. Morn lng prayer at 11 a.- m., with scrman. Evening prayer at 7:3<T. Seals Tree." All welcome. ^ r r"":TT?5r^Kr?H 5 y re r ia n ChurcfcT Glad den street. Rev. H. h. Searight. pas tor. Sunday sckoci. 9:45 a. m., J no. B.Sparjrow, superintendent. Preach ing at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The sacrament of the Lord s Supper will be observed at the morning service. Prayer meeting Wednesday .evening. All receive a cordial welcome. .Ex- J attatarf nT m . Thirst Msihodlwfr Qhuiili, SUl'-' ond street. Rev. M. T. Piyler, pastor. Sunday school, 4:00 p. m. , C." F. Bland, superintendent; E. R. Mixon, assistant superintendent. Preaching at 1 1 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pas tor. Morning subject, "Music." Even ing subject, "Lion In the way." Pray er meeting Wednesday evening; All invited.' Sfeats free; excellent music. Christian phurch,.?E?*t- -Second: -avrfceT, Rev. icfibert V. Hope, piatSr.' Sunday school 3 p. m., J. B. Latham, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., by .the pastor? Morning topic: "Wm I. II to kx a uiscipie?" Evening topic: "A great religious movement. w Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. AH strangers in the city are cordially Invited. VENICE BROrOHT TO AMERICA. Those of our citiiens who have had the good fortune to visit Veniee, "the goddess of the seas" will live ovor the ha?py days and nights spent oiv Venice waters when they witness the Edouard D'Olxe. production of "the Merchant of Venice" on "Frfday even ing, October 15th. Those who have HOi will enjoy the stage pictures ?hown inasmuch as they are from a master brush and an absolute repro duction of the scenes of the famous; cRy of islands. The famous Grand; Canal by moonlight, with its swan llko, gondolas, Doge's Palace, its Ponte Rlalto and Campanile San Mfer <:o; its music *nd Its shimmering lights, make a scene never to be for gotten. It is In this remarkable set ror ihh .pou h<l of fl?Bh In exchange for his ToaiTTo Bassanio," L*ater In the pre-l ?entatlon is seen the Ducal Vaia**, itroeti nil pt?XMjr. emcji a tma Vo n?tl*n copr. t WISHES TO PEP RECORD I CORRECT Mrs. William Local Chapter of Coofcflci Tho following la dipped from the Charlotte Observer, pjkcing credit where credit Is due la" Reference to the first organization of the Children of_ the Confederacy: ^ To the Editor of the tigfterver: In looking over the Observer of to day, October 6, we read with pleas ure the tribute Mrs. -jCHlrdon Finger pays Mrs. Stonew^l Jaclq?on and Mrs. Rufus Barringer, pre president of the 8to Chapter. U. ~D. C.. of.' noting th$ great gorfe 1 by this patriotic body ol Gordon^ Finger makea that the Julia Jackson dren of jthe.Confederacylwas the first chapter ever organised In the State. The Washington. Qti^|L|ot Washing ton. X. C., was the flTM chapter or ganized, fhe wofk of the late itfment ed Mrs. Maggie Arthurian, of Wash ington, N. C. Thia. d#oted woman flirt Htuwh >n Md lj?< preserve ttrf great history of the.CJpifederate sol dier. It was through her Uttle chap ter that the work of painting por traits of Confederate generals was begun. At the Richmond, Va., con vention. In 1899, Mra* Maggie Arthur Call had members of her children chapter present and-Tfl^velled in the North Carolina room th the Richmond museum a .portrait of Gen. Bryan Grimes with the 'moat impressjve ceremonies^ The second chapter was the Southern Cross ofSallflh^y, the work of our devoted ICN^ffra^as B. LBeall. Thia chapter to a model tftfrar Mrs. Call's Idea. Thia little -chapter also did fine work, folne^ng in the Richmond museum, In tho North Car olina room, a portrait of the brave and ngallant Col. Charles F. Fisher of Salisbury. Let ua-keep the rec ords true; these ara facts and there is rivalry with the Daughters of the Confederacy. The cauae Is too sacred, too noble; we only wo&l to claim our j own. m MRS- WILLIAM l&OV^fcMAN. Ex-President of thejtorth Carolina! Dfvlaion u/d. C. Salisbury, October 5, .1909. Square Mile in * New York Shaken New York, Oct. 9 ? Nearly a square mile of the middle West Side was (-shaken late this afternoon by a series I of severe explosions which blew man [DOie covers1" "hign info Tfie air in crowded thoroughfares. Injuring sev eral people, did considerable damage to property, and caused a moment of sharp panic. Alarms of, Are we'rg turned in,- the police reserves turned out, and factory employes lihokkeep ersvand tenement dwellers rushed to the open streets, for the explosions | l;:ni I lu'-fnrrj' nf ni'i.;-ci>r|h ^w,..L, 1 -0" leu-jeAi-UliS BOfl Miller was standing on a. manhole cover when the first rumble came. ^He -nd the cover shot up ten feet and Emil came down about a foot from the manhole, out of which flame*, were pouring. He was badly bumped about- the face and body and taken unconscious to a hospital, where It Is said his condi tion la serious. HOWE'S GREAT LONDON gHOWSTT The Clowns Are Burpridjagly Funny N I -?Every Act*'a Feature. j~~^ Any. one of Howe's Circus clowns would-be the last person In the world yoft would picjc out as a professional jester. He Is the sobereat-appearing cusi you everttw on ttir Jtreet. Tot he has tyit to walk fromthe dressing top to the big show and you laugh. There Is something t about that-etrlde that Is funny, and when he allows the [toy balloon to get away from him and j through the air, crying after It. 1 I spectators almost fall og^he .seats [with laughter. Now, you let some-one else try that same Ifttle clown trick and It's not funny at all.^ The clown, today oocuples an even more exalted position with the' circus than he did thirty or forty years agp. Years ago they didn't hav? the co lossal acta Buch as travel with a show | of the caliber of Howe1? aggregation. Then it waa an easy matter to make, or rather arrange, youf.jprogram so that one, act followed another without a wait. Nowadays wtlBibi btw arts [ft Um? to f?t tl??>4ggihK r- vlv end the clmm-4uust duilJlg.tnwe I6hi fcorary lulla. amuse the spectators so that they witt. forgot all about tho for thts branch of the | iz";ar=. CURTISS FLY = AT ST. LOUIS Crowds Cheer Aviator Other Aviators Fail, But Three Dirigibles GiVe an Exhibition Over Forest Park ? Dr. Cook to Ride in Historic Coach. St. Louts, Mo.T~OTCt. 8- ? Glenn H. Curtis made three aeroplane flights here today. One was more than a quarter of a mile and the shortest was about 220 yards. The exhibition was witnessed, by 400,000 persons iu Forest park. ' (furtlsB' last performance" was cut short by his engine falling when h* was about 25 feet from the ground. The machine glided to an irregular landing place ^nd a rudder guy snap ped. Curtlss said the machine would be ready for service tomorrow. George Francois Ozmont, who isj here with the Farman biplane which won the endurance prize at Rhelms. attempted three times at dusk to fly. He circled the field several times, but not fast enough to get off the ground. A monoplane bullton the lines of La tham'* machine by U. A. Robinson, of St. Louis, was brought out. but the motor failed to develop sufficient power. Roy Knabenshue, Lincoln Beachley and Thomas Baldwin gave exhibitions In dirigibles. Baldwin made an ex tended flight, Tnrt motor trouble forced him to land In the crowd. The w?cond flight, &Ttei* repairs,' was greeted with great applause. Knab enHhue.and Beachley mounted simul taneously and flew about 2 miles side by side. Knabenshue loft Beachley's airship In the rear when the latter's motor became overheated and swept over the park In a great circle amid I chee/a. ? . "The ball of natlQj^" drew thou sands of spectators to. the coliseum. An Industrial parade was the feature of the day's centennial program. It was 3 miles long. In the pageant to day Dr. Frederick A. Cook, the polar explorer, will ride In a historic coach., Night Riders : Again Active Lexington; K>\, Oct. 9. ? XightTtdJ crs are again becoming active in the | 3iyt)W6fc\y^d!n?cTirT5~"OT~~i inB~~5TTrrg: ? "A raid was .made on Claysville, Bracken ruuiili . b> 3l gang at at m&l \>4 arm ed men, who ordered. the citizens or the town to put out the lights and go to~bed. About a hundred shots were fired, but nobody was Injured, -as the order was hastily complied with. The identity of the raiders is unknown. ?feri was- -im "l'.lT tuo sam^way. Several farmers have b6en Recently warned to sign their tobacco crops over to the- pool. Cuban Floods Are Serious tlon in Cuba Is serious. Rivers have gone over their bangs, bridges have been swept away, and property dam aged to the extent of hundreds of known to have been lost, and there are reports of further loss of life. For 48 hours there has been no let up ft the -heavy* rain. The towns most severely afferte* by the floods are Matanzas, Sagua, and Jaruco. The last named is near Havana^ In these' -towns bridges have been destroyed arid houses washed away iir-the seething rlv?r?.- * ? ? It Is feared that the loss will be much heavier before the storms and floods pass, as there. 1s no sign of a cessation of the rain. " TO ATTEND CONVENTION.? Rev. Robert Hope, pastor of the Christian ChurcJa, expects ? to leave Monday for Pittsburg, to attend the centennial celebration of the Chris tian Church. He -will be absent all nex^ week. Through the thoughtfulness of Mr. Hope's congregation he goes to this n??tln?, they defraying the ^nepae ^Pthe1 errffre trip. MUST BE OBEYKD. J The following ordinance oassed bvl with, and (or the benefit of thoee con cerned It U published below: - A U. bills against tbe town shall be presented to the town clerk on or be fore the 16th day of each month and bj hliu plmcwl In the hands of the chairman of the airfttlng committee before the last 4a? of the current ?ont*, W. B. Wlndley, City Clerk. IPOBTMENT OF THE CllWIL 1 VISITORS IS DtMQRftLIZING ? 1 ? HegularMob of Howlers, Confetti Fiends, Hug gers, Booze Artists and Women Seem to Run Things? The; Subject for Unfavorable Comment. IS ANYTHING fitlT ELEVATING ?Have ybu.beeu to the carnival this week? Great place, isn't It? Dbn't the folk behave nice? How healthy it is to move through tho crowd, have yqur mouth filled with confetti, hat dismantled, collar torn asunder, patt of your limbs slcinned? IsiL'i ,it_Jus_t glorious Jo get mixed up in such a throng? One minute one inhales the sweet aroma of heliotrope, the next the fuiftes of Barley-corn poisons the air. Howls, sbrieks, profanity, vul garity, smutty sayings, come and go; and yet the people go Just the same and carry their children. * Yes, the whole town has been this week;- nearly every night the same faces are to~W"~5een=The~rame dor portment exhibited ? the same man ner of familiarity adopted. It has al ways been passing strange how some folk mingle and familiarize with' each other at a public place like a carnival, yet in their parlo/a at home, they are strangers. They laugh together, hr^g, each other, swap jokes, are hale-fel low-well-met- when ? the- "BIB ? Bliow " comes. They think they are not no-j tlced by other folk, but they are. -This state of things Is not confined -to1 Young America, not by a "jugful; the grownups are Just as guilty. "The -behavior and conduct of peo ple attending the carnival this week has been anything else but praise worthy. person attired a little out of the ordinary dared to go through the crowd, for It meant personal flings, unkind remarks, face full of confetti and clothing made the worse for his experience. Now there Is no ; excuse for such deportment, and the Dally, News regrets that ^h^ commu nity 'tn which it. circulates and is try ing to uplift, so far forgets ttself as to lose all self respect when carnivals visit the city. The ladies that visit these places have no conception or idea of the many remarks made about them by the bystanders. These payings are not heard, however, if their denorPj I mont I.nnimpilnl.lp- r.f thic ibe>v . I can rest assured. This holloWlng.! scrfiamlng r..if<nni. 1.. , I ADMIRAL SCHLEY IS 70 YEARS OLD Many Congratulations Aro Ex tended to the Famous Sea Fighter. , Washington, D. C-. Oct. 9. ? Nu merous '? ?nnftr?tiiinrtQns noured In up on Rear Admiral YVlnfleld Scott Schley today on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Admiral Schley was hnm in. .Rmdai-Jiil/ UH ? In i u on entered the. Naval Academy in 1S56. His careeijjJn the Navy covered a pe riod of 4 5 years, and wa3 one of un usual brilliance. He left the >Cademy i In lima fn psrrlnljinln is mump ?l >k? notible naval engagements of the (civil War. In 1865 he helped to sup | press a revolution In Salvador, and six years later he participated in. the attack, on the 8a lee river fortfr In Ko rea. One of the most brilliant inci dents of his entire career came In 1?84. when "he commanded the Greely relief extradition to the Arctic region, and rescued i?t?\iten ant Greely and the oihkr sjx survivors of h la expedi tion in the froten North. In 1891 he eonyeyed the remains of John Or les son to Sweden, for which he received a gold medal frotaf the king of Swe den. (iis later career, Including his victory in the naval battle -of Santi ago, is familiar to all American news paper readers. Sinqe his retirement from active service In 1901 Admiral Schley has divided hia time, between, this city and his pld home in Mary land. 1 A fOPl^I.AR TF.ACRF.W. Miss LI tile Hedges arflved hbre "yesterday from a two months' visit to her uncle. Mr. R. D. Hodges> at JL C. She repofta-a fine 1 see her In the cltr 0h? says thjfarms are out short op account of dry weather. She Is one of . Beaufort cotfnty's beet public school teachers, and makes friends wherever she r>?- ' , , j Too don't h?r? to run a boordlnl V* i. pie's faces they do not know, Is not In keeping with the high Standard of Southern womanhood, and especially Washington womanhood. There seems, lop, to. bo a certain class that, follow carplVals who take particular notice the ways of the ladies; then, -when other towns am ? reached? they proceed to advertise them and are not careful in their crit icism. Washington had a sample of a map of thl? Ilk this ?<? 1 to be an adjunct to the show, and the way he passes criticism on the women I of other towns where the carnival had been, would make them blush. If he advertised other towns thin way he would probably repeat the Blander Otis about Washington wo men when he departs for another field in which to fling his insulting slurs. Night before last he attempted familiarity with the wrong lady. The one he accosted told him in plain English that If he were not careful she would forget that ?he was a lady and spit in his face. He hung his "tread like a whipped cur and made good his distance. Yet knowing all these demoralizing Influences that are ? ? seen on'all sides, the people go just the same, and some try to see how far they can go. Shame on them. .A person of refinement, of culture, of , intelligence from afar, visiting Wash ington and seeing such mannerism, what do you suppose would be his comment? Certainly It could not" be one of commendation. . Why can't people go to public places and deport themBelveB in a manner not to be crit icised? What a stain upon this city when its people are guilty of such de meanor. All qlaBses of people, high and low, 'rich dnd poor, white and black, are all placed on a common level. John and Jim. Sallie and Sue, all kiss and hug on the carnival grounds. The Four Hundred Is un- ? . heard of? all swim *n the Same pool. What a funny world this Is anyway. The carnival has been anything else "but elevating to the people. May this lesson that will he stfrctly ^omplled -* ith i? tin* futuie ? 1 A Southerner Will Preside Washington. D. C , tnerce Bnd' ]4b6f; a fon of Texas by ? 1 birth and a son of Missouri by adop tfon, will preside* over th? first ses sion of the Second Southern Commer cial Congress, In Washington . on De cember 6th. Congress held last Deocmber was de voted to Interpreting thfc meaning of Southern resources regarded as a through December 6th and 7th will be demoted to showing the various avenues of opportunity which exist In the South. The speakers will be i In accepting the invitation to pre side, after a fully detailed program has been laid before him. Mr. Nagel said: "Permit me to say that I re gard tfie questions to be considered by this congress as of the greatest Importance, not dnly to the South, but w the enUce cousiry." _ Mr. John H. Finney, Secretary of ?re AppalarhlSTTXatlonal Forest As hlbU* during the Second Southern Commercial Congress. The .entire top floor of the Wlllard will be de voted to the purposes of the congress, enabling towns and Industrie* to make special displays at a time' when Washington is crowded with visitors. New Advertisements ill Today's News. J. K. Hoyt ? Separate Skirts.

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