Ladies' Black Sateen Petticoats 98c. ~ Worth up to $1.50. See Window. J. K. HOYT JUST RECEIV ED Filling in order of Ed ison Records, including ^ new list foi September. Call at our store and heap the latest~music and song hits. No one thing will -give so much pleasure to so many people for so long a time at so little cas tas a ? - PHONOGRAPH. With our easy payment plan they are in reach of everybody. RUSS BROS. THKPIC IL KI FR AMI RS The Gem Theater : FINE ORCHESTRA Pkwm Tonight; MOSCOW CLAD IX SXOW ? Pano ramic. ? A CONTKMITIIILK THIEp1? Mel odrama. TJ1K HIDE HOSTKSS ? A comedy drama. -SCHNEIDER'S ANTI-NOISE CRl* * 8ADG ? Com?4yr ? * ? ? - , .TOMMY'S OWN lWfeXTIOX-Com-1 h ei>' SDIMKR HOMFS FOR SCHOOL (-HII.IHtKN IX l'AUIS ? Educational. Coupons Will be Given for Exquisite China Pitrhpr. Kollars and Kuffz THK SPKLLI.XCS IS bAn. jhT^tttk work we ITT OX COLLARS AXl) (TFFS IS PERFECT. ^Mderman-Capehart Laundry, Inc. 132-4 WATER STREET Just Received One Car SNOW DRIFT LARD, 24.000 lbs. 200 TARBELL CHEESES, Shipment COCOA-NUTS, One Cargo SALT. E. R. MIXON & CO. . WASEO FLOUR ALWAYS GOOD and GOOD ALL WAYS Those who have usedvit declare that "WASEO" Flour makes sweeief^iread ma in in in their unrivuled stand lank. ami to Aniuze and Delisht Their TliiriinHiuU o i I'ii tron*. M;nv Entirely New and Exclusive Features A Few of the Many Features You Will See: MARION SH KltC PAX ANl) HER TROUPK OF PERFORMING LIONS PROI\ BUCKLEY'S HERD OF PERFORMING ELEPHANTS including DUCHESS, the I-nr^Mt Elephant in the World. , ROSKDALE, THE HEAl'TIFFI. SIO.OOOO KENTUCKY HO ICS K JACK. LARGEST (iORILU EVER EXHIBITED IN AMERICA He U ^ive Feet Ten Inches In Height and Weighs 150 Pounds, has Tre _ -til f 11 tfmirt _?ueiu; ih . Marveloun Agility, and His Powerful Arms Are a Wonder to Behold. A Truly Wonderful Display of Trained Animals 400 People; 250 Horses and Ponies; 20 Funny Clowns PROF. WHEELER S MILITARY BAND The Flower and Hick of Feature Performers from all Nations, In a Pro gram Extant, startling struggles and ludicrous' revelries, carrying the spectators by storm and wildly ap \t plauded by all. BRING THE LITTLE ONtS TO SEE DADY ELEPHANTS, ili run ' uamijjuj, LTONS MONKEYS SEE THE FREE SPECTACULAR STREET PARADE / Starting from the Show Grovnds at 10 a. m$ - -? r. ; 2? PERFORMANCES DAILY? 2 lltl ?t ? o'clock. It Means Cleanliness. Good Health, and tl?e Civic Spirit. Great Is the virtue of the back yard gardjen. It la pleasant to note' "tfiat there have been more gardens In the back yards of Duluth this year than there have ever been before, and it is to be hoped that another year will see twice as many. Without a garden, the back yard Is a problem. Waste and dirt accumulate there with < a rapidity that passes understanding. Eternal vigilance Is the price of a clean ba,ck yard, and as the back yard can't be seen from the street, as a rule, the tendency in too many cases is to let the debris accumulate until the health officer Is attracted to it bF Its shocking perfume. But-wllh a garden taking up all of the hitherto waste spaco. the problem is solved. The m&ir who starts a gar den and gets Interested In it is^t go ing to let tin cans i^id paper and ashes accumulate In It. HtTwlll watch for debris as carefully as he watches for weeds;- and before he knows 1t he "has a profitable and pleasantly pro ductive garden and a clean and Bignt ly back yard. There is health In It, ! civic spirit In It. profit* in It. There is health because working In the garden brings healing contact 1 with the 'glorious outdoor air; be cause the exercise is wholesome and [heauthful, even if It does bring many a. backache at first; and because the earth, to those who till It and come close to its bosom, seems to give forth some mysterious essence of life that makes those who work in it as sturdy as the vegetables whose, roots tap-Jx* fruitful soil. _"V There is a civic spirit in it because I it does away with the unclean back (yard; because it turns waste places into places of comeliness; and be cause it helps solve the problem of cheap living. There~i<" profit In It for these reasons, and for others: be cause it helps to furnish the table; because it pays big dividends upon the investment of time and labor; be cause it feeds the household at the growetls cost when without the back yajxT gan!>K-4he furnishings for the| t/ble come wifli the grower's profit Added, with Middleman's profit a00 pounds i$7, 500 ar.d would be worth today dou ble that sum at least, for It was In i perfect preservation, having rested flu its cotton wool _wad Jjeneath the rtaoHo^r stepping uf the may at hub Llie day it was first placed" in position . Its recovery was the result of fore sight and business enterprsie. com 1 h ;i"A i?n"^ A man^'ng^the worthless hulk or. the day of the salg noticed I the date. lv'M. on her stern, and I rightly guessed that she might be the I hearer of a dollar of thfiTyear.? Lew | Iston Journal HOW UK SAVED THE CIRCUS. I ? Wiltin Cobh? the iIfcuq mam telle this story Years ago he was traveling th cough the South with a wagon tent show and the press agerft among other glowing account* of "what's coming." announced a "herd of 20 camels from the sandy desert of Arabia." Whe n the sho w reached town, ln stea , else try that uoe tlttl* clown* trick the spectators almost till off the esats and It's not funny st all. > The clown today occupies an even more exalted^ position with the circus thsn he did thirty qc forty years ago. Years sgo they didn't havdUhe co lossal acts such as trarel with a show , of the caliber of Howe's aggregation. Then It was an easy matter to make, or rather arrange.* *Vir program w that one act followe^another without a wait? Nowadays 4h\h the big acts It takes time to~get the rigging ready and ttifc clown must during these tem porary lulls amuse the spectators so that they will forget all about the wait and watch and laugb. ? The clowns Of howp b uroat Leybnd their expectations. The big show will be here Tuesday. October 12th. MOTHER C'H.CZEITIN DEATH'S PRESENCE. As he ran to meet bfe father' last night. 4-year-old Jlmmle Clowes was killed before- his mother's eyes by a Long. Island express train at the Kor wood avenue crossing, in East New York. Only a moment beforo he had left his home, 24 4 Hale avenue, with hi* mother and his brother K rod . 8 years old. They reached the crossing Just as an electric express train approachdd. Jlmmle saw his father coming from the elevated station, two blocks away, fiVthe same time. " "There's daddy now! " he -exclaim ed, slipping from his mother's hand. He ran joyfully forward In front or tha train. ? - With a shock that hurled the pas sengers to the-floor, t he- motorman . ArfhuFArkley, stopped his trafrT He ran back to pick up the child, but the mother already had 1t in htfr arms. She was crazed for the .moment by shock and grief. "Oh. look at my little Jlmmle asleep! "-she cried to th?* crowd abour her. "Isn't he a bfriutiful child? Please don't wake him ,up." The father, half crazfd with grief himself, made his way through the crowd. With difficulty he made her relinquish the little- body to the po lice. It was not until later. In her home, that s.he realized the baby had been killed. ? New York Worlfi. TOR HEADACHF ? Bick'n Capudinc. Whether trom Colds, Heat, stom ach or ?ervous Troubles. Capudlne will relieve you. It's liquid? pleas ant to take ? acta Immediately. Try Jt. 10c., 25c. and 50c.. at irus stores. Hyacinths and all kinds of Fill and Winter BULBS We have a fine assortment. Plant _car?y for best results Send for new price Iisfl ? CHOICE cu r FLOWERS Wedding Boquets. Floral Designs. and Mowers for all ' *Uj1I J- L. Q!OUIXM A- m Florists, Raleigh; N. C. 'Phones 149. 'VW NEW ARRIVAL OF Ladies I Evenin^ Slippers f Red, blue and white kid, 1 Black Suede and Patent Leath , er in all iprfwr It is a pleasure to show them whenever you come in. WITHDRAWN FOR REPAIRS. The steamer Hatteras will be with drawn from the river route Wednes day. October 13th. to make necessary repairs in the engineer^ department. Notice will appear In this paper when she will resume her regular route. ?? M.'H. BANNER. Master. - = Just Received HEINZE SWEET FICKTES 25~?efl