LEGAL NOTICES Bennett ft Company In. the city of Washington. N, C.^ which was cora POawt T>f 8. "H.. Bennett and C. K. Bowty, has this day been dissolved by mutual coasent; C. K. Dowty con veym^k^lnterest In said concern to the said an. Bennett, who will con tinue to conduct said hmin^ Uftdftr the same firm name of Bennett & Company. All the assets or said con cern are transferred to said 8: H. Bennett, who assumes all liabilities Uf IflB MH1I. This October jB. 1909. 8. H. BENNETT. C. JSL-DOWTY. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con talned In a certain dejyl of trust from Amlstead K- Tayloe to Wiley C. Hod man, trustee, dated the 2?d day of January, 1908, and duly recorded in the office .gf the Register of Deeds of E&?uYort colIITly, In book 101, at page - ?61, tfce undersigned will on -Friday, the 12th day of November, 1909, at 12 o'trhrehy noon.- offer for e? le st pub lic auction, for cash, at t.he court house door of lieaufort following described tract Or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the -county x>t~ Beaufort; and state of North Carolina, and in Richland township, in the town of Aurora: Be ginning In the center of Bridge' street* ? at the Southwest corner of the Mill .lot now known as the Standard Lum ber. Company lot and running south to Second street 85 yards, thence east 140 yards, theftce north 85 yards, thence west 140 yards to the begln ? tiing;-cofft?iiilnR un? -acre, to na tne same more or less, and being the same tract "of land described" "I n~rhe same deed of trust aforesaid. This the 9th day of October. 1909. WILEY C. RODMAN, jTrusteo. | CITY TAXES. The tax books tor the city of Washington have been turned oxar. to the undersigned, and this Is to no tify all owners of property subject to tax that I am. ready to receive taxes for the ensuing year. - They must be collected at once. * - W. B. WINDLEY, City Clerk. October 7, 1909. NOTICE. North Carolina. Beaufort County. In * the Superior Court, October term. *1909. Lizzie Abel vb. Henry Abel. The defendant above named, will take notice: That an action entitled '"fe above, has been commenced by the plaintiff against the defendant in the Superior court of Beaufort county to secure an absolute divorce from Ihe defendant; and the said rtftfftnriant will further take notice, that he is required to appear at (he next term of the buperior court of Beaufort ^county to be held on the TttiMondar the 1st Monday In -September, to-wit, the 25th day of October, 1909, at the courthouse In said county, in Washington, North Carolina, and mgpwer or demur^to ehe complaint In ply to the court fur tho relief-da^ manded In her complaint. This the Hth ? day -of fleptewbei 1909. GEO. A. PAUL. Clerk Superior Court, j -A - CKKTIKK ATE OF IMftMOLUTION. 8tate of North Carolina. . Department of 8tate. To all 10 Whom these pit1 seats ma cofce ? Greeting - Whereas, It appears my" satis faction, by. duly authenticated. record of the proceedings for-thc voluntary dissolution thereof, by the unanl mous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the New Bra Construction ' Company, a cor poration o?th is- Stale, whose princi Washlngton. ? eettsty of Beaufori, ""State of North Carolina (Oeo. T. Leach being the agent therein and In charge, thereof, upon whom process the requirements of chafxter 21, Re Vlsal of 1905, entitled*" "Corpora tiofas," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution, j. J. tfmn Secretary of Statu of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify ! that the said corporation did, the 7th da j of May, l?09.~flle] fn my office a duly executed and attested consent in- wrlUUlt to -4he dissolution of said corporation, ex erted by all the stockholders there ' of, w hich said consent and Hie record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on Ale in my said office, as provldod T by law. % In Testimony Whereof, I. have hereunto set ray hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 7th day - > of May. A. D. 1909. . J. BRYAN GRIMES. (MM " dacratary or state. 7 NOTICE QITlSXIOL't Tiun WATiB. North Carolina, Beaufort C6unty. In the Superior Court The J. E. Ty-r gerf Company ??,-Thos. H. Blount. . A help w*ul?t *d. In ?clting news to sotncbodj. "Let Me Tell You Something"? "GET INSURANCE FROM BRAGAW" T oday 18 the .day for that. WM. BRAGAW & CO., Flr?t Insurance Agents in WiiiHlhg * ton. N. C. USE Washing Powders and Soap THE ONLY SOAP ON THE MARKET THAT CONTAINS DISINFECTANT. - DO IT NOW Delays are Dangerous. Insure with CARL D. PARKER, Gen'l Insurance. Four Years Experience. Havens-Small mgPn? 'Phone 85 NOTICE i Now is {he time to have your gas lamps put in order: it will cost you nothing ^to-base them inspected and adjusted. A Welsbach burner vftlTgive you 80 candle pbwer and cost only 1-2 cent per hour. See the GAS MAN. ^ ^ WRIGHT PRESSES RIGHT courthouse doo^ In said county. Bell to the highest r bidder, for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and Interest which the said Thoa. H. Blount, the defendant, haa In the following described real^ es tate, to- wit: v ; * A certain tract or parcel of land known as "Sans BoucI/' lying just northeast of the city of WaBhlnrtqn. in Beaufort ?county,( in the SttfteOl North Carolina; beginning at a cedar post ou t)ie Plymouth road, running thence south 59 1-2 west fftAt: thence north 45 1-2 west- 1442 feet; thence north 38 east 617 feet; thence north 22 1-2 west 693 feet; thence north 33 ?degree* wUt 1222*.ieet; thence north 59 1-2 east 510 feet; thence south 37 east 2900 feet, to-the beginning; containing one hundred and twenty-five (125) acres, more or less. " ? ? 1: :1_; iixi^wc mhVu ui' thlB description to include the farm on which the said Thos. H. Blount number of years, and which is bound ed approximately a?-J>ereln before in dicated. ? The homestead of defgnflanrr here-' tofore allotted to him, in the above described land, and subject .to which this sale will be made, is that portion ?wfrlch la described as follows^ to-wit: Beginning "at a hickory at the top of a hill In the cow lot south or southeast of the residence, running north about fifty (50) east a distance of about 900 feet to an old pump point in the line ditch on Lover's Lane; thence with and along the line ditch and Lover's Lane, north about 37 wos? to. a 3-4. inch pipe sunk in said ditch : thence. _EQHlh? ahou t , 50 1 -wear , *n^3Taf ance 'oiT abou t 7 4 4 f eetr to a^T?luni tree; thence- south abotit-g west, a distance of about 108 -feet, to a- fringe tree at the coriier of H. N. Blount's porch ?th5.QC.Q_fiQUth_ about " 60 "WASf about 55 teet, " to" a maple tree, in tpent of the residence, used for "yeirs as a hltchltag T>ost; thettce* south about 30 degrees :east, a dis tance of about 255 feet, to the be* KlnnlHSj ootitftlnlng -about nine and one-half (9 1-3) acres, an accurate description of which may be found in homestead. ? ? - This 2ffth day of Soptember, 1909. Oeo. E. RICK8, Sheriff of Bb&urort County*. "" "NOTICE" "OF1 8AMC. ? By virtue of. the power of sale con tained in a certain ^leed of mortgage from J. J. Davis and wife to Wiley C. Rodman, dated the 10th ole8 t0 the ma*u road con taiflHmo acres more or less. Sec n ttact of Und in Aeawfort counflyrNorth Carolina, known as the home place uf the lata John r. camp bell, deceased, beginning at a pine on the north line of -the "Washington and Leach vjU^ggjl^at the southwest cor Hw uf I fife laiid, ton vuyud ly the par ties' or the second part to John ~P7' Campbell', being a tcael of land orig inally conveyed by Jpijn_p." Campbell and wife to Jos. J. Davis and wife, ^e pflrdedJp thn ftfflrp -of. .tha, ..U o>r,W Deeds of Beaufort county in book S6 ?*t -page 18, ant| running imUhwaidU Willi thv last ifnr TO 1I:h UfltlLi BBT leading fro'm' the Washington and LfcechiUle miiU lm mu amaw line, thence westwardly wlQj the line Webster -to the northeast corner of the Rodman land, thence southwardly to- the east line of the Rodman land to the Washington and t.p^vUIp road, thence eastward!^ with said road to the beginning, contalning\50 acreB more or less.^JThe foregoing property is sold subject to such other and prior encumbrances as may ex *lst upon said property. Terms of sale rath ; ? .. ?? ? ? j This the nth day of October, 1909. V ? WILEY C. RODMAN. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SAI.E. . North Carolina, Beaufort county. In the Superior court. Washington Singletary and P. C. Medley. , By virtue of an execution directed to tb? undersigned,. from the Superior court of Beaufort county, In the above entitled action, T will, on Mon -toeh ? of Nbvember.1909, at 12 o'clock, noon, afrthe courthouse door In said county .sell, to the high est bidder, for ttlh, lo satisfy said execution, all the right,. tlUfl and In terest,? wWeh-thn BaWrpi Q: 'Medley, one of- the defendants, had on Janu ary. 16, Jr906..Jn^ the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: : A tract or parcel of land In Bean fort county, Qtate of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Noah Little and others, and bounded as follows, vis: A certain lot of land lying and being. In the town of Washington, and In that part thereof known as Van ft'orden Torn, and lying on the west side of Pearoe street, andbehig forty* five (46) feet in width, and -running back a.Alstance of. two. hundred and ?w uuuiIuSU'uu ine eiwi by Peaiue Itreet, and on tho m?rth> south and weefr by the land of Noah Little, and wel> known ce tbe reel-. Mr>. Jeuo.Bord, of Plnetowjj. wa?. In the city re?ter<{ay ? ;* * Miss Lillle AllliooU.aLRiifxLiLoad^ "returned to her home yesterday, after" a ten days'- Welt-io- relatives la the city. ?' ? ? Mr. C? -F*. Bhil lefl -thle -morning j Ja r ?? ? iim In-r-fffri . ?? Mr. Harry MuMnllen l^ft this morn ing on n buslneis trip to" Plymouth. " 1 '".jl i ? r Miss Alice Blow left this morning J for Plnetown. c ? ? Mr. Nat Fulford went to Plnetown today on business, ? ? "Hon. and Mrs. Johfc H. Small re turned today from AshcvlHe where they hare been attending the Good Roads Congress for the. past ten Mrs. H. Whitford, of Vanceboro,1 spent yesterdayin-town shopping. ? ? Mrs. D. W- Coppage. of Vanceboro, was a visitor 1ft the city yesterday. Mr. ~?iugh Canady, of Gllead, la visiting his slater. Mrs. J. H. Hill, on \ West Tbird street. ? ? Mrs. M. G. fceele, of Chocowlnlty, was in town yesterday .with h^r chil dren on a sliopping tour. MR?b Nellie Wlnfleld, of Plnetown, [ was -here yesterday. ? ? Mrs. A. S. Jordan, of Plnetown, spent yesterday in. town on a shop- 1 ping tour. . Mr. W..L. Vatican arrived in the city today, after trip to' Aurora. Bay Side -and other points In the county. Mr. Thomas Clark returned today [ from" a short business trip out of j towrrr ? * Mr. R. R. Fleming. of Pactolus. is j in the city today. ? Mr. and Mrs. B. J. West and family and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. West and family returned to South Creek to day, after a visit to relatives in the City, , . ; . -f- Wi&ab. of s Mr. James H. W^ab. of Scranton.'j spent today in tofou The Gem ilrew. a good crowd last tion of the circus. Tonight tho pro gram will be fine, with three good comedies and a panorama and touching drama. The popularity of Hm Gem seems to WTncreramir ercrv { day. _ There are. only a few more nights left in which- to secure tho coupons and you should not miss aH opportunity to ?et a chance at this "piiirer HVI>K COMING. For the first Ilvdu county If Hie home of a news- ' paper. We welcome to the fraternity The Outlook which has begun pub-. Ilcatlon in Swanquarter.* The Out look says It will stand for progress 1 and development" of the resources of | Unit hm'tioii Ul .llie Ml&te. ? rr k stands' to its declared purpose it has a wor thy mission and we wish It all sue^ cess. Its home Is in the center of a section of the State which is. capabl? of wonderful development and can - he made a garden spot. ? Charlotte Observer. As yet the Daily Irew'a has not had the pleasure of seeing a copy .of the 1 rpprropK. svo rCnxreitrtn^71Towe"ver. lt [ fs worthy of the- patropage and en couragement of, the people. Our sls ttec-^oimty is coming. A railroad. I MatUrniuskeet Lake to be drained^ find Wow a ri ?wspaper. The 'people of this good county deserve all these en terprises and. more, too. We await the Outlook among our exchanges with pleasure. BROTHRRHGOI) OF ST. ANpREW. Providence. R. I., OcL 1 3. ? Dele gates from every, section fit America, ajnong them being mote'than a dosoiv bishops* of the Episcopal Church, arc gathered In this city to take part Th the twenty-fourth annual Convention of the Brotherhood" of St. Andrew, tfour of the leading churches of the! city have beo? engaged for the ses sions, which are to be preceded this evening with tho oustomary "quiet i hour" service conducted by Bishop Codman. An address by Bishop McVlckar of | Rhode IslawL_*Hl open the proceed flrcrr, C11ARLUIDM J "-1 participants In the three days* eva sions will Include Bishop Grafton of Fond du Lac, Bishop Kinsman of Del aware, Elshop Osborne of 8pr1nsfleld7 ~ 111., Bishop Lawrence of MtmMcha-l Setts, Bishop Talbot of Central Penn sylvania. hop Moreland of Sacra mento, Bishop Knight of Cuba, Rev. Paul B. Hull of England, and~Presi- < dent G. Stanley Hall of Clark Uni versity. ^ __^FOaXBALL-MRKTIXfl. There will be a meeting of the foot ball club at the town hall tonight at 8 o'clock. This meeting will be held for the purpose of appointing a cap taln and manager and other officers required. All lovers of foot ball are requested to attend Lhls meeting?" . _ Don't forget thp tlinp. R o'clock . sharp. COURTROOM FUMIGATED. The courtroom has been properly fumigated and placed in a first-class ? sanitary condition, preparatory jto the! holding of court October 25. | MAX V PRISON HRH. As is uRtial the county jail is being rapidly filled with prisoners awaiting t rl |l ar the next term of cou rt. CITY MARKET. B?g? Tftr! Chickens, grown 25 to' 30{ ; spring chickens 19 to' 26c; Hides, O. S. .... T. . . :.8c Green hides 8 l-2c| Mixed wpolr. ...... .. ;is to 20cj Tallow 3 j. 2c Wool, free fpfcm burrs 20c) Lambskin . . . i * . . 2& to 40c Sheerllngs . .?? . . ^.5 to 10c COTTON. Seed cotton $4.90 Lltwir ? 17T-1 FOR HKADACHF. ? Hick'? Capudinc. I AVhether~from--CJoldi?T -Heat, Stom-r ! ach or Nervous Troubles, Capudlne : will relieve you. It's liquid ? pleas-! ant to take ? acts immediately. Try! It, 10e., 25c. and 50c.-7-at^ druc storesH WILL ADDIIEKS Y. M. C. L. Next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock ' Mr. John 11. Sparrow will address the! Young Men's Christian League at the | Chamber of Commerce rooms. Mrs.] A. G. Smlther will sing a solo. Xlr. Smlther will preside at the piano. DANGEROUS DANDRUFF Will Malce America a Bald-Headed N alien If 75 ut Checked. M. Pasteur, the great French Phy sician of Paris, once said: "1 bplleve we shall one day rid t"he world of all diseases caused by germs." _Dandruff is caused by germs, a fact j acccpted by all physicians. Daudruff is the root of all hair evils. If it were not for the little 'destructive germs working with, a persistency worthy of a better cause, there would be no baldness. germs and remove dandruff in two] weeks or money back. - Brown's Drug Store It will stop itching scalp, falling hair ;and make the hair grow thick and abundant. ; : It puts life and lustre into the hair and prevents it from~turrnng gray. It is the hair dressing par excel lence. daintily perfumed and freej o with women of taste and < ultu re who know the social value of fascl wtlig ha'f. . " A Ims* 1'initi' "nly SQ cents It leading druggists everywhere. and 6for??. The girt with "the Aubttrn hair Is on every package. TO ATTEND STATE FAIR. Quite a number of the citizens ex- 1 pect to attend the. State Fair at Ral i-ltcn nnrr n wak. ? The boat fair In thr { history of the State Is looked for. ? PLEASANT WAY TO CURE CATARRHl Poor deluded victims! Con ttnuaily sprinkling and s_pra^-J "ms snnr-rnrmarn" dtrgnrijr~ What are you doing It for? Trying to kill the catarrh perms?! Might just as well try to kill a cat [ with fresh milk. Sticking a piece of chywlr.g gum in j [ right ear would slaughter Just as j many germs. | You can't kill the germs that cause catarrh unless you get where they are. You can get where the germs are. by breathing Hyomei. the powerful yet soothing antiseptic, which Is pre pared especially to kill catarrh germa. ? ? jJu^t DreUDe It ln,TRat*R a IT. Tt| gtffcfl joyful rcllBf in Ave minutes. It | is guaranteed by Brown's Drug Store | to cure cl^ui iw or mono9S.back. It is sold TijL^lijaillng/drXgglsts ev erywhere. A complete' pulftt. includ ?Uifi' inhaler, costtf VI Extra bot tles. 50c. Cures sore throat, coughs and colds. "I 'take especial . pride ih recom- 1 fnending H.vomel to.Hi^fbmatir suffer ers, as I know by experience that it Is a remedy that cures. H-lwre not since unlng Hyomei had any recurrence of asthma." ? Mrs. Wm. Durton, Owos so, Mich., June 22, 1909. For drugs and seed, Hardy's Drug j Store. * ..J ? ,)R HARI>Y ILL. '' 1 Dr. Tra M. Hardy is conflned to hlj J home with lllneML__IiJ* jjaftny. ftienda rogft till indlaposltlon and wlph for] A BVJSY DOCTOR ?? tattk of OOW nni =t\ POTT Walk or Ride. Talk Over The Telephone. Vou can have a Telephone put In your house In the-ciiy or at your farm at a verjrsur P?wlngly low coat, and save many a long drive and per haps a life by being in direct and instantaneous touch with chant and Brokt r. Weather reports and roar kctjuiQiaiions cad be_iccuxiul daily. Inte.-ested parties arc re quested to communicate with Mr. D. W. Bell, M'g'i CAROLINA TEL. AND TEL. CO., iWashington, N. C.J This proposition will inter- - est you. and it would be well to investigate before the ap proach of ttrn cold Winter mo'nths. * HIGHEST QA8H PRICES j | ? paid for _ |l? CHICKENS, EGGS and nil COUNTRY PRODUCE I We curry H?y, Grain anil ull kinds Feedstuff ? We handle tbmjrerj bent Flour at whole rr ? PAUL & CUTLER EAST WATER STREET. OYSTERS! ^ PHONE 367. Delivered"to any part of city 25 cents I quart. Served in any style, steamed a specialty at 113 Market Street. Ocracoke Fresh Dressed Mullets. J. T. WYATT Electricity The Light of QUALITY Let us "show- you" it you are from Missouri. 7 ELECTRIC PLANT The following ordinance passed by the city aldermen must be compiled with, and for the benefit of those con cerned it is published below: All bills against the town ehall be presented to the town clerk on or be fore the 25th day ^of e.ach month and by him placed In the hands^of the chairman of the auditing committee before the last day of tha. current month. W. B. Windley, City Clerk. | tiQHo^'S^cumits We nre gret believer* in the Htato mcnt thnt the AlUtlltM tient letnan 11 the bMl*iliTNWii nmn in the world. ? . ? i GK1F?*>X rU>THt.'.W talcr to tlw? t ".Hit's of tjie American man, ami fur year* the?e fnmoun xiirtiicnl? have fulfilled his every Ktylc-wnnt. We have a complete line of <;R1F<> FOX CLO^HKS for Fall In inan; dif ferent model**, a lto?t of e^i'lutlre pat i terns and fnltrli'K that won't wear out !n?fore tlieir time. SPENCER BROS. UNLY THE BEST HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES i Carried. We please our j customers or no pay. Try I us. UNION GROCERY CO. ->? ? Ba? JUST ARRIVED j Another large shipment of Town Talk Flour and Old-Fashion Buckwheat Walter Credle & GO. WHY WORM ? ; with headaches, constipa | tion and indigestion? I * Ask about ABILENA WATER, the Dleasart and efficient Aperient Sallne^Vater; ? WASHINGTON DRUG COMPANY r ? f f ( f ? *? - v * '* i I ? ???? f v/ . i I ? ! JUST ARRIVELI^SlSE * ? ? r ' .1... ? ? <1 ? ?? ? TtnyCWl > Pettijohns, Graham Flour, Shredded Wheat Bis cuit, Oat Meal, Cracked Wheat, Corn Flakes, Post Toasties, Cream of Wheat. Grape Nuts, Puffed Rice, Puffed vVheat and many others. Price always right, quality the bast. Two delivery wagons and wheel, which in sures prompt service. 'PhoneJ2J. \ jj J. F. TAYLOK, - ' _ > ' tTJ The Grocery Man. i i T)