THE WEATHER Rain tonight or SpvlmeM hngton daily news nsE VOLUME I. ? WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY AFTERNOOK OCTOBER 14, 1909. , N THE U. S. CENSUS :mtn TODAY ? CAVE OUT RULES s _______ s For Mortality Statistics To Be Most Trustworthy and Scientific Mortality Statistics . Ever Compiled in Connection With tJ- S. CensuA 1 Washington, D. C.~. Oct. IV ? U. S. Census Direetor VDalji Durand, day promulgated new rules and in structions for the purpose of securing more complete and accurate tran-' scripts of deaths occurlng in the se lected death registration States and cltleB of the United States. These transcripts are obtained every mpntli by the Census Bureau from nearly all of the city and State registrars .in -the census?death registration area and they form/ the basis of the mortality statistics-prepared by thq Division of Vital Statistics, under ChIM BUUsU Clan, Dr. CresBy L. Wilbur. This action is' expected to result In the presentatiou_of the moat aciontl=. flc and trustworthy mortality statis tics ever compiled in connection with a decennial U. 8. Census, which af fords ?the? population, -bases? f or- the 1910 death rates. In addition to this Important step toward more rellsble data, the new revised version of the classification of the causes of death, as adopted at. the Paris conference for the second decennial revision of the International Classification, will go into effect January 1st next in the census registration area. Supple menting thene wtli be the use of the new United States standard death certificates which It Is believed the organised registration officials form ing the_ vital statistic section of the American Public Health Association will* adopt for the report of deaths commencing January 1st next, at the Richmond, Va., meeting, October 19 21 next. ? In his communication to the State JfcgJ"t,r%ra, Director ? Durtnd ? states. Wat in their work of cooperation It is of the greatest importance that there should be exact agreement be tween the number of death* as com piled by the State-ofllcers and by the Census Bureau, at least with respect -to the total number Of de&tfta ffrporfr ed for each month in each State, county and cltjr. Difference* -occur at present which are not creditable to American statistics. For the purpose of preventing such differences, monthy shipment check list, showing) the deaths by <,Twl to each State registrar. He aBks transcribers to follow ab solutely the Instructions fof copying and advises tests to ascertain correct ness. Permanent transcribers are preferred because of the skill ac ? <H?Trod?. I^oeai registrars should be compelled to make returns on time. Me effssUes v ?? sslsl when the cenerkl office permits tardi ness. The credit of the State service must suffer, the director states, from heedless and incompetent work, and the compensation paid for the returns Is sufficient to entitle the government to thoroughly reliable transcripts, promptlyjLranaoaltted^and containing all of the statistical data required to be registered under the State law. To the .CttT registrars the director.! suggests they note the instructions to State registrars* He states that a ?ity registrar. .shoi?H? have in his hands the certlllcater?f every death th a occurs -j?dihraltfOiu.uj?L-.?*v-? ceptlon, before any disposition is m?de~bf thS'b'ody; hence there should be no' occasion for certificates filed many days after the close of each month or year. The corrections should be obtained before the burial or removal permit Is Issued. No Im perfect certificates or unsatisfactory statements of cause ef death should be afa.-uplnd. ? WfiSh overlooker, how ever,. thsy may be oorrseted readily by special blank or telephone, and .city returns should therefore be su perior in quality and completeness. In conclusion- the director states that the cordial cooperation of State and city registration officials, the value of the mortality statistics of the United States will be greatly 1m that every effort be mads to csrrM out faithfully the recommendations for the remainlngjnonths of the prea r ?nt~ y?ar, so that the entiro returns] for ths year lglO, which are especial- j ton! possible with the population daU of the Thirteenth Census, may be In complete agreement for all of Bta tea, Special circular, of laatrue tloae #111 be tamed relative to the re, porting of occupations and cauiee of doa Ml. It la hoped that t?? ?ew _ Inatructtona, mar he adopted by 111 L .. " s?a OCTET WEDDING LAST EYENING __ Mr. Clarence Mayo and Miss Ma rion Tuthill Married in j This City. At the *home of Mp. Jamft- L. Mayo, editor of the Dally Ke to, East | Secoml street, last evening there t solemnized a quiet but beautiful wed- 1 ding. The contracting parties- were his' brothor, Mr. Charles^ Clarence Mayo, and Miss Marlon Tutiilll, both of Bouth Creek. N. C. Th^ ceremony was- witnessed by member? ? .of the family and a few frlouds and was im pressively performed by Rev. M. T Plyler, pastor of the First Methodist Church. The bride was, becomingly attired in white silk; the groom wore the conventional black. Immediately after. the consummation of the nup tials and congratulations and best wishes extended, all present v^ere-la vited " to the dining room where re freshments were served. The bride Is a daughter of Mr. Luther B.^Tu thill, of South Creek, and fronr girlhood has been noted for those traits of character that til ways places Southern womanhood In thy fnrofrnnf SlM is ft pri?.e Well worth winning. The groom is a son of the late Mr.] 1^ ft. Mayo, for years the efficient | a farmer by profession, and has every | promise for a successful career. .Both Mr, and Mrs. Mayo launch | out" on" the sos of Hfo carrying w them the good wishes of all their I friends. May their wedded life be| one grand, sweet song. They left this afternoon on the Washington and Vend'emere -3:30 train for their future home. South Creek. The Daily News, Joins their many friends in congratulations. United States district Court! convened In the courthouse this morning with His Honor Judge H. C. Connor, presiding, and District At torney Harry Skinner ami Assistant District Attorney J. A. Giles, pmca. cuting the docket. Marshal Dockey Is also In , attendance. There are many people in the City attend ingohftt court. The sessions will last until Saturday as there are a great many cases to be disposed of. Candidate Charged With a Felony Huntington. W. Va.. Oct. 13. ? j dldate for attorney general, has been j indicted on th* -charge- -of-f?Uw?y -at-j Welch, W-, Va. % * The indictment grow out of an as sault made by Judge Williams on Judge J. M. Sanders, former member of the Supreme court, during a trial at Welch. A requisition will be sought to] bring Williams to this State. of the registration States and cities, so that thoroughly comparable re turns may be instituted for the de eade beginning January 1, 1910. Dr. Wilbur, who was one of the American delegates art the second de cennial revision, stated today that, the opportunity of starting out with the use of the revised classification for ihn wo)tt^lU? ?I?H..?I.|. actual census year. Is of the greatest -value! it Is highly gratifying, he said, that 'the wishes of the United States for the advancement of the from 1910 to 1909 were acceded to by the French government and the other countries paAiclpatlng. In accordance with a resolution, of the international Commission an offi cial version o\ the revised titles Is to fbe prepared In each language repre sented. The Engllsl\ translation has been itoade by Dr. Wilbur, aided by the other American delegates and by Hon. W. ^Knlbbs, Commonwealth Statistician of Australia. This will provide precisely the same tabular list for all English-speaking coun tries Umt have adopted the Interna , tional Classification. The active Interest of the United 8tates In the promotion of Interna tional uniformity was accorded a rery graceful recognition h? the be stowing of the vice presidency of the International Commission upon t> r. side over one of the Tesslonf. * The next retlslon will be calli h government, unites other | provision' Is made. Dr. Wilbur said It la to be hdpedt howertr, in view Icah vital statistics and the Important part this country has played In the extension of the Internstloal Classifi cation, .that the third decennial re ytslog will bf called by the 'AfierTca it go vernmsa t to meet jkt LYCEUM COURSE - FOR WASHINGTON - C0MIN6 SEASON Attractions the Best ?*" ? . ! . Arrangements Are Being Made for a Canvass of the City for the Purpose of Procuring Ad ditional Subscription. It should be a source o.f gratlflca Hon to the entire community to learrr that definite arrangements li*ve been made for the presentation here during this seaficn of some of -ttreijost attractions now appearing ou the Lyceum. circuits in the large cities provided only that" a sufficient num ber of season tickets shall be sold. Realizing that these entertainments are of a clean, wholesome and edu cational character, the Board of Trus tees of the Graded School have made provision for the ube uf thu school auditorium for this purpose. While It Is not a money-making proposition, yet whatever surplus, '?abovejthe cost roF procuring Tire attractions, may be obtained,- will be appropriated to the uses of the school, in such manner. as A number of sehson tickets have already been subscribed and arrange ments are now being mado for a can vas?of the city for the purpose of | procuring the additional subscrip tions necessary to insure the coming of these attractions. Our people will recall the high character of the course presented -horo laot yfor, bihKwUI doublTess~l>e pleased to fnat the coqrse se cureH for this year is a still higher characterv^akhough the price of sea son tickets remains the same. The question of whether Washing ton will have this opportunity wttf be dependent upon the sale of a suf ficient number of season- tickets to pay for the course; and it, therefore,; is to be hoped that our citizens, who jrsve- ? rrot alresriy done* so, will promptly aubacilbe. ? After an investigation into the character of tho attractions, w q have "wq^'Mteitation in gtving assurance^ 0feet they are the best ever _Been in this city, and very few cities of this size In North Carolina havp hart rha opportunity that will come to our people, if the number of tickets re quired shall be subscribed. The only attraction which was seen last year which will be repeated this year is Elbert Poland and his Italian boys, presenting "A Night in w ? ' [? p , a | . | J "*^iTtfio"*foniTTj,W iiiinlei pf suUbim l^-1 tlons Is chtaJned. two, of the attrac tions will be here In November: , First, the Cluxton Musical Company, and second, the Hlnshaw Grand Op-| era Company. In December, the Orphean Musical Club, a Male Qifar-| tetto.the members" tt ^lilcE~are~fiT^ etrun^utal artists also. In January. lUfit wtti'iw tun \,m* an?l Ul- . THE WIDOWS ARE HIT HARD The First Nation^ Bank of Min Short $40^,000. Mineral Point, TO8- Oct. 13. ? A juore -aprlnna nnpect ^voloped In I failure of th? First' National Ban.t j here today. It being Reported that the shortage, instead of $300,000 as at first estimated, wilt run close jco $400,000. Vice President. Mill Aflen Is said to have lost heavily In California and Montana mining Investments. Worth less notes poured Into ifffe bank today and widows and orphans were hard hit, a * Mr. Allen dieted as adminis trator" of many estates. The value of the securities whlcl? he has turned over to the bank has not been ascer tained,- but much .Western mining stock in the collection is said to be worthless* . <2* Mr. Allen, for years a victim of palsy, is seriously 111 at- hie home, unable to see visitors. The city-' is noticeably quiet in face of a calam ity which affects a large proportion of the community. Mineral Point Is the third oldest city In the State, and practically all of its 3.000 Inhabitants are of Amer ican birth. Thoy moct only casualty in the shops, talking without trace of exd'.tement or malice 6t the prospects of recovering their deposit a, Renort exaJLalklng with many persons-today, did not hear a harsh word spoken of the stricken vice president. This bank was regarded as a finan cial Gibraltar.* So firmly waa thin hp llef held, that when reports of trou ble began spreading a week ago, there was no run on the bank. Even when news of the shortage was known to many -^teposl tors last- -Fri day. only $ 1 6*,000 Vas withdrawn. It is said that mor^thah this sum was deposited from other sources. The* manner in which the bank was defrauded, it Is alleged, was by the substitution of notes In the -forged names ? of - well'-knuwu lui'tti business men for negotiable securi ties. The repeated Occurrence of J these notes and a .certain uniformity in their character^aroused the sus picions of the banc examiner, and a further probing into the books of the concern determined his sudden action in closing the bank. FROST DAMAGE TO "COTTOXI Charlotte* N. C., Oct 1 3.-f-Kllliag frost and the lowest temperature of the fall_aeasfln was reported in- the eotton belt this morning, according to the weather bureau here. Consid erable damage has been done to cot t ton, but to what extent is yet a mat ter of speculation.' Young corn was ^Tn rifeii ""iSiT savedr FruSt K?"'cxptittdd "again fo-~ night. bert FOland. We wish the project success, and ; trust that our peqple will not be; slow In availing themselves of the op portunity to procure these attrac" tlons by subscribing, and thus assur? Ing their coming. Unknown Night Visitor at County Jail Receives a Very Warm Reception For a time things were more than ! lively In ariff around Hotel RtfrkB, alias the county Jail, last night. 6un ^>ta_aii ' and for a while the neighbors In thatj locality had their qurioslty aroused to the highest pitch. Some . thought I the prisoners ln\he jail had struck ] because spring chicken was not serrecTris tHe negro waiters in a |Charlotte hotel a- 1**r days ago; oth ers gave It as their opinion prisoners waro trying- tn m?lrn thalr nnri had either wounded or killed Jailer j IJohu Luuau. All or these surmises proved erroneous when an investigaa jtlon wad made. Jailer Lucas was | round to be rtlll iivjng. and .ftll the jpYIsoners safe and snug in their | bubks. As people from all direction^ | rushed to the Jail they were greeted' jby Mr. Lucas. His countenance^ however, showed something out of the ordinary had happened, and, of course, question after question fol lowed. Bat the Jailer has been inter j vlqwed before^ x?-tbe atny hrterpq^ glUoctf thqwn *t .him did not seem' to . disconcert or worrr him ItUL ? Hi flit an infracting ip/ry, however, . ...... Last night, bfttweefc ? and 10 o' clock, 'nf tor Mr. Lucan-h?rf th? Mcond story of th* J?ll? he wu lobby b?low? H. b?rd?tb?mV?? secured his gun, which always rests near his neraon.' and proceeded to ln veatlgrate." In"a few minutes he heard the trespasser _knoQfc _qxl .the doox. j iignci? -tflorcSTT" One of ?ITe" prison ers answered, and a low conversation followed. Jailer Lucas did not wait for something else ta turn up, but ue at once brought his revolver in play and proceeded to teat hia markman ship. There were yellp,- screams and | entreaties not to shoot. "For Clod's sake, don't kill me.' 1 1 in uuly a Pumunktj lilfll^ctor, her* on a friendly mission^? i don't intend! any harm/' When all these expressions fell upon the ear of the vigilant officer he ceased opera tlofisTratTT he received a little light on the subject. - "Who are you?-' asked- tht> "and what are you doing in here?" ~ "I'm a Postofflce Inspector, that's all." ",v 7 ? *"i 4<rtiTf care If y<m ire, you have no business meddling around here this time of the night, get out of ? No other explanation . vas neces ?r. but wtUi the flwlftneif of a race hota* -he made track, Ufffird the .? ret the Jailer has been uable to ncertaln what wu the Intruder', busfnes,; *11 he know, 1, be h?d no J?ll without LATE NEWS ? FROM STORM About Twelve Lives Are Lost ? Railway Work Greatly ... " Miami, Fla., Oct. 12. ? News reaA-j , od hw late afternoon ? of the-1 sinking of the tugs Sybil and Sadie at i Bahia Honda during Monday's hur ricane and the loss of the eleven ! members of the crew of tho Sybil, in- ! eluding Captain Pfcrkerj j The crew of the Sadie eseaped. This news was brought here 4>y the relief expedition sent out by the \ Metropolis, the loCa4- afternoon news- j paper. _ 1 ? i 1 The loss" of life on the tug Sybil includes, besides Captain .Parker, En gineer-Cox, Pilot Whit mere, Engineer Peterson an J seven deckTiands. The following statement was given out today by Engineer Ernest Cot ton, of the Florida East Coast Rail way: "The loss of life on the Florida East Coast extension is limited to the crew of the tug Sybil, and timekeeper Brown at Marathon, a total of twelve perjona^ The -floating equipment of j the road and uncompleted work were I badly damaged. There was, however, | no damage to the concrete Work at | more or less wrecked, but the large forces of workmen are being cared for ..and have sufficient supplies of T5OT: The-nren behaved well and al ready every gang has gone to work clearing away the wreckage and pre-j paring for reopening the extension of .traffic." _ . * ? - ? - ? The track north of Marathon is washed out at several points, but the| extent of the damage has not yet been determined. * * ? ^ _ _Tl.mekeener J. H. Brown, an. old employe of the Florida East Coast Railway was drowned at Marathon. It was announced late today that the P. and Q. steamers which have been connecting with trains, at Knight's Key dock, will begin sailing trtm'ftrrng frnni I mi In p this service until the extension is | again' opened to traffic. Steamers Puss Off Kunriy Key. Key West, Fla., Oct. 13. ? The weather observei lime has JUKI fe-" turned from Sandy Key, reporting that four steamers passed the station there Tuesday,. going west. The Ar menia passed at 9 a. m. ; Fife, at 2 p. m. Two Morgan line seamers also passed^ stirall steamer at 9 a. m. and' large steamer at 4 p. m. The .latter , j probably was the_Momus. j The steamer Sun, oil boat, arrived ! today with steering gear gone and one member of the crew with a brok en leg^ , No?news was brought of reported ! i ne matter of jhe *r>verinn*n? ?"ff" Osceola at Tortugas during the storm Monday arrived hero last night and reportc-d two steamers passing Tor tugas Monday n(ght after the stprm. Some lacge Morgan line steamer and large four luas.ed schooner was off Marquessas Tuesday morning, going' west. tuerp are no steamers or other craft "ashore from Tortugas to Key West, nor for several miles up the J reef onjjie east coast. Twelve Lives Were Lost. St. Augustine. Fla., Oct. 13 ? Vice President J. P. Beckwith, of the Florida East Coast Ri&lway. this af ternoon gave the Associated Press the following statement: ? "Mr W J - ing engineer, in charge of th? work on the extension south of Knight's Key, ru ports- thai he has heard from all construction camps of the ext yn llves were lost In the hurricane along | our line. The property damage ex ceeds all previous records. Reception Given Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Winfield' arriv ed In the city yesterday afternoon via the Norfolk and Southern train from their bridal tour. They were mar ried in Norfolk on the 6th Inst. Last evening from S to 12. at the residence of the groom's mother, Mrs. Sarah A.,~Whiftglfly Tblrd and Pearce streets, a reception wad tendered the couple. Many friends called to pay their respaots and extend 'beat wishes. T~ Mrs. Winfield is a lady having a host ot friends In her native town, Norfolk, and her com lug to Wash ington 4? hailed Wkto pleasure oj^tne many friends of the groom. She is -tv. insiu wi Ul?ni The groom la one of Washington's most industrious and popular young [t. WliMdi and wiafds a pdwerfnl Influence among.^l* mends, who ars legion. Mr. ud Mrs. Wlnfleld begin tlw butle'of life together under the THE 0A(J6HT?i)S OF CONFEDERACY Convention Opened Address of Welcome Made By Mayor of Wilmington and Mrs. ! Wm. Parsley ? Informal Recep- ' tion Tendered Visitors. Scoresol | rom va^j Tlou? parts of the State who are here i to attend the thirteenth annual con- J venjton or the NOrth Carolina Divis ion of the United Daughters of fcfae Confederacy, . which convenes thl? morning, received last night a b^g. heafly and sincere welcome to the hearts and homes of the people of Wilmington at a largely attended meeting in the Commander? room of the Masonic Temple. The room was elaborately decorat ed with Confederate and North Caro Una flags, bunting, smllax and gray moTs and it is lnd%ftd doubtful if the room ever presented fc more beautiful ence of the hundred or more beauti ful and graceful women who belong to an organization which has for one of its main objects the perpetuation of the memory of those who fought and "died in defense of the South made the scene onejif perfect beauty^ and loveliness. Never before, per haps, has there been within the walls of that room,- which has been the scene of many 'gatherings, an assem blage so representative of true ?Southern- -womanhood: The exercises began shortly after 9 o'clock with the singing of the "Old I North State" by the audience stand ings It was sung beautifully and ef fectively and prepared the audience .lor-iba-sUrring addressee which w?r<* to follow. At the conclusion of the song Coy. Walker Taylor announced i that In behalf of the city of Wilming ton Capt. Walker G. MacRae, .mayor would extend a welcome to the Visit ing n?ngh?>f? - . Mayor MacRae'* AUdre**. Mayor MacRae was at his best and he completely won the iudjehce. He wa? frequently applauded and when ho_refewr*d to the noble and grand -wogk~of the daughters in the marvel ous progress or tne soutn me voice of] the speaker was drowned by the ap plause of the audience. The response was by Mrs. I. w. Faison. of Charlotte, president of the State convention, who is well known and has a wide circle of friends in -Wilmington, - ["??lip w.fs ri'i talu iT-.a; <li?- <iid eay "TTTC regard ing the number " 1 3" would prove a fallacy on this occa sion, and that the meeting would be the most pleasant and profitable in many years. "Your hospitality.'', I said Mrs. Faison, "has been known! to ua for years". arnT now we come to | you and you may be entertaining [ swTta. r Bison bJIOKB I I most Interestingly of the historic tra-i | ditions of this section of the State | I and briefly reviewed several of the I battles fought. Ip.apeaking of Wil mington she said that this city had 'not always .been of the same impor tance that it~ts t;oday; that it was growing most rapidly and with the 30-foot channel for which the people have been working for many years. < the futyixe_ot,lUl^clLy could prophesied. Randolph Sliotvoll Portrait. The Randolph A- Shot well portrait was presented by Col. Walker Taylor. ja^d- .the^l^cal xhaniar. rnnid- .ii/xt-imini-L made a more happy selection for spokesman. Colonel Taylor made a spiendid address In his Inimitable style and was given the closest atten tion as his remarks were of historic interest. The portrait placed in the North Carolina room of the Confederate museum fn Richmond, Va., ?t an earlv wt?>n the por trait was uncovered the audience arose and stood for a few moments with bowed h.eads. ? The portrait was aereptoti in behalf of . the State convention by Mrs. Eu gene' Little, ' of Wadosboro, State treasurer. Mrs. Lett a Johnston, of Charlotte, recent of the North Caro lina room of the Confederate museum in Richmond, Va., received the por trait for the museum In a shprt but pleasing speech. The gathering then resolved Itself into an informal reception to the vls an ante-room and an hour was moat Twiwnciy apmiu - Coinenlloa 0|WW? TtHlay. ? The convention proper, will con vene In the Commandery rQpm of?he^ mornlng'^rHh Mta."fT w. Fataon, the president, pree4ding There will probably be more than a hundred delegates here for the openiag see ?zzzzzzzxzzz day * reefct jrtll be taken la 1 HON. J. H. SMALL : "THE SPEAKER Will Address Citizens on Impor tance of Inland Waterway to Warfin^mi. ? the citizens of Washington tomorrow night at the Chamber of Commerce rooms on the advantages to Wash ington of the free Inland water route. No man hi the I'nlted States la bet Ter .informed on this subject than Mr. Small. The only way the Chamber of Commerce can do Its greatest good is by each- and every, metpbgf being ]. recent. In number there is strength. The chamber has a great work. It can accomplish <great projects, pro -vWed tlw people lahe^nlurcsftTrtlie nicotines and attend them, not only to learn what becomes -of your dol lars, but help direct their usefulness. Your dollars Is essential., but back ed up by your voting to make certain uses of It the officers feel its methods conform to your wishes, thereby stimulating us to prosecute nil efTorts with -great ei vim. : Pleas'e be at the meeting tomorrow night. $1(000 Stolen From Northern Express Co. Seattle, Wash., Oct. 13. ? Although t | officials of the Great Northern Ex-_ press Company have decllnod to make public the amount of money, secured |"By 'the bandit who robbed the. express office yesterday, police detectlrefi are authority for the statement that may reach $10,000. .?It Is also known that the robber overlooked gojd, silver and currency in the i?fe amounting to between S 1 5.000 tuid $20,000. No trace of tho hold-up man has been found. WRIGHT'S TAILORING PARLORS. The News doubts If there is a town in the State that can boast of a more.rup-to-date lalloring establish ment than Washington. Mr. Frank A. Wrlfi-hl, proprietor or tne Wright Tailoring Parlors, enjoys a large and | growing patronage, due no doubt to i the excellent work he Is now turning out. His establishment presents a busy scene all the time and that he -enjoys a lucrative patronage J.s but the evidence of his untiring efTorts to please his patrons. This well known establishment has a mam moth ad. on third page in today's Issue. Those contemplating purchas ing a first-class fall sult? would do well to consult Mr. Wright and ex ? ?.hM iHKATIJt TONIGHT: The shmv at the Gem last night was fine. TonJglu-the great histori cal drama. Vercingetorlx. Gaul's hero, Ijs one of the finest pictures ever shown bcre.-. Thft picture. is hand eolored artfcJr*orth seeing alone. The > (jr- on industry of the South is an educational picture which will be of interest to all. While \he Old Maid's J dream will please everyone. This Is a good magic picture and both funny and nrxemtrn*. The Bitter Lesson is a good, melodrama. Drawing of coupons will take place promptly at S 6' clock Friday evening, giving the theater-goers time to get their rhance for the beautlTuI prize.' ? Urchestra tonight. ..... go to the Elks' Temple, where they will be entertained at luncheon. bv the Elks. Another business session will be held altamooa J^gglpalng.. at o'clock. At 4:30 o'clock adjournment" will be taken and the Daughters will go to Market street dock, where they will board the steamer Wilmington for a delightful trip up the historic Cape Fear river, as the guests ot Capt. John W. Harper. What prom ises to be the most elaborate and bril liant iiucijU event of the season will be the reception to the visitors in the Masonic Temple ballroom tonight.' tendered by the local chapter. * New Advertisements \ in Today 's News ? * J. K. Hoyt ? llUuikrt and Com- ? * fort Weather. ? * Jas. K. (lark Co. ? Petticoat*. ? * Southern Furniture Co. ? House ? Furnishings. ? Geo. H. Hill ? Horse* ami Mnka ? ' Wright's Tailoring Parlorr

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