I>EGAL NOTICES CITY TAXES. The tax' books for the clta^ oi Washington have been turned over to \e undersigned, and this is to no tify -air owners of property'' subject to tax that I am ready to receive taxes for the ensulhg year. They must be collected at once. Wi B. WINDLEY, CUy Clerk. . October 7, 1909. /? i NOTICE OP EXECUTION SALE. V Nerth Carolina, Beaufort County. In Superior Court. The J. E. Ty gert Company rt Thoa. H. Blount. By virtuo of an execution directed to the undersigned, from the Superior - court pf, Beaufort county, in the above-entitled action, I will/ on Mon day, -the twenty-fifth (25th) day of October, 1909 (it being the first day of the October term, 1909, of the Su perior coprt of Beaufort county), at twelve (12) o'clock, noon, at the /courthouse door in said cbunty, sell r? "to "the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest *hlch the said Thoa. H. Blount, the defendant, has In the following described roal r tate, to-wit: / A certain tract /or parcel of land known as "Sans ISoucl," lying Just northeast of -the city of Washington, in" Beaufort county, in the State of North Carolina; beginning at a cedar ^ post on the Plymouth road, running ? thence south 59 1;2 west 2148 feet; thenfcfc north 45 1-2 west 1442 feet; thence north 38 east 617 feet; thence north 22 1-2 west 693 feet; thence north 33 degrees east .4222 feet; theme north 59 1-2 east 610 feet; thence south 37 east 2900 feet, to the beginning; tiuiitaliiliig one hundrod and twenty-five (125) acres, more or , less. _ . It being the purpose and intent of on which the said Tboe. II. Blount now resides, and lias resided for a number of years, and which is bound ed approximately as hereinbefore In dicated. The homestead of defendant, here tofore allotted to him, in tho above described land, and subject to which this sale will be made, is that portion which is described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a hickory' at the top of a hill in the cow lot south or the roctdenooi running ? ^rth about fifty (50) eaBt a distance ^ about 900 feet to an old pump point in the line ditch on Lover's Lane; thence with and along the line ditch and Lover's Lane, north about 37 west to a 3-4 Inch pipe sunk in ?*- said ditch; thence south about 50 west, a distance of about 744 feet, to a plum tree; thence south about 5 west, a distance of about 168 feet; to ia fringe tree at the corner of H. N. Blount's porch; thence south about west "about 55 feet, to a maple tree, in rrtflH Ot the reaidonco, used for years _ as a hitching post; thence south about- 30 degrees east, a dis tance of about 255 fee?7~to~the Ikk" ginning; containing about nine and one-halt tfl 1-21 aorpg. an accurate description of which may be found in the returns of the appraisers In the proceedings for. the allotment of homestead. This 25th day of September, 1909. |j Geo. E. RICKS, I Sheriff of Beaufort County, i North Carolina, Beaufort county. In* the Superior court. Washington ? Horse Excjfifige Company vs. BenJ Singletary and P. G. Medley. By Virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned, from the Superior court of Beaufort county, in the, above entitled action, I will, on Mon J... .1. A 1 -? -Iny rf Ynyf"'"" at 12 o'clock, noon, at tho courthouse NTkf Insurance that Bragaw writes is all right, better get it this afternoon. WM. BRAGAW & CO., First Insurance Agents in Washington, N. Q. DO IT NOW Insure with ? * A.? Xfc" ' -* CARL D. PARKER, Gen.'l Wsurance. Four Yesrs| Experience* ?? 1 Bid's ' 'Phone 85. " ' notice:!, ~~~~ Now is the time to have your gas lamps put in order. It will cost you nothing to have them inspected and adjusted. A Welsbach burner will give you 80 candk power and cost only 1-2 cent per hour. See the GAS MAN. ? door In said county-, sell, to the high est bidder, for cash, to., Satisfy said execution, all the right, title and In terest, which the said P. Q. Medfey. one -of tl)e defendants, had on Janu ary 16, 1906, In the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: A tract or parcel of land In Beau fort county, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Noah Little and others, and bounded as follows, viz: A certain lot of land lying and bylng In the tow* of Washington, and in tESl part thereof known as Van Norden Town, and lying on the west stole of Pearce street, and being forty back a distance of two "hundred and ten (210) feet; bounded on the east by Pearce street, and on the north, Bouth and west by the land of Noah Little. and well known as the resi dence of P. G. Medley, whereon he resided for many years, and which was conveyed to him by Noah Little and wife, by deed duly record?tf in the Register's office of Beaufort county. This 30th day of September, 1909. glio. u. kicks; ? Sheriff of Beaufort County. NOTICE. North Carolina, Beaufort bounty. In the Superior Court, .tames D. Griffin vs. Margaret Griffin. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled &8 above has been commenced In the Superior court of Beaufort county, to secure an absolute divorce from the dflfrtndant- anij thr> said defendant win iurtner lane notice tnat stie is required to appear at the term of the Superior court of said county to be held on the ^7tb Monday after the Brst Monday in September, It being &ctober*29, 1909, at the courthouse of sald'county In Washington, N. C., and answer or demur to the com^ plaint in said action of the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded in said complaint. GEO. A. PAUL. t Clerk Superior Court. _ This 23d -of-6?piemher. 1 909. NOTICE or WALK. By virtue of the jy>wer of sale con tained trr a certain mortgage from Felton Smith and )U cey Smith his wife, of the county of Beaufort and State of Norths Carolina, to R. Y. Dredlo, 6f the same county and State, Jatud <>th dav of May. 190 7. and recorded In th^"officcof the Register .N'ATIVKK OF DIXIE. I Edouard D'Oize wbo will be seen ! In a superb production of "The Mer chant of Venice" at tfce opera bouse this evening Is a Southerner by birth and raising. He was born In New Orleans In 1879, bis father, Luclen J. D'Oize having been an officer on Gen. Bragg's staff during the war betweep the States, was a ntive of Baltimore and of French descent, and his moth er of English and Irish extraction, a native of Wilmington. North earo llna. <? Mr- D'Oiztt'a manager, Mr. Guy- F. Gregg, is from Virginia, and his ad vauc^t representative Mr.- EdwarcTM^ Roberts is a native of Memphis, "fenn. There are besides, in the support of the star' several actors whose names .are familiar In both the North and the South. Prices 35, 50 and 75c. of Deeds. of_Beaufort county. In book 143 at page 306, the undersigned will on Tuesday the 9th day of November, 190S, offer for sale at public auction Jor cash at the courthouse door of iDniHifwt county, wt IS o'aleol- nnnn, the following described property in Gelhaven, Pantego township, Beau fort county, N.. C., It being about 1 1-2 miles west of Leechvllle, N. C., and bounded as follows: On the north by t^ land of Henry White, on the east bySfcc land of Amos Har dy? on the south by the land or jamer Stewart and on the west by a lane leading from the Leechvllle public road to the Pungo River road. It be ing the same land that the said Nlcey Smith nurehased of Henry W h Itel and being the same land also In the afortP said mortgage'. - t ? ? . This the /Uh day of October, 1909. R. "?*! CREOLE, Mortgagee. By W. H. BoWen, Owner \V. C. Rodman-, attorney. JUST ARRIVED Another large shipment of Town Talk Flour and ? 3 ? Old-Fashion Buckwheat Walter Credle & CO. Only Buggies, Wagons, Harness and accessories for sale by HASSELL SUPPLY COMPANY - J TOWN ^ ?* TALK-I Mr. L. H. Redflitt, of Edward, with his children, Leon and Ima, spent yesterday lh town. ? ? m 9 r ' " Mr. W. A. JThompson. of Aurora, was a visitor to our town yesterday Mr. A. O. Warren, of Edward, is in the city visiting his son, Mr. * Jesse Warren. V ? ? Mr. P. glCllpj. of Edward, was a visitor In the city yesterday. ? * ! Misses JoltB" Chapin, of Aurora, and Mary Swindell, of Maul's Point, spent yesterday in town, en route to the home of Mis* Swindell, where Miss Chapin will visit for some time. ? 7*"? ? ? Mr. and Mr*. S. N. Edwards who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Edwards for some time, returned to their home in Rocky Mount yester day. While* here Mr. arid Mrs. Ed wards attended Roanoke Association, hetd at Greenville. -V ? * "I Mrs. C. A. Sailings spent yesterday] in Now Bern with friends. ? ? Mrs. A. A- Springs, accompanied by Miss Mamie Springs, left yesterday afternoon for Goldsboro to attend the (Jattis-Cole wedding on Tuesday. On Wednesday they will continue their trip to RaieigEZ T7~ ? ? . ? i Miss Helen M. Kear arrived in the! city yesterday to join her parents | "who are Hvlmghcrc riW. ? ? Mr. Fred P. Latham, of Haslln,. spent yesterday in the city on bus!- 1 ness. Mr. Carl "Richardson returned yes- 1 terday from a business trip out of[ town. Mr. G. W. Freeman left yesterday for Edward.. Mr. J. R. Boyd, of Edward, spent yesterday in town, ? ? Mr. N. W. Potter, of Edward. spefH yeBterday In the city on business. ? ness. * ? Mrr"R. J. Manning left -this morn ing on a business trip to Columbia. .. Mr. J. A. Turner, who has been here for the paat few da^B, loft today ffir ITUyftK^th C[\ty \~S ? * w ^Mtss E. W. Mllner left, today, for Beltytven on professional duty. )L m ? Mr. W. D. Gaskill. of Ocracoke. Is rin the city. t : ? ? Mr. C- W. Davis, of Eriglehard, is the guest of Capt. G. J. Studdert. ? , * * Mr. Alex yetry, of Swan Quarter, Is In the city, attending the United States court ? __ -. ? ? Mi nf gy.-'ftiT Quarter, Is a Washington visitor. ? ? Miss Anita McIJheimy left yester day for Kinston on professional bnaJ Mra. William P. Clark, Miss Au gusta Simmons.- -Clark, Miss Adeline Mavo. Miss Elizabeth Mayo and Mas tei TOdimnl Lone Mfl m Px tolus yesterday -end returned on the evening train. Mr. *.T. V. Harper has* gone to1 Au rora-mi. business. : * < The Merchant of Venice Show ar rlvod -lr. city this morning from Greenville. ?>.H vjtri h/i'. ? South Cree'c, arrlvod in the city thl#| morning. "* ? TO Cotton, Industry in the South, | at the Gem last night, wVs'bne nf ttie [ best and mqst instructive pictures ever seen at this popular play house, In fact, the entire jirogram was the subject of favorable comment. TcP" night the pictures will be of unusual high 6rder and merit. The manage ment feels confident all who witness tonight's performance will pronTrtince It muu -of tlrg Twy-bcst ever - Veen tn~ tho city. Kenllworth. one of Scott's famous work*, will be a feature. President Taft In Panama, is another picture sure to please. Don't fall to see Lucky Jim and the Twin Broth ers. The Gem tonight should be a marri for all 1/wlnr flrHI class ntU-ac-, tlons. The excellent .program back ed un hv -the orchastra, makes a pro gram for tonight that should more than please. Hemombor the drawing fof the han$~pMnted china pitcher takes place promptly at 8 o'clock. Everybody b?-<nrhand with eonpdn*. V HENRY BLOUNT TO LECTURE Comes Friday, October 22, for Benefit of the Public Schools. j ? ? . I Washington people wttt bo pleased ' to learn that Superintendent New ! btid, of the Washington Public |>choole, has secured the inimitable Henry . Blount, of Wilson, N. C-. to deliver one of his famous lectih-es In the auditorium of the school building Friday evening, October 25. The title of htg lecture has not as yet beer, announced. The lecture is for the benefit of the gt^ool and should be generously f>atrOt?<zed. Mr, Blount Is a lecturere of national reputation and his coming to Washington will be pleasant news. CROUP '\.A5E UmI ""T fcoor of a ihlld. |,tt COWANS PREPARATION t*rt? t?t?nt rriiri and rcmlort, Juvt rub II oa? doa I veikin the tlosuch will ss, iiuSii"*1?0* " ^ > See our line of chumoiN nkin<*. 5c to vest ?!*??. Hard j 's Drug Store. miiis mm enow Brown's Drug Store Una nn InvlRor ntor that Makes Hair Grow In Abundantly Or Money Hack. If your hair is thinning out grad ually It won't be olng before the bald mini aniifrtrPj ' The ~ nfhe to take care or The "Raits is when yen haveJiair to take.care of. For thin falling hair the best rem edy known to mankind Is Parisian Sage. It is compounded on scientific ?principles and furnishes to the hair root a nourishment that acts quickly and promptly and causes the hair to ! gro.v. Hut remember this:' - It kills the 1 dandruff pc-r;n. the post thit approp riates all the natural noui'iifciftent ii j ^ in" i.iu i.mr rum. ?? Parisian ?ag?'">K ?cld 'by Brown's ' Drug Store under a positive guaran tee to banish dandruff, stop falling hair and itching scalp in two-weeks , or money back. It gives to women's hair a lustre and causes It to piow abundantly. ParlFlr.n Sa.^e is now Eold in every first-class town in Amcrica. A large, generous bottle roats 50 cents, and the girl with Auburn hair Is on ev You are wrong. Alor.zo; the maga zine gun wasn't Invented by a maga zine editor for the purpose of exter minating potts. Spitting Nuisance Hawkins and Spitting is Caused by Catarrh Germs. jf a v. ?h<> rltius ? want ? ta. af'nn V~o d1s?r u t si n g*5a1> : f o 1. nriTtngf mucous on the sidewalks, they had better Instruct the people r.s to the best, method of killing ill catarrh germs and curing catarrh. > ' Vou can easily tell by reading the, symptoms below whether you hare J catarrh or not: "* "" . .1 Offensive breath, frequent sneez ?? '?"??? the nos?*. huskineer. In the \3lce, tick-' Tin r In the throat, droppings In tne throat. rough.-paln in rliest, loss of strength, variable appetite, spasms of i-ir.'.ghlng. tow audited at times, rais -icfi? o?. muoous, difficulty In breathy Ing, loss of vital force. Brown's Drug Si ere has a esqsible remedy (money back if I? fails* for catarrh, called Hyomel. which is a va jw.iymi-alr so anjispjiliajjiat when It is breathed over the ~ interned" and ] yerm-infested 'membrancT^it kills all germ life and cures catarrh. . The price," including hard rubber iu little r. Is onl y f.hj>0,. and money back If it doesn't cure. Extra bottles, 50 rents. '-'I have tried almost every catarrh euro on the market without benefit. Have been using Hyomel for one week and feci like a new man al ready." ? Win. V. Goode, Newark, Ohio, June 21. 1909. CHARLESTON Wakefield Cabbage Seed For sale by the pound at | wholesale prices. BAJLEY SUPPLY CO. A pressing invitation to all visitors in Washington this week. TVc especially urge and invite you not to forget to give BAKER'S STU. P1Q a call before > ou leave town. r ]EH =H= DON'T Walk or Ride. Talk Over The Telephone. . , You can ttfcvea Telephone put in your In the city or at your farm at a very sur passingly low cost, and save many a long drive ancf per haps a life by being in direct and Instantaneous touch with your Doctor, Grocer, Mer chant and Brok< r. Weather reports and mar ket quqtations can he secured daily. Ihte.-csted parties are re quested to communicate with Mr. D. W. Bell, M*g'i CAROLINAfTEL. AND TEL. CO., | JWashingtoii, N. C. This proposition wiil inter est you. andtt would be well to investigate before the ap proach of the cold Winter moncaT caoii rniegjp-' paja foe / CHICKENS, EGGS II n, * COUNTRY PRODUCE We carry Hay, Grain anil all kinds ujt ? -jve handle the vory best Flour at whole. 1 sale. PAUL & CUTLER -ElST WATER STREET. j OYSTERS! PHONE 367. >>p|ivered to any pan 0( juart. Served in any style, steamed a ipecialty at 113 Market Street. Ocracoke Fresh Dressed Mullets. J. T. WYATT. When the Children Are I STUDYING YOU SHOULD GIVE THEM THE BEST LIGHT TO WORK BY AND THAT IS ELECTRICITY -WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT. We arc pret believers In the state ment (hut the Amerlcun < Gentleman Is the best-dressed mnn In the world. GRIFFON f'LOTHKK cater to the tastes oflthe American man, ami for years these famous garments have fulfilled hjii every style^want. We have a complete line of <;RIF PO!mOTHE8 for Fall in many dif ferent models, a host of exclusive pat terns and fabrics that lvon'i \ir?r 4HTT '?efore their time. SPENCER BROS. ONLY THE BEST j HEAVY AND FANCY I j GROCERIES i Carried. We please our : /-minmyrt or no pay. Try us. UNION GROCERY CO. WHY ~ WORRY I with headaches, coristipi ! tion and indigestion? Ask about ABILENA WATER, I the oleasa^'t and efficient . | Aperient Saline Water. . WASHINGTON DRUG COMY " jlST ARRIVED A Fresh Supply ef Br*6AkM?i Ci'iyuls, Grits, Buckwheat, Pettijohns, Graham Flour, Shredded Wheat Bis cuit, Oat Meal, Cracked Wheat, Corn Flakes, T'- iMfr", r,t WhPiir Grape Nuts, LPutled-fUci, Puffed Wheat and many others. Price always right, quality the best. Two detivery wagons and wheel, which in sures prompt service. Phone 123. J. F. TAYLOE, The Grocery Man. THE I. H. C. TOGGLF. -JOINT HAY PRESS Is the lighest draft, and makes the most compact baj^e of any press sold. BAILEY SUPPLY CO., SALES AGENTS. " Tn=niahf

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