Ladies' Tailored Suits Values that speak for themselves. A look will convince you to this fact. J. K. HOYT JUST RECEIVED Filling in order of Ed ison Records, including new list for September. Call at our store and hear the latest music and song | hits. No one-thing W"i!t give so much pleasure to so many people for so long a time at so little cost as a PHONOGRAPH. With our easy payment plan they are ir. reach of everybody. RUSS BROS. THfc IMC.Tl'Rl i RAMIRS. The Gem Theater FINK ORCHESTRA KENTIAYORTH--?ir Walter S-or.', pjamous- -work. Historical drama. i HON*. W. H. T A FT I.N PANAMA Panoramic. i TWIN UROTllLRS ? A jc<>od eoiu j edy drama. Sk-*r I.VCK V JIM-ciConxedy drama. Coupons Will be Given for Exquisite China Pitcher. The Utttuitii; %vll? take pluco at tJir (ifii: at s o'clock promptly. Every ImmIv ho ?'ii hand. Kollars and Kuffs <5 thi: spelling is n.\n, :sit the work we 1*1 'T ON COLLARS ,\\|> (;U*FS IS PERFECT. * flfV H1;S -VQf R CLEAN ivn >vn I'RESSI NG. - ? Alderman-Capehart Laundr>vlnc. -> 132-4 WATER STREET . WASEO FLOUR T ALWAYS GOOD and GOOD ALL WAYS Tdose who have used it declare that "WASEO" Flour makes sweeter bread and sweeter rolls and sw eet er bisc jits than any other. For sale only 'by E. K. WILLIS7 " 5otne On? Offer */iu a r! ClntRj R.'jia Chair* Ncju 5pr!n-.*-'iVoyUa't Voi Them? nu* hr ;? ? ? w.-i: U,\v "i*r . V fc :v ?'?r. wru:t.;i fop a ? mur: iws , i i?.- un- >>u*. fl ?'* r . j.-' h ,.?! . ?lr?? over a . 5 hcat.% u x> :hc f. r tl.rv> ii. -n thr llvx! nv, H V;: : ?tiii.1.' t- r - I;.:--. - coa!. -i hari J. H. Harris Plumbing & Supply Co. Washington, N. C. ~ ? HORSES AND MULES, BUGGIES AND WAGONS*" AT WASHINGTON HORSE EXCHANGE C. 0. MORRIS & CO., BROKERS WHOLESALE FRUITS AND PRODUCE Arrivals Today: ./ 1 Car 20th Century Flour, 1 Ca- Meal, 1 Car Hominy and Oats. Apples, Cabbage and Potatoes frcrh every day. STATE NEWS ConUenwO l(?iiu o( tntcmf Hap-] pcning Throughout the State, j The annual report of the . Baptisi | Church to the Roanoke Association i was read and approved at the morn ing service on las: Sunday. The re i p'ort lovtia the assoeiational year j rrtfm t*ctt?b*;r 1, 1J0S, to October I, Kt'.o. The report shows that the ! vhuri'iw-haft'iid during the year i s i new uicrn'oerd and lost 40. leaving 1 .1 ni/t gain of 4 4. Ti:o total mutnber .'li'.li of the church at prevent is 45$. I Ti:v report shows that Che ? -hurch raised lor (f.e mission objects ( oT i Ue Baptist State Convention* the | -pirn <?>'<:: ?.1V '?? :i?u1 for li?H4. pi-r. pcies and other objects the sum of i it: . a grand total of $0,314.03. "This 1s said to be the cri':Ket*t ?n-por* In the history of the J church. ? Scotland Neck C'ommon i wealth. I Master. John Ilolton, tlip 11-year I i>lil son oODistrlct Attorney a. 11. I Holton. who was accidentally shot in ? ihe left SaWday by bis 15-yeawW I briber, Frank, at their father's farm six miles south' of til? city, is not do ? Ir.g well i In fact., his condition at 4 ?oYU>?k this afternoon was regarded 1 grsTVe. lie was unconscious and lias : been practically ?o all day, The shock resulting from the -wounds- is ' thought^ o be i he cause jbf the boy's serious condition. He /a being given the very best medical attention. A trained nurse is alsoA with him. ? City Sentinel. 1 j Honry Clark Br ids: e"rs lu-> had serv u *> served"*}:*. the officials of- the Pam , li?'o Insurance and Bar.kiiig Com j pany.- Tile complaint has .'not been | ft'.^d and the causae of afctlon are | merely Inferential. Street talk gives | many, some quite probable, others ! much more remotely so. That this | ?ult is part of the proceedings, having ? their counter part yet differently re lated. to the Tarboro Cotton Factory i litigation, is generally believed, be cause it is alleged that the bank holds much of the factory stock at par. yet it Is stated that Mr. Brldger* has two share* of stock purchased that he c an obtain from the bank, no certificate therefor. The complaint, when filed, will however disclose tlse contention and not the 'supposition that we have collating ? Tar boro Southerner. 4 Iinanrancc-Cnrntr l^irrr.ivr Young is tending our the blatrte. ncce&ary to . be filled out and filed by the cleric of each city or town and' returned to him on or before the 3 1st day of Oi^pber^ 1 f the firemen of that city or , firemen':1 relief fund. Commissioner Young desires to call the special at tention to the clerk. i of the cities and to*v:iK*ir. ti>e State to the necessity of filling cut and promptly r<*furnlag ] these report? to him. as the law Is ; Imperative, and if i h is ia~ii<4 done lie ^?annot ?olleot the tax of the inaur 1 am-e vompanles doing business i:; the f city or town where the clerk fails to make This return for the benefit of the firemen. During each, year sc-v , era! clerks have failed to make the ? r-, rare ? ' T r?;*' ? it:" M ^.jii .'.ii'l;"11 J men have lost the benefi' of this | fund. Commissioner Young says it j will b? well for the. firemen In each ?city and town to see this report is sent In by the clerk of their city. ? 1 i Raleigh Times. '* UoLc.-r: S igg a v.l Norwood Adams. i white, of Swift Creek, bad a hearing ! Monday before V. S. Commissioner Henry T King, on the charge <tf counterfeiting. They were held un-i ! der 30'> bond each*" for their appear-1 an- e af Xe-.v D?:r;i c ourf nexr~week. j They gave bond. Counterfeit dollars! and nickels have been found circulat ing In several places within the last I year, a young man named Ormond. j from the same neighborhood as Sugg' ; ?.??. h^vrm-. ?? ?? ?-?-rtrtj <*I*r ?" <TT-tf^ |I| Klnaton for attempting to pass coun-; J terpen dollars. ? Greenville Reflector. i CITY MARKET. ***** v .- 20c Chickens, grown ...25 to 30t Spring chickens 10 to 25c' ' Hides. G S 8c Green hides ' 8 l-2c Mixed wool '. . . . 18 to 20c Tallow . . . 3 i-2c Wool, free iT*. burrs 20c] l/ambskin .t.t.... 25 to 40c COTTON. I Seed rotrtTFT.^ 5,-? Lint cotton 13 l-4C Before accepting a favor from any one the cynic finds out what he ex pects In return. Good *eni?e is better tfian good look 3. tut few people are afflicted with either. Some men like to attend a prohi bition convention because It increases their thirst OPERATE TRAINS BY TELEPHONE The Seaboard Air Line Using Western Electric Telephones on its Equipment." | On September Ui the Smibuartt A4* i Line put into service its new tele ; phone train dispatching circuit be tween Raleigh and Monroe, North ! Carolina, lis miles. Tlita part of j the road is single track and handles a I heavy traffic, the movement of trains J being assisted by a block telephone ) system. The dispatcher is loeated at ! Hamlet. ? Xoith ? Carolimtr 85 ? mllw from Raleigh. [ Western Electric telephone* and ; nm iIYSm imp-ijrTagc<i VetpeTora ar?5 j used throughout (his equipment. J There are ii) selector -way stations "and two siding telephoneslocated in the weatherproof booths at blind sid ings. Two 'portable telephones are provided for wreck cars Those may be connected to the dispatcher's line -at -any point bymear.1 of a jointed Hue pole. Mr. \V. TT William*. Superlnten ident of Telegraph, who has charge of the work, states that the telephone ; circuit has worked perfectly ever ! sinc e being put into service. He says i that the transmission could not~Ue" | better, and to indicate the character | of the circuit he has installed, states j?hatpto<> has heard*-* watch tl(^ over the entire US miles of the line. The officials of the road consider j that the service on this divison has been very distinctly improved since adopting the telephone , while the dis patchers find that they can handle the business faster, mote t-omprehen sively and with less fatigue. -Prominent Farmer ! Killed bv His Son i Charlotte. N. C.. Oct. 14. ? Col. j Robert L- Abernethy, one of the most j prominent ai>d widely Known farmers oY_MY>eklenburg county, was shot this' morning and killed by his son, ac-| | eorfling to reports rea hing the city. . i as a result of the son's' interference] in at", altercation which had occurred 1 between Colonel Abernethy and his , wife, and in which the son inter-, I ferred. I The repp?i&-which fi?*t readied [city bringing news of the dreadful j tragefrs were very meagre and defl-. | nite details of the affa.. were hard to ? obtain, owing to the distance of the! 1 home of Colonel Aberuethy from the j | city. ' : 1 Two shots were at the father i by the son, the report said. The first; j went wild and faded of Its mark, but; I tire second was hio:-'- accurately aim- J : ed and reached a \ital part, causing I death almost histar.'ly. Colonel Abernethy was a man of ] many fine qualities, but possessed 1 distinctive peculiar:! its and' had a ' high temper, causing him to lose con trol of himself eas.iy. This" morning, it i-_said, an alterca"4 Tion occurred betwren him and his L'jii uiibfiijptfca lu iM-rure. iLg.rcEar: said.' and tri^-d to put a stop to It in : a peaceful manner. Colonel Aber-j nethy objected to this Interference on ; his son's part and his anger then ' turne.!-o?- the latf r. firing two shots. 1 1 oil FEVEKItiH.\r.S8 ami ACHING ; Whether from Mauriouc conditions.! ; Colds or overheat::? r. try Hicks* Cap-' f udine. It .reduces the fever and re-" I lievea the aching H'a liquid ? 10,j 1*2 5 and 50 cents at drug Stores." "I HYACINTHS ANI> ALL KINDS OK I Heatherbloom Silk Tailored Pettico The son,^ being wrought up to a high pitch, It ia reported, then fired on hte father, killing him with the second shot. Colonel Abernethy was one of the most substantial farmers of Meck lenburg county and lived on his Hiver Bend ? farm on the Catawba' river, fourteen miles from Charlotte. He was about fifty years old and had spent the greater part .of hia-4ife on this farm, which he succeeded in bringing to a high state of develop ment, nnd.rhrough his close applica tion- to work ond-ihrouRh his study of i modern methods of soil tilling he had^ come to be one of the county's most prosperous farmers. Cutting Out Middle Man Charlotte. N. C-. Oct. 14. ? The ex ecutiTe committee of the Cotton Manufacturers' Association of North Carolina declared for cin talliuent a eaiiea ? nifuiln^ ? hrre today, wfth President R. M. Miller presiding, and' furthermore, to O. K. an important iltp toward rutting out the middle man and establishing a Southern sell ing agency for yarns, and declaring against the practice of consigning "yarns to c6mmi>sion houses, set tin jj forth that in the opinion of the com mittee this had completely demoral ized the market for yarns. . This is not the first effort of Southern cotton mill men to become Independent of the middle man and sell their yarns WHAT WILL YOU GIVE FOR CHRISTMAS? Possibly you don't know that you hare the widest range for selection here, and at prices hiocli lower liian "In smaller houses. We want to send you our biu Catalog and convince you that It is to your interest to buy all your Jewelry, Watches, Silver ware, Aic., &c.| liere. We send goods on approval for selection, and prepay the charge* on nil goodii bought by mail. . Write today. Paul=Gale ^ Xrfeenwood Cfryfac. Jewelers and Silversmiths, NORFOLK. VA. (irailby St. and City Hall Axe. Rest Hotel in the City. Con\>?< Th^iitfin. Jic.. and managed- by Mr. I*. IkrVjr I>odson. * -* LORRAINE HOTEL r.ranhv and Tazewell Sts., NORFOLK, VA. Kl'ROPEAN PLAN, $1. PKR DAY AND UP. NEW BUCKWHEAT and MINCEMEAT L. ARGHBELL Specialties Cigars and Tobacco. Leiry Bros.' Old Stand. WE NOW HAVE SOME Good Jobs in Tobacco We are expecting tomorrow a shipment of Nice Red Apples Send us your orders. Prices alright. E. R. MIXON & CO. direct, and the movement ;s pregnant with meaning at this timf. CREMATES SELF. Charlotte. N. C., Oct. 14. ? After braining his father-ln-low with an ax shortly belore day today at hlsliome, seven miles from Llncolnton, Ulysses "Wise walked Inside his^house, from which his wife and children had Hod inlerror. and undressing, he set Are to th^ building and waa_ cremated half an hour later. He is believed to have been unbalanced. ?Wise wag a man of some means. Ho had been .ccting aueerlv lately and it is believed that his mind was al' fectea from brooding over a law suit that was brought against him ?ome lino ago. I.ast night he became angry over some trival matter and kicked one of his rhlldribn across the room. His wife seeing that he was mentally wrong and fearing for herself and children, sent her oldest son to re quest her father. Mr. .Hallman, to come to her. Mr. Hallman came and was met. In? tha yard by \V1m, who \ Knight Shoe Co \ ^ Only Shoe Store ln>thc City. ^ IF NOT YOU HAVE NEV ER TRIED THE HEHT. WEAR 0>(E PAIR, ANI) YOU WILL ALWAYS USE THEM. attacked him -with an ax, crushing, his skull and killing him instautly. This was about 4 o'clock this morn ing. Mrs. Wise and the children fled from the house. Wise reentered the house, undressed himself and .set fire 4o-4fce dwelling. ? $12,000 IN PRIZES To be awarded at the -GREAT STATE FAIR Oclober 18-23, 1909. 49th Annual Fair will top the list in Exhibits, break the record in Free Attractions, beat the best in Racing, " outdo itself in Clean Shows, cap the climax in crowds. Biggest Midway in the South, No Dust this year, addi tions to Grandstand, nearly Double Seating Capacity, 5c. Fare on Street Cars, more Special Trains than ever. Rate, Round Trip for One Fare plus Admission Cou pon to grounds. For Premium List and other information apply to JOS. ?. POGUE, Secretary, Raleigh. Iii which you can earn a 42-Piece Dinner Set SUBSCRIBERS Necessary _.You can bring them in on^at a . time if you ^ want to. fc'VhKY FA Kribk IN BEAUFORT AND ttVDE COIINTIFS the State Fair at Raleigh next week, and his wife should be his companion.

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