WASHINGTON DAItY NEWS Enteral as tccond-claas l Augut^G, 1909, at the pewit office at Washington, N. C., under the act ot March 3. 1379. PUBLISHED EVERT AFTERNOON , EXCEPT SUNDAY. No. 114 East Main Street. J. L. MAYO, Editor and I'rOpWetur. . Telephone No. liOO. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: One Month $ r Tour Month* 1.00 | Six' Mentha 1.50 J One Ye*r 3.00 Subacrtters desiring the paper dis continued wll^pleaae notify thla office nn riatfl of! erplratton. ethurwiwo, H will be continued at regular subscrip tion rates until uotice to atop la ro ll you do not get Tha promptly telephone or write the raan tfer, and the complaint will receive Immediate attention. It la our <lesire to please yon. WASHINGTON. N. C...OCT. 18 TBfr NEWS KOIXOWT" Parties leaving towu should not I tall to let The News follow them dally a-ith the news of Washington fresh i and crisp. If will prove a valuable companion, reading to you like a let-' ter from home. Those at the sea- !. ahore or mountains will ftnd The I "News a moat welcome and Interesting ' ?lal U>r. MIST 11E SIGNED. All articles ?**nt to The News for publication must be signed by tlie ' writer, ciherwiae they uill not be J published. m or it h>Mcv. t<k?. j Every nc^apiir man knows what, it is to be besought to 'leave luexi^in j matter out of the paper. The requesT"j" to not Tiu.-ti t iou Hume paT^leular item j of tows is? indeed a frequent one. i Interested parties for some rtiJson . do uut want their, numea on Lhe^ names of their friends t#> appear iu print. The request^ is made as to va- | rious matters and on various pretexts' but the must frequent cause for re-, quests of ibis liiud is the i otirt re? - - ord". the pnltrt? rnnrr. ? **nd ' in matters of this kind this paper, wants to -ay i l-.ul requests i:?jt to p;;b- . lish cyrrir'n nam-s !n ? ???nno? -lion with misdemea -s:!! r.'if He tiisened tn. : This paper print* ;ii?' doing* ??; t he police eoiii't a> u matter <n news. Its readVss expee: it tu publish such iu-w? and vti" paper does not befleve in lu:bii---[iltig a p-,r: of ilia' :i-ws and' suppressing smother pa~it. The only l'air to eauti~.li ?? 1 1 ii'>"*rAmi - Since ii is legitimate news the ? ? u 1 y , really fair way is to-fublish all. C i r. ? c?jur>e r are im^.1 t thai would _ _mak" mighty 'rtit-'iesiiag reading^ Hint ? ?">siai ? up some! ime-. either jr. i court ??:? <.u? of it. but ttsnally outjpf . *t, tliat. t u:nuot J ?? puljlUh"*!. and j t!ie-<-? the held* in I'ouiidc'H'.v ? .j-.wt.' r.j.r rr-.x the publ j* have u s'iiihi :>i kno\v. will, so far us this comemed. be published, . not because the paper takes at.y pleasure in recording' r rimes ? ?[ ih.s kind, it wishes there W?fye tH'l.e SUch lO re. oril. b'.it l>er?ftl s<*~ elnre sm !i things do occur arvd since It must publish themHt has no favors, to mx refit} '?> swells and sports Thar it . rannof also <?xr<>i:d> to any nt^er man rvfco npT"?rtrs :n crv;r* '3T.d*M* siht'lar H"\ t < . i r \ 7 i::..\T'u i.i i i.iiii:. I Wfcei !???;? : :; nor.ev \y n:.y .,:V..r -u- ' Ij.V mar. win, ?, ). >-!i .-or. and tnifitwnrthv to r- jr. When there is '/??.??.?Mi in moii? y to be scent it Is n ?-??? ,!i ;i ? ? i ? ??? tt?i g'1: * ? .. 'i -?*' :l Mil Ilor.-I.n.l worth *>t good roads than it is to pay" an it:' !>??;. n: a n ami <fr.t ? , only $7-i.eoo r-r ?>". woj;tb i . Tn rh<- f!rst ?' >-e y..tf"a:*e o'*:' \ $3. ?>?'??? for your mnn. but you have) ""iaVMcT"! I, ?? ?;:o"rr.'n that would | -havo 1) ii > ? n !?>-> !,y i.n !-. .T* ,ll |e| lig^i,' !?' manflRemenr r:n tin- parr of the | "cheap" man In an nddr*** the oth I',-, ^V- L -Snoon ? stances Thowint; how two counties I have handled rfie road ]?ropof>ltlon, as 1 follows: bonds, go- :t;j e?i t;||i ?????r to l-h .->11 hvit, "the eounty, affii put the money where I it ought in have gone. People were pleaded. Th^y more bonds, property Snereased wonderfully, un til now The T^uhYy." by reason "of good road.4, has grown to be a giant sn wealth. The nth^r instance was Lll liston. Ala., wfeer" the people voted S 12r,.i?0,?. They didn'i get an en-| glneer, but llste::ed tr? the road ma- ? chinery agent ?i<? -oid rt.ent all iliev had to do was io rj.iuud up t!?e ?03l't and roll it. Today tVa; ?ommunltyl {ft j>:s? as m-;r h .is e- -r ;i> the mud. j and the roads s-hm <n?et $|^r.,Oof? get' ep sTTid ko plong v.-Uh Che vrhells when ! they roll." ? Progressive Farmer. | MfHtK <*C)\SKiS\ .\T1\ II. Mr. arriman'a passing from th^:. railroad world. In which he was stu b ; ? dominant figure, has not been at '? fended by any develnpments of a sen sational character. In fact, it would -"nSftui ro w a rational c?5ticIusion that ? "tTic remarkable nrmnVTng Jn which his daring skill and power were so often will nnw bp dropped, or thatr&t any rate. hts Buccewora will pursue much moz,* conservative Hbw fh connection with tKe threat systems of transportation which he built up. It may be observed, however, that something approaching a process of disintegration is making its appear ance In connection with the aftalrs of various companies which. \ justly or otherwise, had been popularly classed an being Included in the so-called . ' H ar r 1 m a n -ax&tcm. ' ' it Im uutmL fox itistance, that at this week's meeting lb* New_York_Ceutral Railroad, the t>lae? of Mr. Harriman in its board of directors was filled by the selectlou of Mr. Marvin Hughltt. tbe president of the Chicago & North-' ?westero Hallway, a rtimuany heretrv. fore controlled by the Vander.bllt in terests. VALVE OF FOREST. In v|?w of existing conditions In the I'nlted States relative to fores try, iiuil especially the recent devel opment of public sentiment In the recent' report of the I Lallan Secretary of Agriculture on the. operations In reafforestation, which have been go ing on for many years, is of Interest. According to this report the Italian government ? is keenly, aware of the Y.ajue af Xorestu to the country, and It Is determined to bring Its defor ested lands Into a forested state as *opu again as possible. To auain this, end. planting operations have been! conducted on _ government land to ! such an extent that during the last thirty years 122,000 acres have been planted in twenty-flve of the pro vinces of Italy. Of this area. Cd.uOO acres, or approximately 1QS square miles, were planted In the year 1907. alone . rauelMK an outlay of nearly i 2 .000.000 and giving employment to | i\ large number of men. Reafforesta tion has been carried on so vigor- ' about 3C.000 acres of government land in nefidjjf planting. In addi tion to conducting planting opera lions on a large scale, the Italian gov ernment has during the last forty years ^drnfcHiuUsl over ism.oom.ooO young tree* and 237. COO pounds o? ?#ed. an anion lU-sufildea:. to restock ? approximately i*io;ouii acre* of land ? tn the ].?-<n .;r?. in an effort to en cyurage planting and sowing by pri vate I'crsoftjf; >lORK .MK.MRMRS IN IKU SK. ?'.Members of Congress in il.o.-e gHat'-i. w1m?-|> will get increased r ep re Ken tat oti at Washington after !_!? e "f ' !i 1 "e I evil tig nrettv sa: ? as regards their prospects of reelec tion a year hence," said 'Judge Thot. I.. Scarborough, of Tennessee, ai the | Kenneri. "There will be a hew apportion me nt aM'-r t he rensus Is taken, as :he increase in :h" nation's popular ;ou will certainly ran for an increase in | the number of legislators in the lo er bran- l:_?j?. CougXfeSH. llut Lhe. li:r.5: has. in the opinion <?f many, beer nearly reached. fin?l there will be a tight aualust adding many members i to the' present ! house total ? ^omc :'n> i.'-.udJ, Some St a', cs will- show Ut ile gain >irt?e the census of 1V"0, and a ? few may reveal an actual loss.' Texas and Oklahoma will show big I cair.f. white the increase- i'n States I H JV>'-r ?s>r. a.' - !? ??' ? 1 1 *???* A? j . 1 ? 'n VvnV?. rn "v:M be 8jow; to r.t:-r-l Sa?Is of ?;<?] reservation so as-u.?i I '<?) il:c- l!?i:v vuduly large ami | nnwieldy, uu.i ;:i ik" same time ke"p ? Stale f"ii!ll Ii>-?ug ?ev of ?c* prey. ^.;t r?-,.r>^feH:ai*lon. It will take some 'ine iignhii^j ? ! o th's. 1j> the Stat-'s l1i'at .will '-ongressmen new ?iis L. . .i. ? i : ? i l. H i ^.n n. <| . rnul ?i i hi Mil** iZll hi Li li-V't uope-i u! getting a job at ib" National ? Hn+*i:noie AHP'I'b Ali. " liRKAKS I.FO OFF ItK.U FORT j ? Hea i ; In - r V f ..Oct. -17. -With rh?> j lag ? a? ? ? I'mnmatit ? il y i n g ? upside 1 low n ? the signal of distress and! iv a in of assistance the oceangoing! |nt Welhiigton crept t-foaly lip to the j ?mi "i ?rr ;> itrr - irZ'h eT lumber barges Southland and Vir ?-'iiua Immediately upon discovering; he sij^iLiil-KA^Ujor. Poughuuul kbs i rew j'rom the Fort Macon l.fe savir.tr yta-j' ion i.i'sti" ;j f 'ielr'"TyTv^ boa; a,"'r rowed ??nt to tne Wtjhols. The master!"1 >f the tug. which cleared from Phil- 1 idelphia October &.?hound for .la-k-j' vonvlll-. re?w>ri?-tl io i be life KTrcnv 7 hrt the \\'ell'nginn"1\atl encounv'reri j terrific weather off Katteras during > vhleh Fred Chrlstenton. a member or ' he erew of the barge Southland, had ' ?nsfaiiieti ?. broken leg it wa.? to ob lairi assistance in getting f'i: rlstenion ihs'ti'iT t'inr lTVTfJ was asked and the ife savrs took Uie fi?jn red inn 11 to j land and ronveynd "him to 'a hospital. When off the Diamond Shoal.-. ? Lighi*hi|> on Thursday night the tug ?tin into a heavy westerly gale.- With PverjrjWng battered down and the =eas tossing her about like a cork, he Wellington was barely able to" inld on to her tow. 1-t was feared the * FOR FFVFRISH\?vS.H ami'. ACIfl.NC; Whether from, Malarious conditions "TT - . n? jin.mftwp' jdlnw. ? It redueen the ferer and re lieves the aching. It's liquid? 10, *?. -wild fl* rtmtm ?t wlme'afnrei hawser would Dart At any mdatnt While the gale was at Ita^helght the barren Bhlpplofc considerable water and on the Southland. Chris teuton was sent to the engine house to start the pumps to keep the vessel from sinking. He had scarcely reach ed there when a terrific sea battered i? the engine room door and almost drowned him. He was thrown bod ily against the walls and one of his legB snapped Just above the knee. Ui* aou-BMitw found him helpless and the newb was communicated to tho twg, who** master decided lo fw Into port here to obtain medical aid. A KKW COACH. A new first-class passenger coach <111 the Atlantic (.oast Line passenger train adds a great deal to the comfort and convenience qI the imigengftrB '.rsvellug on that system. "ITS AX ILL WIND" ' Borne time ago there was a flood in Britiski Columbia. An old fellow who had lost nearly everythihg he possessed was sitting on the roof of his house as it floated along when a boirrapproached. "Hello, John!" "Hello, Dave!" '"Are your fowls all washed away, John?" "Yes. but the ducks can swim^V re plied the old man. / "Apple-trees gone?" "Well, they said the crpp would be a failure, anyhow." "1 see the Rood's away above your window." " ? "That's all right, Dave. Them win ders needed washin', anyhow." ? Pearson's Weekly. rrLKS CTRED IX <1 TO 14 HAYS PAZO OINTMKNT 'U guaranteed to run* ;:i;> ntsf of 1 Idling, TlllUfl, Lilted in< or Protruding, piles in G to 14 days or money refunded. rifle. For drugs anil seed, 'Hardy's Ilrug Stofe. Sloan's Liniment is the ?best remedy for sprains and bruises. It quiets the pain at once, and can be applied to the tendcrest doesn't need to he rubbed ? all you have to do is to lay it on lightly. It is a powerful prepa ration and penetrates instantly ? i - relieves any inflammation and con- j gestion, and reduces the swelling. 1 Sloan's1 Liniment i* an excellent antiseptic and germ killer ? heals cuts, butns. 26c., 60?., and ft. It. Can s. Sloan, j Kui V B-A.. j xtmrr. of soniovs axi? war-1 IlA.\i OF N'orth Carolina. Be.-r.sfort County. Wgshli:p*o:i Justine'*; Court. TTTTore a. Mayo, .j- P. Uvo. . W. and Ceo. M. Owen. trad-i ?itiK a?*Oeo. N. Owen at;d Son. vs.; R. H. Mymat:. ?a-:e i?oi ir-*' : That a suRinfoTDTiTi the[ above entit! 'd-aetton wis issned against said defendant -on the 27th 1 day of September. 1909. by A." Mayo. I .HiV.ll'l' I.I Mil' t'lW'J' II? J',!"'.'!!',!" 1 county. North Onrotlnrr; for the piim of ?wo -hundred '$2tfD.OCO dollars, due the plaintiff by jwlgmaut ren- . dcrcd In their favor and agal:>Kt- t4*e-^ defendant in the C'ottrt or l.r.vr r.r.d , Chaunrery of the City of Norfolk. ! Virginia, on March 2fi:h. 1^*)^. which summons Is- returnable- before said jusUr-e. at liis office hi Washington, In said county and in Washington ? owti?>hip r?n Tuo"?l??." ti*?* day pt ? October, l ??>:?. at 1> t/il'x^. a. ni. The defendant v.;il r.i^u ;akc r.:rt!e?' thai a warrant of attachment v. an U-j sued by sal'J juMfce the 27 1 1? day of Sy/trmber, 1SW9, trg ?tins'. t"?e prop erty of Raid defendant v.*J.i<h warrant of attachment Is returnable before said jiffctire at t"fte time and i:l6ce above named for Jhe xel urn of the summons, when and where the de fendant is required to appear and answer or demur to the comnlalnt, or the relief demanded will be granted _ . _ _ . _ Th Ig the 27th day of September,' lMt. * . K. MAYO* . n. ? Justice of the Peace. WASHINGTON PARK. Bargain in E. Main Street House, A. C^Hathaway. Leon Wood MEMBERS N. Y. COTTON EXCHAKrr 1? ?? ?' r LEON WOOD & CO., BANKERS and BROKERS 73 PLUME STREET. CARPENTER BUILDING. NORFOLK. VA. Private Wire* to N. Y. S?ock Exchange. N. Y. Cottoh'Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade and other Financial Centers. accounts given careful attention. ?? <SK>. *y>>. *v>j AV!, /SW> 4V>) ft EAST CAROLINA I Teachers' Training School ?! fe I Established and maintained by the State for the young men and women who ^ish to qualify themselves for the profession of teaching. Buildings and equipment new and modern. Sani- ? ~ tation perfect* ? e SESSION OPENS OCTOBER 5TH. 1*9. f? For|prospcctus and information, address ROBT. H. WRIGHT, President, Greenvflle, N. C. JUST RECEIVED Filling in order of Ed 1 ison Records, including new list for September. Call at our store and hear the latestmusicandsong hits. No one thing will give so much pleasure to so many people for so long a tune- at iso- little cost as a PHONOGRAPH. With our easy payment plan they are in reach of ] everybody. RUSSBROS. THE PICTURE FRAME RS. * J The Gem Theater "j FIXE ORCHESTRA ANCIENT GUIHATOR ? Drama. THE - STAKVEH NGH? Meted fa ma. j THE DETECTIVES OF THE ITAL IAN* HCHEAl? Melodrama. HIRXIN? OF STAMBOt'L, CON STANTINOPLE ? Melodrama. TEI> AND 11IS LITTLE SISTER? Melodrama. Xe\t Friday evening the CJem will give away n l>eautlful Sterling Silver Cnndrlahra Co (he one holding the lucky coupon. Coupons will he given to mlult pat rons only. j $12,000 IN PRIZES To be awarded at the GREAT STATE FAIR j 1MO. _ ? ? ? - ? ivvri 49th Annual Fair will top the list in Exhibits, break the record in Free Attractions, beat the best in Racing, Qjitdo itself in Clean Shows, cap the climax fn crowds, Biggest Midway in the South, No Dust this'year, addi-' tionst<> Grandstiyid, nearly Double Seating Capacity, 5c. Fare on Street Cars, more Special Trains than ever. ?n>P| Tjmind Trip frtr Onp Farp plus A Hmiccirtn f nil pQn to ground*. ? ? : ' ? For Premium List and other information. apply to ' JOS. E. POGUE-r-Secretary, Raleigh. _J .. ?HELP IS OFFERED WORTHY YOTNG MEN AND WOMEN. No matter how limited (our *'*" "?* " ?J> I . "**^"7" * mTrv- ^ ; - NF.SS (ioLITtiE, Durham, N. C-, is ready and willing to help You secure a hijih-tcrnde Business Education. The ONLY Rusineis College in the Caro lina? presided over by an Incorporated Accountant and Auditor. A suffi cient guarantee of its superiority. Enter now on eauLpayment plan. DEPARTMENTS'; Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting. Telegraphy,] r,r ,rnrr' Kii"l"-HlllTi A HUNCH oy oaiung ai Newi ofBce and d es cribing tbeui and paying (or this advertisement. IX>8T. ABOUT (KTOUKK 1ST, A bunch of keys with .aluminum chain attached. Finder pleaJfi- re^ tnrn to News offlce and receive to ward. ^lf STENOGRAPHERS STENOGRAPHER AND. TYPK writer. Let mo write your letters. Mlra Beulah Tbomason Chamber of Commerce FOR 8ALK RATE, 1 cent" per word. LONG CAPES IN ALL NEW MHAItttf at J. K. Hoyt^ -THK STEAM LAUNCH PKTRBL, length about 50 feet, belonging to U. S. Bureau qt Fisheries. is offer ed for sale. Sealed bld? directed to Fisheries Laboratory. Beaufort, N. C., will be received until noon, Wednesday, October 20. The launch may be Inspected at the above named laboratory at any time. THK CHOCOLATE YOV HAVE been waiting for, "Apollo," none better: at Sparrow's. % 1K)X'T FAIL TO ATTEND THEDNE day .sale at J. K. Hoyf'^? Wednes day. NEW LINK OF KID OIjOVKS JCST received. James E.- Clark Co. WEDNESDAY IS B AHG AlX_IiA V AT J. K. Hoyt's. FINE CELERY, CRANBERRIES, M agra, Concord and Delaware grapes at .1 oh. F. Tayloe. SEE J. U. HOYT'S ItKi AD. mish grapes, lari.e' qiaxtiy, ' lJust in. at Willis' Bakery." NEW ARRIVAL OF HAND-PAINT ed China, at H. G. Sparrow's. 1.10 S1ITS TO SELECT FROM WED nesday, at J. K- UoylV. MEN'S AND 1IOVS*- IN1>ERWE?R in all . grades and prices, ut k. Hoyi's. , VOIR Movi-v mi ? im? iMii-Tr?? duty at J. K. Hoyt's, Wednesday. DIR CANDIES ARE THE BEST-tr 10 and 20 cents per pound? the kind of'Ter Tolls "geT~20 and 4 0 cents for. Jos. F. Tayloe. I.A DIES' KAMIM.E Sl'ITS AT ? A It gain prices. Wednesday. J. K. Hoyt. FRESH CHOCOLATE ? JlST AR rlved. II. G. Sparrow DOROTHY DODD SHOES FOR LA - dies. _ See the new cloth ton button ~ ooot i or areas, "at T.T\7 Moyt s. LAMB*'. MISSES' ANtr CHI I' ll ren's underwear; prices right, at J. K. Hoyt's. srEE SPARROW'S TEN CENT LINE of Fudge. LOOK AT THE SPECIAL OFFER* ings in J. K. Hoyt's big ad. (?EN ERA L REPAIRING SHOP ? 'Typewriters, sewing machines, bl ? irna maaeio lit. E.~w. A. Woolard. Market street, opposite Courthouse. 21 KIM ON AH IN EVERY MAKE, LONG and short, at J. K. Hoyt's. If a man had the. sense to admit JV hftn '?nns h^/uutlJ i be more often eight. a buy. hp mftfa ashamed of the neckties his father wears than of be FOR GENERAL SURGICAL ?AND ? - ? Hon MED RATES:* Private rooms $'5 tm(925.M. ;_W?rd(large and airy) $11 per week. Ad drcM (MISS) JULIA , A. SMITH, Sopt. o# Nurses iii? 1 1 n ?nA runLtMtmunl' AL HOSPITAL Professional Column SPECIALISTS H. W. C ARTER, M. D. Practice Limited to Dlaeues of -the Eye. Ear, Nose and Tlpoat. Houra: M2 A. M. Cor. Main and WaabtaftotT/N.1 ' ' Dr. I. M. Hardy PRACTICING PHYSICIAN "" SURGEON ? Wwhlaetoo. N. O - DR H, SNELL ? : Dentist. Office corner of Main and Reapaaa Strccto. Phone t? Washington, N. C. ATTORXKr? H. S.^ARD JUNIUS D. CRIMES WARD & GRIMES ATTORNEYS- AT -LAW Washington, N. C. We practice io the Courts of the First Judicial District, and the Federal Courts. John H. Small, A. D. MacLean, Harry McMullan. SMALL, MAC LEAN & - . McMULLAN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. W.D.GRIMES ? ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Washingion, Nortn Carolina. ' Practices In all the Courts. W. M. BOND, Edenton, N. C. Norwood l. slmmons BOND & SIMMONS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina* ? Pruaitce In alt C W. L. Vaughan W* A. Thompson VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington and Aurora. N. C. Practice in all the courts. H. C. CARTER, JR., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW," Washington, N. C. Office Marfce^Street. <Vm. B. Rodman. Wiley C. K oilman. HODMAN A1 ROHMA\ * Attorneys-at-Lsw Washing?on, N. C. Business Cards R. L. STEWART PRACTICAL MATCHMAKER and jeweler: Corner Main and Market Streets ? Just received a larggjisftortmenf nf ? h m__ ? ? inni Designs IfTJewelry^ -K?? nairing a wpfiClaltV. ' H. B. GotJsfein, We are stilt doing business at our old stand. In this period between the seasons t*e arc still satisfying cus tomers. Our fall samples arc already In and we can take your order now for immediate or future delivery; ' Yuuis fur business, H. ??. ooidsteln. : Fdr? FIRE INSURANCE The J. H. Simmons Marble and-Granite Cn. MONUMENTS Prices and Work Right. * S, N. C. ~ Whllt - BAKBbK - MiUF The only first-class whfte shop in city. A trial will convince anyone of reas- 1. onable judgment. We nave 3 chairs, 3 first-class white barbers. Satifactlon assured. Opposite Postal office. A. B. DR AUG HON, Prop. C. MORGAN WILLIAMS INSURANCE of all kinds. Buy Your HORSES and MULES . from GEO. H. HILL The tasks that want ads. have tailed to do In this cltr. if tmt +iem** plished, would rftake a small shewing

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