WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS Entered an second-class matter 'August D, 1909, at the postoBCe at Washington, N. C.. under tho act of March 3, 1879. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. No. in Kut/Maln Street. J. L. MAYO, Editor and Proprietor. Telephone No. UOOt SUUS4KJPT10N RATES: One ^lopth . .T. .7 ."*7. ....... J ,2.". four Months 1 0i? Six Months 1.50 One Yc*r. 3.U0 ? Subscribers desiring tlie paper ?dis-| continued will please notify this office on date of expiration. otherwise^ It will be continued at regular subscrip tion rates until notice to stop is re- [ ifelved. If you do not get The Daily News > promptly telephone or write the man ager, and the complaint will receive Immsdlatt? att&nticn. It Is our desire_ to please you. "" WASHINGTON. N. C . OCT. 20 LET T11E NEWS FOLLOW. " Parties lt*xving tow^i should not (ail to let The News 'follow thetu tlaiTy i tiio newt of Washington' IWBlri and crisp. It will prove a valuable { companion, reading to you lik?>i let ter from home. Those at the sea- j shore or mountains will find The i News a most wek-ome*Ar.d interesting I ?isltor. MUST Itr SIGNED. All artUJc*^j?'nL to Tl'.e News for j publication must oe signed by the < writer, otherwise they will r.ot be i tt^^MshoO. \voimi\ 01 i:\iri.\Tiu\. ? -T-lio 1 1 r ?' n.-i-rHt* ni me ualT " News set- ttjoe". uitv-r'-'iluK [vnis from pnnitfso. Tlnsy aiv written aiai ????tn piled by ilu? *?iu?l?'nti? from ? n? h prad" and arc tnost creditably ivrtuoii. niu? h th,it ]!?.?? Nw\> ."-n't n-fvain from >al!i:;i- attention *" the*e hem* w??'kly. as ?%n? h *mi?* >; wrln?-M and d ditti'ivm!*". j They *ivv Vur i..\U ].*;!: dliTe'vat I; ! at 111" r*:i ill' Til - head of . Pant*",:-' ?i-IioT?I,'i:;?- li?: ? : ? ?? i : i a plan i the i-a^om*- o.'_ v. iii.-h. . .:?? d-? no* !:? inc . 1 V I'll' * * h; ; ? ? ' , The roi=t of i Mi'- ?f* i"3TvTTj la to - ??"-.a!".;-!". IVrliaps n .I!' liol l:?* mv * ailnp* ilu? same :??:?:?. jty 'Mr -a-Mr.* j; ?t,tderu loarrj* ??arly Iri 1::V to cojr.jo-. wjiitTd In' !.*??? ???-? tl o:id i'Plns:?k- ? i:i !!;?? ?? . . The Imlly N? ?"*!* t.i i. f. ? nui"" -n risu: \n\ llsemi'nt. 1? is s:ir-'-!v ???.urieli u? a-K the pMhll- a'ion oY h i r?t > ?? ? irrati-: fhirr ov i'li* ''..Lo'.'"* in ?i i ??? frnoagh to i .Ll'.i i r, Jn.:> , However, '?*?'*! ar-1 .ifiJI iiscmMig on. hut we a;-K in nil ?*r?ri?H. ran re ionsudfM*a tlon. P. 3 ? Th-T^ !s a va*t rt'ffor ????.' ho*. ?:or>r, -t j're-? r.^orti.-en.'ut and nn-? iiorn. - Or-ff-: -fcoro Re?-ord. \ ? i;\suits?iij' or ? i,utjii;s. I^i a ^rfa: ?!f| 1 nr^-t jyojc of C'?i C-iLHU <1 HOii.-W lt^ iMn.l. i(4WUkll*??i ;u? cp n.'or of f si" iir#- ?; of oth'M* w.'om"ii omjrloypy. M i.- 5i?.-r fnt'.i ti'n' to tcuard iiilly riKAii'^t rh'* nff^-iatlons ?. paint. no-Adop. 5 *T?-. ; Jewelry jt;:d >>' ?'.< >? in a general vray ln#r :n;r,H;on Ss thf k ; . i n:orlon of ^Impl^lty. * As a manifestation of employers* preferences the Cl?ii-aRo instanee Is not wholly new, \>ut the renBornhii) l? perhaps an o;l?^nal idea. The Ret ting of women lo catch women is logical, man's inhumanity to man be ng -fairly matched by lb* ??.'?.nn.vsA ttUh ghlrh OHO of Oafth'? *iuters sizes up another~as to her ap pareL _ . The more interesting question Is whether dress censorship Is to con rlne itself to the circles of large retail :rade or extend Its active dominance 'iver broad social interests. There j have been spa rod ic efforts to regulate not only the costumes of singers in church choirs but to some extent the ?rarb of wonien^n the pews. Teachers ? and upper-class girls in school and college have, essayed to give heed for^ lettlcoatcd students and what thqy should wear. There have been siig-' :*estlons in emulation of rules in for eign capitals relative to clothes for the theater. Shall we fee all these things, together with the prescribing Of street cost times lit for street wear, referred some day to a "highly expert Ooard of l-ady Censors? Mrs-. Herman ('lark and little sou, who have been visiting Mrs. A. E. Clark, left for New York Monday morning in visit tier parents. Miss -Latham thwih - Hat ?oiuv aiul Sunday witli her. sister, Mrs. J. It. Uespess. Mr. and Mrs. T.'. \V. Paul s petit Sunday with Mr. Paul's sister, Mrs. J, C. I Mike. Mr. George Old and familv, of Bel- j liav.n. visited relatives in this J viae o # Minday.. Messrs. .Jim and Ernest Clark, of: Hclhaveu. spent Sunday with their' mot her. Mrs. A. E. Clark. Mr Harry Swindell and Miss Eva ? Thompson went to Swan QuarteH | Sunday y? >pe:7d a -few days with hi:?' mother, who l's very 111. ' Mowe d Urefti4><>ii Monday afternoon and j ! night, ol last week. Several . people | from Pant ego attended. _iuid all re- j port a good time. I ??Mr. c. p. Aycoek an 1 wife went | 1 ?.*? Washington Wednesday. The pantego and Uelhaven Realty! , Company are ere- ting a large barjt on ? I iht-.lr farm near PanteKo. ? Mi*. C. !i Ri?-ks. e'f ? Washington. I .spent Saturday night and Sunday! It'-t*'1, visit 'ng friends ar.drelatlves. The Ai Serin:'. rle Oevilo ping (.'om-j pni:y are mnUlug great progress in | bearing their swamp lauds. They! are having it rut do-vn so that thev' .".iii pl..:.r or sunit* other i*rog> on ? the land n "Xt y?*ar. This will be one 1 af :h?? uirsf beautiful places in the) > o.M'iy fur a f.UM. The . umpany ar ? i ' :iv :iir --anal* -ciu. that lay ?? off in; wiUtn*. Mr. A. Noble, a .former .teacli^r | < ' Paiitetu, lias offered a. gold medal! for lar^liijt to the two lughes.t grimes ?*: the Patiregu High. Sehopl..: The Pantego and Belhaven Realty I Cora puny have also offered one to the! I-iii:;'. who makes the greatest pnfg-1 ::: ;lgriciiitur?\ The s.hool g-?r-i "vill be er.largt ?]. and a t>la?--*T; g. :-o;: lid "assigned each pupil of the! :*.vo higher rooms. TJiey are to ml-' ilva?e;Thls and at ?!!??. clcae of thej *1 f :: H v.hos- -.la: -'-.tiwa :he^ i rajrovem.-ti an:! tlje one who: #.:va.? progros irjt ti.e] ;J1 br awn.ded lh?; m!:;itent 6f ; he i ' : :t".t .*". who ;::t? "e*o:i j .:i r'n- w**?-k, ret-irned to school J :r.4 rr,::;g ;o h? gin her reg-.s-1 lA" v. ?; . ?!??? v a ' :v. '????"i gre?. tly. l7>* T .?? ? ? ' " ru :. *? ? a:-. I we were r 13 -ia'l i" v.- 1 !? hei'- *usaiu ? - ! to : '-.i [ V,'.-- f}?r,/>v{?'w! ;?; ?' *.j- have her" r. , 1 rir.n Soc!et,". ? its regular tr.^etlng' i- at i! ? :;o ! 1 ' ? ' : : . ^ : pj:ir. ?? ' ? ; Mrs. c. i\ a;? o.'!!> Lonv or \ ?y -;:'i riiorj-1. (i toljer- : r.th. ami'. I/..*: wiHuaii'fl rmein As-' _ *k?- i.f ini'-rov ?^Trrr-- horilljo:>.. an 1 gr.a.l.ds, arid \ i i way t,f fr.ipioviag t?ie sthooij in fc*-n*rnl. Friday r-veri ng. f>?'?dier i;.. t! r.;f. w a party a Mr. ' ( ,?? Sn-fudellV. i- ui- M?U- I..:.: k T : al. '''?-Ii- ??..... T. *? ?*ven:n: ? ,-n urn . v<*ro: j Mis.-.-s Kut-i C.-i-dlo. I .-filer : *l-r. A,,,,.:. ? AV .xl. AI- II li.tvl,'. ::v,l v.^ri. K |^r. jf> ij ?' f K-?n ! ? rrt ir... IV '< MM1HI I.I. S cj:ki-:k \c?tks. A n.j-berof ?-.rv' ,Jk atten.: j u?.t v.eeU.. I ? :\V. M. Ritti. P. U. itou. (ni:il .1 \v. Mayo, jr. *e.-e hero 1? - jWAr.|f :o lay Of f Ih? Campbell'* free, I roi'l -i rial. We are ?n?ii?fled ?hr:-'% ''"fa ;wte,v. n;e,i tot ha?\ ? he-Ti r.ppolRj- 'l to (IN to^k. The> ? will ,!o the right a- Jhry ,/p Jr. '>ur :-oun? frlert-! Tom I) .Jcncr j happy nH hf em b?? If* ,1 iioy. **?' Mr. ai d Mrs. H II. Tripp, of p.'-. [eonnty, near Creenvillo. are vl?%!> fi> -7 For: HKAIWHiv? H:rk'* Cupiii.iii:-. Whether from. Colds, lf?at. Stom ach or Nervous Trouble*/ 'Capudir. ? i Will relieve you. It's liquid? plo** anr t-o take? ?arip immodlptftly. Try It.JOc.. 2B<>. and i?Oc..-Ai.r?*. Mr. iVtpjj 'a sister, Mrs. W. I. Austin, r? M a I. I ? | - r ? i' ? -v- ? ? *tX TO 15 piJKT. There was a basket party given 'at Mr. J. W. Mayo's residence, lost Fri day uight for U14 bonciu ol our school house. A goodly sum was reajlzed .'rum the sale of the basket^ and > everybody enjoyed themselves Infc mensely, and above all, a worthy i*ause was he.lped along. Rev. C- R- Canipe filled his regular appointment at the Methodist Church here Sunday afternoon and at night, and received two new members in thei church.- Mr. tfaiaipe la a young man, but a powerful preacher. ?, We were all glad to welcome our r,e,wly married friends, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mayo, home last week. We think they both won a prize. HILL JUSTICE I RECITAL AT ? carolinajxstJ Takes Place at OK! Ford Friday Evening? Everybody Is Invited. Tin* regular mouthlv recital of Carolina OK! Ford. N. P.. will takv j?Ja -e next Friday night till the r];ajK*l at > oYloi'lc. The follow-' program hc.a bt-en prepared and vriu ho rendered: Piano duct, "Feativa.* Mjtfrch," I Misses Burch ;?nd ('.ray. Recitation, "Sandy's Konwiice." iiut'.ier Hodges. *"* ' orcii sole. "Message of the Hose." Mr* Koma Ilolden. Piar.i) solo. Trovaloro.'"*" Miss! .Jessie Hodges. t^iiinn ? <1' >?!. ? ' Vnrow ? Ua;.4-B ? Will: Mi?." K.'thcv and M.'.rie 1-ftxlge*. ?"Johrrey'.s Smok^.". Jlr.y-cr I ,V4icll. V?/cal duel . V>rc Made For j M ?." Miive.* (I ray ai'.u Hodges." rv.viu solo. Mis* fcurcH"/ j limy sjad hH-Vrt ? ? v. Min i im.ij on i.o; j: .wis ak st:a?ive ; rc..< i cr iC.u'sa.u: !i :?ro-! dured." *"ho died nn 3**.' *i77l?. *o.?i?l sr|n>,;i * fro'u the ;>Oi-Vet of the :?rt:?Tw?!v F:\uik!"::. Vet he c!raii/;ely at.'i-.-Ii-a'Mu i:c?me modern vr. romantic j viev.-t ';!i tlie onb>* : of m.irrias*?.. IiTj i T : ' U<* u.Ji"! cd to tl*o pa.er.'.s of a| your.;: iady for th?\ h.vsd of their j dm.ghvr, uddinj*, "If 5 Know any-] thh'g of iny cvh heart. I ?ni-.t free) from ilir.t foolish passion which the wbrlil .;l!f la..; ? ? WliHii'i-iiii i-rci-zio pvf.V'.o'al -.va.1 do cMiv.'d the 'indaunted Whit *d ;*sar rleil a:i W'-U'l v. Nirv.v "neiT j ric h nor :,ea;itif.i! " T'.'.i.- "."Jer-j ry 'V'l .v." .M:Vaof :. ? ^TTTTT with r^i-Vrj; .iki-lo.% -V.u "bar -.o ? ?? ? ? ? ??? ??? - I :-im> ' ? !!!?;? i\ ?: \ \\ * p.\zo nr>.T::i:N*r !:???? . ? : ?. ::-v i'?u? For Sprains Sloan's Liniment is the best remedy for sprains and bruises. It quic-s the pain at once, and can be applied to the tenderest ' ? p*rt without hutting beeauwt it cloesn'^need to be" rubbed ? ? all you have to 'do is to lay it on lightly. It fa a powerful prepa ration ar.d penetrated instantly ? i relieves any inflammation and con- ! gestion, and reduces the swelling. J Sloan's Liniment is - an excellent antiseptic an3 germ killer ? heals cuts, burns, wound* and contusions, and will draw the""pol son I from sting of poisonous in secU. 2Sc.,60e..airttt. Br. Ctrl 1. Sloan, LETS GO TO WASHINGTON PARK. Bargain in E. Main Street House. A. C. Hathaway. Leon Wood MfeMBbRS N. Y. COTTON EXCHANGE. Jaxnei W. Cole J] LEON WOOD & CO., BANKERS and BROKERS STOClyS, BONDS. COTTON. GRAIN and PROVISIONS. _ * 73 PI.UMF. STRF.FT. CARPENTER liL'lLDINC;. NORFOI.K.. VA. Private Wires to N. Y. S'ock Exchange. N. Y. Cotton Exchan&c. Chicago | Board of Trade and other Financial Centers. | Correspondence respectfully solicited, Investment and Marginal i accounts given careful attention. i?SVS 5V^S!2.5i!''4SY. jS1 $?<. SL'i. ?>1'l ??. *>i | EAST CAROLINA vi ^ uji jiwu anil women who wish to qualify themselves for l he profession of teaching. Buildings and equipment new and modern. Sani tation perfect7 V ? I Teachers' Training School Established and maintained hy the State for the ypung men 'u SESSIONIOPF.XS.OCTOBrR 5TH. 1909. Fo r| prospee t us and information, address ROBT. H. WRIGHT President,. Greenvf lie, N..C. r>> CARGO OF SALT Just Received. . H. M. JENKINS CO., Wholesale Grocers. NOTICE ! Now is the time to have your gas lamps put in order. It will cost you nothing to have them inspected and, adjusted,- -A Welsbach burner wiil give you 80 candle power and cost only 1-2 cent per hour. ^5ee the GAS MAN. _ $12,000 IN PRIZES To be awarded at the ' ? GREAT STATE FAIR October 18-23, 1909. _ 49th Annual Fair will top the list in* Exhibits, break the record in Free Attractions, beat the best in Racing. (>ilWi?'lT^rt?jlTt^nrSll?Wri. in rrouaL^. Bif.Rest Midway in the-South, No Dust this year, addi tions to Grandstand, nearly Double Seating Capacity, 5c. Fare on Street Cars, more Special Trains than ever. Rate, Round Trip for One fare plus Admission Cou pon U1. grounds. ? = For Premium List and other information apply to JOS. E. POGUE, Secretary, Raleigh. -HELP IS OFFERED? WORTHY YOUNG MF.N AND WOMEN.- No matter hctfTTrttflfcd your mealiN of education, the GRI. \T AMERICAN SHORTHAND AND BUSI NESS COLLEGE. Durham, N. C , is ready and willing to help You secure si high-^rade BusutPss Education. The ONLY Business College in the Caro- I linas presided over by an Incorporated Accountant and Auditor. A auffi- J ri -11' 'viiranw q?,l" ""P^rjor'ty. -E""r nowoi fj-Y mym-ni nlin. ; DEPARTMENTS: Bookkeeping, Stiortband, T ypcwritinjr, J elegjrtphy, Penmanship, Civil Service. EnaUsh Branches, etc. Expert Faculty? Rail- | road Fare Paid? Positions Guaranteed. ? BUSINESS q OPPORTUNITIES ? ? I. RATE, 1 cent per word. Estimate six words to the line, and inclose payment with copy. Answers to ads. may be received at this office. I To Insure prompt attention all adver tisements should be in business office by 12.45 m. Ads. by m? anger, tele phone or mall given caceful. attention. IX5HT .\ND FOt I.OST, AHOIT OCTOBER*" 1ST, A bunch _gf keys with aluminum chain attached. Finder please je turn to Neva Qfllce aod receive re ward. ? 19 i 8T E N 0 Dentist. Office corner of Main and Respass Streets-Phone 100 XXT J m t. 2 ja .-M ijfc .. ILT m ^ W asnington, AnOIU(EV8 H. S. WARD JUNIUS D. GRIMES WARP 3c GRIMES ATTjQRNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, N. C. We practice in the Courts of the Pirat Judicial District, and the Federal Courts. John H. Small,' A. D. Mac Lean, Harr? McMullan. SMALL, MAC LEAN & McMULLAN ATTORNF. YS-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. W. D. GRIMES ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ? Washington, North Carolina. Practices in all the Courts. W. M. BOND, Edenton, N. C. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS BOND & SIMMONS - ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ? Washington North Carolina Practice in all Couits. W. L.Vaughan W- A. Thompson VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington and Aurora. N. C. ^Practice In all the courts. H. C. CARTER, JR., Washington, N. C. Office Market Street, ?Vni. 11. Hodman. Wiley C. Kodmay. RODMAN & RODMANV Attorneys-at-Liw Washington, N. C. [Business Cards^ R. L. STEWART R ACTIC A j e^veler" * KER ? Corner Main and Market Streets. | Just received a large assortment of the latest dealt ns in Jewelry. Re pairing a specialty. . H, B. Ooldatcia, We are stil! doing business at our | oldstand. In this period between the I seasons we are still satisfying cus tomers. Our fall samples are already In and we can take your order now ' for Imnediaip nr future delivary> Yours for business, H. B. Goldstein^ ?-For , | FIRE INSURANCE see J. and P. B. MYERfr - The J. H. Simmons Marble and Granite Co. MONUMENTS- ? Prices and Work Right. WA91IWQTON, N. (? WHITE - BARBER - SHOP J The only first-class white shop In city. I A Mini mill anawtsu ??)???? mi fph ? , onahle judgmcrfC We have 3 chalrs^ 1 3 first-class white barbers. Satlfaction assured. Opposite Postal office. A. B. DRAUGHON. Pro'p? C. MORGAN WILLIAMS INSURANCE . of all kinds. : ? Buy Y our HORSES and MULES from' t_ GEO. H. HILL ' The tasks that want ads. have fftlled to ?lo in. this rfly, If set alon* ?Me of thoM* that hare been accom plished, would make a ?mall showing