-COMFORT and, BLANKET WEATHER The best and most complete line to select from. Prices range 98c. to $7.98 JUST RECEIVED A shipment of America's finest production and the world's greatest Sewing Machine. The ball bear ing, light running NEW HOME ? for cash or easy monthly payments. Don't forget that we are head quarters for the besr sewing machine needles and oil. Be ware of imitation goods. The jbest is the cheapest. We car ry the he.sr. Not how cheap, =%uf how good we can give you tor your money . RUSS BROS. THE PICT IRE F RAMERS I he Gem Theater FIXE ORCHESTRA I l i ? >h*4 \ y thif Mil it rat - -iWSffrivn ? lUMielki KpixaipiiV Churcltrhoir. ? AX llilSH HKHO? Melodrama. LOST IN A FOLDING BE1> ? Com edy. ( OKNKT KOLO-^JProf. Smith. VOCAL SLXLO Misi Anna Laugh iri&housc. .lA'M'H TIME' ? Comedy. THE KKV INIIKA THK MAT? A farce comedy. >hl.K ARTETTE ? S. K. Bur bank, first tenor: TV. Smith, seo uud tenor; F. W. A vers, first bass; L. Y. Shaw, second bass. BRASS ARTETTE. Ailmisslon? Adult*, 13 cents: chil dren. Hi cents. . TREAT YOUR FEET We announce our readi ness with the best Shoes JOMe. and the best shoe service. to take care of any fall and Winter footwear | want that may confront any man. woman or child. Moderate and pleasing prices with a guarantee of satisfaction, borne by our reputation for always keep ing faith with our friends. VV a solicit your favors. S R. I OW I.E & SON. COMING TO WASHINGTON ONK XUiHT ONLY Friday, October 29th A. G. ALLEN'S Big Minstrel Show roXTtmtm ttv *?.?, H?: PHfrM MINK \ I l,V THl' ol.bKM \M) MOST FAVOKAIU.Y KNOWN MINSTKKT. SHOW IN K.XISTKNTK. .uia ivKU - ui -tm; r,u iv INUBRA Mammoth Canvas Theater. : CHil.DltKN ? 4i" \ H0RTSE5T AND MULES, BUGGIES AND WAGONS AT WASHINGTON HORSE EXCHANGE ROYAL Baking Powder _/ Ibjolcitaly 7* tire The Only Baking Powder | made from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar ? mado from Grape* ? Royal Baking Powder has not its counterpart at home or abroad. Its qualities, which make the food nutritious and healthful, are peculiar to itself add are, not constituent in other leavening agents. "ig? PENNYROYAL pnnsgsv? M -t ?? WWkm.- TUT Vt "IJTm Atwb^t AT r"m??*.'TjS<lj.t of nri m? ?d &?? V, mm S TATE NEWS CoiidcuMil Items of Interest Ham prntnK Throughout the State. I I The management of the local base- 1 i~ttl club ha? received official notifies ti?n from Secretary Farrell, o? the ' national Hasehali O>mm?i?9ion. of the drafting uf Charles Slsson, the center 'Welder of the local club for the past J-tw?. by the C?l?wibuy, Oj.. '.'lutr of the South Atlantic league. This l makes two members of last season'* pennant winners who have been thus I drafted by higher class leagues, and rthe place* of Jack Anthony and Chas. Sisson will be hard ones to Ail by the, new, management. While It is a big disappointment to local fans to lose the services of these two stars, it was an assured fact that their ability I would be recognized, and the an nouncement that Sisson had been I called to faster company was not a I surprise to the fans licfe who were i familiar with theTecord ? Greensboro I News. Dr. B. T.. Griffin has a mule under his treatment that has pellagra. The animal was brougnTlo the Teterlnar ian tiils morning by Mr. George Bost and after looking it over carefully and deferring to the authorities Dr. j Griffin pronounced the trouble pellag ra. The symptoms tally" to a nicety with the medical book's description. The outward marks are clearly seen. The mule has an eruption all over Its body, is gore and ha* every evidence of having pellagra. ? when asked how he would treat the animal Dr. Griffin said he would'glve a tonic, just what he had not decided, but tha^ he is confident that hls-diagnosis-is correct and he will treat the mule for pel lagra.? Greenville Reflectoi*. While outside .fishing in his launch Tuesday Mr. Hoyle Doshor came near having his hand mashed off by the ? engine- Mr. Doahcr was thrown into ' the engine by a heavy sea which hit the boat, his hand being caught be tween. the fly wheel and an old tin 'can in the bottom of the boat. One of his fingers was almost entirely sever ed from his hand and the thumb bad ly mashed- Mr. Dosher was brought inside to a physician at once and -the hand dressed. ? Southport Herald. gentlemen's sulky race. In which ll seemed sure both man and horse be killed. William Taylor was driving his horse, broke, leaped, dashed thro the stout fence at the highest part ol the track and rolled over and over tc the bottom. There ls^a tree, an elm with drooping branches at the place and Taylor caugh-t a limb and saved himself. The horse was scratched somewhat.. arrT'a utrlT1 bruised. Tay lor's arms were bruised. In the Hall of History in the State Mcseum the homeward-bound pen nant flown from the main top of the cruiser Raleigh on her return to the United States after the battle of Ma nila. in 1S98. has been draped. w-lth very pleasing effect." Its length is 5 50 feet, and it is a very fine Clifna si I bought by the sailors on the ves sel. The ship's flags are also In the NeiUwn^the police or the sheriff s deputies have as yet been able to find a ?-ltie to l.nv'o I'pchtirch and Sylvia Ort'.uu?. i he i wo negro jKcmen ? "mm broke Jail on Sunday r.1gh:. Sheriff Sears believes parties outside of the Jail aided in the escape and that they have carried the women to some country point. The officers continue crrr the watch for Hie fugitives. ? Ral eigh News and Observer. FADS t^lJ^ASHlOXS . New York, Oct. 23. ? Some fashion 'authorities say that notwithstanding I the remote possibility that a tlght flttlinK Basque-shaped coat will* be fa vored- by some daring French makers and. the probahallity that the close fitting three-quarter length model meet with deserved success as a part of the rel table taittfT-ifflflfc, we may | wafeiy hank on. the continuance of the longer separate coat. Indeed, many of the ? coat models already shown suggest a consideration of last year's most comfortable outdoor wraps. We hatfe again the double-breasted gar ment. showing a fair degree of room j inside, notwithstanding -*-i>roclama tlon that all coats are to be fitted. We have the long, straight dart from! shoulder' to hem. also smawl collars and fh? very low fasten fnga on ample coats with the same close sleeves scon last year. In anticipation of the opening of the operatic season many gorgeous capfes and cloaks have arfived from Paris and the ^.merlcan dressmakers are also showing many fine garments of that cha cter, built after the Par is models. The erase for airy stuffs of all sorf:* has brought Willi It ? vogue foj>{ transparent coining wraps which tfseip curiously Inappropriate for winter wear. These thirv wraps, of course, are usually proylded ,wjth warm lib logs, Vut the effect must suggest fragility and gauzlness or the wrap Is a failure. The most notable feature of tnter m ? I mm 4xilbUlon o* t?arl s erenlng costumes was a cloak of a coarse gray n?t. embroidered or mt$ T darned, with iillver thrfft4?^nd TiTlIng In faltr ?Wife* roMa from to krai. T?? .IW.r-d.rrM nl ?? kqo* erar ?))??? Umm iM *1! ????< th? tin of tk* (teak ? pal I fro border of gray chinchilla fur. In side was a lining of rose pink satin veiled with jprajr chiffon. Tho effect of this wrap waa very debate, but the four layers of fabric roally offer | ed substantial protection from the cold. ^ i Another beautiful lace Wrap war ; of Valenciennes lace, colored a met 1 alllc gray shade^nd hung over shell ? fish pink silk. There was a shaped .turnover collar on this cape, made of ? 'silver gray satin, embroidered with | pink beads, and holding the collar i together in front waTTTlAllli fui ineii I of two larftg pink aiul white cameos. | perfectly matched and set in silver 1 rims. More appropriate fcr cold wlnt? | nights are the wraps of velvet And j I shown in the fashtonabl?*shops. Such wraps seem best suited to tho mat ?rou and dowager, but even women of; j tender years affe.st these heavier [ cloaks. A majority of these wraps re built on simple lines, the mater ,1 falling in straight, stately t line? from neck to feet. In contrast to this elegant simplic ity of effect are the Arrfb, or Assyrian cloaks, which wrap around~nre llyu^ and are draped up over the shoulder. Those cloaks came into vogue because of the opera "Salome," which por trays the time of Herod, when cost umes were especially extravagant and splendid. Assyrian wraps arc usual fly built of very soft satin or "crepe Utuffs. which ^ rape gracefully. . Tfce pigfiter weight chiffon ""velvets are sometimes used, also fiyec^ded velvet, a .new material of unusual richness. SomtTof tnese SfBSTOQ velvet, a new material of unusual richness. Some of these brocaded velvets, with their huge raised flowers on a satin ground of contrasting color, suggest the Im pressive hangings which were consid ered highly elegant a generatioir-ago. - Crepe meteor, aatin and h?ngnnnP silk are all used for handsome even ing wraps for opera and other wear over gowns of strictly grande toilette type. These rich silk wraps are oft times seen In the theater lobbies and restaurants, but only when ? their wearers are conveyed in closed vehic les. The cloth wrap or a silk or aat in_one ofjiark coloring and Incon spicuous character is TrTUest taste for street wear or for use when a trip must be taken In a public conveyance. One of the most striking features of the exhibits of the fashionable jhops is the large number of really charming mouses displayed; not or dlnary shirtwaists, hut iuat _aiich ex quisite dainty blouses as the fashion able woman has been in the habit of ordering from her dressmaker as the '?omplemefiref h^r TanoredTsuIt. Not a few of these blouses are made after French models and are quite expen sive. Some of the imported models are 1 exceedingly elaborate, handsome enough to be worn even with the' ^most stunning of velvet, silk or cloth i costumes, and especially designed | with a view to be worn to restaurant luncheons, matinees, etc., where a tailored costume 4e-t he moat couifuil-; able and practical attire and yet a hint of elaboration is desirable. Some of these blouses go "well with any, color and do not have to be worn with) -osiume u.l a cerium moit charming ones are In metallic | i white for relief, and so fine and soft | are the metallic nets, laces, etc., that such a blouse is by no means the bar j baric thing it mi^ht be. imagined. | The use of net or fine veiling or (prevalent and often the' creamy lace foundation has glinting threads of | gold in ity pattern. Such fine gold |l run lace may be bougiht at prices by ?no means high and the woman who | -wants* aTJretty homemade blouse to mati^h a suit ran achieve excellent | results by using chiffon or net match^" I Ing her suit over such a cream apd gold lace foundation, with cream net over gold or cream net and narrow Lgold lace in the guimpe. Somo rather simple models In crepe de chine and in soft silks are smarter than the simple silk walats we have spfuy+n recent seasons. Most of these blouses have shallow white or cream gulmpes, though* occasionally the jhtoufie" "color runs to the/ collar top. llnl^ noli* at hlaoh ontorH effeetivelv into the best of these models and this note Is cleverly- eounded, aojBaplljftee hy """ black silk mous9ellne JoltfG'd to white folds of the same material by a hem stitch. WUh the approach of the cold sea son the fashionable shops are making fine displays of fura of every descrip tion. The r>rev*lwnre flf hrnwn furs Is particularly striking :ln tfiese dls plays. Brown fars have come Into popularity following the lead of seal skin. The latter fur, after a decade of insignificance, has again risen to tbe highest point of popularity and French furriers are using sealskin not only for magnificent coats for both day and evening use, but also as a trlmtnlng on outer furs and on fibrles, flat bands of scat -fcetmr placed*" on white ermine and coney and on chiffon tunica over handsome l frocks.* Muffs ate unsaalhr tar*# bis eea son. In fact, no muff can be really too. large to be fMhlonabie. If one cannot afford to buy a fur muff, a stunlng subatltttte may be evo from xelvet or chiffon, a suspicion v., far being adde4 to carry out the muff Idea. All the Important qpsn lagSATt making jlleplaye of fur and T?lT*t turban*. wit* ruelnmtlBf MttM ?rtkpltM ?nd hoc* ? birred to ?*?*>? WInUr km, Mill tmi lan*. via FALLand WINTER UNDERWEAR Full lines of Essex and Forest Mills Underwear, for Infants', Children, Indies' and Men. Garments bearing these brands are cut full and well made of best yarns. THEY ARF. BETTER BUT NO HIGHER PRICED be made of satins, silks ai\d the smooth felts so popular- -latrt year, but of velvets, beavers. satin beaver and fur" Any of tnese materials may bo fashioned ItrtrHr'harmlng toques and turbans. The silk and furbeav ers may be blocked and may -appear in large form for dress occasion. Many nf the btnall hats are made of two or three kinds of fur. Ermine affords a beautiful line of white for any ruch fur turban. Sealskin Is lovely with a brim of Russiau* sable. 1 Frequently a tiny head o?_?rtnin? is-| fused to form contrast against the ' somber brim of other furs. Lynx is 1 i quite popular and will be used, inj combination with colored velvets.? J BASEBALL NOTES. Joe Cantlllon will have an ex-big league team at Minneapolis next sea aon. * _ "*~~r ? ? ? A beautiful Christmas story for the children by George Stallings, entitled ine uluie uuzzyr," ? 1 Pitcher Groom, of Washington, was the champion loser of the American League, dropping 2G out of 33 games. Christy Mathcwson. of the Giants, did not-hit a- batsmandTrring the sea son and gave but 30 bases on balls. Rumor flas It that George Davis, the veteran White Sock, will manage the new Danville team in ihe Three-I League*. " ~ ?Cecil Ferguson, of the Boston Doves, heads -the list of losing pitch ers in - the National League. Cecil lost 25 and won 5 games. The Chicago Wh.lte Sox and New York Giants ought to play a post season -sfirlea_lo determine which team can lose the most games. Several major league clubs are try ing to sign Joe McGlnnlty for next season. The "Iron Man" did fine work for, Newark the past season. Dill Dahlen has at last drawn his release from the Doston Nationals. Dill has _played In the National League over 15 years, and few short stops had anything on him when he was In his prime. If $her?? is anything In Hominy Creek. Buncombe County, North Car olina, that Hamilton Tyatt of the Pittsburg Pirates would like to have all he has to do is to nod his head. TO ATTEND SYNOD. Rev. H. B. Searlght, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, expects to laavc ? xomorrog. for^A^d Springs, X. C-, to attend ihe jwfKffcl meeting of the Synod of his ?%jirgh'* ^Mr. Searlght will be absent until the latter part of the we'ek. ? WE AGREE. The CHiffoTte News R&yit That TleV" Baytus Cade's new typesetting ma chine Is a success, and is to Ufc de ! monstrated in that city. Good. We are also told that It can be sold at:|aOO nr aiwl will Sftt y it h equal rapidity Bmall and large type. The Mergenthalers cost 93.(100, and if Mr. Cade has solved the problem for $600 he is a benefactor to news paper folks. ? News and Observer. RIVER ROAD STATION NEWS. Last Friday night the dwelling house of Mr. and Mrs. Thad Congle ton was burned. ^'J^L their clothing, furniture and provisions. Mrs. Margaret Congleton, of Balti more, and Miss Nettle Alligood, of Washington, have been visiting Mrs. .Lewis Alligood for several days. Mrs. H. Flowers, of Washington, spent Saturday night with her par ents, Mr; and Mrs. J. W. Alligood. Miss Mary AVlnstead, who has been visiting ^rs. JTwalter Alligood, whtr jsvery 111, returned to hi/ home In WinxteadvUle last"8uhday. Mfbt Wr-Pr Wtnsteaffr of ^CTnstead vllle, la spending this week with Mrs. ?J. Walter Alligood. ~ ? Mr. J. A. Alligood and family, of Broad Creek, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Alligood Sunday. Mrs. Ellen Woolard Is visiting her N0COMI8. 18 ARMS TO BE OUT. Mr. Shafer, of the Barkoot Carni val Company, who was assaulted and robbed on Harvey street several weeks ago, has so fftt.r?CQTered_as to be able' to getoht again. His recov ery was a mort rapid One. The Thanks From Thousands of gr*te?bl people vrbo have tested VJck's Croup t Psnno* . nia Salve attest I tm valae, ?Ml tl|? ftrat Importance to rawly. It rtyaneolds a?d r CiiwiBrt lllwi m Jl<l I Me, NEW DRIED FRUIT Currants, Prudes, ?^Raisins, Evafaorated Peaches and 1 Apples. 'Phone 97. , __ E. L. ARCHBELL Specialties Cigars and Tobacco! Leary Bros.' Old Stand. The first time a man proposes to a girl would be the last If she weren't cure she could make him do l( again. Comfort Shoes Rot 1 ,3/lipc ' ? a/1 LfuulvOi WE HAVE TWENTY STYLES TO SELECT FROM BTLACE, BUT TON AND ELASTIC. Knight Shoe to. rhe Only Exclusive Shoe Store in the CJIty. ~ ? heTcp is Offered WORTHY YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. No matter how limited your means of education, the GREAT AMERICAN SHORTHAND AN? BUSI NESS COLLEGE, Durham, N. C., is ready and willing to help You secure a high-grade Business Education. The ONLY Business College In the Caro rttmfc presided over by an fncPTpOTlWH Art'tiuimiu und Auditor. ? A auffi cient guarantee of its superiority. Enter now on easy payment plan. DEPARTMENTS; Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Penmanship, Civil Service, English Branches, etc. Expert Faculty? Rail road Fare Paid ? Positions Guaranteed. ^GARGO OF SALT v Just Received. ? H. M. JENKINS CO., Wholesale Grocers. C O. MORRIS & CO., BROKERS WHOLESALE FRUITS AND PRODUCE ARRIVALS TODAY? 1 Car 20th Century Flour, 1 Car Meat, 1 Car Hominy, 1 Car Flake White Laro. IN TRANSIT ? 1 Car Kingan's Reliable Meats. Fresh arrivals ot fruit and produce every day. W A SEjO F L OUR ALWAYS GOOD and GOOD ALt WAYS Those who have used it declare that "WASEO" Flour makes sweeter bread and sweeter rolls and sweet hir riiltf thaq pny other. Fifr jalf only fry ? ^ E. K. WILLIS. WE NOW HAVE SOME - , J T obacco We are expecting tomorrow a shipment of Nice Red Apples Send ua vour orders. " Prices -alright. E. R. MIXON & CO. Remember ? - y. . Pamlico Grocery Company IS HEADQUARTERS POR,/. = Wholesale and Retail Groceries, Fruits and ? ? -r-v' Confections . ? & ? Onty the best of everything c?rried. G^ds right? prices right. Kollars and fluffs THE SPKIiIJVO IS BADrBlT TUB WOItK WE r rvr-om OOI.I.AB8 AM) CCEFS IS PEIUT4MP. ? OIVK US YOUR CLEVfljiQ AND PBE88INO. ' gr ^ Alderman-Capehart Laundry, Inc. 132-4 WATER STREET ' . SPECIAL SALE : cost, on ?y inirFriaayrOct. 21 and Don't forget tbe days. T. W. PHILLIPS & CO. < ' via ritManMitp StMMlMfeiwf Jm> xm

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