. LEGAJy NOTICES x NOTICE. North Carolina, Beaufort County. In th? -Bupertor Court. A. "157 Lloyd va. Lilly Lloyd. The defendafit" above named will take notice that an action entitled, as above has been commenced In the ? Superior court of Beaufort county, ~ to secure on absolute divorce frotu tbe defendant; and the said defen dauj.' will Iill llicr. Ittko ttuIIib ihut abw is required to -appear at the term of tbe Superior court to bo hold on the seventh Monday after the first Mon day In- September. It being Octpber 12 n'riock, noon, offer foriflttlQ at pub lic "auction, for capli, at the court hdu^es^Joof of Boaufort county, the following described tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being* in the ? cuuul I 1 U? I'.Kiin/url, ?"laco#=4n the hands of the | chairman of the auditing committee j before the- last day Ql the currentj tponth. W. B. Wind ley. Cltfr Clerk. NOTICE OF SALE. ' By virtue oi the power of ealo- con tained in a certain deed of mortsaj-e from Harvey Q. Hill and wife to r\ r. Pnnl & Bro-'dated the.iUst day c l ? M&Kh, l'JU7, Ui'.d ncordi'd In the of flee of the Register of Deeds of ^fau fort county', in book 143 at page 351* the undersigned will on Monday, the 22d day of November, 1909, at 12 o'clock noon., offer for sale at public auction for cash all that certain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the county of Beaufort and State of North Carolina, and In Choc ?owlnity township, beginning at Joa. Cobb's and Dave Edwards' corner, which corner stands on the Main road leading from the Jack Carrow-pUca ? to Choeowlnity Bridge, thence run | nlng In a southwardly course to said ^av?? red wards' line to a llghtv.ood stump, standing "about 500 -yards! from said corner aud near BUI Branch, thence from said lightwood stump a northeastorwardly course a ? straight iine-^e-the sis mile post^-on the Main road, leading from JacU Carr^v place to Chocojvyiity Bridge, thence from said mile .post a north eastwardly courHe to the dividing line between Powlo and Paramoure. thence with said dividing line to tJie beginning at the CoM> and Dave Ed " wards' corner, containing 50 a*res of land, and befog the ?pme tract of land described in the aforesaid morU' gage. ; ' I Th'.s the lCth da;- of October, 1909. 1 F. -O. PAl'C fc BRO., Mortgagoer By \V. C Rodman. Attorney. NOTICE. " By vlrttfe of power of" sale con tained In a mortgage deed executed J dated September 2, 191)3. and duly recorded iii the Register's office of: ? Uooufoia cminfy, in 2???U lir?, pag.-> Sf>b, 1 IV 111 uffti fori jaU to tho high est bidder at public auction, for cash,' at the courthouse door In the town of Washington, X. C., on Monday, No "vomber 13. 1909. aMioo:^ the follow-. ing described property, to-wlt: All that tract or. parcel of lapd lying in Beaufort 'county, Richland township, r mnl ? inu:e pmilcnlafiy described -ae follows, to-wlt: -Beginning at L. M. Broomes southeast corner, on the | West road running thence north to Broome's back line, thence east to a1 ditch M. B. Wilkinson's line, thencoj south to the company canal to the West road to tho beginning, contaii\-j Ing 50 aere?' more or less. - For a more complete description, reference is made to a deed -from Hv Brown, | Jr., to said Wilkinson, recorded in book'Gt, page 117. Second Tjnct. A 10-acre .tract, | county Ahd I0WPBU1U nfmumltl. 1^ .innln. canal bridge near the C. A". WttWnson ~dweH4*gy- r*wm4ng -with the canal eastward to the Car ? MOT flitch. thanoq wUh>thw various courses of tho said ditch, wjest to the bridge near the tenement house. thence south to the ^ginning con taining 10 acres more or less. (Ex ception Out of tWs UacLls. reserved a cart way from the lanal bridge near the house, running - north^, to where Chatham Sanders now lives, containing *>no acre more or less. Mortgage above referred to, given for the ptrrchaKe irrtcc of the abore de scribed .land,. and default having been made In the payment of the same. . This the 14th day of October, lSOOv C. H. WILKINSON. Mortgagee. Vaughan ft Thompson^ Attorneys. , A man Is called a philanthropist because of all the things he could db for his fsllowuad doesn't Uo them. . - ^ irst thing to ?o with a man Just ouC of college L? to try to get him to learn somtklng now that he needs _ SUPPOSE YOIIR BUILDINGS A!?D STOCK BURN?. . Well, the Insurance would save you from a total losj. s *? I^jt suppose you had no.lnsurance whatever. \pu could hardly -blame anxone but yourself for the disaster. Call up ? wm. bragaw & CO., First Insurance Agents In Washington, N*C. I It's real pleasure to cook on i *? ; Buck's .Stoves ' , \ Requires less fuel^nd oooks l_ quicker. Oven always same temperature top and bottom. Ask | Southern Furniture Company ? ARE YOU ON A SALARY? If so, we want to correspond with you. Especially if you are not earning a LARGE' salary. You are. the man who renlly NEEDS insurance most? the protec tion-for-the-family kind ? the kind that will PAY YOU A DEFINITE MONTHLY INCOME when you are [disabled by accident or Illness? the kind that protects lyqur bank account and s<>ves you a whole lot of worry. [ Drop us a postal? it won't cost you a cent to investigate and we don't want you to spend a dollar with us unless you art* con vinccd that it will PAY YOU 1 1 *j be iufrured. CarL D. PARKER, GenM Insurance. r fotir Years. Experience. j Havens-Sm^n B'.d'if ' _ 'Phone 83. MONEY SAVetSiWNBV MADE | A Welsbach Junior Lamp burns 2 feet of Gas per hour, and gives 50 Candle Pojwer of Light, where-an [open tip burns 6 feet of Gas and gives 20Candle Pow er. How mugh do you save? - Ei WASHINGTON & ) WATER - Welsirach Junior. COMPANY % Peruna -i Is A - J Healthful ; Tonic i And ? Successful I Catarrh | Remedy. ? . Hon. Thoma* Cale, who vu elected to JongreM from Alaska, la well known >n the Pacific slope, where he has re ilded. Hi* Wa?bfn*lotns iwwu* ? visiting Prof, and i^re. N. C. Newbold., left this morning for Hertford. Mr. Henry Blount spent the day In 1 town, on route to his home in Wilson. | ? ? . . ? I The Gem shows tonight the Mer-j chant of Venice. This is a tacgnl- : lioent staged piece, and the scenery! and cosH^es are elegant and beau- j tiful. The play is actcd by some of the greatest actors 011 the stcge today and you should not miss thli. oppor tunity io see this great Shakespear ian play. The balance of the program 1 in no w:se falls short of the v.suil merit. Music and coupons tonight. I L1VKI> FOR t?-| Horns * ' with :ir<;ki;n- xi:ck.[ Macon, Ga . Oct. 25 ? After living Tor 24 hdnn. wi|Ji a brok*n t\c Earl ? "rtodges. 18 years old, VW^eceiverl I the gjral injury early ruora-j ff>" rV'" 'i story winil.iw of hJs h./.n: ? i i ? T brick pavement, died in the fcospfi 1:< III .uirshmT shoots snr.iiirr. i.ouisviiijC-ewr. bet. .1 J. Smith lies dangerously wounded *:? the rooul? uf a plstul ..M- ] .?? ;m street Inte last night with City Mar shal J. II. Flint, it is averted the shoriff. and L. M. Flin 1 .? brother of I the marshal, were engaged !r. a con- 1 troversy. .when the marshal took hand. ' * Are upon tho Flint brothers The marshal returned tho flre, one shot wounding the sheriff in the thigh, and then beat the sheriff over the nea/l with .his pistol until he was Uncon scious. Marshal Flint and his broth er were at once arrested. THi; ARCAllIAN MISICAL ' CO>IK??V GQjlMXy WM*-H-^pTTGSrs^a7 the opera hotH this evening, October ?6lh, ha* | playfd at. many plaren. ^ n.l ia pi nounced to bo one of the best shows on trie road ? racy, nave mm fwH Hn ear h l?Hy tliey hiive ntnvrrt, nnr! 1 are getting to be on the list with the very best productions. They, have made the secfttjKalght in several i.. stances double tjMj-flrst snd this alone is sufficient proof of their ability to, amuse and entertain. In their cas^ American 3tage. Among them is Glole Eller, Carroll the Great, Coi> penger the Irish and. Dutch comedian. Annie M. White, the greatest mile Impersonator on the stage; 'Beeole Marlowe in her late success, "Love Me*;" Tho Manhattan News Bey's QUartette, one of" thq greatest comedy font ever sear here. With home of the most elaborate costumes and a bunch "beauii.nl girts lu tlie choius. ? J IX A CHURCH AT LISBON. J4bon. Oct/ 2S.? -a. bomb was to Heads Ah* aid sebos from Grip, |da> fohnd in the Church of the Irish Dominicans here. The sacristan ex tinguished t^e juse I Two persons Were arrested on Sus i picion or Having carried Ihu UuniL) , Uito the edifice. ! TAFT Cl'AItli'H VICTIM I>KA1?. j Damn. Tex., Oct. 23. ? Deputy ! County Clerk -Louis Relchunstein. ? who was bayoiittted yesterday by fSfcrgt. D. Manley, of .Company E. ? Tlutd ivrl;n.--iir, T>;iv>s National T','. died today. Manley, Is .still in - Mi{, wiiii i*. ?-::aigo oi murder doi-kui ' ;?jr*.iust today. men p?n.\T piiiNTi r. MI4.A ? r CreensboroT X. C.. Oct. 23.- Jas. a printer employed by the v-rr I'linting * Company, or High! : Poinf,- while assisting itf u ti loading | :?;! li:T;n.'si:n' b i fr^i .1 > 1 ?! !'? . ?* ?!? 'b h.' liW- V.- ! il'.l.'U- ' ? .'l '*! '"*? Tlii; horses attn?'hcd to r 1 : a; ots v,"ls=*'"i '-a* u j ;.s the stone w :? > midway b??;v c :: iliel car a:u\ the "rj't-'.i. catling 'I.e li.'avv ! mass to fall between tbein. 'Ward! was caught before lie ulii jump j away, lsis chest being literally iruah-l I Sd in. He was unmarried Rt. Kev. Robert Strange, D. l>,. i dior-?se of F^tKt Caro- j Church, this city, the flr.*: "Sanda;- in Dcceuil'.T. - Thy N. !:np rv :i v:?~>:uh morning and evening. At ti:e * veil ing service the rite of C9itfln::,itton J will Le adm'nistercd. CONTI.YLKl) H.?.\KSSs. , j The many friends of R*v. Dr::.is i "Mi ? t 1 , r 1 ? continued illness. " imtle arrnnding! the Christian convention a; Pittsburg! he was taken 1)1 and, had to return earlier than contemplated. Friends all uv?r ?i,r. him nj.^dv ! recovery. SANDKllS' Ml'UI?KII TRIAL. Beaufort, X., C., 0cf7 23 ? Witnesses for the* Statu in the- trial here today of S. J. Sanders, charged vi:l: jke murder of H. J. Newberry. late nv- ' r ?: ?" Nowp--.it-;. X. C.. u'jtlflyd that v'? the r :?! v.r- f.rcd. they hoard so:::'* one :?...? !:? . and looking up, Si*. ,??".? I.-I:-. *?;'??. ; v /ion ns SuifJi;r.-\ KollnuLaj; S.indt f, h-.mo. he having his gun in hand, the wit nesses testified that ho put the gun down \vh6re it was afterwards found. , -An anamination of tbo? wit nesses testified, showed that the shot used ?.\ -re^~ri*r'"C'i, n*h>*? were the kind ial:en from Xcwl;.?vayla body- . The memrfers o'f the Arcadian Mu sical Comedy Company are all artist*, and those who see them tonight ?uj the. opera house will be highly I pleased. STOMI?jJRD!tBLE Had it for Year* I'ntil He Heard of Ml-o-na ? Brown's Drug Store Sell It. If you suffer from Indigestion, belchlr.g of gap, Lur.:p. of lead en t??14 I stomach, biliousness, dizziness, foul lt.re.Trh. r.e:,vft'.:3i:c?r, constlpaUcn or 1 JT.;} ccms tot'ay for r. ' * r ?: v.' :*.I-c-na. . the celi'".-' rated s'.or.t.ii-*! ! - ? r ion . 'find ?t' P-n'K-y -yTytt-^t.ac':. I! relieves paiiii'.-.l h dis.-nvjs ir. :ive 1:1 la - ::?c?. iicau the following: ? j "I had stomacli trouble for years, ii After eif'ng I would be IrotiWed for an hour or ?o with indigo jon. I l.mnrht ono - .box of _i!i-n-r.a tablet?, fvr.rj Cah'ncy Drug Co., v. ai, h -com^' pletely cured me. That was about 12 | months ago and to this day 1 have not hnnn tr?nbi?ri ayain." .1. ? (laffnH.v, S. C- April 20, I90i>. ?.IJ-c-r.a is the beet prescription for r.i-U t r o Q\- c;r ;.v ri 1 1 o n : not j cures pern:anentlyTj. renovates, builds up, and p*;ts rlastiflty i!iro slomat^J h and bowels. Jli-o*ha i? put up In tab let form anrl is- small and easy tc swallow. Sold b^leadlng dritggtsts everywhere and x-in Washington - by - Brown's Dritg StoreNs^io rigidly guar- ^ antf-e them ? Tart-^??ltm>T;v'e. Ad dress P,ooth's 5fI-o-na, n^flilo, X-- T. ;n the home nnrinf t ? i. .v. i rf - kcbon testrnt j-wauuiua. cords, rrcr:?, ? twitht, Mini icnadi iu.-.jj llmnt; Itilim i >1 rmi:i s | \i:i: 1:" ?-TM' ;i *'! iti'.i.T'j .OYSTERS! !V!rvcrod to any part of city 23 cf'jv.s ? qii.ui^Scrvi'it :n nriV Mylc. s:r:mi-! u ' specialty ai II.* Market Street." OcracoUc I rc .uv4?wch with ^jpur Doctor, Ciroccr. Mer chant and llrok< r. Weather reports and mar ket quotations can be secured daily. Interested parties are re quested to communicate with Mr. D. W. Bell, M'g'j. 4 CAROLINA TEL. AND ? TBL. CO., Washington, N. C. This proposition will inter est you. and It would be well . to investigate before the ap rh of tlio cold ? Wintwr - If planning to move, and nut yet fully ilrriileil ms to where, answering ads. Incomes urgent business with * you. HUYLER'S Chocolates and Bonbons always fresh; PrpsrripfiQpc arc given promptand care ful attention. Te!ephone-us your wat ts. ? WASHINGTON DRUG COMPANY im ARRIVED WxB?' Pettijobris, Graham Fiour, Shredded Wheat T?is jcuit, Oat Meal, Cracked WheiUj~Corn Fiakes, Post Tonsties, Cream of Wheat Grape Nuts, Puffed Rice, Puffed vVheat and many others. ' Price always right, quality iliu husl. , . , ? Two delivery wagons and wheel, which in J. F. TAYLOE, The Grocery Man. THE I. H. C. TOGGLE-JOINT HAY.: press Is the lighest draft, and makes the most compact bale o! any press sold. ,rjn a