RIBBONS FOR TRIMMINGS The style foe this kind of Trimming for all ce ssions seems to be quite noticeable. See our line, then say who has the goods. J. K. HOYT JUST RECEIVED A shipment of America's finest production and the world's greatest Sewing Machine. The ball bear ing, light runni ng NEW HOME ? for cash or easy monthly payments. Don't forget that we are head quarters for the besr sewing machine needles and oil. Be ware of imitation goods. The best is the cheapest. We car ry the best. Not how cheap, buf how good we can give you for your money. RUSS BROS. THE PICTURE F RAMF RS 7 he Gem j Theater* ' FINK OKCHESTKA . THE MKIU IIANT CH- t KX1CK ? ' ' Shu'kespcrtaQ. ? THK WINNING UOAT ? Drama. ^ A V>1'NI> SLKKPKR ? Gomedy. -\.y . THK KING l,K.\f>KR ? Melodrama I THK jKALdt'S HI SHAM). Coupons will be Riven for the fine Silver Toilet Ser~TO~ ire given away ar the Gem next Friday night, but to adults only. G?hkI jii'h music will be a feature of the program tonight. SHOES! SHOES! We announce our rpadi madeand the best shoe service, to take care of any (fall and Winter footwear want that may confront any man. woman or child. Moderate and pleasing prices with a guarantee of satisfaction, borne by pur reputation for always keep ing faith with our friends. We solicit your favors. S. R. FQWLE & SON. I COMING TO WASHINGTON ? " ? ONE NIGHT ONLY Friday, October 29th A. Q. ALLEN'S Big Minstrel Show_ CONCEDED II V A I.I. TO HE PRF.KMI NF NTLY THF. OLDEST AND MOST FAVOIIAIILY KNOWN MIXSTREL SHOW IN EXISTENCE. \ riw4v \vi>nri.i\n. nrrTKn Tinv % * nt< i s. PRESENTED , INDER A Maimiiulh Canvas Theater. ADMISSION: C HILDREN ? 2 SC. ADULTS - : | % : ?.TC. HORSES AND MULES, BUGGIES AND WAGONS AT WASHINGTON HORSE EXCHANGE SPECIAL SALE Of Hamburgs, Embroideries, etc.. at cost, on Thursday 3nd Friday, Oct. 21 and 22. ?Don't forget ffte days.' *f-T- W. PHILLIPS & CO. Kollars and Kuffs THE SPEI/LING IS BAD, HI T THE WOIlK WE PUT ON OOLLAR& AND CUFFS IS PERFECT. GIVE US VOL'R CLEANING AND PRESSING. Alderman-Capehart Laundry, Inc. 132-4 WATER STREET STATE NEWS? [CoiiikfiMHl Itcma of liuer??t Hup ] lK?Dln?i Throughout the State. j Hon. Francis' D. Winston is now in Baltimore. He rnrrMjirrn at thn In rltation of the State Democratic ex ecutive committee to make speeches In the campaign, lliere iu tavor of the amendment pending befdre the.xaL ers. He will address the people of Hal Lin? ore and in. other parts of the 3tate. ? Wilson Times. News has been received here that Ed. Hall, t-ulored, who lived near Na-^ vassa. was frowned Thursday nipht while hunting coots between this city and Xavassa. The supposition is that he fell out of his boat and was over come by the swift current in- the riv er. It was in a remote location and It was not learned here whether the body had been recovered. ? Wilming ton Star. While cleaning out an old well near Mr. C. G. Wood s place, below Cen U?rvillc._a small 'nn-n ir>nr thla platx-, the body of a colored child was found in the well. From the condition of the body It was supposed \o have been dead for some time. The coron er left here this morning to hold an Inquest over the Uoayr-CSarlotte Ob server. Dishop A. W. Wilson, of Baltimore; has announced that the date Of hold ing the N. C. Confrrrr? "f >hn M g Church South at Raleigh, has been changed from December 1 to Novem ber 24. This is on account of tjie re cent deajh nf r">>rV'nnl and makes room for others to do his work ri?ak>s room for others to do his work. The Western North Carolina Conference will meet at Hickory, on November IT. with Bishop James At kins presiding. Greenville Reflector. Mrs. Susan Rumley, widow of the Rev. Jno. Rumley. who has been dead for some years, dropped dead Monday night at her home on Marsh street from heart disease. Mrs. Rumley was a lady who was beloved by all who knew her. She leaves two grown sons and two daughters. Mrs. Rum ley was born Oct. 8, JS11, being 68 years of age at her death. Funeral services were held on Wednesday al McCracken. ? Beaufort Look Out. A sub station of the Asheville post office is to be established in the depol section January! l. The -station wUi be located >ln storeroom No. 372 ol the Montford hotel, and will be com pletely equiped with all postofflce fur nltore and lock boxe3 and will recelvt and deliver malls in Us territory al most as if It were Independent of th? Asheville office. It will start busi ness with two clerks-a?4 -WW 4atet have its own carriers. It will do a general money ' order and registry business. ? Asheville Citizen. Yesterday afternoon a.L her home in Jasksonvllle; N. C . Mrs. HafTord Willis, the wife- of a prominent citi zen. shot and Instantly killed a color ed man named Henry Williams. Mrs. Willi.: wan alt tin*; u'jc-jii /he puil'h mil! was cleaning her husband's gun when Williams started up the steps. The in rising from her seat she In some way released It and the entire load of shot took effect Jn the negro's face. V.r* w-i- l-.l-.it. ? istrate and given a preliminary hear ing, but the evidence was not suffic ient. to convict her and she was re AN EXCEPTIONAL lA X. "I concede to you." saidla man in a d isrusslori on American politeness, "that the Southern man is a gentle man. but that in all." ? "But I know the Western man la." replied his friend. "Take President Taft; ho is from the West, and I say he is an exceptional gontleman." "Exceptional^" sntfrtod the man, 'How can he fce an exceptional gen tleman?" "Well." suavely replied the friend. ' saw President Taft recently get up and give his seaft to three ladies!" | Allan's TiTlnnTrrflfa, ?rrnf ? yeftrV absence, have returned to tho city. They opened on Lee Circle last night to an immense aucTTehce which packed the tent _to It3 utmoe; capacity and the on!* reasortT these wasn't more was because there was rto more room. Mr. Allen tries to give the public the worth of its money, and hidging from the tumultuous applause last night ereryone seemed-more-rtTaTr satisfied. I The company will remain at Lee Cir cle the remaLad?r of tho week. New ' Orleans Picayune. DiS 3?- WHAT Wt HOST ciotST." ? -That- we ifyg by what -we digest. not by what we .eat is a truism; and 1t tB equally true and eg tartly impor tant that wo live by jrhat we digest and die by what we don't digest. Every morsel of food consumed be yond the physiological needs of the system, must "putrefy more .or x less, and become a sourse of auto-intoxi cation, self-polaonlng. This is ad mitted by all scientific authorities to Uo th*? fundament ? predlepoalns cause of disease ? "retained waste." of mental Influence jior the existence of- gei mr; bnt worry, anger, fear tn general are determined largely by the physical cor.ditlon, and there is po anil. ti>r_Ui.i_arflPOgation of any germ ,ln blood not poisoned by fear or by the waste from superfluous, undigest ed food. Thorough mastication avoids puterfactlon in the colon by obvlating the necessity for baetcrfri . growth, and thorough tasting deter mines when enougtr food lf&8 been j eaten, and simple food with yhole some thought simplifies digestion. . CHAPTER MEETING. There wlUrbe a meeting of Moye Chapter. No. 53. R. A. M.. at the Ma sonic hall this evening at 7:30. All companions are requested, to be present. COTTON MILLS CLOSING DOWN Some of the Largest m North and South Carolina Are ? ng. ? Charlotte, N. C.. Oct. 23. ? Yester day morning some of the largest 'mills in the piedmont section of the Carollnas Inaugurated a one or two weeks' curtailment and Jf conditions: do not improve It Is likely that this period of curtailment will be consid erably extended. ^ The first North Carolina plant to inaugurate the curtailment, plan Is the Tarboro mill, and the Henrietta mills, the biggest plant in the State,! employing three thousand operative will follow suit. It is probable that the Caroieen mills, rnder t?e same! management, wul Shirr Uuwn-in a few days. . | The seven big milla in Spartanburg county. South Carolina, shut down last night.. These are the Whitnoy, Spartan. CI lftoirrClohdtrte.^rk wrlght, Look hart and Pacolet. They con sume about two hundred thousand bale9 of cotton annually and employ ten thousand operatives. The mills have run two weeks on five days' time, but the presoht shut-down is complete and for an indefinite period. There ls now a feeling among the manufacturers, that the curtailment proposition, Uavinj: been sanctioned by the American Cotton Manufactur ers' Association, ran be put in prac tice liy tKe mill's "wi thou fr-tbe-reby In ? juring their standing in the least, and an lirha?ht?en fa ? generally agreed j tji'at cyrtailment/is the business-like court* niirs^NQrMEN AND WOMEN. No matter how limited your vto gREaT AMERIC AN SHORTHAND AND BUSI ? htoh 5 N' C'' " ready and willing to help You secure .1 "?* M"""""' Thf r>NI Y Ri.aln... Tnlley, In .h- r.rn. Pres'ded over by an Incorporated Accountant and Auditor. A auffi De?artm?t^'? 5Vrri?.r"y En,er now'?" payment plan, p.. ' Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting. Telegraphy, Penmanshjp. Civil Service. F^iglish Branches, etc. Expert Faculty? Rail road fare Paid? Positions C.uarantreti. ?? ? -=? ? 3W CARGO OF SALT \ Just Received. H. M. JENKINS CO., Wholesale Grocers. C