WASHINGTON RAlIV NFW( Bntartd as rocond-clasi matte AUfuiil 5. 1909, &i thw postugee ? - Washington, N. C.. under the act o. Mapch 3, 1870. PtrerfciqimD uvkhy -aft eunoq .\ EXCEPT SUNDAY. No. Ill East Main Street. J. L. MAYO, Kdltor and Pl-oprTrror Telephone No. iruo. SUUSCIUPTION KATES: One Month $ .2.* I Ft>ur Months 1.00 i Six Months l.5c One Year 3.p? I Subscribers desiring the paper -df?- ' continued will please notify" thin ofllc* . of expiration, otherwise, I' I will be continued at regular subscrip tion rates until notice to stop is re ceived. II you do not get The Divjly New? promptly telephone or wrlttf the man ager. and the complaint will receive Immediate attention, it is our desire to please you. WASHINGTON, N. l\. QCT. 30 lkt t HK^KW S KOLIXJW. Parties leaving town should not fall to lej The News follow them daily with the news of Washington fresh and crisp. It will prove a valuable companion, reading to you like a let ter from home. Those ut the sea shore or mountains will And The I News a most Welcome aud interesting I ?Isltor. MIST BE Sl(iNKl). All articles sent to The News for publication must be signet* by the writer, otherwise they will not be published. thk smi th a mi hk;h run i:s. Speaking generally, nil price* are'l high. 5.>nie few prp-es :ir?^ higher! than ever: the general l**v??l. The I most rational is he - | mous iiu-re;>v in prot*u? ? i?: gold.) .Abundant uoldt nwuiu i heap gold. v?heap gold ni??a;iy high i iTt'e*. *; The fwo principal prmluets whiehj are stimulated by ?nh?r ? :iuiieK than I abniiduitie ? f* k>>:?1*,v.v oo?-[ The I UK lliSUM. ' 1 ti I " j| , uiam* mn-r-: What ! hji' wi thijss' ? he Soiuli ? WeMe-n :\u-v- g *-0 : li? 1'1 -t< :? :t?, Uetu of ?ih'? .""'intl lack :'or i !l?- ; rod i of cattle for )????' j* by the eotlop s?ef? The best way in n?; cotton won 1 fratn a Htrb? fnr*S~r a little* mor? attention to ;>e? d action.-? (.'ha riot*! e Observer. T-flf. f'VTw IV-TIIK FAf'K It u???d : n bo pop il I - to inquire. I "Why rai? ;tny~7V>rn uTTtf. ran take on*- acre- of tobacco and buv all th* c-nrr. tha*. f?n he raised on 10 arrow?- H+r?- nriffflW)-, w+?**-4+ ha? always h?;en sophistry, will lack a good ?l?al ut c-y.-flTIowc-il T>." any sensible farmer these days. It Ij; rather the reverse. Take an acre of <-orn raised with as miu-h f?Vc, prep aration and not expense as the ssrae In tobacco would receive from 1 he average farmer and you have more clear pront man you cm mrp TrnTtT" 10 arres In tobacco. This may sound like a fairy dream lo those who have never learned - to count net results, and to look unpleasant farts in the Via ce. BUt Its IO. ICI pi U?cu UJ tiirr Stokes county, who atfe growing corn at a cost of -23 cents 'per bushel. profit of $61.20 per acre. But "will tmoeo can be produced today at !e*r than 10 rrtta per po?n?f WS must . therefore conclude that closed 1 6 ? j ? - *JLu : V. i -iz* ? i ,J i jit's real pleasure to cook on Buck's Stoves * ? ? r . - Requires less Iceland cooks quicker.- J* Oven always same temperature top and bottom. As& Southern Furniture Company the torn profit of S til. 50 per acre, there i* 11 loss in tobacco rultur^ of In the fare of thewe fdcU what shall wo say oi i ne ldl'mer wUt* sttH ? | out his lands Jo tobacco, wilh only u half-hearted. slips hod. rarelws prep aration for thoge necessaries of life which require yearly more than t lio value of liis tobacco crop to buy? ? Danhn ry Ropor t <? r . snow i \<>: Ovi'jl* ? la benefit? ??--j ti?A*Jv-pttu!'to^t?T^mVcr.* in Waslr.vi.ifi; i by. -i i: ? .Nonh .Carolina Afntnal" j I'i-.n ''lent A .>?<<? la i in:-., of Durban*.* N. C.. d?:-i* k ' !i?- V-i-' year. Ks?-:1 Ini' sma1:'): ^ - $ '? ? an: 1--.il ^ la'n: no: y??i ,iaM : fii ::: > \ n tr?i> \ ?? . ' ?? V! I ! :? for ii;.- I.y<vuaa j t'.ir /iicn- ir.rned ov?- -J tmw*!iivr; Mr K It. Mlxon. Ai: i ;:I to w.ur* tlt+lr tst k-:.-, ii"-jy L>.: y Ji- ...? :i'{ev ;? o'clock Mo;** ?fTi;. n.<ii'::;u^ ar Hrowu'* dm# TiifR*--** st'.up:! or tii-kbt for tl:e Tn ?i::> n; clu1?-^ 1 ruction ? an be" secure '.I ? _\ li(:K^?r;c:t"inenc wh.< c.tv.^*:: jvrr;\ who hail been bovin?*. artesian V.ell?. ?i> i| iff. I'.-TM parts Of tllO lOlint > it>:' *oir.ei by j.-'-ttinp drunk r.nit ? :i!' kiai: ? <?: Arapahoe'* prouil i-eu' rJi njT Tl? U'STTiTM^SlMl flllf! t.^'-cri before .hi-tbe of the Peace (5 W." and fined, but not bein/ aid" to pay th?- line <?r Rive bail. was ?i : j f l !iu.- :.!.>-riff !< '??.? vJ! . f..r the sheriff. IfA ToT' nu? ? e.i'/ f.ir other part* and the fine y ' 1 u?'b" eolb'V'ted. -Hiybtro Sc:;tl ] "> , . : ?* ' ll'l W! ... I II I Ml, I, II, arlio. .-.i>o Nervoiis Heacarbe. 1 ravcScr.i' iteuiiacju- a<l.i..s -f.-um c.Jrip, otorou^f Tro'iiil-s cr iV-um' trou l?I s. Try Capudtnfr-S-U*-. i.guid ? effects iinm*? liutcly. Sold hv drug tisti.' UJ I DON'T Walk or -l&le. Talk Over The Telephone. I Von can havcrt Telephone put in your house in the city or at your farm srarcryswr passingly low cost, and Mve many a_lorm_dri ve-aad per haps a life hy heing in direct ?? and instantaneous touch With yr?rrr iVwiof, Groc?r, Mao chant and Ilrok. r. Weather reports and mar ket quotations can be secured daily., jXs - interested parties afe re I quested to communicate with | Mr. O. W. Bell, M'g'i M CAROLINA TEL. ANI TEL. CO., WasliinijloTi, N. ? This proposition wlllintar Mt you. and it would b? of the cold Wlatei TO ClllK A COLD IN OXE DAY Take LAXATIVE -BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it rails to. cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa ture is on each box. 25c. OYSTERS! PHONE 367. *? Delivered to any pari of city 25 cents quart. Served in any style, strained a specialty at 113 Market Street. Ocracokc Fresh. Dressed Mullets. _ _ J. t. WY.vrr. Bargain in E. Main Street House. A. C. Hathaway. Leon Wood MEMBERS N. Y. COTTON EXCHANGE Jamea W. J . LEON WOOD 6 CO.,? BANKERS and BROKERS STOCKS, BONDS. COTTON. GRAIN and PROVISIONS. ' 7T [7i PLUME STREET. CARPENTER BUILDING, NORFOLK. VA. ? Private Wire# to N. Y. S?>ck Exchange. N. Y. Cotton Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade and other Financial Centers. Correspondence respectfully' solicited, Investment and Marginal | accounts given careful attention. Money saved is money made! A Welsbach Junior Lamp burns 2 feet of Gas per hour, and gives 50 Candle Power of Light, where an open tip burns 6 feet of Gas and gives 20Candle Pow^ er. How much do you save? |> w?*? ^ WASHINGTON LIGHT ' WATER COMPANY Welsbach Junior. j FOR GENERAL A SURGICAL -AND Non Contagious. j ^MEDICAL r CASES RATES:? Private . rooms $'5 to .525.00. \Vard<larffeund airy> $10 per week. Ad dress ^ ;<MlSS> JULIA A. SMITH, Sup?, o.' Nurses FOWLEMEMORI AL HOSPITAL, to**, may ^received at I o Insure, prompt atiei tisements should be in by 12.45 m. Ails. by messenger, tele phone or mail glvsff careful attention POH 8ALK ? PEAFOWLS, ONE rooster, two hens. B. "L. Susman. Bl'TTKRINE IS SWEET AS THE freshest elpver butter; more whole some than butter; sold for 3C cents pound. Chat. M. Little. FOR SALE ? A SQUARE PIANO IN good condlUdn. Will sell cheap. Fine opportunity. Apply. News office. ' STENOGRAPHER AND T Y P B wrlter. Let tno write your letters. Miss Beulah Thomason Chamber of Commerce FOR SALE ? ONE EDISON SlOVING Picture Machine, also, one Edison t graphophone; both 1 n first-class condition; will sell at a Bantam- 1 If not interested don't write. Box 232, Washington. N. C'. FOR SALE ? ONE LARGE COAL stove original cost $30; UBed one season. B; L. SuStnan. FOR^HALt-i I'-KANLT. HAL'KH, ttt cents each. it. B. Mayo & Co. TRY HITTEIUNE ? YOU?ILONT know but what you are eating the sweetest clover butter; always fresh and more wholesome than butter: 30 cents pound, at* Chaa. M. Little's. at.\Trs inini.'i'< H.s roKh-i \ . Spartanburg, S. C.. Oct. 2J>. ? J. B. Bates, convicted of murdering Mrs. DOcMu Bolter~"tmil ? sentenced' -to -be hanged October and whoEe case has been appealed, has addressed a letter to L. A. Justin, a house-build rr, .enclosing plans and specifications for his coffin. The drawing was r.ir.de oalhe bar4? of m old~eT?velope and on Che others side was a note asking that the coffin be m-ade as cheaply as possibly. as tie | didn't wish to pay more than $20 for the casket. He d+rectcd that It be p. tl ?itli tlnio M"r'V)'i' n " 1 1 nia'.-j. pieces of rope be used for the han dles'. Bates suggested that the coffin be brought to the jail at night and that it he wrapped up 'so as to. keep it secret from*- the public. "\Vhe:l people say a story -la plaus ible it is eipilralent ? to saying that they don't believe It! For drugs and seed. Hardy's Drug j Store. - -- ? I ' North Carolina Mutual and Provident Association DURHAM". N. C. ^ The Greatest Negro Insurance Company in the World INCOltPOKATKII IX 181*0 * Home OllUe Untitling*. Von. 202-314 West l'un l?!i Street, Durham'. North Carolina. Over One-Half' 'Million' Dotfafs Pan! m Benefits; 4 Professional Column SPECIALISTS H. W. CARTER, M. D. - Practice Limited to Diseases of the Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. Hours* 9-U A. ML Cor. Mfata and 2-5 P. M- Gladden Sts., 'PHONE 8*. Washington, N. G. Dr. I. M. Hardy PRACTICING PHYSICIAN SURGEON j Washington, N. C. DRl H. SNELL , Dentist. Office corner of Main and Respass Streets. Phone 100 Washington, N. C. ATTOItXKYB H. S. WARD JUNIUS *>? GRIMES WARD & GRIMES attqrneys-at-law Washington, N. C. . We practice in the Courts of the First Judicial District, and the ' Federal Courts. John H. Small, A. D. MacLean, ? u Harry McMulian. SMALL, MAC LEAN & "McMXJLLAN ATTORNEYS* AT-LAW . Washington, North Carolina. W. D. GRIMES attorREY^ttixw Washington; N^rth Carolina, til Practices in ail the Courts. W. M. BQND, Edcnton, N. C. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS ? BOND & SIMMONS ATTORNEYS- AT -LAW Washington. North Carolina. - - Practice in all Couits. W. L. Vaughjn W- A. Thompson VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORN E YS- AT-LA W Washington and Aurora. N. C^ Practice in all the courts. HTU7 CARTER, JR., \TTflR\'F.V-AT.l.A\V. Washington, N. C. Office Market Street. A'ui. li..IBu(lnian. Wiley C. ICodman. RODMAN & RODMAN Attorneys-at-Ls-W Washington, fjft C. Business Cards R. L. STEWART" PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER and ? JEWELER. Corner Main and Market Streets lust received a large sstortntent of the. latest ns In Jewelry. R?v |Ull I ll? J jpiLiali rr We are stll! doing business at our old stand. In this period between the seasons ?earo still satisfying cus tomers. ?>ur fall samples are already In and we can take your order now for immediate* or future delivery. Vuuifc fur business, 11. n. Guldjuln. j "TTE For FIRE INSURANCE see . J. and P. B. MYERS e J. H. Simmons Marble and Granite Go. MONUMENTS Price? and Work '? . - A. B. PRAUQHON. Prop. WHITE - BARBER - SHOP The only firftt-clas*white?hoplncity. A tT2f ,^111 convince anyone *f reu lud?a??ui. Wm Ums<a i ohal#?. C. MORGAN W 1LL1AM5 - INSURANCE

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