.-1 JUST RECEIVED Tf A shipment of America's J finest production and the f world's greatest Sewing Machine. The ball bear ing, light running NEW HOME? for cash or easy monthly pigments. Deu'l foi get-that weareneag- X quarters for the besr sewing machine needles and oil. Be ware of imitation goods. The , best is the cheappt- We car- [ ry the best Not how cheap, bilf how good we can give you for your money. RUSS BROS. THE PICTURE FRAMERs II; k. The Gem Theater IX THE DAYS i)F OLIVER CROM WELL ? A hand colored historical | drama. SETTLEMENT WOK KICKS ? Flne| drama. ADVENTURES OF~A KK<4 ? Com -w THE IROX WORKERS ? A drama ___ Coupons for n set of Beautiful Sil ver Fruit Knives with l'enrl IlAndles purvluuMMl from the stock of A. (]. Sniither ii Co. will be given lx*gin ning tonight. Adults only will be gl Vr. en coupons. NOTICE. All Arms and others from whom . purchases jnay_ be made by any mu nicipal department of the CHy~ of Washington, nre hereby notified to only furnish such supplies upon pre sentation of regular form of requisi tion from heads of such departments or officials of. tfce city." This to take effect on and after November l, 190&. ; C. II. STIRLING, Mayor ] W. D. Windley. City Clerlt. Get INSURANCE fgpm Bragaw this afternoon. WM. BRAG AW &r CO., First Insurance Agents In Washington, N. C. RUG SALE! - TUESDAY, NOV; 2. ?One Day Only -Special prices made on Rugs, Druggets and ART SQUARES The late$t' designs shown. All invited to call and see them. Remember next Tuesday you can secure^ Rug, fa Drugget or Art Square at a reduced price. No such opportunity has ever before been of fered in Washington. You cannet afford to miss this sale for it means money saved. JEFFERSON FURNITURE CO. 1 WASHINGTON, N. C. ARE YOU ON A SALARY? If so, we want to correspond with you. Especially if you are not earning a L ARG&jjjjla^y., You are the man who really NEEDS insurance most ? the protec tion-for-the-family kind? the kind that will PAY YOU A DEFINITE MONTHLY INCOME when you are disabled by accident or-ittness ? th& kind that protects your bank account and saves you a whole lot of worry. LfTdp us a postal ? it won't cost-ym? a cent to investigate and we don't want vou to spend a dollar with t^s unle#&you are convinced that it will PAY YOL* to be Ensured. CARL D. PAMUU4, Gen'l Insurance. ' Four Years Experience. Havens-Small Bid.'*: 'Phojy? 95. Tile House of "Quality 36 YEARS. PURE WHISKIES DIRECT TO YOU HONI)KI> STRAIGHT' RVK WHISKEY. Per Gal. Gibson. 8 years old $-i..*so ~QuaT-a-Flnc', 6 year* old .... -4*OQ Mellwood Boubon, G years old . ... : 4.r?? Bumgardner Mountain, 6 ^ears old 4.80 Hlghsplre, C years old 3.JW Certified, u years fllfl. " HfiKKWKU-UVLI-IUllhKKl^ _ Pfcr Gal. Gibson XXXX . .'HI.OO Herbert's Malt /. .\ . a.OO jllountala Day ? Country Club. 2.50 STRAIGHT CORN WH1SKKY. ?N ? . Per Gal. Mountain ^ $2.50 North Carolina, 4 years 'old. ?.uo~ Silvcr Spring, J> -yeAPSUlU. . . The above can be had In quart bottles It 'desired^ ~ " " ? Mall orders a specialty. Importer and Dealer In Whiskies, itrnn<ilp?f, \VlnpHT _ Cordials. Etc. I?ni v.. MAIN sTRKKT. NH *T TO PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK. . . IKlGllMANll* IIKUIAIA. Savage Mountain, 5 years old 3.BO 'nfiiV.-.n ?t~ ? ' " nM .1 50 Elk Run, 5 years old tJ.OO Catalogue sent free. FRANK MILLER THE I. H. C. TOGGLE-JOINT _ ? T HAY PRESS Is the lighest draft, and makes the most compact bale of any press sold. BAIIJEY SALES AGENT rtmrraosruoCTHKiw qvail SHOOTING - ' Egch bevy of quail frequents the name ttttle territory for long periods, and by careful hunting may be lo cated day arterTly. be merci ful and sportsmanlike arftf hare an Ion that they mrist be killed in thin wajr- : Aa a matter of facf, the bevy takes wing in a long, scattering line cover - ing many feet and witto much room between birds. Mark carefully where eye to future seasons. When 'but nix birds aye' left, let them alone, for Yhelr natural, enemies will take sure toll of them and you wlllTeel the bet tef-lft know that need has been, left for' the harvest of- the coming years. ?FicJa* ialO- thA.h>nwn nf tfrp Ih a vain thing, though It* Is not un common to hear sportsmen who have never shot tbffe bird express the opln birds fall and the flight of the bevy. The most accurate observation in this respect le profitable and It Is aston ishing how often one can take the ? K*ii?eral lirnt o? a Hushed bevy aud.fail I to raise another bird. "? j rTlsprpt r.:! q;id much gilf-iU" in rfiaudiiiiK your dog*. A bird-wise dog Ma generally most effective when lefi to himself, and little should be done to direct him beyond shaping ft gen eral-course of wiM if possible. Loud talking or shouttng sometimes causes birds to Hush wildly, especially late in the season. 'to say- nothing of i.ts being "barbarous in itself and aninoy lng to your companion. Of the Southern States Gco.tria Oklahoma require no shoe Ling 15 | cense for non-resident hunters. -and these Slates and .Wkansas do not al low the. exporting of game. Arkan sas, indeed, permits no outsider to pursue game within her boundaries; an unreasonable fjolloy which should soon Mechanged. I A Saving o ^00 Dollars in long dangerous sickness c:i?i be arroinpllshed by having remiy Yirk'a Croup Z^Remmmtn .Hahr. ? h* the gi+ntisl prevent i ve and prompt chewier. Money back * if not delighted. 2Hc, r.Oc and $1.00 jars. When the Children Are STUDYING .i YOU SHOULD GIVE AND THAT IS ELECTRICITY" . ?? i WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT. 1 ' ? ? ? t ru n TALK Dr. Wm. A. Blount rctarrned Jast evening from a trip to Baltimore. ? ? Miss Oladys Al'lgood went to Varm ville yesterday afternoon to visit friends for a fow days. ? i.v *Mrs. J. L- Phillips and daughter. Miss Stella, left yesterday tor a visit at Bayboro- ? . ? ?' Mr. Surrey Parker, of Pihetown, was a visitor In the city today. J ?- ? Mr. 'Granville Jones, ''?of South C reek , was in the city vesierday^on" [business. ? ? Mr. W. S. Burba^e, of Bajkh, spent j yesterday in the city. Mnr H. L. Cbward returned to j Qreenvillo yesterday after visiting | M'lsaVsancy Coward, at Ojjd Ford. Miss,U.lllan Burch, teacher at Old F*ord, lert for Greenville yesterday afternoon, accompanied by Mrs. J. H. Hovd- lr-- of flreenville.'who has been visiting her for some daye. ? * Missen Leslie Elliott and Rosalie] Stokes went to Shelmerdine yester day afternoon on a visit. Miss Louise Satterthwaite of Pac-| tolus spent yesterday in the clty| shopping. MtsseS^ATMIU PrUCtoi'^d j-n?tt returned to ^Edward yesterday] after a shopping trip to the city. p i Mrs.'0. K. Stilloy. of Aurora, re- 1 turned to her home yesterday, ac-i couipanied by her little- granddmigh ter. May Bonner, after visiting Mrs. Katie Bonder. ? Mrs. L. E. Ricks auu little Kir! J -Dorothy- Fevur-ned?to- ib?>i r home . iiiH Fhelmerdincv after a -jyisj^to Mr*.-* George E. Ricks. " ? ? Mrs. W. W. Hooker, of Aurora, ipont yesterday in the city on a shop- 1 ? ping luur. Mrs. P. S. Cuthrell and' daughter. 1 ! N'cllie, wc^' in the city yesterday, { from Aurora-. ? ? - ? : ? ? _ J - 1- Misses Fanny Stuart," Mabel Ricks "ti'-ltd iorr-j lla>f? went o ^ v ; tu Qlwn inity yesterday, .afternoon for a short visit. . ""'S ? s * t? , . Mrs. H. A. .Joh^stop formerly Miss Mattle Hooten, * of Chocowlnity, passed through the city yesterday af ternoon with ller little son, Arm strong. en route- to Beaufort from j Pittsburg, - Pa., where' Me. and Miy. j Armstrong have been llvifl% for some "pime. Mr. Wr-T.- Hooten also returned with them, after a. six months' stay in the North. . Uev. \V. F. .Icaes, of Belhaven.l spent yesterday as the guest of Dr. | (and Mrs. H. W. Carter. ? Mr. Geo. T. Hackifoy, sr.. returned to v^i?-r,lav gftrr II his son in jhe city; ? ? ViH yiiiirBiftl" ' '?ji iinr *aJ:ra?in.^ vllle yesterday nfternoon on busl >ss. ? ? ? -j -TWv.-H.-n SenrighL?etarncd_lagt j j.njghY frntn th? gr?^ wt Springs! | Hecorilf r .1. A. ot rwiluwn,; returned to that [ilape-last evening J after a business trip to?tbe <;ity. < Mr. J. F. Duncbu arrived .this ^morning from Beaufort for a short J 'stay m iirerTTy: ? Mr. Jarvis Sugg went to EdentonJ this morning. Mi 88 Alice Blow went to Plnetown j this morning. * ? Did you ever see anything like H>jH- j Humpty "Dumpty Circus ?c?-the Gem | laBtjiigiit? The grown-upa took as ( much dellghriFTt iinnie little ones, and It was wonderfql. Tonight the. OOnnnnn frtr ntlvo,. fr-^H | knives with pearl htadles, IxiTiKKt] from A. o. femlther & Co*'b7~wIT1 be T>. f?r |r|||irtl| shows some choice eetfe*Iotis. In the Day, of Oliver Cromweft -we hnY<* a fine hand-colored historical drama, well worth going to see The silverf bureau net was won toy Mrs. Matt Brinson last night, as aho'hold the klckr niimhey. ' ? > ' CAlrnwr for ?Thrn Heartache." | Out last night? ' Hoadache and | nervous this morringt ?lck?- Capu- ! dine Juat the thing tc. lit you for' I business. Clears the head ? braces! the nervea. Try it. At tfrtig stores. I . ^ Goof Work Done Dally In , M'tuhlnxlun. >fhny 1L Nearly ?very Yeader has heard of Doan's Kidney xillf, Their good work In WashlngtonNitfll continues^ and our citizens are constantly add^ in* endorsement by public testimony. No hotter proof of merit can be hid than the experience of friends and neighbors. Head this, case: Jr.ckeon Barter. 424 iytmner street. Washington. C.. sayi: suffered from kidney-jmd" bladder? youble-lox a long time. The s^creytons from my kfdneys were scanty ut times while at otherB profuse and attended with pain In pa|Hage.^l' had severe backaches and constant, gnawing pains through my . kidneys. I was fooling miserable wheji Uheard about Doan's Kidney Pills ^nd procured a box at the Washington Drufj Co. They gave me such gr?at relief that 1 pro cured a further supply and now the pains across-my back have almost en tlrely disappeared and my kidneys are normal. I can strongly recom mend Doan's Kidney pills to nnjr one troubled by kidney complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 00 cents. Foster-Mllb'urn Co.. Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. ?Remember the name? JDoan's f? and tuku nu oilier ' ii wmw^ntfteicEg 1 1 paid for CHICKENS, EGGS I and all COUNTRY PRODUCE We carry Huy, Grain and all .j the very best Flour at nliute* sale. - PAUL & CUTLER j FAST WATER STREET. OYSTERS -=Jra;h-?a>_ry flay it (fro Urbn Grcr" Company Rcrifc-ir.ber wc arc ioidtrs in Heavy and Fancy GROCERIES ' UNION GROCERY CO. Water Street. u J I eykky HOTTI.E q& NY-1I/S KIDM'V Pl-.LS AKE lU'.UCAX teed ftr us to .give perfect | SATISFACTION. there is nothing "retteh IN THF. "tfllKATMENT OF DIS EAKKK OF THE KIDNKY AND URINARY ORGANS RUMKMP.ER THE NAME ? NYAL'8. WASliLNGTON DRUG COMPANY M THE HOME GOWMrS PURPARA-O?* tS-?lclo a-*, fei'to.i ir.?*-ae.iu.. ^ gKSHftS^n^&iSS.'S! ? <frrr r1 rr1'" DON'T FORGET TO SEND A HALLOWEEN Post Card WMJLHARDING Picture Frames to Order. AJ.UVM AlKll T < I'lMn.l .l Kll. " Our new duplex album will be com pleted In a few (trtr?; something new. Vovertinr att the styles of pirrtrres we make. We will send it to any family in the city Jot. a few hours that they may see our new styles and have time io makfe lUCll-'Uftlw.iluriH m hunt It will be about the last of next week i before the book will be complete, we would be glad to havie a few more of I those little blue eyed folk. They' make flhe samples. BAKER'S STUDIO COOK AND PKAKY 1 ? ha* nntlUnK ^t^ip e^oell ?nV Either of the above Keti(lcmra wvuhr have enjoyed g rup of_ttei?-?*MMnk> ? lioreruKf ?t the Pole. \ j 1 'Phouc l>kJ. RHODES, ;-.the copper koastkh. Panejr Lettuce iintl Celery. WST ARRIVED WHOLE WHEAT PLOl 1*. GKA HAM PLOUR, PL^ilVACK PAN CA&E PLOP It, AND (HACKED WHEAT. Walter Credle & CO. [we HAVE. A FULL LINE OF OPERA CAPES inches. The asso -tmentis Varied, and you will have a perfect range of colors to select from. And the prices are reasonable. \ Our line of Ladies' Coat Suits is admitted tobeper ifect. Stop in and see it? we'll value your criticism. You will feel at home in our store. The attendance is instructed not to try to sell you anything you do :not want, and everyone is h?ery polite. SPENCER BROS. J. H. Harris Plumbing and Supply Company DYNAMITE STUMPS ffs, ;jAJ( "A ? . '?y^w , ' *-Ui& )ik. ife, r- Cheapest ?id 'Jmxu - 'x Z. 15 To Qiear Land 1_ on "Friday, Nov. 5th, at 1. p. m., ? THE :>t! PONT POWDER COMPANY w::i E'.ve-a DEMCNSTHATION cf rStnifsp Blasting at WASHINGTON, n! on the farm of R* R? WARREN, who has kihcfry" granted permission to malt* this demonstration on his property. Every Farmer -H? anH r.iT others interested are invited Vo^atttrnd. FRESH ARRIVALS: Big Hominy, Breakfast. Hominy Grits, Old Fashidn Buckwheat Flour; light arul everything in latest cereals. Neufchatel, Pineapple and F.dam Cheese. ? A full line of Dried ai'd Evaporated Fruits. "Phone us your wants, for ^uality. A F.TAYL-OE im. S &'A ?>Ol SBfe<SV^ ? saii-'a?. ?""ii'i'iii'-. ???( EAST CAROLINA jf~ 5* >3 I Tethers' Training School | 7' Established and maintained by the Stale lor the young men re I'i and women who wish to qualify themselves for the profession gi of Buildings and equipment now and modern. Sani ^ tation perfect* j tT" ^ L 7,{ SESSION OPENS OCTOBER 5TH. 110*. ? - For'prospectus and information, address ROBT. H. WRIGHT, President, Greenvflle, N. C.' IS

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