- . ? ? Another lot of Extra Special LADIES' SUITS Oh Sale Monday. $17.75 to $39.75. AH colors, styles and sizes. Every 10c. 'purchase means another vote on the doll. J. K. HOYT _______________ ST""1 NEW ARRIVAL OF FALL WEIGHT "RED RAVEN HOSE" For Men, Women, Boys, Girls. "Every pair guaranteed? "Satisfactory," or a new pair will be given. J. F. BUCKMAN SON SHOES! SHOES! We announce ouJ"readt-| ncss with the besrShoes made and the , best shoe service, to take care of any fall and Winter footwear want that may confront any_J ? man. woman or child. Moderate and pleasing -prices with, a guarantee of satisfaction, borne by our reputation for always keep ing faith with our friends. We solicit vour fayors: S. R. FOWLE & SON. Our Steam Presstmr Is One of the Greatest Sanitary In ventions Ever ConceivecL ___ By Human -Ingenuity ure. The steam Is generated by a Gas Iloili-r and is superheated to'n .high de L r; "r rrr !ibfctlUf - 1 "Rircrm .si ONCINCi and PRbSblNG at the same time. Th* foot i#v?r - i nnn _ , ' ' . ' ? til Yi nr.- 'T ;i -rr ?the dry Mtcarn A f?arm"t.' that pa**?* thro igh this machine Is thoroughly disinfected, PRESSING at the same time. The foot lever supplies a 1.000-i.ound pressure, so that the fibres of the nje? *, at the same time it as no germs or mlerobes can exist under a temperature as high as Removes Any Odor thaHVfey Be in it; Takes Away the Grimy Appearance, Raises the Nap, Revives the Colors and Imparts to the Garment That Freshness Desired By All Dressers. There is No Danger of Burning or Scorching the Garment t?f the dry steam procesn; while a higher degree of heat is applied to the garment than can be applied with the sad iron without any possible danger of burning or injuring the fabric. ? i State and are therefore better prepared than ever to do Ulhnrpnthy urine I - ? With the installation of this machine, we now have the beet equipped p'ant in the -the ?P?jr_lH?t work A garment that has been cleaned by our FrecchDryCIeanlng Troceiw and deodorized, and is practically good as new. Ladies' Coat Suits are our special pride. A II'IUI will unit ' youi 'n>onc us today and our porter will call. :t j rr~x% **? WRIGHTS STEAM PRESSING * "Who Presses Best in Washington."-: WE GUAItANTEE THAI. THESE VALUEsYaNNOT BE MATCH ED in this cimrr ? . - ' Ladies' (Slack Sea Island Cotton at . 15 and 2Sc. Misses' lino lUbbed Black . . 15 and 23c ttm ? . .* in ilT^yacr (Second Business Session oHinion The second business session of tbe Women's Missionary Union of Iloan oke Association was opened prompt ly at 10 o'clock yesterday morning by Mrs. Harr$U, of Tarboro. In the en forced absence at the time of the president, Mrs. S. J. Everett, of Will iamstou. the vice president, Mrs. rt. C. Josey, presided. Reports from the various committees were road, after which Mfs. Harrcll reiftl a most inter esting paper pn the State mission work, telling of the great advance jj-nradc - along all lines of this ?ood work, and urging that even greater efforts be made for the ensuing yoar. After prayer and eong, Mrs. Everett, who had entered, took the chair, and Mrs. Joscy read - a line article on Home Missions, and made a strortg appeal for greater seal In this lmpor tant branch of the mission work. Mrs. Crawford was clected field secretary for the year, to Visit churches, organize societies, etc. After an jopen session In, which ! plans and ide*s were discussed by all | th'e- delegates, Mrs. Hetts, of Pilot I Mountain Association. ~ wast called I upon for an account of the state con | ference which met at High Point. 1 -The motto for the coming year will be "Christ Our Foundation." and j Mrs. Everett gave an impressive talk ; on the subject. ! A permanent secretary to^Keep the .records and for preparing the min utes was appointed, and Mrs. Harrell . was elected to the office. 1 Prayers were held for the beloved State President of the W. M. U-, also for the Sunbeam State missionary, both-of whom are ilh-aftor which the meeting- was adjourned ? to convene with the Willlamston church the flrBt week- in- October. The delegates left yesterday afternoon for their homes. Washington Wins - Football Game ?The first football game of the sea son was played at Fleming Park yes terday afternoon between Washing ton and the High School. The game was close and exciting. The Wash ington team son. by a score of 2 to 0. The features was the <w*d running by the High School team and the hard line plunges for Washington. A good size crowd witnessed the contest. ? " i mm i' inn myitis Mr. Hoyt Moore returned from a trip to Beaufort this morning. ' ^ Mr. Julian Springs is here from the A.. & M. Collie, Raleigh, for a short visit to Mr. Charlie Hill. Mr. Frank Jones Is In the'clty on a visit to Mr. Cliff Blalcely. Mrs. Fred W. Hoyt, of Williams ton, returned to her home this after- ? noon after a visit in the city. Messrs. Jesse Wkrren and Harry McMullen went to Edenton this morning on business. Mr. W. P. Hilton, who has been auditing the city books, left this morning for Baltimore. Sheriff George E. Ricks left yes terday afternoon for Belhaven. Dr. . C. T. W'indley, of Belhaven, was a visitor in the city yesterday. OTTY MARKET.* Eggs 23c Chickens, grown... 25 to 3 <k Spring chickens . i? to 26c Green salted bides ?...Je Green hides. ... s.8c Mixed woof 18 U 20c TfcUOW I W Wool, free from burrs. ....... .100 Sheeriinga " K to 10O Lambskin 25 to 490 COTTON. BWfl uittuu 6 60 1 Lint cotton .......... 14 8 NEW YORK FUTURE MARKET. Open. Close. .December 14.81 14.78 jjuramry: 14,84 14.** March 14.88 14.84 'May 14.88 14.88 July I4 86 14.87 NEW DRIED FRUIT j Currants, ? ? SC I Prunes, Raisins, I . EvaDorat6d Peaches and Apples. 'Phone 97. E. L. ARCHBELL Sptciallles Cigars and Tobacco. j Leary Bros.' Old Stand. " f had a \jxr n\ Vjunnnii 1 LtU ?- . 8~~? *-r \ > Pateotleather SHOES If our *u>0 B. & P. Shoes break through before the sole wears through we much prefer that you return them for a new pair. Knight Shoe Co. The On!y,Erclu?lvo Shoe Store In the City. CARGO OF SALT Just Received. H. M. JENKINS CO., Wholesale Grocers. ? HEfcP IS OFFfeRED? WORTHY YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. No matter how limited your means of education, the GREAT AMERICAN SHORTHAND AND BUSI NESS COLLEGE, Durham, N. C-, la ready and willing to help You secure a high-grade Business Education. TheONLY Business College In the Caro linaa presided over by an Incorporated Accountant and Auditor. A suffi cient guarantee of its superiority. Enter now on easy payment plan. DEPARTMENTS;* Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Penmanship* Civil Service, English Branches, etc. Expert . Faculty? -Rail road Fare Paid? Positions Guaranteed. C. a. MORRIS & CO., BROKERS WHOI.FSAI F FRUITS AND PRODUCE ARRIVALS TODAY? 1 Car 20th Century Flour, 1 Car Meal, 1 Car Hominy, 1 Car Flake White Laru. j IN TRANSIT? I Car Kingjn's Reliable Meats. Fresh arrivals ot fruit aud produce-ev?cy day. WASEO FL,OUR ALWAYS GOOD and r GOOD ALL WAYS Those who have used it declare that "WASEO" Flour makes sweeter bread and sweeter rolls and sweet er biscuits than any other. For sale only by E. K. WILLIS. REAL ESTATE WANTED II! I have moved to Washington, N. C., from Van Wert, Ohio, where I was engaged in the Real Es Tat^ business for more than thirty yeais, and will ? engage in the same in Washington, N. C. I want farms aAd other lands for sale. If you want to sell your farm or lands see me or 'phone * W. M. KEAR, Washington, N. C, 'Phone 85. Office with C. D. Parker, Havens-Small Building. SPECIAL SALE Of Hamburgs, Embroideries, etc., at cost, on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 21 and 22. Don't forget the days. T. W. PHILLIPS & CO. ARRIVED YESTEfRDAY? Car Load of Stick Candy We are in a position to ghre you special prices on E. R. MIXON & CO. . ? Stops All Kinds of Pain Right Now . T- 1 1

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