WASHlNfiTkjtklLY NEW* Entered as second-class mat to. August 5, 1 909. St the postofflce a Wsshlujcton. N. C., under the act o March 3, 1879. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON _ ? ? BXOEPT SUXBAV. ? i i+? Mh?? J. L. MAYO. Editor and Proprietor Telephone No. srusc RiinioN rates: One Month,, $ .2" Four Months l.ui Six Months 1.5'. One Year 3.01 ,SubKtf:bersaJeblrii)B the paper dis eow>inu?-d ?ilt pk'awf iiutift t hi? mrrr an. date of expiration. otherwise, will b? continued at re^triCT subscript ?ion rates until notice to stop Is re ceived. it von ?lr. riot get The Dally New* promptly telephoiia-or write the man and the complaint will receive lmlfc?dSate attention; it is our desire to please you. . WASHINGTON. N. C . NOV. 2. LET THE NEWS FOLLOW. rr Parties leaving town should not tail to let The News follow theri dally alth the news of Washington fresh and c^isp. It will prove a valuable ? ' companion, reading to you like ii let /ter from home. Those at the sea shore or mountains will find The tm?t wtdeome-?H*l-+nt?>restiiiK ?lsltor. MI ST IIP. SIGNED. All articles sent to The News for publication must . be signed by. the writer, otherwise they will not "be published. Washington cUixiina. and buslnev-s men now enjoy ei:e of the most ?on plete and up-to-date telephone ex change* to '.??? found anywhere P~ N 4- * ! i Ca rol.na. _ The Carolina. Telephone and Tek graph Company deserve* the iliunks of th'.1 eity !'or iirsrnUit'g :t system .? * keeping with the growth and pro;: w ress ?>f AVai-hlitaron-. t; is a system fully <il r- -.'-t wtih the times and > modern in if ???; alpnieHT and lenecs. Th r.-.panjr lias spot.: i.i nelKliNorhotvi ?>f ?,) complete and iastiUl. this modern ?.-.\chang". Tl,.-^ ^ ? . ?n:r.i-i:?ed -'?th Inst. a?:-. ii will be ;v. l^n^i thirty days riii?iv ?>ef-?re -the rooiplv'e iu ? ?. -v det-.nl, . v <* This tti' ? ti Wa>-h:;.-*, little T: ' ~^r-~ ps t)f\ Inw-JitliOis !m\*? Ij.-.jj btiib ?l <]..??) the very ln>t r( fhotilil sir.y ?i . ji ? ? ? ?? tro-jbb- 4r.n; --.ilr-i in k l.hon-. t !;i-y promptly til th" Im-ul In ?.i hum. ' ' ^ r> 14RI\ Wlll'k Thin :? li-.-.v 1V. T?TT7:frt:-Tr era in Nt.r'ir Carolina jiisiiiy M"* TAfVs '".r.Titort *nf Hihiii, Congressman tiran? t nrv prrtn1** tre?p; How ?Jo yo\'. to hold your o!!i< e. M/pr.'lto^d. y??i tribute to th?? !>ai,ty*?;i;!i>fJ7? ; Mrs. ftec-d: l haw* already glv??!t twenty-five dollars to t It*- 1N*i?uhll<-jui campaign paper: h-rw -rnnrn rfn you want? . ?atL6r..eltajMi'i Mr. firmn r r ?cs to Washington amt grntw- bis frirnd Hitchcock to remove Mrs. Il''fd fro jr. the -VglK'Vi'lf* nostofflro <?n I he ground >a(r*WMiKht to brili*1 Kin In fluence by offesng to give money to -*7rrn> v.* ??w?W ? No wonder th\t Mr. Taft. should have said at (.l:*>ei;sborty in l!JO? t"hM 1t \vo?lil 1m* batter for the cause ot _ RopubHpunlmn in <*krolina, if all the Federal place# u-f-rc ocruplecT i?j Democrats. Ym ir is ?i t.?!or the ad ministration of the en me Mr. Taft that iniquities. like lh? above are perpetrated. The 'prenidenl means well, but- he I* as malleable av putty In the hands of the machine politic ians who control the departments. ? Norfolk Virffinian-TJIlot. H>1 OF LIFE The joy of life i? the joy of work well dooc. Husbands love their wives, but oh, their work! WiyjeJL nOiaute tftr^ n01IWKW|jr?nfc. ????? r.~ motherhood, for tlja. particular kind of social, helpfulness In which women so Shtne, torn Incense of affection to In their duties. Many fortunate men fall, in to work tfom tlx (tart which g.t. tlw w.rmth 0 1 tblr heart ? much u th?tr| ' brain. But there are far too many J who snatch at any employment ant! ! find themselves condemned to It. J They sweat ami groan and so add to ! their unhappines*. They butt their j head" against stone walls and then wonder at the bruises. I l.et'a i.reach a Jjlt. Ifthe-work "b fnotto one's liking try to make It'so." jX*?5Tirrteiiuiij^?:UI tlo KU04U sulk ling *t?bltt?rs. put the best that's In I you to-the Job, ami it's dollars to j doughnuts that the .lob will j.&v you back. It will grow easier and more agreeable. ! n- time a genuine liking for it may be dev*lof**4r Ami ?h-*r w!ll conie the best of happiness?.- - Cleveland Leader. fflEHUK PLISI Nil III fULL 0PERI1WI ?t ,Tf ?' (Continued from First I'agei extend cjl earnest, in vital ion to all yf it* patrons and any interested I'-'f^, to visit its central otlbe and see the system In ncttml operation. If :a were possible to sisftlciently interest every telephone user to make this visit and spend a few* minutes in the j rentral office. the telephone company j will be able to give very inueh bett?e I servii e; after a subscriber once sees [ the operation of the system and has it ]? ll'Jalti. d Ill' mil I lu'll be in .1 better position to use his telephone I intelligently and will understand if the operators are apparently Inatten tive. Mr. 'Hell, the lo?al manager, will be glad to show any one -through the . nltiiT. ami wll rak" pieAsul'e Jli ?lX plaiuing the opi ration of the new sys ? :>-nt wt>'il?s-eribers are earnestly 're jo'M'stMl noi "to restore their receiver's Lto the hook until they have aeiuallv . i ompletf.l their conversation and do I tii?; -desire to converse with the same I ?nhs??ril>es-a?y-inri ner?i if U_lE Mt'rt's ? .-'a :y for a subser'.bor to leave his tel cpkoim iti order to obtain some infor mation. leave the receiver off the I hook. oChery.jfe j.h?? placing of th" ' r'-'-'-lv-T i-n the hook kfves "the oper ator i.b?? disconnecting signal am! the ! cojine. lion will be taken down. In this way you will lose connection 1 . i:> rN- tubs'-rlber with whom jou v. ? ? V.:it? iUy t::lk!lig. I T:.. V .1! n;anag*V. Ajr. iJell, will r i! ,> rotni !li:l!ini of a : n*vv directory. ami any party antic! "imuffytin1, m.tmlw? i??t? of a t??|ephi?iiu.. Mild .si order tli ?d In t>-H ... dire* tory. S.?t:w . ...eriffwe dt able Tit obtain-: - -:tii the ^erv:? ?? for a few l '.vi owis; tinrJl tli? operators have be? ki oni" j-'if. < tr-:nij expert In the use of the n*".v v.-/eai a:ul uew switchboard. | f ?? '1 '?? ??!<:?' time, however, the i Oi-? .\tt. w i i I :?e expert !.u the hand jiil.u of tiie t;-v.- >w:ii nbi.niil and ?!:?? , >- rv.ci? s!: ?..! | then j-e serotld to noiu? in the State. THE HMDS Hi THE PUB LIC wos nuns :???! f rc-ni Fir.-! Page. ?J it will t.r. fonnd thai the iV'U'Unii ?? 5 1 1 t,? n jirov ' road* men::* only i.*#to the' railroads | i!:an It d>e* :?? ?hc- |i?oi,le. to the* : .nrmi-r* an*r th'e"t/iTsTM" mi-'tw Of Thr ^ ? "?" ' fs'' of tl; h ni .* j system*. Th*?y do two things which nifiiri * ? i : s L r . ?-? r-- ?* i'??r the railroads. ? hu:ld u l> 'he- tributary territory. jt'.K'V Jut'rea&v i he populai iun aud the ? wh^'h mip j port the railroads; liy making th^ * p? " ni. ir 'i> iirc-yj-ercMisi ihev add to I tl;#? demand* ot any Riven w-tlon, Inriil that ir.etr" Tint mer+dy ;i ^rente:* ' mn\?-n.? ut of freight lr.it a larger va | rlety and to a very i-oiisideVuble o\ | ??>::? a higher class of traffic- the, pi!:1! Mf irHll.i' UlMt i J lh?-"ni'.si desir | able. Good roads will do more than1 I any other thing to develop ,the. terrl-' jTory oTTIie SbVfTIf or or Trrry- oTher-por II ion '?f the country, and thai develop- j n;em will m??n more traffic for the rallrod*. !t will tncari f^r jo-ir varl-' ous HH'tions better railrtfad facilities! in the way of Improvements on exist ing m Jeate"r.n<l the addition of new niih'flfc'N. The fcoeonrl tiiiiiK in which ihey will help t lie railroads 5f i:. ereatihg a more even movement of traffic throughout the year. As you tmrr.- the farmer* of alaio&i .every section of country are '-nmiwllcil, largely on account i.f the prevailing Impassable ronti.s during the winter j month*, to rush their crops to market comes. You people of the clay coun try of these mountains know what the west season do to your road?.. Thla necessity of moving farm prod* ucts at one reason congests traffic iL?rk]^ tile nqriod of marketing ri% - delays aod unmual expenses to the railroadM. requires greaTly Tii^ rr?a?ed Investments^ rolling stoc k *nd warehouHe rob#. It adds to the Cost of railroad hndling ancf so de creases me pTfini ' - tlon company, it. Is- also a tax upon the farmer, compelling him to tiSe <lme from hfs Trrm whtch could he J -T" OT nBl Trva un . The r.i ir high way hway the feeder of the a:id th" riv?-r tranfcportat ;osi better ? spared during later months and undoubtedly decreasing the re turns. by the. lower prices which en forced marketing at a given period A J Yes. tij.e railroads are vitally In terested ! it the improvement of the country highways, for they mean en 1 urged" pidspeniy~irb~tfagra. It l?-?orl ILL* reason that railroad men "have ft 'died the higiiw&y l>Toblem, it Is | for this reason, even if the men at trt:c head til' your railroad sytama* iweic not Interested in t-he~'lmprove | from the standpoint of good what they ran -tr* secure for the-dl-s trlcts which they serve the advan tage? oi the best possible roads lead-' ling out through the' villages and , for 111=. In considering my remarks re member that 1 have but hinted at tht L'n.i.t nkiiIis which' will come front such a system of highways. I would I Impress yuu that the greatest bene j lits wjjjffltT be In the way of better and larger consumption o? ] their products, easier and cheper '.market facilities, better farming. con ditions, better stock, increased value I of lands, more money In the banks and- resulting Improved home vXJTn j forts and s?H?ol*. .\TTH \<TinX TOXUJIIT. jtorium the first attraction In the Ly ceum course for "the -winter, will bo 1 ?resented. The elusion- Musical ; t'Company In "Her American Hus-[ band" is the bill. Tills is one of the ? best productions ever offered ?o the people or me Cliy. Till) (luurs .will) be open at s: 30 and the performance ?smarts promptly at ? o'clock. This is dope so as. not to conflict with the tinion meetliig now in uroRress at the. I Methodist Church. Tine admission *9 i (those not holding season tickers will j T3e, reserved seats 7oc., gehenarl ad-, .mission children 23c. Reserved I seals now on sale at Hrown's drus] 8 1 ore. The attraction !-< for the ben-.l : e:lt_ ot tbe p.u.bUi?; school. . ? ATTHAITION \ XK2HT. Prom flu* fiK'-m !?:?; stony ai:u un-j . ti-wiif :? of old N pw Knglamt. to i ? the .mi! 5:l<?vd srrovea ' *o? | :v.:ici:.dia* <f the Sotsth. *hr ?vree*? J which "Iamih lilvi'Tf?" the drutuaiiz'a- . Hots of Mary jTTIlolnie.v novel, takes I ii-' ; ?. lil.ir vv ;Vu thr* pwfaflH' ? i'.uve :is It will ho piven at Brown's 'murk li.i Miss iMiu Jlaij'jaU , , and ?which fills it? local engagement t Saturday. November Cth. It is easily! _io bo soon that the author hail a dls- . tlnct purpose in this and ? that noi racrv caprice dictated the action, i Primarily, it was to show i he decided i ?1 if* rent t* in type?, so thn.t the eon-! i i rat: would come out < l-.'arly, and j 1 ?"?rr>r*rtnr1ly. ft-nri* -**tt4>-nlered-t<?-glv?J .an t:r.u?uul sowing. b<v!i l'or the peo- 1 -pTT ? ;nl foi' I ho til' i-i-'liio i?i m?.lte tip the 3 . 1 1 y . This contrast. Is of too distinct an advantage to.bej v?j! tiitarily overlooked by any 'dis- ' < ? orh'Fnc ~ wf r 1 r?r: ~ Mt>r??o?<?yi 'h'Ttt is si:, h r.n essential difference in the, lyp.-s of Person.. the. rather stern bujJ sturdy and upright disposition of the Now 'Kngl under. devoid of gra'-'? but bountiful In thought and spirit, con-! - I v v. ! i !l ! Ill' - J .. I I* h'V* | idtiuL-jMUti-eful life of the South. With | iiiftv. . maimer. ease and leisure, are mm ?ers riT" parahYoufFT * ittet't. .Ln.^*^ Condition* are kucIj n? to piv? those of means. extraordinary. opportuni ties for i i.lture. ond refinement of disposition aid* social r*i n k have a i ? ;:i ihi- .-c.f: ? -n'od areas nf ftrtnge and i liroii j: rowing. that they iln not hav'e in the more strictly commercial North. I'uder those fas ?- nating -condition*. Mrs. Holmes worked out her novel and Miss Poyn tcr adapted h"r dramatization of It, she - herself?pre. paring tl:e version that is. u fed. Miss Eda Marshall appears "l-fcnrf" and 5* ftupported by a strong | cast. \V.-\T KIN'S .11 ItV SXII.1. Hl'N'C; t hf AVntUfifs jury ft*' i hop ?l-.?>stly "tied ; that it is evenly di J vrdr-ft, ? sttx ? for acquittal and six int. | conviction; that there is hardl? any '?t-hnme at all for the agreement and ihn: ili? i .i.-e winch occupied all las? ] week in superior court will result in 'a mistrial. . ? , ! It was learned on well-founded ruj , ! tuor today that the report Ins: ulghtl | that on the last ballot the Jury flood | | seven for fwiftiittnl and five for con I vlction was an error; that as^a m?t-^ iter of fact every ballot has i been slx for and Hix against the dc-| I fendant. The Jifrymen. St is ;;i;mored, , understand thoroughly Ihe Instruc tionn of th^ (onrt and the ti<vt>p Is not a -ttuchtitju of furihor instructions 'from the court. The jury has spent, the day alternately in the Jury room, out wafkhiK and lounging In the courthouse yard. I Juxt how long Judge Adams will] ed. but it lw nj-obable that^f'th#. mPn | | 'a') to otroo by <ony>rroiv. a liiisfriaf will be ordered. Tho con!eft?u8 of opinion here Is that the jury will not agree and that the mse win h\?e to INMIIII Ilii Hlclu* CAPUOIXE Cure Sick Heml ache. |^la*.Ar<MaAna U**>a??,h I He?d?cne ana? acnes rrom -ornr, Stomaco Troubles or FenAi . troti Wee. Try 'Capudiao? It'r liquid ? .???. imme-liutel/. gold * drug. ?pi ; T ' r ' ? V- ' ? ? . ? The Lovliest Place Ygu Ever Saw? Washington Park Bargain in E. Main Street House. /I. C. Hathaway. Leon Wood MEMBERS N. Y. COTTON EXCHANGE James W. Cole J. LEON WOOD & CO., BANKERS and BROKERS ST'f I1" y ""' P1- r "TT"'' iMN aril PPnVISIONS JP {73 PLUME STREET. CARPENTER BUILDING, NORFOLK, VA. PrivateWirfg ir> N Y 'i 'I ick Exchange. N. Y. CoTfocTExchanjje, Chicago ' Board of Trade and other Financial Centers. Correspondence respectfully solicited, Investment and Marginal accounts given careful attention. Money saved is money made! A. Weisbach Junior Lamp burns 2 feel of Gas per open tip burns 6 feet of Gas arid gives 20 Candle Pow er. How much do you save? WASHINGTON LIGHT ? - & WATER W-elsbach Junior. COMPANY REAL ESTATE WANTED I 1 1 I have moved to Washington, N. C., from Van Wert, Ohio, where I was engaged in the RealE? tate business for more than thirty years, and will engage in the same in Washington; N. C. . I want farms and other lands for sale. . If you want to sell your farm or lands see me or 'phone W. M. KEAR, WashingtQnyN. C</. ?' 'Phone 85. Office Tj'ith C. D. Parker, Havens-Small Building. The House of Quality 36 YEARS. _ # PURE WHISKIES DIRECT TO YOU "Hi A 1 1 i.i ? m i. iit.n i whiskey.* Qual-a-Klne. 6 years olJ. . . . Moll wood Boubon, G years old . . . . . . Lumgnrdner Tlountaln, yea;.- old Gat r.ot: -1 .1)4) 4. .10 ?I .30 ?T7T?r :l.so JI..V) s.oo IIigli5|ilre, 6 years old Certified. <3 years old 8:ivag* Mountain, 3 years otil NVIso;: Bourbon, 7 years old . Elk lean, 5 years old i Catalogue sent free. Mail FRANK MILLER. 1201 k. main* street. next to RICHMOND. "".Mill. ?Vf WlflSKPy Per Gal. Gibson XX XX % 84.00 ?? Oft Mountain Dew :j.OO Country Club 2.50 STRAIGHT CORN WHISKEY." ? Per Gal. , Mov;nt::in . S2.SO North Carolina, 4 }*ear? old. .1.00 Silver Spring, 3 years old. . . :1^"50 The above can be had Jn quart bottles If desired. orders a specialty. . Importer ami Iteuler in \Vlil?kies, ItrandipH, Wines, Cordials, Etc. PUNTERS NATIONAL BANK. \ IIM2INIA. THE UNION GROCERY CP'S. CAFE AVCTCD C served in all styles by the Noted ?viol UrlVO Chef? RICARD BONNER. MEALS AT ALL HOURS ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATI ENTION? TRY US ?PHONIf 327.,^ ? BUSINESS ? OPPORTUNITIES RATE, 1 cent per word. Estimate 4lx words to the line, and to ads. may be received at this office. I To TivHTTr I'liirniH-attuntinn all adver tisements should be in business office by 12.45 m. Ads. by messenger, tele phone or mail given careful attention. FOll SALE ? PEAFOWLS, ONE r<xwUr,.tgn hi-na B- L. BuamftlTr man. ? ? ' x '* STENOGRAPHER A X D ~T Y P K w rlter. Let mo write your letters, i Miss Beulah Tbomasou Chamber of Commerce IAJST ? POCKETROOK CONTAIX ing {13, oeiween HavtitlU Ol 1st Mil! and Fow it* .Memorial Hospital. | . yesterday. Finder will receive lib eral reward if. returned to this! ofllce. 3 FOB SALE? -ONE EDISON' MOVING Picture Machine,'* also one Edison graphophone; both In drift -class % condition; will sell at a bargain. . If_not interested don't write. Box 232, Washington, Nr-O- ? ** FOll II EXT ? A (JlHili TWO- HORSE I farm near Washington, N. C. I Tenus returnable. 'I'liW Interest-' ed address F. M. Hodges, city. 8 FOR SALE ? ONE LARGE COAL I stove; original cost $30.; use# one] season. B. l. Susman. FOR SALE ? I'EANl'T SACKS, 10 1 tents each. H. B. Mayo ? Co. For drug* and seed. Hardy's Drug , Store. OYSTERS! PHONE 367. Delivered to any part of city 25 cents quart. Served in any style, Steamed a specialty at 113 Market Street. Ocracokc Frcjh Dressed Mullets. J. T. WYATT. NOTICE OF SALE. I By vlrtrtejof the er of K-ifc con tained Ura certain deed nf mortgage from Harvey G: Hill and wife to F. [Gr Paul & lJro.. dated the 2l6t day of | March. 190T, and recorded in the of I fco? of tl?e Register of Deeds of Beau I fort county. in book 1^3 at page 351. |th?- undersigned wjll on Monday, the J22d day of .November, 1909, at 12 o'clock noon, offer for Bale at public auction for cash all that certain. tr^gt or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in tiie county of Beaufort and State of North Carolina, and in Choc-: owinity township, beginning :rf Jos. I Comb's and* Dave Edwards' corner, i wl/.ch c-ornejjstands on the Main road I f loftding from the Jack Carrow place ko Chocowlnity Bridge, thence run-| ning in a southwardly course to said Dave Edwards' line to a lightwoodj fitumix, standing about 500 yards from said corner ? irnd' 13111 1 Branch, thence fori said? Itgln wood | i stump a northeasferwardly course a, I straight lino to the six mile post on I L.tho Malp road, -leading from Jack! Carrow place to Chocowlnity Bridge, | ? I'm '? I'.'ui ^ld iu;> )? eastwardiy course to the dividing lincl i bet^e^n Fcnvle and Paramoure, [ ihoK^wieran 1 m i-iuwk",,,,, .u Wfe beginning at the Co?>b and Dare Ed wards' corner, containing 50 acres of land, j>.nd being \he same tract of land described in the aforesaid mort . Thin the iCth d?.r"Of October, 1909. F. 0. PAUL & BRO.. "Mortgagee. Bllw. c. Rodman, Attorney. ? ICE!. NOTICE! Now' that the cold season Js com ing on wo will send out only one wagon a day beginning November 1. This wacon_ will make one round a day. furnishing all "retail 'ice except that sold at the factory. Thanking our customers for their patronage; w? m - - Very sincerely, _ 2 CRYSTAL ICE CO. . \ G. A. PHILLIPS & BRO., FIRE And Plate Glass INSURANCE. ? FOR GENERAL SURG^AL ?Xnd Non contagious medical ~ CASES] -v . ^435^'TlWwii I rooms $?5 to 925. H. Ward (large and airy) I dn?B _ I ((MISS) JULIA 8PEC1AIJ8TS V H. W. CARTER, M. D. Practice Limited to DIleaMl ol the Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. j Hours: 9-12 A. M. Cor. Main and -i-5-P. MF? ? Gladden Sts., ?PHONE $6. Washington, N. C. ~Dr I. M. Harder PRACTK3ING PHYSICIAN Washington. N. C. - * * DR. H. SNELL Dentist. ? Office corner of Main and Respass Slreets. Phone 100 . Washington, N. C. ATTOK\EY8 H. S. WARD JUNIUS D. GRIMES WARD & GRIMES ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, N. C. - We practice in the Courts of the First Judicial District, and the Federal Courts. John H. Small, A. D. MacLean, Harrv MrMt.llan. SMALL, MAC LEAN & McMULLAN .. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW .f Washington, North Carolina. ? EDWARD L. STEWART ^ Attorney-at-La\j. Office over Daily New^, Washington, Ni C., JS|/. COtLIN H. HARDING ^ ATTORNEY -AT- LAW, Office Savings & Trust Co., Building Rooms 3 and 4.s WASHINGTON, *1. C. I - STEPHEN^. BRAGAW - j Attorney and Counselor . at-law. I Washington, N. C. j W. D. GRIMES j ? ejKTTORNEY-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. ? + Practices In ail the Courts. \ , W. M. BOND. Edenton, N. C. * NORWOOD L. SIMMONS ! BQND & SIMMONS ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. Practice in all Couits. W. L. Vaughan W* A. Thompson VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORN EYS- AT-LAW Washington and Aurora, N. C. * Practice ii/ all the courts. j H. C. CARTER, JR.,~ L ATTQRNE Y^AT-LA W . ' Washington, N. C. ? Office Market Street. ) tVw. B. Rodman. Wiley C. Kodman, | RODMAN & RODMAN ? r Attorneys-at-L-.w Washing?on, N. C. ~ Business Cards R. L. STEWART PRACTICAL ^ATCHMAKER and JEWELER. Corner Main and Market Streets. ,u,:.r".rr<,a ,ar?" thB J?!gt ?e>*' n? in Jewelry. Re palHrig a IgjgeiaifV. ? ? ? - For Z FIRE INSURANCE see- ; J. and P. B. MYERS . . ?I-,.. ? The J. H. Simmons Marble and Granite Co. -MONUMENTS Prices and Work Right. WASHINGTON, N. C. WHITE - BARBER - SHOP .The only first-claas white thop in fctty. A trial wi!l,convTnce anyone of reas onable judgment. We have 2 chairs, 3 first-class white barbers. SstHaction assured. Opposite Postal office. A. B. PR AUG HON. Prop: c. morgan williams" INSURANCE r of all kinds. Buy Your - r HORSES and MULES

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