, THE I. H. C. TOGGLE-JOINT HAY PRESS ? Is the highest draft, and makes the most ?j compact hale of any press sold. BAILEY SUPPLY CO.. SALES AGENTS. McKeel= - Richardson Hardware . ' . Company Blasting Fuse and Caps, ? Electric Fuses, Batteries,- . Blasting Machines and Dynamite or hand. The Lovliest Place You Ever Saw ? Washington Park Bargain in E. Main Street House . A. C. Hathaway . Leon Wuoil MEMBERS N. V . COTTON EXCHANGE Jamej W. Colt J. LEON WOOD & CO., BACKERS and BROKERS S I OCKS. BONDS. COTTON. GRAIN and PROVISIOVRT" p3 Pl.l'ME STREET. CARPKVI KR BUILDING. NORFOLK. VA. Private Wires to N. V. S'ock Exchange. N. Y. Cotton Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade and other Financial Centers. Correspondence respectfully solicited, Investment and Marginal accounts given careful attention. T H : KiLl' FIYB M1NITKH WITH PROGKR8S.] kind of a town Are you Living In? '' !'??' about I The slowest, ?Sleepiest old ! place TOn the face j itli the earth? % Does everybody ;Sit arbund i And talk about j Everybody else? I fs It composed [ Of a bunch of knockers? | Is there no business, . ? .No hustle. No real live, I Aggressive'. publlc-splrl^pd clttxens j Living there? ffcr-tfeere no civic pride? ? ' Do you heed | A few first-class funerals 'And a dozen Or more fires Before the town Will be like ? other towns? Are all Its doors of Oppo rlunlty Nailed, claiftped. chained Ajid pad-locked? Your answers to V These questions Will depend entirely Upon you ? To see that The old home town Gets its share. It should be a work Prompted by pride And love. And not by any Selfish motives. "Far fields may look green," "Distance may lend'enchantment," But I Don't forget thai old L JSt dry About the . Rainbow and the Bag of gold. \V. II. Madden in the. Merchant's Journal and Commerce. Not the town. * * ? ? -.They'll be prompted > ? 1 B> your civic "pride or ? * Lack of It. f--* , Not long Since The writer asked A eitizen of Knoxville, Tenn. ,\YUal iorl v.f a ttu&'ft His city is. His fa?e brightened, 111 ml wftk ? Enthusiasm, and his answer ? ' An unusual one ? Cracked like a whip. "It's the best town in all the world. .Ye#, sir. ,Be: . - - Corn and Wheat Mill's Daily Capacity 1250 Bushels of Corn, 250 Bushels Wheat - I SELL: Corn Meal, ' Hominy, ? ? " All Kinjfe of Feeds, ~ ? Hay, Oats, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls COAL OF ALL KINDS ^ I UUii UQl Uiil). Huiiiiillsliiu,;'.!! ? ? lit ? * ' UfeUUll; 111 U? * ** ? > ? - ? - - ? . - /?.- : . ? ???-???-?.? ?