NOTICE OFiJALE! *?'lc" '? h?r?byc1ren that, pursuant to snd in the execution of a certain decree MS ?*'? max5e and ontered th? flay of- October. I9n9. by the Clr ?S**.Cg"rt of the W'iMcd States for the "??j?* 11 OWnOt of Vlrjlnh. In tl:o con solidated I cm* of The Tiust Company of America, Complainant, against Nor folk . & Southern Railway Co&pany. De fendant, and pursuant to a ceruin decree . itnfprrri ia the rruisnll- 1 dated-cauee- between said partte* In the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina, on the day uf Oi-lulii-i, 1909, the uii- i derslgned Harry K. Wolcott, Edward R, BalrdfJr., Thomas J. Jar vis and Frede by said decrees wllf ott the ,7th DAY OP DECEMBER, -te09 at 12 O'CLOCK NOON, offer Mor sale at publlo suction upon the premises of the Norfolk & Sotrthern Railway Company at the PARK AVENUE STATION AND DK-. POT OP SAID COMPANY, PARK AND CLAIBORNE AVENUKH. BRAMBLE TON WARD, IN THE CITY OP NORFOLK. 8TATE OF VIROINIA. the following property. premises, rights, privileges and franchises in and S' suld decrees of foreclosure and sale reeled to be sold, nnjfr' therein -fully and completely described, subject to the reservations In said decrees contained: All and singular the property! assets, rights, franchises, privileges, choses In action and effects of the Norfblk & Southern Railway Company (except ?>?uch as are expressly hereinafter cx cepted) Including; "All the property. reaL personal or mixed, franchises, licenses- aud grants of- the Norfolk A Southern Railway Company, and Its constituent lines, and especially Rs lines of rallrpnd. Tights -~6f way, equipment and other '* TEmxi UHd in connection therewith, to Rther with all the rights, privilege* and inchises owned or possessed by the said company or its constituent compa nies. and all property, privileges, fran chises. rights and benefits owned, ac quired, leaaed or held by the raid com pany, or for it, or by OX under any con tract. agreement, lease, deed, franchise, writing, or .other paper, or by any person whatsoever. Said properties arc more deflnit scrlb-d as follows: , - ? Miles. I Lines formerly of Norfolk & , , & Southern Railroad Com ..? BE ; w ol Amain Itne of rail road extend . Ing from Berkley. Virginia, 1 to Edenton, NorUi Carolina .. 73.51 j A main line of ruHroad-eTTCnd - Ing from Clapham Junction. Virginia, ? to Mundon ? Paint. ? * Virginia. . ...: A main line of railroad extend ing from Mackey's Ferry, _ . ' I North Cnrollna. to Washing ton, "North Carolina 4187 A main lino of railroad extend i ing "from Mackey's Ferry, North. Carolina, to Belhaven, North Carolina 29.27 A main line of railroad extend ing from Park Avenue. Nor folk. Virginia, to Virginia - - Beach, -Virginia -ISA- - JWhaln line of railroad extend ing from Virginia Bench. \lr- ~ I ginia. by way of Cape Henry . to Norfolk. Virginia 2J.65 -^A matn line of railroad extend ing from Bishop's Cross. North Carolina", to Plnetown. North Carolina - 10.98 A main line of railroad Includ ing trestle, extending from Edentonr Norttt CnroHna. tp Mackey's Ferry. North Caro lina ??<? The following described branch J^etloC-XOrglnla^ LQ_. " . .Providence Junction. Virginia. i.BO Cum filer's Branch. extending ffom Junction#-. -Virginia, to Berkley,. Virginia. <8 Division, extending from North Juncton, Virginia, to South Junction. Virginia ... 1.60 Division, Norfolk City Water Works Branch, v..- .7$ Lines formerly of Raleigh & ? i ? Pa mil??- Sound Railroad....... 145.76 j [ v" via:- | A main line of railroad extend ing from Raleigh, North Caro lina,. to Chocowinlty, North Carolina :u?.? A -main line of railroad extend ing from Farmville. North Carolina, to Snow Hill, North Carolina 10.25 A main line of railroad extend ing from Washington. North , tO ? | Carolina S.1D 7i Lines formerly of of 8uffolk & Carolina Railway. ' 73. M Vis.: A main line of railroad extend ing from Suffolk. Virginia, to Eaenton, North Carolina 43.47 Cottonmill Branch, extending from Edenton, North Carolina, to crossing of line cf railroad, IU1 IIH'l 1> Of iVli|.,lMli? ft Cars Una Coast Railroad i....v 1.50 ' Beckford Junction. North Caro ]ina. to Elisabeth City, North Carolina ????? 22.VO t ilnirjgnnf rly of Pamlico, Orl- . , ? ? ratal & tllvrR IlUlliiiiu"!!!'' "iw:ir Via: . A main line of railroad extend ing from New Bern, North .?Carolina, to Baybtro. North ^ Carolina.^. ^ . 16.57 ing from Bayboro. North Carolina, to Oriental, North ? CBiviina Vi-VJ Lines formerly of Virginia & Carolina Coast Rallroud 21 .90 Vhu: . A. maln^ line of rnlljond extend lug - from ? "Miiikiy's- Ftrryr North Carolina, to Colura t>ia. North Carolina 21.90 nes ^formerly, of_ Atlantic hold trackage and rights of the defendant Railway Com jm: __ _ = I .A . Miles. A l??se dated Septemper 1st. 1904, from the Atlantic A North Carolina W.llr^fl rnmpyy to to tVie Atlrt title A NortaKTaro Una Company, grantlfc the right to use for a te*n?of ninety-one years and four i ? of railroad, property and fran | chiaes from Ooldsboro. North -fMt othsi rights. wt>HrPr*>wtyi pUU ] lH** ?nd franchises acquired or hold by the Norfolk St Southern Railway Com ?yy under any ieaae, trackage or traf ffe arrangement wlffi any fArpdratton, association or person whatsoever. Also all lines or railroad, terminal a. extensions, -.and branches. Including the franchises and rights appertaining there- I and all lands acquired for the pur- i and operating Its | boh of constr uotlnf L_ BHB . lines of railroad, and all terminals, ex tensions, additions and branches;, /ind oil sidings, turn-oots. bridges, viaducts, cul v- nrta, ways end ' rights of ways, ;>nd f. ,r lands and premises whatsoever, with the : 1 Improvements thereon or belonging or ap pertaining to or -used or Intended to be J used for the purpose of., or in connection With Its lines of fallroad. ? their ezten sl' ns, additional and branches, and any and all properly, whether real or per Qonal, of any name ox/ description, con ertrootad, purchased 6r, otherwise, -.-ac quired by the said Ttaiiwny Com pany, and all depots, stations and depot grounds belonging and appertaining to ? said railroad, and all landa and real estate provided, acquired, held, used, or TOrtgned to be tisod, for depots stations and depot grounds, and all buildings, re pair shops, car houses, angina houses. freight houses and other. bondings and " ~ !t|RW what ~ tWatf te 01 for or in connection ? ~ * i and extern signed to be used,0 with said railroad, o, ?,t> ?*? arsa SSBTStftl .. ... jhlngs of whaUg?e?\lj?d. ShittS? - ??r te? connection with ths road Itself or itm rolling stock or equipment, or for worn or iMchln* shops, or construct ion. ?? mny ?H, or u**^ or <*? for HE! PUHKJ*# of Mid railroad, or the cmpUtioo. extension. maintenance or operation thereof fana also all lands *nd real estate of any kind aniT every description, frith the buildings and lm P^r,r Uieituii til teli on. In either Vln 111 ill! Ilil WW> singular the frapchlsoe, rights, privileges' and Immunities, incomts, tolls, profits, benefits and advantages belonging to pr appertaining to of to arise cr accrue from -lhn_oald railroad with their appurte nances, and the maintenance and opera tion -tltereof, together With all and alnclar the tenements, hereditament# ana appurtenances -to the said railroad and premises, or any part thereof belong ing or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reycrt'pn.i. remainder and remainders." rent*. "Issues and --prollts thereof, and also all loiters patent, grants of land and land under water, and water and parts of terms. rights under lease nr contract, covenants' or aKreementa, rights of trarWlnr terminal btldjfj tio.-ft anil terry rlghtd. privileges and, licenses. permits and privileges from the Government of the United States or from I the States of Virginia or North Carolina, or any other governmental or -fni^nlclpal I authority, and also all the estate, right p., I title, Interests, property, possession, clahn I and demand wnajioever as well at law as In equity, of tho said Railway Company, in And to the same and every part ond parcel thereof, with the ap- ? purtenances, and also all tho books of account and vouchers kept by thq said Railway Company, relating to said railroad .and the business thereof.'' | INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING DE SCRIBED SECURITIES. "Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-three shores of the capital stock, cach of the par value of $100, ' of tho John L. Roper Lumber CompanxJ a corporation c rented an?l existing un^J tiinK all of the shares ? .. said corporation .Issued and outstand ing exccpt seven shares. Ten thousand pf the first, mortgage sinking fund sold bonds, each of the par value of 81.000,- of the John L. Ro per Lumber Company, constituting the entire Issue of said bonds, secured by mortgage to the Manhattan Trust-Con pony, of New York City, dStod May liof. J ? $2,040,000 pur value of the first gen eral mortgage five per cent, fifty-year bonds of the Norfolk & Southern Rail road Corffpxny, maturing July lstTlWC" secured- by mortgage to Guaranty Trust Comnany of New York. Trustee, dated November 15, 1904 (subject, however*-* V) the pledge thereof under to collateral trust sifreetnent securing an Issue of $1,750,000 par value of 3-year 6 "pdr cent notes hereinafter mentioned). $50,000 par value of the Suffolk _ irollna Railway Company first . solldated fifty-year five per cent, gold I bonds secured by a mortgage to In ternational Trust Company of Mary land. Trustee, dated July 1. 1002. $1 4S.OOO par value First Mortgage "Bonds or Raleigh & Pamiic? Bound "Rnttroird Cempanx^_aeeured by mort gage or deed o? trust ?>atefl "February - S5. 1904. to Knickerbocker Trust Com- | pony. Trustee. ? $1,000 pnr va*ue First Mortgage Bond of the Norfolk & Southern Railroad 1 Company, secured by mortgage or deed, I of trust dated June 2. 1S91. to Atlantic Trust Company; "Wustee. Bonds of. tho Counlv of Pamlico Jn I the State of- North Carolina. apurregat- . Ing the principal sum of >20.000. and TJOrtd* ftf the State of North Carolina. .?Kgre*ntlng the prlnclpnl sum of $S0. 000. subject to the depo*ft thereof with I the Wachovia Loan A Trust Company. Wlnston-Srlem. North- Csrollna. to se cure the performance of th* lease from the Atlantlfc & North Carolina Rail road Company to the Atlantic A North Carolina Company dated Sept. 1, 1904. I Bonds oi the Klnston Lumber Com pany, first mortgage, aggregating the principal sum of $1,000 and second mortgage bonds, aggregating the prin cipal sum of $40,000. Shares of the capital stock of -the KIAM6A Lumber Company of the par -vatne-of-$*&?t00r - Shares of tho capital stock or trie " Nt?rf<rtk A Portsmouth Belt Lino T.a!l rosd Company, of the pftr value of lIM'f Sharfs of tho capital stock of the ZcbuRm Company, of the par value of $10,000. Share? of .the capital stock of the Jamestown Exposition Company, of the pur value "f $*.&oo. Forty-eight shares of the capital stock of TRe Rnnrnmburg- Land unit Improvement Company, Also the fol lowing shares of stock of the constituent and merged companies of tutld Norfolk ? Southern Railway Company Twenty thousand shares of the cap ital atock af tho Norfolk A Southern Railroad Company. \ . Sixty-one thousand fivd, hundred land thirty shares of tho capital atock of the Virginia A Carolina Coast Railroad -Company. Three hundred " ? imd eighty-nine shares of the capital atock or the Ral eigh A Pamlico Sound Railroad Com pany. Seventeen hundred and sixty-five shares of the capital slock of the At lantic A North, Carolina Company. Ninety- five hundred and forty-four scares of the capital stock of the Suf t'iiii.fejjW!|'fful!,iii'ti.raiuc''i'Sf; "i,n shares of the capita! Mocjc of the Pitrh IIBO," Oriental A Western Railroad Company." "And all property, root, personal or of "sal J *Ral} wa*y CompanJ^Irofn^tne time of their appointment, by decrees entered In the oWive. mentioned causes. Julv 1st, 1303, and all property and moneys. Including funds obtained from the^ salc^f 1 1 ttea teap ot Indebtedness "'.'hf ?"><? "if ? "alt llUPfillllder arc In the possession or under the control of said receivers." INCLUDED IN THE FOREGOING GENERAL DESCRIPTION ARE THE nyJT.Avr? vnw tub prqp'f.rtt of THE NORFOLK A SOUTHERN RaIL WAY COMPANY. HAVING UEEN AC QUIRBD BY CONVEYANCE OR CON Knr.mATinv ? mRs uuniiBi l2f?-.J?lluat2 ,0' th?. <!??_?? 111. Norfolk * !?S.uS?H.^u?SJn,?SS';55' h,V .!?.? ?n Book 76. page 10*. ?-i*' *?n*Jjr'?P* ,oU flUotoMburtf township. in the County of Wilson. ti If shown on tha town alt* plat of XvansOale. conveyed to Charlfi a Maine*. Trustee. for the uaa of tfcr VQrfolk ft SoatiUtn Railway Company, L5## ^ & H- Cr?cker and hit wife, dated November llth, ltOT. tea, for the use of the Norfolk & South ern Railway Company. byv the deed of 1a I. Moore, Trustee, recorded in Deed Book 1*1. pas? J61.' (?) 8evontv-one lots In the second townehlp of Craven County, as Is uhown on the town site plat of Askln, | and wMch were conveyed to Churlcs 1 o: Haines.- Tnrsteo. for the use of tha Norfolk~ft Southern Rallwa- Company, ' by deed o( A. L Clark and hla wife. | recorded In Deed Book 181. page 571. 13 (-nuiv ri J?* lit" * ? nn *h? town site plat of Brag^W. and which wfcre conveyed to C.' O. Haines, Trus | tt'?. ? for? tire ? trsr ? of ? ttn! ? Norfolk ft Southern Railway Company by deed of L. L Moore, TrU94*.*e. and recorded In -d^ed book 1.0, paga 31.' (n> Twb parcels of hind situate at Beaufort In Carteret County; belntc lot number 257, and the western half of' lot dOr. X. as shown on the olu town map of Beaufort, adjoining the tend i now or formerly owned by w, F. Dill, Naomi Fulford. and- Other, eortveyed to Oie Joint"" L Roper Lumber Company; Trustee, for the use of the Virginia l and Carolina Coast' Rallrcnd Company by the deed of J. H. Potter and wife, recorded in deed book 3. page 428. (12) A 'parcel of land situate nt | Beaufort, in Carteret County, It being I the western half of lot 258, as ehown on the eld town map of Beaufort, ad ; Joining the land now or formerly owr. [ ed by C. P. Dey and others, conveyed to tn^ John L. Kopcr Lumber Com pany, Trustee, for the? u?e of the "VI r -mnia and Carolina Co^ct Ballroad | Co mpany bj deed of M." A. Hlfl and | 42*." .?J..NO'MH CAROLINA TITLE I TO WIITCH AElI IN THE DKFEN DANT RAILWAY COMPANY. ? "(13) A tract of land containing: about four acres situate about four teen hu till red (1400) feet East of the I Company's brldKC across Pasquotank Hlver. In CamtfM County, conveyed to the Norlolk & Southern Hallway Com pany by the deed of N. ;W. Stcvons and others, recorded In deed book Q. Q. page 310. , ' (14) A tract of land containing about two and seventy-five one hun dredths acres situate on the' Pasquo tank River in Camden County, con veyed to -the Elizabeth CMty and Nor folk Railroad Company by the deed of William R. Upton ami hla wife, record ed In deed book GG-587. (IB)- A ? tract of land containing about one acre, situate at Ctamden Sta tion, In Camden County, conveyed to the Elisabeth City and Xorfolk Jtall , road Comnany by the deed of WnttWti' I. Mor rlsctte and h!s wife, recorded in deed book HH. (Agt 102. 1 (1C) A ? tiaet ? of ? law J containing about ninety-nine one hundredths of ?*an acre situate nt Hulciroas in rnm lpn County conveyed to the Norfolk & Southern Railway Company by the deed of W. (1. Ferebee nnd hla wife, re corded In deed bo?jk OO. page 354. (17) A tract of. land, containing about thirty-four acres, oh the Pas quotank River, near Elisabeth City in Pasquotank County, and beln* part of the land conveyed to the Norfolk & Southern Railroad Coninany by deed of W. O. ' Temple and 'wife, recorded In deed book 9. page 314." ? ? (18) A tract, ? of . land containers, twenty-eight acres. more or less, known Ut* the /'Jethro T. White tract." situate In Pasquotank County, Re quired by the Suft-dk & Carolln:* Rail way Company frcm John L. Hlntonnnd others In pursuance to nn order enter od In ? condemnation proceeding In the Superior Court the 19lh day of April, 1904. (10) A IrSCi o! land situate at .Elis abeth City, In Pasquotank County. fronting ? on thp Paw.motnnk Hlver about two hundred and fifteen feet (215) *md extending back fiom the "fiver nbowt-tiifH- hundred and.. fifteen | (315) feet to Front Street, conveyed to I the Suffolk & ..Carolina Railway Com-: | pany bv the deed of M. R. Zimmerman ' and others, recorded I ft Deed Book 25. page 405. (30) A tract of land situate at Eliza- I beth City, In Pasquotank County, fronting on the Paaquotank River three hundred (300) feet and extend ing back from the river to Pennsyl vania _ Avonnp ronvovi-ri Ui Elizabeth City & Norfolk Railroad Company by" the deed of D. O. Bouah'and others, re corded In Deed Book No. 4. page 19. (21) A tract of land cont^trUnK about one hundred acres, situate on the Per quimans River In Perquimans County, known bb th? Albertson F\*nn, convey ed to the Norfolk & Southern Railroad Company by 'the deed ot M. K. King and his wife, recorded in Deed Book YV, page 3SS. (22) A lot of land situate at Eden tin In Chowan County, known aa Hie ?:?uey Lot, conveyed to the Elizabeth City and : Norfolk Railroad Company by the deed of W. A. Moore, recorded in Do'.-d Book i Y. page 189. .(23) One und-ividotf half Interest In the Indian "Wharf property.' situate at Edenton In Chowan County, and also I one undivided half Interest in an ad joining. IM Mil ill., r Irii | I'll Bay. conveyed to the Elizabeth City and Norfolk Railway Company by the 1 deed of. Herbert II. Page und his wife, I recorded in Deed Book Y. pace 2S4. (24)^ One undh/Mcd halt In t ere^t ^in one undivided half Intereat in aa ad joining lot. fronting on the Edenton I Bay, situate ot Edenton In Chowan County, conveyed to the Elizabeth City and Norfolk Railroad Company by the -do ad of V -H ? Holies, and his-irifc. re (100) feet In width across the. lot lying between tho lot now or formerly owned by H. H. Page on the west, and the lot now or -formerly owned by H. A. Bond on the East, and also the_rlKht ton In Chowan County, conveyed to the Elizabeth City and. Norfolk Hallway Company by the deed of Jacob Wool Y, page 143. (f?) Right of- way one hundred (10ft) feet In width across the lot numbered I |-Wj ? ? Gdoaton. in Chowan County, known as the "Ice Rouse Lot." con-~ veyed to the Elisabeth City & Norfolk Railroad .Company by the deed of H. A. Bond and his wife, recorded In Deed | Book Y. page 144. (27) A tract of land containing about four (4) acres_sltuate at Kden- ( top. In Chowan County, conveycd to I I the Elisabeth City & Norfolk Railroad Cothp^ny by y the deed of the Town of Edentoa^_*ecotd?d in Deed Book Y, I tract of "land" cdmanln* about I one and one-half (1V4) acres, situate at Centre Hill in Chowan County, conveyed to the Suffolk St Carolina Railway Com pany by tho deed of C. W. Cofleld and I othera. recorded In Dead Book H. pane 54. I (29) A lot of land situate at Edenton. In Chowan County, bounded on the south br King street, and Tying partly omtttierJ I aide Qt the Railway Company's right of way. conveyed to the Norfolk & Southern | Railway Company by the deed of W. B. | flhepterd and ottrpra recorded' tn Deed I Bocdc K-3. page 341. (30) ? A' lot of land situate at Edenton. In Chowan County, fronting on King Street, conveyed to the Suffolk & Caro lina Railway Company by deed of the Rdenton Cotton Mills, retarded In Deed Book H. page 31 (31) A lot of land situate- at Rdenton. In Chowan County, known aa the "Par rish Lot," )7lng on the southeast corner [of King and Oakum Streets, conveyed to el e SufToIk A Carolina Hallway Company | y the deed cf L. F. Zelglor and his wife, I I recorded In Deed Book II. page 432. | (33) A lot of land situate at Edenton. in I Chowan County, fronting on ' the south aide of Water Street, thirty-two (32) feet, ? ? ?* ? ?* to the Suffolk A Carolina Rail way Company by the deed of R. F. Che shire and others, recorded In Deed Boole "IiJP'a lot of land stqate at Edenton, In Chowan County, fronting on the aouth side of Water fctreet, and extending back fo tw Pan irirflWrJtne of - Wanton Bay, conveyed to the Suffolk A Carolina Railway Company by the dead of W. B. Raa and Ms wife, recorded In Deed Book JESS! jr* '? Q'twn Anne CrMk. non Jliowan County, fronting on (he south itl* of Water Street, and extending b*c* 10m the b?xect to, Kdentvn bay. con *y?d to tiio 2uCoUr ft Carolina hallway ompany ty tl>? dead of harry Q. t)kln ?cr und his trite, recorded In beed book >. page l.i. ' (8a A lot of land situate at ?denton. in - 'howan \ounty, liooUng on Water .>treet* and rxieudftig back to Edentoo lay, c<n.-*yeu lo toe Suffolk ? Carolina taltway Company ty t..e Uced o t J. M. forehand on,J i.U wife, lecorded in Deed lock O, iKi&e - ? - ? ? ? 'Jfii? -A ? tract "OT~~EU?3 con?a*n!n? 2ft ? ren of ianJ, HULUe *t -trr ..con County, adjoining the lands of ?. W. Jcnea and others., conveyed lo the .jrrolk & Carolina Railway Ccmnimy >v tho deed of C. W. Jones and ? (hera. in U#?d Book 35. page 5ti0; book 1, page 6."s. <3i) A tract of- land containing about no (1) acre, of a triangular shape, at unb-iry. in Gates County, conveycd t" 'o J-uPfriv ft Carolina Railway Ctmpany y f. e deed of (eotac J. Co*ten and thers. recorded" In Deed Hook 3t>, f age 35. (C?) Two tracts cf lund. ens contaln " -i.i ? ?4*>ut ? threq , and -f-re-temhs <*.*? an J t'.ie other containing about < r.e ? nJ-unettentli (1J) acres, situate at Ileck -0. d Junctcjn. In Cafes county, ronvryed o the Suffolk & Carolina Railway Com nr.y by the deed Of William Splvey and "?fa v. IfL', icic ided In Dc<.d Book page (?>) A tract cf land c ntulning about I <.urteen (11) acres, situate >it beckford I Junction. In Cates County, conveyed to-| lie SuffoHc-A cnVollna Railway Conpany ?y the deed tf'R. H. RuKsell and his A'lfe, recorded in Deed book U, page 311. (40) A tract of land containing about ?<?:> and nine-tenths *ci*ee. situate ilt ng Mackey's Creek, in Washington -> unlsr. convoyed to the Norfolk & Southern Railroad .Company by the deed it tho John b. Hoper Lumber Company, 1 .?ceortled in Deed book 30. pace 511. ' , UU. A tract of land cuntalnlns about I dve LI) acres, situate near Roper. in ttT.'Uihlflgton County, ?tnveyedto the Al- I wmaik & Psintego Railroad Company by ?ka-dced of the John L. Roper I. umber Company, dated tho 30th day of M.iy. 16S1. (12) A tract cf hind .containing about !.:ty (CO) acres, situate at Spring branch, *n Washington t^owntyr conveyed ic tit# ."irgJcla & C'arcttna Coasf Railroad Cora ?r.ny ty the deed of \V. S. Davenport ind hi* wife, rcccrdcd in Deed book 49, pace cco. 1 43) A tract of land ewntnlnln? about tventy-two (Tt) acres, situate in Lee's Mills. Township of Washington County, cc nveytd to the Virginia & Carolina Coa?t Railrcad Company by the' deed of *F*. R. Johnston. Special Comraisioner, re corded in Deed book 66. page 112. (44) A tract of land containing about :t.e hundred nnd sixty (100) ftp res. situ ate in Washington County, along the south shore of Albemarle Sound, near tho end of the proposed bridge, conveyed to the Norfolk & Southern Railway Com pany by the deed of George W. Dickson, recorded in Deed Book 50. page 441. (45) A tract of land containing about three (3) acres^ situate near I'lymoijth, in Washington County, along the shore of the Rc-nnoke JRlvor. adjoining the land of cne Sanderson and others. conveyed to tho Washington' A Plymouth Railroad Company by the deed tf Claudia bell, Cuardian, recorded In Deed Bool: 47, mi A tract of land containing atJaut J one ana tnree-quarlff UM Ut'M'-i. situate at Plymouth, in Washington County., partly cccupled? by- tra^ka for connection WMi the Coast bine, conveyed" to tho Washington & Plymouth Railroad Com pany by the deed of W. H. Griffin, re corded dn. Deed Rook i . pa?e . (47) A tract ^f land containing about fifty (50) acre*, situate nt Bellhaven in Beaufort County, adjoining linuU nnw < r formerly owned by H. H. Rlr- k. M, J. Bullock and others, conveyed to tlje Al bemarle & Pnntego Railro id Company ?>y the deed of William D. Frook*. recorded I In Deed Book 66. page -13. (4N) A tract of land ccntnlnfS?* about] twenty (30) ncres. situate ut Bellhaven, I in Beaufort County, borderinc on the I Panteco "Creek, ndjotnlng Innd* now or formerly ewned by W. J. bullock nnd | other.", convey iil to the Albemarle S: i Fantego Railroad Company by the deed | of the John L. Roper Lumber Company, ? recorded In Deed Book . pate . (49) A tract of land containing about twenty-two CS). acres, situate m Bell? ' haven, n Beaufort County, fronting c;n i Pnwfegn Btram ? nnd j.rti.,|nlni: the innds ) of W. J. Bullock and others. . .wA'JM'd m ? the Norfolk & Southern Railroad Com- | r>any by- the deed nf John L. Roper Lum ber Company, recorded In Dec ! Hook 7?, ] page 110. ? - ? -1 <W) A strip of land, nfty (CO) feet In width, running from a cedar post in the boundary line of the Town of Washing- 1 ton. in- Beaufort County, easterly to I Jack's C'rcck. conveyed to the Washing- . ton & Plymouth Railroad Company, by ; the deed of Charles M. Jlrown and Ills | wife, recorded in Deed Rook 111, page 371- | (,ol) A tract of land containing about j two and one-qftarter fJVi) acresSit Wash ington. in Bcaufcrt County, n \part of I land known as the Ellison-tract. conveyed i to the Washington & Plymouth Railroad Company by the deed of C. M. Brown : and his wife, recorded In i^eed Rook 113, ! page 5. (tJ) A rtrlp of land fiftccrf (15) feet in : width, situate In the Town of Washing ton. in Beaufort Co anty, extending across and helng a part of lots numbered 'J*. 101, n s shown on the plat attached to and made a part of the dtc4 from Davui Hill , and his wife to the Washington & Ply mouth Railroad Company, recorded in" Deed Book 111, page 530. (53) .A strip or land fifteen (15) feet In ; width, situate in the Town of Washing ton, in Beaufort County, extending across and being a part of hits numbered MS. VI. 9S and 10*. as shown on tha rlat* attached ..n.i h i>;irt of rniiTr^dced from W. r" Wal"ng an'i 11m W||g I.1'. TI1M ft f Ington & Plymouth Railroad Company, j recorded In Deed Book 111. pige 3<'. (54) Two lots or tracts of land situate at 'Washington. In Beaufort County con* Railroad Company hy t he tiecd' "o 7* ^Th e~ Kugler Lumber Company, recorfl<'d in Deed Uook 111, page 433, described us fol lows: ' 1st. A lot located at the southeast cor ?LejL?f Water and Harvey Streets, front- . ng" on tW srrynnBtdc of Water street orrrr | hinidld'JJ 1 1W) ? ' wardly to the I'amlico River, as shown on the plat made n ji&rt of and recorded with the deed to the Railroad Company recorded as aforesaid. 2d. A lot lying on the east Jihle of the lot heroiwb&forc described. nd[ land now or formerly owned by one I George W. Kugler and others, as shown on a plat attached jo anAmiulc a part of thw ri?e<l tn the Kail road Company corded as aforesaid. (5G) Three lots of land situate at Wash ington. In Beaufort County, conveyed to the Norfolk A Southern Railroad Com- I pany. by the deed" "of W. B. Walling and his wife, recorded in Deed Bookflirr. pace K4. described as follows: r 1st. Lot fronting on the west sld? of McNalr Street about one hundred and forty-eight (14S)- -feet and extending back between parallel llnep about one hundred and five (105) feet. It being the whole of lot numbered 86. 2nd. Lot fronting on the east side of McNalr Street, bordering along the Papi"co River, and being a part oY lot ?og^by the^ deed of C. M. Brown, record ed Deed Book 69. page lit. 3rd. A lot of land bordering on the ? Pamlico River, being a. part' of lota I numbered 98 and 104. and part of the lands acquired by the said Willing from Joseph P. Brown. Thomas J. Shy- j ? (7? pT w*o tfi of isn? . 1 tragi hT Washington, In Beaufort County, ono three and one-half <3^) feet wide and one hundred and thirty-one (131) feet long, and the other eleven and one-half (11*) feet wide and one hundred and tMj/y (ISO) feet long, both extending through lots numbered 98 and 104. as I shown on the plat attached to trad ] made a part of the deed from Dnvld Hill and his wife to the Norfolk & 8outhem. Rrrliroad Company, recorded In Deed Book 118, para, ftSl/ . fST) A tract of Mnd containing I about seventy-five (76> acrea, at Choc- I owlmty. In Beaufort County. aS|olnlng ' th* lands of John P. Bright nndTnthers. ; conveyed to the Rnlelgh ft Pamlico Sound Railroad Company by tfe deed | of J. W. Haynes anrtfhls wife, recorded i In Deed Book 140, cage SI 3. (It) A tract of land containing , ?bout twelve ( IX) acres at Checowln tty. In Beayfort Coynty, adjoining iho land a now or formerly owned 1>? J. W. Haynefc, John P. ^Bright and other*, conveyed to the Rajelgh & Pamlico Bound Raw road Company by- the deed M W. M. WOMf aiul ht? wife, recorded tn Deed Book 141. paga Itt. ? _(?]> A^tradtjf land containing about twenty-five (?) acres at Ch<*owi Jty, Irv Baaufast County, ado! n lag t and oL. Pamlico the dead of Ji rVBTSlllv _ (?0) A tract X (62) lasaell T-irm, oonveyed to the Vlr , ;lnia di Carolina Coast Railroad Corn any by t a* -deed or W. C. Uaaeell and I thers, recorded In Deed Book 64. pace , Hollies" -In Princess Anne Coiinty. aeeig A tract of lund contiimng bout five (6) ucres. situate In Colum ?la TownsMp of Tyrrell County, near tie Town of Columbia eoiryeyetr to -tho 'Irglnla & Carolina Coast Hat!ro*d 'ouipany, by the deed of J. A. Swain nd Ms wlte. reformed In Drert~~ H'TOK' ? * tract cf land containing , -J in He) w>F0iii sUiiiiin In Cn- , umbl? 'i owtifliilp cf Tyrrell County, car the Town cf Columbia, conveyed o th* N t: el ???!:? -fe?t'n roll ra Count Kall ?<:i 1 Compuny by the deeJ of T. Jv ombrs and l.l> wife, recorded ln?lJied U"k 60, page 4-^U? Knufjj -ts or t.-^cta cf land nl.t iate In Pitt ("Sunty. convoyed to t ?*?* ?orfolk A- boot iern Kali way Company >y the deed cf 1? 1 UiMr* and hla wife ocord<- 1 in J i- J i:jyk Ws. page l^S in. I d<serlb? d us follows: 1st. Lot situ.ato.rt Greenville^ nd-J oil ln_n I'ltt Strict tn<l the rlK'i\ r-iy ..f i'.p Cnini an)-, tilffa^i 15) -yards l:i v.Uth. and i jnnlngb ic>< | ??^twee.n parallel llnea, fifty-nine (5y' lecd of John F. Green a.*i 1 his wife, . lc 1 In 1H.1 Liok M-S. piige :?;t. , ?ll A ? 1 ;l '? ?? -i mi villi.-. ? tii. j ? ti-Mt.icasF inili'r of Fourteenth an*; 1 *ltt hlrceta, fronting on- hundred an-.: hlrlyjU"# tl3J) f- .-t . :i Fourteen 1 1 Urret and extending Uv^k tw.wcei. >arulle| Unrs nb"ut thr?e hundr. 1 aii.l lri.'-n ( -15) l it. i to I.. I by lite i<"J of Shalt? C. ay. re .?ovltd in Ivjed IJock P-8. r?-?> Itil. 3rd. About one tl) acre of . land. In ? ncnville County, bordering on the 31*1 Plank Road. one hun lr?> l and thlr .y-two (132) feet. ar.J running '( ~ " ' three hundred between*. paralltl lines! ind thirty <330) /vet. conveyed to L. 1.1 Moon' by the deed ? f J i:. Move antl | !i!h wife, recorded In Deed Book L-8. i puvc 265. 4th. A trnct of land containing about one-half (Va) acres- In Farmvlllc Township near Marlboro, adjoin Ins <he land of R. L. Davie and others con VcyetJ to L I. Moore by ttio deed of D "ttftrttey Swata, i ccorded? In? Deed B< T-8, page 414. (C4) Two lots of land situate Greenville. In Pitt County, numbered 4 ind 11, as shown - on the plat of S.'snville Land & Improvement Com pany. conveyed to the Halclgh & Pam lico Sound Railroad Co.oiiumj by the deed of Oscar Hooker, recorded In Dee?' Book L-S, page 253. (GS) A lot of land situate at Green ville, In Pitt County, irvntlng rne hundred nnd fifty (ISO) feet on Pttt Street, jind extending back between parallel lines one hundred and thirty five (136) feet, adjoining the lot now or formerly owned by Major Pollock, conveyed to the Raleigh & Pamlico Sound Railroad Company by the deed of Warren Bell and his wife, recorded In Deed Book P-9, page 140. (67) A tract of land containing two and flfty-flve hundredths (2.55) acres, situate at Wilson. In the CotrftTy of Wilson, between Tarboro and Mercer Streetc. acquired by the Italelgh & Pamlleo Sound Railroad Company from W. H. Morris In pursuance of an order entered In a_Condemnatlon Pro ;jT?ryn& In the Superior Court on July (68) A lot of land situate at Wllaarn. property now or formerly own?*d by F. ?*; Wlnsted. fronting fifty (50) feet on Barnes Street and extendi?**- buck between parallel lines about pn?* hun dred and fifty (160) feet, conveyed to the Raleigh' & Pamlico Sound Railroad Com pa ny? by the deed of R. J. tlran thum and his wife, recorded In Deed Book 76. page 236. (69) A lot of land situate at Wilson, In the County of Wllion. fronting sixty (60) fret on Spring Street. and extending back between parallel lines one humlrcil and twenty-nine (129) feet, known a* "The Red House" Lot, conveyed to the Raleigh & Pamlico Sound Railroad Company by the deed of W. M. Farmer, recorded In Deed Book 76. *>aKe 30. -- 170) A lot of land situate at Wilson, on the County of Wilson, on the north east corner of Spring Street an. j South Street, fronting one hundred and twenty-six (128) feet on South Street and axlMiiill-in: hnrU i>^t w een parallel lines one hundred and eighty-six feet, conveyed to the Raleigh & Pam lico Sound Railway Company -0>y deed of 1-L O. Conner, Commissioner, and others] and recoracu in" ucou tspoic 78. page G5., (?1)A lo? of land situate at Bay boro., in Pamlico County, on the r.ortn cwst corner of Water an I Main Strict* fronting bunded and twenty-sevyt (6L'7) leet on Water Street and twe , hundred and twenty and fivc-tentlrt | (220.5) feet on Muln Street, known at the "<Jln House Lot." conveyed to the Virginia Ar Carolina Coast KnUro-v' Company by the deed of George T. I'.r neli and Ills wife, recorded in Deo/ Book 42. pngl 379. (72) Twenty-six lota of land Fitui ? lr Wake County, a? shown on tl.e Towi , SUe^Plot ot .KogJ* Hook, and roiiujv to the Rale*. Kit .-c Pamlico SounJ 1: :'.rr- ? Company by toe de.ed ??f l.lmlra Rl-.odci | recorded In lieecl l!u(k 214, page ?: <73? A tract r.f land containing cIkI: teen and tlirec-ti-ml n?.3i t u.n c In \V;ik7 ri.iini;.', .i IJolnlri-; lands of Mar? A Turk and othcis. . 1 vcyed to the Raleigh & Pamlico r: >?. ,. Railroad Company by Hie deed of 1^ I". Haines and las wife, lcjorded in- Ditc Book 20*. p;?Bc &J7. ("tt A lot of land tdtuate at Raids!) In Woke County, frontii-.g one i.,n. ; and live (].6? feet on t e south s.-le o. , Hnir fln.i irrt rrien.tW l.r.?L- lf. ^ r parallel I in s cr.e I ur.drcd tU1" ' !?-' 1 conveyed to the Rakish & Pam'i Sound R iilread C*uriti?ny by inc . of Ji-hn W Hlnsd.i'e an 1 his wi'< r cT>r-l?'t In Hied l>ook 207. pr < i-ii A fiTT" ? TSriilt ^ Cm tfl lp Wake County, fronting cn tVie pido of North West Street ene huruln and five (ICS) feet aril extending b?> between parallel cne S.undr^J i forty- five (1?5) feet, ennxeyeu to t ?? i: . by the de?-d of P. R. Holmes ;:m r~T ' ? I i ??? i 11 I, i ? f ?TC) Three lots of land situate i;i il;> lelsh In Wake County. ocnvey?-.l to.t Norfolk & Southern Railway Co-rrarv] by flue deed of A. Dughl. renvOi d li. l>eed Uotk 219, page 4S5, and described ar 1st. A lot fronting > n Saunders Kir- . . fifty-two nnd < ne-hulf (52* j) Terr, i.utl extending back between r.irallel lines two hundi i il and thirty .i-jglit i i f, ; | jv I part of lot numbered SiS, si-.anu on S'.u..- 1 fer's Map of RalMgh. 2d. A lot bounded by ft line beclrjjlnj at a point fifty-two and < nt-hulf feet sooth of tTYe" aoutmrnn ? I'mrr ? of Sa under* and Lane Streets. City r.f Ra r lelgb. runs thence fifty-two and one-Jyitf ! (*>2V*i) feet southerly alonsr Street, thenet) two hundred and thirty-five (236) feet easterly, thence fifty-three ?S3> feet northeasterly, thence two huncU^d and forty-one (211) feet westerly to the point of beslnnMg. 3d. A lot bounded by n line b^cinrlns at a point on th? east slfle of SiiunJ"r> Street marked by an iron ."take one hun ared f.hd fTVir nflOt ~fr*T wroth y%int I of Intersection of the m uthern line of I Ij*ne Street with the eastern Ine of Sum I ders Street, mr shown on Shaffer's Map of Ritlelrfi; runs thence southerly niong the line of Saunders Bleeet thirty f*? feet to an Iron stake, thence easterly two hunjt I dred and thirty-seven 1237) feet to the ' e?*?ern t?omidary of Saunders' properly-, thence northerly thirty (20) feet, then- 1 westerly two hundred nnd. thlrty-flvo (2i3 feet to the point of beginning (77) A lot of land situate ut Rnlelr In Wake County, fi^intlnj; one hur.<l-< and thirteen U13)^fi>At--???? Wie we*t ?ld? of North West Street, extending back be tween uirallel Unes about two huniVr*--' and ten (210) feet, conveyed to the P.a leluh A- Pamlico Sound Railroad C'ini pnny by the dewl of M<'.lvlnn K. Wnlti-r! snd her husband, recorded In l>eed BotV I 20S. pace ?71. (7S) Six lots of land situate fit Ralelrh. 1 In Wake County, c^ nveyed to the ! . A Pamlleo Soand Pa'.irr.nd c0nn?nny by th? deed of i*?ri in Husbee and b!s wir<-. | recorded In Deed Rork 219. pnjre C3, and locate<l at tho northwest corner of Wee' Jr-nes and 8nnnders Streets. (79) A lot of land si.itute at RuiPii:' . ! Wnke Couuty. cn the west side rf \V? ( I Street^ between I-a*ie and North Streef belnjc a part ef lot numbered 37H. "ft.' shown on Shaffer's "Map of RjriHch. rm veyed to the Rnleit;h & Pnni'leo ,^o 1? CO) \ lot of lond situate at Rftlele^. Wako County; fronting 'n West S ? fortynwven (47) .feet and beln?c a pf'r lot -numbered ITS. as shown on fri.Vii M*f f* Walotfti, conveyod to the Rilelgt and Pamlico Sonn-! H ilTroi*d ( lOnn'Vry ' tlia dead of L. C. Ne*| and ot'.ers . corded la Deed Bcok 9DR. pape 1*T * f <W) A lot of land situate at Ralelrh. ir. 1 Wake County, fronting flfty (60) foet or. W*?t North 9ti% an. -two '(lib! "'feet.*- <"'? S^pSie ? recoro?d In Deed Book r?!L? ?5 ?l lUaeUH. In Wake Counljr, fronting on the v>nt aide ot v'^?Ve (K) fcet* ""d ** &??!??. bacJl kHftw??n parallel llnea t-ne lunared and nftoei. (.US) feet. being part * lot .umUrrt-Jtt. u shown on shaf ?ui.?ltP. r,W. p"10'1''' Conveyed to the J - 1 ml'cn **nrnd RaTTroid Cwmpkny by the deed of Annte M bore barker.- recorded In Deed Book ZOi. pug ? Two of Und Illu?lf ?? P"~ 5'K'V >n Wuke County, cne front; nx orty-eeven und tne-Ujtlf (47*> f*#t cal ?M? of North We?t street. ex ending back to Stevens' Biarich. und the >ther fronting : Hfiy-nerrn iTi T9et on the wrtjlm- of Noitl, West Ft reel. and ex .endlng back t-.Tevrnv Branch con 5? >Jhr Il"*?'lrsh A Pa m Hop Pound I ( omH'7,l n"?' deed 'f Fannie I W ?occrdcd In Deed Bwk CO?. tu tract of I ?nd containing- n bout I ! t n'k I HUate it Raleigh. I:< \N nke CnKMv, t.ill lilni-" "7 le liind i?m or formerly owned I > \v. LBaUllder ?. Hrtidley S Johim?.? find >n*rs. conveyed t.j the Raleigh A Tain- , Jru Stuad. lUUirj^id C? mpany ,l> iieed ^f Bradley S Johnson and Ida wife .'orded in I >eed Hook 208, page C72. (S5) A lot of land Ht-jau- at Raleigh. ^ ^ 11 to t oimty: f 1 ' mtfrni ? on ? tri- raoth 4,?le cf Tueker ?**????* i- 'x4y-two ;,nd , r.t.. half ?CH) feet, and ? xt.-rulin- b:?. k about one hundred and live (Iffi) feet. conv.vd to tlie KHJ*dgii_i?nd I'anill.o Socnl Rail road Company l y Fhe deed of Jerry Me tone and Ms wife, recorded In Deed Book A&kpaxe &4C. (*? Four Iota cf land situate at Ra leigh. In Wake County, belli* lots num bered 321. XS. SW, us kIiowu on Snuf fer's Map cf Raleigh, conveyed to the Kaleigh K- Pamlico Hound -Railroad Com pany by the deed of-J?lorenc-c 1*. Tucker recorded In l?eed Book IMS. pase &&?. ...Jl'* A ,ot c' lo,1<, '?Uuate ?t Rulelgh. In ^kaku County. o" the northwest of Johnnon and Went Streets, frontlns on Jolumon Street one hundred uud fortv n no und one-half (149'i> feet. ?nd run ?Mng back about cne hundred and seven teen (117) feet, conveyed to the Raleigh & "Pa^nllco Sonnd "Railroad Company by tfw deed of H. A. Blnnrt arid hi* wife j corded In Deed llook 208. pa Re 545." (?) A tract of land i'<mtalnlntr about nine (?) acres, nltuate nt MoMitad "City, in Carteret County; Iakuc) aa rm rt of the I'ump Site for the North Carolina Na tional Guard, eonveyi-d t?. the Norfolk & Southern Railway ~t>y the dved "f Maitliu Eaton, recoided in lH-ed Uo^b s, pn (89) A tract of land containing I ?bout forty-eight and one-half acres, situate at Morehead City, in Cur teret County, used a? part of th? Camp Site for the North Carolina Nailonal ?,uar.d? conveyed to- *fce -Atlantic & North Carolina Company by. the de.-d of Mary K. Dixon nnd others, recorded in Deed Book 4. page 189. (90) A lot of land at Beaufort. Carteret County, being numbered 2. ... that part of the City of Beaufort known as liedrlcktown. conveyed to the Atlantic' & North Carolina Com pany by the deed of Laura Welling ton ond others, recorded in Deed Book 3. page 488. (II) Two lots of land situate , Beaufort, in Carteret County, being niimw^l 5 and *. In that part 6f the City or Benufort TTnou n fin TRvlrlcK- f (own. ronvi-yH ?o the MkHtllr N"f Carolina Company by the de? 1 , France* I. KiegC-fT recorded in Deed Book 3. page 409. (92) Six lots of land situate at Beaufort in Carteret County, being lot numbered 97.|on the Old Town Plat uf the City of Beaufort, and lots rvin:b<-r ed 1, 3. 4. 6 and 7 on the plat of that part of the City of Beaufort known ?* Hedrlcktown. conveyed to the Atlantic & Norm Carotin a Company bv ih.? deed of John Foriow and others, recorded in Deed Tlpok Ti. pa^?* 2l<!. (9.1) Four trncis >>f lnr.d nggregntlnp three hundred and fifty-six and ihr??- ' eights (35fi *, > acre", situate in Beau fort Township of Carteret Coitntv a described by Grant Nu. 117.770 record* in Deed Book n. inge 4?4; Grant 1C.R71. recorded In Deed Book imc 445: Grant No 11,172. recorded In !??.?<! I Book -3. page 4t^: Grant No. ;<*..r>73. re corded In Do?m1 Bor.k 3. paw** **>?: con veyed to the Atlantic & North Carolina Company by the deed of Fred I. Mcr ?rtlt. rwnrrln'l In l>e-il i 44!'. (94) A certain trari of hr'i sit i>!e near Beaufort, ir, Cart. r. t f.-mty. containing nbnnr ? ~-t~Tsi acrca_ belnx known as a *>art of '.he , Uogue BanKS. convcyed ? TH ? Hi* I'ots* (and Improvenien I i,\un^on* by the I deed of John. J. lioya] .m, i i-.-s w'lic i cord<d>ln Doe.! Book n.. :'?? (95) A lot of la- 1 m:uat< Bern, in Cravi n * * ?..tit; . it i. ? Windley Stre. t an-l ? xtendJr.g back about th. dred (30t>? fe?t to ;n m weyvd to th? Vlrfficla .v Can ii ia*C Railroad Comranv t>v j|... o ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Cotton Oil fc Fe-ti iVa r Cumi . r;v" r corded In Deed I30'?k lie. i ,i ? 4?: I3J) Two lot t of 1 s : - ,\\ Bern, I:: Craven Co-. ... r i : ? ... the corner of Dura und l'a>t Street*. . jirrtii g t .- i eighteen I.IM <r,.t : Dum Mrevt an<l ? l.a: (1M) f?. i >>ii Paili u: . r | situate v. n th?- s i ^ ^ ? ? ' i ? ' * Dunn ?:rnt. h\;- i .? i e-?0) fct. and ? xt.s, j!:gl.ach to if right pf v.- . . f tju N. ?: : ... - err. Railri^td C-.-npan-. . K:...-.v-t I part or "KivwWi-," m . J ^... t Norfolk A- -South* j n I CntaritR) by l he d-e I if W. M I?-i ? . n .- n ?. | |: Deed Book 1C_\ jag.- |01.". ?M.1. THE HICIIT. TITI.K AND 1 - TKi:t--T m ?nil! S..I1MII.K Ai MM HI Kit \ ? RAILWAY ^COMPANY. THE DEKtN UAKT, T!' Vn'au Vanidy ' \ ik 1 1 iv -n ? ntTT-T.i;.Tv; ATT. X NTH' .c N"KT11 RAU.RnAU ? "'Ul'ANY. I.'AVLLI 1-J 1 - TEMRKR 1. 13 J < M(l> A lot o t land eontaLr.In1: o-;c Jiyndrc.l an I il-vn thou* , i..rt ? , .i l-.n - ?ITH | U Z I '??'Hv.-.H.. M ^rrrl" 1 --h- ' '? ? i.iif..rr ? LvX ? . .1 > - Horn Ja t ri' >. ?: <_ mi-::. . ;i..i lamU of C|iw4;i Waiklr.s I ? ? r.. conveyed ft- N't'iTi C .r ollna ltailroal Con1.-, ar.y l?\ if;.- deed C. E. Fey and IiIh ?if,\ anil iccor Jc.l i. vtr.r,^ in r ,^.: it (J) Two lots of land hltn:.t.^ at yw Bern In Craven County, known the t Culler Properly, one numli-rc 1 framing filtv 1 00 > feet on Si>uth F rorr Street n d extending ltark iiTTT I ;!i- 1 awil-gtv^n t-??7) fFT-rr" TTTmrrtT-7 /rontir.K on East Front Jjt r* < t . a-1ji?i-i - li?!irr?1C ^!>?rrT|-a r<-01 1 tlil'l | North Carolina Railroad Corni-.ii.> hy the deed of I- II. Cutler and Isls wife, ? raeftrded 1n Deed Hnnk ? M*. pa?~ 4*. i (2) A lot of hind situate at N?w Bern In Craven County, conveyed to | th? Atlantic ft North Carolina Itu.lroaX. Company by the deed. of W". M. Dunn recorded In Deed Boor 3 r. 1 . pstfro *0t. | and described aa follows: Beclnnliitc at a point one hundrf-d ! fcn J^^ruurtecn^ < II ? >| feet n with the HaiLroad Company's property, thence running In a northwesterly di rection parallel with the right of way, 1 two hundred and seventy-two (27C) fe?t. thence easterly pnmllel with the Oil Mill Site ninety-four (94"> feet. I thence smtthensrerly seventy-four (741 ? f?Pt. ttww easterly one hundred and two fl02> feet to the corner of t he lot of Mrtrk Disowway. and thence eighty (SO) feet alone the line of tho lot of Disosway. thenea ninety -six (??>) feet to the point of bf^lnnlnK. (I> Two lot* or trncls of .land, situ ate n't New Bern 'n Craven County, conveyed to the Athintlc ft North Car olina .Const Rnllro:i'l Company by the deed of 1^. J. Moore, recorded In Deed Book 144, pasc 3S. and describod a# follows: 1st tract. Uejclt'nlnK nt a red wind stone In th?- Hollister nnd At More line at the east edjte of the rlpht of way of the Atlantic ft North Carolina Rnilroad Company. thence running easterly alone said HolllBter and Atmore line twenty-five ('_?:>) feet, thence southerly at an an*le of S7* 6' to the rl*ht from snid Hollister and Atmorc line fifty six '56) feet to the llne-of the property of the Atlantic: ft North Carolina Rail road CompSiny, tljenre westerly alone said line to the right of way of snld Railroad Company and with sald^rjvlit of way to the beginning . 2nd tract. Beginning at a point at the first corner of said lot above men tioned. running easterly wlttr the first llife twenty-five (154 feet, thence Laortherlv at right anglei to said lino [?leven (11) feet, thence easterly and hntrrrttrl with saM IlolHster awj At 1 more line tt' if and thence north wardly and nArallel with Griffith Street on?tfcundred and 11 n,. th?ncc .outh.rlj U " . <4 A. m.n han an Mm ko ?rn ?h Cr?v?n Couoty. cJr.v?y#, e AUajiUc %ud h Jrt h C ul? l-V ? -i ' yin .nnv ??v- n,. . . .. ' nveyed to b.^vr:!"f?S ?< S fSlf " Ev<? ?** ? .??????* 1?> ""OTi, a *- ?? oj '? h tar-' , -,rrYT? '?"Pany; tlienc-j 3'Wtn 1. 1* sr ?>.sc 40 ??? ltd C Ijic:?.jj? i . 1. oi l b'>ui< jaiy I'- of .Sir ACa:itlr f > >; ( i,-,, , i ' '? ' r<'*i property ; i':<nV" \ , " *.X I i bcTvv .... ivv??ii i'.in.:i?cu u-i-1 ?;i'iie ?tr.i.Uj, aijolning Jt-p? ty i.j.v c.- lor M- r.> owni'U by I ??? ;. ji | .i-ii <u*Svuth ?r.-l.t Street. . \t. r.-litiLT l,?k t? l ho * hunnel of Vrcnt Klvi.\ l ii i g the ume It tunvex -1 by Janus B. Iu>;hen to <;..orK?> ][. R:.b'<rts. i ."-orded n l>ted Book 102. i ate 1 (t) A l'?t of land situt.te ot Ne-e .1. in In Craven County, unviyt'l li'- Atlumlc and North C'.rolliiu Rall ?>aj Company by the de?>J of Cornellua ?V. Green, recorded In Dctd Look 158, ? : Sf tO'i. mil il'-'scribei] as follows: on west &iJfc or (Vriffith SVrt ? t. begln i!i tc in the cast line o* the Atlantic & s'orth Carolina Railroad Company a property at a point om- hundred uai , ?Jiirteen (113) feet north u!<>r-.K said ilue where it Intersects tlic West line of Griffith Street, running thence i.orther. Jjc one hundred and fyx.ty.-six illv) feet point la. the line of flu- uromrty of J. C. Htorrlsoti on*- hundred ana twcnty-nln? X 1 2 9 ) feet nix (6) Inches from the went line of Griffith Street, thence westerly along Harrison's lino to the lino of the Atlantic &; North Carolina Railroad Company,' t?jet:ce with the line of the Atlantic North 'Jar.'Una Kallrc^d Company to the point of beginning. (7) A lot of land situat) at New Bern in Craven County, conveyed to the Atlantic and North Carolina Ball mud Company by the deed- of \V. B. Blades. recorded In Deed Book 141,' page 20, described as follow*: Be ginning at n point In the dividing line between the Oliver Wlnson and Arcana Win son lot and the Coby and F. Ives lot on the west side of Griffith Street, fifty-pine (59) feet from the Switch Track Line of the Atlantic und North Carolina Railroad Company, running thence to anld Railroad Line, thence southerly fifty-one (51) feet four (4) ?? Inches with the said Railroad Com- ! pany's lino to the Dixon lino, thence easterly with the said lint- flfty-:irino (59) feet, thence northerly and paral lel wlth-OrlfHth Street about fifty-one feet nine- inches to the beginning, be of- thai lot known ? Ln ? tHo ni. vision of the Lands of Thomas Jenk ins. ws "The Trlftngle." (8) A lot of land "**sl tun ?e nt New .Bern in Craven County, conveyed to the Allantfc & North Carolina Rail road Company by the deed of N. H. Street- and hla wife, recorded In Deod Book 153, page 579. described bs fol ]nw?: Beginning- at a point near the W, W. Gr??en lot at a point south 4?*. and 20' WM?t 73 fe?.t from GrlfTlth Street, runnlns southwardly 62" and 15' cast forty-nln?* *49) feet? and parallel with Griffith Street to a point ln the old boundary line of the Atlantic & North Carellrinr Railroad Company's property. tk?*nro with said boundnry It ii..* northwest tb C. W. Orion's corner. north- 40' and 20* east six and one-half (6 4) feet to the beginning. < 9 lot_,of land j-ltuate at New Bern Ir. Craven County, conveyed to the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad Company* by the deed of C. T Hancock and* his wife, recorded In Deed Book i:.3. pasc 5S6^ described aa follows: be .".".??ilng n^ivnrrt in w mviBitm nun ? hi-tween^Hlver Wlnsnn and Emma A. ?Vit:Mitu/lui ulul ? Culiy u-vJ ? J. F. IVCB, row Moore lot. on the southwest sklu It Crlffii^ Street llfty-nlnc (59) leet from the switch tr.?.ck lin?- of the Atlantic He North Caiolin.i liui.road Company, running thence J:i n suuth w. st ward I y ?I2r.*clioit f.ft>-:.lui- i5?) {??< t to :-?ud railroad. line. south ?iiM fl(iy-Jt:e (il) and four m inches nwfc or h s? t.. the northw. >; line of !??! ni,!.iber.-d >. furiiK-?ly the W. H. Shepherd ilne, now." the V'.,. '!'? HancOfK ?? o 'ii'i ? r .iMi v.'.u tlLy ?q itii atld 11 ti ??. ..IS; th<nr." northwest '" ?iv ??-.?? ?(."?!) rtt t fimr <4> l.-iclics note or Ic-Bf t*> the l>i'? b'etng ].i:t ? f lot UullilnTfil 7 ac .??'*r.l J :ig to tin i Inn of th?r division df ].:ad? vf Thu:uas Jerfclns, deceased. <l< i A tract ;.f . hind containing iliut ten tU) acres, sltun'.e at Kin !:i l.i r.clr ('iillKV, ci?!?vi J ed to tho i: A N- ?? th in Railroad ? : ?: " r IV"!', : .1 j. I mm - -AliV. .n I'H I Rook 26. >]? rib- i a it foilov.-f: bcgln i al n on tne ?->1:h of Srr' ? t jeot fn i? tlj.- northeast ????r;.. r of Mltig.i C. bb's I t. nr.d runs ? w.-si ou p> ; -h to \i *:ak-' on A. o. the hill; thvnco fouth ? "i of the > I cross iionc the ? Atlantic 1 'f" "f > I I ? : i - ! . fol:? "t ?k" ? ' ' !c i1 "W - '.?r.M i to, the ;\ur lots r.f 1.4 r.i *l:u.v.e at i_ Ail - : I :in.l l": ay jvl:u^s iircnu t :i the North by ? I'Hin.lii ry street. on the east by the ivts <?f F, I. (.'ox tind fth<Ti. conveyed to ihf At I. mile A X i-'.h I'.ucilina F.ull - ? H <?? iiH-r.v l?v t)..i .b-.-.l i.r Willis l?:ill, recorded In Deed Llcusk 24. paga 54 J. 1 12) A t"n?ct of lanil Hltunte atGold9 Wnvi. ? i n W i> yrr ? Couiuy. rut, mining about 1 ncre, being lot numh^red 1S?2 rand a part of lot numbered 101 on the town plan of adjoining ]m ml* of I-'. 1. Cox nnd other*. conveyed U> the Aimntlc & North Carolina Rail road Company by the de.-d of Wllllnm T Dortfh, recorded in Deed Book 24, page ?4T. flS) Two lots of land situate at OoidBboro In Wayne County, being lota numbered 37 and 77 .a* nf.nwn nn the town plot of Gol.laboro. bounded on rhe nouth by Htmch street, on the East by John Street, on the West by Centre Street; conveyed to the Atlantic & N"rih Carolina Railroad Company by ilie ifT'Vrr -n i - i t in . . --triLl ?- ? D? ed Book 24. pnjre 46. t V4 > A tract of land sltunt^^t <3eM? boro In Wayne County, containing: . ri bruit one and one-half (1?4> acre*, be i u lot* numbered VS9. 190 and 192. a* shown on tli?- town pkin of Goldaboro, hounded on the east by Weat Center -ftreet. on aouth by^Bgnqh Ktr<;?tr on the west by lot* formerly .owned by Willis Hall and on the north by .the property formerly owned by William Prlvett. conveyed to the Atlantic & "North Carolina Railroad Company bj the deed of F. I. Cox tind other*, re cord oil in T>eed Rook 24. page 535. <1.?> Five lots of land situate at Morchead City in Carteret Cponty, numbered 1. ??. 14. 15 and 16 In aquaro 7. cs described In the deed of R. W. ' Tnylnr and bin wife to the -Atlantic St N-rth Carolina Riilroad Company Snttd October lat. 1802, .fM?> Nine lota of land situate at More head Olty. In Carteret County, numbered 3;. 4. &, 6. 7. 10. 11. 12 and 13 in Buuare 7, rt^Bcrlbed In t'.ie ?"eeU of the Shenard Point I-and Company to the Atlantic A .N"o.-!h Carolina KOllrtiad Company, dated I member 25. 1902. LANDS IN VlrC.lNIA flEDD IN VRU8T FOR Till NORFOLK A ?5%'THERN R A 1 1 AN AY COMPANY. vni? DEFENDANT: ? A lot of land tuate at Virginia ?eueh, fn Princes* Art, Co-.inty. 'a Twenty-fifth airect. forty-five { ne cneaapeake*:t Company. BmssSS OoatlViMd in Bmnth r>?4> ? r ? :

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