1LEGAL NOTICES KOTlfTK Off By virtue of the power of sale con _ _ _ Bonner; trustee, dated October 21, 1901. and duly re corded In the office ofTthe register of deeds of lieaufort county. In book ' *? 106, page 292, to which reference Is on Monday, the 29th day of Novem ber, 1909, at 12 o'clock nodI5?::at-tl^ courthouse door of Beaufort county, at public auction, offer for sale for eash, the following described prop erty: in Beaufort county, N. C., Richland township, and adjoining the lands that formerly belonging to iho Crawford helns, beginning in the middle of the Bergej-on canal at Dan iel Walker's southwest corner, then "north 2 1-2 east 22 7H.100 chains to inlel Walker's the middle canal, then with said ca nal north 87 1-2 west 3 30-100 chains across* one cut to the ditch onv the west side of said cut, then with said ditch south 2 1-2 west 23 76-100 chains to the Bergeron canal then with said canal south 87 1-2. east 3 30-100 chains to the beginning, containing 8 acres more or less. This 27th day of October, 1909. R. T. BONNER, Trustee. EJmCUTlOX a ALB, North Carolina, Beaufort county. In the Superior court. F. T. Phillips -vs. W. Ar-Bridges. By virtue of or execution directed \o the undersigned from the Superior court of Beaufort county, in the above entitled action I will on Moil day, the 22d day of November, 1909, at the courthouse door of aald'couuty; at 12 o'clock m., sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said exeeu Hon. all the rigftl. LUlu and Intercut which the" saitkAV. A. Bridges had on the 14U) day <5*January. 1908, in the following described real estate,' to wlt: A certain tract or parcel of land. In Beaufort county, State of North Caro* lina, and Washingtcrti^fcwnftblp. ft] being a part of what ItfMnown as tho Sparrow land, and slffnted at the corner-of Sparrow street and Moor's alley, as they are staked out through said tract of land. Beginning at the i northwest corner of Moors alley where it intersects Sparrow street, ^239 feet from the center of Gladden - l.?n r.f tho ()f fho tOWIlj of Washington, running thence south with Moors alley 150 feet, thence west parallel with Sparrow street 30 feet, thence north parellel with Moors alley to Sparrow street 120 feet. . inuiice ? east with ? Spnrrow -?strppl. to Moors alley -30 feet; it being -the ? 1 beginning. ^ ?"?tng ft lflt. fronting ' Sparrow Btreet 30 feet, and Moors al I* ' ley 120 feet, and is the same lot of __ land conveyed In a djyt-d from P. W. FortTnd wife to W. A.*Brldgee,-date4 November 26, 1906, and duly -record ed.^n the-regTfeter's office of Beaufort .county, and is referred to and mado a part of this conveyance. This the i&th day of October, 1909. ] GEO. E. RICKS, . Sheriff of Beaufort County, j NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the power of sale con rained in a certain deed of mortgage I from Harvey O. Hill and wife to F. G. Paul & Bro., dated- the 21st day of] ? March,- 1907,. and recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Beau fort county, in BOOK 14 3 at page 951, the undersigned will on Monday, the I 22 d flav nf November, * 1 909, at 12 auction for cash all that certain tract ? or parcel of land, situate. lying and being in the county of Bepdfort and Q^ateof North CarolinftxJ^dMn_Choc-j nwfirTtv townshln. beginning at Jos. ? Cobb's - and Dave -?dsards* corner, w hli.h nemrnUamia nn tb and Dave Ed wards' corner, containing 50 acres of land, and being the same tract of land described in the aroredald lyort-j gage. This the l?tb da* of Octobef. 1909. F. O. PAUL * BRO.. Mortgagee. By W. C- Rodman, Attorney. IN CITY TOOAT. T Mr. Lemuel Leary, of South Creek, j arrived In the city this morning. He J Is here on business. FURNITURE ARE YOU ON A SAl.ARYr If so, we want to correspond with youX Especially if you are not earning a LARGE salaryr-~Y ou are the man who really NEEDS insurance most ? the protec tion-for-the-family kind ? the kind that will PAY YOU A DEFINITE MONTHLY INCOME when you arc disabled by accident or illness? the kind that protects your bank account and saves you a whole lot of worry. Drop us a postal ? it won't cost you a cent to investigate and we don't want you to' spend a dollar with us unless you are convinced that it will PAY YOU lo be Insured. CARL p pARKERt Ge?', Insurance. Four Years Experience. Havens-Small IMd'g ' * 'Phone 85 DOESN'T THIS BEAT 1 A LIFE OF Single - Ble'ssedness? YOU KNOW IT DOES. Then whv don't you start things just like this, right now ? plan, arith n nr a(fT n cogv1 little home all your own, we'll furmsn us yuu? wish It ? Just as artistically as you and we togetner can make it^=Hhd you can pay ub for it a little each time that you receive your salary. J It's Just lfke putting money la to a savings bank, this home furnish ing ? the dbllannnrd pennies that you now squander will more than pay this Tittle wj^giy-Br monthly payment ? why don't you begin now? We're r^ady and wetting to heltf you. "" \ ' ? : . ? SOUTHERN 2 Carloads of Hotses and Mules RECEIVED TUESDAY, NOY. 9 Farmers Attending Corn Judging Day Invited to Inspect Stock. Finest Ever Seen Here. Washington Horse Exchange. . The House of Quality 36 YEARS. IPW^WtfiSKIETDIREi: 1 10 YfltT bonded STRXimrnrrB ? WHISKEY. Per Qal. Gibson. S years old JM-50 ~TJuaT-a-~F1ne, 6 years old .... 4.00 " 11 1 " i' ii, fi ) uttra "*? old ...... ; 4.50 1 Bumjgardner Mountain, 5 ~ years old 4;50 Highspire, C years old.* 3.50 Certified, 0 years old 8.75 8avage Mountain. 5 years old .1.50 Kelson Bourbon, 7 years old. 3.50 EHc Run, T Teai*s atu. ... ; t #.oo Catalogue sent free. Bti^rtJTTir Ktl Gibson XXXX - Herbert's Malt Mountain Dew . rmintfy r 1i.fl, , Per Gal. . . .94.00 . . . 3.00 . . . 3.00 ? . . 2.50 ? * i2 * -id .oo 3.50 STRAIGHT CORX.WU1MKKV. Mountain . . . .r..... North Carolina, ,4 years old Silver Spring, & years old . . The above can be had In quart bottleB4f desired ? . ? ' v Mall orders a specialty. Importer and I>ealer in Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, Cordials, Etc.. 1204 E. MAIN STREET. NEXT TO PLANTERS NATIONAL BAJfK. RICHMOND. VIRGINIA. FRANK MILLER Thara la Only Omm "Bromo Quinine" That la La xa thro Bro mo Quinine. CM CD THE WMLD OWE* TO 9(M? A OOLD IM OME OAT. Always retried bo r the (all name. Look for^this signature on every box. Sue. LJfc-J. T. Robs went to Pamlico | county^yesterday on bmineas. Mrs. I*. R. Mayo left for Aurora | yesterday to visit for a few days.. ? ? Mr.. W. A. Thompson -Ufcjnae.. over j from*Aurora yesterday on busings. ? ? Mr. C- A. Thomas, of Cash Corner. | spent yesterday In the city. ? ? . Mr. Hoyt Moore left yesterday af- 1 ternoon for Aurora on u business [ trip. -- ? ? Miss Mary Guilford and "Miss H?len j Guilford, of "Aurora, spent yesterday) In the city on a^hopplng. tour. ? ? Mr. A. G.. Smither went to Rich- j mond yesterday afternoon on busi- ] ness. ^ . ? ? MIbs Anita Mcllhenny left yester day afternoon for Bayboro on profes- | sional business. D. T. Tayloe went to Buybortn yesterday on a professional trip and J will return tomorrow. ? ? 4 Mr. John Q. Bragaw went to Bel haven yesterday on bualnevtj and~re- | turned today. ? ? Mrs. N. Fulcher, who caoi<> over from New Berh" 10 MB her aon who was recently hurt af Chocowinity, re turned to her home yesterday.. Messrs. L. G. Roper and C R. KdwardSi of 1 in the clty-on 4 Mr. Herbert Jenkins arrived yes terday afternoon from Norfolk. w ? ? Mr. W. A. Wolfe left for Orange- j burg, S. C., this mornTng. after a several days' stay in the city. . ? ? ? I Mr. B. H. Thompson, of Aurora. ? arrived In the city this morning on (he Washington and Vandemere j train. ? ? Mr. H.'g. Mayo, of Aurora, wan on our streets today. Messrs. B. B. and Clyde Ross, of Bonnerton, arrived here tbU. moru las on business. ? ? ? Mr. H. D. Stilley, of Blount's Cree"K7tB~tn the city today. ? ? Miss Mary Hoyt went to Wltaing ton this morning to lake.in Taft Day. _ _ Mr. Thomas Gibbs. of Fairfield. was a Washington visitor today. ? ? The Gem last night was largely at tended and the program was pleas ihg. Tonight the management prom ises a program full of "Interest and merit. Among the pictures will be seen "Oh. Rats." a comedy laughable and funny. "The New Chief," an In dian drama, is said ta be one of the most attractive pictures ever placed on the boards. Another beaujlful picture will be "A Case of Arson." "ThP ftvpBtp'B warning" and "Whfr? There's a Will There's a W^y," bids fair to enthuse apd Interest. The per [TuriAuTiciP patronized, for it will be one of the best yet exhibited at the Gem. Re member to tecme your coupons and also remember the orchestra plays as Hvmybftd)' . , UKU LAXWXO WKlUilNti 4 The. following cards have been re ceived ln_ the city: ? Mrs. Eliza F. Long requfesta the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter _ * Mary Ettaa-^ * to William S. Dudley. on the afternoon of Wednesday, the seventeenth of November at three-thirty o'ctoefe Amity Methodist Episcopal Chuch Lake Landing. North Carolina. Mr." DudleyTs a" cousin of Mrs. A. S. Fulford, of this city, and has many friends here. Miss Long was educat ed In Durham and is a most chatm Ing and accomplished young woman. If Peary and Cook can t g'dl an equitable settlement here as to who is the dlscoYerer. let them go bark North and have their hearing there, for from all accounts there la Justice there.- * ? x One of the best waya t9 make a tall "Ban short II'TO borrow* som e-money from him. ? Asheville Citizen. - Bgaranc humei- ? ? A-fcfcdy rWrdlo* oaf Second street had rather an unusual experience last .week. In her pantry were four or fl*e pounds of hoitejr In the comb, and a SWftnn "Of l)?w entered thruuwh th? windows to enjoy the unhidden feasL When the housewife discovered the busy Insects tbey Lad taken poasess lon or the pauli'y and refused to leave until smoked out with sulphur, but by this time they hsd eateu ov?r one half the honey, much 'to' the lady 'a dismay. ? CARLO All OF HOUSES AM) MULES. The? Washington Horse Exchange received today two car lqads of bort>es and mules. They can be seen at their stables. PILES CTREU IN O TO 14 DAY& "FaZO OTNTH1TNT ts guaranteed? to cuie-any case of Itching. Blind, liioed ing or Protruding Piles ia^ 6 to IV days or money refunded. GQc. NEW HERN FOH tl.OO. On account of' Lena Rivers Opera Vompany at New Bern Tuesday,' Xo-_ rember 9, the Norfolk and Southern Railroad will sell round trip tickets for $1.00. Train leaves D:15 p. m.. returning leaves Nj^v^'Bern 11:45 p. m. She Was Cured llrottn's Drug Store Sells the Pre*- 1 cription that Stops all Stomach j _ .. Disturbance. Mrs. Mtna Henderson says:. ""Ml- j. o-na cured mo "of a stomach trouble of long standing. My trouble came from a weak and Impaired-condition of the digestive organs. My food did not digest, but fermented, 'making gas, which pressed against my heart anil nn mahv occasions 'Pexpected to die. I doctored and used remedies without kuc?655 Of H'lidf. vmll uitinfl ? .Mi-o-na I" was cured." 2 S3 Pavone | St., Benton Harbor, ^lich., 190S> Mi-o-na in guaranteed by Brown'H [ Drug Dtoro to cure indigestion or any j stomach disease or money back. Mi-o-na for belching of gas. ? Mi-o-na for distress after eating. Mi-o-na for bll'cusnoss. Mi-o-na ?o;wakc up the liver. Mi-o-na for hrfartbvm. Mi-o-na for siekheadache. "Ml-o-na for nervous dyspepsia. Mi-o-na after a banquet. Mi-n-na for vomiting of pregnancy. | Mi-o-na for car .or sea-sickness. Mi-o-na for over-indulgence of irrt, nn,i In Wabhing ton by Brown's Drug Store. EAT MORE FIUITAND LESS MEAT niid you villi feci better. My line of Fruits nre of the best EAT MORE CANDIES "It is stimulating? Vour system requires It. My line of Candies are not surpassed. Fresh Choc olates. at iio cents per pound. W. J. RHODES C?lery Lettuce today. JUST ARRIVED WHOLE WHEAT FLOCR. GRA HAM FLOVR. FLA PJACK PAN ? r\KV rmi-B. am> t'RACWRD j WHEAT. Walter Credle & C0.| , J X pFiqv r>nrrQR U or frf [ Washington, are hereby notified to only furnish such supplies upon pre sentation of regular form of requisi tion from heads of auch deparfhients or officials of the city. Thjs to take effect on and after November l, 1909. ? C. H. STERLING, Mayor W. B. Wlndley, City Clerk. WE HAVE THE SOLE AGENCY FOR Paris Patterns All Seams Allowed Guaranteed the most satis- [ factory on the iiuarket. PRICE. JO CENTS Spencer Bros. THK CENTER brick_w arkhousk I Greenville. N. C.. sold Friday for: ? JL. S- Forbefl ? 206 (ii 1 Or Kk (? 1 4c. I 1 06 19c. 12602OV6C. 86043c. 3o| @v50c. Average. 30c. Cooper & Adams ? 184 #7 Vic. 122 t( KT'^c, tbi( 14*ic. 66 fill So. 8 4^ 24c, 52 ft' 33c. W. W. Smith ? 2 00 <5 11 Vic. 322? 11c. 188&12%c. ISO ?f 15 Vie, 68^ 23"%c. 40fc 34c. 10? 51c. When we get the goods we. deliver I the money, bo come to the Center| Brick. Brlnkley. Hutching* & Spain. I Aleo Nervous Headache. Travelers* Headache and. achea from Grip. Stomacn Troubles or Pema> ? trou bles. Try Capudlne? Ifr liquid ? eCeita immediately. Sold hv drug tisti CITY MARKET. Ekbr 24c Chickens, grown 25 to 30c i Spring chickens 10 to 25c I Green salted kideB. r9cl Green -.hides . . T. MUM WUtJl Tallow 3 l-2o I Wool, free- from burrs 20c 1 Sheerlinga 5. to 10' i Lambskin 25 to 40c I " ' COTTON. Seed cotton 5 1-2 Lint cotton . .n 13 1-2 NEW YORK FtTTFRE MARKEt. Open. Close. December 14.03 14.52 January...... 14. IS 14.62 1 March 14.37 14. "C I May 14.43 14.85 Julv 14.43 14.87 \Frevmtnmt 2."5c,*30c uml *1.00 ready and you will l>e kIuiI. Prevention Remedy. HaveTT ? Jiome. Vlrk's Croup and I*neu knonia Salve is preeminently the keeping idt-kneMi from the In the idea in All Druggists. HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for CHICKENS, EGGS ?nd ?li I