WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS Entered as second-class matter August 5. 1909. at the poetofflce at Washington. N. C.. under the act of "March. 3^ 1819- . PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. No. 114 East Main Street. J. L. MAYO, Editor and Proprietor. Telephone No. 200. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: One Month . . four Mentha Six Months . . One Ye?r. . , Subscribers desiring the paper dls continued will plea^ie notify this office ' on date of ex>is?itton. otherwise. It ^ will be continued at regular subscrip tion rates until .notice 'o stop is re ceived. ^ Ifyou do not get The Dally News promptly telephone or vritH the man ager. aud the complaint will receive Immediate attention. It Is our desire to pleasMi you. ~ J -? ' ??- f WASH t NGTON.--N. C., NOV. 11. LET THE NEWS FOLLOW. Parties leaving town should not fall to let The News follow r fir nni ally with the news ot Washington fresh and crisp. It will prove u valuable companion, reading to you like a let ter from<- home. Those at the sea ?hore cTP lmmiiUlii' wiH ? im4 ? The News a most welcome and Interesting rlsitor. Ml ST BE SIGNED. All articles sent to The News for publication must be Signed fry the writer, otherwise they will not /toe published. ; i I .sr. 1.00 1.50 3.00 SIIOI U) FKIX Jf he ultfiteivM of VV: feci proud of yesterday. The coming i together of the farmers of Eastern Carollnh to pai-s~uiion merits of dun and how to Improve it, was ail occasion long to lie remembered by | our" entire citizenship. Washington never had the opportunity' of enter taining utwh a representative body of | metTTonow !ng agriculture -a* a livr-j lihood. I Yesterday was one of the greatest. I a not the greatest advertisement to | the ftranger ever cbndi:?tod It:, .(ho J strr-- ai.'i y< ^ \ !? will do is ycf jo be' writ ten. Thin Tie u .le.dtiiltJ! 'l.l hlbi^wT to others not North trtrnllu- j 1 i.liis what i'".!1 farm- in i rr r -iinHr nf ; and more esp?*cinlly what 'Beaufort county farmers ran do in cultivating TOT" r* 'Hr*r 1 uj> ? yiU.h their neighbors '1 in most Instances surpassed theiii. The farmers Iji tel* county ure Just a.<" Intelligent, just as diligent and Just as ready to work more improved methods on the farm * as any other, and the Daily News is glad to Know IJjt-y 5i!vJ nuj.i, ii ??? stteh a -way as to command admira tion. Corn Judging Day wss.~a revela tion. The good that has been an om plished is boundless. Old Beaufort county is proud of its farmers and has a right to be Washington was glad to have the; tillers of the soil as .guests and all. others. We trust all hit** reiamed .carrying with them only the hest impression of us and ! that they will fome again. | ri'UI.IC SCHOOL. FARM*. It is gratifying to Team that the j KhoOl farms which have become j oua public schools tn the rural dlY^~ trirts of Wake couuty have proven a | -success. These farm", 'insisting cf one <-,r two-acres of laud adjacent to I : lie .-< !.< ? .'is. a , ui:. 1 crop? -art: e.re ~**tl*4cau-d school children. In thiv way. be sides the mental b**:.er:t derived. ( liildrer. l-arii practical farming.! They are given healtby'recreation, of i a kind. u>o, which !s serviceable In. ! after life. Wake has twelve school factor* 'hat others will he estab lished and it is highly probable that many counties will fall into line. One ? of? t4te?*e s< hool farms, two acres in I nr^a, produced a tobacco crop which sold for $313. From another there has already beea sold two bales of cottnT., and a third bale will Le gath ered. So It can be *oen that- these farms are not only beneficial in th? way of practical ^location. but ar< also a source of revenue. This is an other illustration of the practical turn 1 1. at is being given to public ed ucation in North Carolina.*- Green ville. Keflecto/. CORN JUDGING OK LARGELY ATTENDED. 'Continued from First .Pafte> 1 First." One r.-tooth cultivator, do-^ nated by McKeel-Rlchardson Hard-1 v.*are Company. Won by ii. T. Bon ner, Aurora. N. C. Second. One Oliver ('hilled Flow.! Donated by N. S. Fulford Hardware Company. Won by C. W. rtoweri, I Jesaamn. N. C. *. International Harvester Company's' Feed *tlll. . Oil ty J. Walter Perry., Okiaco, N. C. This waa for the Jarg -e??- yield of HorBetooth corn, 86 1-3 bushels. "Wm unfa f^r?poMY corn planter. Wdntiy C*. W. BdWen. Jessama, N, C.. for the best 10 earfl of Horaetooth corn. X.v, Manufacturing Company, B9*P?M. Pud*o. N. 0.. far Uio be?t 10 wn of any other T*r)?ly Bailor <up?'7 Company. corn ihott Woo ?r W. H. Ro~, Anrorm. N I* ?t. whit* com Swamp Land ? Best Ten Ears Corn J with white cob. Ten dollars In gold. Two bags of ? Beaufort County Guano, donated by the Bragaw Fer tizer . Company. Won by W. E. Swam? Aurura. N. C-, 03 1-2 -bushels. Ileft Ten Kant of Corn. First. One barrel flour, donated by J. F Tayloe. Won by W. H- Ross. Aurora. N. C. Second. One set of carvers, do nated by i. H Harris Plumbing and Supply Company. Wen by C. C. I ArehbelL, Aurora. X. C Third. One truuk, donated by W. E. Swain.' Aurora. N. C. Fourth. One rocking chair, do nated by the Southern Furniture Co. Won by U. H. -Thompson, of Aurora. N. C. ~ ? TL e Uashlnglon ?UgV.i riuiabout was won by Mr. W. H. Ross, of Aurora, & C.. for having the beat' exhibit of corn of any variety. ' ~ T lie- Ha in 1 L ro* cUcmical Company's prize of one-half ton of Ifuano for the largest yield per acre, was won by J. Walter Perry, of Okisco. N. C. Mr. W. E. Swali^ of Aurora, won jhe guh offered by E. R. Mlxou (Somp'any for the longest ear of corn. nir?*"StfmpTe'- measured l?'3-4 Inches Norfolk ami Southern Prl7.es. First prize was won by Master I^es "W Forehead, of I'liflw.wrvouiuy. rur having the largest yield per acre In [the boy's contest. He raised 0-4 I bushels. For the largest yield in the men *on4e*t. Mr, J. W.' Perry, of' Qfcigctr. I N. C". was the winner. He raised S 6 1-3 bushels of the Horsetooth va riety. ? For the 1 argent yield of any oth*r ~rnrlety, the- winner -wn* Me- ? t-r fT" Parker, of Hertford-. L_ For the best ten ears Horsetooth corn, first, C. W. Bow en. o/.lessama; second, -t. E- Ferrebe. of Camden. | West of any oth?r variety, first, W. A. Respess. of Pungo; second, E. S. Simmons. Fairfield.. _ .Just before tl.e prize winners were annoiffeced Hon. .lohti .11. Small, in troduced to the laftge number wait inc In front of the skating rink.- Mr. William Beany Poweij. of Sh a del a nit. PeniWylvania. Mr. Powell was on i [?his wav home from Raleigh, where j he at'o-r.ded the National Farmers ! Congress. He is a large land owner in li;s Mai 1 v?- S M, il P.flS IBtOr ests In North Carolina. Mr. Powell was mosT" hapi-v in his remarks. c > r Af-rn t ??tmt'nn'y yrwgt fa turv. her gallant men and beautiful women. The speaker then road to tjio audience a tribute of his Own [composition f?> North Carolina, which | follows: Tribute to North ('nrolinu. Sun-batb*d and sun-kisavd thou sweet fairyland. Thy bletsings are great from God's open baud: j Thy bills arr *o tall. thy rivers no I long. The volte of thy people *o merry with sons. Thy harvest Moldun, thy pastures s-o groni), That thou art fairest, thou awreet flowering queen. - ? Thoti_ fairest laud o i su as bine and of J rain, jWitb hilU'so graud, with beauty of I | 1,1.1.. j ;ife Lh ? KfixAiia I M> grt-?n I Tb'iii art ih* ihou /air Sou it- I '?it. queen I Thy > .-10 of . if hard, aud yield of j r1 ?-i nr. ? . If RrrMt^r liy far thftn 1 1,*- growth of ? thy june: Thv ]?*':trhi*s yVt.t. r, thj api,i?M so red |Make th**?wf?.r t%* food ou which we I are led. Why tempests ore like the voice of thy God, And loudly proclaim. "Pass under the red," ptiy br?***z*s are filled with iife-glvlijg breath Thofdrlte from the hnnrg the ang of d'?ath. j A? rimes the white 'and ft<*r.:;tiful Snow" Li-Ik*' rob*-* I?r Js w:^i glory j aplow. ? i Wraps hill ::i:r! dale wj'h Reality l!mo \tt?l"*UrlnKi? l.<>al:h.to lliy fair, swec? sunny oil mo. Wc v.- i : 1 weave garlands. bright gar landit for thee. Thou i??m of the mountain, itu.l h?id of the sea, I We're proud yf thy re? or?l. of plory and fame. And bow with pride to iVv time-hon nvd namr | Thy history has been written In blood, i Wh1? tu.redened thy land and dark ened the flood, f\inl mad* Farrod the In ml of the Old ?* . North State. Til" home of the good and the land of the gr*?t. CAl'Llil.NH lor "Tiaat Hcjulache," Out night* Headaehe ? awd nervous this mornTng ? HIcKa' dine Just the tblng.,tr Bt you for bustneai. Clears the head ? braces tbe narvw. Try It At drug storea. PAZO OIVTMKNT U fuiiwud to ?tun tare? ail lu ?t-11 The judges of the corp show were "C. B. Williams, director of the North Carolina Experiment Station; T. B. Parker, demonstrator*' for t?e North Carolina Department of Agriculture; C. R. Hudson, demonstrator for the U. S. -Department of Agriculture, and J. L. Burgess, agronomist of the State Department of Agriculture. It was a great-wwasiow for Kastara Carollna. a gala one for Washington, and an inspiration to the farmers. The day wax a history-making one. Jin Kit ROAD STATION NKWS. Under the supervision of Mr. L. M. Sheppard. contractor, assisted by Mr. R. L. Woolard and others, the annex to Magnolia school house has been completed aud .the school is in progress. CSret Thursday Mrs. Lewis Alllgood celebrated her birthday and was the recipient of many" presents. The gueftts were Mr. and Mrs.-flr F. Alll good and children. Miss Gladys and Master Vernon and Miss Blanche AlllgOtod; of Washington, Mr. and Mrs. L. farmer Alligood and son, Master Kills, and a few other friends. We had a terrific electrical storm with rain warm like summer. The lightninp struck and set on fire a jiine tree near the Charitable Brotherhood Lodge at,Bunyon. Sal urdiiy jilpm IT" pSCKtng trow near this station belonging to"~Mrs. John Perry wilfc a large quantity of peas and tobacco was destroyed by fire. Mr?. J. L. AlilgDDd-Mid-rhiW. spent ! Saturday night and Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. TT. A. Alltgood. on Red Hill road. Messrs. L. M. Sheppard. R. L. ^...1 l.'mMV "\TKnre> the union meeting services in Wash ington Sunday morning nnd night. Miss Lillie Aiugooa spetll flhG day last week in Washington. Mrs. Nelson Sheppard, Mr. F. N. Sh^npard. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Black and daughter. Miss Mildred, of Bun-j I yon. were guests ct Tamari* las: | Sunday. - NO COM IS THK OI.1 !;?'K1.\HLK Center Brick Warehouse. Cirer::v!lti, V j' j< q;l th?* lop nl-l])e \vavo< in kith prices J or tobacco, their entire sale Friday averaged over $1.'. Fate Ripys sold one load, all grades, at a $2 ??.--o. average. \ N'liTHi: i> ami: 1. m>yS AI'ITIT. To all knowing sufferers of rheuma tism. whether muscular or of ihc joint?, sciatica, Inmbagos. backache, pains in the kidneys or neuralgia '<?> urifp in hpy. for a home treatment which ? has repeatedly cured all of these tomires. She feels it her duty to seij^^Tto all sufferers FKKK. You cure yourself at home as thousands: will testify ? -no change of climate being necessary. This sim ple discovery banieiie* the uric acid from Lhe blood, loosens the stiffened joints, purifies the blood. a.nd bright ens the eves, giving elasticity and tone to the whole system. If the above Snteres'.s you. for proof address Mrs. M. Summers, Bex R. 'Notre Dame. lnd. I GAIt I Y \THEfrTER^ I'RKMllKNT T.\ FT AT < UICA(Mj| IIASKIUI.L (iAMi:. I.F\I 111.11 A KMC. HT FOR A KNKiHT. jTRt'K r.OVi: \KVKR Rl'NH SMCXITIILV. HOW ItlXKH Ml"TTKI> IX. rfiu* Tiiit?i c;n vTVsFmite VAIihKV. HOWS ! VDUR Qll!D,n? ... , 'fhe-tovliest Ptaee Yoa Ever Saw ? 111 I " . (\ Swamp and Highland Farms Sh \ \ 7"* v . ForSale. A. C. HATHAWAY, Washington, N. C. Leon Wood MEMBERS N. Y. COTTON EXCHANGE James W^CoeJ i. LEON WOOD & CO., ? BANKERS and BROKERS ?STOCKS. BONDS. COTTON, GRAIN and PROVISIONS. 73 PLUME STREfcT, CARPENTER BUILDING, NORFOLK, VA. Private Wires to N. Y. S'ock Exchange. N. Y. Cotton Exchange. Chicago Boar?kof Tspde and other Financial Centers. correspondence respectfully solicited, Investment and Marginal accounts given careful attention. I . ? - " - . _ REAL ESTATE WANTED ! ! I I ' - ' I have moved to Washington, N. C., from Van j Wert, Ohio, where I was engaged in the Real Es tate business for more than thirty years, and will " engage jn the same in Washington, N. C. I want JJfarms a'nd other lands-for sale. If you want to sell your f^rm or'lands see me or 'phone ? W ? n/I^KEAR, i Washington, '.N.JC. 57? 'Phone'85. Office with C. D. Parker, IHavens-Small Buildiiig. Money saved is money made! A Wclsbach Junior Lamp burns 2 feet of Gas per hour, and gives 50 Candle Power of Light, where an open tip burns 6 feet of Gas and gives 20 Candle Pow er. How much do you save? _ WASHINGTON LIGHT & WATER Tuning ? COMPANY NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAILWAY HARRV K. WOLCOT and H. M- KERR. Ret-elvers. i>iui:t T THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE MKT WEEN ALL IMHXTM iN KASmN^'ORTH CAROLINA, AXI> VIA NORFOLK TO ALL EASTERX C1TIKK,. SCHEDULE IX I^TW '' SKIT. 1ST. TRAINS LEAVE WASHINGTON - - EXPRESS: A M., daily, except Sunday, for Ma<kcys Ferry, Edenton, Eliza beth City, Norfolk, connecting with all lines North, East and West. Arrives Norfolk 4.25 P. M.. connect in k ?t Mack-ys Ferry for Rethaven "anil i.'o i u dfTDlTT LiVa n en es" 1 '' ""lepi for M.-i,-...- 'psf rv , m mrrrmrir[in-r stations! ^ 15 A. M d . ly for Greenville. Farmvllle. Wilson. Raleigh and inter :i'|. ?! KlLf " 'lii-jjr ?rrire Raleigh ll-L'T A; ?f. Qomifulo ot WlUon and Greenville with A C: L." R: H 5.2.j P. M. daily, ?xr?jpt Sunday, for Greenville, Fumvll'e, Wilson, 'Ral eigh and intermediate stations. Arrive Ralcteh 9.37 P. M." Connects at F-armvllle with East Carolina R. R. for all paints North and South. 9.55 A. M. dally exrept Sunday for New P.orn. 5.! 5 !*' M. dally except Sunday for ew Bern, Morehcad CUy, Bveaufort ami SnteruiedlatR~poIhts. Connects at New Bern at 7.30 P. M. (daily) for Oriental and Intermediate stations. Connects at New Bern at 6.4 5 P. M. dally To? Klnsron and^Qol Jpboro. 5.3V P. M. dally except Sunday for Plnetown, Belhaven and Intermediate starionau For further particulars, consult Norfolk & Southern Kallway'folder, or applr=to T. H. Myers, Ticket Agent. ? H. C\ HI'IKtfXMI.'l1. A. W. \V. CROXTOX, A. <i, P. A. E. T. LA Mil, GEN'. NGRh NORFOLK, VA. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS SSS ~ * ? ? o and banish "m of menstrnat^n . ** Thoy iro ??LIFE .SAVKKS'^to gliia tvomanboo'i. aiding der>lopu?-at of ^rj, \ns and body. ?:nowL, remedy for women equals them. Unnui do harm? Wcotnrs a )?:? '?Euro. ?{.00 I'KR I1')X By 3IAIL S< by 'lnnrcixt.H. DR Mt?TT P^M?',MrcAt 30_ C'-wJ&'mL O* aUSMBS-s: opportunities RATE, 1 cent per word. I To laiure proaft- atf ntlon all adjrer I tlpementa should be ta business . office by 12.45 m. Ads. by messenger, tele phone or mall Riven careful attention. STENOGRAPHER AND TVPK writer. Let m? writs your letters Miss Beulah Thomaepn Chamber of Commerce WANTED ? PEANUTS OP ALL klndB. Highest cash prices paid. H.' B. Mayo & Co. OLD TIME BAIH1ECTK. 40 PINE chickens at Clemmon's Restaurant! Phone 146. FOR HALE ? PEANUT SACKS, 10 cents each. ? H. B. Mayo & Co. THE HEAl'TY OP OUR , MODEL suits are one of style. All long Hoyt. ? ? EVERYBODY OOME TO THE CORN Judging Day. November^ 10. Bring all the family. We aro going to make pictures that very day by the wholesale. Baker's Studlo~ ^OYSTERS. 8IIC PER QUART, AT Clemmon's Restaurant. Phone No. 146. A TAILORED SUIT FOR ?17.7Sr "" At J. K. Hoyt's. WANTED ? CHOICE GENTLEMEN hoarders; good board, clean, airy reasonable ratesi- ^pply-to this office. 13 FOR Hi-: NT OR LKASK ? EIGHT horse farm in Bath township known as the Jno. T. Gaylord farm. Apply to Wesley Peebles. OYSTERS? WE ARK NOW RECEIY Sng regular by our ojrn boats oys ters direct from oyster grounds, and selling tbem as follows: Stand ards. 25c quart, $1 per gal. Selects ? __quaTt. ?1.25 pep gal. JThese prices arc *Tor t-olid o>sters.~nof water, and at our fl?h house only ; extra chargc made for delivery. Respectfully, Swindell & Fulfurd Fish Co. i"b WE HAVH "OPENED AN OYSTER saloon opposite the court house and will serve raw oysters pnfy. e will deliver them at your Jiouse. Phor.e 98. Give us a trial. >ain & Flowering 16 h? *oain mtwEl OV^TKH-. AND II UU lets today, at Clemmon's Restau rant. Phone 146. TO NORFOLK, VA? AND RETURN VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE Account Meeting Deeper Waterways Association and President Taff s Visit NOV. 17TH TO 20TH v- ROUND TRIP R AT? $4. IS. * T icke ts o n l^ovemBcr - 1 5th io HHi. Limned to-rctura Nov. 21st. For further information call oa Ticket Agent, or write I W. J. CRAIG. Pawsengcr Traffic Mgr. ? TTC. WHITE, Gen. Pass. Agt WILMINGTON, N. C. ?N THE HOME GOV AITS PREPARA770W U abM'.ale >rftl<vn tuiul portxmor.u.. cold*. cnJSa C0c|1k, mIm ud nmka k> Itatft ua ihro?t, VaUttrt at W( tf (lCiUurlaf (la tnflan.miBoo aai contcattoa. Ktkm! ? ml pro* li a tint $1.00. iOc. 2V A V AnittttU TOR GENERAL SURGICAL -AND - Non contagious MEDICAL - CASES! RATEjS;? ^fjyaie ^orm S'5 to $25.00. W*^"'T ? fa try! Column H. W. CARTER, M. D. Practice Limited to PItmh? of the Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. Hours: 9-12 A. M. Cor. Mala and Dr. I. M. Hardy PRACTICING - PHYSICIAN " *nd SURGEON Washington, N..C. DR H. SNELL Dentist. Office corner of Main and Respass Streets. Phone 100 Washington, N. C. 4TTOU.\Eva H. S. WARD JUNIUS D. GRIMES WARD & GRIMES AITQRNEYS-AT-LAW \ . Washington, N. C. . ^ - We practice in the Courts of the First Judicial District, and the Federal Courts. John H. Small, A. D. MacLean, Ha^ry McMullan. SMALL, MACLEAN flc McMULLAN Washington, North Carolina. W. D. GRIMES V UTTORNEY-AT-WW Washington. North Carolina, fcffratrticra-tn all the Con <Vm. ft. Rodman. Wll-y <' Kwlrnin. RODMAN & RODMAN Attorneys-at-Law Washington. N. C. W. M. BOND. EJcnton, N. C. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS BOND & SIMMONS ~ ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. * Washington, North Caroline. Practice in all Courts; ? W. L. Vaughan W*~X. Thompson VAUGHAN ^THOMPSON ATTORNEYS'AT-LAW Washington and Aurora, N. C. Practice in all the court*. \ H. C. CARTER^IR.. attorney-at4aw," Washingtoij^N. C. Office Market Street. EDWARD li. STfcWART d "?yJAttorney^tft-Law. j Office over Daily News,"] Washington, N. C. COLLIN H. HARDING ATTORNEY -AT -I.AW, "v Office Savings & T ru? t C Q.ajii^UiLait^ 1 RoomsJiadl WASHINGTON. N. C. {-^STEPHEN c. BRAGAW? Attorney and Counselor atria w Washington, N. C. Business Cards^ G. A. PHILLIPS & BRO.,' FIRE ? And Plate Glass INS U RANGE. "For t FIRE (INSURANCE J | see Hf J. and P. B. MYERS 1- ' The J. H. Simmons Marble and Granite Co. MONUMENTS Prlcas and Work Right. ^ WASHINGTON, N. C. ' V WHITE - BARBER - SHOP The only first-class white shop in citjr. A trial will convince anyone of reas onable Judgment. We have 3 chairs, 3 fii*t-cJM? wJiUfiiacbtrs. SsUtacUon assured. Opposite Postal office. A- B- PR AUGHQN. ?rop cTmORGAN WILLIAMS insurance" - - r>f all kirtrigj ? A Buy Your HORSES and MULES

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