Norfolk & Southern ? Railway Company. NOTICE OF SALE! Notice Is hereby given that. pursuant to find In IU* execution ~onr ecrut.n decree of foreclosure and sale made and enter?xi the Mth day of October. l'JOli. by the Cir cuit Court of the Urtlted States for the Eastern District of Virginia, in the con solidated CttUKt- of The Trust Company of America. Complainant, against Nor folk & Southern Hallway Company. De fendant. and pursuant to a certain decree ancillary thereto, enterwd In the cons v. 11 dated caiwe between Raid puttie* m the Circuit Court of tire United Ktntes for the Eastern District of North Carolina. Qn the 19th day of October, lfOS. the un dersigned Harry K. Wnlcott. Edward H. Balrd, Jr.. Tliomas J. Jar vis und Frtile rk-k HofC. as Special Masters appt luted by said dtfrwi will or. the Tt'j DAY OF DECEMBER. 1 'J 03 ut 1 O CLOCK. NOON, offer fur sale at public ;i.;rt.ei: upon the premised or the Norfi lk tz Southern Railway Com puny at the PARK AVENl'E STATION AN!* l.'fcl POT OF SAID COMPANY. PARK AND CLAIBORNE AVENUES. ?J?AMDT.E=~ TON WARD. IN THE CITY OF NORFOLK. STATE OF VIRGINIA, the following property. premises. Tights, privileges and franchises ;ri and by said decrees of foreclosure hnd sale directed to be sold, and therein fully and described, subject to the > MW All und h-.n*; rlgr-rc*: ? mnrw . . ? ? ? v, action and effect* ffT^h- Norfolk & Southern Railway Company (except such as are expressly hereinafter ex cepted) Including: "All the property, real, personal or Jnlxed. franchises, licenses and Krants cf the Norfolk <fc' Southern Ral'.wny Company, and Its constituent lines, and especially Its lines, of- railroad. rlKhts of way, en'.Hpmcrt and other things used in connection therewith, to gether wiuv all_the rights, priv. leges and franchises owned gf~~P"?ti??*ss*d . Uy ? the sald company or It? constituent compa nies. and nil properly, privileges? fran chises. rights and benefits owned, ac quired, leased or held by thT' i;ild com pany* or for it. or by-w unjtr wiy con tract, agreetnent. lease, deed, fr .rv hif>e. writing, nr other paper, or by any persogj The i Said properties are more 'definitely de-" ?crlb?.j as follows; Lines ftffrver'.y . of Norf> 3k A: . * *le,> Southern Railroad Com 1 ?;?>: -A" ?; A main line or railroad ex:- n 1 ? '"B-V"? Herkl>-V. Vlrirlnlii, to Edertojj. North i-.- ~,Z.V. A main li^e < -f rallr a.i ex;? n.l Ing from Clapi?ant J.:n it. i \ Irgiuia, to M.indsn Virnlnia A main '.in.- ..f r. : -rfff , -.14 - Division. Norfofcjt C "y ' ' Water"" Works Branch.?."!'." Lines formerly ? t Raleigh & Pamlico So^nd ?Railroad...;... m A main line <.f railroad extend ing from Raleigh. North t.aTc llnu. to Chocowlnlty, Nirth Carolina 160.40 A mam line f railroad ext? tid ing from Karmville. North C arc Lin, i. (6 grow FTfTh K'?r;:i Carol inu 10.18 A main line { inlroad extend ing from Washington. N> rn Carolina, to Ni? Rem N r-n Carolina it ;i Llnes^frTTrerly of Suffi ,k A main llr.c of railroad extend ing from Suffolk. Vi.-g-.nlu. Edt-iiton. North <"jr? l,r.a 49 47 Cottonrr.ill Biar.: . ex-i-?-..-;r,h 1 .w" formerly ut Vir?ir.,.? ^ Una Const Railroad Beckford Jumtiov North 1 lina. to Ellxabp*. <*:t\, North C'aroWoa Zi.lC Lines formerly f PaWtlcb. Or!- 1 ental & Western Railroad LC.JT t A rv.nln line ? f railroad exl^n-! Inp froir. New Bern, North Carolina, to Buyb<ro, North - ?? Lrtfitnu 3C.C" -"in >'T I -i..i i '.nl ? lntr from Bayboro. North Carolina, to oriental. North Carolina 10.W Lines formerly r.f Virginia ? Carolina Cou*t Railroad... I Viz. A main line cf railroad extend ing frt.m M.-it jtev'w Ferry. North Carolina, to coitim bta. Norm Carolina a. SO Linen formerly of Atlantic & North Carolina* Company VI*. : City to Beaufort North Carolina...- 1.C1 The following described lease hold trackage and rights of the defendant Railway Com pany Ml A lease dated Scptemper let, 1804, frond the Atlantic & North , Carolina Railroad Company to ?t to the Atlantic & North C aro . llna Company. granting the _ ? right to use for a term of ninety-op* yearn and four month*, from the flr^t day of September. 1?M, the mh!n TTh? of railroad, property and fran chises from Goldsboro. North Carolina, to Morehead City North Carolina W All other rights, estate, property, prlvl- I -leges and franchises ar<iplre<] or held by the Norfolk /fc southern Railway Ccm pttny under any lease; trackage or traf fic arrangement with any corporation, association or person whatsoever. Also all lines of railroad, terminal*, extensions, nrAl branches. Inelndlng the franchise* and righto appertaining there to, and all lands acquired for the pur pose of constructing and iterating "Its lines of railroad, and all terminal*, ex tensions. additions .-ind branches, and nil sidings, turn-outs, bridges, viaducts, cul verts. ways and rights of ways, and lands and premises whatsoever, with the. Improvements thereon or belonging or no pertaining to or used or Intended to oe used for the purpose of. or In connection With Its lines of ' rait road, their exten sions, additions and branches, and any and all property, whether real or per sonal. of any name or description, con structed, purchased or otherwise, ac quired by the said Railway Com pany. and *11 depots, stations and depot grounds belonging and appertaining to said railroad, and all lands and real ?state provided, acquired, held. used, or designed to be aMd. for depots, stations and depot grounds, nnd ajl buildings, re pair shops, car houses, pngtne houses. Ireffht houses and other buildings and ili'ni Till I II mi II fun 1 1 li ill * njstwg or an pertaining to or used, or designed to he ? -T-. ;t- with the rall ro ad, branches and extensions, miu art gravel beds and quarries, used or de signed to be used, for or In connection with said railroad, or the completion, e*^ tension, maintenance or operation there of, and also all the rolling stock of said I car., kte&mbofett, frcf tx??, tu?.. I ev*S?*ViV5 k* .Rnd n?*"n? equipment Of 1 v ' r ' Bm? *? carriages. ' w? ' .?Ha ????' ? V'li', in<1 ! things of Whauotvtr kind, whether used | for or In connection with the ruivl ltseit i or *?? rolling stock or equipment, or for I work or rnachinw shop*, or construction. . tr repairs of uny kind, or used or de I for the purposes of suld railroad I or Uiffempietlon. extension, maintenance operation thereof;. und al?o all lands *?vd ? r?i:il estate uX ii_n v kind and every description, with the renti ng* and "Ira1 provementa thereon i>i being- made- there on, In either Virginia or North Carolina, or In uny other SUle, und also (all and ?Insular the franchises. rights, piiviieues und Immuiiltie *. Incomes, tolls, profits, benefits and advantage* belonging to or appertaining ty vr to arise or accrue from | the said railroad with their appurte nance*. and the maintenance und opera tlon thereof, together with nil and xlnglar the tenement*. hereditaments and appurtenances to the su!d railroad und premises, or uny part thereof belong ing or In any wise appertaining, and the reversion und reversions, remainder and remainders. fenu. issuer* und profits thereof, und also all letters patent, grants of land und land under water, and water rights, and ull leaseholds, leasee, term* und parts of terms, rights under lease or contract, covenants or agreements. right* of tracking, terminal, bridge, dock and ferry rights, privileges and franchises, licenses, -permits and privileges from the Government of the United States or fronr 1 m? States of Virginia or North Carolina, or any other governmental or municipal I authority, und also all the estate, right*, [title. IntereKts, property, possession, claim ' and demand wnate??ev?.p as well at law trs in ? eqolty, - -of the said Rullway Company. In and to the same and every part tind parcel thereof, with the ap purtenances. and al*o all "the buoks of account and voucher* kept by the said Railway Company, reletting ' to said railroad and the business thereof." 1 NCLUDlNO _ TH E ..FOLLOW I NG DE SCltirtKP SKCl'li I T I E S. N ' ninr?Hurnliefi ? and ninety-three shares of The " capital' si.nk. each of ? he p;'.r value of |100. cf the John L. per Lumber Company. : a corporation cntitfd and existing un der t lie law* of the Slate of Virginia. In lug all -of the share* o: the stock of said corporation issued and outstand ing except seven shares. I T??n ihoi^ind of the first mortgage j sinking fund gold hufcd*. each of the I par value of Sl.i-oo. of the John L. Ro , per LitiHber Company, constituting (he entire Issue of n.i'ui bonds, secured by mortgage to?th- .Manhattan Trust Com pany i>f New York City. dated May 1. $J. 040, 000 rmr value of the first gen eral mortgage f i\ .? per cent, fifty-year bonds of the Norfolk Southern Rall . roa(t" Company,- maturing July 1st, 1951, 1 secured by mortgage to Guaranty Trust" fromnaiiy New York. Trustee, dated' N< > \ . rifFTr 7"; t'j0< isutij.^t, --iuucevciv. to, the pledge thereof under 1* collateral trust agreement securing an Issue of 5C 7*?0.(?00 pitr value of 3-veur 6 per cent notes hereinafter mentioned). 1*0.000 rar value of the' Suffolk & Carolina Railway Cf>mj?ny first con solidate! fifty- year five per cent, gold bond? secured by n mur usage to In ternational Trust Compart^- of Slary 3*i r 1. Trustee. dated July 1. 1302. JltvOOO par value Firm ? Mortgage . Bwids of Rnfrtgh & Pamlico Sound I Railroad Company, secured by mort , g;ig> 'r deed ' trust dated February ? .r>. l'.HM. to Knickerbocker Trust Com rpifr^ . Trustee. I 1 1 "'-o j^ir value First Mortgage Bond ? f the Soutb.em Railroad Co>i5? ny. i bv mortgage or deed I f trust June >* 1531, to Atlantic ! Trust Company. Trustee. i Rends oi th? Count v of Pamlico In , jforth car, *'? - tal fura I *1.. St >.f N" i:*h C.voltna. ngg-??gi*t J'g the ' " " N ' -!h Carolina, ir il sum of f"V' ' t thereof with Trust Company, IM. to if ii.- ? of the l.-asr from - N'-ftfl t '.1 r l r. n I apiinl stock of the of the pur value of f yt.^. '-a ? rf ? ih> v I tal ? slfn-.k ? of the I Jfiu.estAtwn Kxpi sivion- Company, of the pur value of Fotty-elght shares of the capital J stock of the Staritonburg Land and i Sr.. i rovt-ment Company. AI90 the fol i io-.v ing shares of stock of tlie constituent I and merged companies of said Norfolk & I M',.tl.ern Rullway Company: Twenty thousand shares of the cap I s_t"i-k of_ the Norfclk & Southern pHui-.-Cad C< mjiiiny S:xty-' nc ttiousun 1 f!v<? hundred und : thirty shares of the capital stock of tht' Virginia & Carolina Coast Railroad Three hundred ami eighty-nine shores of ilo capital stuck nT the Ral* ?-ig.i iv PumlVcO Sour.d Railroad Com pany. Seventeen hundred and sixty-five ?har* .?? ol the capital Stock of the At lur.Uc & North Carollr.:: Company. Nlnety-flvc hundred and forty-four ? hares of the capital stock of the Suf . Coj:>iXuxu .Railway Company. fTtifTT. tr Tfi rr ^ shares of th?- capital stock of the Pnm | iico. Oriental &: Western Railroad Company." "And all property, real, personal or mixed. acquired by tnc Receivers of said Railway Company from the time of <helr appointment, by decrees '? I ?????? ??..r lli-i-..,> eftiise*. Jul" 1st. 190S. and all property and mons.ys. Including funds obtained from the frtile of certillcates of Indebtedness from in >r? mertrticcd nrern fsc-s. which at the time of the saia hereunder are In 1 he possession or under the control of n;:ld receivers." INCLUDED IN THF. FOREGOING GENERAL DESCRIPTION ARE THE I FOLLOWING PARCELS AND LOTS OF LAND. NOW THE PROPERTY OF j WAY COMPANY. HAVING BEEN AC | QL'IRBD BY CONVEY ANCE OR CON t SOLIDATION:? LANDS IN NORTH CAROLINA HELD IN TRUST. "fl) Ten lot* of land situate tn Pitt County numbered on*, three and fiv* !n block number one: two and four in block number two; two and four block number three; one, three ana f . . In block number four, n* Is shown on tho town situ plat of Simpson; con veyed to C. O. Haines, Trustee, for the u?<* of thp Norfdl* & Southern Rail way Company by the deed of J. L. Llt tl?. Trustee, recorded In Deed Book W-8. page 142. ?1%) A. Laicl of land coutalnlng about two (2) acre*, situate at Oreen vllK In Ptu County, near the Inter section nf the right of way of the At lantic Const Line Railroad Company, conveyed to C. O. HaJnes, Trustee, for the use oT the Norfolk & Southern JtRlHvay Company by the deed of D. E. House and others, recorded in Deed Book P-S. page 334. (2) Forty-seven alternating and odd numb?rul lot*, sltuat* In Oreen Coun ty. as Is shown on the town *tte pint of Wnlston. convcyed to C. O. Haines. Trustee, for the use of the Norfolk & Southern Rallwrty Company, by d?*ed of J. C. Hales. Trustee, recorded in Doed Book S8. pifge 408. r 3 > Twenty. three" alternating nnd odd numbered lots, situate In Oreen Couniv. as Is shown on the town rite pint of XValston, conveyed to C. O. Haines. Trusfe. for the use of tho Norfolk & Southern Rallwny Company, by d*>ed of J. C. Haled, Trustee, re corded^ In D??ed Rook r.8. page 404. (4) One hundred and twenty-elfcht lots sltunto In Nash County, as la shown r-n the town site pint, of Bailey. and which were conveyed To C. u. Halne?. Trustee. for the use of the Norfolk * Southern Railway Com Kany. bv deed'of Joseph D. Parmer and la wlfp, recorded in Deed Book 168. pajrr rut Pivi* tots situate In Stantonsburg township, -in the County of Wilson, nii'mhrri-ii one, three an I fir? Id block twenty-five; one nnd three >ln block twenty-six. as is shown on the town alte plat of Stantonsburg, ?nd which were conveyed to J. C. Hales. Trua4?e. " " ' " '? ?-?? "*mri Railway Company, by deed <*f R. M. T '?? r*.A Rook 19. page 157. " . ~ r (?) Rtxly.-flye sltemartng and odd numbered lata. situate In fnamonabiirjr [ township. County of Wilson. ?hown on ? t*w town alt* plat of tonsburgr.- conveyed to X. Trustee, for the use of the Norfolk * Southern Railway Company, by th* deed of H. E. Thtrtnpaon and his wife, rafi.rrt^ in D?ed Book 7?. page 106.. (7) Ninety -one 101 ? 1)1 Stan tun a burg township, in th? County of WUion, aa is shown on the town site plat of Evanadulc, conveyed to Charlea . O. Haines. Trustee, for the use of the Norfolk & Southern Railway Company, by the deed of S- H. Crocker and l?ia wife, dated November l*th.- 1*07. (8) Seventeen lots situate in Craven County, -as? Is- on 'th? ?"wn ilt% plat of Vanceboro. and wTiTch were conveyed to Charles O. Haines. Trus tee, for tho use of the Norfolk & South ern Railway Company, by the deed of K I. Moor*. Trustee, recorded in Deed Book H?l. p&K? 451. * (?) Sev?mty-one tots in the second township of Cravfti County, as la shown on the town aitc plat of Askln. arid which were conveyed to Chttrles 0. Hi lines. Trustee. far the use of the Norfolk & Southern Rallstar Company, bv deed of A. L Clark and his wlf?. recorded In Deed Book 161. page 5J1. (10) Fifty lots situate in Craven and Beaufort Counties, bs is shown on the town site plat of Bragaw. ar.d. whloh Wfr? conveyed tp C. O. HuineaA Trus tee. for the use of the Norfolk & Southern Railway Company by deed of L. 1. Moore. Truatee and recorded In deed book 170. page 342. " (11) Two parcels of Hand situate at .Beaufort In Carteret" County, being lot number 2GT. anil ? the- western hn+f of lot No. ? 8. as shown on the old town map of Beaufort, adjoining the htnd now or formerly owned by W. vF. Dill. Naomi Fdlford, and other, conveyed to the John L Roper Lumber Company* j Trustee, for the use of the .Virginia and Carolina Const Railroad Company by the deed" of J. If. Patli'i' and wife, recorded in deed book .1. page 4 28. I (12) A parcel of land situate at ! Beaufort. In Oirteret County. It being the western half of lot 25S. a* shown on the old town map of Beaufort, ad- ? Joining the laud now or formerly own ed I'J i\ J' I'J ; i III! iiAIahls l ?jnvevc-d to the JJnn T7 iwpor T.timtvi ? *n??h? pany. trustee, for the use u I the Vlr- i ginla and Carolina Coast It.illroad Company by deed of M. A. Hill and wife, recorded In deed book 3, page 422." ? LANDS IN NORTH CAROLINA TITLE TO WHICH AltK IN THE DEFEN DANT RAILWAY COMPANY. "(13) A tract of land containing about four acres situate about four teen hundred (1400) feet East of the Company'* brldgt? iCTfoss Pasquotank , River In Camden County, conveyed 1o the Norfolk X- southern Railway Com pany by the . JJM of N. Wr-t^teveits ttinl others. recorded In deed book Q. Q. page 310? (14) A tract of land containing about tiro and seventy-flvo one. iiun^ dredths acres situate on the Pasquo tank River In Cain den County, con folk Railroad Company by the deed of William R. Upton ami his wife, record ed in deed book GO-5S7. (15) A .tract of land containing about one acr?\ situate at ftunden Sta tion. in Camden County, conveyed to the Elisabeth city and Norfolk Kail road t'nn-."any |?y th?-" deed el William 1. Morrlsct le and Ids wife, recorded in" deed "bool? I1H. 1-W. vo hundred ard ? 2 : "? ? v: l ?-\: -ni'-ic I f!He*h (S1E> f? ? t to Vront Street, conveyed to th- Sit rr . ? ? i< ? c.-.roii: R.-i'wny c.-*m nn>< v. the deed, of M. P.. Zimmerman and others, rtcorued In Deed Book 25, pagi- 405. (20j A tract of land situate at Eliza beth City. In Puyquotank County, rru:: tins ? m ? ett- ? ink Riv?.ti three hundred (300) feet and extena lng back fr?.m the river to Pennayl vanla Avenue, conveyed to Elizabeth City & Norfolk Kuilroud Company by the deed of D. O. Boush iin'd others. Re corded In- Deed Book No. 4, page 10. (21) A tract of laud-containing about one hundred acres, situate on tbe Per quimans River in Perquimans County, known as the Albcrtson Ktorm, convey ed :o the Norfolk ^'Southern Railroad Company by the deed of M. K. Kin* and his wife, recorded in Deed Book YY. page 3S&. (22) A lot of land ,B,tuate at Edenton In Chowan County, known as tlie Bailey Lot. conveyed to the Elizabeth City and Norfolk Railroad Company by th?> deed of W. A. Moore, recorded in Deed Book Y. page 189. (23) One undivided half interest In tho Indian Wharf property, situate at Edenton lt> Chowan County, and also one undivided half Interest lr. an ad- , r.t Q^th Edentoirj LBiJ v. conveyed to fne* | and Norfolk Railway Company by the ; " .deed of Herbert H. Page find Ms wife, recorded in Deed Book Y. ikaxe 254. (24) One divided half Interest In thf- Indtnn Wharf property, and also one undivided half Interest In an ad Joining lot, fronting on the Edenton Bay. ua'i ?l ? Edenton ? La ? County, conveyed to the Elizabeth City and Norfolk Railroad Company by the deed of E. H Bailey and his wife, re- i c?>.l...| in Deed tiniik Y naire ICS. ( 25) The right of wiyoneminT ()00) feel In width across tlie. ioi lying between the lot now or forrrrr-rly owned by H. H. Page on the west, and l'4-He lot now or formerly owned by II. A. Bond on the East, and also the right to use a wharf, both situate at Eden ton In Chowan County, conveyed t? the Elizabeth City and. Norfolk Railway Company by. the deed *>f Jacob Wool and his wife, recorded In Deed Book Y. page 143. (26) Right of way one hundred H00) feet In width across the lot numbered 187, at Edenton, In Chowan County, known aa the "Ice House Lot." con veyed to the Elizabeth City & Norfolk Railroad Company by the deed of H. A. f27? A rract of land containing about four (4) acrr*. situate at Eden ton. In Chowan County, conveyed to the Elizabeth City & Norfolk Railroad Company by the de??l of the Town of Edenton. recorded In Deed Book Y, pe*o 1M. <2S) A tract" of land contanlng about one niul one-half (14) nrrea. situate at Centre Hill In Chowan County, conveyed to the Suffolk A Carolina Hnltwny Com pany by the deed of C. W. Cnfleld and othem. recorded Irt Deed Rook H. pa?te 54. (29) A lot of land situate at Edenton. In Chowon County, bounded on the south by King Street, and lylnf partly on either side of the Railway Company's rtssht <jf way. conveyed to the Norfolk ft Southern Railway Company by the deed of W. B. Shejrtirtl and other* recorded In Deed Book K-S. pare 341. (30) A lot of land situate at Edenton. In Chowan County, fronting: on Kin* Street, conveyed to the Suffolk ft Caro lina Railway Company by deed of the Edenton Cotton Mjlls. recorded In Deed Book H, Dine 34. (31) A lot of land situate at Edenton. i In Chowm County, known as the "Par- ) rlsh l?ot." lying ?n the southeast corner of King and Oakum Streets. conveyed to the Suffolk ft Carolina Railway Company by the .leed of L. F. Zelgler and hjs wife, recorded In Dee<l Book fl, p?*e 432. <32) A lot oCHand situate nt Edenton, In -Chowan fouifty. fronting on the south side of Water Street, thirty-two 1321 teet. conveyed to the Suffolk ft Carolina Rail way Company by the deed of R. F. Che shire and others, recorded In Deed Book H, page 1?. ' (33) A lot of land ntuate at Edenton. In Chowjin County, fronting on the south side of Water Street, nnd extending baek to the Port Warden'# line of Edenton Bay. conveyed to the Suffolk ft Carolina Railway Companx by The deed of W. B. Rea and hla wlfa. recorded In Deed Book H. pajre ljo. . "S> * ^ In Chowan ?ha South ?' lllf oar* .V ? ' ' ? veyed to the Suffolk 4 Carolina Railway Coiopay by the deed of A. L? Beum- 1 girdn^r and others, recorded fa Deed I (S4* A lot ctf land situate At Edenton. In | e no. . -A lot, of lend altuata at Edenton. *h side Kins Street and ntend n ? - -*y - ? ' C*-1 ?" -Un. | Chowan COUr.ty. fronting on the south . ?tde-of Water Street, and extending back ; frum lilt Street to iidcntOn Bay, con veyed to the Suffolk ?c Caroline KalT^ay | r'nmp.-y tiv the deed of Harry O. Skin ner and hu wife. letOrdeO'ln l>eed Boek i a._page RZ. (8a A lot o 1 land nltuate at Edenton. In Chowun County, fronting on Water Street, and extending back to Edenton , Bar, conveyed to the Suffolk St Carolina Hallway Company by the deed of J. M. 1 Forehand and his wife, recorded In Deed 1 Book O. page 677. 138 > A tract of land containing 1% acres of laud, situate at Corapeake, In dates County. adjoining the jands B. W. Jones and others, conveyed to the Suffolk &i Carolina Kalliray Company oy the deed of C. ,W. Juu?? and otners, rec? rded in Deed Book 3D, page W6; Book il, cage tin. < 3 1 ) A tract of land containing about one (1) acre, of a triangular shape. at Sunbury. In Gates County, conveyed to the Suffolk <fc Carolina Hallway Company hy the <le?d of George J. Costcn' and others, recorded In Deed Book 36, page OS. (S*) Two tracts of land, one contain ing* about three and five-tentbs (3.8) acres, (jnd the other containing About one and one-tenth (1.1) acres, situate at Beck ford Juncton. In Gat?* County, conveyed to the- Suffolk & Carolina Hallway Com pany by the deed of Willlum Splvey and hl? wife, recorded In Deed Book 52, page ?7. J.39)_ A tract of land containing about fourteen (ID acres, situate at Beckford Junction, ill t.utos County, conveyed to the Suffolk & Carolina Hallway Company by the deed of U H. Russell and his wife, recorded In Deed Book EC, page 311. <40) A tia_ct of land containing about ten and. nine-tenths (10.9) acres, situate along Muckey*n Creek, in Washington County, conveyed to the Norfolk & Southern Railroad Company by the deed of the Jo. .a L. Koper Lumber Company, recorded In Deed Book 30, page 5B. (?I) A tract ot ! irid containing about Ave (5) aire*, situate near Hoper. In Washington County. c? nveyed to the A'" V' t if ' liallroad L'onipitny by ITTmTCTff rrtM- J^.i I. HUHI l. lllllin Company, th?? :?tli day ?f May. 1S?1. (?:') A t:act of land containing nU9ilt? sixty (fiO) acres. e'.timtc at Spring Branch, - in Wash.: .tun County, conveyed t<< the Virginia a '.nollna Coast Railroad Com pany by ? ? deed of W. S. Dr.venport and hi? \\ ire. recorded In. Deed Book 49, page 239." (43) A cact of land containing about tt\ enty-tw ? t'J2> acres, situate in Lee's Mill*. Tiwrn^Jp of Washington County, ?conveyed jo the Virginia & Carolina Coafct. Hallirira 'Company by the deod of K. R. Join* ton. Special Co'mmlslc ncr, re corded in lived Book 50. page 122. (41) A tract of lanT containing abour one bundled and flxty (160) acrcs. situ ate in Washington County. , along the Cuth shore c-t^Albemarle JJound, near the 3"c t t !:?* prnpe?ed-l)rtilirt. tunveyed to the Norfolk S^iulHern Railway Com i>any by tiie deed '-of George W. Dickson, record*. J' lit rvrn Book U). pugu i?h - (45) A tract of land containtfi* about three . i acres. situate near Plymouth, In Washington County, air rig theVstjnre of the Ibanoke River, adjoining the land of one F:.n krson and other*, conveyed to the W,a?iiin;:ton & Plymouth Railroad COmpary ly the deed of Claudia Bel|, Otiarrlinft, - recorded Deed Book 47, page 50. ' M6> ? A t -;ict of land containing about on* and ".iirre-qunrter (l*i> acres, srnrate Ht Plymouth, in Wnshlngton County." partly ? ? copied by tracks for connection wltli tl ? (oast I !ne. conveyed to (he Washington & Plymouth Railroad Com pany by the d?y~l of W. 11. Griffin, r6 /t?rdod ii Deed Rook ? . oac" ? . ? <47> A tract of- land rnntftmlnT about Hfty ??'?! aire:-, situate at 11 Kellhaven in Beaufort ?'ovmty. ndjoinlrg lands now or "formerly owned by H. If. Block. M. J Bullock ami others, conveyed to the Al hemarh- .v- Panicw Ball road Company by fbe d?*ed of William I). Brooks, iccorded in J>e*d Book C3. page 213, . i-r*? ?A -trm-t of lamLa^^atninfnr- about twenty ? acres, situate at BelU.avrn, 4d Beai f<>-t County, bordering on the Pantec > Creek. a-iJoitilnK land>< now or formerly ??wned by W. J. Bullock nnd ?other?, i onveyed .to the Albemar!-> & -Pnnt*'*" itaiU-Vad ? '??ijiriu-av by U?e_d?C(L of the Jrbr. L. Roper LumLcr ?"omtany, ?r^c^rj.--' la D?ul lli>^ ^ T (43) A tract of land containing about twenty-two (22) acre*. at Bell >iaven. n Beaufort Co'tnty fr^nt'nr on Pantegf Street, and adjoinlr.u tlis lands of W. J Rull"ck and others, conveyed to the Norfolk A Soutlwrn Fta'.iroafl Com pany by the deed of J"l n L R?ir,,*?" Lum ber Company, recorded In Deed Book 79, page HO. | isnt a *trip of land, fifty (SO) fee. In wldtly running from a cedar post In the boundary line of the Town of W^sTiTHg to?i. In Beaufort County, easterly to Jack's Creek. ronvcyed to the WushlnK ktan &. Plymouth 'Railroad Comuanv. by l fit ill < il 111 M Mil wife, recorded In Deed Book 111, page 371. (51) A tract of land containing abOtrt two and one-quarter (2V.) acres at Wash ington, In Beaufort County, a part'^of land known as the Ellison ti*act. conveyed | to tlie Washington & Plymouth Railroad Company by deed of C. M. 11 row n and his wife, recorded In Deed Book 113, I pane 5. iL.) A strip of land fifteen US) feet In width, sltuute In the Town of Washing ton, In Bc-aufort County, extruding across and befog a part of lots numbered 98, 1(M, | as thown on the plat attached to and I made a part of the deed from David Hill ? and his wife to the Washington & Ply mouth Railroad Company, recorded in lH?ed Book 111, .page WO. 'l (35) A strip of t"mt nftrrn (15) feet In j width, situate In th* '['owB-^f Washing ton, in Beaufort County, extending across and being a part of numberW R6. 92. i?i and 104. as shown on the plat attached ? to and made a part of the deed from tt^5- ? ,t Ha in ijton &. Plymouth Itailroud Company, recorded In Deed Book HI. page 300. (54) Two Idtfl fnr*" "* land situate at Washington, In Beaufort L'uuilf}. rUir" veyed to the Washington & Plymouth Railroad Company by the deed of Tho Kugler Lumber Company, recorded In . I>??d Roqfr ill, page 433. described as fol Iff? f * ? ] 1st. A lot located at the southeast cor ner of Water and Harvey Streets, front ing on the south side of Water Street one l-.nntired (I'll! fun, and pstnndlnn smith-, wardly to the Pamlico Illv?r, as shown on the plat made a part df and recorded with the deed to the Railroad Company recorded as aforesaid. 2d. A lot lying on the east side of the lot hereinbefore described, Adjoining the land -now or formerly owned by one George W. Kngler and other*, as shown on a plat attached to and made a part of the deed to the Railroad Company, re corded as aforesaid. (55) Three lots of land situate at Wash ington. In Beaufort County, conveyed to the Norfolk & Southern Hull road Com pany. by the deed of W. B. Wailing and hi* wife, recorded in Deed Book 127, page 554. described us follows: 1st. Lot fronting on the weat side of McNalr Street about ono hundred and forty-eight (148) feet and extending back between parallel lines about one hundred and five (105) feet. It being the whole of lot numbered 86. 2nd. Dot fronting on the east side of McNalr Street, bordering along the Pamlico River, and being a part of lot numbered 99; conveyed to W. B. Wall ing by the deed of C. M. Brown, record ed Deed Book 69. page 678. 3rd. A l<H of land bordering on the Pamlico River, being a part of lots" numbered 98 and 104, and part of the lands acquired by the said WXUIIng from Joseph F. Bro*n. Thomas J. Shy rock and. others. (SO Two lots of land Situate at Washington, In Beaufort County, one three and one-half (2%) feet wide and one hundred and thirty-one (131) feet long, and the other eleven and one-half (11%) fee t wide end one hundred and thirty- <1*0) feet long, both extending through lots numbered 98 and 104, as shown on the plat attached to and msde a port of the deed from David Hill and his wife to the. Norfolk Southern RaHrosd Company, record' in Deed Book 138. nage RBI. (57) A tract of land containing about eeventy-*lve (75) acres, at Cfcoc owintty. In Beaufort Crtunty. adjoining the lands of John F. Bright and others, conveyed to the Raleigh & Pamlico S-->und Railroad Company bv the deed of J. 'W. Hemes and his wife, recorded in Deed B?olT lfo, jpngr ST? (51) A .tract of land containing about twelve (IS) acre* at Chocowln Ity In Beaufort County, adjoining the lands now or formerly owned by J. W. Haynee, John F. Bright and others, conveyed to the Raleigh it PamHco Touffn Railroad Company by Mia- deed ?f fcM Woora jt n Deed Bdblt WJ. - ---'or: ssaa . - _ . HT 1*1. page IN. (59) A tract of land oonteintag about (II) ecrw at Chocowfa the , MP County, adolnlng the I - W. H Fitr- " 1 J?nr %y tho deed of W. c. Husseli and miu a, iiMidM in D??d Book *4, p*g? lboUt Hv*At) acres, situate In Colum bia TtwiHhlp of Tyrrett County, near the Town of Columbia, conveyed to the Virginia & Carolina Coast Rallroal ??Jmpany. by the deed of J. A. Swale and Ma wife, recorded 1n Deed Book s2, page 32 5. . v * A tr*c* of land containing about fifteen (16) acres, situate HS Co imnMe Township, or Tyrrell County acur 'the Town ofHCoIumtrta; eoaveyeiL icitr tr.o Town or Coltrmbta; oeaveyedL o the Virginia & Carolina Cqast Kail ;oad Company by the deed of T. E. .'ombea and Ms wife, recorded In Deed tlcok 50. page 2S9. (63) Four lota or txtocta of land sit uate In Pitt County, conveycd to th?. Xurfolk & Southern? Railway Compcr.; oy the deed of L. !. Moore and Blawire. iocordcd In Deed Book W8. paget 158. and described as follows: 1st. Lot situate ? at Greenville, ad Jal.ilrtK Pitt "Street tend iho right ol ?vay ->t the Railway Company, ti fleer (15) yards tn width, and running badi JKtwetn .parallel J4ne? tlfty-nlne (&*/ /aids. conveyed, to 1* I. Moure by tin <1 ciC at John-P ?Qrean and Ms wile, r :cr led In Deed Book M-3, puge 271. ^nd. A lot situate at Greenville, or. ; the northeast corner of Fourteenth and Pitt Str?cta, fronting One hundred and , thirty- two (132) feet on Fourteenth | Street and extending batrti between rarnllel lines about throe hundred and , flflcen ( .115) feet, conveyed to L. I. llocro by tho deed of Shade Gray, re corded In Deed Book P-S. page 143. 3rd. About one (1) aero of land. In Gfeenvllie County, bordering on the i Old Ilank Hoad, ?'?>e hundred and thlr- I ty-tw^ (lSl') feet, and running back between parallel lines three hundred and thirty (330) feet, conveyed to L. I. Moore by the deed of J. K. Moye and his wife, recorded in Deed Book L-S, page 265. 4th. A tract of land containing I in Township near Marlboro, adjoining tho land or k; "f-Dgvla und othersr- con veyed to L I. Mooru by the deed of D Shelley Swain, recorded in Deed Book T-S. pace 414. (C4) Two lota of land situate a Greenville, In Pitt County, numbered and -11, as shown on the plat o. Greenville Land At TnfUjrovement Com pany, conveyed to the Raleigh A: Purn llco Sound Railroad ComfSMty by the tl< ?'d ot Oscar Hookei, recorded In Deed Book L-8, page 253. ? ? (66) A lot of land situate at Green ville. In Pitt County, ?fronting one hundred and ftfty (150) feet on Pitt Street, and extending back between parallel lines one hundred and thirty five (135)- leet, adjoining the lot now or formorlyi owned by 'Major Pollock, ?conveyed td the Raleigh & Pamlico Sound Railroad Company by the deed of warren 'Bell and Ma wife, l-e corded in Deed Book P-S. page 140. (67) A tract or 1 a c?m r. . and fifty-five. hundredths* (2.55) acres, situate at Wilson. In the County of W5l?>n, between Tarboro and Mercef Streetc. acquired by the Raleigh & Pamlico Sound Railroad ? Company, from W-'H. Morris in pursuance of an order entered in a Condemnation Pro -cctding In tho Superior Court on July IKiw. (as) A lot of land situate at "WlT*on, In the County of Wilson, adjoining the froperty now or formerly owned by M. WlmUed. fronting fifty (50) feet oh Barnes Street and extending back between parallel lines about one hun dred and fifty (150) feet, conveyed to the Raleigh & Pamlico Sound Railroad Company hy the deed of R. J. Gran tham and hl3 wife, recorded In Deed Book 76. page 236. (69) A lot of land situate at Wilson. In the County ot Wilson, fronting sixty (CO) feet on Spring Street, nnd extending back between parallel lines one hundred and twenty-nine (129) feet, known a* "The Red House" Lot. conveyed x to the Raleigh & Pamlico Sound Railroad Company by the deeft~ of W. M. Farmer, recorded In Deed ~age SO. (70) A lot of land situate ot Wilson. in tli Cfnirty rtf Vi'ilmi on the north east corner of Spring Street BhU- Moulin Street, fronting on&. hundred and twenty-six (126V feet on South Street and extending back between parallel linos one hundred and eighty-six (ISO) feet, conveyed to the Riilelgh & Pam lico Sound Railway Company by '.he deed of H. G. Conner. Commissioner, and others, and recorded in DTTed Book 7 8. peg- cr (71) A lot of land situate at Bay i'?njlk-o County, on the norta etist corner it Water and Main Streets, boro. In 1 fronting six humlred and twenty -seven | (637) feet on Water Street and tw ji niidi (ld mm tw ? niy ? ?M??t <lw?-. truth (2J0.5) feet on Main Street, known a. the "Gin House Lot," conveyed to the Mrginla & Carolina Coast Railroad Company by the deed of George T. Far nell and his wife, recorded In Deed Book 42. page 379. I (72) Twenty- six lota of lan^l situate In Wake County, as shown ot> the Town Site Plat or Eagle Rock, and conveyed to the Raleigh A: Pamlico Sound Railroad Company by the deed of Elmlra Rhode*, recorded In Deed Book 214. pane 431. iTH) a tract of land containing about eighteen and thr^v-tentha (IS.3) acres, tltuu'.e In Wake County, adjoining the land* of Mary A. Turk and other*, con voyed to .ihc Raleigh & Pamlico Bound Railroad Company by the deed of It. E. Barnes and his wife, recorded In Deed Book 20K. page" 517. (74) A lot of land situate at RMelgh. 'In W^ke County, fronting one hundied and five (105) feet on the souih side of .Peace Btre?t and extending back between IMIfWIfU itBiM " i "pi ' n r f l conveyed to the Raleigh & Pamlico Sound Ra^road Company by the deed Uf (I dm U . Hinsdale and his wife, re corded In Deed Book 207, page 290. (75> A lot" of . land situate at Raleigh, In Wake County, fronting on the west side of North West Street one hundred I and five (106) feet and extending back | bfclWWMI li.u nll? I ? u"".- hundred *nd forty-five (145) feet, conveyed to the HB lelgh & Pamlico Sound Rail rv ad Company by the deed of P. R. Holmes and his Trifr m'liTiiin in i ill riniiu *ji-i7 rL"fft,,'V7." (7<>j Three lots of land situate at Ra leigh In Wake County, conveyed to the Norfolk Sr. Southern Railway Company by the deed of A. Duglil. recorded In Deed Book 219, page 485, and described as follows: 1st- A lot fronting on Baunders Street fifty-two and one-half (&2%> feet, and extending -back between parallel lines two hundred and thlrty-elghtx(238) feet, being part of lot numbered H3S, shown on Shaf fer's Map Cr RnMjfh. 2d. A lot bounded by a lino beginning at a point Jlfty-two and one-half (52%) feet south %f.. the southeast corner of Saunders and Lane Street*. City of Ra leigh. runs thence fifty-two and one-half (52%) feet southerly along Saunders Street, tlien^e two hundred and thirty-five (236) feet easterly. O * j mjrn feet northeasterly. and forty-one (241) feet westerly to the point of beginning. 3d. A lot bounded by a line beginning at a point on the e?*t side of Saunden Street marked by ar\ Iron stake one hun dred tnd five (106) feet south of the point of Intersection of the sojithern line ol Lane Street with the eastern ine of Saun ders- Street, as shown on Shaffer's Map ot Raleigh; runs thence soutfierTy aTfirrg the line ot Saunders Street thirty (30) feet to an Iron stake, thence easterly two hnn dred and thirty-seven (217) feet to the eastern boundary of Saunders* property, thence northerly thirty (JO) feet, tnenee wenterly two hundred and thirty-five (23S) feet to the point of beginning. (77) A lot of land situate at Raleigh. In Wak? County, fronting one hundred and thirteen (113) feet on the west side of North West Street, tween parallel lines and ten (?W) feet, conveyed to the Ra- , lelgh A Pftmlleo Bound Railroad Com pany by the deed of tfalrfna K. Walters and her husband, recorded In Deed Be ' 208. page 871. (TO Six lots of land situate at Raleigh. In Wake County, conveyed to the Rr.lelgh A. Pamlico 8ound Railroad Company by the. deed of Perrln Buabe? and hi* wife, recorded In Deed Book 219, page 90, and located .at the northeast corner of Weat Jcn+m and Saundern Streets. . (TV) A lot of tan<L statute at Raleigh. In Wake County* on the west side cf "wmT Street, between L?ne and North 8treets ?being a part of lot numbered I7H, nr shown on Shaffer'a Map of Raleigh, con^ veyed to the Rat?t/rh A Pamlico -Sound Railroad Company bjr "the deed < f James recorded In Deed* Book 205. page 1 lot of land situate ?T"Ratrtrh; tr, Wake County, fronting cn West Streef ferty-eeven (4i) feOt and being a part ol County, frontl Wort (UMt ' Pai?i|h msHMP^IHRPmRHP Company by the dsed o(_Annls" Moors Parker, recorded In Deed Book 208, part <R3) *Two lota of land situate at Ra-, lelgh. In Wake County, one fronting forty-eeven and one-half (AW feet on the west aide of North Weit Street, sx? tending back to Btcvsns' Branch, and the other- fronting fifty-seven (57) feet on ~ttis west line of North West street, and ex tending back , to Stevens' Branch, con veyed to the Raleigh A Pamlico Sound Railroad Company by the fleM of Fannie Mttchell, recorded in Deed Book 206, page (84) A tract of land containing about fifty-three hundredths (.63) acres, situate at Rulclgh, in Wake County, Adjoining the land now or formerly owned by W. J. Saunders, Bradta*"*!). Johnson and others, conveyed ts'The Raleigh A Pam lico Sound Railroad Company by the deed of Bradley 8. Johnson and lils wile, re corded- in Deed BSek 808. page ?72. (85) A lot of 'land situate at K<tfetgtrr in Wake County, fronting ogt the aouth side of Tucker Street sixty-two and one half (CJV4) feet, and extending back about one hundred and live (1(6) Wit, conveyed to the Raleigh and Pamlico Sound Rail road Company by the deed of- Jerry Ms bane and hi* wife, recorded In Deed Book 206. page 646. v (86) Four lota of land situate at Ra leigh. In Wake County, being lots num bered 321. 822. 335, 336, as shown on Shaf fer'B Map of Raleigh, conveyed to tho Raleigh & Pamlico Sound Railroad Com pany by the deed of Florence P. Tucker, recorded In Deed Rook tOS. -page 650. (87) _A lot of land situate at Raleigh, in WulW County, on the northwest corner of 1 Johnson und West Streets, fronting on | Johnson Street one hundred and forty teen (in) fed; conveyed to the-RMeigh & Pamlico -Sound Railroad Company by thu deed -of II. A. Bland And his wife, re corded In Deed Book 208. page 545. (88> A tract of land containing about nine (9) acres. situate at Moreliead City, In Carteret County. issued as put of the Camp Site for the North Carolina ~Nfi tional Guard, conveyed to the Norfolk & Southern. Railway by the deed of Martha E. Katon, recorded In Deed Book 8, page 303. (89) A tract of land contolnlng about forty-eight and one-half _148 V4) acres, situate at Morehcad City. In Car teret County, used as part of tho Camp 81 to for the North Carolina National Guard, conveyed to the Atlantic & North Carolina Company by the deed of Mary E. Dixon and others, recorded In Deed. Book 4. page 189. (96)/ A lot of land at Beaufofrt, In LCarferet County, being numbered^ 2,-fln rtRal part of the tlty of Beaufort known as Hedrirktown. conveyed to the Atlantic & North Carolina Com pany by the deed of Laura Whlttfng ton and others, recorded In Deed Book "8. page 4|8. (91) Two lots of land situate at Beaufort, in Carter. -t .County, being numbered 5 and 8. In that part of the ' City of Beaufort knowh as Hedrlck town, conveyed to the Atlantic & North Carolina Company by the dee J of Frftnces J. Rleger, recorded In Deed Book 3. page 409. ? (92) Six lots of land situate at Benufort In Carteret County, being lot numbered 97. on the Old Town Plat of the City of Beaufort, and lots number ed I. 3. 4, 6 and 7 on the plat of that part of the City of Beaufort known as Hedrirktown. ennvov.^a. the Atlantic A North Carolina CJffnpanVby the deed of John Forlow and other*. recorded In Deed Book 3. ^fiture 216. ? . (93) Four tracts of land aggregating three hundred and fifty-six and three eights (356*,) acres. situate In Betiu .fnrt 'I'nwnK^ip of Carteret County, as described by Gt hn(~No. V<.T, ?<t. feonlnd in Deed Book Jt. t?i *e 444: Grant No. TyeoededC Book 3. page 445: Grant No. iU;.J>7 2. recorded In Deed Book 3. page 44\: Gran; No. 16.&73. re -TrrnrH 111 I i 1 T h " nurr *4S; ron vcyed to the Atlantic & North CnrHIIHIl" Company by the[deed of Fred L. Mer ; rltt. recorded In Book page 449: (94) A ccrtRln^^j^ct of hind situate I near Beaufort. In^iinrteret County. containing about tntTii^five (S3) -acres, being known, as a Qf the uogue Hamc's, conveyed to the How land Inipi oT^nw.j?t Coinpnn" by the di-id of John J. l;cy."l uiii his wile, "re corded In Deed Book 2, page HI OS) A lot vf laud situate at New Bern, in Cruvtn County, fronting on WinM ley Street swenty-flve (75) feet. dred (?00) ftt-t to Griffith Street, con veyed to the Virginia A: Carolina Coust Railroad Company by the de?-d of the Cotton Oil & Fertiliser Company, re corded In Depd Book 126, page 405. (9C> Two lots of lati I situate tn New Bern, In Craven County, one sit'u.-fte on the corner of Dunn ur.d Pasteur Streets, fronting two hiwdred and eighteen (.'!>) feet eight (*) inches on Dunn Street and one hundred and lifty (U0? feet on Pqsteur Street; the other situate on the 'southwest corner of Dunn mrrt-Pameur- .Streets /sontlng on Dunn *'.rcet. two hundred and rift > (j.50) I'eet. und extending back to the right of way of the Norfolk A South ern Railroad Company, known a* a part of "Riverside." conveyed to the Norfolk & Southern Railroad Company by the deed of W. M. Dunn, recorded In Deed Book 162, page 401.". "ALL THR KIOIIT. TITLE. AND IV Yi?T.V?.2F THK i.kasb- fhom the ATLANTIC . & NORTH CAROT.FNA RSSSft SB?*"- DATE? SEI" -dr?d,u.n_<l fori^neT] >41 '.4J ttiuiire IV ?? T , 1. Bern In Craven County. HJJ01UHK Mid lands of Claudia Wntkins and others.1 conveyed to the Atlantic & North Car olina .Railroad Company by the deed of C. E. Foy and his wife, and recorded In Deed Hook 134, pajtr 47. (X) Two lota of land situate at New Bern In Craven County, known as the Cutler Property, one numbered ?22. fronting: fifty (60) feet on Houth Front Street- ?nd extending back one hun dred and men <107) feet; the other fronting on East Front Street, adjoin ing the property of Cicero Green and others, conveyed to the AHnntte North Carolina Railroad Company by" the deed of L. H. Cutler and his wife, recorded in Deed Book 144. pago 44. - (3) A lot ot )and situate at New Berti In CraveR County, conveyed to the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad Company by the deed of W. M. Dunn recorded -in Deed Book 151, page 404, and described as follows: Beginning at a point one hundred and fourteen' (114) feet from a atone at the Intersection of Atmore Street with the Railroad Company's property, thence running In a northwesterly di rection parallel .with the right of way. two hundred and aerenty-two (272) feet, the nee easterly parallel with the Oil Hill Bite ninety-four (94) feet, thence southeasterly seventy-four (74) feet, thence eaaterly one hundred and two (102) feet to the corner of the lot of Mark Dlsosway. and thence eight* (80) feet along the line of the lot or Dfsoswajv-thence ninety-ate (??) feet to the point of beginning. (4) Two lota or Iracta of land, altu ate at New Bern In Craven County, conveyed to the Atlantic & North Car olina Coaat Railroad Company ~hy the dped of L. J. Moore, recorded In Deed Book 144, page St. and described aa fpflow*: . lat tvae*. Beginning at a red Band atone In the Holllster and Atmore Una at the eaat edge of the right of way of tha Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad Company, thence running eaaterly along said Holllster and Atmore line ^wenty-flve (26) feet, thenoe aoutl " - ? ~ 'le of *7? V to thf right I i in i mm i ?) feet to the line i mm Atlantic A KoitkH I JHWI road Company, thence westerly along aifld line to the right at way1 of Bald Railroad Company and with aid right of way to the beginning. *?# traet. Beginning at a point L *?rat corner of nafi lot above men- | 1. funnln^eaaUrTy with tnt tlut j i? firs |?OTie?. running easterly wTTTi tmrttm f TW?a twenty-five <M> feat. thence northerly at right angles to aald line ?leven <1I) feet, thence easterly, and parallel with aald HolHster and At Hd&vfcs? 'rft? right of Mr (s) A. lot of land altuafe at Mtif Born In Craven County, conveyed to i the Atlantic & North Carolina Rail. r.?ad Company by the deed of N. H Stro*t and his wife. rerorflKl In Deed Book 153, nag" 679. described bn fol Uvw?. Ufltlnnlna at a point near the W. T& . Green lot at a point south 46* and 2C weit 72 feet from Griffith btreet. running southwardly 61* and 1R' f?r1,y;",ne (49) feet and parallel with Griffith blreet to a point In the old boundary line of the Atlantic A . North Carolina Railroad Company's property thence with said boundary I line northwest to C. W. Grttcu'* corner thence north 5iy east six and . one-half (<m feet to the beginning. r?T~A lor of hrnd eftoate at Nur Uern In Craven Count y." conveyed- to the Atlantic 4k North Carollnn Railroad T"1*" V KjV; thir deed of (?. T. Hancock and his wife, rerord&d In Pawl ui,u no wuc, rec?raea ill WW DBOii 153. page 581. described as follows: be ginning at a point In the division line between Oliver Wlnson and Emma A. Winson lot end Co by and J. P. Ives, now L. J. Moore lot. on the southweet side of Griffith Street fifty-nine (6?>. feet from tha switch track line of Atlantic &. North Carolina Kailrt Company, running thence In u sou 1 westwaruly direction fifty-nine t f9f feet to said rullroad line, thence soulh tisl fKty-one (SI) and four (4) Inches more or less to the northwest line of I lo i numbered H. IbflH^riy the W. ML Shepherd line, now the C. T. Hancock line, linnet eaatwmrdly win* _sald line flfty-ulne (59) feet, thence nOrthweet .rrtty-one (61) feet fouf*- (4)'' Inches ?nore or leas . to the beginning; being the rear part of lot numbered 7 ac cording. to. the plan of the division of the lands of- Thomas Jerkins, deceased. I (10) A ' tract of ' lend containing ibout ten (10) acres, situate at Kln-? *ton In Lenoir County, conveyed to the Atlantic &. "North Carottifa Railroad Company by the deed of J. J. Street and hts wtf?v recorded ? ht Deed Book ? M; page 265. described aa follows:. begin ning at a stake on the south side of lirlght Street feet from tho northeast corncr of Mingo Cobb's Jot, and . runs south 3s west 60 poles to u stake on the edge of the hill; theripe aouth 8"HC fast 55 poles to a line of right ot way of the Atlantic Sc. North Carolina Railroad Company at ft j>olnt-at_or near where the fire t survey Wilmington 8t Weldon Rallroad~crdei ed said right of way; thtnee along the line of the right ot way of'the Atlantic & North OroKna Railroad Company to the edge of said Bright Street ex tended; thence along the edge of aald street north ?87V4* west, 2 poles to *he beginning. nit Four lota of land situate at Goldsboro in WHyHB Cuuntj, nawlen* ; 229. 230. 231 and 232. as shown on' the ^ arrai. ."S? !.y mreei, oil the west " i?? . Street. on ~ttie Wbrth by Sii ofAFi? ?". th? ea"W,by the lot ii of F\ I. Cox and others, conveyed )' ^ r-. ..t >p tlc * North Carolina Rall h?i ,by *h". 4f?d ?e Willie Hall, recorded In Deed Book *4, page t.A<ri,) it tlSft 6f u5d at Golds k . I Wayne County, con Lai nine ,b*Jn? lot numbered It* ???? %rt of lot-numbered 1?1 on the f?w.n P'*n _ of OeMsboro, adjoining lands of F. I. -Cox and others, conveyed " r ? North Carolina Rall 5? iw?JSp*njr toZ ih*. d?*d of William LJ Do/!?h' recorded In Deed Book S4. pege 641. town Plat of (feldsboJo bou"^ on ,M?,h?by Beach Street, on thOBsst 8lr**t? on West by Cen ? ?beet? 3^. th? Ati;ntle Itreet ; conveyed" to" 5lor?j* Carolina Rallrowu company oy B2ok!^,p.rf.RV.,ord- r*c"a?1 cS???u ahont one and one-haU Ing lota numbered lt9, ,n - shown on the town plan of bounded on the east by W< street, on the aouth by Bea evil?* 5ef,1 by Jot" formerly oi Willis Hall and , on the north ?rH?t.ty ,orme'l/ owned by PHvett, conveyed to the AtU_ F-sstJsBzfjz SSSSSM jSV" L M described In the deed of KM. fe fr Vlf Kif,B AtkntlfW hii s dB^sairpass'* " ^ citr, in Carteret County, numbered J^AgP* IN VI R( rRUST POR THI ?OTJTHKRN RAIL THB DEPENDANT: -H) A lot of land situate at ?each. In Trinress Anne 1'ounty, ^SSSs ,h A i Untie iind North Caiurina id Co.n&ihy by tie dvU ?c-c- ? ? ?JR.Q.WC, recorded 4a Dted o? feemn 4t* jjfl1 Widt i.i faat i rliflth biroct and i uns North tf2a 1G' / umpany; th?nc? ioulft"W* - ? -*t and 6 Imtfiet to the- old 'bcuniary tie Of the Atlantic Ac , North Carolina .all read property; thtnee North t3"jo* ...?I six feet si., l^ehta to the bvgiu Ing. (.) Flvr lot* or tr.;ct* ofTar.V rltu .tc at New Burn. In Craven County, onVeyed to the AtlBiat?-*? Norta Car liiru R".ttroad-Cunu.uay:.ljy the ueed of . H. Hnckburn, rec.T IcJ i:i t?eiM Hook pr Be <U, described at ' .'ho ?.??t half of lot Known In the plan ?t the City of New Bern 09 Water ?'ront Lot iJ; lot, on the south side of ?ront Street, being ?i part of Water ? ?'toni Lot 22 ihown un the t.Iar of the Jlty of New Bern, descriOol lit a deed rom E. R. Stanley and Ids wlfo tae Icorgs "Whlliuf!. r?ywd?d in Deed 3obk 79. "page 4 5Z; Water Front Lot 23 ?the plan of "the CUv cf New Bern. tuete at the corner of Hancock and iouth Front Streets; Water Front Lot i 4 on the Plan of tho City of New Bern: ilso lot on the south side At Ffdirql Street "between Hancock and 4Ulddtes ?streets, adjoining property now or for merly owned by Dennlson pa South 7ront Street, extending back to the Channel of the Trent River, being the ?ame lot conveyed 'by James B. Hughes to George H. Roberta, recorded In Deed Book 102. page 14. (<J) A lot Of land situate at 'New Bern In Craven County, conveyed to Lhe Atlantic and North Carolina Rail 1 rond Company by the deed of Cornelius W. Green, recorded In peed Book W8, page 50#. and described as follows: On -the west stdq-of Griffith Street, begin nlng in the t*ast line of the Atlantic & North- Carolina Rullroad Company's property at a point one hundred and thirteen (113) feet north along said GrjtTUh ~StreetV*run"nlng ttience'nO^fttft " ly ono hundred and forty-six (14?) feet to a point In tho line of the property, of J. C. Harrison one hundred and' twenty-nine (129) feet plx (6) Inches from the west line of Griffith Street, thence westerly along Harrison's line to? the Una of the, Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad- Companyr ? thenee with the line of the. Atlantic & North * Carolina Rallrctod Company to the point of beginning. (?) A lot of land situate at New' Born In Craven County, conveyed to tho Atlantic and North Carolina Rail remd Company by 4h? deed of W. B. ? Blades, ^recohled In Deed Book 141, page 20. described as .follows: ~ pinning at . between the a point in the dividing line ???e Oliver Wlnaon and Arcana W lnson lot and the Cobv and F. Ivee #?#* 6n ?the TK?-1 f,<!" ?r Griffith Street. Ijllj'rpjjje (?9) feit from the Switch Track TUne of the Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad Company, runnlnc thence to said Railroad line. thence southerly fifty-one (61) feet four (4> inches with the said Railroad Com pany's line to the Dixon line, thence lhe Ba,<1 ,ln* "fly-nine (58) f vet, thence northerly and paral lel with Griffith Street about Ilft^Sfi* feet nine Inches to the beginning, be- ? ing; part of the lot known in the Di vision of tho Lands of Thomas Jenfe. ins. ns "The Triangle."

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