mum t sin an I [MIT IOIIBE OF Silt mI ? (Continued from,9?ond Pagol Partridge hk wife, for ???- uu of 10 Chesapeake Transit Company. _ L? - Twe parcels of land Hi Norfolk, de- - scribed as follows: I Vint: THst certain lot of land, begin ning at a point on the western side ol Woodalde's Lane at the point distant seventy-two and twenty-flve hundredths feet,- mora or less, southwardly troir. Water Street, and running thence along the western side or the aforesaid lam three hundred and nine feet, more Oi leas, to the Port Warden's Line of th? Elisabeth River; and running thenct Westwardly along the aforemld Port Warden's L?lae ftfty-foor Test, more oi less, to the property formprty owned by Batchelder & Collins, but now owned bj Frank 8. Gannon, and hereinafter de scribed and running thence northward!} along the eastern line of the property owned by Batchelder & Collins, hut no* owned by the said Frank 8. Oaimtm. three hundred and nine feet, more 01 Jess, to Talt's line: and running thence e&stwardly along the Itns of Talt fifty four -feet to the point of beginning on Woodslde's I^ine. It being the *ame property conveyed to said Frank 8. Gan non by deed of Tllton .Conklln and wife dated April 10th, 1906, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the jCorporatlon Court of the City of Norfolk, Virginia, In. Deed Book 161-A, page 145. Becond: That certain lot of land begin ning on the southern line of WaJer 8treet, sometimes called Wkle Water Street, at the northeast Intersection of the lot formerly belonging' to John T: Bowden's estate, and running thence southwardly alofig~tktrUne of said prop erty to the channel of the Elisabeth River; thence along the llnf of said channel flfty-four feet, more or lesa, ?nst wardly to the lltte of Woodslde's yfnmxt. thence northwardly along, the line of Woodslde's property to water Street; thence along the line of Water 8treet flfty-four feet, m<V^-aa-toss. .to the point of beginning; it being the same pa.rce.Lof_ ^Bsyad-to- said Fiank-TB_ | by the -Atlantic Coast Terminal Com k? m'srv srs&sar sst asst Office of the Corporation Court for th* City of Norfolk. Virginia, In Deed Book 161-A, page 147. * LANDS 1n VIRGINIA TITLES TO WHICH ARE IN THE RAILWAY COM- | (5) A lot of land situate In Norfolk County shown as lot one on the plat Of the South Portsmouth Land and Improve ment Company recorded In Deed Book ???. P*?? *7, and conveyed to the Vlr ? gin la & Carolina Const Railroad Com pany by the deed of L. M. Silvester, duly ?'/ ln thS Clerk's Office In Deed Book 2JT7, page 4SL (4) A lot of land situate In tforfblk County shown aa lot two on the plat of the South Portsmouth Land and Im provement Company, recorded In Deed Book 172. page $S7s and conveyed to Vir ginia & Carolina Coast Railroad Company by deed from R. A. Hutchins and wife, duly of record in Deed Hook 237 page 492. (6) A tract of land containing about four and elahty-two one-hundredth* (4.82) situate in Norfolk County, conveyed to the Virginia A Carolina Coast Railroad Company by de$d of Pauline H. Stokes and others, duly of record ln Deed Book Li*, page 169. <6) A tract of land situate In Norfolk County eighty (80) feet In width, and eighteen hundred (1M0) feet In length, an >hown on the plat attached to and made a part of the deed from Lena H. Hodges and husbnnd to the Virginia A Carolina Const Railroad Company, recorded in Deed Book tS/9. page 171. <7> A tract of land situate In Norfolk County eighty T?) feet In width by one thousand three hundred and eighty-five feet In length,. "" 'i'""" pint attached to and made a part of the deed of James W. Brown and wife to the Virginia A Carolina Coast Railroad Com pany, recorded ln Deed Book 298. page ?4?5. . Two tracts of land situate in Nor folk Countv, one sixty <?) feet In width extending from Brnmbleton Avenue on - <!>? psr.pqrlg pf Jnhn f Haynes on Ihf east; tho other sixty-six feet ln a-idth extending from the ??astern line of the Haynes proptry east *ardl> lu Ohio Oi?tk and ec fai lata the reek as the property of Marshall ex tend*, conveyed to the Norfolk St Vir ginia B?ach Railroad & Improvement Company by deAl of J. F. B. Marshall and wife, recorded In Deed Book 1:1, page *. . (S) Ceretnln lots or parcels of lands situate In Norfolk County conveyed to the Norfolk. Virginia Beach & Southern Railroad Company by the deed of John Cafstensen and wife. * ' " ? *' Book i.'s-a, page ' low#: (a) Lots numbered fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen', eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one. twenty-two, twenty three. twenty-four, tn*nty-flve, forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, and forty-four as fhown on the plat recorded with the deed of Francis Richardson to John H. Core 'and others in L>*evl Book 11$. page 77. (b) ^ginning at the Intersection of the channel of Ohio Creek with the eolith Tine of the land which J. F. B. Marshall flnj f tn-ll V-y-1 fn f ha M^irfulU fg Vlr glnla Beach Railroad & Improvement .Company, then aountherly down the said channel to the bridge leading to Rlver Mde. then northwesterly up the channel of a cove and. along the line of land granted and conveyed to Francis Rloh urd*on by Richard Walke, and following aald line to an Intersection with the said land conveyed to the said company, thon vuteri^ along said Virginia Beach Rai> rc-ad St Imp j ? ge * ? * " the begtnnlr .. (10) A tract of land situate In Norfolk County sixty-si* (64) Tiei ' nienty-llve one- hundredths (S.96) acre* Beach Railroad A Improvement Company by Ylrtue of cerHCIfr condemnation pro ceedings In the County Court of Norfolk County. tin Right in>? of Innd situate In Nor-, ~ 'Mlgnateo as lots ndiftMfM thirteen and fourteen on tha plat of Petheridge property, recorded In Map Book 2, page 1. conveyed to the Chesa peake Transit Company by the deed of H. T. Philpotta and his wife, recorded in Deed Book J74. page U7. (12) Four lots of land situate In Nor folk County between Broad Creek Turn pike and Princess Anne Avenue, do ' sated aa lota six, scveo, forty-four forty-five, as shown on the- plat racor wHh the deed of W. W. Morton, Truatae. to H. It. Page, conveyed to the Chesa- I " ~ ? " * f thai Rich page _1 peak a Transit Company by deed of the Virginia investment^ Ciamgin^jr " ' mond, recorded a 3) A tract- of land containing about ?even and forty-two one- hundredths (7.41) situate In Norfolk County, con veyed to the Norfolk * Southern Rail . ? ,ny by th# deed of Oarrott and his wife, of record in DeBaurr ad Book <14) A tract1, <STnf containing about aevan and one-half OH) acres situate fa Norfolk County cotrtvrad to tha Norfolk "1 Bouthem Railway Company by deed of Taaewall Taylor and othara, recorded In Dead Book Iff. CM) Twi Two 1 a pout twenty afcrca situate __ page 6*4. tracts of land ?six and eight -tenths (M. containing ?POT eight- tenths ( In , , County, ^ and Norfolk J Company by tha dead of Henrr Butt and his wife, recorded In Deed Boole 111. page M4. (If) A tract of land containing about five and elfht-tanths (B.S) acrea situate In Norfolk utd eight nrfolk Coui 4k Southei inty, 1 veyed to tha Nor Slk Jk Southern Railroad Company by a Daed of Hoary E. Mansfield and wife, *v Dead MQk ? ? Sr'c.' situate reeerdad. PR glai jg i? ? ? ___ ? In Norfolk City dealgnated aa lota two. threw, four, five, and she In oiatflc three, aa shown on the plat of 'WlUiamaton. re corded tn Map Book 1. page ttWJ con veyed to tha Chesapeake Trawalt Cotn pany by the dead of Bdznunda Ruff in. Special Commissioner, of record In the Clark's Office of the Corporaton Court In Dead Book 14t->, page 234. (If) Four Iota of land In tha City of Norfolk daelgnatsd as lots one. four, five, and ate In block three, as shown on the ' i)ston recorded . in Mia , conveyed to Ufa Oheaa ? ? " tha dead of Clerk's Office fn tha dornoratkm Court tn Dead Book 14S-A. page 85 ? (19) A lot of landsituata in tha City doacrlbod ?* follow.: 1M. A strip of land contalnlnr t^etiT v ?M ana sixty -ous buiMtniui.*-^' . ?arm, Mvuiwa thousand t*?r 1>utiut? and ? vaoty (11^9) Itoct In Ica^ut. tending from ths nortn line of t.e iai. ho tr or formerly owned by Sun*~n Ul?? 10- m point Dear the Cap* Hanry I.iki, si^s^rau? u tod. A trafcf oF land cdhtalr.lng nlnt and thm^iMMr situate be tween capo Henry and Virginia fcea-.ii to the vest of ths parcel described above as ahown oo the aforeealfi plat. ,?d. A tract of land containing two aiW eighty -nine 'hundredths ?I.K?) acic* ad joining the west Ihia cf the ft: Ft true. FaM pUL Ve' lftloVn tn tr.e a:?,re , ***> X lot of land situate between Oar* Henry and Virginia Bench In Prluc?e> Aane County, numbered as lot Ml. a? shown on the plat of ??Holliee." cenveyod to the Norfolk ft Southern Railroad Com pany by the (toed of J^W-AVLUic.*. -Tetm te*. recorded In Deed Book 72. page 15. (?tt) A lot of land situate between Cape Henry and Virginia Beach, In Prin com i Anne County, numbered U. ae shown on the plat of th* "Hollies." conveyed to* the Norfolk ft Southern Kalllroud Com pany by the deed of Marv K. Olennan. and others, recorded In Deed Bcok 70. page n. s (23) A lot of Isod altunte between Cap? Henry and .Virginia Beach In Princess Anno. -County, numbered us lot ?, ? a* shown on the Hat of the '?Holtlee." con ?eyed to the Norfolk ft Southern Rail road Company by the deed of Miry E. Holme a and others, recorded In Deed Book 70. page &T5. . (24) A lot of land situate between, Cape Henry and Virginia Beach In Princess Anne County, numbered 73. as shown on the plat of tne '-Jfolllee." conveyed to the Norfolk ft Southern Railroad Company by the deed of Mary E. Holmes, recorded In Deed Book "0. page 67S. (25) A lot of land situate between Cape Henry and Virginia Beach. In Princess Anne County, numbered *1SS. as shown on the plat of the "Holllea," conveyed to the Norfolk? ft? Southern Railroad Company by the deed of J. W. Willed*. Trustee, recorded In" Deed Book 70. page 575. (26) A lot of land situate between Cape Henry and Virginia Beach In Princes* Anne County^ being lot numbered . as ahown on the rlat of the "Hollies." con veyed to the Norfolk ft Southern Rail road Crimpiiny hy Mm deed of \y I lllnm U Talt, recorded In Deed Book 70. page. 111. _ ? ?? ? (27) A lot of land situate between Cape Henry and Virginia Beach In Princess Anne County, being lot numbered fci, as shown on the plat of the '?Hollies." con Tgyw 1U ttl? Wfrrfulk ft 9uutheu Rnlliuad Company by the deed of D. Btorraont. recorded In Deed Book 70. page 575. (?) A lot of land situate between Cape Henry and Virginia Beach in Princess Anne County, being lot numbered 112 on the plat oL the "Hollies" conveyed to Norfolk ft Southern Railroad Company by the deed of Georglana C. Bott, re corded In Deed Book 70. page 575. (28) Twelve lota or parcels of land altu ate between Cope Henry and Virginia Beach In Princess Anne County, num bered SC 56. 72. 111. 1*. 134. 157. 213. 243. 2*4, 265. and 266. as shown on the plat or the "Hollies." acquired by the Norfolk ft Southern Railroad- Company from J. W. Wlllcox. Trustee, and others. . through certain condemnation proceedings. Insti tuted In the County Court of Princess Anno County, as shown by the reports confirmed and recorded In Deed Book 70. page 576. and Deed Book 75. page 184. (SO) A tract of land containing about one^hAlf of an aero situate at Lynnhaven Inletln Princes Anne County, conveyed to the ChesapcMte Transit Company by the deed of Edward W. James and hfe wife, recorded In Deed Book 70, page 287. (31) A tract of land containing about fifty acres situate on the Chenapeake Bay between Cape H^nry and the Lynnhaven 'River In Princess Anne County, conveyed to the Chesapeake Transit Company by a deed of the Cape Henry Park & Land Company, recorded In Deed Book 70, page 245. (32) A tract of land containing about one hundred and five acres situate on the i North Landing River In Princess Anne r'm.nnr InH Hi.i namtmrn t*mlf nt turt ' known as the "Muntlen Point Farm." i conveyed- tu the Norfolk ft Virginia , Beach ft Southern Railroad Company by . | the deed of Alfred Skltt and his wife, recorded In Deed Book 69. pnge 357. (33) Four lots of land situate in Prin cess Anne County, numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4, Iff u nde nf Vmnt. ~n ttn eh ed* ^n* an'i^ ma e "a ! part of the deed from Alfred Skltt and | his wife to B. P. Hallond. conveyed to psny by the deed of Bernard P. Holland ?*uu Ins wue, recorded Irr Deed Book 69, P*ko L47. . Ml A lot of land situate In tho town of Suffolk In Cypiess Magisterial District of Nunsemond County, fruntlng sixty-tivo (65) feet on Washington til reel and run ning hack In a southerly direction one hundred und twenty-eix (12C) feet con veyed to tho Suffolk Carolina Railway PiimMnv bv the deed of W. N. ' '"'"P and his w.te, recorded ifi 1JNU BUUk M. luffolk In Nansemond County, front- , Ins thirty-five let-t on .the public I road which leads to Norfolk, runni beck between parallel linen, one liundi (100) feet, conveyed to tfce Suffolk & Carolina Railway Company by the deed of John B. Glttlngs and others, recorded In Deed Book 84, pa*e m. . ' (3b) A trapt of land situate near the town of Suffolk, In the County of Name Railway Company by deed of John 8. Glttlnga and other*, j-ecorded In Deed Book 54 page 636. described as follows: "Beginning near the line of the ? lot of land now or formerly owned by the Gay Manufacturing Company,, and running thence North along the lm* of the lot of the said Gay Manufacturing Company, I one hundred feet, 'Ihence East sixty (W) feet to the line of the Suffolk A Carolina, I Railway Company's right of way, thence [ North along the line of said right of way, four hundred (400) feet, more or, leas, to thy ttne Df~ttie Norfolk * Western KaU way Company's right of way. Iflgnce witmg*- Tut ? mis ui iue ?uiu ??Ufxou^& Western Railway . Company's right of | wayXfaurtaen n?* yy [ tnr 'ruriueiiy uwnm by jmni p. Pinnei. thence along the last mentioned line to the land now or formerly owned by Thomas XV. Smith, three hundred ana twenty (K0) feet, thence East along the line iff the land now or formerly owned uy i nonvia ? smirn, ? tiimr-ums | ftiti Ikewee South gin. hundred and flUy (160) feet, to the County Road, and thence East along the said County Road thlrty alx (W> feet, mote or leaa, to the land of the Gay Manufacturing Company. (37) " A parcel of land containing about forty -one one-hundredtha (.41) of an acre, adjoining the right of way of the Sea board fit Roanoke Railroad near the town of Suffolk In ,-Nansemond County, con veyed to the Suffolk _ <fe Carolina Railway Company by the <5 T the Su(T61K * and Improvement Company, record town of Suffolk In Cypreaa Magisterial 1 District In the County of Naneemond, fronting on Nansemond River about two tundred and twenty (220) feet and run ins back from the river about two hun dred and ten (210) feet, known aa the Suffolk Wharf property, conveyed to the Suffolk & Carolina Railway Company by the deed of W. H. Gay and others, re corded In Deed Book U, page 2M, and by the deed of W. B. Brooks and wife, re corded in Deed Book 1C, page SI 4. Also all the real estate, yards, build ings. stations, sheds, tracks, depots, freight houses, power houses, machine shops, oar barns, improvement* and ter mfnala now owned ami used by defend ant In the conduct of Its business, locat ed imi mtisnd la if mrfftft Tlei fclsr ?? 1 Suffolk. Stats of Virginia; Elisabeth City, Edenton, MacRey's Ferry, Columbia, Ply-' month, Washington, Bwhivtn, New Bern. Bayboro. Oriental. Galdsboro. Kln ston, Morehead City, Beaufort. Raleigh, Wilson and Greenville. State of North Carolina: and Providence Junction. Clap ham Junction. M linden's Point. Virginia Beach, Cape Henry, North Junction and BayvlUe. State of Virginia, and at other points along Ks lines of railroad and at and. near Its terminate. INCLUDED IN THE FOREGOING GENERAL DESCRIPTION IS THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT OF THE NORFOIJC A SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY, AND ALSO ALL ITS RIOHT, TITLE AND INTEREST IN AND TO THE EQUIPMENT HELD BY IT UN THE EQUIPMENT HELD BY IT UN DER LEASE FROM THE ATLANTIC AND NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY DATED SEPTEMBER 1 pMl: / BQUIPMElf? OWNED BY THE NOR- I FOLK * SOUTHERN RAILWAY ?J * COMPANY. Steamers: Garrett. Dlckerman, Wag ner. Haven Belle. Lacy. Comet, PamllCo. Philips, Albemarle, Hat teras, V lrgfala. Edanton, Waterboy . , ,nd W. B. BtadM. A Bargeet and Floats: Numbered 1. 1 m I bride vu the I nairsls tfcnl Wh?t becomeg of th mLUk when she 1 become? of the 2 enti * . A dollar | Freight Locomotive* Mm \ E^==iii I K! as ss - Flat Cars ?QM o wpijty;. . . . Box Cars 40V oSBSS??m* ??????' ^ I Rifrlnrator Car* 1 1 Furniture Car* 90 M capacity 76 | Pmwiihi Ix>comvUv?? . S3 ::::::::::::::: Pawenger and Baggage Car*.. Cabooae Cars Log Cars Flat Cars.JOM capacity.!;..!... Flat Cars lOM capacity Box Cars ?>M capacity Ek<sB,S"SS&::::::::: Gondola Cars 60M capacity Electric j>y '...J ALL. THE RIGHT/ TITLE ~AND IN TEREST OF SAID COMPANY IN AND TO THE FOLLOWINQ EQUIP MENTfcftHBLD UNDER LEASE A8 Locomotors* I Passenger Equipment Cars.. Work Cars Caboose Cars Log Cars. - Flat Cars Box Cars Gondola Cars Reference is hereby ma&c to the re port Of the Special MaStor R Stephenson, filed tn the uoove men tioned" r?u#e on or about August 7. 1?0?, as containing a more detailed descrip tion of-the equipment above enumer ated. THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTIES ACQUIRED BY THE RECEIVERS IN THE OPERATION OF 8AID RAILROAD ARE INCLUDED HEREIN- A8 PARTS OF THE PROP ERTY INTENDED TO BE SOLD BY THE UNDERSIGNED: NORTH CAROLINA. (1) A parcel of land situate at Ftorm vllle, In Pitt County, described as fol lows: Beginning at a stake near tho Company, running south 64?, JO' -east, seventy-seven and six-tenths (77.6) poles to another stake ncur srtid ditch, thence north 22? 50' east, eight (SfTTnd two-tenths (8.) poles to an Iron pin r* (77) poles to a stake, the beginning. , Being a small triangular piece of land I upon which a portion of the west prong of the "Snow HIU^ "Y" at FarmvfilH is located, convoyed to the Norfolk & Southern Railway Company by the deed of Lent ONeal, recorded in Deed Book E-?, pfitfr 1T0: _ (2) Two strips of land situate ih Washington- County, one located on each ald? of the present right of way of said Railway Company and ?*ch ten (10) feet wide, extending one thousand seven hundred and fifty (1.760) feet more or less, from the lands now or formerly owned by W. Frank Lucas on the north, through and as ti pnrt of the land now owned "by the said T. L Sat terthwalte, known as the Owens Farm, to the woodland owned by the said T. L Satterthwalte. Bald strips of land contain eighteenths (.8) of nn acre, mors or less, find include all lands within twenty-five feet of the center line of the present right of way of the Norfelk Southern Railway Company, throughout the distance tho aaiil Rail way traverses the land of the said T. L Satttrrthwalte. known as the Owens Farm, conveyed to the Norfolk & Southern Railway company bv the deed of T. L. Satterthwalte, recorded in Deed Book 6$. page 81. (S) A lot of land situate In Chowan County, described as follows: Begin ning at the point where dividing line between Blades Lumber Company nnd Richard Dick Intersects the western edge of the Norfolk & Southern Rull " ? ipawy's Ot>iton Mill ? Branefc kt teen and one-half <f?*4> '?*?*< from the center of said Cotton Mill Branch track, thence southwardly along the western edge of jiatd right of way. two hundred and twenty-eight (228) feet, more or less, to the lint of VT. B. SheP ?m.'UHiiiw Sin ??nil. I ?mm ?.n? iim between W. B. Shepard'a and Richard Dick's thirty-nine (39) feet to a point distant twenty-five (2R) feet from tho center line of The pro.posed track con necting the Cotton Mill Branch with tne biiifoiM & Carolina uauway; thence northwardly und parallel to the said ctnter line two hundred and twenty seven (MT) and one-half ( Vfc } tect, more or less, to the dlvldin" tin* be tween the Blades Lumber Company and Richard Dick's; t hence tastsvardiy along said dividing line *lght tSJ test, more or leBB. to the point of b?~ gl nnlng. rnnveypil ? ih"tmr~ KorroiK & sodrrr^i f. Railway Company Uy tho deed ul itlch ard Dick and his wire, recorded in Deed Book K-3, page 581. (4) A tract . of land containing about four ana seven hundredths (4.07) acres, situate? in Greenville Township of Pitt County. dfScTOJetl us follows: Beginning ut U point on tlx': line of Willlum Nichols where the cen ter of the line 'of survey of tiu- h.ihlgli & Pamlico Sound I*ai|w;fy 1'oiik^ui.y crosses Bail line and running thenci with the Nichols line north 3i 4:?' west niiy-fcignT mra ? fony-riVL' ? cm/" T.tni" dredths (58.45) feet to a point iirty (60) X^et froiuu-ud at rlghcutiglts to the center lTne of said survey: : hc-pce south 87* 20' west to a line purullii wi,Ui and fifty (50) feet from the center line of said survey to the line of Mrs. Susan Patrick; thence south 3S3 34' rust with Mrs. Susan Patrick's line Across the center line of nald survey to a point on Mrs. Patrick's If DO fifty (50> reet trotn and at right angles to said center Hn? Of said survey; this a line parallel with and -fifty (601 lev t f rem the center " (61U feet from the center line evey two thousand thri-e Uun ftrtVen tt.515) frrr to till drttf wd 1lni of the Urhi of William Nh'hols, and Tucker and others by virtue of a Con demnation Proceeding Instituted in the Superior Court of Pitt County, by-the Ralelgh He Pamlico Sound Railway Company ^ln 1906. and concluded in ot land Iim >m. n> rtmlk-o County, described as follows: Beginning: 6n the wcat side of Front Btvct whore the xouth line of the Norfolk ft Southern Hallway Oom pany's property Intersects the western aide of said street, thence along the west side of Front Street one hundred and seventy (170) feet, more or less, to said low water line of Smith's Creek; thence northwardly along said low win ter line Co n5 intersection. wJS the south line of the Norfolk ft Southern Railway Company's property; thence north eastwardly along the Railway Company's property line to the point of beginning, together with all. ripar ian rights and privileges there'to be longing; conveyed to the Norfolk ft Southern Railway Company by the deed of B. F. Pickles and his wife, re corded 1n Deed Book 61. page 122. (?) A . tract of land situate at Sa Cro?a.m Gates County, near EllsaL. ? City Branch of the tracks of the Suf folk Division . of the sold Railway Company, It being a part of the land formerly owned- by W. H. Stalllngaand Is shown on a Dlst attached tdTHd made a part of I" - - - Southern Vin? irfolk ft Soul <f> A lot Wfcke Count Southern Rl bslng a j) n reel tbs deed from Southern 'Vineyard" Company Norfolk ft Southern Railway Com] KS IMS unty. adjoining Norfolk jT| Railway Company's station. of ? Isrnd at --JB parcel o? land flfiy' wide and six -hundred and " 1 (10) feet fifty <?so> on t^e south fast long, lying and mmmk side of the right of wiv of the said Norfolk ft Southern twmy*? Hint drway. as shown upon tbs right of way map of said Company. I pahy by the deed of C. M. Nowell. re- I corded In Deed Book " - VIRGINIA. (t) Certain parcels, lots or pieces of land, situate at Virginia Beach In the County of Prlnceas Anne, conveyed to the Norfolk ft Southern Railway Com pany by tbs deed Of T. D. Savage. Trustee, recorded In Deed Book 82. page 110, described as follows: All that certain tract oonslstlng of the block beginning mt the southeast ooraor of the alley formerly known as RSMHHPL-.y formerly knowi the Atlantic Avenue e*4 of South Car- , ollna Avenue, and running thence Bast along the south side of SOutl ~ Avenue one hundred and f feet more or less to a point, thence South parallel with said alley Mt feet, ?or# or lem, to> a oolst la the north ern line of Fourtianth. Street, as the aald .Street has recently been Md out ,b" It * mu tu a good npatattu "Hht ft, . Wou|<f aland w.ll With a| *It* h?r your MM In a crowd th? Mid alley; thance north jaat aM* of th? Mid *U-v tlwjT^hun. t?* una die in y- two (Mt> foet, more or less. to "th? beginning: Bdn* the property vhMton wm situated the Prlnceaa Ann? Hotel; alto all that cer tain timet oonslstlng of the block be ginning at the northeast corner of th? alley formerly kndwn as AtlantlcAve nue and South Carollrm Avenue, run nlnjr thence eaat along the north sid* ?f- TOlS 9!?2l,fy AV?nMo one hundred aad flit y (160) feet, ^nore or less, to u point;- thence r;rth parallel with said alley two hundred and thirty (2io. feet, more or lets, to a polntf thenc west parallel with aald South Chrollh. Avenue on* hundred and fifty <i$0i teet. more or leas, to the said alley; and thence south with the east side of 'Ihesald alley two hundred and thirty (ISO) feet, more or less to the begin ning; also *1! tfco rlgnt. title ami _in. threat, hnlh at ? l?w -onrt-lrr equity of Ffitj__aiiid- PfU*cw* Ann? Investment Corporation In and to that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, lying on the east of both tft the above describe:! lots, or parcels. Included between n line parallel with and fifty (SO) fett south of - North Carolina- Avenue, ex tended Into Atlantic Ocean on the , Srth, the Atlantic Ocean .on the esst I d Ffturteenth Street as recently vlald out by the Virginia Beach Develop- | ment Company, extended into Atlantic! Ocean .on the South, together with all lll? way a, wateis. intv i-ourses-yipar lan rights. privileges and Uppurte nanciss to the same belonging or In any wlso appertaining; also nil those cer tain two lots known as lots No. 2 and No. 4 In block No. 29 on Phit No. 2. purt of the property of the .Virginia Reach Development. Company: recorded lu Map Book No. 1. page 30. In the offlfee of the County Clerk of Princess Anne County, and fetate of. Virginia. (t) A lot of land situated on Water Street In the City of Norfolk, conveyed to the Norfolk A Southern Railway Company by the deed of Sarah R. P. Tatt and others, recorded In deed' book . page * - - Beginning s. WW5JWWP Water Street and Woodside Lane, and running thejice south along the west ern 'side of Woodside l-anc. seventy two feet two Inches, more gr less, to the northern side of the property now owned by the Norfolk and Southern Hallway Company; thcnce westerly Aland nortneriy nn?- or nam prop* erty fifty-four feet, more or lees, to a point on the eastern line of said prop erty; thence northerly along Bald eastern line sixty-four feet, six Inches, more or less, to the southern line of ^Wntee Stmt; ? ?nd ? lluin> ittat < >"'? southern Jlne of "Water Street fifty four feet, more or less, easterly to the point of beginning. (10) GO shares of the capital stock of the Goldsboro Union Station Company, each of the .par value of one hundred dollars and two nf the bonds of the said company, numbered three and nve. dated OTT the Hth day of June. 1909. payable on Anguat mil, jap. with Interest thereon at the rate of four and one-half per cent, each for the principal sum of fourteen thousand dollars. It la Intended to refer to. describe, and Include all property, franchises, prlvl legea and Immunities of every kind, character or description belonging to the Norfolk & Southern Railway Com pany, lta predecessors and constluent companies, lines of railroad and leased lines, wherever the Fame are located, In eluding all tile property described In th* aforesaid decrees and In the report ~OI Percy 8. Stephenson, Esquire, heretofore filed In" (he above mentioned cause on or about August 7. 1909 (to which said report and exhibits thereto attached, and said decrees reference Is hereby made for a more particular description of the right-1*. i>rl\ lieges *and franchises of aald Norfolk Southern Railway Company)', and all property of every kind and description described In said report, and decree* including all th? property owned by the Norfolk & Southern Railway Company at the time of the execution of Its First and Re funding MortgiiFe. to wit. November^Zd, 1907, and all property acquired by It sub setjent to the execution of Us nil. Writ and Refunding Mortgage, or by the ft foresaid Receivers, down to and In cluding the date of sale as directed by said decree, whether the same be spe cifically mentioned In the foregoing descriptions or not. 1NO and RE8ERV1NO from u? ? 1 WK i of action or recoveries had therein which ( the Receivers heretofore appointed In the above mentioned consolldatod causes, or | the railway company; may now or tieie? after have against any Individual, part nership, Arm or corporation, on account of or " arising from any investigation which may. be ordered upon tt:e petition of Fegus Held, tiled In said causc by leave of Court on the second di?y of [ October. 1909. The aforesaid property will be *o3d sub ject to the lien of any and all- taxes. , assessments and "water rentB levied- and-" aHWsned nguliibt the *amr m- Ttgnttr^t-miy part theieof. which are or may be charged t?pon- > the mortgaged property' and premises abover described as prior to the lien of said First and Refunding Mortgage and subject also to the fol lowing described mortgages, pledges and Indebtedness of the Norfolk & Southern Railway Company and Ub constituent companies assumed by it: ^1. fA|t{ dated Juno 2d, 1891. to the Atiamlc.Trust Company. Trustee, of which the Metropoli tan Trust Company of the City of New York Is the .successor, to secure bunds | maturing on May 1st. 1941. of which there 1 are now outstanding bonds aggregating the principal sum of H.656.0M1, and In ad dition thereto bonds aggregating the prin cipal sum of 1315.0(0, . Issued under tald mortgage, are helfl by the Guaranty TruHt Company of New York. Trustee, under the te;-*?a of the mortgage next I hereinafter described. I 2. A certain First General Mortgage and supplement thereto, dated November 15. 1904,. nnj^ November 21. 1904. respect ively. ma4? by the Norfolk A Pnmhero Railroad C<rmpany to thf Gdarnnty Tru-T Company of New York. Trustee, to secure -MI- e ftf bonds maturing on tlio firyt a*T St Jwly, I U? !,-<?#- nr?- WW outstanding in tb?, hands of the public, bonds In the aggregate principal sum of $825,000. and bonds to the extent of.fc.040. <100 pledger! as security for thte payment of the collateral trust notes of the Railway fVimfm np h?r?l?af?ar m the Suffolk A Carolina Railway Company, dated 'Jrpril 13. 1S86, mode to John 8. Glt tlngs and Walter E. Brooks. Trustees, to Qfi^iiro bond, maturing on the first day of ^prll. 1911. of which there are out standing bonds aggregating the principal sum of JSO.OOO. ? A certain First Consolidated Mort gage made by the Suffolk & Carolina Railway Company /to . the International dated July 1st, IMS. to secure bonds ma turing on the first day of July, 1962. of which there ars now outstanding there under bonds aggregating the principal sum of 1700.001 6. A certain Mortgage and Sup plemental Mortgage made by the Raleigh St Psmlloo Bound - Railway Company, dated February 3*th and December 27th. Ot*. respectively, made to the Knicker bocker Trust Ompuy, Trustee, to ee cure bonds avaturlag on the flrat day of Janna|7> 1>M. Of whkl. there are now outstanding thereunder bonds aggregat ing the principal sum of $196,000. 6. A certain Mortgage made by Frank 8. Gannon and wife to Hugh C. Davis, Trustee, dated April 10th, 1906. to secure the principal sura of ttt.000, msturlng on April loth, ina * 7. A certain Equipment Mortgage made by ike nBfMh 4 Boiitliarn Railway Com pany, dativi October let. 1907. to the Man hattan Trust CoMpaay as Trustee, to ?ascurs equip M ant mortgage bonds Issued ther?un?1er aggregating the principal sum of aald bonds have been pledged b/ aald RaP.v/ay Company with the jfrn,h?n..n Tms as Trustee to secure certain collateral trust notes herein next refermd ?o. t. A certain Collateral Trust Indenture made by the Norfolk A Southern Half way Company^to .the Manhattan Trust Company (of the City and State of New TorkK as Trustee, dated October 1. 1S07. to secure notes to be Issued thereunder not to exceed the principal sum of $2,760. 000. msturlng on the first day of Novem ber, M10. Reference la made to the report of Hon orable 1'ercjr 8. Stephenson. Special Mas ter. heretofore filed In the above men tioned causo on or shout the 7th day of August. 1>09, as oonfelnlng a more de t*ffsd description of the several mort gages nforoaald. Tae undersigned special masters Invite bMs upon an the property to be sold In One parcel and as an entirety, and wtt Gsfer report tbe bM so provisionally accepted to tha Court. Any party to paid cause or tht holder special muttn the ram Of Two Hundred. r nj mMurt ft"* *i_ ?*!**) '1** *?" ".med rue- W rtn some naUooal bank et trust company bf the City of New York *n*de or endorsed payable to the order of ?aid special master*, or. Five Hundred riiou?*ind Dollar# (SSOO.COO) par value of x nils secured by said First and Kef und ue Aluitgu^e, to quality such bidder to old upon the property to be -fold. The cash check or securities deposited by imy bidder In order to qualify him to b*l at the sale, will be held us a pledge jhat said bidder will make good hi? bid if *<x?pted by the Court, ? 'Fe.e cash, checks or securities so de posited. except those deposited by any bidder whose bid shall be conditionally accepted, will be returned by the special masters at the conclusion of the sale to the bidder or bidders from whom they were received. ? T*?e^SBffl,"rt5ecTrs or securities so depos ited by any bidder or bidders whose bid -?JmlU- be provisionally accepted, will be ned by the? musters ti?- the Wder or bidders from wTiSm -they wpxe received. If such provisional acceptance ::.creafter not be confirmed by the Ccuit. No minimum price 1s put up6n the prop erty to be sold or any part thereof, the Court having, reserved full power and dlpcretlon to reject any bid which. In Its Judgment, Is Jnadeiiate or subject \u Ju t objection. In case any bidder or bidders shall fall to n< it Ha good his or thslr hid tipqn. lLa. acceptance by the Court, or shall fall after such acceptance to-comply with any order of the Cpurf relating to the payment thereof or the completion of the purchase, then 'lie *ums deposited by wild purchaser or purchasers, whether paid in cash or by check or represented by bonds, shall be forfeited as a penalty for eucl^ failure nnd shall be applied to the pay ment of the expeimes.of a resale nnd of the making kockI of' any deficiency or loaa In case the property shall be sold at a less price on any such resale, and to such other purposes us the Court may direct. The purchaser or purchasers shall, on the conflrmatlon^f the sale by the court, thereafter make 'such further payment or payments In cash or otherwise on ac count of the purchase price as the Court may from time to time direct. So much of the purchase price as may not be required by the Court to be paid In cash may either be paid In. colli. or fhP-anrr>inHPT? may satisfy ami make such residue of his bid In whole or In part " by turning in to be Cancelled or credited, as hereafter provided, any bonds or coupons secured by said First and Refunding Mortgage payable out of the ?proceeds of the sale upon distribution mfWPft*tWd sueh pwriww wlil ? r?'d Ited therefor on account of the purchase price with silch sums as would be pay able on such bonds and coupons out of the purchase price if the whole amount of the purchase price had been paid in cash. All such bonds and coupons fts may be used to make any such payment shall be surrendered to the Special Masters and cancelled If the whole amount due thereon is applied upon the purchuse price: but If less than the whole amount be so applied, then the amount so applied will bo stamped or written upon such bonds or coupons, which will then be returned to the holder. The certificates of any trttrt fomnany In the city of New York, N. Y., Ciftr of Providence, Rhode Island, or City of Bos ton, Massachusetts. Including 4 he Trust Company of America, that It holds bonds therein described secured by said First and Refunding Mort gage subject to the order of tjio party named, and transferred to tho undersigned Special Masters. Wll be re ceived by the Special Masters and ac cepted In lieu of the bonds specified In such certificate or certificates as a de posit at the time of sale ajM-.on account of the payment of the ptircnoffe price bid, with like totcf and effect as If the bonds therein named "had been delivered to them. The -Court reserves the right to resell the property upon such notice as it may direct nnd at tlm risk and cost of the purchaser in case the purchaser thereof -shall fall or omit to mnke any payment en of any unpaid halrmre uX tho purchase price within ten days after the entry of the order requiring such pay ment. 1 The purchaser or purchaser*. Ms or their successors or asalgns, shall not be [ required to see to the application of the purchase money. ^al^^STorMheTr^ncceiWM'a^fr^uoJfti?^1 shall be required to assume and adopt all lawful and subsisting contracts and mrrre?i?MUs uf the Wnrfn'H ft S-T'.! fibril ' Railway Company, entered Into since the first day of July. 1908, the time of the appointment of the receivers In the above mentioned clause, but the Eurchaser or purchasers at such sale, Is or their successors and ussigns, shall npt be required to assume and adopt any contract and aereements of sasd Company entered into prior to said J ' ' I v 1. IStfK. but s trail have th-o right to the sam** or any thereof within ?Tx 1 months after the completion of said sale. The Court reserves and excepts from the operation of the aforesaid decree the right* arising upon and from a certain petition filed in the above cause by jid? Postal TelegVnph Cable Company and^fne answer thereto made by the KccelxVrs in said cause. The purchaser or purchasers shall, as a pan uf the consideration for snrh ante; and in addition to tkc purchase price bid take the propertjKpurcluised. ID Ujnni i lie oonaitlfln that the purchaser or purchasers, his or their successors or assigns, will pay for and satisfy all claims and demands heretofore filed under the order of ref erence heretofore entered In said fit-use on the 23rd day. of October. 1J?*. which have been or may here?f:er be estab lished thereunder as prior In lien to said First and Refunding Mortgage and which at the time of the sale re-fl main unpaid. (2) .Subject to all pending contracts! In respect to the property herein de- I fcC rlbfiil. mr.,1? h.y rii^. . _r WtlY \ "ers, which aaii contracts' shall, be as sumed and performed by tlve purchaser ftc^jP^reha sera. his or their heirs and (3) And uo?n the express condition that such purchaser or purchasers, his or their successors and assigns shall pay. satisfy and discharge any unpaid i Indebtedness and obligations or llabill- : (4) And upon the further express condition that such purchaser or pur chasers. ? h+s ? w ? -their ? wuufoi-on. ? iwni asBlgns, shall pay and satisfy all un paid costs. and expenses of said con solidated causes: and all proper, ex penses attendant upon said sale, the unpaid compensation and allowances of the Special Masters appointed in said cause and all unpaid expenses, compen sation and allowances of the complain ant and receivers and of the solicitors and counsel of the complainant, the de fendant and the recelvors, both before and after said sale. In the event that the purchaser or purchasers, bis or their successor or assigns, shall refuse on demand to pay gay of the before-mentioned Indebted ness and obligations, persons holding the elalma therefor, upon fifteen days' notice to the purchsser or purcflfesers or his or their successors or assigns, of ?uch other notice as the Court may direct, may present to said Court a pe tition to have any such claim enforced against the property aforesaid; the purchasers shall have the right to ap pear, and oppose such petition and the purchasers and any party to such pro ceeding shalt have the right to appeal from any Judgment, decree or order made thereon. The purchaser or pur chasers. his or their successors Or as signs, ahall have the right to enter their appearance in said court or In any other Court, and he or thejn shall have the right to contest any claim or de mand other than those In respect to costs and allowances pending At the time of the sale and then undetermined, and any claim or demand which may arlee or be .presented therefor which. If allowed, would be payable by the pur chaser or purchasers, Ms or their suc cessors or asllttns, or which would be chargeable against the property pur chased under the provisions of said de cree, and mar -appeal from any decis ion relating to any sueh claim or de mand, other than orders and decrtes In ? to coats and allowances. Court reserves Jurisdiction tor tpa? of delivering title and dos - "if the property sold and to 1 rights of the purchaser to the priorities' of claim* filed .use and the coats and allow . _ Je made therein, and for such tenssr arar "?Ur "l fottk ln For -a more complete atatement of the properly ?o be sold altd the terms a?d ooadttifaM of mid dacrea. the mat lot of food thing* because ahe does n't nnderstand the art of crying ef fective! v tor wKat she wants. (iKKATI.V REDUCER KOl'Nl? Tit 1 1* EXCURSION FA It EH to ? ? VIRMILk. I A. -Account ATLANTIC DfeEPKR WATERWAY?* CONVENTION Not. 17-JJO. ioo?, ?mm1 VWf of PRESIDENT TAFT Nov. lUtli, JIMlH. The Norfolk & Southern" Railway wfll.sell round trip tickets at ex tremely low fares from all point's on its lines to Norfolk. Vd.'. Nov. 16th. 17th, ISth and 19th. 1909. with final limit returning uutil Nor. 21st. NORFOLK'S GREATEST CELE BRATION \ Friday* Nov. lflth. PRESIDENT TAFTS Flrit Visit to TIDEWATER VIRGI X I A Special trains will leave Edenton at C.00 a. m., Nov. 19th. via Suffolk Division rurkfor.^Tiir.. tw and Eliz abeth City; also via direct line through Hertford and RRzal#;th City, arriving-. Nor folk at 9.30 n. m.. in time for Manimoth Military and Na*- ' Tickets sold for all trains Nov. 19th, euud returning sjffif day on regular or special trains, at mucli'Iess j than one-way fare. PROGRAM Mammoth Military and Naval Pa rade, of men reviewed by Pres ident Taft at a. m.. Nov I'.'in. Atblmts l?y Prraidcnt Tuft at 11.;i0 a. nt. Grand Pyrotechnic DU|?lay at city Park at 7.4."5 p. ni. Virginia Peach and Cape -Henry always attractive, never more de lightful thou in Novombor Returning, special trains will leave Norfolk Nov. 19th at 6.03 p. to., for Edenton via Elizabeth City and Rerfc ford Junction, making all stops and at 11.30 p. ra to Edenton via direct line. b ? Get complete information from "TtcTcct Agents, or address ' ? H. C. IIVDG1NS, G. P. A.. ? nwanrrr : ? ; ? r The Smalleit Tobacco Pipe* Mad*. Th?? tmallmt plpaa In lrnrljl arif . manufactured at Gouda. a little town lu Holland. ? There are three klpda of them, one kind being formed of red. another of black and a third of whU* earth. Thej are nil, however, of the aame shape and of the same dimtn atons. The atem la Ave centimetres In length, a millimetre and a half in mnarMi and ttnpq? urt of a millimetre lnalde. ' The bowl It ten millimetre* in height; Ita greatest exterior diameter t* *1x millimetre* and ita interior diameter ia %jr milli metre*. The total wptgN jf the pipe la only half a gramtrt and the quanti ty of tobacco which It holda amount* to only * few grains, which barely auf llcea for a alngle puff. 1 ? The World'* Colore. Of tbe racee of the world. 600400. 000 are white. 700.000.000 yellow, 115,. 000,000 black. -WOO.OOO brown or Malayan, and 15.000.000 red or Amerl oao Indians. THE GAIETY ! Program Changed Daily TOftlGHT: THE ORDEAL Taken from Victor Hugo's a:orv of Lea Miserable*. A TRIP THROUGH YOSEMITE VALLEY Showing the Wonder* ofNalure "in our Far Weat. ; ^TOM THtJHB j ( ! A Beautiful Colored Fairy Pic- \ ! ture. < > tain, a / ae town # evening I t whiebj The abort December afternoon bad closed In the Utile Colorado village among tbe mountains, rhrlatmia Eve. The boarders at tbe Fountain, small hotel'lind the only one the 1 afforded, had finished the meal ? a meal similar to that was to be found at all small Ylllaffea In the West The Inmates of tbe hotel comprised the landlord (and Jils buxom wife, two y jf hired girls, i some 10 cr a doaen min- - -era. and five or six drummers, knigbta of the grip, who were forced by tha Inclemency of the weather to tak# _ refuge at the Fountain. 7~"^ Tha snow had been falling steadily all day, and was still falling, tha drifts in some places being several ? Jfl feet-deep. . ? The men w^re seated around tha table, some playing cards and othara ? telling stories. "Come, Tom," said one of the drummers. "It's your turn for a story; give ub something good ? - something 'tuo this time." Torn was a dark. bandBome fellow, :y.v with black hair and de6p-blue eyes ? eyes that were full of magnetic pow er. He pushed back his chair, cross ed one leg over his knee and, with hfw hands thrust deep into his Presets, '*t began : I once knew a fellow at school, who for Instance, -I will call Fred? bright, quicK-witted, generous to a fault, "but" very mischievous. His pranks some times brought him to disgrace at school, but as Fred was a general favorite he finished the term all right and was graduated with honors. Ho entered college with bright * hopes and high aspirations, and while there made some brilliant successes;! but. alas! there was to be a fall. He became Intimately acquainted with an other fellow of an entirely different stamp. Bob Turner was? a lazy, good-foi^ nothing fellow, who wanted to see the world at the expense of someone else. He told-JEteed that If they had a few hundred dollars tbeir fortunes would ' \ be assured. He accordingly induced T^jed to forge a cb6ck with his fath er's name, and thus was committed his ?first act of crime. They then went to New York, . where their money was speedily die- 'Z-, posed of. and Dob. seeing that Fred . _ was now penniless, basely . deserted him. , Fred at first did not know what to do. as be was without money or frlendB. He could not go back to hla home with such a disgrace attached to him. so the next thing waa to look for employment. After a long and*-tedious pursuit -he succeeded In obtaining a position In a small office, for which he was_poor Hjf' paid. He retualn6d there about six lucrative position as travelling sale?* man fur > l.,nrUnff N!oir V?rW ft.-? One of his trips took him to Ohfo, to the city of Cleveland, where bo met a beautiful girl. 'Alice Hastings w?g a pet of society and Used to being admired. She ?bowed a marked preference fo*~Fred from the .first and soon became as much, attached to him as he was to months and then there was a quiet wedding at Aftce|s home. Their honeymoon was spent In making a tour of the States, but alas, his hap piness was to be short lived. While stopping at one of the prin cipal hotels In Chicago Alice met a stranger whose polished manners and handsome face, soon won her affec tions. She walked with him. danced with him and drove with him. despite her husband's objections. His kind heart forgave her many things, thinking she would, soon for jet the stronger. One night, aftei* a hard day's toll of Uavel and dust and smoke of trains,, Fred returned to hi* hotel footsore and weary. He climbed the stairs to . hls.rnnm a h**v.y b eart- There . would not take form tugging ?it bis heartstrings. He longed, yet dreaded -lu_ enler his apartment At last ha reached the door and fitting the key tfi ;he lock hp. puihad It npan and stood inside. jj The room held no other occupantl He passed on to the next, calling as he went, "Alice. Alice!" but no re sponse. He searched them all, but in vain. Then he thought shtfSaust ?be at the opera, when suddenly Me eye caught sightrof-a note on th* mantel, in a conspicuous place. ..He. anachod it, opened It and read. "Dear Fred? You know \ the lines. 'I have another life to meet, without which life my life Is inoom plete.' I have met that life and must abide with it Don't look for me, for by the time you read this note 1 shall be far away. Doq't grieve for me, Fred, but try to forgive and forget. Your lost Allce.'^ "And the husband?" asked * thai miners and drummers who had been ' listening intently: "Is here," Tom ?? said, as he dropped his head upon his breast, while a choking sob shook his frame. ? HELEN QERTRUi'B KELLER. A Wonderful Rabbit Fence. ' Aftar five years' work Australia's great transcontinental rabbi tproof femes has Ween completed. Its length Is 2,036 milea, and the coat of Its ereo non nu bwn Bfltny lumj.uw. ujl ? -furnished at intervals of Ave miles with system* of traps. In which h?? dreds of rabbits are captured and de stroyed dally. Inside the barrier there appears as yet no uace of their thereby, the liens upon J ?<*ra pr^xnttlv and the rights of th-r purchaser at said ?|?, reference la made to the .original decree of fore closure and sale filed in the oCTlce'of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the United mates for the Eastern" District of Virginia at Norfolk. Virginia, tend the decree ancillary thereto filed-* in the office of the Clerk of the'~Circult Court of the United States for the Castern District of North Cacollnna. and -reference la made to e?M. decrocB and the record upon which the name are entered and to the reporta of the 8>ecl?l master. Percy S. Ktephenson, sq.. and tne Inventories and tnaps filed l>y the Receivers, to the same ex tent as If the same were herein set out at length. Further information imy he obtain ed by- application to Oie underslgnM,"" special masters. HARRY K. WOLCOTT. EDWARD R. UA1RD, JR.. THOMAS J. JAR VIS. FREDERICK HOKP. vlessera. STEPHENSON & TAYLOR, ABBOTT MORRIS & CO.. . of Norfolk. Va., Auctioneers. United States of America, i^ajtern LHatricf or virgirlW.'Tfc'.^ | T. Jhseph P. Brady Clerk of the I United States Circuit Court for the I Eastern District of VtrRtnTKV do certify that the bond in the sum of On^ Hun- ' dred Thousand Dollars (>100,000^00) re- . quired of the Special Mas tors by the aforesaid decree of the Clyult G?urt of I the United States for theWCastern Dls- | trlot ot Virginia, has been -duly given | and approved, v r~ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have I hereunto set my hand and affixed tho seal of said Court at Norfolk. Virginia, | this 27th day of October, 1909. By D. ARTHUR KELSEY. Deputy Clerk.

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