* Store News of Interest ...J The Best $1.00 Kid Gloves in the city. -"H r Hand Bags, 49c. to $4.98. 1Ll "J. K. HO YT ^ VflltP on thn rirtll NOTICE OF KALE. By virtue of the pomj^r of sale con tained in a certain deed of truBt from Malachi Walker and Nathaniel Walker to K. T. Doitoer. trustee, dated October 21. 1 9 o I . and duly re corded in the ?'office of the register of Iveds or Beaufort ~coui&y.-fTF-"boCTr 106. page 292, to which reference is hereby made, the undersigned will on Monday, the 29th day of Novem ber, 1909, at . 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of Beaufort county, I at public auction, offer for sale fot l-hbIi, the following described prop erty: In Bea-jfort county. N. C., Ulchland township, and adjoining the Uiids ttiat formerly belonging to the Crawford being, beginning in iho middle of the Bergeron eajjal Dan el Walker's southwest corner. t*hen north 2 1-2 east 23 76.?frtrrifaliis to Dante* Walker's , northwest corner In the middle canal, tben with said ca uai north & 7 1-* west s Jo-Totrchatrw acroas one ci^t to the ditch on the west Ude of said cut. theu with s?id ditch south 2 1-2 west 23 7 Mirth I rhains to the Bergeron canal then with cans! south S7 1-2 east 3 20-100 chains to the beginning, containing s acres more' or less. - | This 27th day of October. 190$. R. T. BONNER. Trystoe Let A Master Metropolitan Tailor Make Your Fall Suit . ^ I have just received from The Royal Tailors of Chicago and New York the swellest selection of beauti iv _____ fui Fall and Winter _ patterns you have ever feasted your eyes upon ? a full half a thousand of weaves and colorings represent ing all the greatest cloth looms in America and Europe. You could walk up Filth Avenue, New York and visit every tailor shop on the road but you wouldn't find a better"! collection of handsome fabrics than these. / For they are the pict of -the? woolen o**!d.' selected bv lynx-evcd -buyers, from all of the handsomest cloth designs to be worn this season. . ~ _ : c I* will pay you well to come in and look-^ .at these cloth samples even if you decide not tc-get a :,uit right away; it will tell you more about the styles and colorings that swagger dressers will wear this season than you could learn in any other way. And don't forget the vital points about Royni Tailoring itself. sent the otvj line ; Wool and nothir. -a he :ifJ0 rlnth -pimples..... you sec. reore ;f samples that stand for A^L PURE WOOL ? All Pure \yc will pay a dollar a thread for any cotton 4 fic. > And J dare, any . else. ~y<3u will hndiu a Ajj al Fall tailor in this tuun to make an ufler like lliau Every Royal Tailor garment is made to your measure over 18 of your body dimensions ? and made in the greatest tailoring establishment in the world. Royal garments must satisfy you or you needn*t accept it. r 'Who Tailor Best in Washington." WOMEN'S SHOES IT IS WITH A FEEL 1 1NG OF PLEASURE AND PRIDE THAT WE ANNOUNCE THEAR RIVAL OF OUR WOM EN'S FOOTWEAR FOR THE FALL AND WIN TER Seasons. Our 3hoea are far superior to the ordinary tfort of shoes that can be had at every store, where women's Shots are *old. /They came to us direct from the workshops of the world'* moat makers Qf Women's Shoes- There's n; a n y ftnewstyle feature/In. the S?4y models, and we will talc* the greatest pleasure In showing our women patrons the handsome foot-wear that *111 te In vogue during Cke coming wasota. /' ? C? - S--=?^S,TT o OA\ T a. k. ruvv L?y tx ? L "lariioo you com* V ? look at on# ? Crockery and glassware . T;-W. PH8bLIPS & CO. J.'\A . .. . ?- ? JUST RECEIVED A shipment of America's finest production and the world's greatest Sewing ?Machine. The ball bear ing, ligFm-unning NEW HOME? for cash or easy monthlv payments. Don't forget that we are head quarters for the best sewing machine needles shd oil. Be ware of imitation goods. The best is the cheapest. Wc car ry the best. Not h<)w cheap, buf how good we can Rive you for your money. , THE PICTURE FRAMERS The Gem Theater THE EXPRESS HCIXPTOB ? Ed ?national. JX IH? DTVS OF WITCHCRAFT ? Drama. THE WINK TAPPERS? fine Mel odrama. P<X>R LITTIjE MITES ? Another good melodrama. r ? ANGLING IN NOKWAY? Pano ramic. tonight. . Double PAXO OffmWNT l< luruiNd to j cif ?sr CM?o< lu-hlat. Blind, BlMd- 1 I_ II,.I.JU1 CURTAIN NETS. We have just received a lot of Beau tiful Colored land plain CURTAIN NETS *""**? "? Qcwm S. CfaiJt Cm I '? CLOT. J-'JCJj-S ~ - ' z - - j CARGO OF SALT ~ Just Received. . H. M. JENKINS CO., Wholesale Grocers. n ?! Till II ??llMUii TOWN 31 -* TALK I Miss Fannie Weston, ot Swart 1 Quarter, who has been The* guest of : Mr. and Mrs. Biney Westonr left for J her home this morning. Mies Weston ' was one of the passengers^ on t^e schoctaer Gold Mine that sunk off Pamlico Beach a few days ago. ? ? Mr. George I. Wat Ron, of Lake Ijamlhtf?.- returned 'to hlr hotne ^ia the steamer H at t eras this morning. Mr. J. F. Cox, of Bath, is a? Wash ington visitor today. " # | Miss Nora Angel went to New Bern yesterday afternoon for a IBhait vjait. Rev. A. W. Plyler left yest afternoon for Eale'.gh aftct-A-'tfii'fek's stay tn the city as guest #^his broth er, Rev. M. T. Plyler, o\b West Sec |ond street. L ? ? ! 1Mr?. Simpson, of Vanceboro, ? spent yesterday in the city with Mrs. ? Oecii'&e Spent^r. 1 ? ? Mr. R R. Cotton, of CottondaleJ was a visitor in the city yesterday. ? ?' Misses Burch and Coward left yes- < terday for Greenville to attend the j iinauguratl'on of President Wright of i ? the training school there. ? ? 7. I Rev. J. A. Sullivan, pastor of the i 1 Baptist Church here, went to Pine j towp yesterday to baptize four peo^ < ; pie. He returned in the afternoon. | ^morning for Ilyde county where she' I will atvend the DfoHey-Long "wedding ?on the seventeenth. I The H:r.shaw Opera Company ar , K,.\ thii. morning on the Kalelgh train today afier a business trip of several Warning Since its introduction into the] Unite# States, the Bales of Parisian I Sage have been phenomenal. This 'success has led to many imitations 1 similar in name. Look out for them. "irv ftro nni rhr ^nulne. See that [the girl with Auburn hair is on evory package. You van always gtet i the genuine at Brown's Drug Store, i Parisian Sage is the quickest act ing and most efficient -hair tonic 'in the world. | ^ It Is made to conform to Dr. San gerbond's (of Pa^) proven theory that dandruff, falling hair, baldness and scalp Itch are caused by germs. Parisian Sage kills these dandruff germs and removes all trace of dan-j druff In two weeksv or money back; t* foiling f.fl? in^ Ifrhlwy and prevents baldness. And remember that baldness lsi caused by dandruff germs, those little; hard working, persistant devils that day and night do nothing hut dig In-1 to the roots of the. hair and destroy. Its vitality. Parisian Sage is a daintily per fumed hair dressing; nat_atlcky or greasy, and' any woman who desires luxuriant nnd bewitching; hair can get It in two weeks by using it. 50 cents a large bottle. ANornmropBH lettrk. Greenville, N. C-t t ' November 11, 190fr. To O. L. Joyn?*r: ? flir ? ftogw-uiftg llke 14 dyi ago I wrote you "flfn- qpen letter, challenff7 inr you t o meef me In the courthouse at Orwuiil!". on * public laeue ro? ? ? - Uvciinyf. ,/lt North Carolina, getttos forth a bill M Indictment rery cl.arlT which I am ready to detenif at any time. Not baring heard an;thtix from you. I ioon, then* I will, u I am determined { to be heard, a^i fttadiac pat oo| the ] The tasks (bat want uda. have fulled to do In tW City, If set along side of those that have been accom plished, would make a small showing indeed. Knight Shoe Co. The Only Exclusive Shoe Store in the City. Just Received a Shipment of Ladies Black Suede SHOES ~r C. 4i. MORRIS & CO., BROKERS WHOLESALE FRUITS AND.PRODUCE Arrivajs this week. , I Car "Meal \ Car Timothy Hay . f Carn/'ngan's Reliable Meats. JUST ARRIVED at the ^ BAZAAR, A BIG LINE OF SAMPLES IX LA DIES* COAT SUITS, CLOAKS AND SWEATERS ? ALSO MK.Vrt AND HOYS' 1IIHH GRADE SAMPLE i, SUITS. AND A DIG LINE OF HEM .N A NTS. AND ^MILL ENDS IN sc SILKS, WOOLENS. SUITING AN D COTTON GOODS. PRICES LOW Fit. COMt- vxui.v nvT v<>? n rm.ii i' ? VOfRH l-'OK BAR GAINS. P. ORLEANS* BAZAAR, MARKET STREET. THE UNION GROCERY .CP'S. CAFE nVCTFD C served In all styles by the Noted \J I O 1 tilvo Chef? RICARD BONNER. MEALS AT ALL HOURS ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION? TRY US 7 ? "PHONE 327. WHAT ISJOMEI? Yc.u lliivo HpaihI AhflU{ tlir C^urf Brown's I>rug Store (juar* nntees. - . Hyomei Is a wortflerful antiseptic, so powerful that it tfromptly destroys perm life, yet its action on the 'mu cous membrane is extremely sootb~? ing and healing. It relieves catarrh "Tn five minutes; it cures in a few wyeRs ur money D&eit. ? t It is made chiefly of eucalyptus and pucalyptol taken from the en ,calyptu8 forests of inland Australia. The medical profession knows that eucalyptus Is an absolutely certain |B?rm mi wltb~ the aeUro principles of eucalyptus as a base Hyomei is made more efficient, pleas ant and quick acting by the addition , included in the Hyomei formula, fhlch, -without doubt, Is the greatest destroyer of catarrh germs the world has ever known. liyomel is a powerful, penetrating antiseptic that is pleasaht to use. It does not contain a particle of cocaine, opium or any habit-forming or In jurious drug. . , ' No dosing the stomach when you through the small Inhaler that comes with each outfit Soia~-1>y-1redtng druggists everywhere and in Wash? ington by Brown's Drug Store. $1.00 for complete outfit CITY MARKET. Egg*. . ......... Chickens, grown., #25 to I0< I Spring chickens 10 to 25c Green salted hides 9c ( fr een^ hides. g el Mlied wool, ....18 to 20o Tallow. 1-J? Wool, free from bam . 20o Sfteerllnga I I to lot Lambskin ? to 40e " , ; !- T COTTON : Seed cotton I 1-4 tt I 1-2 l.lnt cotton 14 to 14 1-4 ? H'RIOHT BROS. IV Tmr. mm If you want a reliable ramedr for croup and pneumonia the mother'a Jo* nerer falla. and Oooae Ofeaae for | TO OI K TELEPHONE Sl'USCRIB ERA: In order to obtain satisfactory tft" fephoiltl BPrvirt* lr U fry our subscribers 'to observe the ll?~ TtPM<'tions rQPti*lnegTJin.>.thp ?nstrn<?. ... tion rards tacked on tq t^e various ioU?fUia&eK. a great many of the sub scribers are placing their receivers on t? e hooks before tbey complete their Conversation and- by doing tbJe th? operator gets th? dlsconnprHng Btg- , nal which rc-iuirp* - t+rwf? down -the connection, which, will of coarse, prevent, you from completing the conversation with whom ' you i^were originally talking. It is also desired that you place your lips close to the transmitter 4nd fctvft Hie number ef the teUphons slowly and distinctly, calling the numbers by digits lnstead^ of the usual way. As example, if you de sire to communicate with telephone XQj 221. call the number double two, otfe. The operator will then m>mI - the number l-ack to you to assure you that she has heard the order correct ly and will then make the desired , connection. Do not ask questions of the opern<6r, lul rail for thft nhl>f - operator for information. The oper ators will be too. busy answertng-ealla - ? of the subscribers to spend any con siderable time in connection with " your telephone to answer questions that can be Ju*t as well answered by the ch'e' cpemtor. There is still some additional out side work to be done in connection virith the lines of those subscribers located outside of the oorporate -lim its and outside of what Is known as the cable district It is necessary to string additional wires from the end of the cables to the subscribers*, sta tions on these ci t lying districts in order to metallic circuit them. This worjc may' c*use some' trouble to the subscribers, 'bat every effort will be used to reduce the amoun| of trou ble to a minimum. ' 81>ohmCfo? have t trou bio, howevor, in using your tele phoned find that It lq not working. ?atlifirtflrllT. tin nnf hirm rti can ? the ohlef operator or Mr. Bell, o\tr ?ocn uiwuaRvr.nonrymg him ot the fact, and the matter will then be given prompt attention. CAROLINA TELEPHONE

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