WASHINGTON DAILY NEW> Etftered as secondvclass fcoatte, August 5, 1909, at the post office a' Washington.-.,^". C.. uuder the act c. March 3. 1879. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON - ? l^XCfiPT SUNDAY. ? No. f-t=f? Kirer 3TaT;r Street. J. L. MAYu, UdSioi auii i'rcprii*i*'t. T?*tephoiie N??. snist\imvrrv>\ it > Oi?d Month J . T~ocr Mfri t .-.-r.- . rn-.7T-. TT-M** Six Mouths 1. jo One- Year 3.0o Subscribers desiilng the paper dj*> rontinued will please notify this office on date of expiration, otherwise. It will be continued at Tegular subscrip tion rates u?t:l notion to slop Is re . wived. "" ? ? -v If you do not get The Daily News promptly telephone or write the man ager, and the complaint will receive Immediate attention. It Is our desire to please you*- " WASHINGTON. N. i\. NOV. 1". LET Till: \KWS FOLLOW. tail to let The News follow tlu-ir. daily vith t V.e new* cl Washington frisii, and crisp It wj!l prove a valuable companion, reading to you like ter from bottle Those a* the j*en .shore' or ?;??>:?> r.ns will lir.d TTe visitor. . mist in-: sn;\m?. Ml artM-.- s?-nt to Th* News f, r publication tir *t signed by tV? writer. rti;erwi*e they will not be p igt: HltH ? \!% Nl <;u: \ M > 1111. 1. "M\l?l! Mil.l.loW A*. !-? ?' -v:e '.nrj J. 1 a i 1 1 lui ? ? ' J iu lijv n.i;v r.l*i!i?*V "by i: Ivv'v l ti;:wt uijv ot in ly tlio turning ' ?' ' ? ?? -????!. _ Ties. i!:? |iuLl:? Hnally iu. ? Uii-v ; ' 1, -l: -y v-r- < ? vat :?*?!? t ' l:vc v. .i -? - a /y !!.?? <-xi*tence of the St?-el C'or or.i'it.n. \Vh?-n the j'TeeJ i \irv?-:i * ;h".-* , r. ; I-* ?>n i !;?? bifwu i f abw;;t Si 1" - i i: : !??? ground. ? h i .- a - - masTei- !-rr?l;e V.- tin- rjriir ;h1 p-ibli' . I '.v}:u kinrw iiotli!tii;Jn ' h?*- world about | ores or a'miit tfi?ve -,nrtji-.i!ar or** i properties, I.jk?* ("amej^e. Mr. Hill I trad rnpttnlir^rt-h!? p'itm? try ffcrif ,r? j the extent oP p*?v?r:il hundred sriitlion ] dollars. The Ste*-1 < ion . .???]:* which made possible the capj?nl!xa? J?.?n of the pub lic sentiment thai ihey m ?! about their own enterprise*. creatitm.of such ..p.'.ihljc ?entimcnt_oI. huch widespread knowledge about ?ny Bectl on or any ia on< of ItE asneta often morp Important than-^ha-nniiiTttl ?hjiiI'aoo a> Uwi viwmw try. or the Immediate direet results that follow a broad advertising cam paign. *> ? 7-?? iik> mun wttti -rerwicrj ? wruttr inr prize essay on ."lx>ve" Is locked up In - the Norfolk Jail on the charge of be ing a lunatic. Still ?om? people who tlw; know sll about lore sre (DAIRY- ? '* CREAMERY' IDEAL COW BARN. A Piart-TTiat "Every Datrynfan Should Study Carefully. g|\ Is detail of a brace frame baru.-iOi 62 feel wivli 2* ins the manner of p-.tvar thcra la jOR?thwi.?c of the building. Tl>*;>* [t re 2\s. pretty rlo.se toj?ther a: ! well *bci?lged. while, the Joist be. re.v< are tv:f? '?~rn TVC?an~ :n "Trr-r-r ? ? t-t? r - ret in-. U I U/.-.I U u Uil >' ? i""l I"* ? i.. ?>!?? ? i ; I f ? ?il i..akir.r; < he!* e'bv.tter c* be>t ftivor and k#or?ir.*c ?'. It makes tro.:? bin of ti.J.s kind whethrr in tho pas? ' r*' f' - 1 fl? i:. l:.iy. Th? luc-^ that dandelions . afe a r^r.ef.t, ;>i'o'.a %j'y r irs':t:e d by th* :ci:jt.e Jiiiro of ? ;? .,r,- ^ ? i''*.rr .. i i. In,,- i.j&. p.'od'.; t f f thu. cow.:. In; ;ead. the weed row j. rcr.'j.m ?v.! .a nuisance rnd f." jr..? r? :.r-* ^-i\ly?d to ti*oed It c.^t or b-. kl.r> Li..iJrce to cig t^e plan:., fwr ^re- ;> ?. I*0|S ill. \ l) \i,Hr.? Hi' ii\ ( 'npmlitiK. V. h -ther :? . i:: I i . Stom aeh or Nervous rroMlle:-. Caf.adlr.e will relieve^you. It's Iini:!d---pleas ant to taire ? arts immediately. Try It, ^"e. . 2">r. and aO^.. at draj storeR ! THE GAIETY: | Program Changed Daily || ? ? t TONIGHT: f] ? .1 !!<>* ii. m ivast Jl t ? X Tin: INDUS l?l N l!r>. jl j MAM'K ? I'm I y f.jlilt- Sf'irj ? I ? llrjii/ f \ntf^ lmi;jtii i : ? The Make Hint wi.ni ? I hie bare b?jn ?m,m. r mowing There Is a" gocd profit in making butter "at home, if you can q^ce f-| high grade product and have j^food market for it The creamery paya you only for an exact pound of butter fat, with two or three pounds of ml!k thrown In for nothing. Churning the cream at home, you save the coat of churning which the creamery charges for: yon tea In about IS per rent, in w^igiit^of the butter; and you fTn.tu t?e buttermttlC These biucd gains amount ta about- 25 per ct ar.c pn'.in>1 In gVery four. In other words, you make about 25 centa on every doltarjs worth of butter; am.! yen: gain tlm linttormUlc Tliesa combined gains uinount to about 25 per cent.. or one pound !n every four In other words, you make about 25 cents on every dollar's ? worth of but ter. if yo*-iiiake as good biTfter as the By the use of the hand separator It is possible to inr.kc the highest grade of butter a? home, provided the cream is pro parly handled and churned. By the use of the ***!>? rat oj you are not only able to make a higher grade* of butter und sell it for a higher price, but you will be able to extract more cream from the milk aud henro make more butter. Also, the warm sweet skin; milk will haVe a higher food, value either for human use or for ani mal n you Keep S1H1JJ Mian three or four rows, by all means buy a separator. It tvllj- soon pay for It *e!f. J Work of en Er.g'ish "Ret Club." An ulijt'-.i 8r*.?mi in -rat extermina tion is provided by the operations of thv "Rat clubs" at WestvHle, near Ash ford-: which s'nre its formation has been tile means of destroying nearly 2t),O??0 o'f these pests. Last year alone 4 .'.'OS were accounted for. one mem* her having a bag of. 1,4 63. and another 1.341. Prizes are given to those who kili Hip :noe? and in this way the vil lage i.< sjowly but ?urely being cleared of- the rodents. ? London Standard. < The Smell cf MusJ<. ThiT*-w?*lkore kinds of musk than ?he a.\vf;;i stuff you ?>metln-.es**smeU_ in a erow'deil ?ur.. They rail that fine dust rh.it a r.ild deer shakes off his honi>. ,l>v which the hound st?e:-? his isr,:>k. A'.1, wild animals that ar . I l y ('. ? ?? frc>m srent have - Kvery If no:. why Fr. ?'verst G vp V.'at?A f~" ll-'- y- j-'"iiern t ?: V- 'i ff I : .ir.g In ?? '? .P- - - ? \ .v.."-?.!, on ?;-i ? ?: r i: iy r.k-'.rV -nj>:d' til * pl-.rf^o rtr*? !?? 1. 1 i . in.. .p?f. ;????? !' w;.r. s;-id a: th's con vention Umu ?o:iji ;.r.d water pr?pi?.'!y npr sr" Ufttt:' tl:r.n i-i'l the disln b::? tl r.t :*frctar.t mu/.ers. R'OilM t'.u* like t:1'* >?? je s?:id. 0"C-Ar.-.icd Man Handles Frcig r- of rh:v--il tM ::b:i!tv <>>* I'-f'"- !i V.as sol .1 h .? tru-Jcir-v: bu'Sncss I.- H-.-r.ry Si ott. ?'!;?. Liuv.u J:?.* con ?!i ? * **';!?? b;>::.- ft;- ij.tr-fouV Vi y tiller.-.; ;he J T?0d h* l^fta lit. VT'-. 'v.r.lll 1 WIS V?.r " 'otiS" of fre cthf. K.,l -:1 on- nr:j.-St. Law \ ri.AM l- I "r. ! . ! ' K i C WATEIJWA VS j ?*OXl i:\TKi n iikki, -? H>?t| yi-.t Ml IHI WIIIIAT i \! T ? Nov. lUCi, lflOfJ. Tin; r, IUtIwh.v wli! y> i! ri>?s:iij trip iir!:"(s :',t t?x trcsvclv low fare.-; frcm ^11 on 1mi? s to NVrfJU. VS.. Nov. l.;th. ITih. Jv.h ami I9?h, u-|:'i final i.K's <;ki:atkst c i;i.k- I ISIIATIO.N I'lldny. Nov. ff)t!i. l*R!:sll?i:XT TAITS First Visit l?. TII>i;\V %TKR VIKCilM A Si.T^nl trains will ]^viii4'.r>f:ir Dintilny i?t 4 "Ity i'rri*k nf T. t" |i. nr. ? -lirK.ii.a i'wtuth .and Capo tt> iu> always attractive, nev^c more deJ fill thanrfe'j5poTeTnberr " ItrtlWlnR, special tra'ns will leavf Norfolk Nov. 19th at 6.05 p. m., for Kdenton via Elizabeth City and Beck mi 11.30 p. m.~to Eden ton via d!roct line. ? CMrt coaaploU Information Uom Ticket Agents, or addresa . H. c. JgyiMUKft. d. p. A.; Norfolk, V?. me bovliest Place You EVer Saw1? Washington Park - .. . Swamp and Highland Fatms For Safe. - " _ ; A. C. HATHAWAY, Washington, N. C. Leon Wood MEMBERS Nr Y. COTTON EXCHANGE James. W. Co: I J. LEON WOOD & CO., BANKERS and BROKlERS ' ' STOCKS. BONDS, COTTON. CHAIN and PROVISIONS. 73 PLUME STREET, CARPENTER IIUILDING, NORFOLK. VA. , Private Wires to N. Y. S(ock Exchange. N. Y. Cotton Exchange. Chicago j Board ol Trade and other Financial Centers. ^oirespondenre respectfully solicited, Investment and Marginal i accounts given careful attention. REAL ESTATE WANTED!!! I have moved to Washington, N. C., from Van | Wert, Ohio, whercM was engaged in the Real Es tate business for more than thirty years, 'and will engage in the same in Washington, N. C. I want farms and other lands for sale1. If you want to sell your farm or lands see me of 'nhone W. M. HEAR, Washingtor, N; C. 'Phone|85. Office with C. D.jjl'arker, Havens-Small Building. Nloney saved is money made! A We'.sbach Junior Lamp buras-l-feet of Gar. per hour, and gives 50 Candle Power of Lia;ht, where an [Troon rip burns A. feet of Gas-and gives 20 Candle Pow er. F:o\v much do you save? < WASHINGTON LIGHT & _ -WATER COMPANY - ;qrfolk & southern i&tfm ay? ? ' I IIAI'UV N. WHM'CT nit 1 !!. M." Ki:'!!;. lU-relvm-o. I |[ i r ; j ?? : - 1 1 . ? rutiS i ?. b^t\vi:kn u.i. points ,x { : una. via Norfolk to all r kam":ux rms-:s. *rni:i?ri.K in i.m ij ?nfit. isp. ij - _ Ti:.\i:c-:s i.>:.\v?; Washington 'j ' KXVKIVS: f H Ci:.", N' ? t::.t: v.-. *. : :I lit ? ? .- North, Kaci ant^Wes;. |J '[ .Vvlvej N'lif .il: ? .-i , - or: *1: ( MaeU-'jr.- F? rij fur Jif'.iiavon J : i i-c-.: ' " .J_. .. |l M ?! ? ! ? ! ' !' .W\- ???'. i ry t tblfrfy.VMi&ld. j 1 . !" A. ?! ? ly f??.v tl/> F'- :*n.vir- ?, Wilson. Rulc'.ch f.r.il inter ' .n-iiaU' ?>? : 3 . _ 7 A. M. CorikvU a: Wilaon : :. P. >1. daily, tjuej t Sunday, for Gr-'i?:ivill?t FuraviPe. Wilson. Ral and !:;t<-nn'."l nation?. A rri' o Kaleiyii I?37 P M. Connects Farmvi!!'? w jtls !!??.>: ?.':trol'.na R. R. for all i.ointB Ncr:h and South. f.i. *? ?.? 1 i ; ?-?* ? ? .fiiittiV- .V ilr-rv ~ ' ~ ' M ' ?' ' *?* ? ?? : .1 P H'f ;;;ul intermediate poiit'.s. C'onne -t ?r New Bern at P. *1. (dally) | t- ':r" "f' :? statioriyr- OiTir."i'!s a> New Bern at Q.4* P M. daily forKlnfitnn o? i Gold-sboro. . .. n m My r--- ^:i.i!ny for ty i;-:r.wiir D? l?iave;i and ir.te. mediate sia;lons. F r ? 1 1 nms iH Xurfflk A- S T V I' E Mlss JJoulah Tbantason Chamber of Commerce WANTED ? PEAXVTS OF ALTil kinds. ? Highest cash prUoa paid | H. B. Mayo & Go. 1)1,1 ? TIME HAHIIECl'E. It) FINK I chickens at Cleijimoi^s>Resiaurant. Phone l 4jC* FOR SA LB ? PEAXFT SACKS, lu | ?? cent^ each. II. B. Mayo & Co. THE HKAl'TV OF OUR MODEL I s-ftitaf -og stylei All long | ? coats; ? J-. K; Hart; 0Y5TKRS," 25C Pint Ql'ART. AJT | Clomtfion's Restaurant. Phonal N>. HI!. A 42.1 TAILORED St IT FOR 917.7.". | At .1. K. Hoyt'?, rr?n went or i.eam* ? ek;iit ? h.trKM ? Uisw ? Ui ? Bath township Known as the Jno. T. GayYord farm. Apply to Wpsley Peebles. ir oysters? we awe now weceiv ing regular 'by our own boats oys ~ter.T.~d!rcrt from oyster grottml?. and selling them as follows: Stand ards. 2.".e quart.' $1 per gal. Selects ^c-qurrt; ril. The*c prices nro for solid oypters, not rv.ter. and at* our fly;-. l.oii?c? only; ? r;trn c>.nrge made f->r delivery. Respectfully, g^'friut't: ?? Fultord Co. - .15 M) TRIP l*o;hsio,v-rm* NORFOLK. >/ A. A-c?/?ti? \il.\SH: lillEi EW WATERWAYS | .T!o\. .. viriiu'i-'iT.Ji). li.MjIi. and vMt-of PWE"iHEVj: tut. N'?#vcnitvr !!?, iiiuo, iv. .1 .i,I nn.nd trij# tickets at . ex* r-?'i . y I -,-.. .ollTT.* " ?S i;:.t ? ;v< ;:?.ik. Vii., Nov. lii. 17. | 1 ?' *" *"' I'J'U?. iiaXkl limit returning I .iiL-L;.\T.i:.r j w-u.1? TlOX Xftvernbcr 1 Ot It. Ai-.-ouKt president TaftV first visit I to Tidewater Virginia. PROGRAMME VitiiK.K-Th Military nnd -NpvaTTar of- men reviewed by Pres Trvfr r 1 ? :\'j a. \v... November llkth. " f ? Address by President Taft at 11:30 a. m. Grand Pyrote?Tic p-splay at City! Pari:, 7:435 p. m. VIRGINIA- HtiACH nnd CAPE ttfiNRY always attractive, never more delightful than In November. 1 Get complete information ' from Tfrfcef Agents, or address, II. C. HUDOINS. G. P. A., NuifulK. V?? Etllta. MUST WE OBEYED, The follrwing ordinance passed by the city aldermen must bo compiled with, and for the beueflt of those con eeraod it Is published below;.- ? All bills against the town shall be presented to the town clerk oh or be" fore the 25th day of each month and by. him placed In. the hands of the phalrman of the auditing committee before the last day of* the current month. W. B. Wlndley, City Clerk. FOR GENERAL ?SURGICAL -ANP Non contagious MEDICAL t CASES nikTMa.-! M'?H I rooms $15 to $25.00.1 Warddarge and airy) Sit per week. -Ad drcas mga a. smith. Sup*, of Nutmi Ililltf MEMORI AL HOSPITAL SPECIALISTS H. W. CARTER, M. D. Practice Limited to Dlinm of the Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. Honrs: 9-12 A. M. Cor. Main and 'PHONEUS.*. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN . ? and SURGEON Washington, N. C. DR. H. SNELL X Dentist. ? Office corner of Maid and t''*_ Respass Streets. Phone 100 Mk Washington, N. C. . - ATTOItX ntxic^' H.S.Ward JUNIUS D.' GRIMES WARD & GRIMES ATTORNTTTyr-AT-EAW Washington, N. C. Wo Practice in tho-Courts ol the fcjnit Judicial District, and the ^Federal Courts. John I?. Small, . _ A^lX-MaekeM^. Harry McMCTIan. SMALL, MACLEAN & McMULLAN attorne YS-AT-JLAW Waslilngtois, North Carolins. W. D. GRIMES ATTORNr.V-AT-I.AW Washington, North Carolina. Practices in all the Courts. <\'nt. li. Rodman. Wlli-jr C. Rodman. RODMAN & RODMAN Attorn eys-at-Liw Washington. N. C. | W. M. BOND. Edenton, N. C. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS BOND & SIMMONS AT I CIRNIA S- VI -t AW Washington. North Carolina. Practice in all C'oui ts. fW. 1.. Vaashan W- A. Thompson VAUGKAN & THOMPSON AT TOR N UVS-AT-LA W j Washington antl Aurora, N\ C. ? Practice In all the courts. CARTE RrfR., ? \TTORNEY-AT-LAWj, Washington, N. C. Office Market Street. [EDWARD L. STEWART- ~ Attorney -a t-Law. 'ff ice over Daily News, Washington, N. C. J'.OLLJN H. HARDIN jj ATTORNF.V-AT-t.AW. Office Savings jSc Trust Co., Building Rooms 3 and 4. WASHINGTON, N. C. IA VT7. Attorney and Counselui at-law Washington, N. C. J Business Cards G. A. PHILLIPS & BRO.; FIRE And Plate Glass 1N S (J RANCE. For ! .KMtU FIRE INSURANCE ?] jfl . see / - J. and P. B. MYERS The J. H. Simmons Marble and Granite Co. __ MONUMENTS Price* and Work Right. - WA-SHlWiTON. M Q. _ WHITE - BARBER- SHOP* The only first-class white shop in city. A tfial will convince anyone of reas onable judgment. We have 3 chairs, 3 first-ciass white barbers. Satlfavtlon assured. Opposite Postal office. A. B. PR AUG HON, "rop. C. MORGAN WILLIAMS INSURANCE ?joi all kinds. Ray Your and MULES j from QEO. H frtLL