WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS Entered as secoutJ-^TffBs iflalte:- ' August 5. 1909, at the poet office p." Washington, N. C.. under the act o: March 3. 1879. PUBLISHED .EVEttY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SC.NDAY. No. in 'East "Main Street. ~ J. L. M\Tf\ Editor ami I'rOprfCfelr. T ele^unc No. ilio. t=r^rr SI IISCHIPTION KATES: Oi?0 Month . 9 . Four Motrths l.i Six Months 1.; One S'en j- 3.' Subscribers desiring the paper di& ion tinned will please notify thin office on dale of expiration, otherwise, it will he continued at regular^iibscrip Mon rates t:util notice i? stop is re i.tivtd. If you do nod pot The Daily News promptly telephone or write the mau ager, and the complaint will receive lmui?diate attention, it is our desire to please you. Washington, n. l\. nov. ic let tiii: NEWS EOLLOW. Parte leaving town should not 1 fail to let The News f*44mv theui daily ! *'l'h the news cl Washington and crisp. It. % ill prove a valuabn* J companion, reading ?o you like a let- j ter from home. Those at the pea- 1 shore or mountains will find The ! News n most welcome and interesting ?is I tor. in: sh.nei), ? i All articles sent to The News for publication must be signed by the, writer, otherwise they will not be pubHTF:cJ7 \ t;i:i isn.Mi-: m*e? t.u i.e. Tile ->'H- barlwl~y delayed by! ihe erased I.: ? ! i> j do-tbb- irr^'rv-: :? II! . Thuvs 'l-,v ' i". ? 'ti" "i\ablo_ i\ j Ta.-* ??ay ..fsut^ . rligUtennienr . | ??WeiU'-n far.i. i; a'.-'d in iln* lynch-! ing " -Wo.nen pvlKI r???,v tria* j broke heu:-..-< ,.e 'drugged for mil-1 ilu- v;^;. ci N-griiV ?l *r ? . d i: I: Or T'?j?|;i; \\'J? TFV JK,\T!!v* mn.invr;. r>. ? Jn.:u tfco 1.9 i Jf?'. s. ?t> 1* : ; , ; Of IJ.f rii in, r.^'v inllJ ng furiUrnwi ? it 'j* I iiO ad v fo limit act raifcriir.'.M**, with larRo" totals a ywf a^o, nt>ia' ? precltujmi; 'cny hoaVy galna bclna Shown In the current monthly 're-' ttirna. As an actual f^ct. the Orto her expen'IirnTf- waa not only largr-r I than that of September, but. also ex ceeded 'the totals recorded In Janu arr'and February of 1909. It Is fur -October would he jaudLjMXBr_were -It not tor the heAv/ agci^tw tngw juateaa to jtm m pam ttwrn -ki. October ?year If that city ts excluded from the compilation a. gain In the rest of the .country of l'3 per cent ia shown | over October u year a^o. Finally. it "a'.rsiil l>o t'livpTVHU that fully tiro^ thirds of all the cities of the country ?lw?w feid.-i.i over October,'; 190^. Tli? !'?? . t r?'u-.Aly euored Mr. j~K">--u-r. uf. r't?l:iylv4BTa, as sjvtna ; 'Trii New York #:vj? claim as many | Preside:!** as Yirjrfifca. and that Ohio lis i^ily one short of Virginia. The I record as to President is: Virginia. Iff-.- JefTerson, Madisau, .Monroo; Tyler. years; New York, 1 . V:u?-^Hnren.' Fillmore, Arthur, rriev. taiul. itoos^velt yeass;-*Jl?io. ' William Henry li:irrison, Hayesj Qarikfcl. V> Kir.l-y. Taf'., IS year* and 1 month. at the end of Taff term: Tennessee, 3. Jackson*. l'oli;, and Johnson. i."? years and 1? months: Mas^ach';?eMy. i*. John Adams and John Quiincy Adams, \ year* ; llli i! n>< ?' l ii'i-nl'i mnl (Iran*. . 12 vc.'.vs and l month: Louisiana. Taylor. I yepj" : New Ham] shire. Pierca. 5 years; Pennsylvania, Buchanan. 4 years; Indiana, benjamin Harrison. I years. of Virginia's five 'Presidents, fetfv were elected as>u';? . ? ? Mi- sa. fiitse'.rs ' i-ivd ih re<- . Vi-Hrrkt tv:e. Indiana K' f!ti;e'r.y two. and Siv.;th Oar j* s nnla. Al.^-nT.rt. M vve. I .' u:- ?>? illin. Vw j-:rs? ; . Is. Fiv ? pr. s'devtr have died | ;'.*?! 13 Six r:. ? Preside ?RXir, CPr.Ton. '"!??? NViN.oxi: Hendricks and ? I. . . ? . ' ' ? . . Tii.. ??? ;:! j :?v - :.i! < < 'r;nil-sjo:i. Q rr; w? ci' T ?v s i: r-M:'!' '?.> ? i. ?v. .1 ;?V i ;?r ,\. TT-rr - . I T I),.oJ. I'Y? rr~ in ? r.'i jJ . ? ? w;Jl build .? ; ? >. Y."?- ?]?; v i? ::a:i o::jp. ' ? ' ? ? ???? ?; -.'?fro of : ?' * :i I i ri.iv ???'?> ?? ? : ngnm.-: j or: rt-:vt:fsi?u\r.?..* & ? 4 ? ? v ? .dilute, try 11.4-kH' tv.;? /' r*-l ??*- + ?i:<] ?* th>? I .',?!.?. - -I*-' I V4V ."i onc? f. ? A J f> v ?. I'ir '?im' fi-r.ui a V. :?? >>?,???:(. O ; O 1* * *. \ Aiirs:?:!' oviri: * ILt>ws a nuisance to be committed by; Japing four to five dogs which disturb the peace of the locality and sleep of the residents :B'.'ifihl?r)iw4 aud barking. The case was set for | trial at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, j At that. hour both the defendant and I-roset ij-.or were in court. Dr. C.nrtl asked Mr. Jones if ho wouldn't _ iiKf it? move 10 bother localltr-. - Te*? , il?. feiidani answered^ in the atlirma t.ive. 1>CA stated [hilt as lie luui iiuiil |i'.:svrfr!t he would- have lu vemnin'uir ? :il the month was out. Dr. Gardner Itl. en paid the defendant the amount of tlii? rent and asked to- be t:i\ed 1 t-wkh live cos'ih in the case. The mat ter was thus settled and ihe canine; | v 1 1 ' be moved to another section**,? ithe city. ? Wilmington Star.' j Tli C4" half back on the College team. II ??i your cop 'days was lank and (??an ; '1 But now he's big and strong ?*= three, s * I iluilt up by Hockf Mountain Tea. J Hnnly's Drug Store. The schooner Mary Gallairl is in ? ? dl.f K. K. Mixou A: Company. The Peerless llentedy i? Vlek'a C n nip & Pneumonia Sulw for all allC( lioiiti of the air p.i*sii;:e?, ?ami iiilliimmaiioiis wueli as v I lolls, liiui^o. liuriis. Mtolli'ii Mir fares, The im??m vultUihle discovery oxU?i_a^i! 2.V, Alh* ;mmI 8I.CH). All l)i imgiMtn. tisi : i r c;.'; loa.il. I CJIKATIA II! ;>l l 111 TIJIJ' , L-NLCLil^lOX ?lu v h:; ;>;?, 'ami V i?it ui I'ltl.SIIH.XT TAl'T ? - \o\. 1 lit h. I1I5IO. ?'r.l v-M frip. tv- t x r*ti H:.?t *.f> N'crf Vb., Ncv. Tii.h. ? :?:h c:ubll>: h. 1 :? with final | iOs t.iiK irirsy < i:u vrinx | i'll-V-'-. ; m;? : ri/i:vi tai t s i list \wt t?< Tint- w ati:k \ lut.'.'MA 'T?.l Mam* ff! niiruiiVf iiy a:al Na?.:l I'a iw.i reviews ! by l'rcs-'j i.lfj t Taf: ft: lit-. 30 n. r.1.. Ncv. IGth. I A(Mh ??? li> 'Dill at t. nt. . 4 rj itsKTlinic l>u?j?lay at City j r.MK ,.i, j?. hi. " ^ ^ Virpiuiii l!r as.d C;ii>o Henry | ^ v.'jys attrnc.i/'e. nrner more de- 1 th:ui ir; Novi'mbec. lU'iai niiiL, pvoriol ;ra'na will leave* j S'.- :o!x Vov. l f>th c? n.O'i p. m., for J ?liMKlIt'ii. cnakihe nil stoi-s r.jnl i !!.:>?) i?. m to Edenton via d.recij com|j|ftt" informal Agents. or add res b ii^c. lit maxs. i;. n^-A-r Norfolk. Va. | TOYS I [ anil Z \ Holiday Goods || I ? - ? h ? Beeutifirl line oPChina ?] ? to select from. Si > Fresh Chocolate Can- |! dy just received. t SgE^tfrc iie\v ljfte of-^ir ture Moulding to ar^J rive today. 'Phona Sg. ' | H. f*. SnarrWvi/ 1 |home OP i TUffLovlIm Plait; You Evei Sa-w n Park Swamp and Highland Farms For Sale. A. C. HAT^HAWAY, Washington.- N. C. Leprffcood MEMBERS N. V. COTTON EXCHANGE James W. Coo J. LEON WOOD & CO., BANKERS and BROKERS ? STOCK.*, BONDS. COTTON, GRAIN and PROVISIONS. 73 PLUME STREET, CARPENTER BUILDING. NORFOLK.^. Private Wires to N. Y. S'Ock Exchange, N. Y. Cotton Exchangq^Chicago Board of Trade and other 1-ioancial Centers. correspondence rrspcctfully solicited, Investment and Marginal accounts given careful attention. REAL ESTATE WANTED I /f I. have moved to Washington, N. C., from Van Wert, Ohio, where I was engaged in the Real Es tate business for more than thirty years, and- will ? frntiagc in the same ia Washington, N. C I want farms and other lands for sale. . If you want to sell your farm or lands see me or 'phone , W. M. KEAR, Washington, N. C. 'Phone!85. Office with'C. D.gParker, Havens-Small Building. Money saved is money made! A Welsbach Junior Lamp burns 2 feet of Gas per hour, and gives 50 Candle Power of Light, where an open tip burns 6 feet of Gas and gives 20 Candle Pow er. How much do you save? WASHINGTON LIGHT & _L WATER ? Wclsbach Junior. COMPANY NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAILWAY in;:i:rT si:ru? k iTktwf.kv all points -iN t * < JUl II t ALol.lNA. >M) vi-i NlllMlHh Til >11 F.\sn:i:\ cities. sciikdilk in i.m i;i ?? si!it. ist. T ? ! \ I \ S i.K w;: WASHINGTON EX PRESS: A M-, u.-ily. ? i f u:,day, for Maekoyg Ferry, Kdenton, 1.1 Lza rh City, Norfolk, eorij:4ctl^g wp.h all lines North, East and West. ur.u Cdumbia -?jr Maefcey? Terry unci Intermediate ?utions. _ / '? A. >1 '<1 ? IV J" ' nvin-'. F?rnsvlil-\ Wilson, ra^lelgh a:ul inter- I ?;.< 'Hale V t y. r.ti wrj\ p. M. < daily ) [or ew H^rn at Km Hqi O: !? .' 1 .:;-.i-/nt' t rni P. M. daily for Klnstou and Gold.-boro. P. V. uiliy i-t Sunday for Piiw-lov-n, IJelhaveu and Intermediate rations. I'. r further i-u r t i ."4 1 a r:- , consuir Norfolk L. Southern Railway folder, or. ar-iv to TV H- Mycr:;- TU '.ic. A-t^it. h r. m iKiiNS. p. a. w. w. c:ro.\tox, a. c. p. a. i:. t. iiAMR, mc:il, Norfolk, va. ' V ' ; ? ':'c; y? ?!&.;? V'i i C "fr. ^Vl>- ?1^ A>1 %? . ^ f*j. >it EAST CAROLINA ~ . ? C Teachers' Training School I 7," Fttatiltshfd nnil mainiatncd-fev tW State lor the young men ^ -.5 and women wh?J wish to qualify themselves for the profession ;k ~~ of teaching. Buildings anil equipment new and modern. Satfi- ? .=; ^ ration perfect' bf 4 SESSION OPENS OCTOBF R 5TH, 19#9. \$ >-? For prospectus and information, address ROBT. H. WRIC^HT, 4; President, Grecnvflie, N. C. jf" ?l wr * ? 1 _ & ? "^T v~ 't;~3 ^ ? ? ; OPPORTUNITIES RATE. 1 cent pef word: Estimate Si* words tQ flit Una, anil , tnctose payment with copy. Ajjjwc to ads. may be received at this offic To iusurc prompt attention all adver tisements should be in business office i.r n it 4 .. i.y ^ ngfri1^ phone or moil given careful attention^ x Qfi KAl'H E R A X I) T Y P 1> writes. Lit mo write your letters. Miss Beulah TjjomasdiT ~ ? I - Gjihqtber of Commerce SEE Tire BEAUJFl'L DOLL IX Hoyt's window. It will be given away December 24 to one holding most votes. " ? . ? WANTED ? rEANl'M OF ALL kinds. Highest cash prices H. D. Mayo & Co. OLD TIME HARRECt'E. 40 FIN E r chickens nt Clemmon's Restaurant. Phono 146. * FOR KALE ? PEA X IT SACKS, to cents cach^ H. B. Mayo & Co. OYSTERS, 23C PER QVAltT, AT Clemmon's Restaurant. Phone No. 14 6. FOR REXT OR LEASE ? EIGHT horse farm in Bath township known as the J no. T. Gay lord farm. Apply to Wesley Peebles. 17 TllAl>fl 10 CENTS AH HOVT'S AXI) got a vote Tor the lovely doll. LOST ? Pill KAl'PA ALPHA PIN, set with pearls and emerald?. Finder return ?o thJ*-.olBoe.--? 1-5 WE HAVE OPEXE!? AX OYSTER saloon opposite the r TRADE AT HOVT's ?'fho liiorc char. Gi pre yours fof ihe beautiful, dolj.. S&nrt now. ' raaolene in H,e tank so laltl a red hot Iron on the hole to solder ' ' A? soon ag t l:f? hoi Iron cached the hple Ihe tank exploded, knocking Mr. DuVfll down and overturning .nearly everythlpK In tlmjUmn., Luck Jly no harm was done to anything except the tank, which ,wa* totally ruined, but Mr. DuVal had a narrow escape. ^Oriental News. F09 GENERAL. SURGICAL -AND-, Non contagious MEDICAL CASES , AiVTESi-^flwliM rooms $*5 to *21. M. Ward (large and alryf *11 per week. Ad . A m mmm' ^ . < fflfZSS) JULIA -A, SMITH, Swpf. of Nun* -'?r iaam " 11 unoniTai*. ? wt nya^ifitr Professional Column - 1 ? - SPECIALISTS r'1 ?? . H. W. CARTER, M. D. " Practice Limited to Disease* of the Lye. Lif, Hum und Tliimu. ? : ? PHONE 86.' ' Wajhlnpoi. N.^: JDr. L M. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN Hardy ING and SURGEON Washington, N. C. - DR. H. SNELL Dentist. I Office corner of Main and" Respass Streets. Phone 100 M Washington, N-^. ^ ATTOKXEYS H. S. WARD JUNIUS D. GRIMES WARD & GRIMES ATTQRNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, N. C. We practice in the Courts of the First Judicial District, and the Federal Courts. John H. Small, A. D. MacLean, Harry McMullan. SMALL, MAC LEAN & McMULLAN ATTORNEYS- AT-L AW WaahinKton, North Carolina. w. D. GRIMES attqrney-aT-law Washington, North" Carolina. Practices In al! the Courts. tVui. U. Hodman. \ViI?*y C. Kodnmu. f ' RODMAN & RODMAN Attorney s-at-I.iw Washington. N. C. ^ - | \V. M. IJCfNI). Etlcnton. 'N. C. NORWOOD L.SIMMONS BOND & SIMMONS ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW Washington. North Carolina. Ptyctlcc in all Cuuits. | , W. L. Vauchan . W* A. Thompson T"" VAliCHAN & THOMPSON j AXTOR N FY S? A X?LA W ? I Washington and Aurora, N. C. ^ Practice in all tlie-courts; H. C. CARTER, JR.t | ATTORNE Y-AX.LAW~^| Washington, N. C. Office iMarkct St^pet. ~ EDWARD L. STEWART Xttorney-at-Law. i Office- over Daily News, : Washington, N.-C. COLLIN H. HARDING ATTORNEY- AT-LAW? Office Savings & Tw^o., Building Rooms ? and 4. .. . . _ WASHINGTON, N. C. - STEPHEN C. BRAGAW - Attorney and Counselor : ? in-law ? Washington, N. C. Business Cards G. A. PHILLIPS & BRO., ? FIRE And Plate Glass" SUR A N (J K . .7 F<3r | FIRE INSURANCE see ' see , J. and P. B. MYERS The J. H. Simmons Marble and Granite Co. MONUMENTS Prices and Work Right. WASHINGTON, N. a. WHITE - BARBER - SHOI^ The only first-class wblteshopln city. A trial will convince anyone of reas onable judgment. We have 3 chairs, 3 first-class white barbers- SatHaction assured. Opposite Postal office. A. B. DRAUGHON. ?rop. C, MORGAN WILLIAMS INSURANCE ? of all kinds. ??." v?,._ HORSES andfMULES? jv~ from ; GEO. H. HILI,. ~.'SZL ?