North Carolina, Beaufort county. In the Superior* court. F. T. Phillips .v?.%W. A. Bridges. By yljttuQ of or execution directed to the undesigned from the Superior court of Beaufort county, in tho ? above entitled action I will on Mon day, the 22d day of November, 1909, ^t the courthouse door of said county, at 12 o'clock m., Bell to the highest bidder for cash_ to satisfy said oxecn-" tiou, all the right, title and Interest" which the said W. A. Bridges had on ihenth_day of January, ltm. in^the following described^ real ^5Tafe, to wlt: A certain tract ui1 parcel of land !n Peaufort county. Btate of North Caro lina; and Washington township. Iti being a part of what Is known as the 1 Sparrow land, and situated at the corner of Sparrow street and Moor's alley, as they are staked out through said tract of land. Beginning at tho qorthwest corner of Moors alloy where it Intersects Sparrow street, . 239 feet from the center of Gladden street, one of the streets of the "town of Washington, running thence south with Moors alley 120 feet, thence west parallel with Sparrow street 30 feet, thence north parellel with Moors alley to Sparrow street 120 feet, thence east with Sparrow street to Moors alley 30 feet, It being the beginning. It being a lot fronting Sparrow street 30 feet, and Moors al ley I20.ffet, and 13 the same lot of land tronveyed In n lecd from P. W. Fort and wife to W. A.. Bridges, dated November 26, 1906, and duly record ed In the regtst'ur's office of ~Beau fort county, and Is referred to and made * part of this conveyance. This the 15th day of October, 1900. r ^ QEO. E. RICKS. Sheriff of Beaufort County. NOTICE OK SALK. By vlrtu?~Sf the power of sale con tained In a certain deed of trust from Hatton Walker to C. S. Dixon, tcus tee, ilated November 11, 190.", and duly recorded In the oflUe of the reg ister of deeds of4" Beaufort county, t hnnlc 134, page 335, which reference is hereby made, the undersigned will on Monday, the 2.8th day of Novem ber, 1 909, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of Beaulort county, nt ytiblic miction, offer for Bale for cash, the following described prop erty: In the town of Baech Grove, 1?. {?>..!. '.'it! Ill r.? mi in i m !u i ;<??? o. . 12 and -14-100 chains west of the mid dle of the -canal, then west with the main joad 2 chains, . then par el lei with Peacock's line south to C)ifr>F? flint, tlfa down cyprenj far enough; that by running . north parellel with G. H. peacock'*4tne you can. strike the beginning, then "north pnrolTnl iv-tHi gniri Pparool{'s_ lino' to the beginning, containing 10 acre., more or less. This 27th day of October, 1909. C. S. DlXO^, Trustee. . Pursuant to power vested in me, 1 ? wTTl. o:i lh?j Monday, the sixth (Cth) day of December. 1909, offer for s&la ? to the highest bidder for cash a! the courthouse door in Washington. N. <? | -,i ? n'l-itn'k. mum, a certain note for three hundred and thirty dollars executed by Ernest Spruell to r i'n..i-,.r p^iiruarv fi. 190s, maturing as follows: One hundred dollars on December 1, 1908, antVear,h year thereafter the sum of fiXiy-^even dollars and fifty cents until the full sum of three hun di^d p. ;id ilii.ty dnlhin- !?? tnid ? lipnr ll.lft !il li'i uj,- f.uui date ut niii pop nont per annum: No payments have been made on said note: Together with; the Security for the payment of said .note, coiiHisilng of a mortgage on cer tain real estate lying In Richland township, county of Beaufort. State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of H. B. Belj, Tbo?. Coffee, Sol-| omon "Jordan and others, and begin ning at H. B. Bell's back line, thence' south nineteen and a half west 1G.38 chains to the end of a ditch, thence ftnrlli Ptffbty-thrntt unttt f. 10 chains with a ditch, then north nineteen and a half east to said Bell's line. ditch, ? wtth dlt^h to the begin- 1 ning, containing eight and a quarter acres, more or less: It being the land ? ^described la the mortgage referred to above, which is executed by Ernest Spruoll and wife Doby Spruell, dated 6th day of February? l^OS^and corded In the office of the register of deeds to!t Beaufort county tn book 148, p'age 9. The note and mortgage hereby ad vertised 1? tire and. hypothecated by F. B. Hooker as se o^j;lty tor the p?yy^rt "f rtote to VlrgtouTcarollnft ?Chemical. Company dated February 11, 19ttH, and Noyember 1, 1908, default in pay ment .of which has been made. This 15th day of November, 1909. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL -COMPANY, STEPHEN a BRAGAW, Attorney. D THE SURPASSING ToRN KXHIBTT^ '? Piwti.1 your torn CHH? and olh?r p-?p?ny by INSOH. ANCE? from Bragaw, of course. - WM. BRAGAW & CO., First Insurance Agents in Washington. N. C. r The Reason's newest thiftgs are here ? and in abundance. A splendid collection of room-size rugs in all sizes, including9xl^, 6x9, 8.3x10.6, and an exceedingly choice and fascinating collection of the smaller sizes. Our carpet and rug section is simply aglow with Fall newness. You'll find yoflr wants eas iest, most satisfactorily, and,n^ost economically supplied at the Southern Fu?hiture Company's store. You are most cordially invited to call at any time and inspect the new goods and learn our prices. Southern^ Furniture Go, Thanksgiving Proclamation: lam very thankful. that I am living. I am very thankful.that I have had a nice bus iness since last Thanksgiving. I am very thankful that our city has gone for ward this year. I am (Very thankful for past patronage and will be* thankful for the future. Thanking you to remember me, CARL D. PARKER, Gen'l Insurance ? Four War* l.xnt-riencp. Havens-Small Bid'u [[= 2 Carloads of Horses and Mules RECEIVED TUESDAY, NOV. 9 Farmers Attending Corn Judging Day Invited to Inspect Stock. Finest Ever Seen Here. * Washington Horse Exchange. CONGRESSMAN meekison commcnos pe-ru-na. ??/ have used several bottles at Psruna and / feet greatly benefited] thereby from my catarrh of the head. / feel encouraged to believe that If ' I use It a short time longer I will be fully able to eradicate the disease of ( thirty years' standing." ? David Meekrson. OTHER REMARKABLE CURES. ? iff. Jacob Ij. Dans, Oalena, Htbtxe county, Mo., writea : "I h are 'oeen In bed tealth for thirty-eeven yeara, and after taking tvraWo bottle* of your Pern n a I 4 ~Lininifil.w Mr, Q. W. Petowaa. lMRmith * Ht.. Hnnnntl RInff?, lnw^ writea i '1 uaunot tell yw how much good Penittafrae doaa nw. UoBgtea?ooannom?n4- J in my "tore began to tell on my hS^ltluand I felt thai I wm gradually breaking | down. 2 tried aereral remedies, but obtained no per igaiieufrroHef watt! I took Po- -j rod a. 1 felt better Immediately, and fire bottles rntored me to complete healtfe." I was badly affl fever, WMT? ^ TALK Ex-Mayor B. T. Stewart went to Norfolk mis morning' vlft- ilie Allan- j tic Coast Line. ? Mr. W.*rE. Jones was a passenger j on the Atlantic (.oast Line train tni? I morning. ? m |I??v. AH/1MH-- fr? Tr^rr hw^t been the gfuest of Mr. aud .Mrs. | Thomas J. Latham. left for a basl- j uesa trip this morning. " ? Mr. William Bragaw ha- cone to I Norfolk to take in the Atlantic Deep- 1 or Waterway Association. Misses May belle and Katherine j Small returned to St. Mary's school, Raleigh, last evening after a short visit to their parents. Hon. and Mrs. ] J. II. Small. ? ? ? ?Mrs. I^ora Casey returned to her home in Pantego after a visit in the | city to her brother. Sheriff Geo? K. Kicks and family. Miss Mary Fowle returned last I night to St. Mary's school after a | Vtslt to parents for several days Mr. Horace H-. Mamliji. editor of file Look Out, of Beaufort, passed through the city this morning, en" route to the Waterway Congress, in Norfolk. -> ? ? Rev. Robert Hope, pastor of the, CIn!hHmi Chunl;. li'f. tl.lj nfi'-mo-m for Wilson to attend the coavention of his church. Mr. J. T. Wells and son of~ftmtte No. 1, were Washington visitors-to day. Miss Mamie Spring* left yester day afternoon /or Vandemere to vis? >' .Mr?. C. 8. .Whlchard. Prof. W. E. Smith went to Aurora ycsrvrday. on business. Mr. J, J. Brabl>le went {9 EJward i business yesterday afternoon to; spend several days. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cox and fam ily, of Blount's Creek, spent yester day in the city. .Mr. E. E. Carson, of Vandcmt*r4, was a visitor Jn the city yesterday: o n route to his hozr.o i.Cuui spending rlii iul a v in Pamelee. 9 . ? ? 7TfT~W7 W. Coltrar.o, -of Aurora, was a visitor in the city yesterday. Messrs. if. "\\\ Da vies and \V. J. I.r.k* were in the city today, on route to. Raleigh from Norfolk. 'Mrsr C. H. Ltttle, of G:-*?cnvi!i<? was In the city today on her way to Elizabeth City, where she will visit friends and relatives. ? ? Mr. Wilson Lamb loft the city this morning <V"' K!Hy?iwi>. illi-rJ* trip. - W!.>. ,K 11. Small and Mrs. W. P. Maugham and son, Seth. were artong those who left this morn trfirfnr "Nor folk. ? Mrs. A. M. Dumay left thTs morn .inir fi:,:- :: trln to Norfolk T. , h mond. j Tonight's program atHn? Oem " ill bo as fine a one as you couiu wish to see. It is said that "The Judge's Es cape" Ts ot.e of the best comedy reels on the road. And it certainly is r. -side-epl?i*t-rr ? "CuHSeqtienres. -jr-r Had Act" is a magnificent drama, hard to beat and "Marriages Through _Tho Age*" will prove interesting and ett renivlv entertaining. 'Hip ^IVIk'." tra will do itself proud tonight, ari"d ToiTptms for the chrturen's box of Huyler's -candy tomorrow night ami the coupon^ for t h?j cut glass bowl given oiT Thursday night Will tjo g|v on to eaclr holder of a ticket. Have you seen that bowl? It was bought "from Smither's stoclTand Is flfTu You will feel rich, too, #when you draw it on Thursday night. News has reached this office^ thai some men, while out coon hunting.! one night last, week, came across ?. woman and her children sleeping on ai straw bed with no cover hut a Hp r 4fa <1 . The hunters wffre attracted! to Hit1 I?1H?6 by ttieir dogs baying." Upon inquiry the woman told- the hunters that some persons harraseed so at' iftght that she had be?r. compelled ta abandon the Ulght And go jLo the woods for safety. Isn't It the duty of some official to throw. poriect!on around those chil dren. or has- human life become too choap to be worth notice'? What does aHth,ls play of civilisation l-eal ty imounrtu? what <? the Mwwf Doesn't it pay? Is that it? If some ttatag~ltiH'l St once It will !6<5Tr that way. -^-Beaufort Look Ctat. ToiirnroxKiiAT hint to r?N>. K. w: anOVVR ulifna . . .. . ? ? The Gaiety will exlh'.bt tonight oae of the most altracllv? vailed programs ever seen In- the city. "In Olfl Kentucky, ""is allograph, and a beautiful war drama taken from ibe celebrated- masterp.ece, Brother v?. Drother ? a picture every true South erner should . witness. esperTally the old soldiers -'The Alwhlp !>!?? 1 Over the English Channel." This plc tureJa takcii from life and is very In- [ teresting. "The Mason's Paradise ; is a? side-splitter. This picture will ifnn:~e one- Iniish-frean- ?t?rt to tiHi*h. | .Patrons should watch for the" date Lhe Hiidiioii-FulLuu naval uarade. Ttie I T?2!f>ty should be a_Tn<?cr:r tonight fori all those wishing to sj?e h high toned -^r*T-rninn^ The show begins member the Gaiety is the place to amuse ami interest. ? CARD OF AFPRKCIATION. Wo desire to publicly expre3<=wut' I -Inhere appreciation th the citizens jf Washington and Beaufort county, for their liberal patronage and words of commendation since the opening oT the Gaiety Theater. "For this we feel most -grateful. It shall be our aim to merit the confidence of all fti giving only first*ola?s performances in the. city. The Gaiety will ever strive to please. We return thanks "o all for their patronage and ask a continuance of same. Respectfully. AROXSOX & BROWN.* Managers, i SHE WAS CURED That Cured Stomach Trouble or ? ] 14 Years. And best of all Brown's Dtug Stove guarantees it to curc yon or money back. Read this: "I have been a great sufferer for 4-.t yr.Tfc. everything fate-gave me heartburns. J have never been ahse to get anything that would give m?? any relief until a friend of mine in sisted on my taking Ml-o-na. 1 took] a 50. cent' bos and I fce'ievo 1 r.m en- 1 tlrely veil." F. M. Bryant I TJTnTTfrmTt: oth-.- ? - Ml-o-na is not a v.ct'rnrj : it is the prescription of a rHobratfl physician! who is a spcoSilist tn s.cniach dis eases. ' I One f lever woman calls Ml-o-na the I Sunshine Prescription because it j changed her from a miserable, nerv ! one dyspeptic into a b r I gift"," "heal 1 3: y , 1 m ; . , ;? '.vm:!!) ::r a fe-.v weeks. | . Thf-.-e Ijrthi .Mi-o-na t " ;ji?*ts are j surely wonder workers. They abso lutely cure ind}gestl<gti_whe!her acute or chronic. 1 They stop belching, gas ir. ston: -Hwrhr-and -hea v lues*. i n a f e w minutes. ' Distress " after .eating vanishes as if j bv mag'c when one or two little Ml-o | na tablets tire swallowed . I ftniy r,o cents a? 4?ox~ -a^ iaaainj: Idruggtsts everywhere, and in Wash ington by Browj;'s Drug Store. .Test I sajhplu free from Booth's Ml-o-na. | *Viffaln. N. Y IWIltFlKI.D NOT ICS. F'-On ..hia! Saturday night our inns jdro'iih \vc<s broken by a very jjeavv ? thunder storm an:! r.'.K'h rdTr.. \ y,:& T. It. .T ones and T. II. Ti. j Gibbs are visiting Nov; Pern this [week. attending the dra'aage <on ? aaiii i i A. 5.. C^iu'a n.-ll and J. S. 1 Cut lire! I attended tlie corn judging I at- Washington!" dir. H. C. Carter and wife return i rr\ hnmf to*tay -after a* extended ct-H* ' ?? Elizabeth City. Washington and i Raleigh. ].. ? The cotton crop about in. and with very few exceiitioK* have been TITOn 1 ' Corn gathering wfll begin very soon end ' continue until finished. (The crops on- the high lands are right good, but on the low land? crops run from one-half to none. ; Miss Li I Ho Speirrer-retnrnetl home today Jmn .an extended visit to Hal eign and other points. Messrs. M. II. Tillette and Dan, Credle went hunting on the' lake la?: j woolt irnd had some luck. Fairfield is in need of three thing-" to Ptnefty- what- thin- serHw* would have it be ? drainage, railroad and graded school. Let us not cense jour effort until victory U ours ' It enriches the blood, strengthens the nerves. makes every, organ ol the body strong and hcaltltty; a great tonic. Holllster'p ltoc-ky Mountain Tea ? be. boat. Try Jt tonight, Hardy's Drug Store. city makket. Egg* ^ : 25< ^Chickens, grown 25 to a Or i Spring chickens 10 to 25c I foreen WW lildf.i. . Green hides .Srj Mixed wool ,.1$ to 20r Tallow .... 3 i-2f Wool, "ma from burrs 20? Sbeertings 5 to 10 Lambskin 25 to 4 0? Scad cotton ...5.50 !Jnt cotton 1 4c I CROUP ?? yon hare ? ^ItMn at Spencer Bros. -Eyhc best reason i why *? we've been abltTto do some big things in a merchandising way, is because we know the value of little things. Even the smallest de tails in GRIFFON Brand OVERCOATS are carefully correct. See our line. J** Ills the body with warm, glowing j viltality.. makes the nei?vea., ; Increases circulation, restores na- " lural vigor; makes you feel Ilk* dm? I born again. Thai's HolliPter's Hocky i Mountain ? 'Per; fhntr ? ft ? tonight. j Hardy's Drug Store. ? . + ' ? :-r ? ? ? T\ Rhodes' - ? Roasted ?? - Coffees* \rc Roasted Just Right. 'Phone Rhodes' s and get Results. .Tfc. 180. ? ? ? ' ? ? " I tmk < t:\ ri:u mini; wakkihh ?: Greenville, X. C.t eol;l Friday for: i C. S. Forbes ? 206 ?t 10*-, SS-wl^e. : 100(5} 19c. 120 'i 20?gc, S6 rt 43c, ' TTaXFcT Average, 5nt\ " Cooper & Adams ? I s -I 7%* */*. iiSC <?4 10 x2f. GS M 1 1 "4 c. (>?> ?; ] v <?. ,k | V 24c. 52 H 33 c. W. W. Smith ? 2 *>0 ft 11 i^r, 322 if I 11c. 1 SS ?j 1 2 U ISOfi C>'-| ' 23tjc. -JO 'A3 if. 1 0 Hi "? lc. When we get the goods we deliver p the money /"so coxae to the Center 1 Brick. 1 Drink ley. ' Hatchings & Si?aln. \ Guaranteed EVERY BOTTLE OF XYAI/S KIDNEY 1'IT.I.S ARE GF A KAN TEED BY. I S TO CilVE I'KBFF.CT ( SATISFACTION. IX THE I BKAI.llLVf- UF 1 1 ! ?*-' "i EASE* OF THE KIDNEY AM) 1 Trin.Chy ougxss: REMKMBKH THE NAME ? NYAL'S. WASHINGTON j DRUG COMPANV n DON'T ^ Walk or. Ride. i| Talk Qver,J. The Telephone. You can have a Telephone put in yobr house in the city or at your farm-at a very, sur passingly low cost, and save many a lonjj_ drive per haps a Iffe hy'bcinR in direct and instantaneous touch with your Doctor. Groccr, Mer chant and Brok. r. Weather reports and mar* kct quotations can he secured daily. *? _ inli:?csled-> parties are re quested to communicate with Mi.D. W.UiH.M'kV carolIna tel. and -TEL. CO., Washington, N. C. This proposition will inter est you. and U would be well to in Vv&i itf ate before the ap proach oi the yjld W inter months.. ]i- ? E3DE |^^oi j . YQ11 THEM THF BES'I LIGHT TO WORK BY AND THAT IS ELECTRSCiTVT WASHINGTON J? kfcEG T414G -P4,A?>H WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER iOTH Corn Judging Vay We will look at your corn. You 54 look -throuprhotir stock. - Remember We Sell "Town Tolk Flour" WF/ WELCOME YOU TO OIIR CITY JOS. F. TAYLOE. 'Phones 123 and 124 JUST RECEIVED

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