BE CORRECT 4N DRESS If Cosfs No for Exclusive Stylos at IMputar jj Prices? for Men and Women? , f buv-at J JUST RECEIV ED A shipment of America's fmestproduction and the world's greatest Sewing Machine. 1 he ball bear ing, light running NEW HOME ? for cash or easy monthlv oayments. Don't forget thai we are head quarters for the besr sewing machine needles and oil. Be ware of imitation goods. The Test is the cheapest. We ear ry the best. Not how cheap, buf how good w e can give you for your money. -v. RUSS BROS. .THE PICTURE FRAMKKS 7 he Gem Theater "Consequences of a Bad Act'*1? Drama. "Judge's Motor Escape" ?Finest comic of the year, "Marriage ThroOgh the Ages." rOTTOXtt Wil l BR tiiw J i??; THK HOYS AMI (ilRI.S' FIUZF. (A BOX OF HVYLER'S CAXPY) TO t HE GIYEX WKHNHSDAY XIGHT. | AX I) FOU THK A1ULTS' PRIZE ? A h?KAi TiFl'l. rrT class nowi,? to he rsiVEX Thursday night. I COME OUT AXD ENJOY BOTH | PICTURES AXD Ml" SIC TOXIGHT. WOMEN'S j SHOES ' IT IS WITH A FEEL ' ING OF PLEASURE AND PRIDE THAT WE A NN'fWNCE THE AR RIVAL OF OUR WOM 1 EN' S FOOT W EAR FOIU i THE FALL AND WIN | TER SEASONS. Our Shoe* tire far !Hj|?-rior to the ordinary sort of stoea that can be had at every store. where women's Shots are sold. Thvy came to us direct from the workshops. the world's most noted makers of Women'* Shoes. There's many a new style feature In the Fall model.', and we will take th* greatest .pleasure In showing our "women pa! rot.s tiio TT ? inn nun ' >1 Hill 'in i? ? i Tnmm dailiuL the coming season. * S. R. FOWLE & SON A new line of. SUITINGS in fancy Stripes and Shades 10 .ind 15c the yardT" T. W. PHILLIPS & CO. -HELP IS OFFERED - WORTHY YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. No mailer how limited your mesne of education,- Hie GREAT AMERICAN SHORTHAND AND BLSI NESS COLLEGE, Durham. N. C., i* ready and willing to help You secure a high-grade Business Education. The ONLY Business College in the Caro linat presided over hy an Incorporated Accountant and Auditor. A suf i cient guarantee of ira superiority. Enter now on easy payment plan. DEPARTMENTS: Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting, Telegraphy. Penmanship, Civil Service. Fnglish Branches, etc. (Expert Faculty? RaU road Fare Paid? Positions Guaranteed. There is a great variety of Carpenters tools on the market but '.here is only one complete brand 'made tor qvu,~:v. ;Kat""~is~~the reason we sell the fimouG XCtfaojl) ? ITrahd. The KtiH KUtTffl Trade Mark or the vVords KICK KlTTtlft on any tool are an absolute guarantee. Buy a tool under this brand and you will know you are getting the best. r ? L h. Harris Plumbing & Supply co. I - ? ? I S TATE NEWS j I'umlrii^ti uf Interval Hup 1 peiiim; Tiiruughout Qie Slate. * nrou a v. arrant- Bwora" out by So -liritor Ward; "Sir*. Mary Gray has arrested for the second _ time >ijM?n t ii?- ?>: be;ac.~ixa;ji:t'u:eii with her brothe r-: a-!ow in an attempt 'i> burn lu'.r home. She waived exam ^?rRHtion mi'l win bju>?l ova;* to. n il ' :*?: tti ?; ! iv ?? mi bail in tb?. iaiini of ?<.?''?. ? hlizabo'.h City Inde ; pendent. Thcjc u.t! u.any sood (a:uc-Ti -ii_ county and many v. ho made ? kojJ thiff year wise:-, the crops were short. Our attention was today called tt? the tine results made on a .small farm, near town, that of Mr. j X? W. Lamm. Mr. Lamm with two i mule.1? raised 00 worth of money j crops besides sixty barrels of corn, i two hundred, bushels of sweet pota toes. pea .vines, hay, etr. Mr. I.aram is truly a good farmer; ho makes ! Kood crops In bad years as well as ; in good Qftes. ? Wilson Times. State Veterinarian AV. G. Chris man is enforcing rigiiily the Texas tick law and cattle quarantine regu lations. James Cuban^s. of Sanford, was fined this week llO'^nd costs for driving a tlckey Weef over a public IhlglTway .1 :Trrtmsrr:u-^o?_gllftf City, was tried before a magistrate for allowing tic ky cattle to run at large, but upon a promise faithfully to observe the law her.eafter judg ment was suspended in his case. Magistrate \V. L. Weacherspoon. of Lee county, stated that many people were making inquiries about the law. and seem anxious that no further vio lations ornir. Last Thursday two Chatham county men were fiifed for driving ticky cattle from that city to Raleigh ^ where they were- sold to I Raleigh butchers. ? News and Ohser | v'i " | fc"o Moving a quarrel between Sam Murray, a notorious negro. an<l 4 small brother of Worth Smith, a ne gro about IN yeara???d7_a< a corn shucking or. Dennett .-treet about .11 .. . 1... k l.i?: i,.ghl. '.icrr.-.y vnl !u hi? home, secured a double b.irre| ?"hot pur.. proceeded to the home o *. Smith. van's .is^r'. ? mm to the door and emptied the contents Hicks* CAi'llHNU Cures ?itk Head ache. " Also Nervous Headffche. 1 javelero' I Headache and aches from Grip. [Storaacn Troubles or Fema'- trou I \>les. Try Capudino? it'- liquid ? . effects imme-liufrly. Sold bv drug - *tat9~ of a double ha: mt: ape and at 3 o'clock this morning I'Piti truce jiiad been_ found of hlif .though OfBv?rs pearce and Isley h\& (' ried to the scene of the crime. huugiu" a ija la-, ^ay:i this morning amid " groan s ft*nd 'of .pain, that they had all been ' qru*hncktnE. had rerurned and were ???'r-iir.r In front of Ikhisc. when Murray dashed a cijp of water In his lit'. I?? brother's fare. The ? older Smith remonstrated with Murray, ???;?. I. 1 I.nri hi- ".?imi-,;" 'fKi'" "wTliilf crowd out. left and secured his gun ].?.'.:4.-t.bpk "revenge on him. ? Greens-, boro New*. Comforting Words | Many a Washington Household Will Find Them So.. 1 ?\_c the pains and aches of a ! !>ad back remove X. to be entirely fr?c ifrom imnoyir.gv dangerous urlnaVy fcisirder* is enough :o make any kid-, ' livy nuilerer gmifful. TO- fell how [this great change can be bronghl ! about will prove comforting words to hundreds of Washington readers. 1 David R. Willis. East Main Htreet. I Washington, ?C. O.. "says: have I no hesitation in recommending Doan's Kidney Pills, as they have J given entire stalsfaction in my case. For some time I suffered from dis ordered kidneys, the secretion* be ing too f request itl jiAasage, CBpec lally at night. I also had dull pains tthrough my back, accompanied by sharp twinges in my loins. Doan's Kidney Pills were highly recommend ed ^nd I at last procured a /ox at the Waslilnglih Drug I'd. ? flici ip iieved the backaches, -disposed of the pains in my loins and regulated the passages of the kidney secretions. Whenever I notice any .disorder of my kidneys now I at once use Doan's Kidney Pills and they give me Imme diate relief." For sale by all dealer*. Price HO cents. Foster-MHburn Co . Buffalo, i New York, sole agents for,tbe 1'iiUed' | ?tates. e ? ? j Remember' the name ? Doan's - take no other. TABLE PEACHES "-IN GLASS ? - Reduced from 25c. pcr_ can to 3 for 50^. ? E. L. ARCHBELL_ Specialties Cigars and Tobacco. -I.eary Bros.' Old Stand. FOR THE GRANDEST OF YOUR EXPERIENCE ? add one ROYAL TAILOR-MADE exterior to a tnrk py -fed intpri^r, No mother's cooking will ever dressa, Na tional bird betiar than we can dress any of the men in this town. Real tailored-to-order'garr ments made to your measure bv the famous ? of Chicago and New York ? and warranted to satisfy you in every Royal Tailors no pay. Come in and look. Wright's Tailoring Parlors "WHO TAILOR BEST IN WASHINGTON" Just Received. H. M. JENKINS CO., Wholesale Grocers. The House of Quality ? 36 YEARS. ? PURE WH. ilvIES DIRECT TO YOU HOM>KI> STRA'i ?iT RYE WHJSKIV Her Gal. Gibson, 8 years old . . $ i.r.o Qwal-a-FiRo, ^ r , 4 ,00 ~ RrrntTCTt - cnra old ... r. ? - ? . Z years old . . 4J? Certified, ? years i/trlC.... 8.7JV llAiintoln A nn rseimm buui uuii, v ycrr- na . o.ovi Elk ituaT 4 9.00 j BLENDED RYE $ IIIBKEY. ^ ' Per Gal. Gibson XXXX #4.00 Herbert's Malt 8.00 Motynt&ln Poy - 9,00 ?Cioutftry Club ... Mountain North Carolina, 4 yoara Silver Spring, 5 mrt ol bottle*; If deal red. Catalogue se*t free. Mall order* a specialty. FRANK r.XCHMOND., VIRGINIA. 1 ' J '? i vn - - NEW ARRIVALS ESt LADIES' HAND DAGS, C1 Full Line 69c^43.00. ;??? ri??o ASK those who know where lng Ijioves. TO GET YOUR GLOVES 771&&. Gfafi ?%}, '/?'4C ?*?]>"< V t M t ? Q TO THE CITIZENS Hardy's Drug Co., druggists, handle/ Gilhooley's Irish 'Liniment, and they; back It up with what might be called j a Government bond. In fact a guar antee certificate goes with every bot-[ tie, to the extent that if Gilhooley's] Irish Liniment does not cure Eczema, Rheumatism, in any form. Salt [ Rheum, Lumbago or any skin ail- 1 mcnt, you are out nothing, as the | druggist you bought ft from "will give J back your money and take the certifl- 1 locate for his pay. The matter is entirely in your| hands. St. Puul, Minn. WESTON HOUSE 227 East Main Street. _ WASHINGTON. N. C.' Rates: SI Per Day. HIGHEST CASH I'llII KS paid for CHICKENS, EGGS and all COUNTRY PRODUCE We tarry liay, Groin and all kinds FcerihtufT ? - We hand'.a 'MIF II'IJ t'PII Fltiiir ; ?ale. PAUL & CUTLER EAST WATER-STREET. NOW! Is the Time t To have your Pictures Framed. Don'fr-wait 'til Xmas eve. WM. B. HARDING Reduccd Round Trip Excursion Fares i NORFOLK, VA.. ACCOUNT .1 Atlantic Deeper W at prways Convention NOV. 17-20 and VISIT OF PRESIDENT TAFT NOV. 19th. Atlantic Coast Line Railway Co. ! will soil roafid trip tickets at raje of' $4.30. Tickets on sale November 16, 17, Tft-rad 19, final ilmti returning j November ail ITor further information, cal g. A. \ LaFRACK, Agent, or address ~ 1*. J.'CBAIG. Passeng^ Traffic Mgr. x. C. WHITE, Gen. Pass. Agt. WILMIN'GTQ.V, JL C. ANOTHER O^KN LETTER. Qfeeitvllle, N. C.t November 11. 1909. To O. L. Joyner: Sir ? Something like 14 days ago I wrote you an open letter, challeng ing you to meet me in the courthouse at Greenville, on a public issue you are conducting with the people of indictment very clearly which I am ready to defend at any time. Not having heard anything from you, I will slate that unless you set a date soon, then ? will, as I am determined1 to be heard, and am standing pat on] th^ proposition. . . - ? Yours, ? c.r ' J. R. HUTCHINO0. "I NEW CORNED K. K A I. H . v.?. Minrnmoot an A .4* I jw 7 ^ v .Ji ?A t . ? WK1GHT UltOS. IN THE HOME. j If ypu want a reliable remedy for Ctjup and pneumonia the mother's Joy. never fai!sr and Goose Grease for rhmiinaticm and all aclfes and pains. Praised by thousands, and If you try itjfOU will, do the same. Manufac tured by the Goose Grease Liniment C >mpany. For sale by Hardy's Drug Store. Black Suede SHOES Knight Shoe Co. The Only Exclusive Shoe Store in the-CUy. Just Received a Shipment of Ladies C. a. MORRIS & CO., BROKERS rJ WHOLESALE FRUITS AND]PRODUCE Arrivals this weeE 1 Car Meal 1 Car Timothy Hay. 1 Car Kingan's Reliable Meats. JUST ARRIVED > at the BAZAAR, ZT" ~ 1 IH< I I VI- fH- l\ 1 \ lHj-'S' I'llAT SI'ITS.Vl.OAKS A\'l> SWEATERS ? ALSO MH\^AX1)N?)\T?' HIGH GRADE SAM PL K SUIT*. AM) A RIG LINK OF HEM NAXTS AXl) MILL ENDS IN* SILKS. WOOLENS. HITTING A.N l> LOW ER. COME EARLY AND GET YO I R CROICE.^VorilS FOR DAR GAINS. P. ORLEANS* BAZA All. MARKET STREET. r^VCTTl?!} C served in all styles by the Noted \JlOl L1\0 Chef? RICARD BONNER. MEALS AT ALL HOURS ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATreNTttPf-l 'PHONE 327. JEWELRY SILVERWARE CLOCKS WATCHES Everything Guaranteed. Engraving Free. Repair work given prompt attention. R. LEE STEWART, The Jeweler. Blasting Fuse and Caps, Electric Fuses, Batteries, Blasting machines ant Dynamite on hand. McKeel- , Richardson Hardware Cofflpany The grape OhistrmftkMi Is lo raufad the reader of the fact that this healthful fruit Royal its active and From

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