HI EXTRA SUIT VALUES! Ladies* Tailor?Mude Garments? all eel-? ? ors an?- sizes ? $17.75 We boasron this line.- , - - J. K. HOVT 'l==JI^^^=lt=lf=-ll if==il JUST RECEIVED Ashipment of America's finest productiuoand the. worlds greatest Sewing Machine. The ballbear ing, light running NEW HOME ? for cash or easy monthlv oayments. Don't forget thai we are head quarters for the besr sewing machine needles and oil. Be ware M imitation goods. The ( iwsris-rinreheapesfc? We car-(^ ry the best. "Not how cheap, but how good we can give you for your money. RUSS BROS. "I HF. PICT I' RE FRA>1ERS 7 he Gem Theater [ . 1 ] j SUNSHINE AFTER STORM? Fine j drama. NKITINK'.S l>AlCillTEU ? Hand i-olored. THK DISAPPOINTED HEIRS ? A comedy. COUPONS WILL HE GIVEN FOR THK HOYS AND GIRLS' PRIZE (A HO A' OF Hl'VLKITS CANDY) TO in? TrmrN at 8 p. >l tonight AND FOR THE ADULTS* PRIZE ? A BEAUTIFUL CUT GLASS ROWIj? [to BK GIVEN THURSDAViMGHT. WOMEN'S SHOES IT IS WITH A FEEL I ING OF PLEASURE AND PRIDE THAT WE ANNOUNCE THE AR . ; HtVAt Of e^R WOM. 4 ENS FOOTWEAR I'ORT I THE FAI.L AND WIN | TER SEASONS. ? Slioea ;tr?> far superior to th*1 ordinary sort of shoes that can be very more, where women's Shots are sold. ' came to us direct from the workshops of iiie worli1'^ ? must , nakers of Women's* Shoes. There's many a new style feature in I models, and we will lake the greatest pleasure in stowing our I patrons rh? f.my-wear that be ^"vogue during | ning season. ~ ] V/ 1 ~ S. R. FOWLE & SON CARGO OF SALT j Just Received. H. M. JENKINS CO., Wholesale Grocers. -HELP IS OFFERED tVUKi HI 'i Ot-rV<r 1 \ v\n \\ i >Mt N" No matter how limited your means o! education, ? V-l ? \ \ii' K [CAN SHOR 1 H AND AM) BLS1- ! NF.SS COI-I.KCiE. Durham. N. C., is ready and willing to help You secure | a hi ftW -grade Hmwi* ch> Education ? The ONI.Y Business College in the Caro lina* presided over l>y an Incorporated Accountant and Auditor. A sLl i-j cient guarantee of its .superiority. Enter now on easy payment plan. DEPARTMENTS; Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Typewriting. Telegraphy, Penmanship, Civil Service. English Branches, etc. Expert Faculty? Rail road Fare Paid ? Positions Guaranteed. nr S TATE NEWS Viilnli i.m .1 I. r i Ml[, \ iKMiin;; Throughout the SUte. The police officers of TK?rtowif Liff jmson to boltave ihal -Noah Hardy, a [colored man who lives on First street, Iwhh rn tjfltng a' blind tiger. ' Saturdo-y ' nigh i a week ago. Policeman Clark and M-C-'" iMi ?it-rrt' l'"> at [the colored man's house.'atid saw an ? other colored man go there and .bu> [same liquor From NoaJT" The officers .took no action at tl.0 time. an tlwr*? J were ?u;ne at4ter_iLli'!itoi>tnen t s they ! had an eye on. but urmed with a war j rant they went to the same house lasr Saturday night and found 4 3 half pint bottles and one 2 -gallon Jug ! of liquor. :iko 7 empty :-K%Uon ju^x. ? 7* empty 3-gallon jugs and. 4 empty i , l-gallon Jug?. all bearing eyidence ? of being. only recently emptied, i Hardy was given a preliminary hear- j ins before Mayor \Nrtwdbee-and was boi:nd o>er to Sujftriory court. ? Greenville Reflector. J About 9.30 o'clock Saturday night while northbound freight No. 2"t> from this city to Norfolk, was shift ing in the yard at Tarboro, Mr. E. P. kdmor.ds. a brakeman of the tr^in. had (hanged the switch and was in the act of crossing the track iu front of the oncoming car. when he stum bleil and fell and the train, passed . over him. cutting og dQIH legs clfjao | np to the body. "The young man was promptly given medical, attention, but he died._about three hours after the accident. The remains were iaken yester-day aftgrnoon to his home in- Scotland Ncck_ where the fu neral will be hold thin afternoon. Mr. Edmonds had been In th*? employ of the company for several inonths^* Rocky Mount Record. It has come to the knowledge of this body, HapVist Ministerial Associ ation, from unquestionable source, that a force of laborers was kept em ployed throughout the Sabbath day j>n November ll. in the ~uork of building and finishing the Grand The- j ater In this city. This gr>ss viola- 1 tion of the law and the sanctify of I t?tt> Christian Sabbath rar.not bc rx-1 fused upon any possible plea of ne- 1 cessity or mercy, ar.d. Ir. our opinion. I ,, .-...I |-< !ngly deplorable. We do r.ot under- j take to'place the blair.e for this .of- 1 f^nce, not knowing where it rests. | We regard this as a natural sequence 1 of the growing l^xue** of public sen- i tlment regard fag the Christian Sab-' bam: In thlfc flagrant offo.-.co it ? U our opinion that the Christian con science of our city has been out-1 and '.hat the people -are en tiiled to know who la responsible for 1 1*. ? Ilaleigh Times. Unqualified approval of t!'e quality* of Mecklenburg road.-*' and surprise j at the progress aohlevdil in this re- j speet.was expressed by Me.-srij. Jas. ; Vllniott. engineer, and F. H. Brown.] jirotographer. of' the r.aUonal bureau] of public road? - They were in thej| ???ity Thursday. Friday and Saturday.1 The first day was Fjent in conferfcnre; wiUi the chairman of the board of , county commissioners.- Later they i were driven o?t on the Lawyers') road to Mint Hill, and from there to ( : Matthews. ? They wero taken to the ' different eon vie: ramps and pffoto- j , graphed several stretches of road. They left yesterday .morning for .\-<hev<n?. from where, after a .stay of | 'a few days, they will rpusinue their j 1 tour westward ar.d then south.? Charlotte Observer. The Norfolk & Southern railroad is going ahead rapidly in erecting a 'emporary repair whops. ami ^ great deal of repairing is being done out K 1 ?of door*. Pwu al the old. WjUlfl bayj : been covered, and th'9 bouse that was I almost completed for a boiler shop, j will bo- uned as a machlneshep, after | being doubled In sire. Nearly all of ? UH* d?-tlllft llf 111. Hi . hn. rfh moved and quite a lot of the ma chinery made ready for use, a large .force of men are employed In clear ting iiuaj- the ruins and by the latter | | part of the week' the machine shop ? *?'* *** Hi ? f?+i nwn j Journal. s 1 - . . - t - HALT AS A MKUlClMK. j -1 have in the past seYCTT ot eight I iiftg? ? -Little salt in all the water 1 | drink. I also put a little salt, with I sugar and uiilk, in every cup of tea. I coffee. or cocoa T use. I have been a resident In the tropics for over 4 0 years, .and except for a sprained ankle have not had occasion to call in-a doctor or to j lake any medicine in the last 30 years. I believe every one's health [In the tropics would be very much bette.r, if he used more salt. I find the benefit of drinking a tumbler or cold water with a little salt In It every morning on rising at about 5 o'clock, before my bath or cup of cocoa, which i usually take between I 5:30 and 6. If people could be Induced l\. bf It he J?asy and cheap method of taking I a little common salt with the water 'they drink they would in the gener ality of cases find that they would 1 seldom reouire ottier" F. N. Bum. CAPUD1X E for "That Headache." Out last night? Headache and nervous this morning? Hicks' Ca^u dlne just the thing tr-^U-you for bustness. Clears the head ? braces the nerves. Try It. At drug stores. HOTEL KERNAN EIROPEAN PLAN. ABSOLVTELY FIREPROOF. . In the heart of (lie businrsR section of k BALTIMORE/ MIL I.uxui-ious Rooms, Single and Eu Suite, with or without Baths, 51 per (lay and up. Palatini Diuin* ? Rooms; l*4isurpav?/>(l Cuisine; the . ! shower :tnd pi untie in Turkish j Baths Fret* to GiiomU. JOSEPH L. KERNAN, Manager. FALL AND WINTER BULBS We have a line assortment. Plant early for the l>e*i results. Send nTT"! new price list. CHOICE Cl'T FLOWERS Wedding Roquets, Floral Designs, anil Flowers for all occasions. Mail, -telegraph ami telephone orders will I l?e prompt!) tilled by ~ J. L. U'Ql'INN & CO., it hard to believe that The Royal. Tailors can make these hand-sewed tailored-to-order and suits at the price of ordinary factory-mades. * so much advertising to get you to buy your first Royal suit,_for after the first suit is yours you'll take no substitute for Royal Tailoring as long as you wear clothes. A tailored overcoat, made by The Royal Tailors will outlast three overcoats bought ready-made. Because it har monizes with the body; there is no friction between the tines oi your body and the lines of yoiur back. It won't be pulled out of shape because of poor fit? for it will fit you absolutely.. What more do you want to satisfy yourself that you can get your money's worth here. There is only one Royal Tailor store in this TOWir-^niiis is i.- icclzd h". ?r itftitators. Get the genuine Royal Tailoring ? made-to-order by the Royal Tailors of Chicago and New York. NEW ARRIVALS Futi Line LADIES' HAND BAGS, &ed 69c. to $3.00. Full Line ? : ^ ? ? Ladies' and Gent's Dress and Walk f ing Gloves. WHE^ Qam&i S. Cfali' ? Th1T~/'i/ C&OTH/SiRS ? ? ' JSUPKHB SERVICE _ _ To Baltimore via Chesapeake SteamshipLine NEW BAY LINE "COLUMBIA" and "AUGUSTA." Diniugrooms on Saloon Decks. Elegant Tabic D'Hofce Dinner 75 cents; Club Breakfast, 25 to 60 cents. Polite attention and the very beat service in every way. I We solicit criticism of our service. Leave Norfolk, foot of Jackson St., T"flaily except Sunday 6.15 p. m.; arrive Baltimore 7 a. m., connecting with I rail lines for Phila., N. Y., and all poin:* East and West. For all informa* tion and reservations address I. Chandler. G. A.: F. R. McMillin.T. P A.. Norfolk. Vs. Don't Forget We carry the famous J. E. Tilt Shoe They wear. Knight Shoe Co. The Only Exclusive Shoe Slore in the City. TABLE PEACHES IN GLASS Reduced from 25c. Der can to 3 for 50c. E. L. ARCHBELL Specialties Cigars and Tobacco. Leary Bros.' Old Stand. HIGHEST CASH l'RICES paid for | CHICKENS, EGGS ?ml >11 COUNTRY PRODUCE! I \V? furry Hay. Grain and all ' | "t III 1 1 Fr ril.iiiff_ ?? \Yr hnPdlj? | the very best Flour at whole- ' sain. PAUL & CUTLER J EAST WATER STREET. I NOW! Is the Time To have your Pictures Framed. Don't wait 'til Xmas eve. VVM. B. HARDING ! Reduced Round Trip Excursion Fares^ "^TuV 1 ? t NORFOLK, VA., ACCOUNT Atlantic Deeper Wat erways Convention NOV. 17-20 and VISIT OF PRESIDENT TAFT 1 NOV. 19th. _ Atlantic Coast Line Railway Co. , will sell roundTrlp tickets at rate of $4.30. Tickets on sale November 16,1 17, 18 and 19, ftna4- limit returning -Kev amber. 21. - For further Information, cal E. A. LaFRAOE, Agent, or address W. J. CRAIG, Paffseiigrr Traffic Mgr. j T. C. WHITE, ? Gen. Pass. Agt. WILMINGTON', N. C. another open letter. Greenville, N. C., November 11. 1909. To O." L. Joyner: Sir ? Something Hlce 14 days ago 1 wrote you an open letter, challeng ing you to meet me li^ the courthouse at Greenville, on a public issue you arc conducting with the people of North Carolina, setting forth a bill of Iiidictment very clearly whioli I ana. ready to defend at any time* Not having heard anything from you, I will state that unless you set a date soon, then I will, as I am determined to be heard, and am standing pat on the proposition. 'Yours, ttc., ' . J. R HUTCHIN03. - NEW CORNED M ACKER AL New Mincemeat and ? G. MORRtS&CO.. BROKERS WHOLESALE FRUITS AND PRODUCE Arrivals this week. 1 Car Meal . 1 Car Timothy Hay. 1 Car Kingan's Reliable Meats. - JUST ARRIVED atjhe - BAZAAR , A RIG LTXE OF sample IN LA?JEy <MMT-SUlIS. -CLOAK h and S\v ??? <|T|;|t.S? ALSO MK.S S A.M> I'.OVlV II m II GRARE SAMPLE " SlUT*. A\l> A RIG LINK, ol' IlK'M VI.US Alll MH.I. FNRS \.\ ~ SILKS. WOOLENS, SUITING AND COTTON GOODS. PRICES LOW ER. COME EARLY AND GET VOI R CHOICE. YOVIW FOR BAR CAINS. 1*. ORLEANS' BAZAAR. MARKET STREET. THE" UNION GROCERY CP'S. CAFE AVCTPD C served in all styles by the Notfed VlOl lUVd Chef? RICARD BONNER. ( MEALS AT ALL HOURS ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION? TRY US ?PHONE 327. _ V ^ JEWELRY SILVERWARE r,mr,Ks watches * Wedding Presents of All Kinds Everything Guaranteed. Engraving Free. Repair work given prompt attention. RLEE STEWART, The Jeweler/ Blasting Fuse and Caps, ? ? Electric Fuses, Batteries, ? ? Blasting Machines and Dynamite on hand. !YlcKeel= Richardson Hardware^; Company

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