WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS Entered rh second-class matter ' 'August 6, 1909, at the postofflce a' I Washington. N. C., under the act 9(1 March S. V879. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTE^^OO^l EXCEPT SUNDAY. No. 114 East Main Street. J. L MAYO. Kdilor nml Proprietor. Telephone No. ITOO. - SUBSCRIPTION KATES; Oae Month % .25 Four Months 1.00 Blx Months 1.60 One Ywr 3.00 Subscribers desiring the paper dis continued will -please notify this office on date of expiration, otherwise, it will be contluued at regular subscrip tion rates until uotioe to stop la re ceived. II you do not get The Dally News promptly telephone. or write the man ager. and the complaint will receive Immediate attention, it Is opr desire to please you. WASHINGTON. N. C.. NOV. l!3 LETTHE NEWS FOLLOW. Part'es leaving town should not fall to let The News follow them daily with the tews of Washington fresh and crisp. It will prove a valuable companion, reading to you like a let ter from home. Those at the sea shore or mountains will find The News a most welcome and interesting visitor. MI ST TIE SIGNED. All articles sent to The News for publication must be sigued by the| , wr'.ter, otherwise they will not be \ published. GOOD CITIZENS and i hi-: mrwK] TOWN. The following article is clipped from a Western paper. It contains Euch timely suggestions, and _?o much of wisdom, pertain lug to the duty of a citizen toward his community, we gladly give it editorial space. It can be read and considered to advantage by all of us. "Good citizens always have a good word to say for their home town. Th^v know Its good points, and if there are other peculiarities they do not present them. *^The grumbler who knows all the bad features of a town aud mentions them at every opportunity is not only a poor citizen, but one who does nothing to Improve the town he lives In. It is good enough to provide -a home for him and perhaps a place of business, or an occupation, but that is forgotten in the g-'ueral flow of complaint. "Every resilient cau ao something for the betterment of his town. If he cannot improve property for lack uf means or ownership, he can at least keep his own home neat and dean. He can have a clean yard, -a- grass plot or something to add to the ap pearand or tflo p'nrn. ami .iboye aih he can JlTV a good word for the place ?ar every opportunity. "The grumbler should take a trip out. west and hear th? boomers there talU about their towns. It may be orly a string of shacks. and shanties, the most pn*tent iousJ?Wg one, story high with a dasjlxlrfard front, but the enthusiastic citizen will -tell you how long It is since the first settler locat ed. and how the ply-e Is growing. He d} ha\H 1 Tamp t,v notorle! y . win tell of the prospects, of the things they "a:e gni?g-fo j.aw ar >1 the roofti for expansion. wl:U h }s bounded by the iioriaon. ? "The vislir.r can't h- !.- smiling, but he f?iir tln.i ?' ' ? im ? rf right nidiit ? Ua iw d%*it.g the things which will makf good in time And even in a small community, where all are imbued with th? fame spirit, wonders urn accomplish*^. "H'<w nn;< U hotter tLis. so'rit i-i than that of ihe grumbler, who is sure that hii town was the last place mad'.-, and.wa.t made of the leavings. How ra-.u h beit??* it wi?.?ld be for the gritfnbler to examine his home and his place of business to see If he is not contributing his bit to make hi# home town look cheap and untidy. If every ftrumMer should take time to clean up his own surrounding'*, the town would look belter at once, and the new interest Jn it that would be bred of a conscious effort to im prove it, even In a small way. would - make rfrr ? >;? ui.!oi*v? ? bor and a better citizen." ItEPMIilN'G " EI ICE MIS* I > IU 'A OR II TIME.' HV-t l.img ' 1111 I !i .0 O.. Rwir< TVWnrd after the fire In the J telephone office of* that town wan ft | good example of modern "ruNh or der" business methpdp. The switch board that had aerved the telephone I users of that vicinity wan totally <]?-! fctroj'?'! on "Saturday.? November r>. f ?-On Wednesday of the next week, ex actly Ave days later, a new one wa*| ?hipped from the factory at Haw thorne. Til., by experts. Tbo Are broke out In the bark of I tho switchboard itaelf. Before help | could arrive It had completely con sumod tho telephone office equip- 1 mcnt It 13 said that the blare was thp result of spontaneous combus tion.! way without Its telephone service. When a f\re of this sort occurs, crlp the entire telephona^^cllltleaj ?f ?very sort are bound to jfinMrr'TT'} was, therefore, up to the people la tfcarga to see-that as little delay as passible would ensile^ before service aould be resumed art- everything! smoothly Word was at once wired to the hoyte of the Western Electric Com-' pany, at Atlanta, Georgia. Tbe Nor folk & Carolina Telephone Company, which supplies service for Elizabeth Cliy. is an adjunct of the Bell syB I XesuJuuL Lhe^'eitern Electric, Com \ puny makes -ail ? "Bell" ? telephone* and apparatus. Atlanta was able to furnish at . | once a small It) O-llne emergency 1 I board 10 take care of the toll bu&i- 1 | uen*. \s h Tc U was most urgent at the I Elisabeth City office. At the same J time a "rush order" was entered for I a dupl'rate of the original lm?t?lla tlon, which was a common battery. | I lamp-signal switchboard, completely modernized. So it was. that at Hawthorne, lust outside of Chicago, whore the prin cipal factory of the electric company 1b situated, a telegram was received early on thai Saturday morning, stating that a'lluplirat* of the orig inal board was wanted in a great hurry. The details were given brief ly. with orders ior haste, to relieve Elisabeth City frum its plight. The I Hawthorne people wired to Atlauta on Sunday nlghx in reply, stating that the replacing equipment would go forward on 'Wednesday. November 10th. All possible speed was made at Hawthorne. The factory was able to make good on the Job, and Wednes day saw the new board on Its way. Replacing switchboards under time pressure is out of the situatious which It Is very often necessary to -face. ~U will not do for any city or I town to be long without telephone service. The superiority of ,\ntertean methods In this respect wafc demon "STratl-d mien .ibuui a year ago- Hrr destroyed the Gutenberg exchange at ; Paris, France. All of the telephone traffic of the business center of the French capital was. handled through this switchboard, which was really a very extenslve piece of apparatus. The French Government, which has telephone matters In charge, no tified a number of" European con cerns. Trhtcb were trrrifed to bid. In- 1 forming them that a time limit of sixty days, with a penalty for each day over the sixty, would be im posed. All the European makers balked at these terms. Paris was crippled fitbout her telephone service, and turned to this"country Tor aid. The Western Electric Company at Haw thorne, Illinois, was able to make the board, send it to Paris, have It in without her telephone service, and ment. nil within* the time limit. In Icidently affording foreign companies a demonstration of up-to-date Amer ican methods. SHE WAS CURED Bmvrn** f*rug Store Sell* the Remedy Thai Ciiml Stoiiiucli Trouble of ?????. | . And best of all Brawn'* Drug 5>lOT-c. , I guarantees it- to cure you or money Jbai'k. Read this: [' "I have b?*en a grCM sufferer for 1 14 years, everything I ate gave m< , ? heartburns. 1 have r.ever been able | I to ?et anything that would give m? I [any relief until a friend of miue ln . I misled on toy taking Mi-o-na. I took la ."o it'n: tux and 1 believe I am en . jtlreJy w~j|." V. M. Bryant. Newman, 5th. T' ~7.Tf-Vi-i.u Ts noI"a~noFfrnm : It t* the i who i? a specialist in stomach rtia | easca. Oijh rUr-.cr woman calls Mi-o-na the ? changed h-r from a miserable, nerv. | ous riywpaptvc into .a. bright, healthy, ! ~t Al'l l)IM~ro"r ? That llead^che?' I Out last night? Headache and ! nft!TGin~Ttfs marring? Cnpu j dine Just the thing tr Ot you for business. Clears the head ? braces ; the nerve?. Try if. At drug stores. I to cncE a cou> in one day (Take I.AXATIVE HltOMO Qululno TaMeis. Druggists refund money 1f jt j fails to rure. E. W. GROVE'S siynu i tu.-e is on each box. 25c. ! {the gaiety Program Changed Daily -TONIGHT: thk K \ f : vr w\<; ? Pretty love trtory <if a lM*auiif.j| country girl and the village puV i?on. \a O VMK W( H KSS? % good coined/. 4 AS fcVF.XTFII. Tit 1 1*' ? .% real trick comedy, kIhiwIiik a train jumping the track and running under water, etc. Door* open from to 7.:50 njj 10.00. Follow the Merry Crorf/d ?lck, ner upset* Th? body happy vtman In a few wtjeks. - ? Vltfcse little Mi-o-na tablet* are sorely wonder workers. They abso lutely cure Indigestion whether acute or chronic. They mop botching, gas In stom heaviness, in a few minutes. Mlat rwn ????'-ing ynnlnhea "a'? 'tf by magic when one or two little Mino lta tablets ere swallowed. Only 50 cents a box at leading j druggists everywhere, aud In Wash ington by Brown's Drug Store. Jest sample freo-trom Booth's Mi-o-na. Buffalo, N. Y. FI KI.S HKiHLY HONORED. 7- . ? Aurora, N. C-. November 16, 19?9 Mr. Joseph F. Tayloe. Dear Sir: The barrel of flour that you fcave at* a premium on Corn Judg ing Day has been received in good "condition. As 1 was the lucky win uer, accept many thanks for your promptness in trending the same. Hoping it may be an incentive to the farmers of Beaufort county to strive in the future to see the im provements that can be made -in the culture of corn, 1 also wish to thank the citizens of Washington in be lialf of Highland township, for the many courtesies extended to us on that day. And can truthfully say I feel highly honored as being the hap py recipient of so many valuable pre <is trims. Very respectfully. R. F. D 2. W. H. ROSS. Too LateforClassification WHAT A 1I16:a>I OF IyOVEUNKSS is Toyland. the headquarters for' which will be J. H. Ileyfn fruni to. ? night until Santa, visits the little tots. 810 IIEW A Kf>? I/OST.- TAKK.N BY mistake, or left, in some store' about a month ago, one small Jiroaji. leather gam rile case about inches long by u Inches highr Case had an I. C. M. A. tag on it with the name of R." K. Stephenson on th?? inside of ttie tag. The above reward will be paid for any I information leidfriK to recovery of same Hotel Louise. 27 There's a kind of man that feels the Philippine jj>obIem la hj* wife's fault. There's a cor*? against getting old. an excelleut and thorough one. There's nothing sensational about It; it's the best tbat can be had under the existing circumstances. Rollia-. ter'8 llocky Mountain Tea ? that's it. BegJu tonight. Hardy 'k Drug Store. The A C. L. will ri'n an pxecur | ?foxi To Xorfofk on acooTTnt of thp V P. I and A. & M. football gamv .Thanksgiving day, _Novf mfrer 2 Hound trip tickets ^on 6ale iroml V.'as h in g t c n No vem be r 1:4. and fori 'll.l!.!5 tff-arri' bpf?re g ^HrniDR liniit will be good up to. and includng. but not later than, mid night of November iT. Pare $4.30. T. V. WHJTK. G. P. A. . Approved. W. .7. Craig. P. T. M. : TOYS It |s - - ahcT * { Holiday Goods l| -t> * I . ? Beeutiful line of China ' ? to select from. i Fresh Chocolate Can- j ? dy just received. J 5 See"t)^enfrw line of pic- | 5 ture Moulding to ar- } J rive today. f 'Phone 53. f I H. G. Sparrow jj | HOME OF SANTA CLAUS f | NOTICE OF KALE. I'nder and by virtue of a power of sale contained Jn a certain mortgage jleed. ei^-cuted by Samuel J.. Dixon _ and wife Susan E.. to the Washington Horse Exchange Co., a corporation. on March 6, 1906, which is duiv 7<j: ' rorded In the office of thp Register of Deeds of Beaufort county. In book 129, page 1H7, [ will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bid der at court house door on Mon day. the tith day of I*er<*mber',*19ff3, at 12 m.,?all that. tract of .land In I,ongarre township, Beaufort county, situated <m tho north side of Pamlico jjiiver, bounded on the eaat by the la^/lH of Jarvi* B. Alllgood, on the went by thf? iand jiow occupied by M r-4. Perry, a part of which was forri\erly . the Roscoe land, bounded on,Uie south >by Pamlico Rivor. . Be iT^'the Identical land doncrlbed in a deed to Chas. Alligood to parties of the first part, recorded In *book 126, ' page 692, register of doeds office, Beaufort county, reference ie made to c*Id deed for better doacflptiow, ? < - the varioua deeds therein referred to. Tli la .-November C, 190?. Washington horbe exchange NORWOOD L. 8IMMON8, AMDN ?.4 Ownir ?f Ml. The Lovliest Place You Ever Saw? Washington Park Swamp and Highland Farms For Sale. A. C. HATHAWAY, Washington, N. C Leon Wood .MEMBERS N. Y. COTTON EXCHANGE James W. Coe J. LEON WOOD & CO., BANKERS and BROKERS (STOCK*. BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN and PROVISIONS. 73 PLUME STREET, CARPENTER BUILDING, NORFOLK, VA. Private Wires to N. Y. S'ock Exchange. N. Y. Cotton Exchange. Chicago Board of Trade and^other Financial Centers. Correspondence respectfully solicited, Investment and Marginal accounts given careful attention. REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 1 1 I have moved to Washington, N. C., from Van Wert, Ohio, where I was engaged |n~the Real Es i taKrbusiness for more than thirty years, and will engage in the same in Washington, N. C. I want farms and other lands for sale. If you want to sell your farm or lands see me or 'phone W. M. KEAR, , Washington, N. C. 'Phone 85. Office'with C. D. Parker, Havens-Small Building. NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAILWAY HARRY -Kt WOLCOT and H, M. KERR. Hecclvr*. DIRECT THKOtCiH THUS SERVICE B^WKK N ALL I?OINTS IX EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. AND VIA NORFOLK TO ALL EASTERN CITIES, SCHEDULE IN F.KI'KC'' SEPT. 1ST. TRAINS LEAVE WASHINGTON EXPRESS: 1" <<? A daily, except Sunday, for Mac-keys Ferry, Edenton. Eliza beth City. Norfolk, connecting with all lines North, East and West. Arrives Norfolk 4.25 P. M., conceiting ; t Ma<k-ys Ferry for Belhaven and- Columbia Branches. 1.00 P. M. !?? ly except Sunday, for Mackeys Ferry and intermediate _ HAtlQM. . 7.15 A. M d. ly for Greenville. Farmville, Wilson. Raleigh and inter mediate ?' liens \rrlve Raleigh-ri.27 A. M. Connects at Wilson and Greenville with A. C. L. R. R. T^""" 5.25 P. M. daily, except Sunday, for Greenville, FitrnvH'e, Wilson, Ral eigh ^nd intermediate stations. Arrive Rhleigh 9.37 P. M. Connects at Farmville with East Carolina ft. H for all points North and South. 9.55 A. M.^fclly excopt Sunday for New Bern. !>7i5 ;P. 5H dally except Sunday for evy Bern, Morehead City, Beaufort ^ and lfitVfmedlate points. Connects at New Bern at 7.30 P. M. (daily) for Tlriefit&l gfTU intermedial!? STaiions. connects at New Bern dt 0.4 5 V. M. daily for Klnston and Goldsboro. stations. For further particulars, consult Norfolk & Southern Railway^ folder, or apply to T. H. Myers, Ticket Agent. H. C. HI DOINS, G. P. A. W. W. t'ROXTOX. jUC. P. A. ? E. T. I .A Ml J. GEN. M<iR., NORFOLK, VA. ~ , ? BUSINESS ? OPPORTUNITIES RATE, 1 cent per word. Estimate six words to thellMftRtd inclose payment with copy. Answers to ads. may be received at this office. To insure prompt attention all adver tisements should be in business office by 12.45 m. Ads, by messenger, tele phone^ mull glveu cairful attention FOR KALE ? CABBAGE, ORANGES, Irish potatoes, onions and apples, by H. B. Mayo & Co. 23 STENOGRAPHER and type writer. Let mo write your letters. Miss Beul&h Tbomaeou Chamber of Commerce TOYS. TRINKETS GALORE, SUIT able holiday Rifts, everything for Xmas can now be seen. Be sure and see Toyland. You can't afford j to mi 88 It tonight. Remember It , can be witnessed only at Hoyt's ? I the headquarters. OLD TIME BARBECUE. 40 FINE I chickens at Clemmon's Restaurant. Phone 14 6. toyland in all its beauty to be seen at J. K. Haifa tonight I You can witness It from 8 o'clock I on. I "COL. PATRICK. OWNED BY M. H. White, of Hertford, will T>e at Csr I row's stables tomorrow for service , during the coming season. A 11m j ltcd number of approved mares. OYSTERS. 2.-VC PER QUART. AT Clemmon's Restaurant. Phone^ No. 146. EXTRA fixe MALAGA GRAPES this week at E. K* Willis'. 29 COAL STOVE FOR SALB? ONE 14 inch ? Hot Blast ? coal ttuve; .prac tically new. Apply Dally News office. POSITION WANTED IN WASH1NG to.n. by clerk with 7 years4 experl ence;-xgood reference furnished. Addrelta D. W. Cobb, care Daily Newer 24 JI ST RECEIVED, A NEW -IX>T OF crockery and glassware, by E. K Willis. "" 29 jOCRACOKE OUSTERS AND MVL I lets today, at Clemmon's Restau rant. Phone 14<L am ru4vnni;?i^.s. kxtha fine. E. K. Willis. ? 29 HA.NTKI) ? SimsmiPTIOSS. RE -newals. to the Ladies' Home Jour ? nal. the OaturdAy Beoalag P? >? the Youth's Companion. Mrs. C T. Cordon. Representative. Phone No. 84-L. 27 FOR SALE ? TURNER'S NORTH Carolina Almanac, by H B. Mayo & Co. 23 FOR GENERAL SURSlC.il -AND Non- ? CnnlagifiiK MEDICAL CASES R ATES:? Private rooms $?5 to $25.00. WardOarge and airy) $10 per week. Ad dress t (MISS) JULIA A. SMITH, Supr. of Nurses FOWLtMEMORI AL HOSPITAL THE WELD, "Pittsburgh Perfect Look at the number of wires S?e how close they are Thai makes it strong and tight Little chicks can't get through Big stock can't break it Does away with all wire netting Also weighty, ugly construction - The "Pittsburgh Perfect" Poultry' cd <3*rdcn Fcnce serves every possible pirtpSse. Easy to put up and stays put. ha c. instruction makes it self-adapting to ollun evennetf of ground and sil weather changes. IIEGULAR ? T op ?nd Bottom wboa No. 1& other* No. 13. * HEAVY? Top a*d Bottoa No. D, others N#. 12. HOam-24, M, 46, 52 ami ft bwW : 4 Supply Co. 1 Professional Colunm SPECIALISTS H. W. CARTER, M. D. Practice Limited to Disease* of the Eye. Eer. Nose aadThreal. - Hours: 9-12 A. M. Cor. Mala sad 2-5 P. M. Gladden St*. . PHONE W. Washington, N. C. Dr. I. M. Hardy PRACTICING. > PHYSICIAN * SURGEON Washington, N. C. DR. H. SNELL . ? Dentist. Office corner of Main and Respass Streets. Phone 100 Washington, N. Q. AXTOH.SK vs H. S. WARD JUNIUS D. GRIMES ""WARD & GRIMES ArKQRNEYS-AT-LAVV Washington, N. C. We practice ia the Courts of the First Judicial District, and the^- - - - ? -Federal Courts* ? John H. Small, A. D. Mac Lean, Harry McMullan. SMALL, MAC LEAN & McMULLAN ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ? ~ Washington, North Carollnaj^-?' GRIMES Wr-6. ATTORf 'ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. Piactices in ail the Courts. ?Vm. It. Rodman'. Wiley C. Kodmsa. RODMAN & RODMAN Attorneys-at-Law Washington. N. C. W. M. BOND, Edenton, N. C. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS BOND & SIMMONS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. Practice In all Couiu. W. L. Vaughan W* A. Thompson VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORNEYS-AT-IiAW Washington and Aurora, N. (J. Practice in all the courts. t H. C. CARTER, JR., ATTORNEY -AT -LAWi" Washington, N. C._ Office Market Street. EDWARD L. STEWART !Attorney-at-Law. Office over Daily News, Washington, N. C. COLLIN H. HARDING ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Q?ic<, Saving, & Trual Ov . R..;l.u_T I- Rooms 3 and 4. | ' WASHINGTON, 'N. O. - STEPHEN C.BRAGAW - Attorney and Counselor at-law, Washington, N. C. Business Cards ~G. A. PHILLIPS & BRO., FIRE And Plate [Glass* * " ance. For fire INSURANCE Jfl w in J. and P. ?. MYERS The J. H. Simmons Marble MONUMENTS Prices mad Work Right. ^ WASklNGTON. N. C. . ? WHITE - BARBER - SHOP The only first rlsi? w lilieahup tuulty A trial will convince anyone of reas onable judgment. /We have 3 chairs, J first-class white barbers. Satlfactlon assured. Opposite Postal office. A. B. DR AUGHON, ?rop. C. MORGAN WILLIAMS INSURANCE* m | of ?ll klnd?.j Buy Your HORSES and MULES J & I

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