ST,\RT THIS ^Thanksgiving by being thankful all the vear round. Come in and select your Edison Phonograph now and your wife anu children will be thankful to you for life. Complete list of records to select from. New machines and records arriving weekly. RUSS BROS. THE PtCTURF. FRAMF.RS - The Gent ? Theater Till-: ASSASSINATION ?>K THK . IH l\K l?K Gl'IsK- A .hand-colored drawn. TI1K" (H>M) l?ROSI?K<TOHS ? An other hand -colored picture. I LKVLU IlKrOIVTKH? -Comedy. SIM>AY WITH THK IIOSS ? Com edy. ^ - - - I A RAT- KILLING TIME? Comedy. ! Coupons for tbe beautiful Toilet Set to bo Rivet; away next Friday evening. 1 WOMEN'S SHOES IT IS WITH A FEEL " ' ING OF PLEASURE AND PRIDE TH AT WE ANNOUNCE THEAR. ,'OM O .r Shi>fs are far superior to th'* ordinary sort of siioeg that can be had :u every ft ore. when1 women's Shct 2 arc sold. Tliey came to us direct from the workshops of the world's most noto?|_Di:iU*>r.? ,>r Women's Shoos. There's many ?& new stylo feature in the WU model.-.. w?> will take the greatest pleasure in hhowing our THE FAl.L AND WIN TER SEASONS. / CARGO OF SALT Just Received. H. M. JENKINS CO., Wholesale Grocers. JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of choice hand picked Michigan andrLima Deans Please send us your orders. * E. R. MIXON & CO. ^ S"2 rt v> ? ??>. ?"2^. ^ EAST CAROLINA ? Teachers' Training School .Established and maintained by the State for (he young mi-n - sZl : antl women who wish to qualify themselves fur -the t>rof?-*.*ion pT ,if n in: 1 * - * aim women wno w isn 10 quality themselves fur the 75f fT'-irtmrr-- Pi^lif'nir irrl mirt^meni new and modern. Sani f tation perfect, ? ? . , viinv QPF.NS OC.TOBFR 5TH. 1?W. ^ For prospectus and information* address ROBT. H. WRIGHT. > ^ ' President, Green vf lie, N. C. J <v<" v- y -"cftr V-.? 'sic? Send Me Your Order Now for Your Thanksgiving Whiskey An? gel it in your home ? ready for the day. I will send you some of the pijr??st, best, well-aged whiskey you ever put to your lip?. made in tbe good olrl honest way. And if you wish I will send you some wines and brandies for flavoring the mince pies and cake. Read these prices; they are low: (rUvson Rye. 8 years, old, gal $4.."?0 t-n P'-- ? ? f ~ -?'? fnl , ? M.OO Bumgardner Mr. Rye. 0 year* old, gal $4.36 Savage Mt. Rye. 5 years Old, gal. . $3.50 Higlmpire Rye. O years old, gal. "?!W Oertiflnl Rye, :t y?? am old, gal ' We1?M>n Zourbon. 7 years old, gal $3.50 ^""'7 frinh'ff Blend, gal $2.50 Tf. O. Corn, gat $8.00 Mountain Corn, gal $2 .50 ?>lfl N. C. Apple Brandy. 5 years old. gal M OO Old Virginia Apple Brandy, gal $3.00 Mr *ew Catalog is ready. Send for It. It is Free. nil QKliEBS Ol'R SPECIALTY. WRITE FOR CATAJ/OG. " FRANK MILLER , Importer and Dealer In Wines and Liquors, 1 204 KAST MAIN STRBKT, - - - - J ..... - RICHMOND, VA. I S TATENEWS Con<lrn?v?l Itrinx of Interest HapJ j pcuiux Throughout the 1 . j I A Arc that swept things before it ! J with rapidity, and which was ?heck- 1 ?>d only in time to save the residence I it threatened, broke out slioriiy toe-| | fore 1 o'clock yesterday -afternoon all 1 t he residence. 239 North Dawson ! street extension, the property being owned by the Beckham and Horton I estate, and occupied by Mr. Samuel. Watklns ai\d family". # The fire had j :nadc good headway when discovered. It had U.< origin In an old kitchen in the back yard, used as a storing room and wash house. Smoko issuing from it was seen by one of the daughters of_M.r. "Watklns." and She ~gttre the alarm, whfefi quickly brought the ftf-o companies. ? News and Observer. A very Interesting gift to the New Bern circulating library wan received this week.. It Is a canteen of civil war time, once carried tfy a Confed I erate soldier. .The i>amteeu is of I u nnH finlar nr rvp.^ji. aftont six in jches in diameter, and ^fc?^tircular jpart is bound by two iron bands with i cross loops to hold a -strap. On one of the flat sides is cut "O. W. B. 37 N. C. Troop." The following is the de scription attached to the canteen: "This canteen was picked up on a Virginia battle field, just after a fight during the civil war and sent home ?fcy Major O. E. Hir?, of the Fiftieth! ??w ? York? Bnglnwri, .presented to , the Ne%v Bern circulating library by F. A. Brown formerly of New York State."? New Bern Journal. imi.fs t'l'UEirrx n *m i t days PA ZD OINT.MKNT is guaranteed ta| "" ~ ins or Protruding Pil?iA_in fi to 14 dayo or money refi^nded 50c. Report of the Condition of SAVINGS AND TRVST CO.,j af Washington. N. c.. in North Carolina, at-rlv* close of busl-' nes*. November lS^ 190$. RESOURCES. loans ar.d discount* ... . 892. Oil. S6 Overdrafts" secured. ... 20.52 i Hanking house, furniture and fixtures 20.GS3. 1 9 ] D'.ie from banks and bankers 9,505.16 Cash Items j .94S.65 1 (iold coin 1.203.00 j Silver coin. including all jninor coin currency. . 2.437.26 National bank notes and | other U. S. not??* $.493.00 [ Total $ 1 36.339-94 LIABILITIES. | Capital stotk $50,000.00 | Surplus iund MUO.Oft it*ndlvlded profits, less I current expenses ar.d i taxes paid 2.975.71 j Deposits subject to check 77.274.47 | Cft?hi?rU cherkj out j 3t*r-d rT 4 6.26 fCertifl^d. checks 43.50 Total Ih36.339-.9I | State of^North Carolina. ; County of Beaufort, ss: ' ? h- -R, p* ' ^ I above-named bank , do solemnly r-?>-ar .that tli*? above sUatcme;rt is I true to thf.TMi of my knowledge and f UeTier: ? . JNO. B. SPARROW, Cashier [? * BEVERLY G. MOSS. FX-T. STEWART. J. F. BL'CKMAN. -- Djrertojs. I Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 22d day of November. 1909. J F. THOMAS.-? Notary Public. OLD FORI) NEWS. There was a large crowd present Sunday at church. - We are *lad to l?>arn that Mrs. J. E. Cherry la still Improving. We are very sorry to learn the 111-, ness of little Sidney Spruill. Miss Agnes Hodges left for Stal lings Crossroads Monday to com mence teaching. The many friends of Mr. Gotha Woolard were glad to greet him at OhllNrti Sunday _ Messrs. Marlon and George Hodges went to Wires Chapel Sunday after noon. The school at Carolina Institute la ; Btlll increasing, 44 already having enrolled. Mr. Jesse Woolard. of South Caro lina, Is homo on a vielt. Mr. Daniel Leggett marfiT a flying trip to the city Monday. Miss Lena Leggett spent Tuesday r Don't forget the grand rally at Old Ford Thanksgiving. Messrs. E. R. Williams and A. A. Moore were out driving Sunday After noon. R. P. H. FOR HFADACHF. ? Hick's Cnpodlne. Whether from Colds, Heet. Stom ach ~or"TC4?rvouB nuubles, Oepudine-H will rellore you. It's liquid ? pleat-! ?nt to Ui;? scis laimcdlatpiv Trj Y H. 10c.. 2?c. and 60^.. at drus stores. ' TABLE PEACHES IN GLASS s Reduced from 25c. oer I can to 3 for 50c. E. L. ARCHBELL " Specialties -Cigars and looacco. ' Leary Bros.' Old Stand. WESTON HOUSE "! 227 East Main Street, WASHINGTON. N. C. Rates: $T Per Day. THANKSGIVING SALE ?OF ? TABLE AND HOUSE LtNENS,. \ THERE is no time of the whole year when the house keeper is more desirous of pretty linens than now. ? Pretty snow white linens are as essential to the 1 hanks giving table as a good bill of fare. We have a fine line of h<Table Linens in excellent qualjth* and exquisite designs. Snow white Mercerized Da mask, 2 yds wide .59 All linen, full bleached Da mask, 2 yds wide 75 & .85 Heavy all linens, durable Satin Damask, TwiTyards wide 1.00, 1.25, $1.50 Excellent values in Nap kins to match table clothes, per dozen $1.00 te<-$4.00. Special Values in Towels. $cmm S. GtatJt Ce% (?' : THE WCW-AHT C/.Q7H/?;iti ~r' Don't Forget We carry the famous J. E. Tilt Shoe They wear. Knight Shoe Co. The Only Exclusive Shoe Store In the City. ( ' IF YOU SHOULB FALL DOWN I - =A CHIMNEY = Out of Wright's Flying Machine make a bee-line for Wright's Tailoring Parlors an<| get a Royal Tailored Soot-Proof Suit HIGH-FLYING GARMENTS A SPECIALTY t JEWELRY /, SILVERWARE !/ CLOCKS WATCHES Wedding Presents of All JCinds Everything Guaranteed. Engraving Free. Repair work given'prompt attention. R. LEE STEWART, The Jeweler. THE J. H. C. TOGGLE-JOINT HAY PRESS Is the lighest "draft, and makes the?most compact bale of any press so!4. ? R /S TT rv si tppi v r,r> SALES AGENTS. C. 0. MORRIS & CO., BROKERS ? WHOLESALE FRUI TS AND PRODUCE Arrivals this week. 1 Car MeaL .V 1 Car Timothy Hay. I Car Kingzin's Reliable Meats. Money saved is money made! . . . _ ' ? i A Welsbach Junior Lamp burns 2 feel of Gas per hour a id gives 50 Candle Power of Light, where an open tip burns 6 feet of Gas and gives 20 Candle Pow ' Uu&Lnujch do you save? WASHINGT ON LIGHT & WATER ~ V -Isbach Junior. COMPANY 2 Carloads of Horses and Mules % RECEIVED TUESDAY. NOV. 9 Farmers Attending Corn Judging^ Day lnvited to Inspect Stock. Finest Ever Seen Here. Washington Horse Exchange. ?HELP IS OFFERED-" WOk IHY YOl'NT, MEN AND W'OMVA' No matter how limited vour means of education. the GREAT AMERICAN SHORTHAND A.1U BIM NESS COLLEGE, Durham, N. C-, is ready and willing to help You secure | u high-grade Busine&s Education. TheONLY Business College in the Caro lina presided over by an Incorporated Accountant and Auditor. A suf 1 I cierit guarantee of its superiority. Enter now on ?asy payment plan. DEPARTMENTS; Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Penmanship, Civil Service, English Branches, etc. Expert Faculty? Rail road Fare Paid? Positions Guaranteed. JUST RECEIVED A new line of SUITINGS in fancy Stripes abd Shades 10 and 15c the yard. T. W. PHILLIPS & CO. PICTURESl PICTURES! Our complete line of fancy and nov el Pictures are here. A large as- _ sortment of Etchings, Water Colors, ' Pastels, Charcoal Tints, Carbons and > Crayoas^ \ ftf II Signias and Venetians, Little Dutch arid French Scenes I eiily, before they arc picked I over. " ?_ JEFFERSON FURNITURE CO. m ir^= ? ii? ? ir==ir= PENNYROYAL PILLS -ESS ??> , ~ ' 'v ? and banish "pain, MB# of Tb<gr ire "I.tFE SAVKK8" to girlaul ByT womanhooQ, aiding de? Hopdisnt of orj ^n? and body. No rSf/-s 'tuow^ remedy for wort.eo equal* them. Wnnoi do harm? >if? becomes a pleMvrj. St.00 PFJi If)X BY MAIL. 8oi? 1>T 4ru<nn5iu. Bft *tOTTSrUlFW|G4> ZO- C-.eliTd. Ohl? Sale af the Bazaar On Market Street. On Sample Ladies and Children's Cloaks, Coat Suits and Sweaters. New Arrivals of Mill Ends and remnants | ? daily, Everything Cheap. Yours for Bargains, ~P. Orleans Bazaar. " COME AND BRING THE TftVI Aft CH/LUKtN 10 m " 5 J. K. auAu' ? . .

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