LEGAL NOTICES I ^ , MOR-TOAUB. \ x y r Pursuant to power vested in me, 1 will, on the Monday, the sixth (Oth) day of December, 1909, offer fox wle %? the highest 4Adder for cash at the courthouse door In Washington, N. -II ?^-*1 Twelve o'clock, noon, a certain note for three hundred and thirty dollars executed byfirneBt Spruell to Prank B.' Hooker, dated February 6, 1903, maturing as follows: One hundred dollars on December 1, fium of fifty-deven dollars and fifty cents until the full sum of threq hun dred and thirty dollars is paid-? bear ing interest from date at six per cent per annum: No payments have been jiade on said note; Together with the security for the paynypit. of said notoy consisting of a mortgage on cer tain real estate lying1 Richland township, county of Beaufort, State of North Carolina, adjoining the >ands~of H. B. Bell, Thoe. Coffee, Sol omon Jordan and others, and begin ning at- 11. B. Bell's back line,, thence south nineteen and a half West 16.38 chains to the end of a ditch, Ihence north elghty-threo west 5.10 chains witfe-a ditch, then north nineteen and a half ea^st to said Bell's line ditch, then with said ditch to the begln nlrigi contaialng-gYgtit and a quarter acres, more or lees: It being the land described in the mortgage referred to above, which is executed by Ernest Spruell'-'nnd wife Deby Spruell, dated > ftth day of February, ^908, and re corded -in the oHlce~oT the register of deeds for Beaufort county In book 148, page 9. \ The note and mortgage hereby ad- ( rertlsed is the same deposited and. *- hypothecated by F. B. Hooker as se curity for the payment of his note to Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company | dated February 11, 19 OS, and duo J November 1. 1908, default! in pay-; ment of which has been made. . This 15th day of November, 1909. V I RG I N I A-CA ROLI N A ? btki'IJFN r nitAti aw. Attorney - NOTICE OP SALE. -North " Carolina. Beaufort bounty. Superior Court, bcforo. the CI?r'*cj Norwood ,L. Simmoiie^ftfThr'. ot ; Fred. Re/maae.? tffc;<l. . yg. _ H ittlo ltesppef^ widow, JiioT B. Repass ?__a|vo Easter Respas*. heirs at law. . Under and by virtue~oT a dum-v uf the Superior court ot iioaurort coun ty, made in the abov^ cause, the un dersigned commissioner, appointed in Kaid cause, will offer for sale at the court house door of Bcau(o?t county ou Monday, the 6th day of Deccinber, 1909, at 12 m.. for cash, at public auction to tho highest bidder, the fol lowing described tract of land, situ- ; ated In North Carolina. Beaufort county, in Bath township, adjoining the lands of Jno. Br Resp??8 and oth er*: Beginning, at .a gum 15" feet south of Jn_Q P<"?pr??s' corn or of fl tract of land conveyod to him by Fred Respass by deed dated April, 1908, book 150, page ZZV, Register of Deeds office, Beaufort c^uuty ; thcuce north 15 feet, thence eastwardly 106 yards with the poultry yard to the corner thereof, thence southwardly 26 yards to a path or farm lane, thence with Bald lane south. 66 sec onds cast 144 potelf to* Fulton's 1 branch or creek; thence with Ful brancn about 70 POlUB tract of land de- 1 ton' northern line of , Bcribed in a mortgage, from/ T*re3 Respaes t6 W. A.. Wool a rd , yd**?d fjjff71,'TI08, book 148. page 2*61, Roister of Deeds office of Beaufort thenrn with said line north 66 seconds west 205 poles to Bath or Front creek ; -thence with ft&id creek to tho beginning, containing 26 acres more or less. Said land will be sold subject to -the dower right there in of Hattle Respass. widow, her dower right being an estate for her life time only, on the following dfe-' scribed parcel of Aaid tract: Begin ning on Bath creek at a point which Is the continuation of a line running pareliel to the line 3-4. which lies 28 yards to the south of said line 3-41 and thence nouth 66 feast pareliel to H?f"to the Fulton'a branch; thence down Fnlton'a branch to point No. -4 on map; thence to No. 3 on map, thence to No. 2; thence to NO. 1; thence down Bath creek to the begin ning; as re7ereh&S to Tfrtriiiap uf said property, on file In this cause, will show, the designation of the points Noe. 1, 2. S and 4. See report of jury, of record. Clerk's office. -Said dower Interest Including dwelling and othef buildings mi said tract. This November 5, 1909. NORWOOD I>- SIMMONS. Commissioner. | NOTICK OF BALK. iJy virtue 6F IM UUUijl ul salel eonisined in a rnrtaln morUaae from Sylvester Boyd to O. Rumley, dated March 30, 1908, and duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Beaufort county, fn book ir>2 at page <16, 1 will on Tuesday, the 14th day 'bf December, 1 909, at the court house door of Beaufort county, at 12 o'clock, midday, offer for sale at pub lic auction, and for cafti that tract of land In Washington ''township, on tbeeeet side uf the road lead Ins: from Corey's to the Main road, and adjoin ing the lands of W. H. Stanclll and others, being the wme land described FiREI .'ZIZ_ Don't let itcatch you-linpreparech Calhisthis afternoon. W bragaw & co.r First Insurance Agents in Washington, N. C. It's a real pleasure to cook on Buck's Stoves Requires less ^uel and cooks -quicker, Overi always-same temperatui^e top and bottom.. Ask SOUTHERN FURNITURE^CO. Are <You Carrying Enough Insurance? Mr. Merchant and Mr. Property Owner? You had better gttend to this at once. Fires are numerous during the holidays. Protection is cheap. C. D. PARKER, General Insurance ? Four Years' Experience. 13 u i 1 d i n g . 'Phone 85. Send Me Your OnJer Now for Your Christmas Whiskey And get it in your home ? ready for the day. I will send you some of the purest, bent, well-aged whtpkey you ever pat to your lips, made 111 the goo.l old honest way.. And It you wish 1 will send you some wines and brandies for Savoring the mince pies and cake. Read these price*;' they are low: tiilwon Rye, 8 years, .old, gal $-1.30 (j;Uni*A*K>ne, 6 years old, gal. . . $-1.00 Hiungafdner Mt. Rye, 0 years old, gal .'-$4.. 10 Sfivage Mt. Rye, r, year* old. gal . $3..*>0 Miijl.nplr/> My P. ?l ypitra. old. 'gal. $3-3? - Certifled Rye, 3 years old, gul . . . . ?3^73 Nelson bourbon, 7 years old, gal . Sd.Su Country X'lubYs Blend, gal. X. CUxrnT ftftl. Mountain Corn, , ... Old X. C. Apple Brandy, 5 yearn old, gal $4-00 Old VirglnlA-Apple Brandy, gal $3.00 My new Catalog Is .ready. Send for it.? It is Free. ^ MAIL ORDERS OCB SPECIALTY. WRITE FOR CATALOG. fRANK MILLER, Importer And Dealer in Wines and LJquont, 1201 EAST MAIN STREET, - - RICHMOND. VA. I ET THE qOOK DRESS THeJ " TURK! |We'll Dress the|Wise];Young Man Who J Wants a . ' ^TAILOR- MADE SUIT OR OVJFRCQAT for this Christmas. ?> ? --ZCCJ WRIGHT S TAILORING PARLORS, "Who Tailor Best in Washington." dr-.< ' : ^ rS!WSSS?S?g? MEALS AT ALL HOURS IQWK Mr. R. J. Manning left yesterday fofx^ondemere for a week*' buslnesi wo; ? ? L ( Key, i the city yesterday and left on the uf-J ternoou train for Vandemer. * _ Mr \Vt?ii tjyMnghoute vent tc Yandenmru /effiday afternoon. 1 Mr. HojK Moore left town yester- j day on the W. Si V. train on a bjs - noss trip. ^ .... _ ^ Miss LcMay Dewey, who has beers i visiting Mrs. George ? Hackney, T left yesterday afternoon for her home in [ Coldffboro. ?l * . Mrs. James Hyman, who haK been \ visiting Mr., and MrS. E. B. ifbore, ( West Second stiyet. left yesterday for | her home in Stokes. ? ? *? j Miss Mary Grimes Cowper left this| afternoon for Raleigh after a ? days' visit to Mies Sally Myers on [ East Main street. Mrs. S.* T. Smith and -Iktte son. William Cecil, of Ilelhaven, speni | yesterday with friends in the rity. ? ? Mrs. G. B. Boyd went to Oriental | yeatcrday afternoon foe a visU. ? ? ' Mr. W*. C. Archbell left this morn ing for Norfolk bn' bijRiner.3. ? ? " Mr. Carl Richardson returned thSs-j n\orning f(om a busines? trip. ? ? Mr. C. T. Lawrenve Icii morn ing for Elizabeth City aftei a few J "days- mu.v in ihe tKy. ? ? The Gem'was the merca last night for the crowiT TTrcr plriurcs r.romrrt to please tnem xrorn*' i-liift 10 nnlEtv . Tonight a Pair of White Glove? will Ue-/|> yen interested, it is a fine dra ma. Tit for Tat 1e a good Western drama, and the great panoramic scenes in Africa of the hunting ad-| ventures fif Tfreorior<? Ror.geveJ' !??' Something great^You cannot a.Torfl to jkiIes this. Nothing like It cve*> shown here. Thr&e fine reels tonight with" orchestra and another chance given "to earh ticket bolder for that lovely cut . glass water* bottle anil glr.n-cs from Srnliher's stock whi<?h will be draw^ for l'riday night. PREMIUM LIST "iXCREASIXC. Prizes* to br distributed at the Au^ jrora Agrlculltlt&l Fair other than those heretofore published, have been ( offered by the folowtag .firms: Haaeell Supply Co., 1 saddle and paddle blanker. '? ^ J. H. Haa^a_Elumlii>?iE & S.tDiilv T?o.. 1 Oltrer chilled- plow. Others have contributed of which we have been unable to obtain a list. This will prove to be a red letter day for Aurora, largo crowds are ex pected, and ample provision has been madfWor 4|ieir entertainment. Speciii trains will be run at re duced rtrtes. The Gaiety continues to give - moat delightful show to its patrons and tonight the program Is hard to *nit^ thn hfiit Pictures you ever looked- at. Papa\ Hat Is a roaring comedy. . The Mas terpiece Is a magpiflcent presenta tion of the life of Raphael the great paihter or the sixteenth cenlury." Btar and Forebear la a. rich comedy of a real bear and an Italian band, while the picture of the terrible life i of the exiled Ruraians is well wo?*h seeing. Follow the merry crowd to night to the Gaiety. JUMPS INTO WELL , TO END HER LIFE Begs Rescuers Not to Take Her Out When She Falls in Five Feet of JVater. Mount Airy, Nov. -29. ? Yesterday! [afternoon at 3 o'clock there was an attempt at suicide .near this place, Iwhen Miss Irene Bnnker. a youngl [lady about 10 years old, attempted tol jtake her own life b$ Jumping into a| I well. She became 'Incensed at h*r| "brother, because he refused to allow! her to drive Into town, and jumped] into a well 40 feet deep. Owing to the extrcmo dry weajthey thc>r<^-w*wl [only about flr^feei water in the well and she owes her life to tbls| [fact. Neighbors soon rushed to the pceiwrw^n she w?? found standing in. water u^<a?her n?ck and It was only, the work of a fe.w momenta to rescue her from her perilous posl-| tlon. S ? . So intent was she? upon self d struction that she begged her res4 en to leave her ln-tfca w?R. She ? said to be Ilk a serioug ttondftlon. hav TOR HKA11ACUK ? Hick'. OapwHae. from CoM., R?t. Stom Kb or NertoM i'roubl??. C*?u41b? w? rtttonr yB*.- tr? fa|?W? ?)?& tst to uk* ? ?CT? immediately. T?y It. 19c.. J!c. Mt SOc., M 4r?a MOW. that\he Is Internally Injured- as she is reported to bo bleeding' freely from the note and mouth. and popular young lady, a grand- [ daughter of one of the fapous Sla- 1 mese twlng, and It Is belitved that J she was suffering from nervt^itmt & j as tyr health has been bad %or sev- ; eral months. An Amrrlcan Bchcltr'a Wof$d _H_?imuk: !.?> hmulHtttfrn? for-Knyitsb1 j men to reflect that It was Jert to no i American, Crancis James Child, to | roajpile the. Pre thick of^'Hiv?- j lisb &01V Scottish "Popular Ballads" I trhh-li n ro r.;mni:ir Uivaluabk." lQ j rrprvjrb Is* forgotten lu admiral loo of bia work. Child hlu.sclf unfortunately dlil not IIi'r to ilalsii liii ilow pver. he "was utore than a scholar aud an editor lie v. ::n ilie founder of a schyoi ncd h?* h;i'L tin* gift of bclug abje to trail*::*!: i?t ethers both bid learning ard^t": ae:ii. - [.oudou fc'atiir Jay iu-vlSHff " A Natural Ccrr.bination. "Ton any liiat she Is a peach?" "Indeed, ehe la.", '"And that be Is the apple of dp? eye?" "That's right." - "Then there Is no reason why lh< fruit of their Identities should not b? a pair."? Baltimore American. OVERTAXED lliiudrcd.s of Washington Headers Know What It Moans. The kidneys are overtaxed: JIave too much to do. They tell u' Hid pains ? - Backache, sldeache. headache. Early, symptom? of kidney l)is. .rrlnary troubles, diabetes, Drift's rtipeasc -follow. TIjo statement below Khotc* you a rertafn cure. Mrs. James Day, 2 3 New r. reel. New Bern,' N. C-. savs; "Doan's Kid me than any other remedy I ever used for Mdr.ey trouble and ronse q.;:cntly I ghi.jiy rc->T.racn 1 ; tic:ri. 1 E'.i rfcru.l *" rr'.bly r.-ota uuii. nag ging ba?'ka? iu-v- wiO jjaii-.a ncrces my lo:.nn.- To mo-v;> ??.* 1'.'* r.-..rrr. " atcd my traublc.-and n 'r.-;d i'or me to perform my work. I c.o.ild? iioi rest, well ami often^e in the morning ( feeling tired rnl l>a?ul.l. D?:n;r, j ror.viaccd by Irregular passages of' +fse kidney secretions that my trouble j i-.roee from disordered kidneys, \ pro- j cured a box or Doan's Kidney l'illc. I Theiy relieved the 'jackache-*, re.-.uv.^Ml j my kidneys to thdr r.c.rnnl canditicn I and gave me reaawed Etreagth." For sale by all dealers. Price SO | cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Iktffato, New York, sole agemsfor the United State?. . Remetaber the narue-? Doan's ? i *nd r?l?e n? other- - ? WOH I IS AX1> >U>fC t >|C A 1KAXK D.IMKLS ritlNtJ MIT. The "Belles of Brittany" i?t DeljCs j Theater Is the big musical hit of the. Christ mas Beacon. Krauk Daniels is i n- the' lead Hig-rote,- -tt?d -the very best song In this big show is "The Ingle ; Nook," a love ballad. The words and music of this catchy melody will be given free with next Sunday'* New York World, ly ari'.>ngo;nehi with Francis Day ? IIMnier, publishers of th#? score. Beautiful Women 2Xa?l Stomach Cause* Unsightly Com plexions. liriHvn'n l>isux Store "Tins a iteuiedy. Bad stomachs maan bad blood; bad bloods means sallow^ unattractive skiu. % Why? Tli? .. I. in > I | condition separaies the nutritious matter from the food and gives it to the blood to suviriy the entire body with nourishment. If t !i?> stomach is f<oi hi a healthy condition it^does not. separate Irom the food the nutritious mailer and it passe# orr with the waste. ? Thus the blood is impoverished and has not sufficient nourishment .to Hu;t? ply the muscles, skin and body gener ally. If you have belching of gasT d: stress after eating, nausea, biliousness, ner vousness or foul breath. -then your I stomach 18 wrong .aud you want the best prescription for stomach trou bles the world has ever known. You want Ml-o-na tablets, the grent stomach remedy which Brown's Drug Store guarantees to cure indigestion, no. matter of how long standing, -or money back. Relieves stomach distress at once. Ml-o-na la -eold by lead tug drug ? ?Cists everywhere and In hinge on by Brown's ' I JniK &Lt>re for s? cents a largo box. Test samples from Booth's Ml-o-na. Buffalo, N.^.Y CITY MARKET. mi,.....,::'. *... . . ? 23<- - Chickens, grown 25 to 30< riprintf chickens..., 10 to -5c| Green salted hldos ...9c Green hides. ....... .v gc Miked wool . . . ; . . 18 to 20c Tallow * 3 ]_2i* Wool, free from burrs 20c Shearlings 5 to 1<X ..%AS to 40c cotton . . TTT r ... &.fl? Lint cotton i4c NEW ARRIVALS IN, - ^ -- Webber Shoes , ' <* $3.00, 53.50 and $4.00 IX. TAX, I'ATBSl I.KATHKII. VU'I KIP. CAS METtl.. KT<\ ^ Al.L OlAlt WTt'.KIl \V k aki: nsci.rsivn aokxth in: i'akis i asiikixk in the citV Spencer Bros. cor LI) YOL* THINK Ol- A BETTER CHRISTMAS PRESENT For yum- family than to HAVE YOl'R "llOCSE WIRED? TIjink ho*v It would help (hem #H4-no mutclic*. no uo butuec . Call un up. Estimate* -|rfa?ily WASHIN GTON . ELECTRIC PLANT. - Another large batch of *?- Fruit Cakes are being baked at the Uixie Bakerv. They arg going to be sold at 25c. per pound. Ourline of Pies, Layer Cake atid Dixie Piund Cake cannot beexcelled. - -Suppose you cafLup^'pfaonc 180 and" ir ? uii'fe about thcye liiies. Baked by an expert in a clean bakerv. W. jf. RHODES NEW! Nutsofallkinds, Cal ifornia Grapes, Malaga Grapes and fitre' Whole Wheat F'our, bulk, 4c-. lb. Walter Credle & z Co. i RICHEST CASH PRICES ??! j iwua tup . CHICKENS, EGGS 7 . and All | COUNTRY PRODUCE We curry Hay, Craln i?pd all I kind* Feedstuff ? We handls s the very Flour at whole- 1 Nil?. . . PAUL&^CUTLER -EAfiXWA IKK STREET. If true friendship plays any pari when ? you ? your ; Christmas presents and on your way 1 home passing Baker's Studio you vill find you have made a mistake if your friend hadn't rather have a nice pho- | "lUlTHpn nf ywmW ? rtrrn ? anyihnit - else you could Imagine i hen I would 1' think he la'not worthy to be called your friend. Baker'a/lth^dlo. HOLLI8TER'o Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medicine lor Busy People. Brings Golden Health am] Renewed Vigor. ] A spt'CltWfnr Ootmlliiatlnn, IndiiWKtlori, LItot rvinl KMneytniulil^, Pimpleti, Krzt-nm. Impure Blool. liftd Iirru' h . HowrlH. UriMlaiOir unaBaokorhr-- ItnRiwky Mounuiiu Tru In t?lr | let torm.'Ao wttb a oox. Urnulne uiulo by , Uolubtzk Dnt o Chwuxt, Madiwin, WU / GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE | DON'T Walk or Ride. Talk Over The Telephone. You can have a Telephone put in your house in the city or at your farm at a very sur passingly low cost, and wvc many alone drive" and p^r hapH a life by being in direct and instantaneous touch with your Doctor, Grocer, Mer chant and Droki r. Weather report*, end rj>ar kct quottfions c:i? he seemed 1 Interested parties are re quested to cdmmunicate >vith Mr, D. W.Bell, M'g'i CAROLINA TEL. AND TEL. CO., Washington,- N. C. This proposition will inter est you, and it would be well to investigate befon ? proach II mQnjhs. la " ? H ==-inr=jl Xma&.. Goods l?utc*t and most exquisite line of iuiliiio}' Ikix anil N'n le Patter. now on display. Also a velert lire of Toilet SetA, ('oralw and IlntaheK. t'jiiu* rdiI take a Imik. Washington DRUG COMPANY HYACINTHS A*ff> AM. KINDS OP FALL. AM) \V INTER BULBS We hate a tlae awwot tmeni. riaitt enrly for tin- Ik-h( tosiUlu. ? Kcn<l tof~ (WW uiLiii choice err flowers Wedding Boquets, Floral I)e?ign*, and Flowers for all occasion*. Mail, telegraph and telephone onlern will l>e promptly liUed by J. L. O'QL'INN & CO., Your Thanksgiving Dinner Will be complete and pleasure will be added to the occasion if you will let us fill your order. ^ Fresh Celery, Cranberries, Grapefruit, Plum Pudding, Fruit Cake and a full line of Canned and Evaporated Fruits We have engaged turkeys for most of our custom ers, and will be glad to secure you^one if you will 'phone us. Be liberal and give us your account for one month, A guarantee lu please you is all we can uffei. JOS. F. TAYLOE, THE QUALITY jGROCF.R. 'Phones 123 and 124 ^ ? ' Three Deliveries If you ^re looking fdt GLASS -and CROCKERY i) W ARE, TOYS and other Holiday Goods, come t. w. Phaups & Co.

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