WASHINGTON D4Il?-NEff? Entered woml-rlans mailt.-. ? August 5. 1909, the i?ostoflloo ai ^WMliiiiKton. 5L.(J , uudei* the act t >1' March 3. is;y. KXCRPT SUNDAY. No 111 K:i*t Main Street. J. L. MAYO. Editor and |'i\'pi K-ti.i . Tidcphr.ne No. Sl !JSn:u\u?\ KATt.s: Oi*? jtfot.ih . t .sr. J Four Months Six Months .?? l.fi'i One Ye*r 3.00 Subscclb^Qft tiesi-ring the nawr <tis =ontinued will please notify tM* ol!ic" on dale of expiration. otherwise, it will be i or. tutued at regular subscrip tion rates until notice to stop is> re . elved. - - If you do not get The Rally News promptly telephone or write the man ager. and the complaint- will receive Immediate attention. it is our desire *o please vovi. vVASMJMJ-TlKN. N. f.. LKT THE \K\YS FOLLOW. " Part:e? leavini; town should ? not fail to let The .\v-?-s follow them dally with the news cl Wash Trefoil frestr* and crisp. It will prove a valuable j companion. reading to von ls-ke a let ter from home. Those a; the sea- ; Khore or mmnrratns The ' News a most welcome aud interesting ' ?1n1tor. Ml' ST RK SKiXEl). ah nrTfftw -sent to T^e New? fori publication must be signed by the] wr!t?Ff7"~3therwise tLey will not be, pu')H.sh?d. to Tin: uirst rF. or fatiikk. i A Kaiirts nan has off I a p-:;t?" of Sluft for the '?eVt vr-" rr t-!iort . prow effyirt on the ,|eet i>? father.* the unhor.ored and unsung. Too j li'ijg, !.?? ilt i l.iroi'. h?.* . nr of ttrei in an itlnr. aviiy i. >vcr ; raied by j ,ir Yhh- ' ?'?*! 1 - - - has 1-. - i ro-.vd? 1 out I y r,,.^ j Mtio?:.l b!dde-? for f i::i- T' ?? fa. 1 1 1.*. tV Kjin.uiff nvVr*. thrtt Jttthp'* has. a nil ? i ?? at' 4 - :iuti>'i; !iiN *?? t hail : !m?? i*? a'- 1 j ?I'!- ' ' | . . wry i -.jv i> tm:-r into, y?.?n;:? over hi.* nr-h!r?v#?ni? i;1v T*;e a. hi* \ ?d :he popularity a^ ballad io !!i" <'J!'e"? ' that e v. dy. worked at 'he s-ir.c- ?'* Uous? ' h!?* oli] matt. N<?l:?>dy h?.a written an epl? about fat'herV f;i-.**iliy I'm* pay-' sag bills anti leaiir.tr a' | ar? ??! ,of in surance after Inn !?-?? is ?-om> pi* tied r i ? ahttr.don p .-i 1-m wlii. !; ?? m' ? ? ? ' " TS'.Vv i- . ihils.'1 when tip:s"d in ti.i- :u- 1 >1... I fc.ty:. "Tor i'?*r '? : ?? i<hj fmlierV ? ? . Hi- I u,r ?1 * !?." K*et than 5ms fit!-" ? i Y*t fath?? !h \vfc.. ?? l.-i-i -**? 1 ? - :,! :f a initiate! y ?':!??.??* ? :i ? r?*:t si _ f r ? I~~T' ? iirii.*? primarily ar?? *?> <?!? Til ageir.ent an I ?!;o ho:i*e-: ?bn? nil 't:- *; ?!?"?? ?' r:.?> v.nrld'1 ?'T'1!"! ? m ? ? , ' ? ? i .i -,f ? * li ?" * ? - v^-l -? ^ " ?* ' f r?* wlm * i < Trr*r*trr- ;.t_! ?-ftn "at ti<? r-.iir? :it, -I : ? ' ? ? r? r.o Ri any one,, 'If1. ??<-' n-rl ;? J ' f9r ? most:! M?rt. ???.?! w'oarfnR li\r winter's' ? ?.'.!>? -:r a??y ruera! pr of ihe'i fan:!;- h wprk f<>r t !i? of tiisv >jls ilay. T! : >?' .ii-.vny>* 'fich:!nt? | ?if-'iri)';!.-. r r n;' hi-* man- : hood ? Wv ;'t ,ir(i.2 of vlr-foat. tlrst . on h!r- n\.? ?*??:: T: " . : '?n Sir ?? ??*i? ? } of ihoff ?U .?? nr!en* I'Sm i.*>t u?* if ,?ni r;v? "father ('ARM fWllirCTM !'H5ZKS. TTk.- i"tv.L R.-?rr*; ? ' He.'.1 rI<T.?or vill?* nTerfi a prize* of $30 In Boh! jo <'?? farmer in I!?'.-.dereori tO'ir.:;. w'r.o . aVes th* higge^t hog - -next year Tbin i*~a pr-iao worih con tending for. e?jie?ially as all who strive for it ar.d !<.?** will <?t ill !??? gainers. tt s.frnrrtTLhr an imfnHw u? every i ? rfT1-*** in ih?- county to do hi? heat In j>orl i '*oiu?-'i;jc next year. If all ente?r to >h?* rente?! the result | will ? ?? j*?Min4H of lstroa-1 4ln the ymoVe'jonKe*; of -Henderson} and mu^li money *npt Wtsl for | m*?at wh'rli *h'?:il?l b? produced at homo. .Thi* UradorsunviUH Hustler a pea king of :hl? mp.Pier aa.vi*. "Al Ihongh tt?e ; oil linr?* r???jjondn rf.?.d> fly tp proper and kindly tr?;?jrnti*,nt. a.4 It demonmr&ted l?y Frank Puce and other sucrewful farmer?. thlft n rn? 11 'T Hipp ?>'? u ? Uod and a vast fortnne is Rent every year to fatten the ban!" aerount* ?f-?fce Wei tern farmers. " ?? ' ? '*?"** "fnnr In thla condition, whtch prevails in many other North Carolina countleii. apd In norae of them, we are jclad to note, persons interested in changing " this state of affairs sre offering prises ' - h?.^7l.w. Of t?rn> product. othor ?Mblu which wtM method. Of ftrnim to? ttfo*e who cuutcnd.? - Charlotte Ot ? I : uni.mini with the papeit. of Tirr ,Tay Th> TnV.V* Wl'jhOK TO Ul'fce til t'J'.'IstuiT.s s'-ii-jjiltb to do their lnt\v r- ? ?"1' " cn;r-i4-u;-r:? said Tu ^ u:arv*>: r; *uf wvTi" ; Ou." inCp'.T about ;h ?' t >v . \ i'o so iire.d ihtit i : *:i 'it"' f?*v, ??r-.y.-"t" Kiit} lo stuff"; :? ? Iki. pi-.;-. public t'.-O uYlir ?; [ t'.i .?e \i> i oiu3!Ilk1i:U:!K M!'1-* people . v. ho are. trying f. om >-.ivlv uio.-n tili late <?> M>ase every varitlv ?.?r taste an-l whim. w? gladly publish ?a few wordii '.'r rtr WHIior's 'Wecfcty this .?? jioi-i-* : I'firlsinius 5:- ho joy to employes In i department hi I ho terrible ; :e<-eJlng fortnight ntan> a girl. Ue?-J i,ierale v.*ilh fatigue, wildly wishes the i strain of It ft* wi-rc past. Not for Iter i i V1 vaini or I Mo ? I ?- n t _ sT7jcl?< - *hen ;aiiKrU win): to shepherds, and peare jftml gouil-nlll we iv tin* burden of the : Lrn?. ilrntf- rtarr roirn* rvci: ? ! in** i4t iSi tilled with long standing. *aljd atv'.imnlaTtrn: trrai i.ifyg. ? A*-the i Day approaches. longer and longer | "J? row the hours; and. when the^hol'. ^I.ay<s_;u last arrive. perhaps the poor shop-girl has an opportunity to re ell pei ate in lied, or perhaps her health is Ecme. ;m<| her ? ii . *n ,? _ui earn her living honestly never will return. ,\ young hoy of fifteen war kept mi a way. 6 n delivering packages until ;! o'lloi !: at night. Ketw-iiing i lie strfPti", too W'l'-i' ?<?!! to travel hrrmo. he rtirlecl up In the wagon pulled :: blanket hastily about .him, and f**l! Into sleep 'from whh'h lie never awnlio. In the Chri.-M ma? Kve of i tins, iib at least one big town, 'arc-' ?icl!x?-r..' wagons were aflen U .w'vd. at i ! p. ui.. and about to .'tart, not, assuredly . to relieve dis rs? ha? add complexity to the 1 Christmas of those already overf?<l at..! av&mpmei ana bofm with mul : .tudc of gifts. Stop crowding your v.-:i I; i-v frifntla w>ti> ? present 9. ? | ; your money cm Ihe poor. If ]/Vit' seems too sudden, at l.in :.-,i ..:.! ? ??::?>.: to p.t;ve:>t :ha ti.l." ;uujii ticiiii; iheVfi'rcax oi Vi:;i uSSToT fro r.\-.::y --.TntlleB rrr^T-u-i. factory.; j. t:r hojpf. I?*ol!^v. ?U?? ?? r.;r ! I ..v- 'ilie' Consumers' V.?.igi:c. j . liMy-.-4-arJy in t-he j?er.pon :;t\^ ? . i ' i So day. j S-'jul packages \f lea?) two | \v? ?>!. - hIk'.uI. markpd "Nut t?? be ! - t i:nl.l CfcrSatums-" , [ -?Ji 'Minister to actual i;eed?. Glw I ? Me.'iv 1. 1 5-hildren. ? 4. Choose prerents having oithe.* usefulness or Vs^iuty. . * , o. l>Mn.:t:d articles which ha\e hi?eii mailt' and sold under conditions fair <uid wholesale to the worker. 0. Heme m her that Christmas Is of r.ohle memory, not an occasion for display. ? Bei-auw of cold vvea titer and prlu dyally because a majority of our re tail customers , take ire only every I uther day, we will after December | 4th send out our wagon only tii .Mondays. Wednesdays, ^t*Iday? aid Saturdays through the winter ' sea s-en. Yours truly, . CRYSTAL ICE CO. i iTi I ItK A COLD IN ONK DAY ~ Pake LAXATIVE PROMO Quinine I Tablet*. Druggists refund money if it.! fails to cure. E. W, GROVE'S sltfrs- 1 f* <?r. box. 2f?c. There'* a core against getting old. ! vi excellent and thorough oc?*. ; Tin-re's nothing sensational about It; ' ii'r the b??jt that can hn<j under j I the oxtetfag circumstiinces. Ilollis- ' jterV ll<M'ky Mountain Tea ? that's it. ' | i leg tit tonight. Hardy's Drug Store. Send Me Your Order Now for "TourXtrfBllfias WhlsKey" Anil {.*? : it ? your homo ? roaily f<ir iln* ilay. I v. .II s J *ou some of tin- |iurt?st. Ls'yt. weil-a^rc-d whit^cy vo'i cv- jr.u-?v your Up*. made in ti.e Lix.ii ? ho!.--t *ay. And il ' . vL^vi .i] send ^???.1 snnur ? : It : ? 1 ? 1 ?? !<!??. !la*o.*;:-.g tl r.ii't ;? and ? I load c;ili'M-n IJvi1. x ji'iji"", old. en?. . . t'iiM*, jtiirs till, gal. . S-I.OO }?ii!iu>n>-.:iiei- Mt. Ityi'.-O ycam-gM. g^il . . . S4.SO Saiaue Mt. I!.vo? ?'? years old, ^ . >S:?..'0 i 3 ???? I iy ??. ? ,yi'in> ??Id. ?l t 'i*rlili?*rl Il> ??, ;} years oM, gal Nelsmi Zaurhyii. 7 joarn old. gal r'.-ii;T^r*4<,Tir.i".? lih-iiiT, p.ii; ....... X. C. turn. gal > . . ilun uiu. gal ?? ? ltd X. ? .1; ;m* iSraial). joar* iiW. Jt*". ."T.'. .' .T S-I.OII <?!d Virginia ,V|?|;Ir ilrattdy. gal. . . S.I.OO ly t:v .. ?. ; !.-? v -aily. fcVY.d far ' It Ki -'t*. *T" .so maii. o!:i?r:i:s ca n si-im i \i,x v. wi::n: fos: catalog. FRANK MUTER, IiiiiNiiicr and Denier i:i-V( iw i and J n< n-**. ism eam'majj* Knti:r.T. ::i::iimox:>. v.\. CARGO OF SALT Just Received. ? H. M. JENKINS CO., Wholesale Grocers. ?>???, ?????*?> <*C~S <1-3 OOO-XOS-* ???**?< <r*? t |f you arc looking for GLASS and CROCKERY | ? ' WARE, TOYS and other Holiday Goods, come * : to see ?s. t. vv7. Phillips & Co. ? ? ?HELP IS OFFERED WOK I'llY YOrN(i MI'.N AND WOMEN. No mutii r how I'mlic l y< ur | means of education. the GKKA i A.VIEKKWN Si!?.)!*'! I? \*m) A.\lJ !M"sl M SS COLLEGE. Ourharn. N. ( is ready ^rd vjliin;' to help Yorj toc\ if* a high-grade Business Education. 1 he O.N I. V Business College in the Caro ?" -* 1 L?l- It .ilt. ?rfc>. Ah* di.ti ck*n( guarantee of its fiU|Hsr?f?r5iy. Enter now on easy payment plan. DEPARTMENTS; B:>nlckreoing. Shorthand. Typewriting. Telegraphy. Penmanship, Civil iierv iie, Enylish Branches, etc. Expert Facult >.*-;lail road l-^r.- Paid? Positions Guaranteed. THf: UNION GROCERY CP'S. CAFE AVCTL'D C served in all styles by the Noted U 1 O I kl\.5 Chef? RI CARD BONNER. MEALS AT ALL HOURS ORDERS RF.CF.IYF, PROMPT ATTENTION? TRY US ?PHONE 327. Is the lighest draft, and makes the most eomaact hale of any press sold. BAILEY SUPPLY CO., : IF. SAL AGENTS. The Lovliest Place You Ever Saw? Swamp and Highland Farms For Ssie. . - ~ ' 1 - irATll AWAY, Washington, N. Leon Woo J MEMOE R5TN7T. COTTON EXCHAXCE James , L LEON WOOD & CO., V. BANKERS and BROKERS [i'lOCKs. BONDS. COTTON. GRAIN and PROVISIONS. 73 PLL MF. STRJjXT, CARPENTER BUILDING. NORFOLK. VA. Private Wires to N. Y. S<ocl; Exchange. N. Y. Cotton Exchange. Chicago . Kaartf of Trade and other Financial Centers, r correspondence respectfully solicited. Investment and Marg:nal ? ? accounts given careful attention. ~ ? REAL ESTATE WANTED ! ! I I have moved to Washington, N. C., from Van Wert, Ohio, where I was engaged in the Real Es tate business for more than thirty years, and will "engage in the same in Washington* N, C 1 want farms and other lands for sale. If you wank^to sell your farm or lands see me or 'phone W.M.KEAR, 1 - i Washington, ;N. C. 'Phone 85. Office -vith C. D. Parker, Havens-Small BwlditigT NORFOLK' & SOUTHERN RAILWAY IIARHY K. WOLCOT mul I!. M. KERR. Receivers. rfTTi:r^ i 1 1: u\ sMTuuTTtETWKrv ~VlT* ~i'? ?l?.t ?r,iu .ii.Ij I'tlJhTS i fcASTIrRN MIRTH CAROLINA. AM. VIA NORFOLK TO \I l nastfrx cities, sriiKm?M<: i\ kitix ? m:it. wr. DRAINS LEAVE WASHINGTON EXPRESS: ? ?? 4?* A ? . d'iily. fxi-'em Snudav. lor Macfc^jrj.r erry, Kit en ton. Eliza beth 'Cit;- Nor!oI't, connecting wiih ail lines "North, East- and Weal. Arrive:- Nerfuik i.i" I*. M., connet'cii 14.-1 Mai V -js Ferry for Bel haven sr.d Colv.r.iln l; rancher 1 f'O P. M; ?' lv ? Smidr.y, for Mac keys Terry and intermediate slat ion. . * 7.15 A. .V !? I;* f Green villi?. Farmvllle. Wilson. Ratoifeh and inter \irlve Eijoi&li il.!!7 A: M Connects at Wilson and Gr? v nville with A-6C. L. R. R. L.lo P. -V- daily, except Sunday. :'ui^|Orenriv;ile. FnmviPe, Wilson. Ral clgli |i'i Irtermi* lime sir.'.ions. Arnve Rftle'jih !>.?? P. Si. Connects at T*ar^iV! lie. with' East Carolina R. It. for all points North and South, j A. M- *^i'y gun lay fur .New Dcru. cl"? P.M. daliy axcc-?t riiudr.y for r\v .tlorn. Mo re head City, Hoaufort ?i;0 into; mediate points. C?t.!wActs nt New Bern at 7.30 P. M. ("daily) f'T Oriental and irtern:ed!n:e stations. Connects at New Dcru at C.45 i* .*! daily f?ir E:n?Jon and. (jtldsboro. ?nw. '? <i I?*j I. I I ,...r lv-im tiatSnn?. gj.:m .Ji.-diaie K"or fn! her parti . Uir.r*'. oo:s--';lt N??r!olV & Sotalu rn Railway folder, or a7>ply to T. H. Myers. Ticket Agent! 11. r. ninr.TXs, c;. p. a. w. \v. croxton, a. g. p. a. E. T. I. AMI*. OEX. NORFOLK, VA. ' ?' ? * **'?' ~r*:'> ?VW/'^- PV'.-rV'i. * i ^V'i ,? ' ' -i. i? r>-* I EAST CAROLINA jf I Tcachcrs' Training- School : Established and maintained by the State tor the younc men |S ! anJ women who wish :o qualify themselves for rhe profession tt> ! p! u achinw- UutSdings and equipment new and modern. Sani- ] tuiion pertect; ? '* ' SESSION OPENS OCTOBFR 5Tlf, 19C9.. I .-tto?pcci-.u and information. addn-w ROUT H. W K If . n r President, f.recnvflic, N. <-. ~r&? vuv wiv ; ' Money saved is money made! A WelsMph Junior Lamp burns 2 feel of Gas per hour, :'",d {fives 50 Cardie Power of Light* where an ! open tip burns 6 feet ot Gas? and gives 20 Candle Pow er. How much do you save? WASHINGTON LIGHT . & WATER COMPANY rowie Memorial hospital ~~ _ _ ? j. ? _ ? ? ? BUSINESS ? OPPORTUNITIES RATE, 1 cent pti> woi'di Estimate six words to the line, and 1 Inclose payment with copy. Answers ] to ads. may be --eceivod at this officc. To infture pronipr attention all adver tisements should be in business office by 12.45 m. Ad*. by messenger, tele- . phone or moit given careful attention, j rrn p.irhtoss at ci.ahk's det] cember 6th. -STRXOUHArnEll AND T Y P E wrlter. Let me write your-detters Mi3s Bsulah Tboniaeon Chamber of Commerce I TKIiEUHAl'il CLASS, STARTS JA)u nary 1st. Excellent opportunity. For particular* call at Western: Union Telegraph Office, or write \V. S. Green. ^ - DOX'T FORUKT TO ASK FOR VOIR votes on the big <*?11 at/ J. K. Ildyt's. MXXl TAlTl 1TO KM' Fi ll SAIJ?, DE cember 6th. .las. E. Clark Co. NOTICE ? * containing eve glasses and frame?. A liberal reward will be given when returned to Dr. H. \W Carter, cor ner of !Jait' aijfi. G>adden streets. WOXDERItl, VALVES IX 11 Its AT THE OLD RELIAHLE. HELL, TlfE Jexeler, lias 'ust returned from New Yorl:^ See hi* stock Lefore buyiv.g. lie haw home ?rrjf bar gains. <>vly moke i>AY>fcn v?n>: ox ilie lovely large doll atf-i. K. Hoyfg. One vote for every "itie cash par "Ttiase. A XOTRi: DAME L 1DVS APPEAL. T" ;:?] i . :i ' ? '.v I : : : . r ufi'crorfi of rlieuma Tisnv v.-V??ther ' mnreular or or' rne joints, cr'^tlt-. Itttr.bagoi. backache, pains In the kldsuya.or neurAlgI.1 pu'u*. to v rite to tier for a home treatment wliieh. liss repeatedly c*.ij?_k1 all ??f c torture:^ She ? i? J:cr fluty to ?erd l? t?? nil j*?K?rer.-: FREE. Yt?"? c ." re yo.:i :;i h" a: home u.< th'..n:.nds vr.ll te.-;:ifr - change r?f TTTmaTe be'tig r.(n -.i: ?ar'y. Tljlr. sim ple' discovery ban'ffce* tbe u"i?*( a?-sd from b!?iod. loouv.s ?!ie- tLirfouod jolnts, ;>urlf."f the blooii an<i br'jtbt en* the eve-. g'vi.vr cl':st'ci:y r.nd tone to the v:ht;!c syMem. If J.lie above interest:; you, io?- proof address &Jr*< M. ?? Summers. Hps It. Notre Dame. lnd. The Collar Tnal Cava P'.umley a See on J Start In- Business, "Nrthlng succeed* like persever as**.'1 f r i ' Hwvif Tii r.lu nt n dii.itwr, "When the lack teems most against hardest of* all. In moment* of dis couragement Sot us reiueinbei#tny old friend Henry Ph.mley of Virginia City. ?"llcary I lumtcy ruu a collar factory. TIu:?m tveiv reported to lie hurd with him. When his factory, which was very hcuvlly 'insured. burned down, there was every Indication that he had rot tiic placo on lire himself In order t.? j;et the insurance money. Vlr ?i-'1 ?-II itiiri i- I'll jr i-j .l;?j~? i-li?vked I^.VOua words, rose en masse, t.'Iacd Henry riumley-, 1 ed htm. * "Cut l:e did r.ot die. The eheMff or rived and cut h!nj down In time. He wns tried end found guilty, and he ?erred it term lh Jail. "On his release yoa wouldn't have ?houffht Tfiwi in- d nr. -jrn to Vlrginln City Oi;f.ki. rV ? lie dl.1. though. Tie came back, reopened his collar factory and pro^c v.l. "^Vbai ir-'.e 1:1m Ms start was the odd thlverti v/netii v- it'a which he an nounced hi*? io:.:;*u to business ninonq u?. rreccubd by a braes baud. Henry, la a grer.t rllt c!4:.rSet. burst upon our streets. IT - :;j;t ou a kind of golden throne, ami lyJi'.'M cn n crimson cush ion In liks h;> tin old. ?!d coTl-tr. Above" .the coU.*;r on a criia?oii banner waved **?'" ? ?''].! -n T,.rt:-."R nf ynlrt' - J*'Tltiw U i?ie co'dur_ac^\v ore ' when wo \ve;v lynched. It saved our life. Be wire hi :in^u and ure no olher. At all retaHi".-*. 1^ rents apiece, three for a quarter.' Tndlnnapolls Btnr. hilL.t'.'I'S ? Rcsfty Hcan!a!n't'e-; ruggeti A Bu?7 Medicine tor Busy People. Brtrrgs Golden Health and Renewed Viaor. A ??: tcltfc for Conetlpotkon, iDdlffewtlon, Um j;:iJ Kl'lncy tronbtPH, r.mplcs, Ecwma, Impi lltoed, Bod Broititi . Blti wr lith BoweU. lleada- hn auiiBaokw li". Itnl! ? r Mountain Tea In Mir l"t form.yS >'pnta a Ufnnln? mar it It/ lloLuaTES pure fnt-.--.tcf_ y;jj OOLOW NU00EI8 FOH SALLOW PEOPLE " FO^ GENERAL SURGICAL and NON-CONTAGIOUS MEDICAL CASES RATES ? y Trivate Rooms, $15 to 25 per week. V Ward#, large anrf ?ttyJJUflper* " week. AddreM. Mi?s JULIA A. SMITH, Sopt. of Nuraerf. Professional Columo SPECIALISTS H. W. CAFTER, M. D. Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. I lours: 9-12 A. M. Cor. Main and 2-5 P. M. Gladden Sts.. 'PHONE86. Washington, N. C. Dr. I. M. Hardy PRACTICING PHYSICIAN Washington, NX. DR. H. SNELL Dentist. Office cornet of Main and Respass Streets, Phone 1J)0 Washington, N. C. " AnoUNKW ?g: WARD" JUNIUS D. GRIMES \WARD & GRIMES ATTQRNtYS-AT -LAW "*? Washington, N. C. We practice in the Courts of the First Judicial District, and the John II. Small, A. D.'MacLean, Harry ItfcMuilnn. SMALL, MAC LEAN & McMULLAN ATTORNKYS-AT-I.AW Washington, North Carolina. \y n rn iMi?c ATTORNEY- AT-LAW? W'ashington, North Carolina. Pi actlces in all the Courts. j \Vin. 11. ltuJ|.!itn. \Vilfj"C. Koduiun. I RODMAN & RODMAN Was hi n % . o n. N. C. I \Y. M. BOND. Edenton, N. C. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS ' BONI) & SIMMONS ATTORNEYS- A T-J* A W Washington. North Carolina. Practicc in b!I Couits. j \V". L. Yaughan W* A. Thompson I VAUGllA'N & THOMPSON ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW Washington and Aurpra, N. C. Practice in nil the courts. | H. C. CARTER, JR., j ATTORNEY- AT-LAW. Washington, N. C. ! LD WAR DLTsTE WA RT Attoraey-at-Lavy." j [Office over Daily News, Washington, N. C. | A COLLIN H. HARDING _ T ? ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. j Office Savinga'dc Trust Co., Building - Rooms 3 pud 4. j ^WASHINGTON, N. a j - STEPHEN C. BRAGA\V~ I Attorney <"|H r at-law] Washington, N. C. Business Cards G. A. PHILLIPS & BRO., WRE And Plate [Glass INSURANC E . For ,j FIRE INSURANCE see J.andlVB. MYERS The J. H. Simmons Marble ' and Granite Co. MONUMENTS p-1--- ?? ' w?.i. ? WASHINGTON, N. C. WHITE - BARBER - SHOP The otfly first-class white shop In city. A trial w|l| convince anyone of reas onable judgment. W# h*vtf 3 chairs, , 3 /Ifrst-clasa white barbers. Satif action assured. Opposite Postal office. A.*B. DRAUGHON, ?rop. C. MORGAN" WILLIAMS INSURANCE Buy Vonr HORSES and MULES* ,m| 'J uir rs . fro* nrn u

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