LEGAL NOTICES ~~T NOTlCff OF SALE. Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in' a certain mortgage 1 mwifl, BAeuuiad frj Samuel. J. pUcir Ombbh 10. . tothe Washington Hors#^ Exchange^ Co,, a- corporation, on March fi. lOOq^twhlch is duly re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Beaufort county, in book 129, page 457, I will sell at public auction for '<ash to the highest, bid day, -the 6th day of December. 1909. at 12 n., all that tr^ct of. land in. Eohgacre township, ueaufortcou ntyy situated op the north Side Of Pamlico ? * Hiver, bbunded on the east by the lands of Jarvis B. Alligood, on the west by the land now occupied by j Mrs. Perry, a part of which, was formerly 'the Roscoo land, bounded on the south by Pamlico River. Be ing ttfe Identical land described in a deed to Cfeas. Alligood to parties of, the first part, recorded ln-^v?ok 12$. page 592, register of deeds office, ? Beaufort county, reference Is made to satd deed-for better description, and ? the varloUS deeds Therein referred to. This November G, 190$.. WASHINGTON HORSE EXCHANGE NORWOOD L. SIMMONS. Assignee and Owner of Debt. ? NOTICE OF SALE. , By virtue of the, power of sale contained in n certain mortgage from) Sylvester Boyd to O. Ituraley, dated 1 March 30, 1908, ?nd "fllily recorded in the oflieo of the Register of Deeds of Beaufort county, in book 1*2 at page 4 5, I will on Tuesday, the 14th] day or December? moo. at the court house door of Ecaufdr.t county, at 12 I o'clock, midday, o?fo* for sale at pub lic auction, and for caeh that tract of land in Washington township, on the east side of the road leading from Corey's to the main road, and adjoin ing the lands of W. H. St&ncill and others, being tne same land described in the galff-hiortgage af^fflfll'1 Tli 5k the 'flfcth day of NovomUer, 19tt9. TJ.' HtMLHTT ?.tortgagee7 By Wiley C. Rodman. Attorney, j Il'CallEHr CASH PRICES I I ^ paid for CHICKENS, EGGS | and all COUNTRY PRODUCE! j We carry Hay. Grain and all H kinds Feedgtuir ? We hnndla j_ the wrj lipftt Flour ul wliulc calr. PAUL & CUTLER 1 EAST AVATKR STBKKT. WESTON HOUSE 227 Hast Main Street. WASHING 1 ON. N. C. Rates: S I Per Da>\ ~ LET EVERYBODY GO TO AUROR A J Dec. 3d. , But beforegoing be sur; to ~ 1 - "r.KT INSURANCE EROM BRAG A. W" WM. DKAOAWiS CO.. ? First Insurance Agertll Iiy Washington, N. C. DOESN'T THIS BEAT A LIFE OF Single Blessedness ? You know it does. Then why don't you start things Just like this, right now ? plan, '* with our aid, a cozy little home all your own. We'll furnish it as you. wish It ? -just as artistically as you and we together can make it ? end you cm pay us 'for it a little each time that you receive your sal ary. - ?It's just like putting money inio -u savings bank.. this Tfome fur nishing-? the dollars and pennies that you '-now squander will more than Jiav this littlo wepklv or i,.o:t>l?lv mymwnl ? why don't you be gin now? We're ready and walling to help you. SOUTHERN FURNITURE CO. Mr. Merchant and Mr. Property Owner? You had better attend to this at once. Fires are numerous during the holidays. Protection is cheap. O C. D. PARKER, r General Insurance? Four Years' Experience. Havens-Smajl Building. 'Phone 85. C. G. MORRIS & CO.r&ROKERS WHOLESALE FRUI TS AND PRODUCE Arrivals this week. , [2 Cars Meal, 1 Car 20th Century Flour, 1 Car Flake WhiteJ.ard, J Car Kingans Reliable Meat, 1 Car New York State- Apples, Cabbage1 ai.J Potatoes. Let yoarorders come along; Would It's Fu ei that's ?x pensive ? N 6t the Stove iV Cheap, putty-jointed stove will wcstc more than its Original Cost in Fuel every vvintar ? ? - : ? As you know, fully one-half the carbon nvailabtfc for near in soft coal is pas ? the entire pas 'Supply uwTfor-fnel and illumlnuilim III ui;iffy"CtTu*5" and from comrr.on sctr-coatr The ordtliary stove in burning soft coal allows this gad-half of~rt;e tuel to uass up the chimney, unburncd, thus wasting it as a heat producer. - Cole' a Original hot Blast Stoves by ' means of t^g patented Hot Ela-st draft and other' patented features, making., air-tifiht joints without the use of stove piltty, distills this gas from the upper surface cf the coal, utilizing it as a heat producer along with the fixed carbon or coke in th^ |b ~ ,i rnrl, flris hunting all fhr rn <1. ? Thig i> why ? ? Cole's Original Hot Blast S*v? the Bolters- <md make* a ton of common $3.QQ.aoft coal? or lignite do the work of $9.00 worth of hard cqal. Tnur old FTill'B ' n6T uiM ieffiTdo not save the escaping gases -end do not give you a warm house at night* because they are made ^jith putty joints. You cannot aiTord to say to yourself, "My old stove Sill have do this winter.'*' The old Move is eating up the price of a iwwxnvc evcl)r year. Not only that, but on top of the cost is the unS&tiq|aQgai}r result it gives. It is always out the cohlest morning.. WM**^^en*YleSirrDay^n'd "Vs'lgKlf? Fire Ne^r Out Cole's Hot Wast H perfect iaconstructioirthat fire will keep all night, and when tlid draft is opebed*lli the morning will burn two or three hours with the fu*fc put in the iright before. No other stove does this. Fire, thc-refdftf, never gocn Okt, and the rooms are kept at an even tempcrniuiV all the tloie. I?urns hard coal, soft coal, slock, lignite or WoO#, , ;v_ ' ' OUR OUARANTEE i-B> guar? siring of one-third In fuel over any lower draft atovc of the . |m ?Pr?raVf i coin oi mTrcS. ' - JtVftfaiHcr Cole'* lint Ulosi luuae le*? herd coal. for heating a gt^cn spaec than any Kam* burner made with *ainelie-Uingiuirfacr. *1 fllHltTr t*"' *hf ruumt tltll t? ti"?" mnrriny, ?iih the soft ccitil or l?ArJ c<?r.l put intb c et ove the evening he/ore . 4? We jpiarantee that the ?lwi will liold Are witli soti coal 36 hour* without . attention. , <? We guarantee a wniforavfi eat day and nl^ht, with aoft coal hard coal nr lignite. 5? We guarantee everv Clove >to remain nhaolutH v air-tight a* lonjj as uted. 7? We guarantee Ihe feed door to be nnukc 'and dvi?t proof. .The abocc gnarantee i* mnde with_the_iimlcr?t*ndlng that the?t?v*be_ operated according to directions, and act up with a good flue. ^ _ For Hard CSal ? Saves Half The fexteut of nnbttmed gases in bani coaTis *hown by opening the roagariue cover of a btse burner when the extra oxygen Mpptiod fills tile cfclke stove with ftrfming gas. , The fact that no stove putty i? n?ed to make air-leaking joints, gives you perfect control over the drafts on Cole's Hot Blast. The slpWi economical combustion, and the large, positive radiat ing "surface make it the greatest fuel-saving, hard coal itpve made. tr'ou Lose $50.00 in Fuel to Save $1.00 on the Coat ot Your Stove ? ?*"? ?>">'; f'J ???; rfri. Imltiuu JJkt ?U ?, Cole's Original Hot Blast una many inferior imitations, a ~ " "" 1? - <**"??*** Blast fens many inferior imitation';, 7^44 UMR.' " ' They *11 lack the patented f?. itures and Careful construction which make the Original Ho# ni??t Ttayd? no4 <tay tight. nd ?oon <.n,? Iw* .ad mk> ??** "Coto-? Mot BUtt from ChtagJ" 0. lb. I?ed door. None ??? ^ 6 Supply'^:/ TOWN ^ TALK V Mrs. Uynn- Lancaster left yesterda) afternoon for Pactolus. \?herc she' will visit her mother. Mrs. Clark, for1 .1 few Miss Alberta Dillahu'.rt; ? e( Kins- : ton, who was maid or honor a I tl:e . Dillahunt-Starling wedcttitg y ester- 1 day. roturned to her hoino on the af- j tcrnoou train. ? * Mr. Archie Clark returned yester day tohis home In Wilson a?'*or a v!? | It to his sister, Mrs. John Ilo'lm-r.. ? Miss Mary Clyde llasrell' left on ' the afternoon train yesterday for | Chapel Hill, where .she .will attend-* the Thanksgiving ball. A ??? Mr. Herbert Jenkips left this morn ing for Scotland >Jpck on a short LtJ&- 1 Incss trip. Mrs. T. B. Cook and little son left this morning ft>r Elizabeth City for a visit to M rs. jCoo k ' s_ lmrenls for a short while. ? ? Mr. George T. Leirh returned tUU i morning from a -short business trip. Mr. John A-- Arthur of the Daily ' News staff will- return this evening from a three days' stay In Norfolk. j where ho went on business Tuesday morning. ? ? Mr. James Ellison retuvuo;: this morning from a short out of town business trip. There will be no .-psf lal-Xcatarff rwl a-t -"the Gem tontalit. but every one of the pic urea is a fine ? subject well portrayed. Tb> historical drama j Colonial Virginia i" lor. to tuc-is-j and you never saw a 'r.cro i-iirifvtil picture than Some Milk Fo:'? thei 13 a b.V. !t will mal.e you laugh spile of yourself.. The Gen to hold Us old patrol's ?fii! tl'.e or- j r'-cj'ra better ever^ night. To-, morrow r.iglit will ^Eake o thej drawing for that ? prize I'von | Smither's s'.or*? which U.e Gvm Us: .ns- io the lucky eon von holder. If you wsrtrtt to enjoy tV* eveator gei a ticket to the Gal ^Lr.r.d tave nice comfortable rooiry in ib's artist!" theater, where some- of .'lie best pictures you Ave r saw will be! shown, a real Jfmreck will te given .tonight with the love story of a sailor and , hlr sweetheart. The Wheel of Justice-Is a pathetic dvr.rua which will* pldnse everyone, ar.d fo! will the clever ebmedy and the Dog Pickpocket. The Gaiety will put en 111.--'.- 1-1-1 .11 || 1- iIlHi.1. Ullll [ I li/y Witt' V'. (1 ... Veiy IJLI! .,1. from n>r wvf i: 1 f ,? ? ten days old. Changed daily, t'ol- j low-tfce merry crowd. Eflyptisn "Sabak." This name is given to a Ulna of manure employed in U^per Egypt, and found ^ when ? of-] ancient Iranian habitations. Even the crumbled walia of the habitations ! themselves have added- valuable 1 gredieats to the deposits, bocauso tho walla were composed of earth inter mixed v. Jili an aBUMABcG 6T iftFfrwH Tho sijea of these ancient dwelling- ! places are ry^ognlzed, in ths first ! place, by rt?o finding of relics of house-' hold articles, and even bits of jewelry. The deposits are found in succespive j l.-yrri, iarilrmlnn that Urn siton h*mt been occupied, abandoned, and rcoc -cupled a mimlw ?f tigies. (ihorrilrai { anal>?ls chows that the deposits of I "oabak" are verltablo. beds of nitrates, j An Old, Old Life Site. Recent excavation at the Maumbury RRigs Circle, ih England, is regarded ! as corroborating the tradition that a i Roman amphitheater onco existed on ' that site. A stratum of quartz. Clnt j and fragments of shells, such as the arena w li oro slaiitora rlmigk ^^7 been found thero. A very Interesting i fact is that other remains indicate | that tho plare waa used by Neolithic I peoplo as a flint workshop. ? It is ap- j .parent that they used picks made of deer's aiitl??rn to *?*?<? if it.^ ^ wbero the flint was. found. The pit is S0_iect deep. The Rlaca aeems to have been almost contiocously occu pied since Neollthie times. An Actor's Ruse. One of the leading comedians of the Frankfurt Theatre Lb Germany went to the director and asked for an ad vance on his week's salary. The books showed that the whole amount had al ready been drawa aim the^dlroclar ?aid W " 7 . . **V?ry good," said the actor; "then I shall refu&e to it" on tft-nlght'^ - The director saw that it was dan ? I gerously near en rtaimjUme. and reluc tantly gsvw the actor the amount ask ed tor. bot said: "Remember, sir, this la nothing ikort of extorUdn. and a cowardly one at that.'* "Not at all Hmt ntrutA. ?? Bajj his pocket, bill for to \ Worry la the ji.other of sick. ner yous and -troubled mentality; upsets the entire physical By&tpnu The body ' Is n network of Jji^ryes. Hollister's ! Uorky Mountain Tea" soothes uud i freshens the entire system. Try irj "uu'Khi. ? iraruyg urug mora. If tr\ie friendshin play* nny part] when you have purchased your: Christmas pres?hta and on your way; home pn aging linker's Studio you will, Hiv? yo'i have made a mistake if your" fr>sd l r railw have a nice pho ?oifrnph of yourself than anything] ?i::e y<Mi rouid Imagine then 1 would] *.hlnk he Is not worthy to be called! your, friend. BaVer*s St?.dic. Good Work Bute Daily in Washington. Mu;iy 1 Citizens Tril of It. N Nearly every reader has heard of Dgan's Kidney Pills. Thoir rood J *tork in Washington still continues, and pur i-iiteeiiti are constantly ti<M- J ?ng endorsement by public testimony, i No better proof of merit can be had than the experience of friends and! neighbors. Head this- esse: Jaclcscn Baxter, 424 Bonner street. Wellington, N- C-. sayi: "I suffered from kidney and bladder tro nble for a lung time. Thfe secretions from ay kidneys Vffcrq t canty at times V.'hile at others profuscTar.d attended with pain ill pang age. ?I had vcve"e backaches and ^constant, gnawing pains through. my- kidneys.- ' 1 w:ih losllr.p miserable when I heard about Doan's Kidney Pills and proctrire-J a tax at the Washington Drug Co. They rave me su? h great relief that I 'cured a, further supply and .now th-r .pains across my bock have almost e:t tifelj* .ilisappeared aiidtfny kidnev? | hurl-ail!.. I can tiiongly recom mend Doan's Kidney Pilfe? to any one [??r/irt le-j b.v ki'Jr.ey compLiiat." ' 1 P"r ?ol<vhy all dealers.. PricaJiJ cent1*- Ktviler-Milhur:: Co.. I'MfTnlo. New Vor'.:. sole cgente for !Tie I n! ted ~V TJ^m^Tn'ier "Tie uar.'.c ? Doar.'s ? 2nd lake i"c> fcther. . 'Vcol f.-i- from burr 20c ^hcer.'ins* 5 to l*r '.ambskln 25 to 4Pc Seed i ?.??on fi.Sn l.lnt ?'<-*? it it i ;r NEW! Nuts ofallkinds, Cal ifornia Grapes, Mafngra GrnprjrT.ndfine Whole i Wheat F'onr, bulk, 4c. rr lh. . Walter Credle & i Co, i NOTICE. j North Carolina, Beaufort County. In the Superior Court. F T. l'hilltps I vh. W. A- BrTdKcTT il. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior court of Beatrfort couuty. in the a born entitled art lor. 1 will on Mon day the 2d day of January, 1910. ai the courthouse door of sa'd count)- at 2 2 o'clock t.>. acl! io tie highest bidder for cash to ?uti?ry ?aid uxvcuv tion sll x\'t> rigi-t, tide and interest which the uaid W. A. Bridges had on the following described real estate, to-wlt : A certain tract or parcel of land in Denufni't county. State of North Car olina, and Washington township. "It a part of what I'b ^nown as tUe Sparrow land, and Bitubtcd at the corner of Sparrow street and Moor's alley. as they arc staked out through said tract of land. Beginning at the northwest corner of Moor's alloy where it intersects Sparrow Btyeot< 239 foet from tho center of Gladden street, one of the streets, of the town of Washington, running t hence south with Moor's alley 120 feet, thence west -parallel witfr-Spttrrow -street 30 feet, theiice north parellel with Moor's alley to Sparrow street 120 fr?^. thence east with Sparrow street to%^>r'R alley 30 feet, It being the hegn^k^. It being a^ot fronting Fparro^flfcM^ :',0 feet, and Moor'? alley 120 fe^and is the same lot of | land conveyed In a deed from P. W. Fort and ;vlfe to W. a. Bridges, dat ed November 26, 1906, and duty re-j corded -In the Register's office o/l Beaufort county and la-, referred t?| and made a part of this conveyance." This the 2d day of December, T909. ego. ?. incwa. ? Sheriff of Beaufort County. | iHclu' CAi'UOlMK core* Mrifiwd. uil ichM from Ortp. i 8t?aen Trouble, or fakMbi trail- 1 T n Cw??3m ? lie llqaM fm : NEW ARRIVALS IN ' ^ Webber Shoes $3.06, $3.50 and $4.00 ^ IX TAX, rATKN'T LVATHKK. V1C1 KII). CI X MI-IT A I* KTr. ALL G( AiUM'^KIl UK AKE KXCLlSnE AGE.VTS FCll IWHIS FASHION'S IX THK CITY Spencer B ros. KOIl HEADACHE ? M^kVCAfi&UQe.' Wiietber from Colas, lleet. Stom^j ach or Nervous j roubles, Capudine' will relieve you. It's liquid ? pleas- , ant to lai.o ? ucth Ize mediately. Try' It, 10c.. 25r. drun stores j \ " Hi coi'Ln vor tjiink of a r hetter CHRISTMAS PRESENT -for your family thau to HAVE YOUR IIOI-SE WIRED? Think how It would help tlieini all? no malcfift, no lamp*, no bother. Call us up. Kit! males gladly given. WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT. Xm&<s Goods Latest and most exquisite Hue of holJda?~T!ot and Note "Paper now on displify. Also a beleci line of ?Toilet Sets, Cr.mb* nnd Rrushes. Come cud take it lock. WASHINGTON DRUG COMPAKI if ??I ? 1L~~~jl DON'T 11 Walk or Ride.. Talk Over The Telephone. I You can have a Telephone put in your house in ihe city or at your farm at a very sur passingly low- cost, and save many a lon;< drive and per haps a life by being in direct and Instantaneous touch -with your Dot-ior. Grocer, Mer chant and Rrok r, ? Weather reports and mar ket quoutioils can be secured dolly. Intv.'ested parties ore re quested to communicate wUh Mr.D.W. Bell, M'g'i CAROLINA TEL. AND TF.L. CO., Washington, N. C -This, proportion p| ijst you. arid it would be well to investigate before the ap pioach of the .cold Winter 1 1 months. 17 11 ? ii- ? inr=jj 50 Barrels Apples Just received, j Going at 35 cts.per peck, j Nice Florida Oranges 20 and 25 per dozen. At RHODES' j 'Phone'180 if Xclva retires1' frorn'~Nie^ 'v-'aat.-o nn rcv otnrjcutl 10 him ?on?n .exteleni hotels :n Paris and Berlin. t-r ? ' ? r : i ?. J ? }.t e,-, 'iA h? bunit- with , , ?? ? i ,1. ... HI11J4I FREE TO YQU-MY SISTER Fro? to Voj < ?ring frcm V ] am n iroirjut. 'rtd Lv-ry Olctor'S^f. 'orr.T.-.'s ACmcntc. j ?0C0<v?ic. rl'i-.trtrUT, w 7i,u u Wftij.Tff, mn?r.wrewg,~ Home Building & Loan Association WASHINGTON, N. C. Capital Stock Paid in Since 1902, Over $30,000. OFFICERS: Frank C. Kugler, President; W. E. Swin dell, 1st Vice-President; Fra?k H. Bryan, 2nd Vice President; Jno. B. Sparrow, Secretary. PURPOSES: To huild up the town. l 4-4? To make hotter eithtens hy their rnvtrfnjc thetr Iroiiicn. To form the gixnl habit of saving. ^ V fo provide ft>r rainy days. . ? " ? , . t To fceate a foundation for credit. . ' ? * To put weekly Having* to work immediately. . ? To provide for the education of children. li. * J[?.r>T To save money Tor any purpose. ^ i ? '* COST OF STOCK: * Twenty-flve cents ptr share initiation. - ? ? *? Tweaty-flve cents per stiare each vreek until maturity. VALUE OF STOCK.: . <Moo.oft |i?p ????? ?i ? , ? ?"'"1 j length of time to mature stock, about six and a half |eM?. ' Net earnings of aert?a J u?* matured, (I 1-4 per cent, pee a nana*. Xu tu<? p>ld bjr the Am^UCIob. . v' ? JESSE ROSS and CHARLIE FLEMING, Solicitor#. HOME BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION ' ? ?- '

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