FANCY HOLIDAY GOODS FOR - " ~ XMAS ' GIFTS Ladies' Collars and Scarfs, || ComK and Brush Sets - Kitnomis ....... . Gloves < and many other useful j Gifts can be seen at * /. K. Hoyt's < 1 Washington's Oeatest Store. i| Toy Department Second T Floor. j| START THIS Thanksgiving ? ? by being thankfulall the vear round. Come in and select your Edison Phonograph now and your wife anii children will be thankful to you for life Complete list of records to select from. New machines and records arri ?ing weekly. RUSS BROS. THE PICTURE FK.VMF.RS The Gem Thealer TIIK FATlfKR AXI> HKIl i niLI?.| ]HOO|> FRI KXn ? Melodrama . | AX OHST1XATK t'MSIKKLLA? A | , comedy. i COLONIAL VIRGINIA ? A htatorl- ! I cal picture. SO.MK MILK FOR THK HAUl | Comedy. . | A l^ut (ilass Rowl .and 1-2 Dozen (iiiwiws will be the prize for the adult I holding the lurk) coupon next FrkUy j^niRht. Your Christmas Dinner complete and pleasure will be added to the occasion if you will let us fill your order. Fresh Celery, Cranberries, Grapefruit, Plum Pudding, Fruit Cake and a full line of Canned and Evaporated Fruits We have engaged turkeys for most of our custom-.; ers, pnd wilt be glad to secure you one if- you will 'phone us. Be liberal and give us your account for one month, Ajjuarantee to please you is all we can offer. JOS. F. TAYLOE, z THE QUALITY* GROCF.R. 'Phones 123 and 124 Three Deliveries : . ? | JUST RECEIVED large shipment of choice hand! picT route to Raleigh to attend the .4. fcl. ion fere ace. Ala. J. I}. S*vhi(iril, who has been clerking for Mr. .1 ti Cuthrell.-tnre accepted a position with Michelle Bee Hive L-tore as salesman. Kv fry body ts maHMig good uaii. uli the good weather, and are rapidly hary^stin;; Ibeir crop*. On at;c?*ulir cf i~.ui1 aad-gund.! price . inert !ia*us axe ^snaking ii::?V ndle.T.on.- sir's fall. Kc . . if . itvjniH'y U*f'. foi* eonfe?-i dice last Monday with salary paid in full. We i>c? i?v? to have Mr. Rurnloy vet;, i nod ns again which will make" four year*.' . M i r s. jjp eal ha* under ron utriu tion Miiile .1 handsome dwelling. | Prof. M. 11. Gillette la principal of( -our -?choei. with M?s jbVnnte Nelson as Aiiletauf-ani] MMs1 I5tlli? Spencer. ' music teacher., , < \MPI1KU?S tKF.KK NOTES. A nl<;e sum was realized at ou basket party last Friday night. Public school opened Monday morning with .M^ss McYVilliams ah teacher. Fathers'und mothers if~you would have your children prepared for the great battle of life see w it that they attend this school r^u larly. Mr. Hodges, superintendent orTStfr convict * force, continues to move along nicely on our new road to Jones" Bay. ^ M -Air. Kile Austin and Mr. Weatherington made a flying trip tq. Vandemere Friday evening and re turned Snturday. Several from this place attended the burial of Mr. Fenner Calloway at Royal Sunday evening. It was a very sad occasion. BILL JUSTICE. ttNOTlNTlffi ; CATALOGUE The reading room was as quiet as a torub. Now and then Rome studonts turned a page impatiently and the pa per gave forth "a* .iharj^- rustls as though aggrieved at sdeh Irreverent treatment, but visitors and attendants alike moved about with silent tread, rubber caps rendered chair legs noise less when they were moved, and the very card catalogue drawers moved I on silent ways. I Linda loved this quiet. After" the i clatter and clutter of a busy office, [ which Bhe had been compelled to es ( capo because of nerves threatened to I grow unruly, the bookish silence of | the .reading room was more than . grateful. She was sorry when the I closing hour came. and. after a brief i Interval spent In chocking up the slips pand seeing that the -hooks were_ re [ plmi-d In *hck- fmp.-r stacks, she had , to go out Into the turuo.l of the busy I street. j The quiet plate was never lonesome." I Linda had many friends among tboae | quiet, eiutiloiia men aid women who ' spent the'.r days |57V,TT!ng over the ref ; ercnce books. TLere was the little | old woman from the costumers who spent days over old books In search ! o i it th* 'dresses of by-gone days; there was the little o'd : Germad who was reading everything ? be could find upon chemistry, and . there .waa Ike. tall, quiet man who dia 1 played a singular c a t hoi klty" dr TrtlTO. One day it would be books on astrono ! my that he wanted, and again ho would be iutereslcd in geography or I chemistry. j or nrro ?tt tM? ?? the most regular rti his attendance and Kcemed the most like an old ! frler.d. It was he who had quietly I aided L,lnda with suggestions which ! she had first come to the room. He I had been a "regular" and had known more of the routine than she did. llut It was often that Linda was able to help blm with a suggestion as to new book, for her heart was In her work and she was something more than an automaton, dealing out the books called for with mechanical In difference. Balllngton, Richard Balllngton ? ehe knew the name from his slips ? seemed almost a part of the reading room It self, so regular was he In attendance and his good morning smile was a pleasant opening of the day's routine^ Last Christmas he bad brought a tittle gift the day before the holiday and sometimes, when look was par ticularly good, a box of candy would come back with a book,s The summer oefore their vaca tions had overlapped and for an entire month she had not seen blm. She was g! .d when the vaca tion was over she could come back to her place nt desk with the beloved books a.o 1 her and with Balllngton slttlnv In the chair In a far corner where h'j was least likely to be disturbed. For once Llnd . --a a glad as the closing time and ? .ew that in an ] hour more she wou be free to hur ry home and cree; o bed. Just be- ' fore the hands r- ? ' cd the cloelng I hour Balllngton ' from his place | and brought a ho . :-r he desk. Then, instead of leavii.*, ..-j went over to Thousands of hrrv HnriPT enre their liappjr?v? to the use ~&T lick's Croup A. . ' irnmonfs Salve. It'e the, quick relief, mm! pre v?uui la. It nips the tVonMe befOi-e it can get to the dsuger rw.inf, fle??*-Be wise. Have read y> - Monday, Dec. 6th Several thousand dollars worth of manufae* turer's samples will be on sale at our store on the above date, and we invite one and all to be on hand, as it will be the greatest sho w ing of Fur Fashions ever seen in this city. Prices to make the Fur Fly. the catalogue and began to scan the cards In on? of the drawers. For a few months Linda watched him. then he looked up with the familiar glanc? of appeal and she came over to tb? catalogue drawer. a voice so low that It seemed scarce ly to be a whisper. "What's the let ter ?" " 'L.' said Balllngton. 'Lo,' to b? exact." "Lopning?" she asked. "That's un der lumber." "Not legging." he denied. "It's a shorter word. 'L-o-v-e.' " "I don't think that's catalogued." she said in dismay. "It's a funny sub ject. Suppose we look for 'Ro mance'?" "Let's look for romanco. but not in books." he pleaded. "1 know that this is a silly sort of proposal, but I love | yon, little girl. I've be?n 6ure of -It i ever slnco last summer, when. J missed you for a whole month* Those two weeka when you were /ray I simply could not do any reading. I've been trying ever since to tell you, but I didn't see bow. I don't want to bang around outside of the library until you | -?omc~ouL_anl I do _want you to belp i -so? inoic romance. Linda, even "ihOTiijf: 1t Is -not tn tinmtles! 1 "1 think it is in the catalogue." she I said, softly, "bu^ !? you'd rather. I'll I help you r.fter hours." "There may be a romance In "the ' catalogue." said Balllngton, "but not as good a romasce as .there is this I moment just o-.itnldo tt:e drawers. You i do care a little bit. Linda." """Ol ?' lr VITlTl^-TI " "Yqu may come this evening if you, like-- to begin the s'.udy." Dalllngton made a r.ote of her ad dress and left' the j-^Af:? with-cla&tlc_ step and beating heart. 'while Linda, went back to recive the books the readers were returning As she gave a final look around as the last book was stacked and the day's work done, she patted the catalogue rabluet as eho passed It. "You're" awfully wlw" she whisper ed, "with your thousands of titles, but you haven't a "Lov* and I'm sorr? for you." Then Linda walked out tc onter a new world. Starting an Endless Chain. Both father and n:otber struggled valiantly to teach Ef!le to repeat th? lett?r "A." v,the child emphatically r? fused to prraounc# tb? first latter of Ui? alphabet nnd afur many rain ef forts th? father retired from th? fight discouraged. The mother took the lJttl? girl on her lap and pleaded with her affectionately. "D?ar1e, why don't yon learn to aay 'A?* she asked. "Because, mamma." explained Ef fie. "dee as soon as I aay 'A' you an' papa will want me to say 'B.' " The Busy Bee. Three hundred billion bees made mough honey last year to fill a train #f cars long enough to retch from New York to Buffalo. At th* low wholesale rate of 10 cents ft pound. It was worth $2S.OOO,OOt. THE GAIETY ProtfumfChanged Daily TONIGHT: ~ ; ; FOR HKR HAKK? The story of ? ' I' ' 2 Kallors and h kIH, showing a ] | ' >- real shipwreck. , ? ] | ; THE I>OG PICKPOCKET ? A < j J ; well tralney leading druggists every when; but in | Washington by Brown's Drug Store, 50 cents a large box. Test sample free from Booth's Ml-o-na, Buffalo, X V Mrs. Mary. Hutchinson sarsr ''l!>a!nsj and distress in my stomach and a general stomach, complaint was on tirely 'cured for me by the use of two boxes of Mi-o-na. and I have no hesi tation In recommending its use." 503 "Pearl Street. Ypsilanti,. Mich., De cember 19. iaos. Sometimes nervous women's com pllanrs ore imaginary; again they are a form of disease. In any event, Hol Uster's P"cirr " 'Mftimtrrtrr Tea maWri wonvon well. A tonic unequalled for the good it does. Hardy's Drug Store. CAPIP1NK for "That Headache." t Out last mghi? Headache and . icrvoys this morning? Hicks' Capu- ' line Just the thing tr fit you 'or j H?isine^? Clears the head ? brtcqs ' the nerves. Try it. At drug stores, j FKEE! FREE! FREE! Everybody read this: Every morning and evening our wagon will be at your door load ed with everything good to eat, such as? ? V Ocracoke Mullets, . ? Ocracoke Oysters, Corned Hog-heads, Corned Meats, Sweet Potatoes, Iriih Potatoes, Peanuts, K Clams. > ? Fresh Eggs, - Chickens, old and young, Everthing that can be found on a vegetable wagon. ? ? Look for this wagon every day. A polite man to wait on you; he will give everybody good, hon est measure. If yon don't believe us try thcTmah fintsy, sntf if -rtre goods suit you tell others, if not Tell us. Alldlfyuu dun'Uu what you want on the wagon, 'phone 146. We have it Garfield Clemmon's Greatest Restaurant You - Ever Saw. Tempting Kite. "Dost boar that)" n*ked the fall tnald *ien?looed b.r the AHuiiim Jour nal. There Yvu* a tvuml NOW! Is the Time To have your Pictures Framed. Don't wait 'til Xmas eve. WM. B. HARDING STOP! LISTEN! Not . a Dissatisfied Customer ! is what we are having in our Boys' Suit Department There ore so many parent* who ob ject to paying money for UOYM' CLOTH KS. -Tpfcy want something rivals are going at popular prices, and ore cut from the latewt models.' We can fit your boy from 4 to 10 years. - Mcci range from $1.50 to $6.00 fheTkib WOMEN'S SHOES ~ rr IS WITH A FEEL ING OF PLEASURE AND PRIDE THAT WE ANNOUNCE THE AR RIVAL OF OUR WOM EN'S FOOTWEAR FOR THE FALL AND WIN TER SEASONS. ? ~ - Our Shoe? are far superior to th^ ordinary sort of shoes that can be had at evefy store, where women'* Shoes are sold. tThey came to us direct from the workshop? of the worlds most "?f|V?rW of \yomen'g flhoea. There's many a new style feature In the Fall models, and we win lake thfl drgJtUwl pleasuie hi showing our, women patrons the handsome foot-wear that will be in vogue during the coming season. S. R. FOWLE&SON > Sftfa-al the flaraar 0nwwl$r< Raxaar irm