I VOLUME I. WASHINGTON, NORTH eARQfcfNA, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER3.im NO. 1t5 HAVENS GRIST AND FLOUR MILL IS PRACTICALLY COMPLETED Is Largest of Its Kind in the State This Mammoth New Plant Will Have an Out put of 1,000 Bushels of Corn and 50 Bar rels of Wheat Per Day? Latest Devices in Machinery Installed ~ ^ _ 'ft i i" ? WILL BEGIN OPERATIONS SOON It w&a the pleasure as welkin rrnflr nf * Flatly Nmrrs mpresentatlTff] to visit the mammoth new grist and flour manufacturing pleat of -Mr. Jon athan Haven* on Water street this morning. The reader* of the News hare no conception or ldea'ef the Magnitude of thfcnsv enterprise un less It Is Visited. Modem and up-to date In et*ty detail from top to bet* to*, containing oil the tales* devices and appHtfncer for the successful prosecution -o? tht^eei and Doer In dus try. thin plant is certain !r a credit to Wnshtoigten and this east ' em section Of the 8tate Mr. Hav ehi VM I'HfM ** *l|?w in grwiiug his new milt; he has anticipated the fntare of lisltrn Carolina' and ha* so~ constructed his plant a# to he able to meet svery contingency. ?" The old grist mill of whkh this new one takes the place, was totally destroyed by fire January Inst and dace that time the erection of this large six-story brick building ?sb been In progress. The plnnt is now virtually conpleted and within the next few days the famlHar noises of the big rollers and stones and the ? htrm of the many wheels win 'once more greet- the ear of our cltlsens. The machinery of the mill was given a trial yesterday and worked so sat isfactory that It Is the purpose to start up for* regalar- business' next Monday. To give the News' readers aome idea of the -difference In capacity of " the two mills, the old from the new. the output of the old mill was 400 bushels of corn per day; the new mill will have a capacity of- 1,000 bushels dally and will barrel 60 bar rels of fipur. - The new Jmilding just completed! ' can be soen from every viewpoint In] _ the city. aJt Is six stories high, con - ifrocteff entirely Df blTct and fi fflby 110 feet The machinery for the manufacture -of corn and flour is lo cated and installed on every floor. ? The appllam es foi this niauufmitur lng industry are of the very latest pattern and make. Bach and every machine Is installed with a view to economy and labor saving. Besides ? eU ? the late machinery. placed, the bluldlng Is fitted with elevators, con veyors, corn, cleaners, bolting ma chines^ etc. ^The plant has seven gr'st mills for the msnufacture of corn and four sets of double stand v flour /fPUsi * v On\ each floor in the building Is constructed bfn? "ana other looms where the product is stored, thereby enabftng ibe~ management to sell flour and meal tjtat is cleaned and MAIUUMAN IP lill^WOJWr New York, Dec. $;? ? The "tragi ap praisal of the estate of the late E. H. Harriman , as completed In Orange county yesterday, : pots tie value of his property at $14?,te0,0?0. The estate is made up of railroad stocks and bonds, principally Union Pacific and Southern Paclfle and real estate. ORBWTAWJ! KBTABL1SHMKXT 1 The Wright Tailoring Par'.ors Is fsst gaining a reputndo^* in this' eastern section for first-class tailor made clothing. They are slftpwingj now the very- latest 'tads la fall and l winter wear and are placing a large number of tbelr nobby suits. Mr. I Frank 'Wright, the manager, is a ? ' TO SELL REAL KISSKH. 4 * ? ? Chicago, 111.. Dec. (.-Ttu- ? ? ty-Hre hundred dollar! worth of ? ? ktasee ? roat-llp'lo Hp fcl? ??. net + ? the candy kind? are to k* di?- ? ? poaed of ft the North Side Mall ? ? next Sunday. The Mnn are. to ? ? ? >? puneyed kj a u.wker el ? ? heroically charmlo* young worn- ? purified Just m it leaves leaves ita re ne. The conveyors la one lMst?e moat Interesting featurer o t thle iWg^plsnt. Corn la taken from the schoSfiea^gr dray on the sround floor and distributed to any part of the building within a few minute* ? and it sever makes a. mis take. Accuracy and promptness seem to be 1U mlaalon and It- carries it out to the letter. The new plant will be run by a US-horae power Corleas engine 6t the latest pattern. The new mill will be ktaotai and. do business as the Hirehs Orlst snd Flour Mill. Mr. Havens, the propria* tbrt hasten engaged lft the mil I lug buainesa here for a number of years aftd from the first enjoyed a lucra tive trade. His determination, after lofhig bis' former- plant by Aire, to add in hla lateat venture the manufacture of flour aa well aa corn meal, is quite a step forwsrd for this section snd no doubt from now on the farmers will pay more attention to the culti vation of wheat, aa they can hare It made Into flour right here at home. Mr. Rollltfa says within a tew days he will be able to boast of t est business office In we, Judging from tbe pr going on in that dirt sertlon will h9ld .goo4> and W11I3S if by"^V?fe^ finished In j native wood and oiled. This mam Cloth mill plant la cer tainly complete in every detail; It would be a revelation to our citizens If tt>aT to"" Tlait it. The man aipar. Mr. F. H. Rollins, will take special pleasure in Bhtfwlng visitors around and explaining to them ita workings, etc. - A News representative was speclal ly fortunate thla morning In having' Mr. Rolllna and the head miller, Mr. M. H. Berry, formerly of Lynchburg. ^Thls rnlH^phuU 1 s^ the 'la rgMt^man^ ufacturlng Industry of the kind in North Carolina, and compares favor kPiy with the largest In tho online country. It la certainly a matter of pride to have such large mill of this character locjUetf^lWashlngton for it means another avenue of pro grass and devalopmnnt The Havens Grist and Flour Mill should be and 1b from now on, one of the many manufacturing features that our cltisens can point the Btranger to with, a feeling of civic pride. As stated In the beginning, the en tire ptunt must be seen and viewed in order to be properly appreciated. This Is a new epoch In the manufac turing line for Washington. Tiwftyto Get Half Million Endowment! Durham, N. C., December 2,-t Trinity Collet* 1. to be endowed with hall a million dollar! for the Instltu Uon of a medical, pharmaceutical and dental department In connection with the echoot. The doruf ? are the Dvkes. millionaire tobacco awn, who alrAtbr hare given mora than a mil lion dollan to the InaUtntlon. The purpose In rlasMs to build up an ed ucational Institution equal to anr on the earth. ?*? Bio oaowp TO APBOKA. At least a hundred and Iwenty Bre people went to Aurora from here this morning on Ik* special trritn and they were a Jolly enthusiastic crowd. I Aurora will surely ban a great day I and big crowds for he, fair. IMl'KOIBIIUWITT LSIHO Ml The Atlantic Coast Use oBoials afe Barfng tie street crossing on aad Mala streets repaired. ROCKEFELLER If. THREATENED By ASSASSINATION Plan to Kill or Kidnap Harold S. Smith, Lumber Dealer, Says That He Heanl Two Men Plotting? Were to Get Large Sum for the Job. OFFICERS ^ROTECT HIM 1 Cleveland. O.. Dec. S. ? John D. Rockefeller was told Tuesday night, at his home. Forest Hill, of a plot to assassinate him. The relator ' was Uapnlrt fliwyiir Smith a Tyfttl-tfwjn lumber dealer of Minerva, Ohio. Fol lowing Smith's story, previously given to the police of East Cleveland, a strong police guard was placed for the night about the Rockefeller place. Mr. Rockefeller was to have ad dressed last night the Mta's Club of the Buclid Avenue Baptist Chfirch. .which had a banquet. He did not at tend the aftpfr. excusing himself upon the ground that be waa prepar ing to leave town on the morrow. The Roohsfetlss .fasstly started tor New. York today, several daya earlier than intended. * They boarded the private car Brookline at an outlying station, and were well guarded by police until their car wah borne away. They should reach Tarry town. bonnd for Pecantlco Hills, the Rockefeller estate, on the train reaching New York at 7:45 a. m. to morrow. What B&ith 9.J.. Smith's story, practically as It was told to Mr. Rockefeller, Is as follows: ~ - 1*1" w^s Visiting in Alliance Sun flay. Abput 8:10 p. m. I started for" the church, to meet my "brother-in law. I walked, up a railroad track uegf the church and stopped when I treard some one talking lh & dfrrk* shed. One voice sftid:_: ; _ " 'I don't see why we came here today from. Pittsburg; we might have waited until tomorrow and gone to Canton, where we could meet Bill. VYerulght as -well get ouj? money for killing old John D. We will get what Is coming to ust whether we kill or kidnap .him. 'Bill and the other fellow have plenty uf money and are willing to pay well for putting old Rockefeller out of the way.' I sneaked around get a good look at them. I stumbled as 1 was getting away, because it was dark. They saw me, but I hurried nn T thorn Aff arniiinl tH? next block and got a good look at both of them. They recognized me and mnde a? remark about having seen tno before, but I hurried by "and uald no attention. "Monday I went~fo Canton to lay the matter before Chief of Police H. W. Smith. I expected to come to Cleveland Monday, and Chief Smith Instated on giving me a letter to Chief Kohler, whom I saw Monday night. He took the matter up with Marshal Stamberger, who was greatly inter ested. Told Rockefeller. "Stamberger insiBted that I ac company him to Forest Hill to tell , Ifthfi n jnrt whit 1 hmirA ~f didn't like to, but consented when be in* alsted. I told John D. Just wbat ! 1 heard, and Rockefeller told me he i In Cleveland Tuesday to make Iden tifications In case arrests were made. I told John.D. that I was doing this | for the sake of principle and refused when he offered to pay my expenses while in Cleveland. ? 'I am a responsible man and did not come here with an imaginary story for the sak4- of notoriety 6r gain. I would not have come to Cleveffcnd were it not for the fact that my business called me here. I preferred' tt^lesve it in the hands of I the Canton police." Chief 8tamberger says that drove two men who acted suspicious ly iwiy ffuiu rurmi will Ian uighi. No arrest was made. While the po lice express some doubt of 8mlth's | story admit that he Is a substantial ' business man, bearing a good repu tation. WELL SAID. Th? Baautort Ixwk 0nt pnju the following compliment Jo one of our ?t u delafatei from Wjutaln* |t?B to the conr?Dtlon at wantlr, fU Capt A, W.I wall-known cltlsan of l ICITIESm POM TO FIX " / LICENSE TAX So Says Supreme kourt Justice Brown in Opinion Says Charkt.e Did Not Impose Pro hibition Tax on Near Beer When it Made fhe Price 91,000. defendant. The court holds, further more. that no violation of the four teenth amendment to the Federal < constitution, the ordinance being well within the police power q t State fcnd municipality. 4 \ * * j BAZAAR CONCERT TQM6HT. progfaM* for"tlre night at 8 o'clock at the achool audi torium, given In connection with the bazaar, la very attractive, and the ad mission is only 5 and 10 cents. 1? Vocal solo, "i Love You." By Prof. Bette. 2. Instrumental duet, "Awakehlng of the Lion." Misses Bonner and Simmons. 3. Vocal solo, "Good Bye Sum mer.- Miss Rovena Carter. 4. Instrumental trio, "Charge of the Huaxars." MisseB Bonner. Slm 5. Recitation, "Ballad of the Swee* peas." Miss S&llie Carrow. 6. Vocal solo. "Without * Thee." Mlsa Msrv 1^, Wright. j 7. Instrumental solo, "Schubert's Serenade."' Miss Lillian Bonner. returned to ocraooke. Capt, J. J. Simpson left ^hia morn ing for the return journey to his home at Ocracoke,- after severs! weeks' stay for the second time at the Washington Hospital. Both of the captain's limbs have been re moved and the fast that he t? alive today and improving somewhat is wonderful In one of his kge. I CHAMBER OF COMMERCE I; ftyrrr? - HI Tonight, December <3r 1k the regu lar meeting of the Chamber of Com merce. ? The taviwihnmeg ofhottling an : agricultural fair in Washington in ltlO will be discussed. Thia matter la of vast importance to this town. I We being the hub of the eastern sec tion we should let the people know that We are thehub and are willing to back up our opinions that It is the most central location in Eastern Vorth Carolina by holding such fairs as to surprise the State. I Don't fall to attend the meeting tonight There will be no subscrip tions asked for any purpose, so don't fall to attend this meeting. ooariA' ooWVl?a Spe^r Brothers Company, shoes, 104: M Saddln A McEIw?*9, house furnish inns,- 100 at?a 100, and firms occupying the floors oTlW and 101 Sou \k 120,000 WORTH OF PROPERTY MPT AWAY Ocean'View the V ictim Fire of an Unknown Origin Dis covered at 1 O'clock, But it Was Not Subdued Until 4:30 Yesterday Morning. TWO MEN WERE OVERCOME Fli^-of unknown origin discovered at l o'clock yenterday morning ot Ocean View was subdued a< 4:39' a. m. after It had swept away a half doien of the larger frame structure* and, several small ones adjoining; on i the Inner side of the Nbrfplk and Portsmouth Traction Company's elec tric line tracks. The "total loil irlll be upward#? of ? ISO, 000. including buildings and furnishings' with' tlal Insurance only. The burned buildings were: J;-W. Smith's Hotel ae4-8hamrock ikon. J. W. Buchanan's Hotel. Cosmopolltaa Annex, occupied by E. B. Mlars as a boarding hoosdT ? ThS Qw O a Mage aad sWaisl smaller structures In thiT"f?i>. Ed. ' Miller and Alonzo Grant, among the ISO. men who did valiant work during the fire, were overcome by heat, but no other accidents are reported. But for the heroic efforts of the Ocean View Are fighters, assisted only by men sent by the Norfolk and Portsmouth Traction Company, the fire loss would have been much great er than It was. Confined to South Side. The blaze was kept on the south side of the railroad track except for the 'scorching of several telephone and trolley poles on the baj side. W ^e^a^ng^hn mediately ^ln Just being (completed after three fires by Its ojrner, It was thought for a time that this too would be damaged, but fortunately It escaped as did ala9 all of the amusement property on the bay side of the railroad trade! J. W. Smith's new residence Just built after the last Ocean View fire, was scorched to some extent as was also the Prospect Cottage, but both were saved after hard work. E. B. Miars, one of those burned out last night, was a sufferer In the ftrfi whtah early -in. Lha ama mar da stroyed sevoral cottages on the bay side at Ocean View. At that time Mr. Miars lost practically everything he had. together with a considerable amount of cash he had in the housed the family belqg moBt thankful to escape wttb their Uvea. His burned cottage was known as the Ruth-Cot tage. Moving to the Cosmopolitan Ann6x, owned by N. B. Jones, Mr. Miars also called this the Ruth Cot tage. l^ast night he managed-to save probably half of his personal effects* Started in the Shamrock. The fire started in the "Shamrock" under lease by J. W. Smith. With this building unoccupied at the time It is hard to understand how the fire started. Several people in Smith's Hotel first discovered the fire at l oNjloc^and gave a quick aljtrm. Largest 4-Master Ashore Beaufort, N. Cv Ddc. S. ? The schooner Marie Palmer, the largeat four-maater on the coast, la aahore on Frying Pan Shoals in a dangerous position. The vessel grounded during the night while being towed b y the tug Edgar F. Coney to Savannah to which port she Is bound from Carteret, N. | J., with a cargo of 2,740 tons of' guano, 7 NKAHOAKD'H NEW PRHMDBNT. New York, Dec. 2. ? N. &. Meld rum was elected president ol the Seaboard Air Line at a meeting of the directors of that company here today. Mr. Malrtmm was formerly slna-pr? Irtant of the company. The directors also elected" C. H. Hlx as rice preilAMl &BU gtueial cm?, ?? Prol iant la ekarg* or Mb, and L. O. Hawaa aa assistant to tko president. WILL PREACH TONIGHT. Rot. c. a. Christian, ol Hooky !ZELflYfl WILL LEftlTTROOPS AS LAST ACT I Will Die Fighting Secretary Knox Sends the Nica raguan Minister Forcible Note and Also His Passport ? Criti cises Zelayiu marines not yet landed Coloo. Dec. 2. ? President Zelaya of Nicaragua, as a laat desperate act, today took active command of his troops in the field. accordlng~t6 ad Tices received here. A dispatch quotes' him as saying, "I will die Qgbting, not an American Blare." Wo Marine* Laaded. Washington, Dec* 2. ? The state meat published today that "there are (over 2,000 marges on Nicaraguan ??11. and more will follow" was char acterised as "absolute nonsense mhd a rood illustration of the exaggerated and unreliable news which is being published by some - newspapers at preeeot about the Nicaraguan situ atlon." "it was added that there' are now on the iBthmus >53 officers and men of the marine corps and 730 will sail on the Pratrte from Philadelphia this afternoon for Nicaraugua, but no Jorce of marines has yet been lsnded. In fact 2,000 marines, it was said, could aot be landed there for some time owing to the fact* that not that | many could reach there for at least a I week or more. Washington, Dec. 2.? If any doubt ?listed heretofore as to the positive intention of this government to in sist upon the actual^ sepy^tlon of President Zelaya from the exercise of alb authorrty in KleaWMnta at the ear* liest possible moment, it disappeared with the direct and forcible attitude of the United 'States government as shown In the action taken by Secre tary of State Knox, whose note to , charge d'affaires Rodriqne*. of 4he j Nicaraguan legation was made public , last night. Not only was he told that his pass ports are awaiting him and that PrcB- , ident Zelaya is expected to relinquish his office, but what practically amounts to recognition of the Es trada r qJwUiUQftU&Ui .waajBUteaiftd inl, the note to Seho^ Rodriguez. It is now only a matter of a short time. It , Is thought, before official recognition' will be given the de facto government wswrpt^ry or state1 Tcnoi described it In his note to the Nicaraguan charge d'affaires. It la the Impression In Washington that while United States marines may n landed on .Nicaraguan soli there will be no need for their ac tive services, for following the dras- 1 tic action taken by the Secretary of State yesterday the downfall of Ze laya government will be so hastened that he will seek to eecape from the country, thereby practically bringing the present war to an end and plac ing Estrada or some othor person friendly to the United States, In f power. The attitude taken by the Secre however, than the mere notice to quit given to Zelaya. It Is regarded la Washington- as a strong hint to other Central American governments who hare been disposed to regard this government without due respect that hereafter no nonsense wJUL be tolerated from any of them insofar as the interests of the United 8tates and Its cttltenB in thooe countries are concerned, and that unless they maintain a proper attitude they may expect to feel the mailed fist of the United States in a very forcible manner. Dr. Salvidof Castrilla, representing the Estrada party in Nicaraugua, this morning expressed great gratification at the attitude taken by this govern ment as ahown In Secretary of State Knox's note to charge d'affaires Rod rlguei. He belleveB that official rec ognition of the revolutionists by this government is only a matter of a few days. Late last night he notified General Estrada by cable of the note sent by Mr. Knox to Senor Rodriguea. tomorrow. 1 "Him; AlTHACriUN. Tb? l.dlM of th? Methodist Chnrab to sUoeon th* boards a moat attractive show for the bene ?t of ib?t rturch. Bom, of Wsab MANY OFFERS FOR FIGHT, BUI FRISCO* July 4 Next Date Set The Bid of $101,000 and 66 2-3 of Moving Picture Receipts Will Be Turned Over to the Two Fighters. BIDS FROM ALL THE WORLD New York. Dec. 2. ? The light for the heavyweight championship of the world between James J. Jeffries and Jack Johnson will be held In Califor nia, In the vicinity of San Francisco, on July 4, 1910, and will be staged by "Tex" Rlckard, of Nevada, and John J. Oleason, of San Francisco. The ^hid of $101,000 and two-thirds of the'movlng plcture~pr?*edI~To HfiT contestants was formally accepted during a stormy meeting at Hobolcen. N. J., late today- It to believed thfc fight will represent more cash than any other fight In the history of the prise ring. Joseph J. McCarey, of Los Angeles, whose bid was considered highest by many, made a |in ee*o fos his Pa clflc Athletic Club, but his cause was without hope. James Coffroth, by virtue of his control of the two basic patents on moving pictures, had de creed against McCarey and his ally, "Eddie" Graney, of San Francisco, and the fighi was given to Oleason ind Rlckard, who. It is conceded by sporting men, have an understanding irlth CofTroth. a surmise strengthened by the fact that Oleason and Coffroth have shared one bid in the past. Mc Carey and Graney estimate that the net value of the moving pictures will amount to at least $200,000 and may be yorth $400,000. home for HOLIDAYS. -I*F. " ' Seth Bridgman. president of the Bank of Washington, arrived Jn the ?< city Wednesday evening from Den ver. Colorado, where .he has been for elghtean months, having a '? position in me First National Bank as assistant bookkeeper. Mr. Bridg man win be a visitor to his old home until after the holidays. ? He says the West Ih a great country and from bis talk seems to be much Ln love with It. His many friends in his former home are glad to see him. moving today. Mr. U M. Bell is today engaged in moving_hJa Jewelry store to the building of the .Singer Sewing Ma rine Company. Ml Bell will occupy the side next to Malltson & Son. LARGE FUNERAL. ? The fnneral nf ihn i?tn rs W. I_ White took place this afternoon from the Primitive Baptist Church, of which she was a consistent member, being -conducted" tiy her pastor. Elder John Roger*?. The burial was in Oak dale cemetery, a large number of sorrowing friends attended. MANY FIRES. There have been a considerable number of forest flrei reported here during the past few weeks. Near Plnetown on the Norfolk and South ern Sklfway, th? woods were on~tire yesterday and a gentleman on the train stated that if -it bad not-bees for the recent rains nearly all the timber In that section of Beaufort county would have been burned. WILL SELL FRANCHISE. Wilson, Dec. 3. ? The moving spir its In the Wilson Athletic Associa tion,- nirner of the franchise <$n the Eastern Carolina Baseball league, seem unanimous In their Intention to dispose of this cflV's franchise. The lengthened season of 110 games fore casts a disastrous financial season, and Wilson, with Goldsboro, will be out of the league next season. ^ New Advertisements ? /) in Today's New . ? Gem Theater. ? J. K. Hbrt?Udltt' Suits. ? The Huh ? Clothing. ? Gaiety Theater. ? I. L. O'Outen, Florist? Bntba ? Cheeapeake Steam. hip Co. ? Wright'. Tailoring Parlor*. ? Ou?a?'s Tisyiatlun. ? . ?? n-TlrtU, ... ? Capudtne. ? Wm, fiaai A Co. ? Insurance, i ? Hyomel. [? Hotel Lorraine. Norfolk. Va. ? Doom Grease UnamenL