?ntered as second-class matter August 6. 190*. at the postofflce lit1 Washington, N. C., under the act .of Maw* i, ig7? PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. ***?*. J. L. 'MAYO, Editor and Pioprtetor. Telephone QffQ, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ~ Oar-llonthTT-rr-r. -.25 Tour Months . . ...... t ? , . . . l.^oo* 8!* Months 1.60 One Year. 8.00 Subscribers desirirfg the. paper dls sentlnuod please notify th?? on date of expiration, otherwise, it will be L-ontinued at regular subscrip tion rates until notice to stop Is re vived. If you do not get The Daily News, promptly telephone or write the maiv ager. and tho complaint will receive immediate attention, it is our desire to please you. ' ? WASHINGTON DECEMBER 3. 1909. UPT THK NEWS FOLLOW. Parties .leaving town should not CalLto let Tha^Xews follow them daily eltb the news ot Washington fresh and crisp. It will prove a valuable companion, reading to you like a let ter from home. Those at the sea shore or mountains will find The News a most welcome and interesting * visitor. ^ MUST BE SIGNED. All articles sent to The News for publication mnst be signed by the writer, otherwise they will not be Hbllshed. - " FOREST FHIKS IN NORTH CARO LINA The North Carol na Geological and Economic Surrey is now sending out a.listlft questions to correspondents regarding the prevalent of forest fires during the year 1909, and the #fpre? Imate Injury done by. jthem. Several months ago a circular tetter was sedl out fo several of the leading men In every county of the 8tate, asking. their assistance in the collec tion of daia on this scourge of our forests. They were then told that fn , qu tries would be' Bent out at the end ?!_ the year, and were asked to look *at < tor Are -data ajid make notes ? from time to time, so that the list of oaslljr ?nd fully and with greater ac curacy. The list of questions being sent out is as follows: FOREST FIRES IN THE 8TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1909, .1. To what county (or township) do the statistics given below apply? , 2. How many different forest fires have you had during tho year 1909? 3. What wafl the total acreage burned over in yaty* county during 1 bo psat ve^r? ^--Nnftnber of -acres of forest land "growing merchantable timber. l> Number at acrcs in aec ond growth that was not yet me.'* chaflllHHfl. I. MiinlHi uf umu of tut over land. 4. How much merchantable stand ing timber has been destroyed by Are? Give amount in board-*?**. v wnat a ji ti m uin?rmi?i*WTgy= t ii? of tho timber as It stood? <: What Is tho value of all forest * products such as sawlogs. lumber, 8=1 " ' n " " """ ^""TlYnr 7. What is the value of all im provements. such as fences, barns. hourea, mills, etc.. and of live stock that was d c.s troyed ? ? ? * Have ariyhuman lives_been lost? 9. STate as close as- possible what it hnj cost private individuals, lu xi her companies and otherd to flght forest fires in yoar coutfty. 10. What were the causes of the T^o Uiritod States Forest Service,] ; in cooperation with the various State organisations. Is coV.eoUa* b'mi.'ar | flats for every State in tjse Union, so I that the flrat complete renort on tli^s most important subject shouTO he before the public early in iSiO.. It lc most desirable that the North Carolina data be as complete- and accurate as possible. All correspon therefore-helng nrgnd to answer the questions as fully and cftrsfully as-they can. Unfortunate ly the list of correspondent Is not tampietu imnili ? to. insure itpwin from evqry part of . the State, and if any one wbo reads this, takes en ough Jnterost in- tho' present and fu ture welfare of our forests to make, him (Mr liar.wUh.ta help In this work/ tlialr assistance will be thankfully ?received. Correspondents can Unfor~ tunately be paid nothing for their services, but there is -no one thing fn whtelr they can do so much for their children and for the future wel fare, of the State as a whole as ta furthering this now national and al most world-wide mdvement for tho l>ro?ectlon* of our forest wealth. Quoatlonf blanks wRIT return envel ? um> will be srlsdly furnished on ap-; pt!-~r.uon to the State Geologist, <?>*-??! HH1, pi. C., er the answers u?f'> be sent In to the State Geologist pn a. po.;tcard or in a letter, number hom to Correspond with the "lU?bfr of the question. V MAXUWUilO 1AX ? * A* the charge- of lgnoranco could Urdty/'be maintained against the - W York Evening Post it can only pf ft i^Honai bitterness so intense as to blind it of*ny power [r-onaot free him from the reproach of hnvtiig"ChoiMD to H?(|4h| yor***^ - thai battled for human bondage/* ?The Baltimore Sun refers to this ?|ur upon General Lee, and ihua re plies to the recklaas statement: j "TM Post Is sufficiently intelligent to know that Lee never did this. He was not in favor of human bondage, bihbKiibi4?ip mi? Uihtct. Tin; Krnit wii^wn Hint 1 .fn innh command of the Southern army? not to support hutn^n bondage, .Imt to re pel the invasion of his native^ State. iThe Post knows that when I*ee took I command orthe army slavory was not; the issue, and Lincoln had given the distinct assuranc^that it wns-not the purpose of the north to interfere v^Jth -slavery. His 'purpose, he said, was to-^ preserve the Union, hnd that alone. The South was fighting for the right to leave the Union; and the North w?s rfightlng to keep it from- leaving the Union. Emancipation was merely a move in the game of war, which had no official endorsement when Lee took command. It is singular how the "New York Evening Post yet holds Ion to-ita sectional bitterness and seek? t opervert . and. misrepresent , history "when everywhere else ? both North-. amLSoulh;-*. we hear lhe_echo_| of General Grant's words, 'Let us liave peace.' " ? Norfolk" Ledger-Dis patch. 81mpl? Rules for 8elf-Protectlon. The commissioner's warning and suggestions havo reference? not ohly to grip butJtp tonsllim'. bronchitis, colds and pJiumo^Ia. He asks nothing imposslbleHpr difficult of- the average perso^dpe expects no sacrifice, no givli?upof cherished habits. As he well says, the prjee of immunity or of health is not high. In fact, a little thought and a little firmness is all that he asks, and the "price" spells ? mere enjoyment- and fuller life la the-} long run. Moderation In eating and drinking, a reasonable amount of exercise, walking in the open air, ventilation or houses and offices, av&idance of over* heated places and excessively heavy. and feasible forms of "Insurance" which he prescribes. To know them should be to adopt them. ? Chicago j R^jrtl-Herald. >. It Might Be Either. ? bony, lank village youth of artls- 1 tic bent, who was sniffed at by his'fel- j low natives, finally disappeared from his usual haunts. He was missed chiefly because his peculiar personal appearance was bound, attract at..-^ tehtlon wherever it was exhibited. No one seemed to know whither the lad had gone, till the storekeeper, re? j turning from a visit to a near-by city, announced that he had discovered his whereabouts. VI fouad him!" he proclaimed. "He j wo* in the art museum." "As a curio," inquired one, **or as n object of art?" And So Got Riches. An unfeeling monster of a man? j although a writer in the Atlhison asked at a' little gyening gathering to tall what book had helped him most. "My 'wITe'i mok-po oi." no replied, aft ar snmn thmighf i All the ladles present bridled, and ! one asked him in what way his wife's cook-book had helped him ? would he | not tell them In a few words? He would. ?viXo& as soon as ~T m arrledr" he I said, "I made up my mind I'd rather j work than eat." HartPto Be All Things to All Men. Do not think that your learning and genliii. Mill Wll Ul BtJl l&Ullliiuue mm welcome everywherei I was once told , that my company was disagreeable 1 -fmcause I appeared so uncommonly ' happy. ? Zimmerman. London's Last Wooden ?uITdtnot* It is anounced that with the re moval of a row of frame buildings not >frl1off, the lait wooden buildings within tne metropo litan dlgtrtct of London will shortly disappear. Fast Finger Talk. A deaf and dumb person who It fairly expert at finger language can ?peak about forty-three words per minute. In the same spaca of time a person in possession of speech will nrobablv noeak * ? VlLES CTURKD IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to cnrw any ease of Itching, Blind, Bleed Tng-ur Piuui|dmg piles In t to 14 day* or money refunded. 6O0. Enemies of the Rubb?r-Tr?o. i liwt don! of attentlun has i? cent!* been given ~W ihe cultivation of rubber, on account of the continual* I7 Increasing demand for it. Prof. Francl? E. Lloyd point* out that "the Inevitable struggle el man with nat ore** baa already- manifested Itself In this new field. Already a considera ble number of paraaltlc enemies bare ' TlWU aigiuipiwl. 1 1 ? liuuu mil Fgiuu ap nrtlTilff laraslv concentrated upon cultivated rubber-trees." ~Jt Is an other problem for science' to - deal with. * If trim friendship playe any part when you have purchased your Christmas presents and on yoy way home passing Baker's Studio you will And you have iqadea mistake if voiir friend hadn't rathorhfive a nice pho tograph of yourself than anything else you could imagine then.l would think he Is not worthy to be called your friend. Bauer's Studio. WRIGHT BUGS. IN THE HO ."VIE. | If you want * reliable remedy for croup and -pneumonia the aothei-'r Joy never fails, *nd Gooae Grease for rheumatism apd all aches and pains. Praised by'Thousands, uud If you Try it you will do the same. Manufac tured by the Goose Grease Liniment Company. . For sale by Hardy's Drug Store. NOTICE. L_ Because of cold weather ahd prin cipally because a majority of our re tail customers take ice only every other day, we will after. December 4 th send out' our wagon only on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays through the winter sea son. Yours truly, ? CRYSTAL ICR r.n FOR FEVERISH NiSSS and ACHING Whether from Malarious oonditlcns. Colds or overheating, try Hicks' Cap udine. It reduces the te\ier and re lieves? t ha aehlngT^? It'a I'gniri- ? 10, 2&Vnd B(. cents at dru^ stores. Healtv depnds. as nature shows, Mf>re on the interior than most suppose. Keep your system from Impurities tree. By using Holllster's Rocky Moun tain Tea. | ? Hardy's Drug Store. F?f REE! FREE! Everybody read this: Every morning and evening our wagon will he at vonr door load Id-kith everything good to eat, thrh as? H/TafALi. Mi. Hole Ocracoke Oysters, , Corned Hog-heads, Corned Meats, r ' Sweet Potatoes, Irish -Potatoes, Peanuts, CI>iMQt ? ? ? Fresh Eggs, Chicken: , old and young, Everthing that can be ft uud on a vegetable wagon. Look for this wagon every day. Aptilite man to wmi r. . uu; he will give everybody good, iicn est measure, if you rfon'j belike us try the man today, and i( the goods suit you tell others, if not tell us. And if you don't see what you want on the wagon, 'phone 146. We have it. Garfield Clemmon's Greatest Restaurant You Ever Saw. j It you are looking for GLASS ?uJ CItOCKEI WARE, TOYS and other Holiday Goods, coi to see us. f, W. PhitlipS Co. / The Lo vliest Place Y hu F.vw Saw? Swamp and Highlatyd Farms ~A. C. HATIIA-WAY, Washington^ N. Cr "Leon Wood TMEMBKRS X. Y. COTTON EXCHANGE James W. J. LEON WOOD & CO., ? BANKERS and BROKERS >?. ? fSTOCKa. BONOS. COTTON, GRAIN and PROVISIONS. 1~ 73 PLUME STRF.lwT, CARPENTER BUILDING, NORFOLK, VA. Private Wires to N. Y. S'ock Exchange. N. Y. Cottor>Exchan?c, Chicago Board of Trade and otherFinanrial Cemfcrs. correspondence respectfully solicited, Investment and Marg'nal accounts given careful attention. ftEAL ESTATE WANTED ! ! ! 1 have moved to Washington, RL C., from Vaa Wert, Ohio, where I was engaged in the Real Es tate business for more than thirty years, and will engage in the same in Washington, N. C. I want farms and other lands for sale. If you want to sell your farm or lands see me or 'phone W.M.KEAR, Washington, ';N. C. 'Phone 85. Office, with C. D. Parker, Havens-Small Building. N0KF0LK7& SOUTHERN RAILWAY HARRY K. WOLCOT and H. M. KERR. Receiver*. DIRECT THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE BETWEEN ALL POINTS T EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. AND VIA NORFOLK TO ALL EASTERN' CITIES. SCHEDULE IN KFPftC ?' SKIT. 1ST. - TRAINS LEAVE WASHINGTON ? ?'"?< EXPRESS: l" 40 A V., dully, except Sunday, for MacIwfrTwrry, Edenton. Eliza beth City, Norfolk, connecting with' all lines North, East and' West. Arrives Norfolk 4-25 P- M., connecting rt Mack-ys Ferry for Belhaven and Columbia Branches. 1 nn v iy excent Sunday, for Mackeys Ferry and Intermediate stations. 7.15 A. M d. Iy for. Greenville, Farmvllle. .Wilson. Raleigh and Inter mediate ??? tlens \rrlve Raleigh 11.27 A. M. Connects art Wilson and Greenville with A. C. L. R. R. 5.25 P. M. daily, except Sunday, for Greenville, FumvlPe. Wilson. Ral - eigh and intermediate stations. Arrive Raicigh 'J. 37 P. M. Connects at Farmvllle with East Carolina R. R. for all points North and South. 9.55 A. M. daily except Sunday for New Born. 5.15 P. M. dally exccpt-Sunday for ew Bern, Morehe.ad City, Beaufort and Intermediate points. Connects at New Born at. 7.30 P. M. (dally), for Oriental and intermediate stations. Connects at New Bern at 6.45 P. M. daily for Klnston and Goldsboro. -5.30 P .V dally except. Suadaj.fiir P nplnwnTafc llir.vao and intermediate ,? stations. "'"I...",'",' 'rV:: " apply, to T. H. Myers. Tichi-t Agent. U. L. Ill III, l.v.i. U , . A. ? ,, 4 K^T. LAMB. GEN. MGR., NORFOLK, VA. P i! ; ' ; vb^>JTT EAST CAROLINA Teachers' Training School Ai> '? anj^igjnc,,, nc?"anj'moi'f"n.' sin" j| ! ^Eslabltoid and maintained by fhc Suu. |(,r ,he ^ m.? and h nntrn whn n irh lu ihrmsdi - '-t ;hn ;t-I "r_-j. it SesSION OPENS OCTOBF.R 5TH, I ?>???. vj For prospectus arul Information, addrc.ss ROUT. H. V. RIGHT. ^ President, Greenvflle. N. C. '?<> r % V<il" i Money saved is money made! 11 Junior Lamp burns 2 fee} of Gas peF i 50 Candle Power of Light, where an ^ n? .6 feet of Gas and gives 20Candle Pow i mucli do you save? WASHINGTON LIGHT & WATER w^^or. COMPANY Fowle Memorial Hospital OPPORTUNITIES RATE, 1 cent per word. payment WTl to ads. may br tcct To insure prompt attention all adver- 1 I tlMmmti should be in busines^-OTfice j ' by 12.45 m. Ads. by m essen - phone or mill given careful attention. iKVIt FASHIONS AT (I.AItKS III',-! cepiber 6t!i. KTKMKilt U'lffitt A N l> T Y 1? K. Miss Bcu'.ah Tbomason Chamber of Commerce iTEtECIttpii rt?%HsTsT A RTS .1 W j uury 1st. Excellent 'bppurtuiiity. j For particulars cjill at Western 1 .I'n'.ou Telegraph Office* or write | W. S. Greon. no.VT k>i;ckt TO ASK FOR YOIR ; : votes on the ' big doll at J. ~ "Hoyt'a. >1 \M l'A< MJUiliS' HI! SAI.I:. I>K- ' comber -Cth- .las. E. Clark CoT [NOTICE ? SMALL ROX MISSIXqI i containing eye glasses and frames, i A liberal reward will be given when I returned to Dr. H. W. Carter, cor ner of ?Tsli! ciTd Cm'dden streets. jWOM^HFl L VALI KS IX FIRS AT | Jan. E. Clark Co., December 6tb. |T?IK OLD RKLIAIiLE, HELL. THK ' Jeweler, has Just returned from I Now York. See his stock before ! buying. lie has some great bar- 1 gains. rOSLY 24 MOIIK l>.\YH TO VOTE (fS~ the lovely large doll at J. K. JHoyi's. j One vote for every iuc cash pur chase. A NOTRE DAME LADY2L AETEAL. To all knowing sufferers of rheuma tism, whether muscular or of Ifie Joints. sciatica, lumbagos, backache, pains in the ? kidneys? or neuralgia pains, to write to her for a home treatment. ''Which has repeatedly cured all of these tortures. She feels It her duty to send it to all sufferers FREE. You cure yourself lit home as thousands will testify ? no change of climate being necessary. ThlH sim ple discovery banioheo th? uric mM from the blood, loosens the stiffened | joints,' purifies the blood, and bright ens the eyes, giving elasticity and tone 'o the whole system. If the abinc Intoi'uiitK you. for prcof address Mrs. M. SummerS, Box R, Notre} Dr.me, Ind. J Countless -> Cuuijliy posed of Ibo moft tfi-.-clivc remedies knovn la tucdictoe lor the trcatinri<t o( cough*. cok3?. bronchitis and alicEi-st auctions. and has become i ccutury < auc-rcf*. At Drugglata, 25 Centa RUT ?'VA'. isiks aajFau. KIXIMOF K.^l.l \'.l> wivrri; BULBS ?kUe lime a fine ufisortment. I'lant ?V) f ' the best re?alt*. Sen<l for n? )r , na^e list. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS A V eilding I}oquets, Floral Design? "?''I Wower? for nil oeenttkms. Mail, telegraph and telephone orders will be promptly tilled by J. L. O'QUINN & CO.^ WfliasTS. UALEIGH, X. c. 'Phone* ijb. Reeky Mountafn lea Nugget* * B?s, People' ' Golden Health snS Honeyed Vigor. ..,1 v 1 .C "r C?f,llL'*,,0?. ImllBt.iilon, Llm 'u Mqh Plo> P?W. Eoifma, Impure l'n.i tilf ^ Rreaih.8lnKir.iih Bowels. Headache 1,4 * box- Genuine tn?<!? by IIou.i-.er Daro Compamt, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOfl SALLOW PEOPU K)R GENERAL SURGIGAL J and NO' CONTAGIOUS Mi !CAL CASE5 IATES i.miiii, 25 per week. Wald^JargC an^ify. per Mms JULIA a. SMITH, Supt. of Nurses. .. ? __ Professional Column H. W. CAP'EER, M. D. Prat'ticc Limited to Diseases of the Eyt- K?r. No??- and ThKkK. Hours: 9-IJ A. M Cor. Main and ?PHONI ,'kI: W,l?-^."y1r~ Dr. I. M. Hardy l'HACTICJNC V PHYSICIAN _~ a,ul SURGEON Washtngton, ? - DR. H. SNBl L ? ? Dentist. Office corne?<)f Maia and Respass Streets. Phone 100 Washington, N. C. attobxkvs U.S. WARD JUNIUS 1>. CRIMES WARD & GRIMES ATTOKNtVS-A'F-fcAW WMhingtoa, NV6. VVe practicc in the Courts of the First Judicial District, and the Federal Courts. John H. Small. , a. D. MacLcan. Harry McMullan. SMALL, MAC LEAN & McMULLAN attorneys-at-law Washington, North Carolina. w. D. GRIMES attornky-at-laW Washtniireif. XorTR CarolinaT Piactices in all the Courts. Win. u. Itcxlmun. Wiley C. Kotlman. RODMAN & RODMAN Attomeys-at-LiW Washington, N. C. W. M. BONO, Edenton. N. C. ? "NORWOOD L. SIMMONS BOND & SIMMONS ATTORNEVS-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. Practice in all Couits. W. L. V41nJ1.u1 W' A. 1 noaipmn VAUGHAN & THOMPSON P ATTORNEI'S-AT-LAW Washington aod Aurora, N.'C. Practice in all the courts. H. C. CARTER, JR., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Washington, N. C. Office Market Street. edwakdITstkvvart Attonicy-ai-Law.l -Office over Daily News, .Washington. H. C. COLLIN ?1. HARDING attornex-at'-law, """ " HI UU., DUilLIIIIU Rooms 3 and 4. WASHINGTON, n. c: - STEPHEN C. BRAGAVV Attorney and Counselor at-Iaw Washington, N. C. Business Cards ? ? i G. A. PHILLIPS & BRO., FIRE ^ And Plate (Glass ~TN S U R A N C E : For ] FIRE INSURANCE see J- ^nd P. B. MYERS [The J. H. Simmons Marble and Granite Co. MONUMENTS Prices and Work Right. WASWNQTON^N. C. ^ WHITE - BARBER - SHOP The only firm-class white shop in city. I A trial will convince anyone of reu* j onable Judgment. We have 3 chairs, a first -ciaas white barbers. Safifactloai 1 assured. Opposite Postal office. ? - ? I A. fl DKAITCHON, C. MORGAN WILLIAMS INSURANCE Buy Your , HORSES and MULES ' ! froaj T geo. h. hill; Tal

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