LADIES' SUITS T Are specially priced for Saturday's selling Best valuesr Correct styles, fit guaranteed. ? r ? See our line of Holiday Novelties. ? Toy Department Second Floor. J. K. HOYT S VXD THk WW NKlflH. UORS ? Biograph comedy. THE BAD LANDS ? Melodrama. The drawing for the prize for adulti *111 take place at 8.30 o'clock sharp tonight. ) - - My! We Are Proud of Kirschbaum Clothing No custom tuilor has the facilities for the selection of fab rics enjoyed by the_ makers of Kirschbaum Suits. We know that you could not buy any better clothes than Kirscbaum's. ... . ??ti can wear one of their stylish garments frnm $16.00 to $20.00 Come in ana let us prove to you our We are Sole Agents for Kirschbaum Clotiiiuj.' v thp: hu 2 Carloads of f;o- es aiw RECEIVED Tl < AY. Farmers Attending Com judging \r. to Inspect Stock. finest Ever Seen Here. Washington Horse Exck % _ t H A NKSGIVING IS PAST. ,VT .L Christmas Will Soon Be rbre For a holiday Suit you want a FIT Get one from a Real Tailor My clothe ? ear looger, fit better and luok better th? v The pictures at the Gem last night pleased a big crowd of patrons, and the pictures of Colonial Vlrginia'were especially beautiful. Tonight the lucky winner of this week's prize will get the water bottle and glasses houghl from Meekt ew*d Mw drawing will take place promptly at 8:20. By special request the Gold Prospectors will be shown tonight. This is a magnificent hand-colored Western drama with wonderful scen ery. Jones and His New Neighbor Is. a rich Olograph comedy. The Bad Land* melodrama is simply flne. You. can't afford to miss any one of the five flne pictures tonight, so come I along. The Gaiety tonight will no doubt have a large crowd to witness the performance judging by the program the management offers as an Induce ment. The Trappers Is a beautiful handrcolored film. It Is thrilling .and . exciting all the way through. The {Twelfth Juryman is a story of how a man's- conscience saved the life of ad innocent man. This picture alone la worth the price of admission. The last picture, and certainly one of the . moll wUl f ,lh? Hlrl> nil Adventures of a Fountain P 41i. The storr of this picture will Interest and Instruct all who see it! . Good music tonight ?n A ? nrnrr.m ??ll worth the patronage of sit. '?* 1 . Scrub yourselfdaily, younrre not clean inside. This means clean Tea, a thorough cleanser. Try It to w Manufacturer's / . ? ./ Monday, Bee. 6th . . i? Several thousand dollars worth of manufac turer's samples will be on sale at our store, on the above-date, and we invite one and all to be on hand, as it will be the greatest show ing of Fur Fashions ever seen in this city. Prices to make the Fur Fly. ? THE H/CH-ART CLOTH/* RS ^NOW! Is the^Time - To hive jroor Pictures Framed. ? Don't wait 'til Xmas eve. WM. B. HARDING CHILDREN'S Dress and School ShOes \1! the latest shapes in Black, ] Tan, Gyn Metal and Patent with cloth top. Give as atrial. Knight Shoe Co. The Only Er elusive Shoe Store In the City. saying, Man Ought to Have All of his Clothes made to order if he can. But whether the rest of his wardrobe is tailor-made or not ? he MUST, at least, have his Tuxedo made to order. If there is any one^ article of apparel that should be right and genteel in every respect; if there's any one suit that should fit and fit perfectly ? it's a Tuxedo. And you can't get a perfect Tuxedo-fit unless you get a good tailor to supply it. ? ??' 1 The best Tuxedo tailors in the world are . The Royal Tailors of Chicago and New York. Tit- their -great* tailoring- sTuoIltlcs for his health has been known to leave the country for his bealth. THE GAIETY Program Changed Daily [ TONJGHT+ THH THAI'J'KftM?A haml-colored film, witK s""i[g|(i' *>lot. Very exciting. THE TWELFTH JURYMAN ? How m man'* conscience saved ?n Innocent man from being he was Innocent. Thfi Rirthanri Mwrn Of i ; tures of a Fountain Pen i . . L I Follow the Variety In Stock Rations. j Tho cart and attention that are J usually devoted to live stock during Che winter season, when crops are j not on the field, do not need attention, and the fanner baa to be Idle at times. Is considerable When the labor Is | bestowed on the preparation of food-l tor stock, in order to make the ra tions more valuable, and also more highly relished, there is then suffi cient saving io more than pay for the labor, and also to Induce more rapht* ' Increase In the weight of the animals "* or the production of milk and butter. " Every fanner who takes advantage of the labor-saving Implements reduces the cost of his products, and It may fai rlslmnri that new implement* are being Introduced so rapidly that many fanners are not aware of what 1s oo eurrlng, some of the latest being ma chines that almost dispense with hu man agency: Farmers do not- pay suf ficient attention to root crops. It la much easier to grow 10 acres of tur ulps or carrots at the present day. with the air of ?eed drlllj, wheel hose, diggers and woeders, than toxultlrate one . acre a century or a half century ago. Every farmer knows that there tc no winter food superior to cailll for horses and cov?, yet if one farm In a hundred can be found In which carrpta are grown yearly, tn order te provide an unlimited supply, it will be more than the average heretofore, yet hundreds of buahels of carrots can be grown on an acre of land, according to ?oil jwd clr* BJ?#J*ncesL and they^arer valuable for all classes of stock as well as bflng at all times highly relished. NEW 3 CANSFOft ? 16c. Phone 97. ARCHBELL SUPERB SERVICE >ui t>ni> o iv ? iuc. To Baltimore via Chesapeake Steamship Line NEW BAY LINE "COLUMBIA" and "AUGUSTA." Dinl.igrooms on Saloon Decks. Elegant Table D'Hote Dinner 75 c?ciU; Club Breakfast, 25 to 60 cents. Polity attention and the very best service in -very way. We?ollcit criticism of our service. Leave Norfolk, loot of Jackson at., daily except Sunday 6.15 p> m.; arrive Baltimore 7 a. m.. connecting with rail lines for Phita., N. Y., and all points East and West. For all informa tion and reservationa address C. I Chsndler. G. A.; P. R. McMHlln.T. P A.. NorfoH; Va. I SHOES rr IS WITH A FEEL ING OF PLEASURE AND PRIDE THAT WE ANNOUNCE THEAR. RIVAL OF OUR WOM EN'SJFOOTW EAR FOR THE FAI.L AND WIN __ t TER SEASONS. v_/ Oar Shoes srs far superior to the ordinary sort ot shon* that Ma be had at ?T?ry ?toi?. wtiesa -waassa's a uitt are aold. ? . Ther cam* to us direct trots th ?. wi.rksbopa of the * >rld's moat noted makers of Women's Bhoee. Tbure's nr a new atyln teatara la ~~womaa iWMIH IM B?gdsmus fuuKoeai lUat ?IU lie In "?iw duilm ? the coming season- ? ? - ? -7? ? ? ? ? WOMEN'S S. R. FQWLE & SON Sale afthe Bazaar On Mflrlfwf .Q+,.^4 On Sample Udies and Children's Cloaks, Coat Suits i Sweater*. New Arrivals ot Mill Ends am