WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS KnU'rtd M?*:oi>d-clt>?a mAllot August A, 19197 at the pcviouice a" Washington. N . C.. under tho act of March S, 1879. ?? ? PUBLISHED EVEKY AFTEUNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. No. 114 E*st Main Street: J. L. M.YYO. FrtTfor nnrt 1'rrpilrror Tripphnnp No. iliK*. **"" SI US1H1 1'T'oX lj.\ : Ks : One Month > $ 2" Tour? Months i ... Six Months 1.5.' One Year Subscribers debtriin; the na^er *1 li> continued will please nniify tM* v.'.-.?"' on date of osplratliT.. otherwise. :? , will be contained it: r.-r1 'ar subscrip tion rates until noilef i?> -*up i.-; r*; . eivtil. 1! you do not pet Th e Pally -.v..' prompil* telephone or ^ r I ? tilt- il -.?? ' axer. and ll:c- comprint w 15i ijM-. i._* ' Immediate aUvr.fjcn ' u i> <..;r*ile.:t:v 1 to please you. , - WASH INtiTO N . N. t\. bJC.I " _I-Et tiii: news follow. Parties U?av:r.;i town shou! I no! fa!l to l4?t The Ne-vs follow them daily wftll the new,? ft Wasl.;' p.. ton"*"C'resh i and crisp. 11 will prove a valuable' conipanku*'. reading to ym: like a let ter from hon:?>. Thuse r.t the s=-m sliore or mountain* v.-jN f:;id The News a *r.o.'" weleoinc and intereMiuj: rlultor. ~!UV>*T r.r sinvru. All 6rr?. ;ts t"> T' e N r ,r rubltca:;' -i t.: ?; --*x ? s"s:i. *>*? writer. other wj*" t;tey vi'.l t:oi be published. TV?'1.,.\ b4 ni\.,S TO IH> Tins Mt?\ rii. beo:: 2^ I! V i- f rhat- ih .?J"S ] ,.... 0 ??. ?> ? *> n ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ,n. ..<? . u ?r "* an ?"ti*i|S ' :t < ;:.?! t . M.ule. Loo*:' *.v;th rfJV'C* - 1 i :,-.. ,J. ? S;U'-ho??J ? f p . . :i:M 10. Ce< sr;:>< I, nritl r <;ive the i htl \\ S. -.0 r. n pri srr ?"It; rrrl ?V--Ve ? ciid :? v-nr -'??? ur firm. ; roUirinn I ?!< V: '!l'l! 'I.tx I M ? I ?> T 1~ Ill1"' < O T 1 N MAKE.'1 If- .;.. : r: hi* -FVptfr n?..I IVe.l-' ."?> pics v filv whin . shov t'- ? m*.m hi:-k. ?' ?*. < ?>rri nn<!e. 10. & A- - i ti iri vel:.;.r The ga!b> f'-fi : ??;-**??! ??' eorr. r:.r.lf".'l ' Tr^ra vv ?? ?! . This vvW'ej ?rr.niC" t !?.? -v - t;. ? , ? ; si? : ?-s for less ' of profi* ucforllni? *c the f'?!?:.*1 " r,Hh?iry of ? I -as. . ? >5 ihe skill of j tho fei-iier. The avir/ag.- pain per I I- ? j.. ;? i . ? i,' .?? ri". shows fairly fonrl groy/th. Willi j ^?r.nrj hi-jjs well handle!. 5^ eopts " r r:'.,ts h iiound i *> make j?ork with rti 7.? ).UJ'U . r.iade T'l-r-^nt corn ?ill }?-[?. r. : S i o f? cents n j.otii.rl. live ^ . :t )rl! ui'-JiO as fed. , rr;r; m tivi: uim;o\v. Tl.f v.;n?fov. "<H-]?lay of tj.r .[? ffor son f-.rn(t?i?' f':>mjui;,v I* b*in;; n? u:. *sdn"r?il. TV ni^ hat,il',.r .*on;?> a:?rnr';;e irlfi* for Xmas. ? Ml > ''l\ I . \ A ? lie- friv^ii \t-. li.H .?f , the Junior Auxii ary at i ]ir? Rpisropal rec tory day r mm. w,v; v.c!l ' attended . '1 r. . r; v |hOV| int. MMKHKl.t. TO f'llKAf ?l. Rev. J. r; ?l. Summer*?]!. D. D.., forn^rjy 1?? t?r ?r ,i,? Klr>ll fiyihy-l terian Church here. now of- New Bern, will All the ptrtpl* of hf3 old r-harge tomorrow mornlnc and overling. wHlprcach at. th# F^^TtemfTTar^nmTr^rayH ROfirJlf. mornlcg au.l evening. All | are Invited. .... The public is getting tome telling 1 point? on the ralne of tb? Dally Newi J MM adra -jgfooit ffieimanst ? F?r ? gmnbap f^atf^our STRENGTH OUT OF WEAKNESS ??? V + By Edwin Whrtkier Caswc'l, D. D. ?!? ?!? + Text: "Cut of weakness were made strong." ? Hebrews, xi.. 34. ?t + + The one hundred thousand specta tors**i%tues.s:ns the Olympiad ul I .on don were tilled with wonder when they-eaw ? mere boy from New York City, the smallest of -the fifty-five com petitor!?. win the great Marathon race. 'Littleness was bottei'-than bigness; quality than quantity, i That the un seen forces of will. i i/urage. purpose anu faith are mightier than visible \<*re?s was proven When David met iath. when the .fapaccE? defeated, the llussiaiiii. and when John Hayes Von the twenty-six mile rape. . Cor.Sflonsuess" of weakness means preparation. discipline. progress and development. anil thc^ mean victory. Neeewity is called the mother of in vention: therefore if the :o.:r.R mar* i>{ wen ? th fee Is no novCsSty he will fa!l of the greuic.-'t ai-hteypm*. at. Carnekie and lioekifreiler struggled up from the weakness of j uvott/- to the p"nT?:iit cif wealth and :n;li:?n--e. I ['an to, K in and t*ar!y!e fought tiie weakr.e?s of bodily ills, itiil the/ attained the c'.irfiax of Intel* let i j.il a^-atnesR. The handicap o? ' hiindnesli enabled Milton, of Knglttndr Mi'birrn Lund Ma*".;efrsor?. of ScotHTnd. *.o behold visions of *:i;c.Jght and beau v hycatfn their fel'ews. iI.irc'*-*".;b-\ cler'rivatloli?* r.nd great 3 i Hi '??.'.tie* :n. e-.-'-y life l!ft<cii !.;proln icd Grant into n r '?/ ? -r r^.v ? of po t. I'n: tit: - u' i . . i ??? to minds ~ ? j " ::V IV:-. an. where they w?to ir.^pUi-.i ?.;> p?odi*<\? ren pic tures i!:a? h.:v.? .!. 1 -*ht<vr-7tid b!x*?ed K:anJ;!nd iri v.., *:tnd. I' it nor a siiJi'S:-*.' ir ?? i t!:..r ihcre I.- il pathway .T?Hri:ii:s.'5. hst ]>. ? ?! ? x ? "Wiij. r. 1 w.v ?!:. then am sin*, for the ; o-ar of v.'hrlat will c-: upoa .cW.*'. The !irrlr? ch<M ? Ivrnmes ytrortjt* b"e*' ??t; t-?- !t sirvti V. * o-". in hand lo the nrwir. Th.- !* r.oV-r when he tears bl.< i.?r of danger i-nto r.fciy. So the and trended o::l. iha? srrctoi-.vs O'it ili- ...tads of ?;rh l!-:iv. \'y Father lot Is t:n* ,i .f.: :nh ew r'.r*s:lnir arm* and tVl-v in u"-:ob' of foryHrm s? Jo'i it. h:;p* "'. " :;f il ilthtie." be oi* he'.ple^ness? 1K? : ?! ? tl*e law of the >!,-rvi*.;-.l c.: i i '? n;tv ." or that r'h law n.? pr.i .fav ss and yK I ; Ui ? .1. .^..oL pain? It is the Divine Hand leacrag you to greater rlchas. as earthquakes reveal the rocka^ If OihI in nature can produo**-JJm white lily from the black earth and the great tree from the tiny ^rod. He run bring purity out of ain fuict*s. strength out of weakness and heavrn out of hell. IIU power will , rv V *hp soul that trusts In IfTTli to ?-'-ere. '.r,f dan:",' rous hereditary tend ' i:tUuivn;\l environment* ' and ? ttpgprn -tabie difil. uttlpg. ao that you_ *?y buoir.e the author of oppoi-tuni [ties ;-.ml the creator of dreams! ances. und th r:^b JiL,'''6t. like John lirown. ; vou go down to ignormlnious death. ' vv.ir libeity loving soul will go "liwrcbir.g on" through all mlllenni uu*. In blessed companionship with ll'tii v.T.? arc .*e -front" the weakness of th? manger. the cross and the scpul j ? 1.T ? ? to heroine Conqueror and Ruler I Of *!l worlds. ' If v.o put our lJttle erosscs at the i foot of 5!?s Kr?-rit ctoso IJo lift j them u p? urt'l they Li*rowe translig j mod- Into crowna of glory for tv^r r more. % i Fountains of Happiness. i If ho denied for the good of |0'ii?j:s. we ret civc t JSfHnsi'.y more r-thun we bestow; we fll^iuiply our ave , mifs of ruJoynientT weaVr refreshed . :.nd ^l^.'hifvii-d by every stre:?;n and i .Mil <?; bi u.-ii.-m:, Kin'i ortirr ana geu. j iul f? elfn^ that llows frpm our abund ' :;n. e fr trickles froui our mairty rc isoutk'cs: we have as many fountains .'or 1. ;?;?:?>. * s there are hearts and j live.-. : o w|:oV hi?]*pineys we Uii:.*>:t?r. ? ? w ]\'Vjody. Tikirg No Thought. It Is oiu- thv;;? tc-take no thought ! for -want cf tfco'ish:, and another to ? t'jke i!o thought from sufllrinj; | t'-rTig-it, wherse- (lower is confider*?. ? The ore way i-; tliii lovely way of <;??d ' Jn * V? t?*rd:?. the other his lovlier way j In M?" n?.r arid wouion.? George Mac* dosald. Flr.rre*5 Nol Ncc.!ed. r ? ns?.tyr end^ eon f . r wiuir.ff ?: y to ? v. arJ of a<. UottS w .< *T j ihuy i: opportunity of per % 4* ? ? ? "" !."* * Yfjf'p frl f f ^ bjfRttp-' M V ^ W-tf a- Vs? JS?? fi L m \j u >*??. *-? ? ?"&.* \j0 1 Vi'ill be complete mi;! pl.'s^ur-' v.'ili b? adieJ to fho! .occasion if J ou wlirR't us lit! your order. Fresh Cctery, Cranberries, Grapefruit, P!um\ Pudding, F ml', Cake and a fu!! line of ! Canned and Eyaffcratafi Prutis . We have .cngcged turkeys for most of our custom- ', erf, <>fi;: v.-il be giacl to secure ycyj one if .vou w|ili 'phone us. ^ _ 1 Be liberal end give us your account for one month, j A guarantee to please you is at! we can offer. JOS. F. TAYLOE, . ? THE 0 U A LIT V GROCER. 'Phones 123 and 124 Three Deliveries Send Me Your Order Now for i jlout Christ-Tins Whiskey :j \ your hoso - r??ady for :V- tl'iv. I will send you some \ : w: . Whiskey you ever put to your lipr. madi?" -?'1 i-' M.d -;f yo.i v."!:-.?! I will send you some t.r- ?? j rfi c lj:ey are lot**: ';?B te mince pies and cake. Ci!?H .n Rye. 8 ytws, c,M. j**|. . . . . <; jca- s ? M, gal Cuuicnnlner Ml. Iryc. C years <>1(1. ? Jvnojtr Ml. 1?t<*. ?"> yearn old, {,'?(. . . Highsfitre llye,,0 ??ld, gal. . . Oilifii-jl live, :i yrai-r. ??!?!, ??"*! NVInnn /,< urlx'ii, 7 ynrn old, x?l. . . f'omilry < IhIi'n Itlriid, i . < i>m, gut Mountain Corn, ?nl. Hlii \. Apple ftraady, ."> year* oh Olrt \ ii'KinlM Apple brandy, gal. . . . si.no . JM.oo . $I.SO . &1.50 . &1.30 . fri.-r, , . *:*.>? ."$S.OO . . $1.00 ti?iv .CiMioK.ia readV. Send for ft. It is Free. mai i. c/i:o;:i:s out .spin alt v. ?write for CATvr^ofi. FRANK MILLER, Importer n:nt l!e.alfr in Wine* and Liquors, 1201 EAST MAIN STI1KKT, - - - HICHMOM), VA. ?HELP IS OFFERED IVORTHY YOUNG MEN A ND WOMEN. No matter how limited vour I .... ilic GREAT AMERICAN SHORTHAND AND BIJS1 i hlgh.grulit Bi!?in?i?Su?itlo!r,TtI7oNrY^Bllrn^TrCoI^^lfrTh? In*. prrsUfed ovrr bjr ?n Incorporated Accountant >n<) Auditor. A JfMthn, ill 1 t-kk&zzr- t, The Homesite Beautiful ? Come Eets "go to Washington Park by the Pamlico. Swamp and highland Farms ' For ^ -?? A Y. Washington^ Nr C. | I .con Wood Mf'.MB&RS N, \i COTTO^EX CHANGE Jaircs W". J. LEON WOOD & CO., ' BANKERS and BROKERS r STOCKS. riONDS. COTTON, GRAIN and PROyiSlONS. 7i PLl'ME STIlEr.T. CARPENTER BflLDlVG, NOSFOI.K, VA. t'nvato Wires'to N. V. S'tfck Exchange. N. V. Cotton Ex-chan^c, Chicago iioarJ o? Trade and other Financial Centers. ! correspondcr.rc respectfully solicited, Investment Jind Marg:nal accounts givt |. REAL -ESTATE WANTED ! ! ! I have moved to Washington, N. C., from Van tato business for more than thirty years, and will engage in the same in Washington, N. C. "Twant farms and other lands for sale. If you want to s^ll your fnrni or lands see me or 'phone W. ft?. KEM. ?V>"scl:fceton,':X. C. Office w iih-C. Barker, Havens-Smali-ButMmg. 'Phone 85. NORFOLK k SOUTHERN ? ' RAILWAY ? j:i:. r llAr.IJY K. WOLIOT nml II. Krr.lJ. Kvveix vtC i 'M i?N rfKKYU t JtiiTWLK*! .? ........ .... .i- m/hijvHT i a i.i. vhikjs j S!t.r?\ M IM il f'AKOLIN A\t.? \ I.\ VO ALL i kas: ? "; ; <*:'vii:s, sniv.iiv'i.!: IS* : si:i t. isr. ? t * . ' TUA1NS l.liAVif Y.'JTSIIIXGTOX .. ? ! ' c::piii:hs: "' ' in " . r . 'ii.ii'.. (y- ;,T.ir>:r^3 r ' pi y. Klcr.lon. Elir. ! _ ' 'I CT". ' r T7.-'njt_w!-:i lTV.'i North. p-n_ a:iff Tfil, 't .\r: .<e*y ? " ; C " 1*. c-r.r.e iIi>R rc -Ma^U.-ys for Dclliawn ' LV? i*. V. . ? Sj^?* S-:.nJr.y,' fc: !!.;< t-^y* F^-ry anil Intermediate , I T J-. A. ? !? r-- Cr frv!T!t?, Fara^lto. V.*::.;. Ual^I^h and intor | n:?- >??.?; . Ivalolg^ 1 1.^:7 A._ M._ Couneets at Wilson j ffiij One .? V. :u? a! i'. !- ? J .".til ?. ? . . <*vv. i S.:,.^y f?i* Or njriUo. ! r mt :r*v Wilson, Ital i r>.h a:: I ? ?"? 1: mc fn '.ions'. !> M. Connects \ j i'A Far*v.v:!i ? ?* . C- l olltia It. it. f? in:*. poll;!:' N-'itl) uf.*l Sojlh. j J A. y ?' p* :^ui.uay for y.'.v; L.::*::. I I t5 rj. . M . esc;'". u ? --i ay fvr v ? Rorsi, *?.*oreiip?.J City. Beaufort j j M>fJ -'T'l.t ; i.-t> at N'-.v Rem at 7.3a 2"*. M. (daily) i O. c ::\'l In " ? CuRt;^< '.Jj'al Xcv. Dcrli at 6-15 j Li?ii >? ? ? ui , -.n T i-i v.' * u:;liy .jt%- :n,l:.r for P i:*o\rn, !le)hr?.vcii and inturmcdjatc ' 5. r f.: t jsavtU ;! % or.-ulf Nor'--'. . ,v sos?t! t-r:; llailv:sy foldor, or '-I V. i',. M; . "i" '.c: A???.?at. - ? I ' ' ' \Y. V.. <'i:(i\TOX. A. (i. P. A. K. T. I.A55!t, Cl:X. >:(.!!.. XI1RKH1.K. VA. * * ? ?. - - ~ "* ' ' ' ? - -? -? ???' .< - i s:* EAST CAROL!?.' A tt Teachers' Training School J ^ ?>>. i.? ar.I women wlio wish (o quj'ify themselves for the profession >?> 5* of ? CaUtiiUK& an J equipment iww modern. Sttoj- i"5 iil^'^PsrtsSlL ? ? y fc~ Mo::cy -saved Is money made! A Welsbach Junior Lamp burns 2 feel of Gas per hour. pives 50 Candle Power of Light, where an opc:; tip burns 6 feet of Gas and gives 20Candle Pow er. How much do you save? WASHINGTON LIGHT & WATER COMPANY W.'. 3ba:u j j l ? ? ? BUSINESSES QPPORl \Jl * ul\ 1 i RATE, 1 cent per word. Climate si* words to IhaJUne, and 'Nulun lu.maiu Mtih i n.i, tn ?H? mav iu? received at thir office. j To insure prompt attention ail ndv?r 1 1 mo in.i* ix should b<? in businc&s oitlcc 1 by 12.45 m. Ads', by messenger, tele phone or mail qiven careful attention. I T It FASHIONS AT CLARK'S DK-j j ccmber-Ctb. "t ' htkxograFhek isii t yImc writer." Let me write your letters. | Miss Boulr.h Tbomason Chambor. of Commerce. | Ki lts, Fl its. IT1W. SPECIALLY L priced, at J. K. Hoyi's. TEliKURAFH CLASS, STARTS JAN-' uary 1st. Excellent opportunity, j For particulars call at Western i trnlOn--Telegraph Office, or write | j \V. S. Green. CUiAR SALESMAN-? I.N" YOf It LO | cality to. .represent us. Experience* ??HOfcgflary.'*>M * n per nnwttt (inn j expenses. Write u& for particular*. .Monarch Cigar Co.. St. Louie. ..TIIKKK WILL UK ALL KINDS OF * most delicious home-made sv.eetu at reasonable prices to hq had at, 4- Lkt* B?za.1r of the Woman's Bettcr [ ment Aecociatlon tonight at tha i school building. MA\rFAcmTw:s' iut s"iIi:, dk. eilu- .fuu? Uliflk Ci^T *n si kf;*; ? \yt> - r)TMi:it <]< mi) I * things on- sale at iht? 9ar.ii a r to night at sthocl building. SAMPLK LIXK OF FI RS ON KVLK Saturday .z:.l Monday ct j, k. 'Hoyi's. A FINK -?.H SICAL TREAT TO ^ . ."'.Th; at scj'.oo' i?t;i1u;nfl i.?i rci::iw* I ilcin! :th \V.r. Fnzsnr. !t 13 free. i xt>T;cfs ? j>^!ALl :?<?: missin'g containing eyo ?la? ?? i nd frnme.'. I H'.'crr.I rc-v;-.\fC y. ::i |,c r.i\ . *<t,*n ! ro'u'ncd t?> nr. "I. v.*. C?.jier, c. r Li:.'IfL.VV i l' L \!>1KS* Jurfc-v Uo htir^ ?? :d w r,;r lino be a\;i \y%* XM^.i J rtocU Oil displuv Tir'/Zy, D?!'CTi j lxr .Ui. iUor* next to Singer J Offic?. Utli Jto JcT.olo \\<>Nl>FliF!'l? VALVES I\ AT Jas. E. Cl??! I; Co.. December cTh. ) CHI Lint i:\fe H II STTTS. *\T J. K. Hoy fa. ^ ($> VOTICK. Because of cold weather end prln iii illi' Iiiiimi 1 ? it* ? mnjuPtiy hi nut. f?-. tafl customers t:.S:o ice only every other dsy, we will after December ?i ?. U " send cut our wag9:i only (Tn Mondays. Wednesdays, Fridays and j Saturdays through the winter sea-' j son.- Yours truly. CRYSTAL lCFW^ L _ Rale contained In a certain nio^^. j deed, executed fcr- i*anme!"",lr 1J?5 | Horse Exchange Co., -a corporation, on March 6, 1900. which la duly re corded In the office of the Register of !)eeds of Dean fort county. In hook 129. pape 457, I will 6ell at public auction for cash to the highest bid der at the court house doox on .Mon day, the Cth day of December, 1909, at. 12'm., all that tract of land in Longacre "township, Beaufort county, situated on the north side of Pamlico River, bounded on the east by the lands of Jarvls B. AlUgcod. on the west Uy .the land now occupied by Mrs. Prfrry, a uart j>t which was formerly tho Rcscoe land, bounded r on the couth by Pamlico River. Be ' ing the identical land described In a aeca tn unaw. A'.i'rr^^a tft }>artiP9 w th^ first part, recorded In book 126. page 5?J. 'register of deeds ofllce, Beaufort county, rcfercnco Is mude to <l>-^ci fur hriU'i iluiuiytluH, av * the various -deeds therein referred to. This November U, 1909. WASHINGTON HORSE EXCHANGE NORWOOD L.' LTWMONS. Asslfcueo and Owner of Dafrt. H>w!e Memorial Hospital FOR GENERAL SURGICAL and NON-CONTAGIOUS MEDICAL CASES RATES ' Private Rooms, $15 to 25 per wrak. ? j' ? Wards, largg and airy, $10 per week. ? ? Address, Miss JULIA A. SMITH, " Supt. of Nura??. Professional Column SPECIALISTS W. C APfBR, M. D. Practice Limited to Diseases of the* Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat. Hours: 9-12 A. M. Cor. Main and t ?Pi H TMU.'NbiHt. W.'C. Dr; I. J&. Hardy ^ PRACTICING PHYSIC FAN SURGEON Washington, jirfc. ? . OR. H. SNELL Dentist. Office corner of Main and Respass Streets. Phone 100 Washington, N. C. ATTORNEYS H. S. WARD JUNIUS D. GRIMES WARD & GRIMES ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW Washington, N. C. We practice in the Courts of |he First Judicial District, and the ? Federal Courts. * John H. Small, A.^D. MacLean. Harry McMulian; SMALL, MACLEAN & Mc MULL AN ATTORNEYS- AT-LAW - ATTORNtv^T-LAW ' -iVpshington, North C.irolhi i. t'ljcticfs in all the Com .s. iVm. I!. Itniluiair. vvii.-y !?. RODMAN & RODM AN ?' AttorneySf-at-L.-.w v Washing.o n. N. C. | V . M. iJOXD. F. den ton. X. C. NORWOUO !:. SIMMONS ! *BOND & SIMMONS >.fORNrvs.\T-t,\W Waliinsjon. North Carolina. Practice in ail Coui ts. W. L. Vaj-haa W A. Thompson ; VAVGH^N & TBOjiPSON AT TjDi<Xi:vs. AT-LAW Wasaim^on and Aurora. N. C. Frantic* in all the courts. H. C. CARTER, JR., ATTORNEY- AT-LAVy. WasfiingtoiTTN. C. ? Office Market Street. ? i- nVVARD, 1? SlfcWAItT ~ ! Attorney -at-Law A ~~+ ?* Office over Daily News, Washington. M. r COLLIN H. HARDING ATTORNEY- AT-LAW. Rooms 3 and 4. 1^-fcWASHfNGTON. N. Q Washington, N. C. Business Cards G. A. ^PHILLIPS & BRO., FIRE And Plate JGIass For i , FIRE INSURANCE J. and V. B. MYERS The J. H. Simmbns Marble and Granite Co. MONUMENT'S Prtccs and Wor * Rijjhf. WASHINGTON. N. O. WHITE - BARBER - SHOP ije only first -claw white shop in city. A trial will convince anyone of reas onable judgment. We have 3 chairs, S llrst-cias* white barbers. Satifactlon ? assured. Opposite Postal office. A A. B. DRAUGHON, ?rop. 1 C. MORGAN WILLIAMS INSURANCE of all Itlnds. Buy Your N HORSES and MULES 8

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