NOTlC'b vi- BAtEr or xorw amp ? ? Fursuant to power vested in me, 1 ! ? will, on ihs Munilay. r*m eutb < ? t ) > , - day of December, I909,*i?irer for sale to t^d highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door In Washington, N. G.. at twelve o'c lock, noon, a certain note toe three riuutired Itlfiy dollars ^ecuted by Ernest SprueH to , Braptt^B. Hooker, dated February 6. ^1908, maturing aa follows: Ope i hundred dollars on December ? 1, *1908, and. each year thereafter the sum of fifty-seven dollars and fifty cents until the full sum ut three hun dred and thirty" dollars is paid? "be ar Ing interest from date at six per cent per annum: No payments have, been jnade ort said note: Together 'with the security for the payment of said note, consisting of a mortgage oh cer tain real OBtabe 'lying in Richland township, cofinty of 'Beaufort, State of North- Carolina, adjoining the ? lands of H- B. 'Bell, Tbos. Coffee, Sol omon Jordan and others, .and begln ? Him Ul H. P. El'H'j hai'R Hi'ur, -ttrcnee south nineteen and a half west 10.38 cl!ffins to tho end of a ditch i thence norm ^jghty-tbreo west fi.10 ebalnV with a ditch, -then north nineteen and a half east to eald Bell's lino ditch, then -with -spl^d ditch to the begin ning, containing eight and a quarter acres, q^ore or less: It being the land described in the mortg;vge referred to ?" above, which is executed by Ernest j? ' SprueH and- rrife Deby Rpruellr-dated Ctti day cf February, 1908, and re corded in tlio office cf the register ol dectf*r-for Beau fort j ?44 a.^pagft-S^- ? The note and racrt'gftge h^r/*by ad vertised is the taine deposited and 'hypothecated by F. B. KooUcr as se curity for tho payment of his r.ote to Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company; dated February ? 1 1 , IPCS, I'.ud due November 1., 1908, default In pay ment of which lias been made. yhia 1 ulh day of Mo vftinhar, lr.lii'l . VI RO I NI A-Cn*LI N A CHEMICAL COMPANY. ' STEPHEN C. BR AG AW, "Attorney _ xo-'floB <^r , | l>y virtue of tho power c* sale contained in a certain mortgage from Sylvester Boyd to O. Kuialcy, dated March 30, 10D8, and -record in the.DfTi^ of the Rc^lst^ oFTJeedS or Beau-fort county, in bo-jk 1 r? at j page *15, I v.'ill cn Tu?.r*ry, thi ?4th j day of December, 1909, at the court] houee door of Beaufort cojMy, at 1 o'dock, ciiddA^. offer for sal/* at pub lic -auctloh, ? and for caih that tract! of land in Washington township, on i the eant side of the road leading from Corey's to the main road, and adjoin- j l:ig the laiijjs <?f W. H. SianciU and I others, beinj* tne game laud described In the KauI_montgage aforesaid. ^ 1 ? This the I3tli day of November. ] 1909. O. RUM LEV, ^ortgagee. { By~XVlleyC. Rodman, /VRewrny.- ? j * FOR FKV ERlSflXriSi* and ACIII.VGi Whether from Malarious .condition*. Coldp or overheating, try Hicks' Cap-?. _udlne. It_reduces_the fever and re ?Jtleve* the aching. It's I'.^uld ? 10, 26 and EC cents at dru7 stores. MORTGAGE.' The Wise Man Insures. L_^'_ The Foolish Man Does Not. } Ah R YOU WISE? q ? lomorrow WM. BRAGAW & CO., ? First Insurance Agent* in Washington, N. C. ? lie has already been to " our stdre, and trans formed its appearance, ? p u ttin g"i n the s h o w win dow many articles suit "abie tor gins. ~ Eventually you'll titty, 'why not now? We have what you de -ftire ? beyond argument, ior you the best itutiic way of Holiday Remem brances. _L - GUT GLASS, FAI CHINA, SILVER and BRASS -Easy to make selectioiw hel-e.^Ctitl enrly BE Are You Carrying Enough Insurance? Mr. Merchant and Mr. Property Owner?- ? You had better attend to this at once. Fires are numerous during" the. holidays. t . 1 ? Protection is cheap. C.D.PARKER, General Insafance ? Four Years' Experience. . Havens-Small Building. 'Phone 85. JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of choice hand i nitrkpd Mir hi era n and lima Rpant1 picked Michigan and Lima Beansj Please send us your orders."" R. R. MIXON & co THE WELD J _ __ Pci?FFi t Look at the number cf wires ik;uju> vi cletso tiicy ara^ ifot makes it strong and tight tile thicks can't get through tig. stock can't break it Does nwa7 v.'jth nil wire netting " Also weighty, ugly construction -The "Pittsburgh Pcrfect" Poultry end Garden fence serves every possible pnrposa Jessy to put.up a;*l stays put. Its construction makes it srji-adaptieg to all un evenftess of ground and all weather changes. REGULAR ? Top tail Bottom wires No. 10. r i^or* Nc. 13. riSAVY? Tcp-aad Bottom rrirw No. 9, HEIGHTS? 3U, 40, 52 r r.d 58 - -yii7?u? SH psw^cr- .fw- *-4. jrtrU* I. H Harris Piling & Supply Co. At every contact point the wires are welded and the v/cld is as strong as die wire. rFhe strongest, neatest construction ever put into a fence. All projections, roughness cud irregularities cc No-Avraps, twists, ties or clamps to crack gal vanizing, cause nut and make it bunglesorne. I TOWH =& .* JALK Mrs* F. "L. Potta, of Spartanburg, 0., was the gueat of Mr. and Mr*. Z. M. Potts last night and left this, 'morning for Taxboro where she will I ? ? t j Mr. G.sFlneman spent-yesterday In ithe city on business and left on the afternoon train ?or M^w Be'ru. m m. . j Miss Florida Wilkinson and Miss] Fanny Stewart left yesterday after-] Jnoon to spend several days with Miss I lona. Hays In Chocowlnity. , , Mr._ W. C. Waddill arrived yester day afternoon for a f^w days stay in the clty~on business. *? ? ? Mr. Charles Penlck arrived In the [city last night for a Bhort stay. ' Hoy. H. B. Scar' gilt lc[i I lls atfo. ? ' I noon for 'New Bern, where he will ] preach in the Presbyterian Church toj morrow. . ? -? Mr. W. E. '.foilos returned this. | morning from an out of town bus!- 1 | ness trip. . A ' I ? tttis Maude ^frCleos nrrlvpfl tiiTn! morning from Nov/ Bert: &:id'*ili spend next week in the uty. s ? ? i - i 3% N. gT Summ 'roil arrived j today from Now Bern and will ft'.l [ the pulpit at the First Presbyterian ' Church tomorrow. - | ? ? | If you want to have a. [treat- ,':o to j "the G<j:n tonight and tal.- all il:e chll-j Jdre;t with you, for the bountiful Bibli cal drama; The Star yt BeihTeherihj In chfurn in i I -> ri.^H|rt-,|' young as well as old. * Thin is one of j Uhe finest films ever.- shown he?c. the] : 3C.vj:eri and acting cannot be Im-j i proved upon, and' it hand-colored. | i The two cle^gr c omedies and oil: or j iv.yo.lir.e dramas "will bo enjoyed by J If. 1 17" On uexb-Friday -night tlu? Gear ( will give two pi4aos, a beautiful' ' rs*e **0 "t hf hjeky Indy ard a handsome sterling silver -clothes brush to the gentleman. both purchased fro:n'U>e slur" of A. (J. Sir.Hhcr. Be sure to tome tonight.] The priza,lart night was won Ly^l | Ab Thomas. SPECIAL .Ml" Kit* Tn\LfiHT. The attendance at . the V."b man's ! 3eterment A&oclation bazaar last night waa not as largo as It deserve-l to be. but a neat sum was cleared and tonight the crowd w ill -no doubt be much largor. Orders for ex ke~ f??i.*U:ay will ' be taken' today, and [ 'plenty of cake and < ream. and other good things willlnren sale tonight, a new lot of fano^ articles will be placed on sale tonight, as most on view wefe sold lasL night. Don't fail to vlsi.t the canuy booth, there wlil be If in Hi; ,xt mnvt home-made sweety at" prices. At 9 o'clock a fine musical treat will be given by Miss Bonner and Mr. Belts iu the auditorium, free of, r (iMHTtnv lin-novivi. : The many friends of Mrs. E. \V.-A. TTortanl- *111 be glad-ttr team her condition 13 somewhat Improved today after many weeks of illness. J"ITY MARKET. Eggs: .*T. 25c Chickens, grown 25 to 30< Spring chickens 10 to 25c Green salted hides 9c Green hides 8c Mixed wool IS to 20e Tallow 3 l-1o Wool, free from burra * 4 .20c Sheerllnga 5 to fo'c ' Lambskin 25 to'40o Seed cotton ........5.50 Lint cotton . . ; * 14c. HOLLISTER'o Reeky Mountain Tsa Kuggeta A Busj Medicine for Bury People. Got <ien Health 1*4 Rtuntd Vioor. jm>4 Ba< kache. ItfeHocky KountalnTr&lu tnb ?et fortn.a6 c??hm ? bo*. Oehulne made by IIoUO-tteb Dklo COXPAmr, MmdiKon, Wit. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE ' Follow the merry crowd to the dklety tonight, you will see a magnl [ffceut lot 'Of pictures. ? Ttio~ Olograph I picture. T5isi-J' Loter. or 1 Warn '.My Hat, is simply fceh from stsrt to finish. You all know these Biograph actors. A New Life is taken from Vlctof Hugo's great booU Ltl8 Aitscr jubles, 'audoglves the Btorpr of Joan'Val Jean. . The Senori'ta is a beautiful r Mexican -drama: You can't afford to miss inis program. one of the finest ever put on in thU town. -.t. I-AHAS PKOlKST.WT KWSCOI'JJj lIllSltlH, fOJUJllKU. 1 There will be divine gdrvicei In S:. Paul's P. E. Church at 11 a. iu.. j arotn'rr: prayer, eerutcn. and celebra-i tlpn,of the holy communion. Sunday j .?iehool at 3 p. m.; meeting of the con-j ttrniatlon 3:30 p. m. The Kt. j llbv. Kobei4r Stranper&r D.. hlsliop or j the diocese of Eastern Carolina, \s* 1 1 ! J m&ke his annual visitation to' S!?; Paul's at ^:30 j>. in., ;? and ad- 1 minister the lite of confirmation. All I are welcomed to these sei-'rlces anil especially At the vb-tir.tion of iho) bishop. ReVi. Wei. T. Wood, priest In j charge. - ? ? i He Was Under Oath. Thf? tate Protospor Rowland, ol | Johns Hopkins University; was the .must eminent physicist since the days < of Joseph Henry. Among his notable j achievements In the realm of pure j science was t'ac calculation of the mechanical equivatast of heat and "j:a | uaa of grating* In speoiriH?-^ia??f*ls. j for which purpose he deviled a^gia china- -th'at could cut 40,0(K) linc3 to the inch on a p1p-?q of sfi:-:>-l:.-il metal. : In the practical application of hi-i : knowledge he was noted r.3 the ln v?TO>r ~oT the multiplex telegraph paratus. Some yc^rs ago, twtli'jisj In a 1 case involving the Cataract Power Cotnfrnny. in answer to a question oj ? cross examination as to whom, in Ul; opinion, wass the greatest Aunjricat . scientist, he replied, "I am." After leaving the courtroom one of the lawyers ventured to criticise tills i n"T"'"r *??. f-Trr-l ??rs.>ii H-f i-v ' whereupon Rowland exclaimed: ? '"Well. wi;:tt e!*e could I soy I I Wartn'h I -Xc"* Yerli ' Giclic. > Asrsrssttte Prsgrtox Althcni;!: r.r; , or f" :r ; en s like the Wi ;'jI***.ivo*.I;ers L. r-.-i.-y j Farm an. w jr.i prattle-*.;!/ de- ; monsU alvJ the ac-^ib:i:tv of ntt.n ,;r| night with aeroplanes. the Fnvcn'.ors I of such -iracfcices putting out a j great variety cf "designs. which com mand much serious atum ? At tug ' Aeronautical Csnos>lt!on In Paris a 1 dozen or more type* of these ma chiaes. Including" . ui the V.' rights Farm an and j"";l~srar.'u ?. were d-s played, together v-uh largii nu.j.Lct of mecoplav c? ? r.oifl!-'. Screws. "Trait other apparatus intended for use is aviation. From tlio quantity of the^c things,, the JngenuUy and finish 'thbwi_J lu th:ir making, and ihv interesfe-tba*. they excited, cr.e might derlvh the tepre&rlon thr.t tV? f^r.itufncture. o: Cylng-machiac3 ia faircady an caul limned IfcdiiFtrr Cleanliness is the first law of health. :l!< r.jn.lJ* ! ,y Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea be your. Internal cleanser, then your organ*. .Kill be pure kdiI ( loan, your I he?Uh good, your bystom right. S;art I tonight. Hzrdv's If true friendship plays any parti when you have purchased your! Christmas presents a<jd on your way! kaxer'sSTiluto you will And you have made a mistake if your| friend hadn't rather have a nicv~pho tograph of yourself thau anything! e?*e you eould Imagine thee 1 would think he is aot wo; tiiy,to be tfatled-l your friend. Baker s Studio. $25.00 REWARD Lost, taken lfr mistake, or left In i nemo stdre about a roou:h pgo. one small brown le.iih?r sample cape J about 18 Inches long by 12 Jnchetl high. Case had an I. C. M. A. tag ! on It with tho-name cf It. E. Staph- j 1 lh" - ? "11 in- ' j 1 j above reward will bo paid for aqy in- j format on leading to, recovery, of; s^me. Hotel I^ouise. * 7 j -? - ? NEW ARRIVALS IN ? ? ? > ' Webber^hoes 53.00, $3.50 and $k.00 IS TAW IWTKXl LttATIfKlt. Vi?'l ?*I?K <il ^ MUl" II* ALL, dlMKAXTKED Spencer Bros. I i ? . I'.OIl IIKAHAClih)? Hick's C;i| iHlin< wiigiliirr from Coles, Heel. Stou, ~6t Nttfvoui i rouhley, Ca;m Jin will rejie\-e you. USi liquid? ;doa* ant to ta;:e?u?i>? ixcmedirt'ely. Try it. 25c. ht.d at drus uteres coixi) voir ttiiXK or \ ? i RfcTfEir ? | CHRISTMAS * - ~ PRESENT | I For your family th:m to J IIAVK VOUIl IIOVSE WIRED? THmU; iwnv |f ?o?M |h'1|> tlifiu ?II ? no mntHiox, m? h?iii|?*r~no-. 1 tnitherr (UlTlis |||I. Dwrlmato* ' Kindly Klven. ? . ? WASHINGTON j- ELECTRIC PLAiiJ. i Xmas Goods * ^ Latent and ::iorI ;.vr,i:l?i(r line of holiday llo.v and Xct<? Paper how ou display. Also a wclect line <;f . Toilet Srts, Cim;l).s and ^tnslnvs. | Ccine and take u look, ~ * ? I WASHINGTON DRtflTXOMPANT 50 Barrels Apples JTust received. ' Going at"35~cfs. per peck. Nice Fioridn OraTrpcs^Jfr - and 25 per dozen. At RHODES' " 'Pliuiiu 180 1 rw? i Walk or Ride. II Talk Over . a , The Teleohone. Vou can havon ToVphnm Mil in your house la the city or at your farm at a very par.sln^fy low* cost, :* ? i 'J save many a Ion;; drive nn<i | er Iiar?H a life hy hclng >11 ilircf-t and inv'-m:.nif rr- ]. \\ hh you it Doctor. ( chant nnd U?-r?k. r. ?C iVcathcr rcporlb and n* ?r I' ?:ctq c'o Cations c.:n Ims icctircd daily. Tntc.\.sleif parftes 'iw re quested to communicate with Mr. D,W. Bell, M'g'i CAROLINA TEL. AND ILL. CO., . Washington, N. C. This proposition will inter est you. and it would be well to investigate before ihe ap proach of the cold Winter 1 1 months. iii Li==E-OE=!l! . ? 2ra?sZ Now is the time to . iSecure-your Christ mas antfalso holiday needs. tte iViil liuv c i!i Arrive TuesdayXp!! iinecar riages, wagons, in>. velocipedes. See my l.nt- lir y in;; _ H. G. SPARROW, The IXotre of Santa Clau*. CARGO OF SALT Just Received H. M. JENKINS CO., Wholesale Grocers. THE UNION GROCERY CP'S. CAFE AV?TP P C served "? all styles by tlie NSTea \J I O 1 LIVO Chef ? RICARD BONNER. MEALS AT ALL HOURS ORPER3 RECEIVE fROVr 1 A I lKMIUN-'l KV 'IK""* 'PHONE 327. LOOKING - DIRECTLY = INTO - YOUR - HOME V; - ?_ % I- '? - Studying your every need, spending our time and valuable experience in your behalf, making prices for our competitors^ and creating satisfaction among our ^ J fj: customers, seems sufficient for eur part- Such treatment causes thousands of new"" . ; < customers to be added to our friendship list yearly. Are you our friend, and are you taking ad vantage of the opportunity we offer yoj^jn buying Pictures , Japanese China, Fancy China Sets and Vases and such other household necessities as you may need from us? We are the leaders in holiday gifts. Nothing cunipulsuiy, nu demands? simply a money proposition. ? A dollar saved is a dollar made: If your neighbor makes money trading with us, why not you try us next and be your own iudcre? itofllg and

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