The One Thing Thfltl * ? * \x?iv k nine & nixi 1 1 BRINGS JOY To alt the household, 5!g and little, old and young, is an EW.VLW PHOMMiRAPtt with a .election of Edison Ambecol records. The best Xmas present is something all can enjoy. All can and do en joy th? Kdiion Phonograph. We are just in receipt of the new [V.-conter records. Come end Att-m the very latest mu sic atiu g.-t terms and prices. KUSS BROS. 1 HI IMC TL RI. FRW1EKS The Gem Theater 1 STAR or imwtKltHM ? Biblical j -tfmnmi 1 m:\vAr.K or i.\ u. companions, Drama. L.fttllY TH Kl.lMlT FOR DFIVlL-j TltV ? Comedy. lU'ltOLAK Cll'liv -O;!*? of the be?t lot comedy drarcns. j <1LI? Al\T HANNAH'S ('AT Find | comedy. r \?'\t rrhluy tiiul'-l the (ieill will give ?aujiy two prizo. a beautiful hatul J painted China vaw a? l.ady'sf prize. a jSifrliiiK Sll\XT--Cio?l?f? Ilrusli as tl?e| I Centleman'tt prize. TIh-w beautiful] 'article* wm* purchased from the |c?. Smither stock. !vly! We Are Proud of Kirschbaum Clothing u n _ ' No custom tailor __ i 0 has the facilities for fte iL. the selection of fab il' ili? "cs enjoyed by the %f. r Vv. f1 ||IJ makers of l?lr!wni -Wlfm'W Kirschbaum I lliL ifjl 'fl liillllffli w i ' H-W "sim5^ Wj If 1 >> uMM We know that you M1 'J; ' * MUj could net buy any - ? ? jjJL- better clothes than MW Kirscboum's. can wear one of their stylish garments from Come in and let us prove to you our statement. V.'e are Sole Agents for Kirschbaum Clothing. 1 Carloads of Hotses and Mules RECEIVED TUESDAY, NOV. 9 Farmers Attending Corn Judging invited t(T ^!TSpeCf St(TCk. ?f finest Ever Seen Hore: Washington Horse i HANKSGIV1XG !ri -> T. , _b Christmas Will Sr.'., k : cre For a holiday Suit, you want a I I 1 Get one from a Rea4 Tailor. M> cloth- .t ? ear " longer, fit better and look better cus tom-made garments. KB. GOLDSTEINS We carry a complete line of Standard Watches 'js well as everything . else to be found in an up= to-date Jewelry Store. Repairing a specialty. R.I.. STEWART, JRVVELRR. ?Vatch Inspector for the N. & S. Railway. SAVINGS AND TRUST BUILDIN? STATE NEWS I'oinleuM'il lloius of Interest LlapJ | poning I II r'Mi j. |, out the State? I Deputy "Sheriff's WeaTEerly," .Crufch field ami Shaw returned yesterday aftcr;:oon from Rock Cfeeft town-hip, when? they siu ? wuod in capthnng an illicit distilling plant,- together with all the paraphernalia. The officers I 3rouKht Sam incite, the man. upon whose land this distillery wan being operated, and who is charged with being implicated in the running of this t IStrtt 'rt:*tilh'ry. ?The other par ties who are supposed to be intereste ed in the running of the still escaped and the officers were unable to locate them. The officers left the city yes terday morning about 2 o'clock and droVo about nine 'hiiles, wh&xe they hitched their horses and \Valked near ly' i wo mites further through the country to where the still was locat ed Then* was no one at the plnco at-tha time Uic_ufittU2ra_arriYeU, about day. They then went to the Ingle house, situated about 20tTTards from the place, and arrested him. ? Greens boro News. On the first cruise of the winter season, the revenue cutter Seminole, in charge of the new commanding offlrer, Capt. Crisp, left yesterday for a voyage. of a few days along the North Carolina coast. This will be the first of th<? periodical cruises fnom December 1st to the last 01 April. The schooner Maria Palmer has been reported in distress in Cape Look out Light, leaking rapidly and in dangpr of sinking and the cutter will probably go to her assistance if found necessary. It was reported" thit^ she was filling up at the rate of four inches an hour and that a tug whicju ttuiii ta tha wrecked atoaiuor ster had taken Ter in tow for'savan nah. The cutter will be &6ne until Friday. ? Wilmington Bta^ This morning1 ltr<Connor -fiercer ws^ found dead in his bed at the hom</ of his sister. Miss Kate Mercer. For some time this young man had been in bad health, but his end came suddenly. For a number of years the deceased was an. employe in the Times office and- he executed his du ties to the best of his ability, a few days ago his Tailing health compelled him to give up his work in this office. ? Wilson Times. A population of 29.087 is given I Greater AsheviJIe by the 1909 city di -rectory. which Is being issued by the : Piednoat Directory Company, of this city. The new book contains the names of 11.995 persons, excluslve^of dren and Arms, a^id the estimate of population is reechVd by multiplying this iH+mber by S 1-2. The multiple is considered a very* conservative one, many directory publishers using 3 or even :! 1-2. The estimate includes Aski>vilie proper, Afhevllle. Victoria. Rilttnore. vrtiSlsey aiid Bingham Heights, but as* the dlrcc tory? eensus was closed two months ago oncTthe multiple used is less than ihe average -t is considered probable that tho population of Ashevllle ? 1 1 1 " . ' ::<> 'h " 1'hn mi-. ?Joiuit refills to bo taken jiert year! will, of course. conclusively decide, TH p~?j "e?f T Ati . ? A slfe v ITIq~7*j ?Tz? P pynf. j. 1), Horrto. Kvjtrr'-btfn his' xchool. who \ . jvtrtp'l of iranslatigMer and sentenced [to fc.'.r v?*irn 111 the nfrr.ltontinrv nftor i?cn!; tried at Warronton In Septem ber en the charge of having shot and i k Llloi! V.'. A Thompson, editor of the pVarrenton Virginian, is to have a piftiYUriai. In '.he Supreme court of I Appeals in Richmond Tuesday Attor ] ney fler.'',ral Anrlerron confessed er ] ror in the recent trial and tho court reversed the decision of the Circuit court of Fenquler county and grant ed a new trial. ? Dally Record. T . red , cold and fagged out, Joel |, the negro who "blfTed" Will 1 Israel, also of color, last Sunday night on South Tryon street, was ar rested late yesterday afternoon near Newell by Constable J. E. Garrison. At the time of the scrap, Israel was walking along with Stegall's wife, t which was the casus belli. Stegall j In a fit of temporary Insanity brought on by jealous rage hit Israel across I the head several times with a fonce [rail, fracturing his skull to such an 9 There is a Reason tfhy ercry home should liavo \irk'.i (,Y(,up ami Pncumonlii -*ntr^Tra/iy. h nip* m m? l?ud Cold*, (.'roup, Pneumonia, . etc.. beside* bemt salve Of a(l. It will save suffering, expense and regret*. 23c, .TOc ami $ I.OO Jars. All druggists. ? Manufactu rer's ? < ^ ' T Monday, Dec. 6th Several thousand dollars worth of manufac turer's samples will be on sale at our store on the above date, and we invite one ancl all to be on hand, as it will be the greatest show- ~" ing of Fur Fashions ever seen in this city. > Prices to make the Fur Fly. f/X' ? THE H/CH-AJiT CLOTH /ERS ? extent^fUat^ke Ilea at the point of ?Mfurli in Godd Samaritan Hospital. When Ufcm In custody yantanlay a?. tornoon Stegall offered no resistance, contenting himself with the remark that he was too tired to give the of ficer a chase. ? Charlgjte Observer. A1UHRAL TO<iO RETIRES. Tokio, Dec. 3. ? Admiral Togo, chief general of the staff of the navy, retired yesterday from naval com mand and becomes a member of. the military council. Throw Out the Line Give the lvidneys^Hclp and Many \Va&liinKton*fv<iplc Will lie Hipriep. "Throw Oh? the Life Line" ? - ? The kidneys need help. They're overworked ? can't got the poieon filtered out of the blood. They're getting worse every min Will you help them? Doan*^ Kidney Pills have brought -thousands of kidney miffprer* ? bnvk from the verge of despair. -? Will cure any form of kidney trou ble. * - ? ? ~~y ~~ \V. J. Johnson, farmer, Wharloj. N". C.. says: "l had such severe pain. ,ln the back that |gpnttf4 hardly turn- over in bed ana I vr? j suffering in tensely when I com menced - using Dwitfs Kldjvy *?? lis. J They gave rre alr*ost imxno<.r.ii**re- \ lizL I ? P ? ???nrlfl tanres, srffer'ng from kidney eom plaint o yn to tir. Hard '? Uriel ?wiore. pel Kidney t !!! ? ? give tl,am n nt-il " 1 j For !??*??? i'V - r *? ?tfi^alerw.' ? H--r> To r -Sfevrn Co. : ifCpw vort:. -??!c r--7fs for r ? 4? ! Spates. li'.U.t. ind.Ukc no Hicks' I \i i ill S| ? 'i?rcn S t; I j. . ;l ij.f Also Nervous Iloadache. Traveler*' Headache and ,ichea frov. ^rip. Stomacn Trouble* of Ferna1 trou bles. Try Capudiu?? if* liquid? ofTectH innnrHutely. Sold !?*? drug I lists. HIGH H8T C.\3H VR1lK? paid for CHICKENS, EGGS and all COUNTRY PRODUCE. We carry Hay, Grain and nil kinda Feedstuff ? U'e handle ^ Uh* *?*ry iieal Floor at wrhoio- , Mil, PAUL & CUTLER Ivtsr w ATKlf HXKK1CT. NEW Canned Tomatoes 3 cansYor " 25c. ? n Phone 97. ? . E. LMKCIIBEU Specialties ? it ir? and TobatvT lU;ary Bros.' Old Stand. 1 WESTON HOUSE ? P.'.im Main Sural. WASHINGTON, N. C. Rates: $1 Per Day. i'LLtv!* (. i I'iEli I.N U ru 14 DAYS' PAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to euro any case of Itching, Dltud, Rleed ing or Protruding Piles In 6 to i-i davf or money refunded 50c. Program Changed Daily TONIGHT: THE SKXORITA ? A story of Mexico, tthowing how a Mexican girl falls in love with an Amer ican. A NEW LIFE ? The story of Tran val Jean, taken fmnrHu< go's Los Misei ables. MISS JONES' LOYKik Oil 1 WANT MY HAT ? This is a Rl ograph comedy thr.t make* the 5 J'oung and old alike laugh. -Follow the \ Merry Crowd HIE! FREE! FREE! Everybody read (his: . livery morning and evening our ? agon will be at your door load ed with everything good to eat, such as? Ocracoke Mrllets, Ocracoke Oysters, Corned Hog-heads, j Corned Meats, Sweet Potatoes, Irish PotatoesT Peanuts, Clams, Fresh Eggs, Chickens, old and young, Everthing that can be found on a vegetable wagon. Look for this wagon every day . A polite man to wait on you; -he wiltgive everybody good, hon est measiire. If you don't believe' us try the man today, and if the goods'Sitf you tell others, if not lell us. Andif you don't see what you want on-ttir wngnn, 'phonr 1 148. We have it. Garfield Clemmon's I Greatest Restauraat V on ? Ever Saw. Dress and School Shoes Aii the latest shapes iii Black, Tan, Gun Metal and Patent with clo^h top. Give us atrial. Knight Shoe Co. The Only Ercluslv? Shoe 'Store ln,thc City. . ? v NOW! Is the Time To have your Pictures Framed. Don't wait 'til Xraas eve. WM. B. HARDING if you aro looking fog GLASS and CROCKERY 1 W ARE, TOYS and other Holiday Goods, come ; to see us. T. W. Phillips & Co. Home Building & Loan Association WASHINGTON, N. C. Capital Stock Paid in Since 1902, Over $30,000 OFFICERS: Frank C. Kugler, President; W. E. Swin dell. 1st Vice-President: Frank H. IJi-yan, 2nd Vice President; Jno. B. Sparrow, Secretary. PURPOSES: To build up the town. To make better citizen* by their owning their homes. To form the trnnrl habit of jwiriar ? ; To provide for rainy days. To creatc a foumlatinn for eredit. To put weekly savings to work immediately. To provide for the education of children. To save money for any purpose. COST OF STOCK: ? Twenty-five cents per share initiation. Twenty-five cents per sh are each week until maturity. VALUE OF STOCK: ftlOO.Oty per share at maturity. I<ength of time to matuie stock, about six and ? half years. ) Net earnings of serte* Just matured, O 1-1 per cent, per annum. Ml . ''I '>i I ? i nul ii 1 1 i .. New series to be opened Jan. 1st, 1010. Time to buy stock, NOW. JESSE- ROSS jmd_CHARIJEitLEJVllNG, Solicitors^ TTOME BUILDING & IO SN~ WOMEN'S SHOES : IT IS WtTH A FEEL I ING OF PLEASURE AND PRIDE THAT WE ANNOUNCE THE AR EN'S FOOTWEAR FOR THE FALL AND WIN TER SEASONS. Our Shoes are far superior to the ordinary sort of shoes that can be had at overy store, where wonjen's Shoes are sold. ? They came to us direct from the workshops of the world's most noted makers of Women's Shoes. There^s mrfhy a new style feature In the Fall models, and we will take the greatest pleasure in showing our ? women patrons the handsome foo,t-wesr that will be In vogtle during the coming seascn. S. R. FOWLE & SON C G. MORRIS b CO., BROKERS WHOLESALE FRUI TS AND PRODUCE ? ? ? " 1 l' ? i ^ i ? p.- ? - ~ Arrivals this w6ek. ; ~~ ? . 2 Cars Meal, 1 Car 20th Century Flour, 1 Car Flake White Lard, 1 Car Kingans Reliable Meat, 1 Car New York State Apples, Let your orders come along. . A real opportunity to secure a set of high grade furs at a small cost. Special for Sat no two alike. u* u ?_jr^ ?:r ~ ^ - . . s<

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